THE ELK ADVOCATE Aln'i'.ii').'! T otice- Lette of Admi'i'Mrtitton ( i v been i-antcd in du? form of Law. t,. th sub- Win. Mack ennn the Estate ot IMisha .h'aek, Late of Salcin .M i t'o- VoaitcA. H.-T30.i IriVlll'.' i.n? cum lint Pill E.-M'e. a-e r. qwu-.l to preseut tumi tluiy au:.:t.n:i..-.--a .. tlcmcnt. An? i-evr-ai owinj- the .la'c. arc requeue J to m-iko payment foitu with. WILLIAM MAi'iv. A-hiUHtifrrt'f of the Unite f LOdut JLVeZ-, rr-r$l. June.lltli 1SC1. I. otters (it Admi'iistri'ion have be, ATTENTION LEGION1 ! All pi!ivotis iti l:lt(Nl to thy late Finns of Hcliot'iiiiu' it co., lit C'jntri'villc, Pa., miiiI Luhr tO .. it M. ?.,..ry'3 Pa, tiro EARNESTLY PEOUES-TE!) to coma iiifivarl without di: l.iv Fiirnilm'c. fit V V jtt,aii MANUFACTURER a: iUili.v." tltci: nn:i f Lit ..', to t .b- rranted in due flcibor upon the Kstaio. oi "I homis Over, turf, lato ol IJcocsottc tovi::hi Elk Couuty, deceased, All poisons bavins nuy claim ncainst paid Etd.atc, ore re quested to present, them duly anllu uti cated for petllemon.t. A tiy pi-v?"!! ow- in- he Kshi!,.. are rcnm'stid to I payment, forthwith :po;i- as WO cl ';U! Ill) our li!t it:c"3 Ly tho l-:t of April next. v.r .'im-un's must In; .-etlk' l ly that ti tr.o or the i'ur will In- somcwlifiv. F. S r 1 ! E N 1 N t J .V Co, ( 'en I rcviilo. 0. LF1IR Co, St. Haiy'a. Mar. ii, -1th P.- '")". 0 I'm i: J N N'A. rV- V TvTAXTJ ST'TvLT v, r. o o i: v 1 1 l i: r J Ttlo :i-t tt lijj .M11.J, Iv.iV'ni f'li:ii:a. in: .nviX'i-ROOM cir auis, And ('!Kii::Uied wave ol nil kind:;, also Cain Chairs, Cu'ti ilocking Chairs. Common or 7indsor Chairs. Bcadf-tra'! Till '!, Ktaiidf. ..ijl.t E.iiuih. ''!,:;t-ll t., Ci'i'r.or Sfj'.ids, Just ISeceived At the Pock Store, ft.IIarv'a i-.M'i:i;s ni-.AM.i'f, i'o.-. l, t, 3 1 cV ; . 1 ii'.i if primary r.ud jiictonal prihicr. J'ik-hel.? Cioo-raj,!iy & Atlas. Mitcliolrf jtntiM.ry (tconiphy. MWally'ri C'..rai!iv Moutt i'.l.s j riaiiiry Geography Sjn nci.a i ii coj)y l).-ok. u'cb.ster'.s common school Die- li' ii:irio.3. Prown.s Grammar. Towers do Murray do Nih. 1 2 Si :J pltiia copy books. I' liookrf. Letter note & wriliu apcpr Ink 1 Yni ! nve! j n -s 1 cncil A Volunteers and Conscripts! To F"l 1; rs or nny ollipva wlliitis; to in. cri-nsc tlifir itiuome. i hero is iw.i Ii"t t c-r vny 01 f lit lliic time, tlrin fi Dm tlie !"ilo f fv.iv v.:t':ln s. TuEf Aim WAuiiAM iiU as 1; i;i'tii.i:s 11: u ! I':;!t iculiii'ly viIimV.c f"r Ml'i.v.-rs in t'o Arti v I'a l tiiivck-i-i,." .7."; hcsUe't, ( COS Ian. IV'-Mii"-!. ).:! av j i?l;c:ip::-.t time -vw c.lVjfl" .V. . i;:ustra!fl N'cff I 'J. 'Yew l-vctlv nn ' dur.-iMi' Wudics f 'f the .-!: i::v."! N )'. A;. v Njiv I'i'lllilUhl ' ' i pun. ) Aiv "One df die nldct cml tisost rj' .;. (Ovv- p? in ' iiLjincid." LcnUvil HAGIO Till 2 OBSEEVrRS. Tnr fcctiii.-f t.jtlt : i::fct'um -hkii call Scr.ol i t. v l'jr!:i i:i t'lC ciill?t:'i:'i.n ; 'f r.mliitiulus if !: nthiT 1 ruilnci:! ur lTo'.iiiccil ty a ' -. Unl led. vit'Mlcil i,f ihii l.loi."l. i!i.t lU'M I i t - L .. "--r"rvi;joroi:,i nclioii, pna t ni'.l:i.. (? iil lliL-ir li' (TV. ii:.v;!y I,.;-;;. ili'iM-k f.iu'.l, ia-l'irL' the di'iri .( in, Adnijrustratoi' s iiCu-c: dli.iii liav'nvjr l.-T'l'l'.l.l ftll l.tiO V Notice kniiwin rstrito, 1 7" ETTKliS of Ac'mi ji I 1 been ciMiitv.l lo tlif :;n tho n-a..;i"( ( Ceo. A. Kii Ht. Mavj's boinnirli, r.c.fcas.-.i h hhrobv (jiven. to ail in i.-o: them:lvtfs irdebtcd to slid rstuto make imnir'.iute tinvmotit. ami ad li having claims :,ainst fiid f -t ilo, v.ii1 pvesont th; fame on'v auihrntioa'cd for hctdcir.cnt. rr.Ki'.r.ii'CK kiknzi.k, XEW PATENT ROTA It Y TliO f illowin facts dfmoii.a iv'-'o -Maii'iiiifs cornpi'o tic 'inproc'm:ix in Ihn .bc'Ci'i'; .'r, viz' I. 1'acll Mnrhi YY.RD. U gtiaranU'Cil to c'wo. i"'i th in anv .'t'ii r H:V. ill'J .Mad illtO !l Marki t, ov inoni ft iM:NisrKAio:i a N.'t-.' is lnM-d.y :-., ty '.f adinini; trat'niti on il. l'fii-i! 'r ':'!'' t i:a? vrill ucato.! i nion'inii'ii, J .'k fnlll.' ...1 ... t la t r n. tlial. let f-tati; uf ; iiy.i iu'"!' 1. Ii ivin;' ail KOCH. jlJU ll'.'r!! ( An'i-11 i""1' r.'.i 10 I'niiu. I'liliiy hav - 111, ti and Kxrriit'ivs d the ia'-t wiil and tp.'taioi.o.t of Ijorcny Mockman . laie yf St. Marys, ih'i-'d.'a'.l i-?rso!i knowin-; thcineivcs i:i h htcd to said ostatn will make itnniediitto paynipnt. imd those havii'i: claim tho t- ;. fit tin' Itij j inijioi'tat't -.'. j l- lu'lil in t!:o 1 have taken ma 1 pi-t m K ;(. i.t t lie 1 j ; 1 1. I- tl 1 1 i 1 it s ;itid fairs t'Vi C:-.;i.'l Sta:.-:. . Tlioy mate the 1-1: r'-'1' al; i'.'lll M.!,.'- H:iv'll' lllwie h i!( ;'n" and .-i'k nscl i ravfiin-; 1 i.Je siuii"-' ! shu !; and i-iiiL'.ie lii't a i .-"pw'nij; Mac v nt d roues, lioi.'koases, ,lc. .le. As. Wo span? no pains ia paekinp; fnvni. turo s.i that it can ho t-liippc l uny HU tanee willnut buinjr injured. I'o not f.ireet. the "DUOWN'S WARE KOOMS. Poc. 21th 1 jl.-ti. Administrator's Sale- "TY order ol the Orphans Court ol the Knunly or l'.lk. in the State of l'a., I idiull esp'vu to :-a'e, hy pulilio vendue or'out cry at the Court House in llidu. va,on tue.-dav the od day of January n, i ;it 1 i.'e'oek 1'. M , I' ' 1 icrtv .Milo.).; M-.f.v' ev.'ti vc r. in e I SOLDIERS IN Tlir, ARMY i j and onr people t vie new o G001 & inn oppnrt'iiiny rail oli t -i i n a homo wliK'il n- ere. . (- I'lMlAlILI-: TiM'.'.-T'IKC A YEIXY LOW LHUJUe. oi p. VATcnr.s ,c-j I Keln.!; a ITuntin or 0; rn Faenov t.i !y"a (iwntlomnira Wi'cii Ciiraobiue, villi or Patent Self Viinlinrr Imprnveiiiuut n mot rion-'in Xi.Toti V. Ovi- of tiik Pit irn i r.-'T. most con Vnrnr.NT. AN!) .U'c'ikdiy 0e fcc?t nnl cliJapcst time p'njeo for pciienil and n-liabic ti-e ever ofi'ei-i't. U l!awitliin it and cm ncrtct v. i h il R n:tli'oirr. its '.'vti vinilinj niip.c'.in.on!. i ( ii'.l'.'. o'? a key t-titiri-Iy mine Cd-s.-1'y. Tli ' e". -o of iliis .i.;1i nn -.'il'i I' two jtietaU. lint onteru'io Ia:'i !':ao l'",;;ii':il p i1 J . Il '.on ll'C linptovcd vnV(t : lever iii.ivprn'iit. im-l i i M.irvnmt i r m-il" li:e ; I,-..!'. Prii 0 ::; r'-' c:ii j iv, ;1. t i l' ( m-v; ul' i .l't' ii- .' e. " 'i J. ; . V.'mc'jv: iu i:t mi.-rvv :) , 1" i fir.-t t! 'i!-.. ..f h filie V a.'e ad ii't' d to the widet t r.iie.'.e .'avy 1 i --1 : r M'wiu;.'. V hive no rittiimr Vfiri-51. or cio'.i- jif .K'l: mi' i, ; t keen in n p;i:r. . 'i'tiey lei!iire! or oli. and no "ljep-j,!!' iart :o olean ituthetit' Miue will t reseri'. tlietu i Cated for settlement. GEO. Ei). WXIS, n-jjeti'er KOTK'E. The Stockholders of the "PemiHylvani i Caune! (!oal Co," tin; "Shawmat C.innil Coal Co," and the "Shawimit and llidjw: Hail "."ad Co," are hereby notified that, a nieelin will be hoiden at the " of t'ne Treas urer of the iirpt named eumpanv. in the city of Uoston (J. F. Juekcrmai; No. 20 City EKchan'e; on Eridi." the four tcenth day of April next :.i 11 o'clock a.m., to coiisidir the . ce -ptaiice of a charter cobsuliilatinir the three eorjiora. tbns. li.SaUon't-all.Prfs't.. I'.O.f. Co. W. S. Katun, IWt.. . 'V C C . Henry Souther, -'t . S. d- II. K. H. Boston, March 21-st ls.'i.'i. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW to srt needle. n-'ulate loiiMiii, or ouerato .d.iL-lnnc I'leae e.i'.l an 1 examine and deuinn. ptrate I'-ii- yoiii-self. or fend i'oi circvltir with samples of sewing. N. IJ. Town and IVuntry Agents wanted. TINKLE & LYON'S. R M. CO., No. .ri')S roadway, New Yovk. rill'IF." DEMORE3T3 IlIilEOR OF rASJlON'S M'.TI.Ul.V .101 UN A I, I'L' IIA'11' SI'.t.MiKO Circulation li.i,t):a largest in the world.) Em-h number contains latye :iti,I m:K-nifieei!t Fashion l':at-..f. sn'i'lldid ' ive lot, in i t sat . c .in-. : y M '.iK, a.-;l"ts. No. nineteen ( 1!' ) twentv riio 'v2l f'ien'y-ci -'i't f-'s) twenty. (our ,'2! 'iM.d twenty six ',21V) on cro-s street, in front on cross sireet one bu'idrcd i' 1" ' ) loot fieh and in tit lij.l t aiij'lei two liumlrid (2't:) feet. Venus of .-.lie. one third of (he pur i ha"" titonry in hand ct eoni'o.-niation of sale and the te-idm- in two e'ji'a! annual tnstahncl.ts tlierrafter. o be s-( cured by dud 'tnent. !"iid and Mortu-ace ANTHONY M EYE A'linioisirator of ANTHONY ME YEP. dced r-i ' 1 1 "T . I t 'l.ll-:!i)li Insurers in tbu Yes . . , 1 T I. ISianen litsuranoe v ompany in iier. Haven Penna., must pay the amount due sai l comnanv. levied bv it in toses- riUiltj:. QU lents. Nns. fl & 10. to the tindcrsi'.'iie 1 before., or duiinjj nt'Xt Cotut week, otbarvrise pvocecdiug will be conitncii cod a;..-i'tit tliem, lo compel c-ueh pay. LVriUE J. IT. AKELY. Attorney for the. Co St. Mary's, Pa , Nov. 2t,.tli 1X01. PTSSOLI'TION of PAETNEltSIlIP v. r. i; a mud nn u i:r mvkai'i n:nl tlm l.-.i; f is nllowcl tlie Privil ( oi' I'.'xamiiititioii. BE IV UK I'.i i'.'J EST IS E K(j l IllEli at-.v. i uni'l lmyrrrr.1 Di'jilr.r in fit',' l'nh:; Arti'm. A first class lliintiiiu Tinie-Fb-ioc ol Silver n-f!leri:t1. uvei- r l.teli a i-!oi-'.rii-tine y.luio-l ' 1 !:. i-'il'l. tieist 'laiiilei' wuuifrlit, making li o iinnali' a s. f'-uilt'irsi tlnit il -? 1 1 : ' t l.o iV.-tce!i"l IV.'ia s.ih.t n.ntei-iiil 1-y the n:i.l c?:i'r:-ii aci-'i inn-;!':; : ni'-.-Is win nut nt c?i e. I. mrlnn iini'!'! ni'ivc pent. l.Mi nov-! I i lit-i'i.t-:; ;it nit 1THV action, li r. - sweep ! i;i"Ui tiinl is n it t.i l.o cvt!1 .. in regj al ' il is is lo ci in nt v ct:e el 1 no I'vcr ef!" -i: 1 I'tT il .-i '.i i en 1 .'i.;iiifer-. l!i .i''iml-1. fuel .'.v.;. will f.n 1 i In m cj evinr ti !! ci to i"ii ( f clii.'tilc v.-iil net . t i.i n-- l'ri-'e. r.ttcl.e.t in jr-ici ' slrijT' nntl v.n;"' i ae.minjr enlcr, onv :,0, or l-tlP it 0 fnr S J"0. lt-via: 1 c f.-Li; m;;: r.r.Ti.G ixv Krs, F.F.ST (JFAMTV MLVr.' CASr.S. over w!u:'li eloelre-fine ( '.ite'l It-!;, gol-l. shni'n.r I l onr Imp-i'vcti llni.icx. iitul -u cviov ! liisti'il nmvcnii'i'ts ':'!i vtep," In lie inaal .n liminir lii rres. cte. ; lni'- Fiitir lrnlcius ier Wniliinjrtfii ntei 0-.epnw:c'i lime, sweep ecfiii 1. nno nil tlie inini-nvemct.ts. All in nil, inkinj: its liciuti'i'.l an 1 lacllk-a i:p- I petivaneo i'.':'l its supi'i-inr in vi'inciit into ii' 'iatiiiii. we rc;;ar:l il sis dec1 li"lly tlie rkcaiiest at i ie'e of t!,e kin l in tlie niniUet. Vi-'n-o. in pneii i niiirn i ci ilcr, i?:io, of case of (1 f,.i- i-'-:. H. t'T'We ak nn pay in advance, tint will fniwav l eil'iP!' ef thou lo ri'vi on- -.h'e liar tie, te it!".' t-'n-! e!' ike Inval Stato, whli I'anlinc Time." 1 iit-v uf in 'Vfiitci I, l i inty 0 , r!ie:ipi:es la 1 1 ero univi- til f.-.r w.i ana eiictt ral reliaii'iii. r.y oth-'. a a their All iaiifiii'i'i ro Hulticst tlnit it can ly lie (leU'cli"l liy tl: mo-t pyjcrii'tuv tnltros, Hie inatin-ial lu in.-r ef tv,a nv'tii'i" tlie onli'i- i, lie first ij'inlity Sieraii'-r Silver vliile tlie inn'".- one i (irrinan Silver, ii . :: li .l t? rpi:.i;.iii-;'i 1 y ciriinj; rv l.e.-.vy in jiraviti.T. intikin i'. mil ia :. I '1 avnin.- '. ei, iniinia .0 !. . ilio l.e-t r"-i'!iii'! ii:'-' -in i J.'l UTA'CUMi Sll. Kit in oxisiciiee. Tin -tiic nf t liesn Vt'alcltc ill llie Army u t miii-O' ul' i'iiii!!!i"in, reiai!.! ar, a -' 1 cy very vcri'li'.v -In. i.t ?-' nv. uj wai-'is Many l.iinili.' l -',illiii cn-.i lie nitelc in ft sii.s t'.p . a y (iiiy t y any me c'. '.' .iins.vy '-e :'. -'. n(ni : !... at v;it;a:-i ix oni.v : in l.e-.y.;- limit ini; I'tijit' I caalitnUy eni'iive i. while enamel dial, mil fa ivy e'H liaml.--. in pm-cl uimitof nvlev. hy tin; louf J-.'ea, ?7J. V. ! i ni'y- hy tlip ean nf six! ' Upon receipt of two l.'l'irs, ns pnavintce of p-M.-lfailii. Ytn willsitad wtdekf ' l'.V t-s-pi-ei-s in any part of the loyal t-ii-.te. enllee-tinp- halaii'-e of hill on ileliveiy. Tlii-t to ut res lie.yers n.L'ainsI fi-iiinl. (i;vin llieai tln ir v. -it l-Ih's- 1 cfiiiv ..". tni'iil H r ipiirvl. .nT.l'i.'r-'ill ia-'-!'! l'-..' Ml:T V.' cash in Ai.v.'.Ncit. a- li e cpr.' s .itnt'.paniys fi-e, i'ir.7.v ronkiiijr ci'!e tiens in sin1! ilanir.-n us lot.-alilies. ltei.n n.lici'. 'J'l.e rtrofu'.otia tontMuini'tinli i va c.n eil 1 v vierenri.;! di-n-, 'W 'ed i!i"i uion I com niiiieniwsjr V:r, li'lth end t'.hliy lial.i'S vices, ftll I m ove y fie vciien al infi a linn. innuon ..-cri;-.!-., it li l'.'.mhtaiy in tliu jonstitutioi., c 'te'.i'.;i" "Coin parentj lo children unt, tho tiiirl end fji-.rill et iieiation j " iauia al, H nei n:s to 1 o the 1 iilif Kim who hivf, " I will visit the iiiiiiciiics tf li.o f.-.tliers upon Ihen cl.ihlrcn." 'il'O diseat-es it oriKinatua tako venous r.aiiKs. r,c'.oii!iii; to tho organs ik attack-, la too I..113S. Scrofula product. . tn'.crclf -a, lid finallv ( oiiMiinption ; in tho rHiiiilK, iw.-lling v hicii ii;iuiv.le and lie cuaae ulcerous rores; in the thniatli nr.'l lowiht, ihratigciiici.H vhi'jh produce inUi- 1 f .n, l-v.-pi ;-'.a, liver conii'iiiici.- , v.. ' the i.h'm. ti-uptiiu I. n.l (.litiiiicoua nlU.i-tion!. i 'Ilics-e, all hnOin? the sima: n isin. reiitiiru the i l emeilv, ,z.. ptu-itiealloti 1.11 1 iuviora 1 .; -,,P lie lined. ln-.ilV t:.'-' h !'"-"' ami thcfO ( i-i'O-.d !' t.-r..!'fis h avc iti. fail le, I-. .!. or -:-. evt-.d Iha.h v-u caf.r.'t 1 .tve heal .!-.; vith ti. t 'i.:: t ' '--;''' Pi.. i".1 y. ini ci' h.'.e urai:!iia.: Usfca'.e. Ayoi'd SavsariaviViA Is compounded f -uin tin' n. , I t'ectu: 1 cn'.' detta tla.t inedienl M.ielice I ai ditci.vreil W ti ia ntliictin ilistemi er, nr-.l t r li e cure of the ih.-uiih is it i ctails. 'i hat it i" far supV rior to iir.v other laaicdy ' I deiised, is known Lv lill wlio lao. e t'iven it i. li n h I lir.l ii .1,,.. inline virliKi truly extraordinary ia t'.ieir t-iieet upon this .!a of iii'ltunt, is proven Ly the evei't inulc.ludu f puhlich- known and r'-ni'ivUahie cures it ims inailu of the foUowin' (liiease.i : King's Hvil, cr Swellings, Tumois, 3a-uptior.s, I'i;r,pl:s, P.lotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rcsa cr &t Anthony's lire, Salt Tiheuin, Scild Head. Coughs from laberjulots depcits in tho liuigs, Whno SvvellinRs, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia. Dyspcprii cr Inaigettioa, Syiibilts and fe'-rrPUitic Irrwtlens, ITcronvi?.l Diseases, Ftmb Wcaknr-ss&N and. in-ic h. he whole set ( . '1! a tin ! iO.S litii. Hi I -'-' : i "in 1MI1U1MT 11 h Tiiii.ute i-ci ot ijiin..!tiai eases 1 iiiy l e l"iitiu m .vii.ns e-"1 " '' Almanac which h- fnrrd-hcJ t the iiriifi-jist for rrratn'-ious t'.i.-t r;l'iiii"ii , v.'her. in may l. l.:i-ii.-d llu; dire lions fir its mc, 1:111! nii;(t cf tlie v. I'laikiihle (l-.n s v. h-i h it has inaile vlan 1.I1 otl.i r 1 111:1 ilics 1-d failed io i.tli.'til rilivf. Tii'i. e ui" : are pntpo.-ely taken from all nations of the lountiy, in .1 rdcr that en. rv reader ijwv lane i.i(' .-s to tome one who can i pci.U to of its 1- n tils f cm pi iMinal 0 pi 1 ieli' tserotula ih l"-c-ses the it..l n:ci!-:cs. mat thus it viciims far ti ore in'.: i t t 1 oiMioc mid its 1'an.l resulu ! ,.1 ,ie" li !:! V I OIK-til Utiel S. lletUC it af tin CuA in n.i.;iu-.-.',ti-nm 1. o'oa Cimw.v .-.. ra .,,.,,.,' ,.,! ,l , ,.,i ;.t!v l-holteli. .,i :'"" " ' V"'. . .. ... 'is.., o i,.. AL1TTIE OF EYERYTIIING relatinurto the human system, mala nd female; the causes and treatment of diseases ; tho niarriao-e cuaum.-i of the world ; how to marry w. U and a thou .mil thin'is never rublk-hrd hefiue read iu. ,,:,..l nn.l i.a,irel edition of .V-'a 111c iv t.sii . - , - ''Mf-nir-Ar, C(iMM.N KNSI'.." a curb ' illustrations ol ul 1 the fa ..'.unliable and Paris novelties., for ladies' and children's lrc s, use'ul information, and the four lile sit.o battel ns, cut ready for u-e, etc. etc. Yearly, ? 1 ; sinirle ci.pie, -'- cents, l'ubli: bed'at Mmk HfM'n'.i.s'i'.s l'.mpo rium of Fi'.ihioiis, No. 47:1 Ulead N. Y. S 1 L l'.N I lf A .V I) V A 1. 1" A Ii 1 . 1". I'R E M 1 U M S ' ' ! raeh Yeaily Fubsi liber to Mine. 1'e mortst's Minor of f ashions is entitled to the selection of )'J cents worth of Extra Patterns", or a cf ycl Mine. 1 emoicst' Sysime I'o Cuttinjr liildrcn' Drcssefs j or for ') cuts extra, the l.iidies' Ssy . Notice is hereby friven that the Partnership, Lumbering business here, tofore carried on by the undersigned under the firm name of IFoton, Ely it Co., is this day dip solved by mutual con. !'Cnl' CH ARLES IlOltTON, K. P. ELY. IXAAC IIORTON, Jr. Kid-way, July 17th 103. I nl-iter. I t ie tic V".', "vpft-M. 1 hill pr.ynl'le In -Ty ri'ssin'in w'.ieil ihe poods are di'iivei i l. civing t.'ie hnyer the privil- i epe of f.:iiiiitni!inn. r.inh if nit is i'tiol dry ; I he wntcli pan ie retie l.ctl nl onr ..-pi'iise j 'flu express companies. ref..e tnakinir j collpefions ou snMi.--r-' innl otfer 1 States, consoftni'ut ly nil Fneli ord'-rs must ( lie iiceoiiijianip.l hy the rtih to insure at- tention. V'cianke n do dm 1 inn of two del- I hirs on ciilipr wateh whin the payment ii fiirwardc 1 in ndvnnre. j Money "nay be soul hy exprcis at out' cx- ; pense. T1IOS CAPi-KIiTV ,v CO.. ! 03 cn f.r. l ioad ft., epiimite C ly Valid l'l-uvido nee, 11 I k, ll't .a ir-i,lr. tl-,' inn,- ,l !n,, i w'i(!t!ier tin", are scut hy mail Hubhard Eros., cla Imp crtcr Gi)DY'S LADY'S BOOS the averace liuiali vast iii ian lain e 1 1' T II E Fasliion Magazine of tlie "World. L1TEU.V1 l.KE, FINE AUTS AND FASHHJN.S. The mo,t uia-uilieciit Steel eiuriivinjs o;i ovory subj-'ct that 11 of human hie. 1 ho these icmidcrutiurs lins lodus to ipi r.d yiars i:i pn n clu's-a'y V.hie'.l is j.dli.lii'le to it tir.f. 'I'iiU t llu' f,er 1 1 l! c i'uI.U'.' l.rah r ti t lu-.n.e cf Am 11' r:A:i!Ai u:ii.i.A, c.ld.iueli it is lainpoM-d cf ;v-r,i'i, us. n ine i f which exeicil the Lest cf Sir:.tiyaril,'a in lihciali. 0 power. l;v iu r'nl vou mav protect yoiirselfi'ioin the mlkr ir.K't.iiil ilaVeeri f lhe-e lii-orilirs. l'muo i. il o ft ul corriioticr.s that rot and letter in the 1 1 a d. j ur;:e 1 lit the causes of disease, mid vigorous health viil follow. Hy it pecu- gTKAY iiUEEP. Camo to the premises of tho f-ubcr:-ber, on or about the 1st of November, two Ewes and one Lamb. The owner is vcipiested to come forward, prove property, nay charges, nnd take them For a club f ) 5 subscribers at 81 caohV away or they will bo disposed cf aecor. will be sent Poem's, Anhin's cr liny 1 diS to law. tl 1. Il I . .11 L ' 11 ...Vli.l li on3 book for curious p e'iple, a:"! u book tor every o in. . 1 1 1 Illustrations. Pnee 8 1. ". Cin'et.ts table sent free to any address, Hooks may be had at the Hook stores, or wil! be sent by mail, po it paid on receipt of the price. Add ess E. ! FOOT'-',. M. 1., 11.,' V, a iway, N. Y. KOTH'" O? MM! I h.) rAKl'.F.i!'!.l KUriCS i hereby jt'v.-ti tl-ai Tin !. . Palen, heretofore ic'iJ i'l' a' Mii'irany. ( ai laraugus Oouiny, in'h. Snue of Ni'V Vo.k hut no f reviilin. at tVi.eo Kik t'ooniy, Btatc of IVuiis-ylvania. and .lane's I'. ark, tresidenon nt Vli'ieioii'id in the Si at j of Ne Jer-i-y, have foriiic.l a li'iiued p .1 1 'o'i-s'ii) pursnnnl ta tin- l ot he I icn.'i'a 1 Issead lv ot the Si at 1- of Ih-nn-i ' a.ii i. pas'i-d 'he -tut of Mire'i lsh- -ii 1 n ci r 'l i'ive lo !im:l? d pa.ta" i-" na I il j -I' snp-pte-nenu. fe- t.e n,f ! - ie of l.e iVr at Wile.lJT f ill l.'od e. Ol l'if e." l'V'e; ,.r.,, t : ' ' ' i c 1 ',. ,1 t , o.. Xheo.' re 1' th:s . ' " . ' ;i ue Of the toi.-:'i ' 1 - . ..; of leai in r : '' ' ', p.vtn-i' is T.i.' f 1 '.it!'.'-.. - .... :.- I' lit'.UM i: ...'.'-. 0 ' ' ' 1 ' fipiiu'. 1 '-.a; r.i.ii'e '. ':V ti...- :i l ; . : J liittf .".1 1 1 ' 1 e ' 1 -.. . .s 6igSt- n t'voi- i.i 1 d el-i'-s i i . r.erst,j, ;j ,..,,,1 :,, 11, !' ,..: it.,, i.'-.-i. 'v 4 p.-il A. I'. I -"! 1 .tl 0 '" bv ' r ' 1. l-j-rh i; i at ' 13)1. nihil- ''; ni;tet!7aP Of 1 1 1 WS 1 .l! I if I iol OliC u polotidiil I'hotoL'i'apb Album. I ''ra low ;;M"1' l'or a oh:!' ol S. Gode's La Iv's P.ouk . .1.-.. fi- ;.i.. .... ,.l....o Or l.n in lie. e I 1. 1. ie-, 'i t'.i I J , . . , . I . .. o '. 1 I ji'ilt, or steel liaCK v oiitn. or i-ioi. i oino, A Club of 10, M me Hemotcst's 83 Puiiuin r Slileli Sewim: Machine, or a Sell tuck in.: Xilachim.iit, or a lull set ol fc'tcel or Gilt Combs. I A Club of li'j.a new Whealer ami Wild I son"s 8 e W in '4 niiiei.iii:- wit'.i Ilemratran j ?i '.ftneki..-' At'aehmciit. j A ('l i'' d'')", a splendid pater t lever ' 'm Vtl !.'l.sl1...M or,, enhtlel tothe 1 lior'a knapaaek or pocket to bo used . ' i , ',, f' upon the hrst appearaueo r.ri'iiiium. an 1 uiti.e " up oi ; l . tie club an extra copy oftheM'uror of Fiisl.ioii.s bo- one year. Auv iiuiioii rol c?l subseriptioiits sent towerd makintr up a c!ub, will be i ro litcd lb" same iis ii sent altnother. v. ilst 1.103. IYU'A) MONEY. A liATl'full list PIUSES PAYAl'LE TO of ALL une be seen at the oiheers. These and ' till other claims against the Govertimcnt ' iirotuotlv collected. 1 Ax Ori tci'.it in the Ahmy whites ; I 'At iiisifciion 1 noticed that a larre prtiporti i:i o! the men's knapsacks con. i initio 1 a box of Troches, being jrenerally I used by them lor colds, etc. "JSroicu s I Uriii-luo Throe In-" should be in every can int.' la lies. 1 roe net I.n :tt !!,;. , Netlii.f. Kmhroidevy, Anie'.e--for the Toih" j for the l'- rhir, th:; I'.oud.jir an.l the kh.!i. " , V "l, " I en. Kvvrvthh'g, in fact, Ie make a com i E. & II. T. Anthony & Co., 1 pi..0;--s o..u. i Ms'nufstcturcrM.l' rLoUcfrailuc -,lhe ladies Favorite For 35 i Materials, Years- I .'a Mag iziiu li.n h-'oa c.h.e to ciuipe'.o Wttb U. None atienipt it. i ;uui:v 's itfcriirTS ! ' for every depart ini-ii. of a household. These : alone are worth the price of the IJouk. Model Cottages (no ether MjgAiiuo gives , j them), with diagrams. . i DUAW1NU VOTITIIK i'OU.'.'G. ' Aiioih'i- speeialily wiih 15. .dev. i oaiUINAh ML'SIl.', worth ?1 a year. Other Jairazines pnhlish old worn-out ir.u- j ,-ie ; hut the suhserihers to UoJey et it he 1 fore the iiiu-ie stores. of a celd cr WIIISKEHS ! WHISKERS ! T)o vou want Whiskers or Mousiaches? fire iiiiniuel's as soecinieii.-i seui posi. .' jt of I -ents. terms li-r airents. Send fjr .1,,-. (M(i :ici . Our Grecian Compound vrill force them to f row on the emoothi a face or chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six Weeks. Price, !? I Sciitbyujail t.nywhere, closdv sealed, on leecii.t ot price. A l L ess, WARNER fi CO., U jx 133 Eio .klvn. N . Y. vnoi iai.i: ami r.rTAtr., Chi I'.JtOAHWAV, X. V. Iii ml lii ion to our main husiaessof IilO T( Hi It A I'll If MATEIMAl.S.v;o are Head quarters for the following, viz : Stereoscopes and Ster3D333pic Views, i Of these w.i have nn iinmeiiso n".soi-tm"nt, including H'ai- Scenes, Aaierieau and t'or- ii eiiies nn.l LaiKlseapes. (i.Miips, Stani- nrv. .vo.. Mi. Also, iievuivnn .(i'vc,-.oopi's. for the public or private ehib'.thni. Otir t'aiiil.uiiie wi.l beseat to nay address on rei'jipl of Sump. lilGTOOKAl'llIC ALIIUMS. Wc were the first to intro ' those into the United Slates, nn 1 A'e i:miiiif.icnii-e ini tnciise fiuaatiiii's iu grcai varieiy, vanning in price fi-osu &') eeins to fS'O each. Our ALBUMS have tlia rep'iniiioii of kelng mi perior in hpauty aiiJ d'.iruhi'.iiy u nny oiheis. 'i'liev will ha sent hv ia iii, nitc, tu receipt ol pi ice. f jf'l 'i.NE ALBCMS ma nr. to or.i),s!J cakd rnorooaAiv;s. Our Ciioi'i.i(;ui now pinh-aces over F1VK Tll'il''AND ihfl'e-.eiit Milycets o wiiich nddiiioiis are conliiiually hein laade) of I'm trails cf liuiiiient AiiK i ieaaa, ic, ii : nhom lhir irtucs this n iuidy stimuli tcs ll;c vital I'unctieits, and thus .Npi!s the ilisten.pcr which lark v,ithin the tystem or 1-urtt cut on any piii t of it. . V'e kr.ov,- the public have Veen deceived l v I. amy compounds of vrMjuiilu, that piriiiitid much nntl did lioiliin; : 1 'it they v iil liiilhcrl e ihuiivid nor disi.j i i intcd in this. Its viiiucs have lain provi n l y aUin li.'.nt trial, end there n mains no (picst'ioii of Its Hirpassiui,' cNi clleiice for the cure of tho llliittiiu' diseases it is intended to reach. lihnu;di under the tame name, it is a wry ihhcrciit medicine from any other which lias l een lei'iire the people, mid is far more ft feetual llian any other which lias, ever Veen available to thcin. CIIERHY l'KCTOUAI Tho World's Grer-.t ncuieciy for Another pceu'.iiy? (hi dfiiiu.i for Ladies. lty wall t. nicy. 'l iisliio'iis IViiai Me'.-rs. A. T. Stewart & Co., of New York, the millionaire, mi lchaii's, appear ill CioJi-y, the only maga zine that has i Ii .-in. Aho, Fashions from the celebrated I'.rodie, of .New York.' 15 .iiai'ts. We (.'ive mire cf t'upra in n vear than anv ot her ina-aziii-. Ia fact the Lady's Ihiok i-n iljl.'S every lu ly to bo h.r cku boiim-t laaher. j Million t:;:rlrn:5, i .luili-fits of "Mon," J!U,!,n Eiith,'' '.Vil-jTH. and for no t '.vn .''c-., "Avoirs.?," una i wriies for (lodev each mouth, I oilier magirrht). He lnivento retiiued ail ur old liiid fivorite eoiiirihutors. i. Couclis. Colds, Iiicipient Con- cuiniition, and bi-tuoroliet of Confiuinptit epftticuta ia advnticcd ttnC3 cf tbe diEcase. This I .as l een to lot.y' it-id ar.d c uni Tersally kr.c.i. n. that we r.ccd do no mora than n-Mirc the puoiic that its quality is kept up to the U-t it ivcrhas hem. and that it li-.i-.v he nlied on to do all it Ii:is ever done. 1'iepi.vcd I v Da. .1- C. Al tit i Co., j'. uctiml and Anuljlical Chi'mists J.owell. Mas. CoU Ly idl uitif gifts cwry where. uaE cua u: ror. uivtiieru s Feb. jt!i 03-- -lvt. I V. i t- i I'i 4 7 i !i; s t ion 1 1 ! 1 'i 1 Oonumi va'.uib'.' ; Cousut:.;-'! all thro '. a C:'. I'gC."! I ', Bev. K'DV, l'L- be thi -..I I pi, Consumption. 1 1 ,y il lii ' tit. tin i-o ol Ci.nsunip- va.-e.u- Nt u;es wnii at'i.'io, an 1 si'irdo pre hit :i have cuted thoasauds, I i'li;i' .;e. to iii'V olio c ist V"U liothi.!r. and t.l s iviu yiiiir uioin y it-, ,''c no an o Idle-'- lou Mnpth'hprnls, oiltl llrig leiicrals, -To I'oloni-ls, I'I'.I l.ieut. ( ohmels 2.M1 Other Otlicers, 7 j .Saw ( ilfea i s. Iol I'roa ::,ool) i ippliidins pi-1 hiciioii neul F'iri'i lih'S Of A'o ."i-'iil Siniesracn, IS 1 lMil.i'S, l'.'o A ul li (ivs, fl Artists, 1-Ja Ktaiii', oil Pi .un lit Women, :i I'oltr ails. Us of Art, I' I he nest ee'ehra- . li ¬ lt r.iil tu -: vi i I ! ' ill 1: ami ililS7 .1 v. Wih 3 oiotitl s A. V ;;:-e u: ' : ' js 10 '-; i , - Cn., ii rv Y.:l:. T.i-.r: ;. n. t r.-.-k Ci tc I lairaviniiS, 1' lilitinps. S.ntiH-s, ie. I'alaloiiues siait on i-pppipt of .-lamp. All ol der for I loo l..zea I'icmves from our Cut. iiio.te will be tilled on il.e re.eeipt of SI SJ, ami sent by ii.nih i it ti:. I ' ho' oif '-1 1 di e'.'S and others orderinj poods ('. (1. Il will ptea-e. lPinit tweuiv-hvc per cm o! the iin oiiiil with tl en- oiei r. I . H. II. T. VNTMOa'V & CO., .1aiiiifacl .n of I'ho'nfri'.-ipliie MalP'-lals, .-. .i iiii.i vd-.vay, ni:.v yoitic. i.-,r"7". .- L 4 a ! til :-j fir jaJt la.' ' . I'm'". No., ll'.ti.'nl. I'Jaios. M .. h I Dic:cinson'& (.'. l't- m.i:.:- -,a M iicliHudise l'ruvisioiis Ae.,on t'iie ! ikcuJy pay yic,ti, al pucea much lo 1 tho advantage oi purchasers. t AM of w ii -('neti'i' R-eairi'i . Jil'S at t bi-rh :iiry mii titu v. i 'F all .e , v.if ttout I rely on rotiii l ccei , ed lay?. r . iv. their SEXTOS & BOILS, Februarj 4tb, 1965. FRANK X.EXZ 7 i 3 L Si , Centrorillo, Elk county Pa ai; OfJ) EYES MALE NEW. pamphlet direct. m how to peedily restore si"ht and uive up spectacles, without aid of doctor of med icine. Sent by mail, free, &n receipt of 10 Cftits. Addict, E. 13. FOOTE, M. D., i ISO Broadway, Jf Y T E K MS O P GODEY'S LADY'S BOOS FOR 65 (Tor i. ',a-.' th'rt an ' in lriHion.) The t';? tin; the terms of the La ly "3 Fook for lii"). At ina-si nt, "Ai will veeeive su'j.-ei ibp-.-s al the following vines. l)ue no tice will Im given if we uro obliged lo nd Miuee. whiiiU wiil depeui upon llie price of paper. One copy, one year S' f0 'f wo copies, one ear o 5o '1 liree e.. pics, one year V 60 l o it- copies, oi.e year 10 OJ lave copies, une year, and nn ertrl c ipy lo llie pe. soil teuJinj the club, mailing s copies 11 00 F.ijsat e j,iies one year, and an citra copy lo the one scudiotj tho club. milking nine Copies 21 CO l.leven copies olio year, mil an ex tra cony to the one neudlin; the club, making twelve copies 27 6J Additions to ui.y of tho above c'.ub S- ")'' eneli HiilisonlHtf. G .dpy's I.sdy's book and An bar's Home wul lie tent, men one, on receips of i l 50. W e nave no clab with any other Jaga:'ine or Aewsiper. The raouey inaul all be sent at one lime for any Club. Canada subscribers inust send 21 cents addaiouul for eneli subsoribcx. WALU3'BOVIiD MAOIC BALM. WHAT T U L li A L .M It i L, t. uu Itemnve Obstructions, allay Infliimutioas facili'ale 1'ei- p raiion and Cireuhii ion, rc-da.-cs Ui.hirj.-.'.iiiiiiis, and vitalize and sii-piiu'ih.'ii weakened puts fi amp and llil lioiis' I'.d'-e, Niivous ll. ndnche, Furaehe. I'.oriis, Freezes, Toothache Sprains, bruise', .v'c. ; mil for rspiaius, F.iuises, Oalls, Heaves. Iesteuipcr, in ln'.rsi-s. 1 a i;,.f t. r otiio ..I' iniv 1 uin Kiuer ( Itii.-L- tt.l 1-. in inc. There isuo inai m so promplv in relicvinjf the ills euuincrated ...tit.M.i'i.i.. Ptihn. which descries to re- eivo tiie fuior ot the public. It l.-. its own recoin-neinlatijii. aim oy u.e jn-i io. 'ii of good work?, i-here il is know n, now eu- vs the hiih i reputation. For t-a.e Xij 'VowcU, U.-uU K M-Vcan. liidway Pa. Whole-ale by Carters id Hull, ii tl urlecls Liruc stores, Kric l'a. Addicas I,. A. GOUEV, .V. E. Corner S'.'z' ontf CWru' S'r'i ERRORS OF YOUTH. A nent'emaa who suffered for yatr from Nervous and General Debility, Seminal u eak p.ess, the result of youthful iudiscretiort and c une near ending hi days iu hone- le3 ini.-ery, will, i'or tho saku oi euner-in,o-man, send to any or.a ufflieted, the simple uieaus used by blm which effoet ed a cure in a fow weeks, after the fail, ure of numerous medicines. Sen 1 a fUteriml envelope and it will cost yon nothing. Address EDGAR T REM A I NIL, Station L. 12SthS; , i New York City,