THE ELK ADVOCATE 1 W CkMM TO s 0J 10 I take pleasure tlo to pub 3 R r C7I OF Clothing, M ( m For Ladies Scnllcmcn and chil dren. tW-'-.J r.T- .'.1 Codec, Sugar, f Sour Soil I A argc stock of Confectionars, such as candy raisins, nuts of dsf crent kinds fis and aH other goods of the kind usually kept. A s-nall assortment in tho above line, will bo kept on nud sold at low fiaeis SSy stock Call Post up before buying. St. Mary's, June 11 18G4. -Tl HUM 1 v ; 1 ' Elk County Pa. in calling atten- to my 1 Ju ', J fc3 i H-'f Lcr rT hwAirf win Hoots and Shoes fill 11 o kl h JE3L i3 Tea, Rice, &c5 hand is full and cheap and Just deceived At Ike reck f tore, St. Marv'e SANPEHS REALFllS,No'i. 1, 2, S 4 4 6. Sunders primary and pictorial primer. Mitchols Geography it Atlas. Mitchels primary Geography. M'Nally's Geography. Monteiths primary Geography Spenciarion copy boohs. Webster's common school Dic tionaries. Mr own 3 Grammar. Towers do hurrays do Noa. 1 2 tfc 3 plain copy books. Blnnk books, Letter note tfc writinar panesr Ink Pons Envelopes Pencil. &c. O0LDIEE3 IN THE ARMY O and cur people a'- home Are now oiforcdaa opportunity which t!icy cau obtain a GOOD A DUllAT'.LE TIVU-PTECE AX A VRV -LOW FIGURE. O'-K WATCBKS AKE VArr.AMrTo rirnuiroKEYEAn ami (he buyer is allowed tho Privilege of Kxamination. d rrcRE' is ukquiked Tntprrrr,! Dimi'c.r in fuU Rl.,j Actions. A first fifths IIm,ting film' Vi-iK-e of Silver tnntoriiil. ovnr wliich ii clooti line plntcd IS k.', 1:1 ost 'luraljle Avronsilit, miking tiie i.iiiiiitiou so f" ult lt-rs liiiit i; ciia.ot l o dotoctod IVnm t!.o wni.M-ii.1 1 y tne mi.H exrenonce.l jtidpcj ; acids vill not ;U cot it. Enndun mti.lo move noiit. I.Mftuiv En Iifn.rx in ti Li.rn:r action, liisswcpp srttonda, and is n jt to bo excelled in general r j mum e. nn is nrrinr.i.t.Y one of the ever offered for traders and speculators. Anpineers. Emiprants. and jiorsnts travellitijr. wdlfin l tliein superior l.iany otlier ; alteration of clir ate will not a fleet their accuracy. Trice, paei:ed in good share an 1 pood running order, only or rase of li for SJ'iO. S1LVEK D0U1U.E TIME HUNTING LEV EH., BEST QUALITY SILVER CAPES, over which electro-tine plated 18 U. gold, similar t our Improved Implex, and superior ad fusied movements with "Stoji," to lie used n timing lioic!, cte. ; l:as Eour Indexes ior Wasnintcn and Grcenwie'i time, t.weep second, and all the improvements. All iu all, taking its beautiful and faultless ap pearance and it 3 superior movement into j consideration, we regard it as deci dcdlv llie I cheapest article of tho kind in tha market. Trice, in pnod running order, of case 01 o tor giir We r.sH no pay in advance, but wiU forward cither of them to rcpponsiblo par tic?, to any part of tha loyal S'ate, with bill pcyablo to expressman wiien the ponds are delivered, giving tho buyer the privil ege pf exatninaMon. nnd, jfnjt satisfactory the watch can be retu-ned at ot;r .penso Tho express companies re.-e malting collections on sodiera nnd otlitr disloyal States, coTifcrpientl ail such orders must be accompanied by the cash to insuro at tention. Weiiinke a deduction of two dol lars on either watch when the payment is forwarded in advance. Monty :nay be sent by express at our ex pense. THUS. G AFFEHTY & CO., 03 an 1 65 liroad St., opposite City I'and Providence, 1 I k, E. & II. T. Anthony & Co., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, witoi rsAr.s anu kftaii., 601 BROADWAY, N. Y. In ad lition to our main businessof PHO TOGRAPHIC MATERIALS!, we are Head quarters for the following, viz : Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views, Of these wo have an immense assortment, including li ar Scenes, American ami For eign cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statu ary, Je, sc. Also, Revolving Mercoscopcs, for the public or private exhibition. Our Catalogue wiil be ocut to any address on receipt of Stamp. rnOTOGRAl'IIIC ALBUMS. We were the first to introduce these into the United Suites, anil ire manufacture im mense quantities in great variety, ranging iu pi ice from jil cents to J jll 'lach. Our ALiilJ.MS have the reputation of being su potior in beauty mi l durability to any others. They will bo Sent by mail, fkke, eu receipt of pi ice. Jt&yi'lNU AI.I11MS MAIiK TO OtlnEa. '5 CARD r:iOTOGUAr3. Our Catalogue now embraces over FIVE TltorN.NI din.'-ent sul.jeets which additions are c niiniia!!y !"-ii:g made) of Portraits cf Eiuiucnt Ain'cieuus, &3,, vij : 100 M.j-Cenerals, o.'O Statesmen, ! ) Divines, 12") Authors, 10 Artists, 12" Stage, Id Proia'iit Women. 2iHi ling-Geiieiali, Colonels, loll Lieut. Colonels, J.:0 Other ( miners. 73 Navy tltlieels. lot) t'roniinent 1 orein rorlraits. a.UlK) Copies of Works of Art, including productions of tho most celebra" ted Engravings, Piintings, Statues, ic. Catiilopues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen Pictures from our Cat alogue will be filled on tho receipt of 51 80. j and sent by mail, fri:e. j Photographers and others ordering goods C. U- I), will please remit twenty-live per cent of the amount with their order. E. k. H. T. ANTHONY A;, CO., .Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Baf The price and quality of our jvoUj tan not ail to mitini. Nov. 10th, 'til. lmos. OLD EYES MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing now to speedily restore sij!,ht and give up spectacles, without aid of doctor of nied ieino. Sentby mail, free, ou reooipt of 10 cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. D., 1130 Broadway, N. Y; Volunteers and Conscripts! To ol liers or any others wishing to in. crease their income, there is no better way oj doing po at tliip time, than from the Ealo of our watches. They abb Warranted as ItKrnKSENTrn ! "l'articularly valuable for oHeers in the Army and travelers."' frank Leslit's, Feb. 1. "Prettiest, best anu cheapest timepieces ever offered." X. 1'. lUuttratcd "Scan, Jan. 10. "Very pretty and durable Watches for the .Irmy." N J'. Army Je Xmy ,otir. (Gov ernment Organ.) Aug. 'JO. "Ono of the oldest and most reliable hous es in business." LcuukUIc, Kv.. Journal July 1:1. MAGIC TIME OB3EKVER3. Being a ITttnling or Open Face or Lady's Gentleman s Watch Comebine, with or Patent Self Winding Improvement a most Pleasing Vi.veltr. ON'E OF THE PliETTIEST, MOT CON VENIENT. AND decidedly the best a'-.d cheapest time piece for pcnersil and reliable uic tver ofTtred. It has it ind con nected with its machinery, its rn winding tittaehmenl. rendering a key entirely uiinc cessiny. 1 lie ci'tCs c f t' Valc!i are ccm posed of two metals, the outcrono bc;:i fiiie Iticarai j;.iM. It has the improved ruhg action lever movement, and is warranted ay accurate liine-piec. Trice supovb'j enn graved, per ctuo of half dozen. .:1C1. Sum pie Watches in ntut morocco Veres, $C5, SI L Vim irA2CIIE! Tirst Cl i Hunt ing Timo ricces for accu racy of niovemei t, beauty of material, and above all, cheapness in price, these watches rjust insure universal approbation. An imitation so faultless that it can hard ly bo detected by the most experience jud'M. The material beinc of two metals, tlie ouier one iirsf iitaiiiy Sterling Siiver, w hile the inner one is German Silver, it can nn !,,. recoirnised by cutting or heavy on, graving, making it, tint in appearance, but nidtiraV.'il v. tliebet resemblance of SOL ll STAT. I I NG SILVEK in existence, Tlie sale of theso Watches in the Army is t source of enormous profit, retailing, ns hey ver y readily do. at S-'5 nnd upwards Many hundred hilars can be made in a sins gle pay day by any one of ordinary busiues. ataet' t?5uAT WHOLES ALE ONLY ! Iu heavy hunting eaes. beaut ifully enpraved. white enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in pood tinning order, by the half dozen, $7-. Sold only by the ease ofsir! V'poti receipt of two dollars, ns guarantee of good faith, we will send watches by ex press to any part of the loyal States, collec ting balance of bill on deiivery. This en sures buyers against fraud, g'ving them their watches before payment is required. Soldiers iu th o'i. . i,tnhs Mfsr remit Cash in ahvance, ns th" cypres oompanies prrrii'prnrjy refutes making collections in such dangerous localities. Remember. Cu'!i in n'ircnrr mm within the army lina In tb'l flitr I We (luarintrc the stfe ii!;ver nil w itches, wliether they are scat by mail erf erpross. Hubbard Bro3., Sole Importer GODEY'S LADY'S ECOH THE Fashion ragazine of the World. LIT Hit ATI, KM, FI.NK ARTS AND FASHION'S. The most muL'tiifieent Steel engravings on every subject that can interest laiiics. (.'ruehet kniltititr, Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet for the P"ih.r, the Boudoir and the Kitciu en. Everything, in fact, to make a com plele L uii's ItiiiiK. Tho Ladies Favonto For 35 Years. No Magazine has been able to compete with it. None at'empt it. GODEY'S RECEIPTS for every department of a household. These alone are worth (.lie prico of the Bool;. Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives them), with diapi auw. DRAW I XG LESSONS FOR Til E YOUNG. Another speciality with Godey. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth 3 ft year. Other Jairaziues publish old worn-out niu- i sic : but the sub-o.iibfc'.s to Godey get it bo ! tore the mu-ic sti rc. Ga-dening for Ladies. Another peculiar iiy with Go ley. Fashions fron Messrs. A. T. Etewart & Co., of .New Yotk, the millionaire, me rehe.iM appear in Godey, ilia only maga zine that has them. Also, Fashions from the celcbralel Brodie, of New York. Ladies' Runnels. We give more of them Tu a year dan any other magazine, lii fict the Lady's Eo"k eua'-jii s ev.o-y lady to be her own bonnet r.ia:;er. ?:uiii EIar!:mt1, Authrrss cf "Aluif," ''. Pjth," "A'-.i " ''." .V,.;a,." hJ "Miri't"l,'' writes for tin ley each nioath, and for id .other maga.iim. He haveaNo retained all our old and favorite coutriLut jrs. T E U M S O F GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK TOR G5- (Tr which ilf.-, run l.e no D-ci.ilion.) The following are thelerui'- of the L i ly's Book for 1hi;.'. At present, we will receive siioseril.ers at the following rates. Due no tice will he given it we nro obliged to ad vance, which will depeud upon Iho prico ol paper. One copy, one year $1 00 Two copies, one year & fill Three copies, one year 7 oil Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an erlra copy to the pel sou sending the club, m iking six copies 11 00 Eight copies one year, andanertra copy to tho ono sending the club, making niuo copies 21 GO Eleven copies one year, and tin r tra copy to the one sending the club, mukinf t welvo copies 27 5' Ad In ions to any of the above clubs. SO each subscriber. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Homi Magazine will bo sent, each ono year, oi receips of SI M. Wo have no club with any other .Vagazin' or Newspaper. . The money must all be sent at ono time fo any Club. Canada subscribers must send 21 cents additional for euch subscriber. AddrckS I.. A. GODET, N. E. Corntt Sixth anil Chalnut St-tt!t Philadelphia Pa, "UllE CUKE FOR D1PTIIERIA I WALLI3 IMPROVED MAGIC BALM. WHAT THE B A L M WULDO Remove Obstructions, nllny Iiifiamations facilitate Perspiration p.n 1 Circulation, re duces Enlargements, and vilaliio and strengthen weakeiie I pavts Ci amp and Bil lions Colic, Nervous Headache, Earache, Rurns, Freezes, Toothache Sprains, Bruises, &c. ; and for .Sprains, Bruises, Gal's, Heaves, Distemper, i(-c., in horses. The Quickest relief for pain of any Pain Killer in use. There is no remedy thnt will act so proinply in relieving the ills enumerated ns the Ma'ii; Balm, which deserves to re ceive the favor ol the public. It is its own recommend ition. and by the performance of good wor!; :. where it is known, now en joys the highest reputation. For sale by J.' Powell, H oilc & M'Vean. Ridgway. Ta. Wholesale by Carters il Hall, & Warfeels Drug storci, Erie Ta. To Consumptives. The unJcrsigncd having been reslor is to l.ciih in a few v.vcks, by a very a:n pi o rotuc'ly, alter, liiivitio suffered sc, vc-iiil year.-?, with a scvore lunr affceticn. an. the (Irotul diwiasc, Ciui-'imption is ensious to uiuko knovrn tohia fellow Euf l'cici'3 tiie iiicAns f cue. To nil who dosite it, ho will send a copy of Iho prosci'ij.lioti mc.i, (free of ohiirgo.) n ih the directions for prepar ing and usiiix tho fame, which thv will Gnd it ' uvp aire fin- COXSCMPTION, ! Asthma, I5p.i.r'rnriii. Counns, Colds '. cic. The otily ohj-ct of tho advertiser j in senmi, the prescnpli.'n is to VciiPlit thcafillcted. nnd spend infortnation which lie. e.ouoeivca to bo iavtiluablc ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, ; - r - - j - j J as it will cost them nothing,' and may piove a blessing. Pai7ie-3 wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. 'UTIIS0N, Willia usburg, Kiti2S County, New York. 'i'Moit, how He ::' stored. ;fteN Just publibhoJ, ' "' '"'' ' new edition of )r CulverwellsCelebratedEssay tn the iit'iidUure without medicine) of Sl'KltMAroniUKTA, or seminal Weak liest, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impo TENCY, Mental and Physical Incapably Impediments -to Marriage-, ete. asoelp Co.NSLMTlO.V 1'PM.KPSV, nud Fits, in oueod by t-e.'l'-itjdulctise or sexual ex. travau'tUice. B-vf'l'tiao, in a sealed envclupe, ODly G cent3. The celebrated author in this admira. ble e?.,ay clemiy deiiionstrates, from a bitty year.? successful praticc, that they alarming consccjiieiiccs cl tell' els uema be radically cured without the dangerous use ot'intertial medicine cr the r.pplica tion of the kuife pointing out a mod. of cure, at once simple, certain and effect uul, by means of which every sufferer no matter what his condition may be ! may cure lumselt cheaply, privately and rtfl'i.aUj. 0OTliis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man ia the laud. Scut, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post pi1, ou rccept of six cents, or two poi-t stamps. Address the publishers. CHAS J. 0. KLINE it- CO.. 127 Rowcry, New York, Pest cCice bos 455(3. BIEVLV AMUo7l FOR THE UAI3 rjfllir.S ELEGANT TIAIH IRr.:??INO AND wonderi t l. Hair Restorative still retains its precedence in farbionable cir cles, an' is superseding all other prepa. ration;, not only in this country but a'.-iO in Europe and Sou'.h Anieriea. Thou, sands of bottle's tire annually used ia the Court elrck.i of Paris, JionJ j:i, St. Pe-ter.-.bur and Madrid, and -the salo in Cub i is",ii.i. LTtKK ES' AM- III LOS IA is empes'-.! ofan oily extract li'om ticrii.s ot won i':r,r.I v.rtue, uul is liighlv w.-alcl with a vartcfy of esauis. 1" rtni It c-fleet u.d.'y prevetUs the hair falling out, and c.i.i: ? ittirjrow rapidly, thiol. in 1 lung. It liitiKos tne L-'.jV'.y appear- hair curl, an 1 ivej it a mice: Nu totli.'t is cumplct? withou it. 1'i'i?.! 7-"' Sold Lvdrti. l.u'::3 b tiie. i and dealers in fancy is in at; 1 i't'.i'N of tho civilized world ists ia evet v cify. and nt HELVES' AMERO:IA DEPOT, No. fij Fulton St., New Yoik. ekuouof Yorrii. A gintietnan who still. ;red for vcars from N'-ivous and (iotietal Deiiilitv, ; Nightly Euiis-iii i s nnd Seminal Weak ness, tho result of youthful iuiliseretion and came near ending his day in hope less misery, will, fur the sako of suffer ing man, send to any ono afllieted, the simple means used by biiu which effect, ed a cute in a ft-w weeks, after the I ail. ui e of numerous medicines. Sen I a iliwtfl envelope aud it will cost you nothing. Address EDGAU TREM AINE, Station L. 12th St., New York City. Consumption. A valuable Ircili-o by a Retired I'hysieian, on the nature of Consump tion and its various (stages, together with rules lor self treatment, an 1 si::iple jne .criplions whien have cured thousands, vill lie sent, free of charges", to any one ipplying. it will cost you nottiiiig. ai.u uay be tho means of saving your money m l pet haps your life. Sena an eddies .ed envelope to STEPHEN HAMLIN, M. D. 81 Murray Street, New Yotk City; March 17, '65-3ra. R A L Y 1 RALLY! TREMENDOUS RUSH TO TlJlh New Store AT CENTREVILL, ELK CO. PA La-iir, Scaassiso & SKEiaixota NEW GOOES have come THE PEOPLE Awake to mm Interest I As manifested by the daily tlronjr 0f custocjcrs exchatinif "green backs" for Goods. All the Domest In Pnffnn rT ,,1 - - ' u n .- -j vuu9 arv . '"S0- tustome.s, one and oil exclaim I now Cheap TourDresa Gocd ARE Our stock consists of S3 r y G o od s , Hats & (Japs, Groceries CLOTHING TIN WARE, HARDWARE Oils and Paints, Ik? cm. Wooden Ware, Pork, Flour, It is useless for us to attempt, to u full list of our stock, but invite ono and all, to drop in, and examine fop themselves. CnyIutter, Eggs, Potatoes, Grain, Hides, Calf-kins nnd all country produce taken at market jiriee, for goods. Centrevillo, April 25th 1863. Administrators Notice. IEfTEltS of Administration having J Lien aiiinted to the subscriber oa tlie estate of lie... A. Kicuzle, late o St. Muiy's boioitgli, dei-euscd. Notice is hi'icLiy givi n. to ull p(-rs,MlS knowiug thcmselvos iiidebtti to aid estate, to mako ituiiK-uiato pavment, tud all tLohO haviug claims tigmnst said I'ttutf, will present the sadfe duly authentioated lor settlement, FREDERICK KIENZLE, Admihutralof, C3 n & l p tiidgvag No. 19A 1864