The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, December 17, 1864, Image 5

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V 0 C A T E
To inc'irpuvitc tha Clarion
Sr.CTION 1. it i-n-t t.d f'-,' the K-ante find Jtoir. of 7'.yn utat'm of the
VnmnmtirtuiJih i.f nn i-drtitiiu -n (Jncfil .1 ... nit ' o,vi V m hm-ty rmw
ted by the nut!, "))'' vt'tht Thnt A. I. Wilcox, J. M. My do, Ui'.ri;j Rick in-f-on,N.
. Lane, Nicliolas Rr--okw.iy, Henry JViu-lit iin-1 Rulol Rulufson, sliall lie
nnJ they arc hereby nj pointed commissioners for thc purposes hereinafter men
tioned ; that is to say : They or a majority of tlioin shall procure, rleu ami keep
open, from time to time, and for such length ol time as tliey may deem proper, or
until ten thousand dollars arc suhscrihed, ami no longer, & suitable book or books,
and receive (subscriptions therein from all persons desiring to take stock in said
company, to be incorporated in pursuance of said not; the form of said subscrip
tions Miall be a; foilows, to wit : Wo, vhosc names arc hero unto tmbseribed, do
severally proviso to pay to the Clarion River navigation company the sum of tru
dollars fur each and every share of stock sot opposite our names, at such time nr.d
in such instalments as the managers of said company may require ; and every per.
fou so subscribing, as soon as the said subscriptions amount to two thousand dol.
lars, sliall pay to said commissioners a sum not exceeding one dollar on each share
they may have subscribed ; when two hundred shares shall have been subseaibed,
the said commissioners, or a majority of them, sliall certify the same to the govern,
-or, verihd by the oath of at least two of them ; whereupon the governor shall by
loiters patent, in the u.uial form, create and constitute the subscribers and those who
may thereafter subscribe to (ho stock ol said company, their successors an.l assigns,
;i ouuy corporate aim politic, iy the name, siyio ana iiuo oi uiu iJiariou luvcr nav
igation company, and by the name, style and title tho said company bhall
have perpetual succession, and be able and capable ia law to sue and be rued,
j-lead ami impleaded, and to receive, possess and dispose ot all money and property
belonging, or that may belong to said company.
Sr.cTio.v 2. That as soon as possible after the issuing of said letters patent,
the said stockholders, or any part of them, shall, at sonio convenient time and
place, whereof public notice shall be gken in at least one public newspaper in the
; county of Elk, and one in the county of Jefferson, and onu in the county of Clar.
ion, at least three weeks belore the time, proceed to elect one president and four
managers for sai l company, who shall continue to act for one year and until their
successors shall be elected; annually thereafter, at such time and place as may bo
designated by the managers a? above directed, the stockholders or any of them,
in person or by written proxy, may proceed to elect a president and managers
"as aforesaid, and for the aforesaid, each stockholder shall have one vote for each
. ftbnrn lin ch-,11 . ..l..-,.;l.n 1 . 1 c... .....
. , w ..m 1 i ii.'u t ai.u i .1 ion, uii'-i vim lui t.v. i
shares cxcccdin-r that number and not exceodin!? twontv shares : no stockholder
uhall bo entitled to vote at any election of
flirt urlinln Qtim A., t.l .1
" ..'.. vn.i uuu aim .ii;ii.'H- UII lllU MIUIUOL MlillL'S UJ HUH UL UIU 1I111U Ul
said election ; the said president and managers shall have power to make such by
laws and regulations not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United
ouues ana oi mis state, as may Iroiu time to time be necessary.
Section 3. That the president and managers of said company shall have
power to clean and clear the Clarion river, the East and West branches thereof,
and tho Little Toby creek, from all rocks, bars, and other obstructions ; to erect
dams and locks ; to bracket and regulate all dams now erected ; to regulate the
chutes of dams ; to regulate nud bracket all dams ami schutes that may hereafter
bo erected in said streams, and tho same to alter 01 abate, as may become neces
sary ; they shall also havo the power by brackets cr otherwise, to control tho wa
ters in said streams for the purposes of navigation ; to levy tolls not exceeding
three cents for each and every live miles of improved stream : for each platlorm of
boards, cr other sawed stuff, one cent ; for
6quarc oi other timber, oue fourth of one ccut per foot ; for every boat that may
pass down said streams to be collected at tho mouth of the Clarion river, and at
such other points along said streams as may be necessary ; to appoint officers and
agents, and employ hands for the purpose of carrying into full effect the provi
sions of this act ; to regulate the landing of boats, rafts at the mouths of said
streams or elsewhere ; that such regulations may bo necessary to take gravel,
etonos, timber, and other materials necessary for tho erection anil rcparing of dams
and locks from lands adjacent to said streams ; to enfbrco all acts of assembly now
in force agaiust throwing into said streams or cither tributaries,, any slabs, trees,
Btumps, and generally to do all things necessary for Iho afe navigation of said
streams : they shall also have tho power to levy tolls upon logs driven down said
streams, not exceeding twenty-five cents
improved stream.
Section 4. That section ninth of the act twenty-sixth January, one thousand
eight hundred and forty-nine, entitled "An Act regulating turnpike and plank
road companies," shall apply in all cases of damages arising under this act, excep.
ting cases of damages arising under this act, excepting cases of abating dams, aud
other acts ncccsary to keep open the navigation of said streams : in such cases
the remedy shall be as heretofore ; and the said company and their officers in
nil cases of abatement of dams and schutes, in every ac tion brought for the re
covery ef damage arising from such abatement, may givo in evidence the fact of
said dauu and schutes being a public nuisance.
Spction 5. That the seventh and eighth sections of tha above recited act,
shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to and from part of this act.
Section C. That tho president and managers of said company shall keep fair
t nd just accounts of all moneys received aud expeuded, and the manner of their
expenditure, which said accounts shall at all times be open for the inspection of
the stockholders and others interested.
Section 7. That the collectors appointed by said president and managers,
shall also act as treasurer, and shall give bonds in such turns as the said president
and manageas fhall indicate for the faithful discharge of lib duties, and re-im-burscment
of all moneys that may come into his hands : ho shall receive as a
compensation for his services, a sum not exceeding five per cent, on all moneys
by him received and disbursed.
Sections. That the directors shall be appointed by the president aud mana
gers, whoso duty it shall be to direct and superintend the binding of boats and
rafts in the mouth of the Clarion river aud elsewhere; to see that the channel is
kept open, and to return to the collector, and also to the president and managers
the number of rafts and boats passing along or landing in said streams j said di
rector 6hall not permit any rafts, boats, or other mfta to land in tho mouth of
said stream in such manner as to closo the channel, but shall keep the same open
at leant fifty feet in wedth ; and any person who shall wilfully close said channel,
or shall disobey the directions of said directors, and thereby iu any manner direct
ly closo any channel, or shall wilfully run into tho mouth of said stream, after
the same is so closed, contrary to the directions of tho directors, shall bo liable to
pay a fine of fifty dollars for tho use of said company to be collected in any part
of this state, by an action of debt before any justice of the peace of this common,
wealth; and in tho name of tho commonwealth, and' in default of payment, the
persons so convicted bhall be committed to tho jail of tho proper county for tho
term of thirty days.
Section 9. That any persons who shall attempt to run any raft or rafts, boat
or boats, log or logs or other craft or crafts, past any collector's olfice, without ha
viog first paid bis, her or their tolls, shall bo subject to a flue of five dollars bl
each raft, boat or other craft, and one dollar for each log so run past, to bo recov
ered in the same manner and for tlm n.imn n;n nn.l t . nr,in.ii
. ...... .v
Uli BUIUU WUV. US UirCCtea in SCCIlOn OI"lt
.- Duujyi,i iu tins ujvu iiouiwues.
SECTinS If) Tlmt thn fllj mi.uul --i It 1. -
--w. -v. ...v m.t-h.-h; x
Section 11. That the collectors
property upon which they are levied, into whosoever hands tho samo may come,
and may be recovered by action of debt or assumpsit, before any justice of tho
peace, cither against thc original owner, his agent or agents, or tho person or
persons iu whose possession the same may bo, and judgment being so recjrded,
execution may be had on the property upon which tolls may be assessed, or a lien,
Uiough the ownership in said property inny have becu changed after tho common,
cingof aid suit-
loats that shall their offices, aud which shall be returned to them by the di
rectors. Section 12. That tho said company may levy and collect tolls as soon as
twenty miles aro improved of tho Clarion river from tho mauth upwards, aud it
Khali havo tho control of tho landing at the mouth of tho stream immediately upon
the granting of the charter.
Section lli. That whenever tho dividends arising from dm tnlUslmll nminnt.
,-.70, -.u nm uiiiuuut ui Clin.!. UUU4UV
lum per annum, then aud in that case
y Kuuicicut lor the improvement ot said
Section 1 1 That no stockholder or
is interest therein, bo disqualified as a
ny is or may be a party : 1',-ouiikd, That the legislature hereby reserve the right
t alter or repeal this act, providing uo injustieo shall bo douc the corporators0 or
nicir assiiMis'
Section v That thisaot shall be published in tho nowsnan.-.M in fWn-mn.
ties of Clarion, Jefferson uud
tS'l'calccr of the J 'louse of Ji'-prcscntatii-eg.
iSjctiktr of the & nutc.
iiiiV Kri Tim tun-nil fii .i A iu ..I m,.w Ti. n th..,,.
lunlrel aud lifiycvcir
River Navigation Cjomjnny.
said company until ho shall havo paid
...1 .... 1...1.1 l. 1,?... , il.
every fifty feet, lineal measure, of
per hundred logs for every five miles cf
m4 111(1 IUW.IV IU 'V HJl-.Hm 1 1.
nn n nni.i.-tni n . o.y nr nl.(Jin, onr
UllUV'l LU1B DHL Mllllll III! II 11U 1 UI1UI1 L11I5
fiM flirt frlla nn nil riff a nml
iiui.i in. c ear nt n Yionjs nn ton nr-r
the tolls k1k.1I l.n rn,l,.o,l tn m, nnmnt
officer of said company shall, by reason of
witness in anv suit, in wh,h s inl onnmn
iiiiul Moeliu;? of tlio (Stockholders of tho
Oil Cvci'lt nii-l Ki.'ftwny Itnilrou-l Company,
will 1"? liei'l "'I M'Mi'.l.iy tho i.'.ntli d.iy of
.Jimnnrv, fit 1?., r.Vhn'k p. in., nl Nu." " 18
.South Tliii ISu-cet 1'hilu,!, lphtn.
riiil.i.lclrhia, Dec. 20-1 ISO.
Notick is hereby given that
tho following accounts has
been examined ami passed by
ine, mid remains filed on record
in this office for inspection of
heirs legate?, creditors aud all
others in any way interested,
and will bo presented to tho
next Orphans' Court of Elk
county, to bo held at tho
Court JIouso in tho town of
Ridgway, commencing on the
first Monday of January 1SG5.
Tho account of Ann Overtnrf, Ad.
miuistratiix of all and singular tho
goods and chateb, lights aud credits
which were of Thomas Ovcrturf hto of
Couezctta township, deceased.
ALSO '2d partial account of John
Mover, administrator of Isaac Itobiuson
Account of Mary Fisher & 13. C.
Schultze, administrators of Charles
Fisher deceased.
Ridgway Nov. IStli 18G4.
Administrator's Sals-
SY order of the OrpUaus Court of the
county of Elk, in tho State of IV, I
shall expow to sale, by public vendue
or out cry at the Court House in llidg.
way, on Tuesday the 3d day of January
next ot 1 o'clock r. M., as tho property
of Anthony Meyer, dee'd. Five lots in
Ft. Mary's, in the said county of Elk,
kuown as lots, No. nineteen (19) twenty
one (21) twenty-eight (2S) twcuty.four
(2-1) and twenty-six (20) on cross street,
in front on cross street one hundred
(100) feet each and in depth at right
angles two hundred (200) feet.
Terms of sale, one third of the pur.
chase moncv in hand at conformation of
sale and tho icsiduo in two equal annual
instalments thereafter, to be secured by
Judgment, Uond and Mortgage
Administrator of
"IfBY virtuo of a writ Fieri Facias
LJ issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Elk county, and to me direo
tcd and delivered, I will expose to pub.
lie sale or out cry on tho first Monday of
January 1S65, at 1 o,clockp. m., at the
Court Housa iu Ridgway, tho following
described property tj w-'t :
All tho right titlo intero3t anl claim
ofVm. II. Campbtdl tha defendant
within named of the following described
Real Estato to-wit : All that certain
piece or parcel of land, situate in Jay
township, Elk county Pennsylvania,
bounded aud described as follows. Re
ginning at the South East corner of tho
lot formerly known as the Morehead lot,
thence running cast to a lot owned by
Robert Rothiock and others thenco
south along said lino to tho North East
comer of Win. II- Cambclls lino to tho
road, thenco North, to tho placo of bo
ginning, containing about twenty acres
of land, said piece of land described in a
certain article of agreement, dated the
3d day of May, A. D., 1858, from
Chauney Clinton to Wnt. II. Camp,
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Wm. II. Camp
bell and Michael Ovill. at thejjsuit of
Jay township.
ShciifTs Office, "
Nov. 20th, 1861. f
P. W. HAYS, Sherifl
MME. D 15 Kf 05,13 S T3 -MIRROR
Circulation 40,000 (largest in the
world.) Each number contains large
and magnificent Fashion Plates, splendid
illustrations cf all tho fashionable and
Paris novelties, for ladies' and children's
Dress, useful information, and tho four
life-sizo Patterns, cut ready for use, etc.
etc. Yearly, 81 ; single copies, 2fi cents.
Published atMjiE. Demouest's Empo
rium of Fashions, No. 473 Broadway,
N. Y.
rach Yearly Subscriber to JIme. De
morest's Mirror of Fashions is entitled to
the selection of 50 cents worth of Extra
Patterns, or a copy of Mmo. Pemorcst'
Systme fo Cutting Children's Dresscss;
or for 50 cuts extra, tho Ladies' Ssy.
For a club fo 5 subscribers at 81 each
will be sent Person's, Arthur's or any
other $2 magazine or newspaper for one
year, or a spleudid Photograph Album.
For a club of 8, Godey's Lady's Rook
or any other $3 magaziue, or nn- clegan,
gilt, or steel Rack Comb, or Side Comb.
A Club of 10, Mmo Demorest's 85
Running Stitch Sewing Machine, or a
Selt.tucking Attachment, or a full set of
Steel or Gilt Combs.
A Club of C5, a new Wheeler and Wild
son's Sewiug machine with llemiacr tin
Self tucking Attachment.
A Club of 05, a splendid pater t lever
Gold Watch.
All tho Subscsibers are entitled to tho
first premium, and to tho getter up of
the olub an extra copy ol'tho Mirror of
Fashions for one year.
Any number of 81 subscription sent
towurd making up a club, will be
credited tho same Bj if sent ultogther.
Rack numbers us specimens sunt rot.
faro on receipt of 10 ccuto.
Splendid terms for agecu. Setd f'oi
Administrator's Notice
I' KTTKRS of Administration having
i brcn prantod to the subscriber on
tho estato of Geo. A.- Kienzle, late of
St. Marj's borough, deceased. Notice
is hereby given, to all persons knowing
themselves indebted to. said estate, to
mako immediate payment, and nil those
having claims ngainst Raid estate, will
present tho samo duly authenticated for
Kidiira; Kov. 107tlSGl.
E. & H."T. Anthony & Co.,
Manufacturers of Photographic
r.01 HRO.YDWAY, N. Y.
In fi.lliiion to cur main nusinosaof 1'ItO
quarters for the following, viz :
Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic
Of tlioso wc havo nn immonsa assortment,
including li ar Scones, American aud For
eign cities and Land.cnpos, CI roups, Statu
ary, (Vc &o. Aleo, Itcvulviiij SUercoeCopes,
for tlie public or private exhibition. Our
Catalogue will be scut to any address oa
receipt of Stamp.
riiGToaR.vrnic albums.
AVc wore the fiiit to introduco these into
tlio United Si at cs, nnd we manufacture im
menso quantities in great variety, ranging
in pvico from CO cents to j0 each. Our
AL HUMS have tho reputation of being su
pcrior in beauty nnd durability to nny
others. They will bo scut by mail, thee,
cn receipt of piico.
Our Catalogue now embraces over FIVE
THOUSAND (liUercnt subjects (to which
additions aro continually being made) of
Portraits cf Eminent Americans, viz .
100 Mai-General.!,
00 Brig-Generals,
27!i Colonels,
100 Lieut. Colonels,
250 Other ODiuers,
550 Slnlcimcu,
ISO DiviiiC3,
125 Auflnrj,
-10 Artists,
125 .Stage,
iu Navy Othccrs,
50 l'rom'nt Wpmen,
150 Prominent Foreign Portraits.
3,000 Copies of Vi orks of Art,
including productions of Iho raost cclebr.v
led Engravings, Paintings, Smtucs, .Sec.
Cutulogucs Bent ou receipt of Stamp. An
ovdor for One Dozen Pictures from our Cut
tiloguo Trill be filled on tho receipt of Sl:bO,
and sent by mail, free.
Photographers nod othor3 ordering goods
C. O. D. will please remit twenty-five per
cent of the nmomit with their order.
E. &. H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
.Vanufncturcrs of Photographic Materials,
ES0fThe pricei and quality of our gtods can
not fail to satitfii.
Nov. 10th, '01. 12mos.
Rotters of Administration have been
granted in due form of Law, to tho sub
scriber upon the Estate of Thomas Over
turf, late of Reuczcttc township Elk
county, deceased, All persons having
any chum against said Estate, are re
quested to present theni duly authenti
cated for settlement. Any person ow
ing tho Estate, tiro requested to make
payment forthwith.
Aihniniftratrix of the
CoaFLands For Sale.
rHRE subscriber cfibra for sale the
Coal privilege, with the right of
mining and other uiiucralj under 103
acres of laud sitaitcd iu Fos tp., Oicar
liold CO'.inty Pennsylvania, within 2
miles oC.tho RiJgwJ & Shawmut R. R.,
which couneeta with the l'L:h. -v Erie
R. R., at Ridgway, with a sis lost vein
ot Rituminoiw Coal upon it, which is
now commanding such enormous pi'icof,
lor manufacturing purposes. For slc
cheap, terms cash, a good title given.
For further particulars, addresn
Clearfield T. 0.,
Clearfield Co., Pa.
IllETzR MONEY. A RATEfull list
can bo seen at the officers. These and
all other claims against tho Government
promptly collected.
An Officer in the Army writes ;
'At inspection I noticed that a large
proportion of tho men's knapsacks con.
taiued a box of Troches, being generally
used by them for colds, etc." "Drown's
Bronchia Tirochcs," should be iu every
soldier's knapsack or pocket, to bo used
opon the first appcaraucc of a cold or
:iLost, how Ko-
' stored.
Just puWslcd, a
Culvcrwells Celebrated Essay
OU the radicatcure fwithout medicine
of Si'F.UMATOunucEA, or seminal Weak
ness, involuntary feeiniiKil Losses, Impo
TE.ncy, Mental aud Physical Incapably
Impedimenta to Marriace. rte. nsnetn
Consumtion EpiLEi'svand Fits, in,
auccd by sc.'f-indulgeuso or sexual ex.
Ififl'iko, ia a scaled envelope, ouly
G cents.
The celebrated nnthor In this ailmim
ble essay clearly demonstrates, from a
thirty years successful liratiee. Hmt thn
alarmin-r consenunnens nf nlf hIhukiihh
be radically cured without the dangerous
use oi internal medicine or tho applica
tion of tho kuifo pointing out a moJo
of cure, at once simple, certain aud effect,
ual, by means of which every sull'ercr,
no matter what his condition may bo,
may cure himself cheaply, privately,
and radically.
(CT"luis Lecturo should bo in tho
bands of every youth and every man in
the land.
Sent, under seal, ia a dain cnvclont.
to any address, post pLl, ou reeept of
nix ccntri, or two poit stamps. Address
the pubtisiiers.
127 Bowery, New Yolk, Post otlitt
box 45fsii.
Court Proclamation-
WHEREAS, Hon. R.'d. Whitk.
President, nnd V. 8, Erockwny
and E. C. Schull.o, Associate Judges
of tho Court nf Common Picas, and J no
tices of tho Court of Quarter Sessions
and Orphans' Court, nnd Court of Oyer
and Terminer, nud General Jail Delive.
ry of Elk county, by their precepts to
mo directed, have ordered n Court of
Commuti Pleas, a Court ol Quarter Scs
mous, Orphans Court, aud Court uf Oy.
cr and Tcrmiuer and (Jlcncral Jail Deliv
ery, to be holden at Ridgway, iu and
for the county of Elk on the
First Monday in Jan- 1865.
being the 2dd;iyol the month and toccn
tinuo one week. Notice is hereby giv
en to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace
an 1 Constables of the county of Elk,
that. they arc by these precepts com
manded to bo then and there in their
proper persons, nt 10 o'clock, A. M., of
said day, with their rolls, records and
inqusitions, nnd other remembrances, to
do thoso thing3 which their offices apper
tain to be done, and that all J nsiicc3 of
said county nrako returns of all tho re
cognizances entered into before them to
tho Clerk of the court as per Act of As.
scmbly, passed May 8th 1334. And
those who are bound by their rccogui.
anus to prosecute the prisoners that arc
or shall bo in the jail of said county of
Elk, and to bo thcu and there to prose,
cute against them as shall bo just.
P- W. HAYS, HhcriJ.
December 3d 1SC4.
W 1ST of Grand jurors Drawu for
-"January term. 13G5.
Rrown Ellis Fox
Raner Michael St. Mary's.
Rrown Jas. W. Rcnezette.
Chase Milton do
Hewitt, Jero Fox.
Osborne J. O, Rcnezette.
Kelts John R. Fox.
Korner Thas. Renzinger.
Kapp Adam do
Jjawreuco D. F. Ridgway.
M'Vcau Chas. do
Ncaiing Chas. C. Jones.
Oyster I'nniel C. Fox.
Parks R. M. Fox.
Sorg F. Xavcrius Jr., Renzinger.
Smutz John Ridgway.
Shons II. R. do
Thompson Pclcr Fox.
Warner Henry Jones.
Wilson II. R. Rcnezette.
Weed R. F. Jay. -
Wainwright Cornelcus Renesettc.
Weigel Geo. Jr., St. Mary's.
Wiiumcr Sebastian do
"H" TST of Traverse
Jurors drawn for
uary term IS
Aldeu Ldwin
Davidson Danl. D.
Ellingcr Albin
Fischer Philip
Fritz Martin
(iihuorc James
Hays Isaae
Howe Andrew
Horton IfczekiaU
HullcrGeo. A.
Jones Ryron
Jj:bergcr Anton
Kyler Eli P.
Kylcr John
Kyler Jesse
M osier John
Moycr Coonrod Sr ,
Mayo Jas. H.
Moycr John
Nisscl Geo. Jr.,
O'Hara Peter
Ovcrturf Andrew
Panzar Peter
Selle G;orgo
Tchmit Geo.
SehaferCco. V.
Turlcy Armcl
Vastbinder Samuel
Valmcr Louis
Wacker Herman
Webb Wm. M.
Wheeler Oilman
Winslow Chas.
Wood Wm.
Wilcox Miner
Spriug Creek
St. Mary's.
St. Mary's.
St. Mary's.
Trial List for Jan- Term 1865.
M. Rurncll & Co. vs Jeremiah IClliott,
G. 1). Messenger vs Lepold lleilbrun.
cr, et nl. Samuel Morisou vs Arilliani &
Henry Rerr, Mary Leipcr vs Thomas
StrutliccH, ct al. Reuben Winslow vs
Byron Jones, Robert . Fanferd vs
Charles Lofrjiett, Aloes Rlank vs (Uias.
H. Yolk, John Tu-ler vs Cyrus Gibson
Daniel Reuison vs C. 1 Lueo.
GEO. ED. WEIS, Vot'y.
'Jo Consumptives.
The undersigned having been restor
is to hesdth in a few weeks, by a very
Lamplc remedy, al ter, having suffered sc,
vcral years, with a ficvere Iuri afToetion.
and tho dread disouso, Cainumption is
cusious to make known tohis fellow suf
ferers tho means of cure.
To all who desiie it, he will send a
copy of'the prescription used, (free of
charge,) with thc directions for prepar
ing and using tho name, which thy will
find a sure cure for Consumption,
Astuma, RaoxoiMTis.Couaus, Colds
&c. The only object of tho advertiser
in sendiug tho prescription is to benefit
thcafilicted.aiidspcad information which
ho conceives to bo invaluable ; and h
hopes every tuffercr will try his romudy,
ai it will cost them nothing, and may
piove a blepsin.
L Rallies wishing thc proscription will
please a 11 a it S3
Willia nsburg, Kiiis County,
" ' -New yiL'
T II E .
Fnsliion Mignzino of the World.
FASHIONS. Tho most magnificent
Steel engravings on every subject thai
can interest ladies. Crochet "knitting,
Ncllin?;, Embroidcrr, Articles for t-ho Toilet,,
for the Prrtor, tho Poudoir. iniil the Kilelu
cn. Everything, iu fact, to make a torn-
The Ladies Favorite For 3&
No Mnprazino lias hpen able to conipclc
with it.. Nono nttempt it.
fur every ilepivimpn( ofnlioiif-ehelil. Theso
nlonc are worth the price of lUo liouk.
Mo-lcl Collates (ao other Mngnziuo give
them), wiih din-ji-nnn.
Another speciality with Godey.
ORKiTXAL MfSIO, worth $3 a year,
Other Msnzmr-s publish old worn-out mu
sic ; but the subscribers to Goiley get it be
fore the music stores.
Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiar
ity with Coiley.
Fashions from jfc.-isra. A. T. Ftf-wnrt &
Co., of New Voile, the millionaire, me
reliant?, appear in (JoUL-y, the only maga
zine that hnsihom.
A'o, Pillions from the cekbral-.rt
Prodie, cf New Vork.
Ladies' Bonnets. Wo give more of them
in a than nny other magazine. In fact,
the Lady's Hook enables every lady to bo
her owa bonnet maker.
Mnrlon IliiilniiiT,
Aillhrm of 'Alone," 'lliMrn Valh."
"Most .Sift, "cmeah," ami Jfiratw,"
writes for Godev each monlh. m,,l r... ....
other magazine, lie have also, retained all
our old and favorite contributors.
FOR 165.
Ucr v hch tlirrc cm be o Drviation. )
I he following m-n It. a , p .i . r . . .
ii i f to... " . '"".-ii'i3 ui uie L,any a
Book for 18U.I. AlrrAnl .
su jsenbers at the followingrates. l),lc o-
tlCG IVlll itivnn if -i
vance, which will depend iifoa the price of
piper. 1
Dae copy, one year wx
1 wo copies, one year 6 C()
Tlu cc copies, one year 7 f,n
Four copies, one year q ,v,
Fivcconie. one v.v,,. nn.l .... . ......
copy to t he pci son sending thc club,
1 1 0f
l!.l-rht COrin.1 nnn vn..i. n...l ....
copy to tho one sending t!l0 club
til 11 ll ill t ninn
- Y"i-- 2 00
Lie ven copies one year, and au ex
tra copy to tha one sending the club,
Addili0,,3 ( ay of -
0 each eiibscrilu r
Godoy's Lady's Book and Arthur's Homo
Snr"11 cath
Ve have no club with any other .V1.ga7.iae
or Newspaper. c
The money must all be sent at one lime for
nny dub.
Canada subscribers must send 21 cent
additional for each subscriber.
Iddress .L.A.CODEY.
; -V; V; CvrCr SU"1 CtotMtt Strut-,,
Philadelphia I'a, '
Consumptive sufferers will receive
valuable prescription for tlu cure of
Consumption, Asthma, Rionehilis, ami
all throat and Lung at!'eotion;', free of
charge, by sending their address (o
Kings Co.,
3 months New Yoik.
Notice is hereby given that, (he
Partnership, Lumbering business here,
toforc carried on by tho undersigned
under the firm iinino of Hoton, Kiy ,t
Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con.
R. 1 ELY,
Ridgway, July 17th 180:J.
NOTICE is hereby given that Thcodoro
Pak-n, hert.,oforo rosidiiigat Allegany, Cut.
tarnuRiia County, in the ytate of New Vork,
but now resiilinet nt Wilcor Klk Couiiiy,
Stale of lVnnsylvaui:, nu 1 James Chirk,
residence at l'luenfield in the State of New
Jersey, lewo formed a limited partners!ii-
pursuant to the Act ef the General Assembly
of the SUie of Pennsylvania, passed the IM-i-of
Mureh 1 entitled "An Act relative l-
lioiitad parliH'irfhips" nnd its several sup
plements, for the iiiauuf.icturc of Leather at
Wilcoxaforesai.l, upon tlio following term 1
to-Bit: 1st. Tlie nan.o ofsai 1 finu to bj
Theo l.-rc Palen; 'Jnd. The (reneral naturj
oflhc business transacted is the ninuufaciuro
of leal her ; ;!d- The name of tho peuerat
pari nor is Theodore Palen, now residing at.
H'ilcox aforeai.I ; -lih. Tho amuuut of
oapiiiil contributed by Iho special partner
James Clark, to iho common stuck, is
eightetn thousand dollars ; oih. The rm-t-nership
is to uoiilinuo from the ninth' day
-IprilA. 1J. 180J, lothe niulhday of April
A.I). 180'J. Dated at Wilcoi, Juuo Sil
Just Received
At the Book Store, St. Mary's
sanikusri-;aueus,No's. 1, r, 3.
4X5. ' ' '
Sanders primary and pictorial
Mitchols Gcograpliy & Atlai.
JJj. pHniary (ieography.
M iNally'u Geography.
M on U'i 1 1 is pri 111 ary (J n0y iaih y .
Sponciaiion copy books.
Webster's common school Dic
tionaries, lirowns Grammar.
Tou'era do
Mnrrays do
N01. 1, 2 A 3 plain copy book.
Blank books.
'Letter, notett writing paper.
Iuk,ris, Kuvelopes, Pencils
&.O., Aro. -