The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, December 09, 1865, Image 1

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    ; -t-i
United Status CoNniustoM.rt.
Ridgway, or llrnzingcr 1'. . Elk Co,
IV, '
t. t7"Vr rT mT7"
Attorney at L a w
Attorney's at Law, Ridgway Elk conn.
tj l'a., will attend to all profession
business promptly.
Attorney nml counselor at Law, Office
jU4i!':lP'"'M Mock, Ridgway Elk Co. l'a
l'ariular attention trivcii to collection,
and ah monies promptly remitted. Will
also practice in adjoining counties.
.1 O 1 1 N G II A L L
Kidgway lk County IVmi--
St. Mary's Klk County l'a
Practices Medicines tfcMirg- i
Jeutn;ville Klk Co. I a.
DR. J- S BOilD W E L ,
Eclectic 1' ii y s i c i a t.
(Lately of Warren county l'a.)
Will promptly answer ell profession. 1
calls by night or day. Residence om ,
door East of the late residence ol Hon.
J. L. Gillis.
DR. C. II. Barley, Kersov
Co., Pa. Will attend to nil
sightorday. .uly 21, 1SC.1.
Kersey, Elk County Pennsylvania.
Will promptly answer all professional
calls, by night or day.
Eagle Mote!
Luthcrsburg, Cle iri'ioM County l'a.
MS-Fredrick Korb Proprietor, liav
ing'oiilt a large and coimodiou- house.
in now pr.i-ri-l f-i ea'.ef to the wants ol
the traveling public.
Luthersburs, July 1 jth lSoI. ly.
'urirTfi:sfr;ii (flF v: i, .
LuJueroijuig CleaibVld Con iry iYii,.i.
v.'iLLrAM schwem. pr ,;,!;, i ,.-
Luthersburg, J .i.y U7ili l-tii. tf.
Comer of P2a:ii Street and
the Burfvilo Moai,
J'j Ji 1 1' A .
ENDS S. HO'fT, Proprietor
8S3rhis House is new and fitted up
nith c. pecial care tor the eonveiiiccen
wid comfort of gn-'sls, at moderate raset.
EXciiAN'.;:; hotel,
Killwin. Wit co it nit I'd.,
Tliis house is picasaniiy situated on
the bank of the Clai icn, in tlie lower end
of the town, is W'jll provided w'uli house-
room and stablinR, and the proprietor will
(pare no pains to rcnd.vr ilie stay ot his
enets pleaFivnt nnd nprpenlde.
Rilirin) Jiv) 2S. 1 S(K.
) U 3 W
J!: Moore,
liidg-.vay I-lk County L'enna.
(Imven n MAintrT viiWti'd St'
I lenrfinl J'a
GEO. N COLRURN, Prmt-rieto
St. Mary's Ki.k Cucnty Pknna.
&Sc25 ?l -l mi...; 3
Let'K is i? i: v. v i.
E. W. RIG ON Y, Proprietor.
Omnibus running to and from tho Depot
free of charge. '
Ji U 8 f N E s" S (I A iT iT
Dtalcrs in Di and (',
farfamerv & Toilet Aniclcs & Stuiionarj.
Jiidjwtiy, Kit County l'lHna
7. wooixs ct vvIuiTf-
Lock IIavem, Clinton County Pa
EALKRS in Flour, Grain u,'l
J Feed uear tho Pmsenger Prpot
Uidgway Markets.
Corrected weeekly:
Apples, (dry) bushel
Uuek wheat "
t 4
1 J "(i i
. "s !
I '';
- " '
1 t
4 o"
iH US, . m i ll
1 8C.r)
li().M. Thi jrent. line traverser
;ic Northern and Northwest counties ot
Vrinsvlvania to the city ol Erie, on
.akr Erie.
1 1 lias been loused hy the I rnnriTn-
n luid Runil rumpniii. and is c peii
1 by fhetn .
Its entire lfnfjtb w-'S opened for rs'
r;rer and freight business, Octobi
Ijcnve EitxtKunh
oie Mail Train 8 ::9 a. m
iric Expros Train 7 57 p. n
hi iff WcstictiriJ.
!ie Mail Train 1 1 -'i7 a. n
'hie Express Train 10
Passenger ears run through without
hanne both ways between Philadelphia
ind 1'ii-ie.
Leave New York at 0.00 p. hi., Arrivi
it Erie 'i o7 a. m.
Leave Erie at 1.5") p. m., arrive at Nev
Vork l.L) p. in.
I"i.ejent Sleeping Caiis on Express
r rains both ways between Williamspni
a ml Haltimure, and Williamsport ard
For information respecting I'asscngei
business apply at the t. K. corner bi'tb
and Market Sts.
And for Fnight business of tlie Com
pany's Airents:
S 15. KiiiL"t"ii. .Tr Cor. loth and
Market Sts Pbilrdclpbia.
.1. X. Ileyno'ds Erie.
W. !i:-..wn. Agent N. C. R, R. l?ab
ii Ii IT.M'STOV.
tint I. I'Wijht A.j't. PhiVa.
!:. W. Gwimiek.
(UiCV rSclcr.t Aijl. Vhil'a.
Aefreii L. Tyler,
General Su)t. IVmJ't.
.-3 l . .7 i.ii S ELK i'u . i A.
li.itc l tlie Army in- P.'tnu.-.
C;j?" i'artieular af.eiitijn given to al
cases ol .urgieal nature.
Dealer in
Clothing. Hats, & Men's Furnishing Goods
Lock Haven, Clinton Co., l'a.
A D () Jj P II T X M M .
r:c:ilrc lire, (-Hi county l'a.,
j jj,,, , Manufacturer of
H,. ,n .V-,. A l.SO Furniture, such s
i ., mi i i C!, ... i , i,,. i., i
liuieaus. Tables, btaiius JJedstraus and
,ii i ...
Chairs. All kind of Kepairm done at
reasonable rate.
1 TOORH E.V1) HOUSE, Main St
MlJrookvillo Pa., C. N. Kretz. Prop'r
,,. , , . c. j w i
This house has been refitted and lurm.-h
ed in a mat style, ana every way
ndaritcil to the wants 01 tlie
1" 1
I'l-iAiirnt Jmlije.
R. (J White. W.'ilsbon.ugh.
Aixnt iutc. Jlllijl t.
X. S, liro.kway. day tp
E. C. Sthultze, St. Mary's-
! lion.
! rr .n.
, lion.
r. iiavs, Ridgway
Friiiliinntiirii, It eg. lid Uce.
George Ed. Weis, Ridgway
j District At'onuy,
L. J. Rl ikcly Ridgway
Charles Luhr.'st. Mary'i
Mary s
Coiuil Surveyor,
George Walmsley, St. Marys
Cojii nisnioners,
Charles Weis, St. Mary's
Geo. Dickinson, Ridgway.
Joseph W. Taylor, Fox.
.1 !! tlors,
R T. Kyler. Fox
Jacob Mcl'auley. Fox.
U. 1. Icrr " Renezett
I NOTICE. All persons indebted to late
I Finns of C. Luhr & Co. nml Kred Selueniiig
'0'' ave rc1ul,"Ml their iK'iounis hy ihe
1 firs, of July next, e'nher by it ..tier.
, wise, when ihe iic?.iiiii: thin he left
lor iinm-li.ii..e,.,j.,ll , i,nl. I.i-i
lo I'reJ S, lid-nil, Co., will tii,il I heir lie.
counts at Oniirevi'.le until ihe abuva slated
ClIAS. i.uriR.
Si. M-iry's. May 1-jih ISO,,.
as wilne-M's
-.Parties attending Court
in Coninionweah h eases,
' tun
loreatter their fees of tlu
undeisijucJ, bef re leaviug Court, or
they will uot b
taxed in the bill of
1 costs.
Uv order of tho Counlv Comr's
l, l.i HI K J. J5LAKEL I ,
Pi. tricl Attorney,
IT ;0 -PI
Uidoway Ki.k County Pknna.
Published ISvery Saturday!
IX V I. W. IllItB'TT. )
Ridgway, Pa, Dec. 9th 1865-
HfmhnUthe V'timth' pro pie' 'tri;htmaintan
f nnirnf Ay party ami un'iril'il lp p-tn ;
'leilynl but t Truth, crly Lev:,
'n favor twain us anil no fair ahull an t."
A 1 ) V E It TI s V I N f 1 A r, E X r Y
I 9 Nassau St.. New York
and 1 0 State St., boston
S. .. PEI'I EMi ILL .t Co., an- the
.onts for the Elk. Advocate and the
uost influential anil largest, circulating
Newspapers in the United Slates and
'ie (.lanadas- they are authorized to con
n et for us at our lowest rates.
From this Rmo Times.
Petroleum Fuel.
In the case of many wells upon Oil
Creek the gas from the wells has been
utilised by beingconveyed through pipes
lo tho furnace, where it partially or
hollvsiir nlies uel for heating the boil
1 1
rs. As yet, the use ol I eiroieum nsen
is fuel has not, been made general!)
. racticable. All experiments, however,
nid to show that this can and will be
'i'liie. A New York company has pur
chased six American patents, and re
ntly one of more importance, takci
mt by a Mr. Stephens, in London, in
J une last year, for "Improvements in
he application ol Petroleum, (Yal Oil
and other similar substances, to Mie pur.
poses of heating, lighting and obtaining
motive power, and in the apparatus em
ployed therein-" The general principle
of the invention is li:c vaporization ot
rude petroleum or any hydro. carbon
il, and the admixlu'ie of atmosi.heric
:.!r;il. the vaoor., bv pre.-ure with a!
, ' ; 1 ,
il "u,! 'v "! h-T- 1 1,1 ,Vr"-" !
'. ess of buiuiti
entire absence
: there is said , be ae I
d'Mu,.ke er soot, whici i
venders it particularly valuable for dty
iug operations where cleanliness is a ma
terial consideration. The patentees
say :
"For locomoMvc boilers the use of pe
troleum os fuel is, with a substantial and
easily adjusted apparatus, fit'ed into the
fire bos without alteration of the present
shape, except the removal of the grate,
bars and the disconnection of the ex
haust pipes from the furnace. The
i1 1. .. .1 i l .
, ".vu.oe,.. ...... vapu. ..u eie...,.
with air in sufBcient ouatitity lor com.
, . , 1 . ; ,
tution, produces a very intense lient.
, . h , i . u -i
and steam is generated in the boiler more
j rariJly haj) fcy woo(J 0f ,w
' fla,,e ca.n bo "Gtci by proper valves
nn,d C?cks' "U ery part ot the appa.
ratus is under complete control, ihe
, , ., 1 . .
t, , . . d ' oJ) . suffi
iiu L I j i IT" til inv.'-u II VilllllO it I '
cient heat to rise steam." One of the
; thief advantages claimed by the pat
1 cntec is. as we bav' ' e'ore remarked, tin
entire absence of : nio'i'1, ashes, iirrefu-
; of any kind. This, no d-mbt. will proV'
to be of immense value, if the price e
tlie material burnt is sufficiently lo.v t
cemi ee with rnal for short voyages o
!:i:,w;.v i m inxes This is not the ca-1
vi'b :n v invi ii'ion having tlie same oh
ject in view that h;.s yet bren tr ed.
I ' For stationary steam boilers in fae
tories. printing offices, kc, this inven
itiou, if successful will prove of great
advantage iu the saving of labor, and ii
! the cleanliness of its use. The nppara
I tus required will be similar to the b'
j rangemcnts for locomotive boilers. I'Yi
j sugar houses petroleum can be conveyei'
in pipeR round the buildings, and the
i apparatus used direct to each pan, so ai-
to produce great heating power. Itcan
be adjusted o as to allow its use in pref
erenco to otlicr fuel to heat the boilers
nnd sugar pans. The discoveries of rich
livdroearhon deposits in the West Indi:'
Islands, ;nid the deen-nse supply of other
fuels, with the preseut Iransitioti Iron
servile to free labor, niako the improve
ments of the eomoany appear more va' for use in tropical countries.'
The 1 lie. ii Price of Paper -Papor
has risen almost one hundred per con
tiuce the first of August, and is mw
quite as high as it was tit any time lasi
year, and the tendency is still onward
nnd upwurl. There is little prospect
fur relief before- nex spring. Paper,
ink. hdior, and all the materials which
go lo back a iiuwsp.iper are so high ilia'
"o proprietor em all rl to put
lih a paper for less than double Un
rnte received beloro the war. Mill,
people complain uecauso iuu puces, uiu
i!1 I . . i
not reuueeti, never tniuiaug inac uio
matter is enurciy Dcyouu mo coutro: oi
puhiislus. Z -r-,t. i
m &w mw mr
- TERMS-U 50 per Annum if paid in Advance
Saturday December, 9th 1SC5
KJrThe Editor being unwell, and
the lack for hlp, will account for the
nonappearance of a wholo paper this
l'j?"We would like to have some of
our patrons, furnish us with two or
three tuikiesfor the Ilollidays. Priu-
ters like every one rise, like to have u
good dinner, ou such occasions
&?Tlic weather lor a few days back,
has been quite uiij leasiut.
fiyWc have ou hand, at this i.fiiee
a flirt class Schollarslnp. fur tlie Quaker
City College at Philadelphia, which we
will di.-po.-e id' on rea-niiable tortus.
jVaifTho.-e having Hides, Furs, Pelts,
Venison ifce., ou hand and wishing to
dispose ol it, will do well by calling on
Rice & Luther, in this place, they
will pay the highe st cash price. You
can always find them, either by calling
at the Hyde House or Potit Oiliee.
EGuDr. Raily, wishes us to say, to
me people ol uiugway ana vicinity, that
I l.n .fill ini.i!n 1..., ...... ....... I. 1.... ......
j III: 1,111 lk.IU.llll IJ III UI1U IlLLb lUlUI ill
I the jdaee, i.ll those wishing work in
his line, will please call immediately.
Ni.w I-si i:s of Stamped Envi.i.
Ol'l'.s. On and :.fur the lt of IVjciii
ber theie will be ready for delivery at
the j.i.nt olliees stamped rnvelopes of
ihe denominations ot nine, twolve,
: eighteen, twenty tour, thirty and forty!
cents, uesii'iii'il to cover mail matter to
bo carried outside of t lie regular mails.
These envelopes will be furnished to ex.
press and other companies on applica
tion at the diirercnt post offices, and
iviil prove of great advantage to busi
nes men in t heir correspondence with
all quarters D. n"l'if 'l'' R' pahl-suu.
j The h
-The history of Menfi' shows that
;ig the fast -V) years. Mexico has had
Ui" m '',"V4!r"
incut, ol which w-.-re il-:ni'
!i,M..s." it,,.l evoniv Eve Presidents :
its ri'Vululioiis tiuring that time have
amounted to over two hundred. Many
cais t-ince a .Mexican protectorate was
urged upun the U. S. Senate by (Jen
Houston, upon tho ground that the
Mexican people otherwise would fall a
prey to some European power. The
project was condemned and abaudouf d.
But perhaps in view of the past and
present it would have been well.
Another Disastrous Fire in
Loss $150,000::
Meadville was again visitod ou Sun
day morniDg last by a destructive Qre,
which consumed twelve business places
and SlT.0,000 worth of property. Among
the sufferers was J. I. Nicholas, the
publisher of the Journal, whose office
was totally consumed. The editor him
self, sleeping in the loom, had barely
time to save himself, losing some of his
clothing and books. The tire occurred
.bout ;ij o'clock, a. in., and was tin
Inul.tedl v the work of an incendiary
.1 arreti Leilfer.
"I log Forney" prints a paper whio!
e calls the Sumlif . A commit
ee of Methodist preachers protest.
tiaiust it. ( j a-t I , t hi, as ii is oi,ly a vir
..Lilt shoddy slwet iu disju'se, b-ciu-t
is "injurious to good moral.-.'' 'I Ii
ed herring 'JVieirnpli .thereupon coin-:-n.
Fornev's rescu Hi.d says: "I'iivis
.lucked corn an i gave it to his Jeciple
u the Sabbath day, rebuking those
who attempted to udmonUh them of th.
i u of that service." Comparing For
iey to Christ is certainly making ex
iremes meet o say nothing of the com
parison of the chaff which Forney fur
inshes with the pusro com which was
distributed to the huDgry desi.iples.
Patriot i0 Union.
0C?"The holidays are close at hand
iud our dealers are preparing to ineei
lie wants of the season. Tho largest
and best stock of goods for this trade
iiiil be lounj tit Reuer& liutgess, col:
teclionaiy (Vtablishmint, Er'.e, Pa.
They manufacture and keep t v rythit:;
,n the candy lino, as well us a genua'
uu.sortiiioiit of Notions, Toys, &c.
Jveib.idy knoAs tin -in by the repu
tatioii of their Cough Candy Moss an '.
E'.m. It proves itrelf tho best article
of the kind ever iutrouueed The im.
niense quantities they ship every day is
pro d' th it tho public appreciate a Rood
..- 1 MM 1 ....
article, ii.cyarc irfenareii to a; or
for it in any quantity. Eve.U.ody
trie, it ,v it is just the thing.
w uo
(t) 1 '(") tf)
,v"2 li! t-'iN
From tJi
'in lironUvtllc JJrrtt,.
Acciiient. The Uniontoivn Grninx
states that on the nisrht of the 1 Gth inst.,
ft young man named Rook was severely
injured by ju in pin? from a chamber win.
dow at, M ount Washington. Fayette conn,
ly. lie was a stranger, stopping for the
night, and dreaming that two men with
knives had entered the room to kill him,
sprang from his bed, and through the
window, filling eighteen or twenty tort
on the pavement, and received a num
ber of dangerous cuts and bruises.
From, hp Vi-ouh-riUr H-rn'il.
At'tlN ri:i. On Saturday lint a m m
g'vi'ig tiiuii tlH Wilanui Kenneilv.
w i- n ''" I in i'ii' vicinity nl ('nr'-a on I
n vm cn sui'd in Ch ai fi"'I c uuty, for
break, i. 'pen a trunk and taking from
It several articles lie was confined in
our jail from Saturday evening until
Mondav morning, when he was taken to
Itom3 of All Sorts,
A Columbus, Ohio, dispatch states
that Cox's official majority over Morgan
is 2D.033.
A new paper to be callel th:; Re.
constructionist, edited by .Mrs. Swiss
helm is to be immediately comaieueed
ia Washington.
The test oath has been figured before
the district court in Nw Orleans, tit
which Judge Jhirel intimated that he
considered tf e law unconstitutional.
Gen. Iluniiide is pushing work ou
tho iteuo Ro,l The Meadville It-:,
pnhlii-nn says, a detachment ol'2L men
passed through town Thursday last, on
tlieir way to Reno to work ou the Reno,
Oil Creek, Pitholc Railroad. Six cat
loads of the iron are already at R :uo.
and the track laying will be commence 1
early next week. One Locomotive is"
already on the way, and others will fol
low shortly, ai d too iron is all purchas
ed ami bjing f.ruarded a rapidly us
Fifty Interes'iinus. The Empe
ror Maximilian, in order to reumpense
ti.e indian tiibes of Souova lor tiie
eourage an I ili Vo!elne.-s which
showed in io l o ling bis cause, lias dc
eided llia! !',y ii'ii": Ly, belonging to
the "iiotaiiiis o; th iribes, shall be
brought up and educated in the City of
.Vex.ien at Ins expeii.-e, and that the six
who prove they possess most diligeuco pi. f V lill'ill m cntif i. t.
.... ....... '': ' '
receive there, up to the age of eighteen
. . r..: .i....i ..j ...
The New Haven Revenue, thinks
Gen. Ranks, who has been elected to
Congress in ;)assaehusetts, cannot take
the oath that he has never, "directly or LICENSE NOTICES : The tol
ludirectly given aid and comfort to the lowin;, n.am0d persons, have filed in thq
enemies of the L'uion." In lexas : he office of the Clerk of tho Court of Quar
fedlhck Tajlors comuiatid, ana' sup- : fer Sessions of Elk county, their Peti.
puea lueiii witn six months tooa ana
tour wagon loads of paper col -
lars and other dandy fixins,, and when
ever Stonewall Jackson was pushed for
supplies he always started for Hank's
commissary. How will ho get over the
charge of playing comin!sary to the
rcbs '
The conimisiiioiierof internal rovenue.
a few davs .sinre. .leei.i.iil f,i .bo
amount of stamp du'y ofi a deed cf trust
r mortgage given b,- the Atlantic &
Great Western Railway Company to
l-.hult Penn. trustee. of the citv of
loi k. b inker in answer M an" in
i r y it 5-l.i.iotJ in internal revenue
miii, is w is .sufficient to cover tho same,
lie enure amount of the mortgage be.
ing &Ji.Ut.W iHmj, that it would require
internal rev. uue stumps lo the amount
ol SuJ.i'UU.
A man, iu New Orleans, who, iu
183o, gave a i-nren that cost twenty. five
thousand dollars, is now dependent on
the kiniiuess of frieu Is. At the party
alluded to, the very floor over which the
dancers moved were covered with scenic
paintings, the work ot the most accom
plished artist then in New Orleans, nd
iu the saloon, where gaming tables were
arranged, stood two baskets, one filled
with bank notes and the other with gold,
for the use of those guests who were uir
loituiiate with the lick Iu goddess.
The People f 'lioice.
'lheieis probably no one medicine
that has cured iu..r people of hard cold.-,,
coughs, influ. hz i and throat difficulties
than Coe's Cough Ralsani, whilst in ca.
ses of croup and whooping cough, it is
remarkable lor its speedy cures.
Coe's Dyspepsia Cure.
There is no need ol any one's having
the d)spepsia, for it has been demonstra
ted beyond feiv of contradiction that
vies iiysp.psia t ure will eertainly cure
it. (Yiislipatiou. (In. Hi, is,r i.rolitie cause
! ',' 111 h ."'"''y cured by tb.
I "v, ! ': m "'"'.
1 in-tan'Iv vie, to its rnner.
... ,u i-iviiu. oiuujacu or tioweis,
tho Cinfi'.l uin 'i'itf',
Tho'liYiVn of Thieves.
'J he reign of the thieves is w t r.v. r
yet, and occasionally exen a Republican
ncwMpnpcr has snthoitnt honesty to tie.
iieunec the. wholesale system plunder
which has disgraced and impoverished
tho nation ever since the war begrk
The Philadelphia Dm, Xcwx has tli
following confession ot the siiiH of is,
party in the past, accompanied by tln.
scknowledguicBt t hut tliej-are not lc.ssi
corrupt now. It says :
The "lobby" is mustering in great;
strength in Washington, nnd sonic grand)
assaults upon the public treasury are con
cocting. The end of the war lias m.
put no end to many of the worst rne.
mies of tho Federal, government. The.
immense appropriations of the past, five,
years have created an nppctito for plun.
der which can not bo easily restrained,
amfwhilu paper money-continues to bo,,
printed and issued from the Tieasmy
Department it is not probable that tho
sneaking agents of tho ''shoddy" cor
morants who infest the capital will fee
inclined to abandon their schemes. Tho
loose morality which po read es, every parr
of the country gives en .ouragenicnti to
every roguu who thinks lip oa contrive,
I a plan to draw money from the govern.
ment, lor lie knows that success in such
a matter, while it will enrich h;ni, will
shield him from the scorn ofhonest men,' ,
whose opinions of propriety have too.
'i"'0 Wt'
ght to do him any injury. .Tho
nitine-i ot tne republic may detcsd it
from the attacks of warlike enemies who
assail it with military weapons and en
gines; but whore shall wo find a power
to protect the notion's treasury from tho
depredations of the knaves who gather
about, it as vultures do around a car-
Fi'jin thit lji ooltviile llercthl.
learn from our friend, A. R. Miller, Esq.,
of Punxsutawney, that quite a Att JXio,
ciirrcd there on the 30th ult- The citi
zens were at dinner, when the fira brake
out in the shop ol Mr. Snyder, consum
ing it and his s'ablc ; it then attacked
tin stables of Mr. II. Ernst and Mrs. J.
Little; the former was saved through
tie citizens but the latter was destroy
ed. A stable belonging to Mr. J. Keck
and Mrs. Martha Iow!ing were torn
down and the progress of theidestroying
element was, by that means, stayed.
Had it not been for the tiu.e!y exertion
of the citizens the damage toother prop,
city would have been heavy.
Mr. Miller also sajs; "A flowing well
of salt water has bi-cn struck here."
Rrown's Rronehial Troches. Wo
would call the special attention of clergy
men and teachers to "Rrown's Rronehial
Triehes." It is well known toour read
ers that we do admit medicines to our
eoluuis. Wealvertise these Troches,
because, after a trial of them, we aro
satisfied that they aie tho best thing of
the kind extant. Ciicmu School Jour
nal. m
W 1ST of causes sr.t down for trial, at
Cj the January Term 1S0T, of 'tho
Court of Cojnmoi, Pleas of Llkcouuty,
.Jacob Mover, vs Elias Mover.
Miarttaw etux
; v ,
vs Earl etux,
vs Palmer Gilo et al.
' '
Henry Millingar, vs F. X. Sorg ct al.
A. Boheunth, vs F. A. Loesch.
Dcp'y Pro.
tions for License at the January sessions
; next, agreeable to tho Act of Assembly
of March 2d 1863. entitled "An Act to
regulate the sale of Intoxicating Li
quors cS:c :
Tavern License-
C. II. Yolk.
St. Mary's.
- Wilcox.
St. -1arv's.
Joseph Windfelder,
: Elward Rable.
M. Gerg,
: 5I,00'-, -t U oyington,
U V'n'""''''
'J- ' Oyster,
1 "on. Kennedy.
F. Sclneniiig,
Geo. Ed. Weis,
Christe & Rurke,
St. Mary's.
St. Mary's,
Orphan's Court Sale-
llY VII! I l l) of an order of ilie Orphans
Court of 1.1k county, 1 shall sell at the Court
House iu Kiilgwuy on Tuesday the 2J dnv
of January A. 1. Ihiiil, ut io (2) o'clock
p. in., the following described tract, piccu
ur preel of bind, situate in l'ox townhjp.
Elk ouunty l'a., coniaiiiing one hundred
acres ii ore or less, with the appurtenance,
being part of warrant No. 4180, bounded
on the South by laud of Gardner and on the
Nort h and West by residue of said tract N.,,
41Sii. Terms of sale, cash upon coiitiruiu,
tion of the nalu.
, , . ADAM HIST.
Administrator of Ihe Estate of Levi Xolf,
late of Armstrong county deceased.
N'ov. "Jth 'li.',.
9 1ST of Grand Jurors drawu for
January Term lMjli.
Renezett tp. tYrnelus YkTuinwright,
John Johnson, Ralph Johnson, Jr.
Reuziuger tp. Adam Kopp, Win,
Grots, George Rouer.
Fox tp. Conelius Whaleu, Lawretien
Mohan Sr. John C. M'allister, O. p
Kelts, Hays JCylcr, Robt M. lieuneit.'
Edwin Aldeu.
Jay tp. Justus Weed, Wui. M
Webb, Jos. Hill.
Jones tp. Win. II. (ialleghcr,
Ridgway tp.Ceo. Dii-kiu'sou, Jamai
II. Ilagerty.
St. Mary's Ror'o. Kdward Rfib-1
Niiih A. Riadfurd, Michael Fey, Ficj''
eri. k Ru.'udp'i, Charh t Si hissl...