The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, April 13, 1865, Image 1

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Tattrte i j7bl akely
sJUilgwnv, r Eemringor 1'. (). Elk Co,
T. 1'.
A 1 1 n ii
A 1! 11 A M S
N r. V A T L A TV
II A 17..V. pa.
Vltorney's nt f.iw. R'nlgwtiy Elk cnu
Fa., will attend tJ ;;!(. pivlosslou
usmcs promptly.
, . CH.VP1X & " WILBUR."'
Attoniev s rikI Ci'imsoVr's a( Law. Oflic
id l.iV m.H-k. Lidgw.iy Mk C. Pa
Parti' :ilUMifin:i :.ivin to e Oki-iiulis
and a'.i l i !t'"n :'.. nq ily reiuitte.1. Will
tiso !;.'." i-.t :i (' .unties.
J 0 II N
vay Elk. County IVnna
St. .M'irv's Klk bunfv IV
DR. V. 7."eiIAV.r,
Practices Mcdii
. i I ill r4 It
E C I. 1. c T I f P II V SICI A N
L'lv nt' Ji'.i; n n '-'l'lly T'.i j
. tv lr promptly ;i 1 1 -w . r at!
:nv,vr ret!
,u -Ai ;ial
n.'O ' r.e,
ul Mou.
lls by
niLi'iit ur
, Joor I'.i-i of tho
J. L. (wliirf.
ll. C. II.
'Co., IV. liiisey Elk
Wi'il ud tft nil call
night or iiay.
eotel cauls.
"fLuiitain house,
joh. :. ran-:;;; l , '
lliiliiway, Eik .C.jimty Pi nn'a.
Luther-bur;,', CI. ir.ield Coi.uly I'a.
. C-i?-rr'."'ri''k i".' I'l-.tpri.-tur. bar.
lug built a larj-eand o :u r ti . t. t m Iioum),
ii now pr ;.-ud t,i t-ater to the want? id
ihe travclin;:- ptd.lic.
Lutherihutv, J uly 1-UU i'"l. ly.
. l UTUKUsn 1 1: i ; no n:r
Lulhcsin;;-,. C U i:iJi 11 Co. I'll.
-VILT.IAM Sf'l'IWIf, TYrrklor.
otLuthcilMr;.'. .Tii'y tiTtli 1.51. tf.
Corner of Pench Street and
the Lulialo Kcaa,
E 11 1 K r A .
N2NOS B. HOYT, Px-opnetor
SgThirf House is new and lit'ed up
.tilth o-pecial euro fur t!io c .iiveim-nce
and comfort of quests, at moderate, rafts.
" tgfooon fTABtisu!:i'T,J
; ; 7. ... ;,. '
t'-DAVID THAYER, Prop'r.
40TUin bous irf jfMs.nil7 s:m:i'.' 1 on
,Uift.))auk cl' tlic Cl ivii.n. iiuin! 1 vcr ci. I
of Vlia town, wtll (.i.M- i w'.. Ii liuiis
:rOOD and -t.iWini;, ami tl.c i v..,iiel jr
iptx4 no pahii to rondor tin i.tuy of bis
cueata i'rc'-iliie.
.Jiidgtcn;, Jul, i 2, ISli'i.
..AliYivu nous
Y1 T B1 J- U I U 111 i; U b 9 I
u t
T-l 1 f'A .!....
qiisEu ,r Mauki:!' Kit ilc't,
-lttfn . t'l:nri'iclil Pa
SQ'eO. N rOLEURN, I H'.n.i c:i
t. II MX s Coimy Pknna,
2' ii 4 frjii i.siCJ w. fcii t
E. W. 1JIUONV, rt'o;netor.
Omnibus rii!im:ig ai.'i troi.ithc Iept
ree cifuhar -e.
MOcTh'II K i liOCSM, Main .t
lirookvillo P.i .C. N. Ei.'i. Pimj.'s
3 Lou-e has b. ( n v-iit te 1 mi l furuiVl.
Tj9i9 a ncc.i ;-iyi", n:u. is every way
edapt'-J to the wan!.; i t il
c; ru!jc.
U 8 I X E S S
Ii s
HALlEtS iu I"
ram r.nd
Peed ti.-ar tho
rr.ssenv'cr !).
HiJ0'way Markets.
Corrected woeeklv:
Apples, (dry) bushel ... $ 4 00
Jiuckwhet "... 1 i0
' JJeans, " "... 4 00
ISutter " lb . . . 4o
5cef " " ... 0(T12
:5oarda M. - - - 20 U0
'Corn " bushel ... 1 50
Flour " bbl. -.- 12 00
II ides " i!j ... US
llay ton ... 60 00
,i)ats bu. ... 1 00
Wheat " ' ... 2 SO
ltye " ... 1 75
Shingles " M. ... 4 50
'Jfre ' 'z-a - 20
1 C5l)5
,S , I-
1 !( l. Tiiis groat line t
the .'rtl;rrn ana ,oi tnwest counties oi
vaiiia to the cit y it Erie, ou '
It has boon leased by the l mnfiha-1
j ""' ''""' lsorura-!
ud by tlirin. . I
j Iwoniirolcnuthwui opeucd lor 1'" :
...nul l- i,i, l hci-ht biuiuuM, gctubcr
I I l Ii, i ou t.
L-MI'- .''Iftlldli.
Through Mail Train ,1
Ijnire II'. st,vurJ.
Throu;;h Mail Train 1
I'afSiiiiucr ears run tl;:onh
53 p. in.
a. in.
i:h:.m:o both ways botweeii l'hiiadelphia
jiii-1 iCiie.
Mi i:i,i..N i'Si.t:i;i'iM.i Cars on Express
Trains b,.th ways between Williasuxport
an ! Ealtimore, and Williatnspnit and
i'or iiitonuatioii rosoetni" l'aSftaniror
uiiMiios it t . ri i v at
the S. K. torucr oOlh
and Markit St.-;.
Aud for Fr:i'ht busiuc&.s of the Com
pany's Acetifs: '
15. KiiiL:s!i'n, dr. Cor. l"th and
.Market Sts. Philr.delphia.
J. IV. Revuolds Erie.
.1. M. Drill, Aficut N. C. It. K
C'ai'l. Fn-ijiil Aj't. rhiia.
. V.. i WtNNKIt,
CA'-iV. Tkkcl Ajl. I'ltU'a.
Jos. D. Potts,
General Mmnje.r, Wmtp't.
urehaiidiso Provisions &c, on the
' whi pay fiKl'm, at prices much to
the advantage of purchasers.
Y. Va
Dealer in
CUitiiJb, II :, & JItn's Fiirnitliing Goods
T.oeiv HAVfcS, (.'LINTON Co., F:.
-.f j I J, 3 35,
Ocutreville, Elk county Pa
A L O L P II T I y M .
S.'tntrcvillc, Elk coui;tj la.
t.j'Oencval Manufacturer of Vwicous,
Unggies Xc.-ALSO Furniture, such as
li'Vi jau-i, Tallies, Stanus 15ed.-.t?ads and
('hairy. 411 kind of llepair'm doac :.t
roav.'nuLlj rates.
!!0()K STORE,
In the room formerly occupied by
lV t. "
Y'i -rs.V, ,it Jdilijf.
11. 0 White, Wollsborough.
As.i'jcudc Jiul'ji s,
X . S, Eriickwav, Jay tp.
ii. ('. f.cliulizoj'St. Mary's.
Shi ri'J.
Hon. 1
P. v.
(.1 uorgi!
Hays, Ridgway
l'ri.lhcitolnri, AY;, and lice.
(! I-.d. cis, Eidgway
Ii!rii t A'oriurj,
Ei.ikely Rid-way
L. J.
j ri -usurer,
Charles Luhr. St. Mary's
('mill; Surveyor,
George Valni.lcy, .St. Marys
CheiksWiji.-, bt. Mary's
(ii'n. Dickin on, Ridgway:
J.-.cph W. Taylor, Eos.
Eos'i MeCaulev. Fox.
H. I). Durr, Eenczctt
Coal Lands For Sale.
f3Mir. sub..
isenuer cl! rs lor sale tho
0, v. ith the right of
thining ana other uimerals under 4Jo
acivs of h'ud hiiuated iu Fps !p., Ck ir
hold county Pennsylvania, within 2
miles of the liidgway & Shuwmut,
which connects with tho Phihi. & Erio '
11. It., at R'nlgway, with a sis foot vein
of I'ii.umitious Coal upon it, which is
no'.r commanding such enormous priues,
lor manufacturing purposes. For sale
cheap, terms cash, a good title given.
For further particulars, address
' 0. L. BAltltETT,
Clearfield V. O.,
Clearfield Co., Pa
UtDGWAY l'-'uc County Penna.
j It was the most golden ami glorious
I nl' September days. Tho veil of blue
haze hanging like .1 canopy over tho dis.
taut hills, sof nicil absolutely to quiver
in tho radiant glow of Autumn sunshine,
and the "runes, whose aon'th vstine clus-
, i,in..l..l ,i.,.,ri, ii, t.v.liic.' nti.,,..
" i,ifiri.llt? na c..L.n
tnnnri:i1 i!:f itf n tliniwqti.l i-mrnl( mm.
,, ...J l.rilliaiit dawn.. tlie run
ninmid higher in tl.u yloijdle. dome
t.f h.mvai. "No freshed ccilitiu-, lmn
v.-ah jeweled pnivlants, was ever more
..iutii-u ,jlau this. arbor of rrapo leaves,
whero li.;l;t and shadow mingled in fit.
. ful arabe-nue with everj niovimj; wind
and su tiiought l'iehard Maylitd l. as
! ho came slowly up the jrariou path that
j led to his brother's house.
The mansion itself, however, was far
I from present ini; the gala aspect which
' pervaded all nature, and our hero's coun.
lenance uuderwent a luilierorts transfer-
miitinii. nslie pvnd t!w vnwiiin.. wifi'ldv.'s
, and wide open doors.
I "15y all tho powers," ho said to him.
self, "it Isabel isn t cleaning liouse
again ! Well, women are most unap.
countable creatures. I do boljcyc they
delight in fuming things upside down,
and milking themselves and tho rest of
the world uncomfortable. What's the
use of choking people with dust aud de
luging them with soap and water twice
a year ? However, lot the proper enig
mas have their own xrcy. I'm sura I
a in the last person iu the woidd to ob-
Jc- .......
lth these philosophical reflections
yet in Lis mtud, Mr. Mayueld deitly
threaded his way by a colony of white,
wash pails and limo kettles that sur
rounded the front door and entered upon
the scene of action. It was quite plain
from the shout with which tho children
greeted his appcarauco that he was a
jieiicral favorite
"Hallo, Unplo Pick, we'r3 cleaning
house !" cried Master Henry Augustus
Maylield, who was mounted astride a
double up feather bed, basting it fear
fully with his mother's best silk para,
"Ain't it splendid, Uncle Dick '." ex.
claimed Miss J -ilia, who was endeavor
ing to "pry out" tho principle of sound
from a .')U music bos, by introducing a
carving knife into its interior works,
while Mrs. May field, half distracted by
calls from divers directions, was totally
unconscious of tho iri.'.cl.ief beiug
Wi ought.
"liick, I am puzzled aud annoyed,"
she said. Here is John called to the
city by a pressing law suit, and tho
v,u i,..,. , .,;. i .1..,,.,, '"
"Thought that was what you ladies
iked," was Dick's rejoinder, as he
perched himself 011 tho top of the table,
aud rescued a shell basket from the do.
struetivc grasp of the smallest May field
"And my cook is gouo, ar.d tl.c fire
wou't burn, mid tho vail whitencrs
iiavu't c nne this morning, and the par.
lor ceiling is half unfinished, and you
know the sewing society is to be here to
morrow eveuiug aud, O Dick, what
shall I do T'
"Don't fret," said Richard, soothing
ly. "I'll make the Cro burn, or I'll
know the reasou why; and I'll liuidh
the ceiling for you."
"You r
"l'cs, I. Didn't I whiten my own
room at College, when wo boys smoked
it into the color of an old snuff-box. Aud
then I'll tack tho carpet down and seo
about getting those dislocated bedsteads,
"Hut, Dick, you must be too tired,
after dancing till two o'clock at the pie
uic last night."
"Me tired? Fiddlesticks! Where's
tli 3 refractory stove V
The very lire was uot proof against
Dick's determination. It broke into a
cheerful blazo tho moment ho attacked
tho citadel. The skill with which he
next erected a seafTolding and mounted
thereon with a panoply of whitewash
pails aud brushes, was perfectly astoun.
ding, the more bo, as i'is .euder fingers,
rather palo complexion, aristocratically
biaall feet aud hands, conveyed the idea
of one who was adapted only to liroad
way pavements and glittering ball
rooms. "I suppose the workmen didn't leave
their wardrobes when they went, away
last evening, Eell V he asked, when he
had scaled the rather perilous height.
"No," said his sister-in-law, laugh,
"Then just Laud me that old
sheet aud a piece of old bed cord you.
dcr. Now, dou't you admiro my tout
eusetnblo '("
"Uuclo Dick looks lijie a ghost," said
Master Henry Augustus.
"No ho dou't he looks liko t!ie old
miller down at the po?d," f truck in Miss
"LTpon my word, I dou't know which
is the most complimentary," obsorved
Pick, drily, "Now then, clear the track,
TERMS-$1 50 per Annum if paid in Advance
Thursday April 13th 1SG3
every soul of you and give mo a
chance !"
And he worked ou, now pausiujr to
survey his aehiovemonts, but oftenest of
all, relapsing into thouirhtH of the beau
tiful damsel at tha pie-tiie last niht
who had been eo stidioiiily cold aud re
served toward him.
'She don't liko mo." saul he, "and I
for the life of mo can't tell why. Well,
as I said beforo, women are uuaecounta.
ble concerns !"
"Amy," said Miss lJrownleigh to her
pretty young cousin, "I wish you would
just run over to Mrs. Mayflcld's with
this note. The children are at school
and I have no one to send."
'Oh, no," said Amy, whilo a fresh
tingle suffused her delicate cheek. "I
don't want to cucountcr that superfine
"Nonsense, ho isn't there he's stay-1
ing with Harry Franklin."
' Oh, then, I will take tho note," said
Amy, raising ami looking around for her
( 0iiiettish little gipsey hat.
"You arc strangers girl, Amy," said
her cousin. "What can bo tho reason
that you dislike Richard Maylield ''. He
is so handsome and so very talented !"
"I don't fancy these merely ornamen.
tl people," sail'. Amy, demurely. "My
husband must be of some use iu the
"How do you know but that Mr.
Mayfild is ?"
"Can't bo possible," said Amy, archly
shaking her curls. His hands are too
small for anything but lcmon-colered
kid gloves. I'll wager a new bonnet,
Altep, that he nevor done anything inoro
laborious in his life thau to carry a box
of cigars."
Miss Rrownleigh laughed, and Amy
passed out of the vine-wreathed porch,
w'oudering within herself whether Mr.
HL'hard May field had been much vjxed
because she had refused to dance with
him the evening previous.
Mr. John May-field's liouse was at no
great distance, and as Amy was quite in.
timate with that lady, and understood j
tne domestic saturnalia that was at pre
sent transpiring within her domain, she
did not think it necessary to knock: but
opened the door and walked in without
any cereaicny.
There stood Dick, the apex of a pyra
midal seafTolding of board, his fjne broad,
cloth raiment obscured by a lime splash
ed sheet which was girdled around his
waist by a ponderous knot of rope and
his, black curls overshadowed bya
eld straw hat, working away as if for
dear lile. His back wa3 toward the
door, and supposing the step to be that
of his, he said gaily, without
turning his head,
" hat : is the carpet ready sq scop,,
, je i'm jut though hero, ai
; C0ln,. an,i tack it do;yii i;i one mi
and X 11
u 111 one minute 1
Not receiving any ausver, ho immedi
ately turned round.
"Miss Erownleigh !"
He never looked so haudsoiuc iu his
life and that was the first thought that
rushed through Amy's mind, in the
mnist of all her embarrassment ; lor Lhck
had tho advantage of the young lady in
this respect she was embarrassed, and
he was not.
Ho sprang, laughingly, lo tho floor
and throw oir his ghostly drapery.
"You r!U-:t t!,jnk I have a curious
tute In costume," said he, archly, "but
the truth is Isabel has been disappointed
in her hired help, and mv brother is
away from hoinc. so I am helping her
clean house1
"f did not know I thought you had
no taste" stammered A my, unconscious,
ly speaking out her thoughts.
"You supposed that 1 was nothing
more thau an ornamental piece of fur
niture. Ask Isabel about that," said
Jck, half piqued, half smiling, "iiut
can I bo of use to ycu now?"
'I had a note from my cousin, lor Mrs
May field," said Amy, still speaking
scarcely above her breath.
"Sho has gono down to her father's
orchard," said Dick. "Itis some distance
and uot a very straight path. If you will
wait until I remove a little of this lime,
I shall be happy to escort you dou to
the place."
Half av hour ago Amy would have
laughingly informed hiui that it was
quite uuueccssary for her to, trouble him,
now sho stood and waited.
It was a long walk, uuder tho over
spreading shadows of the noble apple
trees, leudiug with tho weight of criin
sou aud rustio fruit, aud through the
meadows ankle deep iu purple and bloom
and nodding plumes cf golden red, yet,
for all that, Amy was quite surprised
when Mrs Mayficld came in bijht, car
rying a little basket of rose cheeked
peaches from favorito treo beyond-
We Ledieve it is one of woman's spec
ial aud incontrovertible privileges to
chauge her luiud therefore uobody was
much astorjshed when three month's
subsequently there was a rumor of tho
engagement of Mr. Mayficld and Miss
Brownleigh. Still, toweyer, Dick al-
ways deolared that it was an insoluble
mystery to him that when ee:ecade3 and
NO 30
schottishes, poetry and perfumes had all
failed to win an entrance to tho maiden's
heart, a whifo wash brush should have
been the unromantic weapon which ht
la-st brought down the barricades.
Tho Widow and the IVjker.
Mr. William Woolhouse was nalur
ally a very timid ma'i. Not that he
wa lacking in moral or physical cour
age, but that l,o was afraid of the wo
men. On all other occasions we was
usually equal to the emergency, bo it
whatever it '.night ; but place him tele a
tele, with a woman, and to use a vulgar
but expressive phrase, ho was dono
His mother had h.rig ago settled down
t'" the unqoinfortakle ponvictiart that
William would never marry and tho
girls had arrived at the same conclu
sion ; it luid become quite the thing to
say, in making comparisons, "As great a
fool as Will Woodiiouso.
For take note, bashful gentlemen
however much ladies may admiro mod
esty in tho oilier sex, they jr.yariably
despise a man who has not ljQart euough
to say to the girl of his chcice, "I love
Will admired all the girls in his way,
but he looked upou them very much as
sensible people do upon a horn its uest
as a curious pieco of architecture, but
not safe to be familiar with.
So ho kept his distanqs, and in the
meantime arrived at the mature ago of
twenty-three. Then he mot, lor the first
time, at a picnic party, Adelade IJrowne.
We believe people with the stoniest
Leart3 fall in love at picnics, aud from
that hour noor Will had no comfort of
his life. Sleeping or waking, his dreams
were full of the beautiful Miss Browne.
Surely there never was another of tho
numerous Browne family liko her ! Blue
eyes, white muslin drcs, with knots r,f
pink ribbon brown hair, red lips, pearly
teeth, snowy hands all dancea togeth.
er in miscellaneous "all hands round"
beforo his distorted vision.
Adelaide, all unconscious of the troub
le she had caused, went her way, break,
ing tho hearts of mos;t of thij young
gentleman in, IJighbricjgc, and tryiim
hard to fracture th' fev; "that remained
kihi was visiting her auut Hooper,
and it is an undeniable fact that ladies
always take best where they are not
kuown. This is no libel ou the sex
no, indeed ! for with gentleman this
truth is still more applicable.
Mrs. Hooper was a widow lady of no
small personal attractions in her own
estimation, and if she was not so young
as she might have been, sho thought
she was, and bclutvcd accordingly. She
still affectgl short sleeves and profuse
yinglgtspf glossiest black though en
vious individuals presisted in it that her
curls were made at tho hair dresser's.
The same persons also believed that sho
was anxious to supply that rdaco of tho
dear deceased as soon as possible.
For a week after meeting with Jq;
lade, "Will bore up Lravoiy. The sec
ond meeting destroyed all the stock of
composure ho had boon boarding up.
He took dcspo!i.te!y to the Muses, aud
walked the whole night away, to tho in.
finite destruction of sli03 leather aud ths
iufinito disgust of his practical papa.
He met Adelaide now frequently.
HiglibriJge was very gay. There was
a singing school, a lyocuui, a "society,"
and then the folks got up excursions to
tho surrounding hills for it was yet
early autumn, and nature was iu her
robes of state.
There was an excursion to Mount
Giblo, one fine day, and there Will had
the ecstatic i.leasuro of treading on
Adelaide's dress, thereby throwing her
heudloug into a pile of brush, and whilo
Laura Blake picked her up aud helped
her piu her llouuces, ho stood by fright
ened out of his wits, and njoujentarily
expecting mo mountain 10 open auu
swallow him up.
From that time ho pined rapidly.
His appetite w;is a thing of tho past.
His mother thought bin in a quick do
cliue, and dosed hi:n with hoai hound
aud Dr. Perkiu's patent pills. IIj grew
worse aud worse.
At lust, thinking himself cca; l;ij end
he confessed to his mother. She was
thuuder-struck at first ; but afterwards,
liko a sensible woman, she advised him
to put on his "t'other clothos" and go
right over and lay the case beforo Mis3
Browne. It couldn't kill him, she
said, and then if she refused him ;hy,
there was as good ijsh in the sea, etc.
Will took three days to consider, aud
at the end of that time his mind was
made up. He swallowed a double dose
of blackberry cordial, donued his flame
oolored vest and black and plaius, brush
ed hair jtiU it &houe like ebony, covered
his head with hia father's ten dollar
beaver, aud made tho best of his way to
Mrs. Hooper's. Not that ho intended
to ask Adelaide but Mrs. Hooper. If
l. . - . l l . 1 . .
1 he could only pet tha aunt woo over to
cause, and employ her to state tfc e?a-
ditioti of hia heat t to her, ukce, V1' ?'
be happy. Ho fidt 'assured that hi
ticvcrcor.U li v? through confessing him.
Self to Adelaide and if1 he did, and k1io(
should saj no, ho was satisfied hy shouldj
faint nway right on tho Fpot.
As obd fortune would hay? il, h'i,
found Mvs. llooper alone, in her best
gown and her best humcr. fcbo wn
charmed to seo him, and treated him to
yuls and ciilpr, and a scat on the H"fi'
so near herself that Will was at his wiu?
cud lo frame the fi,rst word of h;3 cr
They talked of tho wcathpr tsJ; thi
props tiil the clock slruok ten. Tht
widow tried to iuake hint thin!; it wa
only niuo, i b ji was uot fo jar gone bu'4
he poiild still count. II 0 felt that thd
terrible moment could bo no longer do '
layed ; lie must make a beginning :
"Mrs. Hooper," said, he, "f eaui
over this evening" he hesitate,.
"Yes, Will," said sho cucouraging
ly. -
' I came over "
4 Yes, I know you did," still more. eo,.
couragingly. ' ''
"1 came over to ask a great favor
" Well, you couldn't have come to any.
body that wo'ild bo readier do you 1
kindness, William."
"Thank you." The sweat, stoo 1 01
his forehead in great drops. " Bi,t thn
is a very delicate business, yery. f
conic to ask you, to to to-" '
"Go oi4--deij'( bo afraid ; I am lis
"The fact of it is, I'm iu love dos,
pcrately! There, I've dona it !''
"McYcy on tue i Vfhy, Nf'illintn 1
and I never mistrusted it never I
Well, of all things !" and the viJovi
edged a little closer and put her fat hanJj
in William's,
"Yes, Train lovo, and cowe Jo ask
you if yo i would "
"Willi? To be sure I will! How.
could you think otherwise! 1 have al
ways thought so much of you'i But
it is ?o s-i'.ddcn ! What would folkij
say?" " ' '
"Deuced if I care?" cried Vv'ill, ela
ted at the prospect beforo him. "It'
nobody 4 business am 1 to be wretched,
on account of what .people say ? Dou't
hug me so, Mrs. Hooper, I ain't used ttj
it; and and what was that noise?''
"Tha mice, I guess, dejar William,
how glad I am you told me!''
''Aud you'll ask .Adelaide, make it alj
right with her J" '
"Adelade? Oh I she'll haye noeartU:
ly objections of course not !"
"Are you sure ? If I was only cer.
tain of it ? Oh ! Mrs. Hooper, I loved
her the moment I set Liy eyes on hor ?'i
"Her? Who,?!' ' '
"Why, yqur uieec, Adelaide Browne.
She is, tlj'e only woman on earth that I
coijld ever bo happy with. I shall die
if I don't get her 1"
Mrs. Hooper turned purple. She
caught up the poker and flew at our hero,
like a maniac. lq for the uwr,
slje follo wed 'close.
f'I'll show you low to insult a respect,
able woman !" sho cried; 'it'll teach yoij
to steal the affections of a guileless heart
aud then prove false '." each "showing"
accompanied by a thump from th poker.
Will at last succeeded iu putting tho
door between him and his antagonist,
in fi'antio haste he dived down over
the steps, and at the bottom reeled fulj
into the arms of Adelaide Browuc her
self, who was just returning from a
f Don't let her get me!" ho cried; I'd
rather ciio thau bho should hug meagain !
It's you 1 lovo, not her, she's madder
thau a panther''
It was not a very elegant r(ropo&al,
but Miss Browne's self-possession insur
ed Will's everlasting weal. She accept
ed him on tho spot, f ir sho liked him all
along, and nothing had stood botwecu
them but bis abominable bashtullncss.
id is a happy husband ana lather
now, but evou to this day the sight of a
widow will make him tremble, they are
so intimately associated in his miod with
a poker.
43r.V down .cast agriculturist last
summer required a uumber of reaper.
Several presented thenwlves and all
were engaged with one exception. Tha
poor man thus on'iitted said :
"Master, won't you hire mo?"
"No." said tho farmer.
"Why not?"
"Because you are too little."
"Too Jittle !" exclaimed the astouihcl
Irishman ; "docs yer houor reap your
crop at tho top .'
What could farmer G do but
roar with laughter, and scud the littlo
njau to join hia comrades in the field ?
igr"I think," said a laniir,"l8houli
make a good Congressman, tit f use their
language. I received two bills the other
day, with a request for immediate p.iy
nienf. The ono I ordered to be laid ou
the table, the other to be road that day
six mouths." ' '
fc3A Judge in Indiaua is rcport4
to have thus addressed a prisoner before
him, prior to pasing sentence : "Pris
oner at the bar. Providence has given
you a degree of health and strength, in.
stead of which you go about the cou'i.
try stealing ducks."
tA number of war clergyuicu have
been petitioning Congress for a recogui,
tion of Qo 1 in tho Constitution. These
bloody minded parsoiis had better begin
by recognizing God iu their pulpits.
CTThere is a oian out West whoso
memory is so short that it only rcaoho
1 to his knees, consequently he neror pm
lr tif b-otp " '