T II E E L K A D V 0 C A T E mi: AeM.a'.-' nncAT r.rMErv tea Hcroiulo mid Scrofulous Diseases. ' Ktncry Lile.i, a in II L umen mereunit ,r Ox font. Mnini'. " I lime nol.l l.-ii--e quantities of voiir K ui vr . ! , but. never yet one bottle whiVli failed oi' Iho ' .red rllVct and I '; 1 1 1 satlstac ion to llinu who too.' fat ns our people try it, (le v arce there m .. no niudi.'iuc lll.o. it bslurc ia our eouimnui:y." . options, riinploo, Itlotehcs, ruetuleti, Ul . -rs, Sores, cud all Diseases of tbo Shin. i 'mm Hit. Holt. S!nitlon, Hristnl, jin'nii '. I only lo in) 1 . 1 1 y to you and the public, w In n I my testimony to tint vn'i fiu'iliji nf the m.s i i.ii virtues of your S u;s (i,Miii.i.. .My 1 . .itii t.-n, h:i I nil nillh-.tiue- linntor in her ruin, . . ami linir lor years, which c wi n- unable to until no tried your S i;s.r.u:ll.l.. .-dm haf u well lor ouu- niii;i!ii.i.M it Mr., lane I'. ,7v, n v. II ,' noirn. r:n,l citi.'ft. if iih 'I liuhiof Hi .inisriih; 'apt Mill In., A , .. My iImm-Ihoi has i.nil'erc.l for n voni- paf- n illi a m.'iiIduh i -1-11(11 ion. wiii.-ii was vi v ti-oulilosoino. mug nilor.n d nny relief iinlil Vt tried vour . .;- A i-Af;! i.t.A. wlili-li soon completely cured licr." m Clriilu l: Hniie, l:-iif., ,trihe wiili It l.-tioirn M'lrniii . iimniiOclun rs oii,;i:nelhi .- .'a r.'m S,n,lnl,l. ,V. . 1 lor neural year n vorv Irnublesoino i .i ir in my fn.-o, wliirli (fnnv ci.ihiunllv norso . il it ulKlijrmvil inv features nn,l beam-, an Intol Mo iillhcti'iu. 1 tried idmo.-l everv ilijn-' a man I I of liotll lidvi.'e itlnl Incli.-ille, Imi willlolit mi v- ...f whatever, unlil I I. ,1. your S us ai-hou. i. i nnu- liatoly ri.nl riv r-.u:i wm-m-, us v(,u l.il.l m,. : "Upit for it tmn-i ' .11 f in u f... v--'kH thr now I . i l'OLim to ..rm 'nit t'l" Motrin-., ami i-ou- ! i -.'il until my l.fo ii sit mim-iiIi ii:i ntv limlr'x, ! I 1 inn witl'ont imv tvinntoin'. of u,,. .Jimvik,. tint I i :'iowor. I . n.iuv ,. ru-,'! luv.lili, inul without a .. n owi' it t.i our -.i i:sa f . :: :i.t. -' .-eipcl.is Geucr.il DoL-i!iL," Puri.fy tho I ;" u-'ion w., x,;9 r.-k. I'll. Avi:it. I l-loiu fi'il to n-niovo i:rnitwin i .S'Tio.i. S.irii I villi- !nTMni:ri,n.ji:hpii'y(iur -vrAl:ll.l.,aiul 1 liavi'ju-t now oiir.'o an nilm-k I iiiii iii uil l.rinliu-!,! H lili il. Nil nltin-itivr w o I i -IUIll.i til.! S.M.SM'.Mlll.l.A you Irivo sup. ! to tin' irult','ijii us in 11 a to tin- ivojil..'." lyum I. :. J.itm-i i". ., ma-i-mrin, chin. l or tw. ho yiMlw. ,: l!. v.-limv Dl-Vf i;-l1( , . my n .'lit iirin, iluuirr iv':i.-ii tiiuu 1 tric.'l all tlio - ;.r.-.t-.-,l ).!iyi.i -i.iiiK 1 ,.ou I n a.-li, nml took Iniu- .sin il.ill ii-s ,r in- 1 iiim-.-i. 'Iho uliTm i i.- so in. i unit i,i,. conn iLvainr viiMi, au'l llm . il.'.-i'li- l l.i.it my arm must In' nmi.iiliiti-.l. I : in tak. nir your s u:s m ai!.i.i.. Toi.lhvn liot- . mi. 1 Minn- .,1' y.ur I'n i.-.. 'i.i'i il,,. i- ti'v lnva ' 0 in..'. 1 am nmt un rll au-l miuimI i.x m.' luuiv in a .ul. lii- , my raw. ii known t.i ovi.t " '.1 tllii Col.i u-:it;-, a j' rxuttc-H t!ic woiilli r of i:t 11111. Hi urii .loij-rt, . II'., u I. iiiliiiij tii..n.iivr 1 .if. '. 0 XcirmMi, j tin: ( 'murium I'urliu- I have in" I vnur SAfisAr.uin.i.i in niv family, ..-.ii.-ral . '...'', anil lor nu ii'ii,,, the Wo.,,, ; very l-eu.-li.-ial i-viMi, an.l iAl collliacuco lu . i....u ji!i- 11 j tii... a:l!L',..j.l.' Anthcny's Fire, Jl0so, Bait Khoum, UoaH UoMl, Soto H"eu. n riiin-i-i , 1 '.ir .nl-.- ' lo :.;'! ! y jiiui,, ..il it . t i : tin y . ii hii'ii e,'-i' s tor Home oi' Oliver rent ill.'.i. :1- ''" ''- r.iV. r of the . .- i:i I'l-.i'l uf. I'l inisirfrauiii. i. :i-.. .ut th'. yearn of :', wnil i.-.; ,.u los loi'i-'i'.ail. Tin y i-ipiillv ioii...-.i a loa'lisome ;:ii.f vinilen't '' I liii"', e.ii i nuttinliy blmiled liny;'. A 7-kil i u I i.iijMi i .n .-i .jili, d :oi-l o'her r.-m.-ilns, v ithout. any I'or liiU" ii days v.i- .'inii-.li'd his is, !-i t vn !i t'li-m Ii.. slui-ild tiaroi.cn the (eti : ' i.'i l torr.o.l wohikI v. Iiii ll eoil'i-il Ins v. hole liming t.i.,i cry linii i 'ir,f vo had i.ny .. I rum. mo l .:n riii,,- your :,.i i:. i:i i.i.a , ' iiS'l'tying th.' ii. li.io el ). u.isli luti.in, ns you I 'I in. i-nv 1 1 to II. .il ,lii-u Mo I, ml (..ili'll lir-t ti-itl!-, (!! wu v.-.-i: Mil. n tie hail tini.dli-il iii'l' 'I Ii'- i :ii'-i:.- i y.-I'isln s, wliifii had colud .. r.-iv le.'uin, iiu! Ii.- is lu.iv tin Inalthy ami lair otln r. 'I in v !ndo ii:i-!il.'oi li..od iiredicteil ' :lw chil.t rr'.:-.l .'.i.." Crrhi'.is nni Uercuriel llisonsie. ' '''"i .. .', cf t. Loui.', Mistmtrt. ! jo.tr i'.i:ii.i..v n more cil-viii.tl i- -.y ii.t i,. . uiKi.e. , i-v n.'.toiiiK or muMli - o" sy.h.iili.' iti.,iase tll.'in any ol.!i. r we possess. pro." .-fiou nr.. iii.l.S'ieii i i yhii lur borne of the : !.iCiJli'..ie6 M e l:i c.w ... A. J. !' .-;;,', .tr. 7;., mi (miiifit plii.ii.ian of : . ri ii''.''. 1"- ' . ii 'in t.i a jirniiiiif ui un mlitr of .I'.'.'i.-i.n'i'.-'i; .'''.l.,.ij;.e.';..-'.-'i''''.-.. L'a. Av::tt. My !'.;ir f-'ir: 1 have found your . .-Al'.lltlLI.V tin 'exia-llent. ivtncoy lor .Sitjjhilis, ol'the pe;,..'i'.'?v and roiulitrii type, and ellee . in fcollie eas, iii.it were to o'l.-lluale to yield aer reiui h. . 1 io ii ii Uuow what we ran cm- Willi iiiurei...-rla:ntyoi't;'uL's'LHi',v.horo a power . '.liu-:-iive in n .juii-ia." V. cr. iit. ... (.- .ie,.-(f nrinnuurl; X.J., iri a'.U'iil til..-' on hi l. can.-...-.! by the abuso ..emiry, or mi i'. e,-,W id'.i.ui', w hi li irrew iiion; . inorear-in'a-:'.t'"l li.r years, in sliito of evory i-'.i-.ly or treatment-1 lint could l.e iipplied, until tli . ,i veriti;,' use ol' A i.v.'h S vl..- uu;ll.l. v l'.'lieved .... l'i'-ea-i s eau l.e loun-l m.ii'o iueeterai i and : .-.si-iie.' than Hiis, aud it tools cevcral Uozeu . .l.s to cure lii'it . ncorrhce.i, Whitei, Fcmalo Veaknos9, 'f.-nirallv proi!'.'.'. d by Internal .S'.'ro'ifi.M? I'l i.'i'uii. n'.i lire '.'.-: ".' i.ft.'ii cured by the alterative I of titis S.i:s WAKii.t.A. SomiM'ascs reipiire, -..ever, ill Hid "f tin' S AK.s.U'.UUI.LA, thu biiiilul i'ii-.ailion oi" lo.'id rciiK-ilics. . ni rVic n-ill In ii'ii nnd viilihi-rih-bratal Dr. .Itit'iili MnrriI. of Ciiii-ii'uiiUi. I have fninid yoiir S Mts.M'Aiui.i.A an excellent .. rative ia (Itscasi'S of females. Many cased of ."loilarity, Len.-iii rleea, luti.rual I'leeriiti'tn, and :1 ilebilitv, ari-im.- ii'oiu the ficroriilous diathesis, e - yielded to it,im.l there are lev.' lliat ilo not, !,i u'its cileet is properly aided by local treatment. " uty, unwilling to allow tloi publication of her ,1'fine, ti-rilis i -My dii'.iL'hti r and myself have been cured of a debilitating l.etleorrhiril of loll' ataudtUir, bottieii oi your s.'.i;iAI-ai:ili.a." a'-'umatiam, Gout, Iiiver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disea jo, Neuralgia, '.. ii caused bv Scrofuht in the h vstein, arc rapidly .. .i by this Est. S.UU.U'.Uill.LA. AYER'S (1ATHA11TIC PILLS jiu. -ess so many advantages over the other purgatives in tho initrliet. ami their superior ii iues nre so universally known, that we need i:;.i do mure than to assure the public their qa-iity is maintained equal to the best it evei Ins been, tinil that they may be depended on Xo do all that they have ever done, .Vrepnrcd by j. C. AVEH, M. li., &. Co., I-j'veU, Jiass., unu sold by ,CHK Gill i-ou DlI'TIllIIilA VALLIS IMl'ItuVLU MAGIC HALM. v, ii a T t ii e r.n l :i iv i l l v o Ilemove Obstructions, allay Inrliiinations vicililate l'ersiiiriition and Giroulation, r ..uecs Ei.!arieuieiii.--, and vitulizu and '.lengthen weakened parts Ciarnp and I'.il iious Colie, Nervous llendaehe, Earache, burns, Fieezes, Toothaelie Sprains), Ernises, &C. J BliJ for .Sprains, Jlruises, Galls, ileave'i, li-lemper, ,ye., in horses Thu 'uicl.est relief for pain of nny I'aiti Killer .11 use. There is no remedy ' that will net ..i promply in ffc'.ieving the ills eniniieraled tn the Ma:;i'j ISalm, which deserves to re veive the favor ot the public. Il is its own recommendation, and by tho perform mice cf good works, where it is kuiiwu. now en joys the highest reputation, For sale by J. Powell, li.mk k M'Venii, Ui.l-wav I'n. Wholesale by Carters Jc Hull, & Warficls 3'rug stores, Erie Pa. ATTENTION LEGION! All persons iinh-liteil to the' late firms of S-hocLiug it co, .it Ccnticvillo, l'a, and Lulu (.-co., at St. -M-.ry'ri J'ii, arc EARNESTLY R EQU l.STEI) to come forward without le iiy nml f.lt.nk up their "sptn !u!ix," "a-s wo close up our l.usiness hy the 1st of April : est, ()ur account a must he fettled hy that time or tho fur vill fl" somewhere. F SCHCENING&Co.Cectreville. C. LUHK k On, St. Miry'a. ?:i:-cK, 1th A r r a g e m e u t ! 'Jl'iK.MKMiors Ull TO THE 81 ore of sossri i'KNT 1'KVILI.K, ELK CO. l'A mzw goods i a i y A K 11 1 V I X C, THIS PEOPLli Aw.viiE to xiimii Ixti:kkst ! A maiiilestcd bv tiic daily tliron of e.ii-toiners csclian(:inr "hiu-:en hacks" lor (j 'joils. I II .1 . 11. . ,1 uiu x'oinesne cotton uootis arc l.'iih. I usUnueifn ou and all exelain; ! How Cheap Your Dress Good ARE My itoek consists of i) o lats & Ti. o c e r i e s I CLOTHING TIN 1VA11E, HAUL) WAKE Wooden Ware. Pork, Flom It is usele.-s for to attempt, to give a full list of the stock, but invite one and nil. to drop in, and csamino lor themselves. PTjT Butter, EggS Potatoes, Grain Hides, Calfskins and all country produce akeu at market price, for goods. Centreville, June 1st, 1865. Oils and Faints 1181 3 m t& m rliii 3 j gg Administrators Notice- I.etle-s of Administration have been granted in due. form of'Luw, to the sub- s.M-ihor Win. Mack upon tin Estate of Elisha Jatk, Late of Salem Md. de Cjased. AUl'irsoiH having any claim against said Estate, ate reque-.ted to present them duly authenticated for set ileuicnt. Any person owing tho Estate, are requeued to mako payment forth- With' - WILLIAM MACK, Administrator of the Eitt of Eliiha '( ; Decrrueb ' Judith 1801. -vnv)JU''''. Jlnnljood how &;&rS'ii!MLo?,t how 11,.. m-a-.c- stored. ''Zt-irp JlHt 1'ublihlicJ. '.'!. iW now ( ditiuii if Dr Culverwells CclebratedEssay til the rmictidiirc (without moiliuinc) tr fiTit.M ATOumiu-hv, or (oiuiiuil Wc.'ik iicfs, Jiivoliiiilttry ytiiiiinil Los.ic?, I.Ml'o TKXCV, Moutul uud lMiyaical Iiionjiabl;,' Iiiipciliiticuts (o .Miinitigo, etc. nsnctti CJ.NSf.MTIOX lipit.Krsv. nu,I Firs, in liuccd hy si-!f-iinlul;:eiiso or soxtuil ex. tnivamuic,;. "J'l-k-e, in a sealed envelmie, oulv J Ik; eelebraluj aiitliur in tlii.s adiuiiu blo c--.av elearlv ilotMnnsf rati's. fVnni n imty years stieces.-l'ul j.ratico, lliat tlicy aa riiiiiiy coiif-ct tiiuit ta (,t self absueiu' bo radieally nircil ivitlumt tliedanerou. use oi internal iiiedieine or (lie iippliea phea lnodt nun m . tie kiii lu pointing nut a o! cure, at once simpl,', eei tain and efl'eer ual, by iiic.ins of wliieh every Mlll'en s no lualter what Ins condition may by may cure bimsjlt cheaply, privalcla and ntJiivtl't. O-Tliis ixetin'o sbnuld be in the luiid of every youth nnd every man in the knd. ' Scut, under seal, in a plain envelope, '0 any address, post-pi,, on recept of -ix cents, or two post stamps. Address 'he publishers. chas j. c. bowery, New KLINE if- CO.. Vorlc, IVst otrioe box 4086. LOVE ANDIIAIU3J0XV. Any Lady or 0 iiillenian fsending ine their address, will receive lull directions lor f-ainiijorthi! aiTections of the oppo site sex, and which Bill emible them to marry happily, irrespective of wealth, or beauty. Address Mits MA It IE LEMOILLE, .Harlem R 0., New York city, uurcu 1 1 , -'o-;Jm. TO CONSUMI'TIVES. (lOnsumntive sufferers will valuable prescription for thu cure of consumption, Asthma, liiotichitis, and all throat and Lung affections, free of charge, by sendiug their address to Itev. EUU'AKD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kiu's Co., S flionths e,v York. t5ti:vi S' AMU It OSI.l rHT3 KLKUANT HAIR DHESS1NO AND wo.Di:r.Kt:L Hair Restorative still ! retains its precedence in fashionable cir- j cles, and is superseding ail other prepa. rations, not only in this country but also ! in Europe and youth America. Thou. ; sands of bottles are annually used in the Court circles of l'aris, Loudon, St. Pe tersburg aud Madrid, and the sale in Cuba is enormous. BREEVES' MA I3U0SI A is composed of an oily extract from herbs of wonderful virtue, and is highly scented with a variety of exijuis. ite perfumes. It effectually prevents the hair falling out, and causes it to grow rapidly, thick and long. It makes t he hair curl, and gives it a glossy appear ance. No toilet is complete without it, Price 75 ceuts per large bottle. Sold by druggests and dealers in fancy goods in all parts ol'the civilized world. Wholesale by ii ,ci,i.wi ,i,.. t. ;,, every city, and yt REEVES AMUliO ;ia Di:roT, No. V)'2 Pulton St., New Yolk i ', ATENT The following fact demonstrate that these Machines compriso tho ios improvement iu tlf. .Vcci'iy Mchiivt Ai t, viz' L. Each Mcliinc is ; better batisfaetiou ruarauteed to give than any other fx-wing .laciuue m .UaiHet,or money lefucded. I. They have taken many of the hlyltat nmiiittiitt at the most important ex. liibitioit and fairs ever held in United States. tin 3. They make the oek stitch alike u both sides thus saving more than half the thread and silk used in the raveling ridge scums of the loop-stitch and single-thrend Sewing Machines 1, I hey are adapted to thu widest range ol heavy and light sewing. o. 1 ney nave no rattling wires, or Ueu- cate attachments to keep iu repair, C. They lerjuire no taking apart to eleau or oil. and no "Lessons" to set ncedb, regulate tension, or operate Machine l'leaso'call and csamino and deuiou. strata for yourself, or send fbi cii cuur with samples of sewing. N. B. wanted. Towu and Country Agents. FINKLE & LYON'S. S M. 0, No. o38 Uroadwuy, New York NEW PATJCNT ROTARY FEED Volunteers and Conscript ! To soVlir-rior tiny otlura vil.in,'; (o in. otrfif c I heir in come, there is no better yiiv lo ctoiii ft po nt ilu tiiue, Ihtiii Irom tin. vnlc of otir Aviito!ie. Tnr.y Mir, WAltR.xrr.n a? 1'KI'tlKSKNTKD ! "l'nvticularlv vnlunlile for dIHopv in tlie Avniy mi l travelers. " Frank I.i-ilir'x. Fel HI. 'rroliie-t, be-.t .ana ilioajir.'t tiinr-r.inr es ever oileieil."-..V. )'. lllvxtntUJ Nfic.t, ,Inn" 10. 'Very j.ieily rn j dnralili. jifoho ft i!k .Irmy." X Y. rmy r,arti Jour. (Gov ernment G 17.7111,1 A up. 1). One ofilicoMevt unci nin.it relinble hous es in business. ".mfw'.Vr, Ku., Journal. Jvilv 121. MAGIC TIME I Kemj; 0 Hiiuf ins or 0(,en 1'nee or I.a.ly Vor tioiiilenmirs IVnteli Comobine, with 1'ntenl Self. Winding I mprnveinent n lllnst I'ln.lsillir ( rnlnr I "I XI' OK Till'; I'll KTi'lKsT, MOST GOV. MM KXIKNT, AM) ileoideillv the best nml clieni'tst tmic-jnetv for general ,m..l reliable I M"1' over oliereil. Il 1ms within ii nml con- iiei'n.'ii Mini its liineiiinory. its own wiinlinj I i;ltiiehtuciil. renilerinjr il Uev entirely ut,ne" I cccsavy. 'Jin; ,.M-es of thi's Wntoli are com ! Jioseil of two metiils. ( J,o onlei'one bein lino lilcanit goia. It has the improved rnbK ' notion lever litr.venient. nml is wnrrnntcJ ny : ticeurato timo-nece. 1'riee superblj euii ! proved, per e.-e of litilf (!o?en. S.".(4. ,v,im ! pie it inches in ncut morocco bojes, !:i,'i SlLVJill IKAICIIKS! First Gl isk Hunting Time. Pieces for iieoti nicy of movement, beauty of material, and above all, cheapness in pi ice, these watches must insure universal approbation. An imitation so limitless that it ran linrd y bo delected by His most experience, udgej. Tho material beinj; of two mela'.s, tliHouter otie first quality Sterling Silver, v. one i ue inner one is uerumn Silver, it cim nol be recognised by cutting or heavy en, jrriiving, making it. not in appearance., but lndui n'iility, the best roscuiblance of SOL in iST.-KUNG SILVER in existence. The sale of ilieso Watelies iu the Army is source of enormous profit, retailing, as hey very readily do, ut fi-Ju and upwards Many hundred dollars can ho made in a sins gie pay nay by any on of ordinary husincs. &!iAT WHOLESALE OXLY 1 In heavy lumiing eases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, and funny cut hands, in good tinning order, by the half dozen, f7.'. Sold only by the ease nf sij: I Upon receipt of two dollars, ns guarantee ofgnod faith, we will sand watches by ex press to nny part of t lie loval Stales, collec ting balance of bill on delivery. This en sures buyer? npniust fraud, giving them their watches before payment is required. Soldiers in the ihsloi,)l sta'xt ju'st remit cash in adv.wvb, an I he e.rpre.'S aompanies peremptorily refux.a making collections in pihIi dangerous localities: lteniembcr, Ca'i m wh;m'f from n ittin the u. liiwa in del t totes I ll ,juttrnnl.'r. the :.u'e ilclivry an vjr.iciict, w.iotlier they are sen: bv mail of or sprcsi iiuuuiuu iiors., Sole Importer- GODEY'S LADY'S EOOK T II E Fiishion Miigazim or the Worlil. LITERATURE, FINE ARTS AND 1'ASIIIONS. Tho most niamiiticeu Steel engravings ou every subject thu can interest ladies. Crochet knittint; ! Netting, Embroidery, Articles for I lie Toileli i for the P"rlnr. I lie llotidoic and the Kitct j en. Everylhinp, in fact, to make a com i pleie Lady's Hook. . The Ladies Tavonto For 35 Years. No Magazine has been uble to compete with it. None attempt it. GOKEVS UErElPTS for every ilepni lnient of a household. These alone are worlh the price of the Hook. Model Collages (no other Magazine gives theinl, with diagrams. Dl'AW 1 NU LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG. Another speciality with Godey. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worlh $3 a year. Other .Vngazines publish old worn-out mu sic ; but t lie subscribers to Godey got it be fore the music stores. Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiar iiy with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Kteivart. .& Co., of New York, the millionaire, me rchants, appear in Godey, the only maga zine that lias them. Also, Fashions from the celebrated llrodie, of New York. Ladies' Hounds. We give more of them inn year than any oi her magazine, lu fact the Lady's Hook enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. Marion lluilancl, .liifmis of '-Alone," ' .'Ji-.hi n Path," O.VI..1S SiJr,'' t'Xemc-iin,, anil "Miriam," writes for (Jodey caeli month, and for no other magazine. He have also retained all our old aim nroruo coninoutors. T E R M S O V GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK routes- (for wliieh there can be no Deflation.) The following are the terms of the Lady's ISoolt for lSb'3. At present, we will receive subscribers ni the followitig la'es. Puie no tice will be given if we are obliged to ad vance, which will depend upon the price of paper. One copy, one year S3 00 TVo copies, one year 5 50 Three copies, one year 7 CiO Four copies, oirj year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an tztn copyto the pel sou sending tho cln, making sii copies 1 1 00 Eight copies otic year, mid un extra , copy to tho one sendiug the club, waking nine copies 21 00 Eleven copies ouo year, and anez tra copy to tho ono sending tho club, making twclvo copies 2" W Additions to any of the ubove elu, $2 6U each subscriber. Godey's Ludy's Uouk aud Arthur's Homo Magazine will bo sent, each one year, ou receips id do. V have no club with any ether .lajazine or Newspaper, The money musl all be sent at one time for any Club. Canada subscribers must send 21 cttuts additional for cuoh subscriber. A, GOIltV j.i C, i'nu' .V . Corner Si jili .0.,. ! i stT a r?.'V7-.H"B W' mM mi mm St. Mary's Elk ouiilv Pa. S tuke pleasure in ca8Iin atten tion of the public lo my OF Hoots Clothig, Codec tin gar. i or ladies, C tire ii. i A large stock of Confectionary, such as candy raisins, nuts of d it er ent kinds figs and all other goods of the kind usualy kept. ...i ..u i A small assortment iu the above lino, will be kept on hami and sold at low ftiruers ggMy stock Call Post up before buying. $1. Mary's June, I 180 1. f .... and Shoes gentlemen and ehil- Tea, Rice &c, is full and cheap. and