The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, June 29, 1865, Image 1

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    .' Si! .
'- - ... .
........ .P
" ' T..UKIE ,7. W,AK?1.Y
Kidgway, or Pet7.Iu :er 1'. O. Elk Co.
T T. A P 11 A M S ,
A T T O II N K Y AT li A W
.LtffA' If A VEX. J'A.
Attorney's at Law, J i I 2 C way Elk roa
(7 Pa., will a'.tcud to a'i pi'
btrsiucis promptly.
10 n
CUAPIN & wile up.
Attorneys a:) J Counselors at Law, OiHe
ia t Ilia pin's Uloek, Ilidgway Eik Co. I'a
Parlb ular attention .ivcn to eellit'oi.s
and :ih pronij lly vomit ted. Wid
uUo practice in adj-init.g e-n;ui its.
Lidgway J Jk County lVnna'
Sit. IMtuVs Ilk bounty I'a.
Practices iV.cdkiM ifc .Surgery
Cculn.wUo 1.1k Co. Pa.
DR. J- 3- B 0 It D 7 EL 7,
EClliCIIO 1' 11 V fii I C I A N j
(Lately of llavieu county I'a.)
"Will promptly niiKwcr s.ll prol'uMhioniil
cills by n ! ii i 1 1 or day. Kc-sidt-nco oiie,
iloor Kast of the lato resuleuee ol lion.
J. L. Gillia.
DR. C R. Hahlky, Kersey
Co., Pa. Will attoml to all
tjij;ht or day. July CI, ISO I.
JOJU G. rOR TERriVL D, 1 rcprietor.
Ridgway, Elk County J'crm'a.
v edTko W
Kaglc MoteS
liHthcntburg, CleniieM Couuiy Pa.
XafFreurit'k Kotl) Propvietor liav.
iog .built a lavyc and eouimo'lioii. Iiuii -c,
is iiow propped to cater to ilie v.ant of
tho traveling pulilie.
Luthcrsburg. J uiy loth ISiU. ly.
Lullicrsburj 't'loavfielJ cuuty IViui't.
' - ?
LuLbctalniv;, J a!y L'Ttii t:'.
Corner of Pf Street and
the Bufialo Road,
h li I : 1J A.
ENOS-B. HOYT, Trop actor
5GSThi8 House is u.w cud .It.'oJ hi
fvitH c peoial C110 for 0.,j eo:ive:!Ui-:i
and comt'oit of Ltie;.;:-. at l.iodi-ite rn,ct.
C&TCiKtO bTAXILIKO A T V Il :) ' '.-.SI
llU'iViv, El?:
K'riis fcousts : i : .i'-mtii . y -.iiuii't'.l
the hunk ol" lin' CIiuilii, ml;.'.' i . "-. 0 ) c:rl
f ibe tOWII, U Well p'-i'Vii-i I
ioo;ii uaJ tttibiin jr. r.iul tin.- j i. ' i . t . - will
apare no pains 10 rondor t'.c m;i hi' a?
(jnn,it3 pleasant ami n-irec ib!o.
HlJjK.-ij July 2S, 1 ..
11 y o
Mrs- E 0-
II o U s K
rrofjiic tress
K!lc .Co ".nt v Vcnun.
OoRNUt Of Maiiki.t am V.'a.i rn J-";
( L ; .:J En
GEO. N COLIiURN, l'ltru-itu.-:.
M.MIY'S El.K (('. M V 1TNN.V,
M. WELLENiJORL', Pn.p'r.
,f M M P . a '' i-
Mu si :s vs. v.i.
C. V.'. PIGOXY, Proprietor.
Omnibus runniorr io :iud from the Pep-it
ceo of charge.
ToOIUIiIaI)' lloT'Si:, Main St
iUBromcviUo I'j.,C. -V. Kretz. Prop'i
"This bouse has been refitted and furnish
d in a neat style, and is every way
adapted to the wants of the public.
'J! U S I N E s
A R I)
Lock Havex, Cmxtox Coyxty Pa.
I VEAL EPS in Flour, Grain and
.1 Feed nar the Passenger lo j...t
Itidgway .Markets.
Corrected wecckly;
Apples, (dry) 1 bushel
Puckwhcat " "
Peans, " "
Butter " h
Peef "
Puardi " 51
'oro " Inilid
Flour " bbl.
Hides " lt
Hsy ton
'Oat ' bn.
Xticst " ''
d 00 j
1 SO
' P
I. .
VOL. 5
IS 0.0
TM'TT innv'in t tai'TV l m
' po P.Thh, . t i;n' i,r..r...
the Northern aud Northwest counties ol
' .v- a 1:; l .I.e. Aii.o, in
Jt has lii-on leased by tho J'rvnIca-
tu (oil lomd tunnnuiu, una 1:1 opera-
eil by til
111 .
lis entire len-'fli was owned lor vas-
mmi;;i. r and IVt-iylit ljuiuos.s, October
ITtli. lsr.4.
Lrxre J'asticard.
Tkro;;;di ?'all Train 1 53 p. in.
A .'c;i!;iiiiodation u. iu.
1, run' Y xtirtird.
Through Mail Train 12 S3 p.m.
Aeconuiiodation p. iu
Pasfcn;;er e;ir. run tlironli without
i h:itv,'e both ways between Philadelphia
and Krio.
JjS.ixu.nt Sr.nEnxi Cau.s on Express
Tr.iins ways between V.'iilinwsiioi t
; -and IJaUiinore, and Williams-port aud
I Philadelphia.
l'Vr inloiuiai ion lvspeetin Paenor
Lu.-ioess apply i.i the H. E. corner uVth
and Mnrkot JSts.
And lur l'rjiyht business of tho Com
jiany's A p'ent:
Ji. Kinurs!on, Jr. Cor. 13th aud
rdaikrt ts.'rhii..lel;diia.
.) . iV. Kcyiiohis Erie.
U P,r..wu, A-ent N. C. R. II. Pal
tiim'ie. 11 II. llOTSTfSN,
'in 1. rrctyht .ij i. 1 an a.
T. Vv
U . (, WINNDH,
U'l'ii'L Tklet Aijl. I'hil'a.
.Tu5. P. 1'nrr,
UfUi'ral M taaj rr, lYmrji't.
Dealer i;i
Cl.iiUins.', Tl'if?. tca's;;
way:;',! .- it.i:i:t,
I.ufh UaviTn, n-s ( )., ":
A I) O L I' (1 T J M jM
"1 1 r 11 it:
il Mai
laetarer ci
ht ai:-
nrh !.
i-oiL' :ir
I h.T:;.
i- I"0 I'iirrii! ore,
, 'Jab!--. it:.i..:r. P hi
!1 kind ol' llepairiu
!e rales.
' it-, ii
s. j a . a.
rr. M A HY ;"', YAM county pa
in ti
:e room
fi.rmrrly occupied by
Iioti. R. ti White. i r!!M)oroua;h.
Atwriiit,' J'l'hj:-,
I'oe. V. S, liruckway, Jay to.
iion. J'.. C. Schuliz", fit. Mary 'o-
P. Y. IlayC Kid-way
I'l-ijii'i'-if'l'rij, A'. '7. and K c.
licni'ia! Ed. eis. Uidizway
fltri'-l Afuni'-v,
L. J. Piakely
Tit tsii.r'r,
Charles Lnhr. St. Mary's
( '011 nli !j.iri :yvr,
iieorgc Walii.iby, St. Marys
( ''..v: ;;i i.t.n'niii'i's,
!!'i i'-l,?Wi-is, St. Mary's
lico. Iiiekin-" on, Kid-jway.
J o.-ph Y. Taylor, Fox.
A il'lilurs,
R. T. Kylcr, Fox
Jacob Mcl'au'ey, l"ox.
I II. P. Pcrr, Penezett
Coal Land3 For Sals-
THE subscriber o!ler3 for Fale the
Coal privilege, with the vhrht oi
minin;,' and other minerals under -lit.")
acres ol laud situat-M in Fox tp., lear
lield county Peunsylvaoia, within 1'
niih h of the Ridi;way & '1 1 v 11 v. R. R .
which connects with tho Phihi. & Erie
It. R , at RMuway, with a six loot vein
ot i'.ii .n.iiii .us Coal upon it, which i
now eoiuiiiauilin.; kueh euoruious prices
! loi iirinutaeturiirjr miriioses. For sale
cheap, teru.s fi-li, a jood title ivcu.
Fur further partieulars. address
Cleai field P. O..
Clearfield Co.. P..
Nfll'Jl'E. 'l'lio ilnok and neeauuts ..
.fii i-oh J. ls:oi'er & Co.. nnJ (JUai'loi 1)
'criug & ".. of Si Mafy'a. liavo ben
( laoe l in H13 hands f tho iiudersitucil (
sutilcmeiil. I'mtics iadn'otud to fitlior
1I10 at oio firms, are notitbd lUat tlmir 11
jouats ir.ut be settled by payment to tl.
uulfisii: "C'i. wiinoi ;v) days.
- ' I,CillJi J. bI.AKr.IA', Alt'
for OERINO & CO, li BTQJtUH fc Co
ff.Mrr' F'!riirr, Um)i 'it, j-H.
I'riKi-.vAY J.'i,k County Try.!.
The thanjrctlHjr.
A.T. 1GH1.
i:y .huin o. v.itirTiKi;
For iho faire.'t tn.vo in Hampt ja
Thfy needed no: to search,
Who fa'.v yoiiii' Anna l'avcr
Come Aaikinj luto ehu'rih
Or briniii',' from the meadows,
At set of harvest day,
Tho frolic of tho hlaek'b-rds,
The sweetness of the hay.
New the weariest of all mother?,
The saddi-st two years bride,
She scowls in tho l.iee of her husband
And ."purns her child aside.
"Rake out the dead coals, jroojinan
For there, tho child fdiall lie,
Till the Mack, watch comes to fetch her,
And both up chimney fly.
It's never iry own little dauphler,
It's never my own," she sai l ;
"The wiidies hav: stolen my Anna,
And left me au imp ius'.ead.
Oh, fair and fveet was my baby,
Pine eye?, and h:ir of ohl ;
Put this h u-'ly and wrinkled,
Cro?s, and cunning and old.
I hate the touch ot her finirers,
I hate the feel of her skin ;
It's not the milk from my b o;n,
Put my blood, that she na-oks in.
Jly face rrrows sharp wilh the tortficnt;
l iook ! my arms aie skin and bono !
Pake open the red coals, jroo'lman,
And the witch shall have her own.
She'll come when she bears it crying,
1 n the shape of an owl or bat,
And ,-he'l! brinjr us o-ir darling Anna
In place ot her screech in l' brat."
Then the proou man, Ezra PaUon,
Laid Ijih hand upon h'r head :
'Thy sorrow ig!e!. O woman !
I borrow with thco," he ?u;d.
'Top pubs to trouble many,
And never but one sure, wav
Leads out. to the litiht beyond it:
My poor wife, let u.4 pray."
! Th'o he said to the great All-Father,
! " Thy daughter is w.vik and blind ;
Let her 1 i;:ht . emue back, and clothe her
)::ec more In her riLiht mind.
Load her out of 11
Out. of ihcse fa.
Let, the bi'ly love
i;s e
i! shadow,
ales wild ;
d' I he mother
I Turn a;
her child.
Make her hps 1 '. t'.e tpj of Mary
Kiwi 11 -j; her b!e.scd Son ;
Let her hands, like tlo- hands of Jest
Rest on her little one.
Comfort the soul of Thy handmaid,
Open her prison door,
And Thine shall be all the plory
And praiae forever More."
Then into the f ic5 of the mother
The baby looked up an I smiled ;
And the cloud of thcrr.oul was lifted,
And the knew h'.-HUtle child,
A beam of the slant suu.diino
Made the wan face almost fair,
Lit the blue eyes.' patient wonder.
And tho'rins of pale i.dd hair.
She kissed it on l'p aud forehead,
She. kissed it on cheek and chin,
And she bared her snow-white bosom
To the lips so pale and thin.
Oh. fair on her bridal morning
Was the maid who blushed and smiled, !
Put fairer to Em Pulton
Looked tho uiotherof his child.
With more than a lover's foulness
lie stooped to her worn young faee,
.nd the nursing child and the mother
He folded iu one embrace.
Plessed be God !" be murmured,
"Ple.-sed be God '." she said ;
For I see, who once was blinded
1 live, who oucc was deal.
n'ow mount, aud ride, uiy goodmao,
As thou lovest thy own soul I
Voe's me, if my wicked fancies
Pe tho death of Goody Cole !"
lis horse be saddled and bridled,
And into the uL'ht role he
ow through the great black woodland,
Now by tho white beached sea.
Jo rode through the silent clearings,
He came to the ferry wide,
nd thrice he called to the boatman
Asleep on tbo other side.
le set bis horso to the rivoJ ,
Ho swam to Nf wbory town,
I HI far. rl I ll'lfHi (3 ,j7 .V C'l i IF y I
. .
3 y
- TEEES-51 50 rcr Annum if raiT ilx Advco
T June 20 I SO 5
And he called up Justice Fewall
1 In hii tiighteap and his gown.
i An the grave and worshipful .Tiut'ce
I (I pen whoreson! l.e inviac Ii
cets n,s name to tin; jailor 3 warrant
For (J-oodvvife Cyle's
Then tliru-h the niht tho lioof.bsr.ti
WtntsoundiiiJ' like a fhi! :
'-. jody ,h at e-n'icrnw
Came fnth from Ipswich jail.
HY ELY. ll iil.VTIO AI.CiKrt, Jit.
It was lucky for Juhu P u-don that lis
had a cheerful wile, who was disposed
to look upon the brijjht side of tilings.
I say it was fovtume or him. fur his
ten. leney was just ilus rever-a. If any
0 trial or Uisappointincut 0.1113 upon ,
1 Z ... 1 ........ . . .. r, .
mm. ne was very ant to Siv. "l a o n
always against, ma something or other
is al.vays turning up to spite 1:1 j "
'Never luiinl, John, nil is far the
best,-' said his wife, cheerfo':: ,-."
"That's what you're always e.iyin.
"I'm always saying it because it's
true, and the truth'c.ui'i be tao of'en re.
Put by-and by fomtliir,i; Juppaned
which put even Mrs Piirdi-u's philoso
pby to test.
One forenoon, about eleven o'clock,
Mrs. Unrdun was busily cmoioved ia
getting dinner, when she heard iho front
Hour open end tho heavy steps of men
were heard iu tho front, entry.
Her first ihoueht was that her bus.
1.111 1 ... .
nana nan came Jumio ti uinncr. aiii
brought a couple of friends home with
him Put it was too early for that.
She went upstairs, the kitchen being
a basement room, and there met a sis;ht
that filled lur with ,,,!. J!cr )1W
hand lay str. lched upon the lounge, ovi
delilly 1:1 great sufiutiug.
. "Xhnt is tho u"Ucr-" tlie iuq'iired
.n a. arm.
(.cailK.-se ycjr.S:j toudarn." was the
'Your hu-haol has fallen from a
s-afloldi,, ,w l.rok .11 hi );:."
Jt may be s.i;-l lure that Mr. Por
den was a hoiie j aio'-r, and had been
engaged ur 0:1 a new h n-e crcet ad for
Sijuii-e Eldredge. His fall had been a
considerable one, as the sea'fol ling ha 1
been at. tho height of the third story
from the ground.
A physic i in was immediat'.dv s:ent fr,
and, nIVr a careful examination, pro
nounced the injury not a bad one. He
thought the injured limb would eventu
ally I ocuno as strong as ever. Oi'
course, however, this you'd li'iire
"How long do you think 1 shall be
laid np, doctor V groaned Juhu l!er.
'Tt wiil not be safe for you to u-.i
your limb tdmrt of three mouth?," said
the physie'an, ib'cisively.
"Three months !" returned P.irden
in dismay. "Must I remain idle for
three months
"It will not be safe to resume your
trade for that length of tim," was the
reply. '
'Just my luck," grumbled the slek
man, alter the physician had Kdl the
room. ''Fortune seems to have a spite
against me."
"Yon are looking on the side of
the picture, John," said the wife.
"So L ought when t! ore is 110 other
tide to it," returned her h i.-:band. "I
should like to know how you, who say
that all is Jbr the best for we to break
J "I neve are a good many tumgj ( r
ithebe-t. John) that wo are not wise
j enough to see."
" I : appose if you should fail down
I r.nd break your neck, your last words
wouiu ue "it s nil lor tne uest ;
-:r.- Porden, smiled, aud her hus
bainl continued,
"For three mouths I have got to lie
here idle, earning nothing. You know
we have got four hundred dollar in liie
Savings Rank. I expected by tho end
j of this, year to have a hundred more
there. Pat ius'eal of tint I shall prob
, ably have to withdraw a linn Ired . It's
; just the way al.vays. I can't begin to
prosper u little, before sj:ii;thing hap
pens to put me b .ok. Perhaps you
think it's ail for the bi.-i that I should
lose three months' time."
" We lnusn't talk any more about it
now, Job 1. I know it's a great disap.
pointoJent t.i you, and I can't see ex
actly how it is that this mi if ortuuo is
goiug ta promote our ultimate good. I
urn us forry as you are that we shall have
to encroach upon our n.ooev 111 tho
Lt,lki but j jt f:,5il.-.:l;r t1;lt it w:l! Vit
. ho made up to us in somo way. G od
I has ordered all thiag.-? so well in my life
I l.;t!.rt. I'.at 14 .i ;p r ,,.,t. 1 "1 ......
iiimvi.', . 110 ii 1. VOUIU II Ul
him a little longer.''
"Put nobody duo Etcnis so uiifbrtu-
naloaswa aro. There's Pqniro Grif-
ifUlislullbe touchcj seeas to turn to
IKa'd." ' ' .
1 '"He his been fortiwitfl i.i h'f moniv
Hairs, 1 kn.iiv, but .iinuv
Ji'ii t y r.'!in:iVr his itnl
1 tr-
s;;rin' !i'iw h'u httlj ..1 uij'tte;-, h's fa
rorite. e!iil 1 and the prlJi1 h'u houvt.
i'e!.i''i.'J and lie 1."
John iiir!;:) .i:i;cd a j -riMit, fil
then said.'-pjl i'nU 13 aeei .liri;;
to vo ir the try, wn C-,r tli? be0;..''
'T she-'ild be wiliiui; to t.aka t';l on
rrii't, even if I c n'. ,n: s-. it. Ij.jtiu
th.a :-H: I i.i.nk ii1 ; ; v,m'. it ii
lor tho bvif. The S.pjire, bd'ote this
event, w.h a hard, wjr! Jly mm, c.iri:i;:
little fir religion or h'nmisiity outsiiaol
hi' own family. Now 1 ha'e reusju to
believe that lie is c-jnsidjrably ch-riiied.
Ou'y ye-ter lay, I heird th i". he ha I re.
mitti'l 11 f airter's rent lopjor ic. P.-.r.
men'.-r, wlio you know lived in a li n:-;e
belon-i!'.' to him. 'e..'!i a tiling w..e;U
ha. a been U'lpvejedfuted a"
It will Id jhilv in.M'iM;; l that manv
.' c )av:riti.:H t oVci,hi-ja dariu- the
first fe w:-c:;.5 of Joh i Pu la i's sick-
ness. The p itiejt. thri-li he invaria
bly disagree 1 with, his wife, w.-i, never
theless, in-ensib'y cheered by herbright.
view-, r.:i 1 led to indulge more hop-.-fal
anticipatiniJ of the J'
At l.m.i:h his la- :; u , fl:-r.-e-jv.-re I
that it ! 1 longer paine 1 hint, and he was
able to ete'iange the beJ fir the ea.-,v
chair. S.'ill, a- til ? physi :i 1 1 ha 1 siii,
it, would be we. ks -t b f.n-j the Injuivd
limb would ae pi're s iflieieut strength to
wanant bim -in uiln it o'.-.t of the
hi.ue. '
ll.ivl.ijal'.vavs baa:) secu-tomol to act.
j ive employment, the time weighed he.iv
IV upon
"It i. terribb tedious a't'ine; hiro," he
I coiuid-dn.. 1, "when I feel u.i if I cughl
: 1., !,., ,i ...rt-
).,,'t you remember, Job a, yon cmoe
j d.-.vo'itiir vur time loan iinv:iii..n."
' smr-!ed' his wile. "What, evercime
' ot I:V
j .-X,,tT;In-." sild hot ha.banl. "I
, could not spare tho lime troia my daily
j wo; k to pert, et il."
j .i;.J youthluk thri e was much ehauoo
i r,r .nnooni"
J "I'. s, 1 r (. :Y. i - a pe.od
"jVs. I r
d'u! i:',conr."0:
1 . 1 1 . - ... , 1 ... .l . 1
i 1 hi.' '. I'll'', oi 1 1 Lie1- ei
i'fg abs.ilu:oiV e,;ri:i'u I didn't cire to
:mvo tin a certainty for the sake of work
ing a'. 0."
ft .-vni.s 10 me. John, that now is
j-i-t th.i liuii. to take it up aiiuin. It
v.'ou't interfere will: any tiling elie,
f .r
vou ki'ow y.iu m't b-; at your a.:--;
I work, however lutidi y m u iy
want to, whil', ceo i! Ii daaj noi
a'ii.iiio: t a a'u : 'tie z. i- W:.l ol l' J t'iJ
time 1 a--- a b.iiie le.-s tedi 'js'y to y..a."
Mr. P ': ;) cj : it al i'.i.i
'i w:tU
ir.ore s
lj.'l ex.
',t Mir.
my large t
r ao.l, f w ili
'T d 11 I k
111 1," h s iid
jaekknife au
v oa' y 1,1
"S j brinj;
a p'ot'o of i
see w!ia. I c :u o .
lior - lire, ii'j douhl-, a i. t many
w ould be invc-ntora v. ho have alt .t -ther
mistaken tlu'ir v,) ' l'.ion, bat in ju-a'-.-e to
do!:.! Pot'deti. it ioil-t ho said he
had a goo 1 .b-a! of 11 itural ing snuity,
and so was not wholly untitled to sue
eeo 1. In this eaje, loo, he wis more
patient and persevering thin others.
Failures did not jj Kudlly uiaiaarag.j
From the 1:1:1 of his wife'j fo'.tuii.itj
.su'."restiiin. he laboivd assidu nisly for a
iroo.l pari ol tho day. It was a work of
tho hand merely, and did not at all
hinder his couvaicsceo'.v. Il had a de
cided cd' et in prom otinj; his cheerful
ness r-n 1 inercuiimt his appj,.ite
His wife, alter her honvali ol d duiles
done, v,a...i:d sit douuoppo-'.te him,
and ob-erve with thankful
husband's preoccupation, wlii.-h was
ol'tentini' s so great that he .vo l! I pass
hours without apeakiiig a word.
At la ;;, one atuiruoru. ab vat :j o'eloek,
John Pordeu threw down his knife, an I
eselaimod iu a joyful tone, "Martiia, I
really believe I've got it."
"Got what. ?" impure 1 his wife, look
ing up cheerfully from her knitiing.
"Why, succeeded in my invention.
I've born close up m it tor the last three
days, and uoiv I guess that I have suc
ceeded." "Then let yojr wife bo the first fa
congratulate you, , I film," said Mrs. Por.
den. "She will be ipite proud of her
husband, when she s.s his name enroll,
ed among ihe grei. inventors."
"Don't be too lin-ty," said her hn.
band, smiling. "Of c i.irsi I am liable
to be mistaken. P it wi-!i y u would
go over and a k Sipil.- Arifi h t i
and see me as early us he can. He is a
practical m in, au i ac jcai u'.c I wi:!i m:,.
chhiery. 1 ihall ley upju bis jufg
men'." . 1
"I willgi atouco.'-RuM Mis. PorLn.
hue wis eo'i.ida. p mi iii ;!) to know
th it her h iib m 1 w til 1 b ) in a fever .if
iiujatien-je nul f 1 1 l -aru . 1 wheth
or ho was ivaliy nues.ifnl or no', and
d:d not even stop t ' enoajh to eiian
uer calico apron l,f tier blacU silk one
a eacrifi 0 which ifHbmalo readers will
aporeoi ate. or w ild Live .lone wlin
Jsproaj were inlJuoa. But this, be
rr niferolv.rr d. hsiancd yw agr S
the rif.. nt ei.i;h'eu.d f.thi'. lie Wi re
Mrs. Rirdcn soon I mind herself on,
S piire OrifiithV brick house, mid in id-e-ily
run;; tho bill.
'l'our liu.-b:i I ha completed an in
veutinii, has LAI ' sid the auire, priek
iu.i u; h:j ejif hftur heariuij Mm. 11 r. 1
d'ju s e xplanation. "I. will go over unJ
sic whstitis v. ith a good deal of pleas
ure. I Imvu a tact for such thiors tn) .
Tiie squlic nt oueo got bis Lat nft 1
cane. i:nl isiviic 1 Mrs. Pordcn to ')
Ovii. ;-:"!, h'in.
' tie di:cUned 0:1 the plea the ihe h 1
ix h'.i'e 'io.ii:n i 1 , which wa.1 true,
1 lev r'.ilf r esoj, however, was this-
thil s'io kii-jw lur hmbaul and thi
squire could do their buiiues.s better by
.'-'he see udinulv her way to tha
comer store, wbith all country 8toro.
c a: U',v a l.ttle 'A' (-vcrjthinK, and pur-;.h:i-l
a,r? co'.t 01 cluth lor her bus.
bind. A I'o'r this she nude a call oa
an oi 1 Inlaid, and at the closo of Au
hoar, she l ) ii; h'ir wav aiowlv back t.,
j !.er !i-.uee.
j ' - .a.-:, S..j-il..j Oviri:l: j .lit coming
oui i; ui'j iroa; a jjr.
"Py ,l r;e, Mrs. H or.lan," said he.
hoMing out his hand cordially, "your
huslnnJ has h ).vi him:elf a genius."
' You think Wuil of his invention,
t'ie:i, da yea :" s.iid Mrj.Pjrdeu, ea-
'Think w e 1 i 0! it?" Of course I do.
It's a capital think bound to succeed.
Tint's what I told him, and more than
that, I !oiv,i so great coufiJouee in it
that 1 have brj'r'it au interest in it, even waiting for time to test it.
I Good al'teru 10:1 you must make your
husbiind :ive yo'i afilkdres. He can
wvil alFjrd it now."
Enti-riii.' the h )Ue, ?drs. Birlati
found her hiub u; 1 l.iokiir rpjite radi
ant w!;!i Ii.i"-i!:i;..:-i.
'ot S piire Gri'aths '!" ha
tol 1 i:u that you wcra
1 es. r.::
"Yes, but tli it's net all. He hs
bought out half the invention."
"He told m. that. How maeh did
he give y; 1?"
"How lUieh .) yici guess, Martha?"
"Parhapj a huo'lr.vl dollars ?" uaid
I eJrs. Ij iyI ju, thinking that this would
j be a liberal rrlea for what had ocoupiei
ooiy a iew w ;o:is ot tier hui.'juoa stun;,
v. hen he could not employ himself ott
iiiiy'h!eg else.
Twenty five tin.ei that '.'' said Mr.
1 r leu, ttiumphautly.
"Wliat twenty. f've hundred dji.
. lara . txo.a.uieJ ua who in saronsa.
I "Yea.'-'
J "Aril v VI would a' L h.iva ten
yo. Itwlu'c tirulcua your loj ?"
j "No, I suppose not."
1 "lhen yjj Eae that Gol Ins, a'terall,
I brought goj.I nut of evil, and that your
J aopaieui. iiiiafji tuae was a blcssbiv; ia
i disgaije."
I I e i.i only a . 1 1 that the snei.-s.-! of ihu
. iijventioa prove 1 Srrili'4 Griiliths
' wa not mist ikcn iu his c.diua'.o of iti
value, au.1 th U Job a Borden ii nit u
The Gypsios
Excepting the j
va. co r-CJpie has c
tr sh twu iU'-'i aeity 0:' nee ai tin
j;'. A IFn laa t -IVe oi' Aryan raeo
or;.- i.ill -, pi.i'h-r.jj of uouadia ui.l plan
de.riiig habits iii i-ifiir Drj-.
111 1
0:1 th
full., an I f
Asia i.i th 1 1
i:emurv; I he;
till in al'.n 1
:witho 1'. s. i"
en.-,-ea'. A' ih
I on: iota E koj ; aa 1
-' ; n irt of th i fitleenth
' owr
C!te:"i"!,d and Mut.
c eia.'.ry of Europe,
i.iy cve.r i;'a vigiug the pur.'i
dr Hi . hibloL
or in t.,i
or o. th
vn iu f ain villages of Xjrway,
pi."n.d ii angary, or in rur.l
; En.rlaul, or aiujng the will 111 ja itain
! of'.aiu : whsJior uodcr iho burning
I heat oi Atri.M, oron
a s o.a'.ea'iiol Asia.
, in E.rypt, p,
is sab-t latoi
; jdi v;i ri. w
jia or In l a thj gvp'.v
, t.'.u a'ii, with a aimitar
lthesaui! !.i:i.;ua' ; oalv
di i.e'.ieaily diii 'rent, and Witri the s um
inera lie ihie habits of the plan lcr'ui,;
ujoi 1 1 ia l.iiii.-S juu'.i 11 js enslave 1, al.
w ays s. ' r.'ii-j 1, tii j ie:i:u of loi'islation
thro 1 ;'i 1:1 ce ill 1 1 ihrei b in
Ire I vears,
driven fr i n
)aa!ry t ) eiantry, iaeei
s.tntiy u'g;l uy tae lotliraeaj o( eiv.l
iziriou aud by the tu'iii-ier-j of raligi n
y et al.v.iy-, iu a'.l c m.i'.rlo; a id for faa
oaaturles, tin sa:a - .1 vagMiit, m
j oekeiy, a chaat, an I a heathen au I
stra.igji- to eae!i peop'e and ciuitry.
The eivilimti m. the seienee an 1 th
Christianity of thj tiius hive doiu nl.
111 Hi nothing i )r him. A few cxeep.
tioiH t,) this g me at character ot the ra-j
are found iu Russia, where
gypsies have beeome wealthy; bat i.i
most countries they seldom eugi.'j in
any pursuit of mechanics or agriculture.
The only meeh mied branch in whieii
they are ever protieient is the etnith's,
and iu Persia they have celebra
ted as w. rkers in gold and silver. While
other race i absorbed iu the
powerful races or mingle in endics va.
riety with the peoples in confaet wltli
tlu in, or die out and pass away, this
Indian tribe keeps itself uaiuiugle I and
pie-erve? its tiva-o vitality. Sue!,
teuaeity both o.'ra .e aad bai bariu habits,
seems harlly cliaraeteristle of the Aryan
family, an 1 would remind one of tho S.i.
mite. Li many cauntries they have
iieeu supp .se 1 1 ) be Egyptians, an 1 their
name i i E iglislt, French. Spanish and
llangimn, p-oiuU U this belief. Mo-'
other u a'ioas have given ibem a nank
in some wjy emulated with that of
lliu loo robeer tribe oa the Indus, from
they arc s.ipp.-cid to be descended.-.
A'uces of is OIJ IJ.jj.JJ, l,j G. L.
"Papa, why d) tny plant iron ; A,
ihey rrrow and get ?" "No, nypon. V-'
iiks plmfn t.he.7 biv, l ibrn ofii.o;.
do lnvinj.''