THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION General Benjamin Harrison Nominated For President on the First Ballot. EX-MINISTER WH1TELAW RE1D CHOSEN FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. A Four-Day Session nt Minnenjiolis. The riatform in Full. Sketch of the Nominees. rinsr imy's rnnrrsntwn. TheTcnlli Nnlloiiiil Kijmhlicnti Convention Was rnllcil to order by .1. S. Clurksoii, chair man of thp national romniittcp. 'I he lirst day session was a short one. After irnycr of not) imrtsiiin character .1. Mont I assctt, of New ork, was unanimously chosen tem- Imrnrv chairman. His speech was intently istcn'ed to. Hon. Thus. H. Hied followed with a stirring speech. Alter tho commit tees were nppninted, n motion to iid.iourn until to-morrow was then put and carried, nnd those of the dclciratcs not members of the standing committee slowly Hied nut t the hall, nnd the entiimittceincn adjourned to their respective cuminittee rooms to pro ceed to husinc. McKinley was selected for pcrmiinrnl rhiiirninn of the convention without opposi tion. The rotmnlttpp on 1'ltitform nrgnnu'cil by (lip elect ion of ex-Governor Fornkcr a cliulrman. The eominittee on Utiles elected THE NOMINEES. ron mrciuFNT. BENJAMIN IIARntROIf. Opnernl H. II. Itinglinm, of IVnny Ivnniri, chnirmaii and Judge S. F. Stnhl. of Arkansas, secretary. It m decided to recommend to thp convention the adoption of the rules of the convention of IWH, with u few untniir- taut change made necessary by the ndmis inn of new Htntpn since then. The I'om mitteeon Permanent Orgnni.itinn organize I try the selection of Lockwood. of Idaho, ns cfiiiirmiin, anil King, of New Hampshire, tin secretary. A sub-committee, consisting of Kllis, of Kansas; Thomas, of New York; T. Madison Vance, of Louisiana, and Depew, of Indiana, was appointed. kkcoxii hay. It wa 11:43 o'clock when Chnirmnn Fni- , sett rnpd the convention to order. Thp lit. Hev. II. II. Whipple, F.piscopnl llishop of Minnesota opened the proceedings with prayer the delegates and almost ull of the audience standing the while. A member of tlie committee on creden tials then stated it hud not passed on nnv con tented nenta, and would not hp possible for the committee to report to-dny. At the name time Secretary Thompson, of the com mittee on platform, stated that the commit tee would not cct through its work until late to-night, and as the national convention .A,U11nW,1;r1itwiTO A is ililill ii:L CONVENTION HAIX, MINNEAPOLIS. bad yoted yesterday not to po to ballot until both these committees had reported, and the reports had been acted upon. It ia safe to lay there will be no ballot until lute to morrow, if then. Pursuant to the program agreed upon when Faseett was selected as temporary chairman, (Jovernor McKinley, of Ohio, was, WILLIAM UCK1KLIT. THE PEHMANKNT CnAIItMAN. npon the report of the committee, elected permanent chairman, and Messrs. Fessen uen, Bpooner and Muhone named as the committee to conduct him to the chair. With McKinley's appearance with the com mittee, the delegates and audience rote to their feet, cheering wildly. When the cheering ceased, McKinley warmly thanked the convention and said that the convention would present a platform and a candidate that would meet with approval of the country. Aj his speech progressed he was fre quently and vociferously applauded, and t iU conclusion there were undeniable calls for Frederick Douglass, the colored orator ajad statesman. Mr. Douglass' appearance on the platform was hailed with tumultuous cheers. At 1 o'clock the Convention Adjourned till U o'clock to-morrow. THUD DAT, It was 11:22 when Chairman McKinley ppiwdtht convention to order. Senator Colltmi. of Illinois, offered n resolution re citing I luil the ( 'oliiinhiiin exposition in a great iiiitionnl undertaking, mill that the convention Terotninend enngtoss to make liberal appropriations to carry it to a suo eHlul lertnination. 'I'lip resolution win relerteil to the eoininittee on platform. Then the cluiirmau of the cominiltee on ere leu iinls slated that the eominittee had not yet completed its Inlnr. hut hoped to do ko by X I-. M . ntid ir ked for further tinip. The iicstion was voted without serious opposi sitinn and n recess taken until thai hour. 'I he vote on taking the recess wa" 4117 to i.1lo. The I'cnhsvlvimiu anil Now York del egations pri-sented iiltnnt II solid front. No business wus transacted nt the morning ses sion, none of the committee being ready to report. The greatest sensation of the day wait a caucus o! the Harrison men Immediately alter the adjournment of the convention. Word had been passed around In the eon- roll vicr i nis'i r-tT. trntTEi.AW hp. to. vent'on hall that nil the delegates who fa. vorcd Harrisons nomination wi re exported to meet lit Central Matket Hall as soon as the convention had taken a recess. The ob ject of the meeting was not stated Duly the lenders ol the Harrison movement knew its purpose, lint its importance was im pressed upon each of the delegates, and he was urged to come from the convention di rect to the place of meeting. When the delegates had a"nmhled "Imj" Jones, of Illinois, mounted the platform mi 1 1 asked that the Harrison leaders from each delegation join him there. In every case where t her win a majority for Harri son in the delegation the chairman of the delegation c imp to the platform. Where the Harrison men were In the minority, a member of the Harrison party in the dele f.'il ion represented it. t'hiiuncev M. Depew was mnde chair man. Assuininir the position, Mr. Depew hiiiii tnat itie onject ot tue meeting was to brine the Harrison men together so that thev could come in touch with each other, ami so that they could nil know fur them selves w ho the smuts wetc. On motion. I'. I,. Wacee, of Pennsylvania, was made secretary. There was soine (lis- cusslnn as to the best method of registering me sirengin oi jiurrison in the convention, and Mr. Magee suggested that he would rend u roll which had been muilo luut tiiirl,! F,.r corrections. Mr. Magee then read the roll ueginning wnn Aiunaiua. J lie ri presentu fivM nf finch fli.laont i.tu tin ll,u .l..i T, .. .... nounced the Harrison strength in his ilele- At the conclusion of the roll call. Mr. Ma gee announced that the total number of votes promised to Harrison wns Ml. This includes tiLoires from Nw NJnvl.r. itli)a. homa and Utah, which were not represent ed! in me ineeiillg. Mr. Magee moved that flmnrieev M Tie pew be inude the leuder of the Harrison forces in the convention, nnd thut the friends of Harrison stand by him to the end. The motion wns adopted amid cheers. Then the eioieun ri I lonrti.ul At the evening session of the convention ini-v oiiiuiHieeon i.;rciientinls reported ver bully. Then came the tun of war. vutvvj iiimn;uKm Ul IOW TIVIII faction was mnde after atteinps to tilbuster and prevent. It resulted in a decided victory A Oiul u,,t (.1 1. . . . 1. , iui vur jiniiimiuiicn, 1I1PIT BlrCllglU WU8 mui.tritw r, t At .,.. nil On the second vote, on the opposition rrpun oil uie Aiuijuiua contest, the ituuiiins HATIONAL CBAIMfAR J, I. CLASXSOR, tration forces gained a few while tb autis fell off over 60. Thus encouraged, the Presidents cohorts voiea oown an adjournment and the Com. mittee on Reeolutious then reported, Uov- ernot Kornkpr rpnmng the plnfform, which wnn auopipii, 1 1 lie piniiorin in lull is pun ilnhpd In another column Adjournment , Tiik ohatoiis or Titr (vinvkktioi. iin.AH n. nmn. nt I -II was then taken until II o'clock I'lidav mnminc. H.HKI loll Oil. I ITY AMI TITI'fVIM.r (I'A.) si IU l: I lis. After the reading of the communication to the enmcntion from the , ayors of (hi City and litusville, relativp to the recent calamities there. Senator Williafn l-'limi took up u subscription in the I'eiinsvlviiuiu delegation and in half all hour raised over H.ltM for the sufferers rorirrn lew. At 1 1 rt7 o'clock the convention was rail ed to order. 1'rnver was olfercd l.y the llev. Or. Waylatid Hoyt. of Minneapolis. The mtroritv reoort of the Committee on Credentials was then adopted. arner .Miller, oi ipw l orK, sent nil to the desk and had rendu woman s sufl rage memorial. Mr. Miller nsked that the olti- cers cf the Woman's Mepublicnn Associa tion nnmed in the communication be pre sented to the convention, and this was done. Mrs. . I. I. lien roster wns escorted to the latform. arid read an address in a shrill, lit audible voice, w ith many oratorical gestures. The lady orator, ns she warmed up with her ninject, laid aside tier notes ami undressed the convention with n fluency and force which elided freijuent applause. v lien t up c iiiiriiinii imnressiveiv an nounced that the next order of buisness was the presentation ot names for the nomina tion for ('resident, a mighty cheer went up from the convention. I he roll call of stutes then followed for nominations. When Colorado was reached Senator Wol- rott mounted the platform mid placed in nomination .mints ii, r.inmo. ine (lrainat ic prereiitHtion of the name of Illnine, so un expected, so decisive, took the convention by surprise. 1 here was dead silence lor a iiioineiiC Then the Maine men broke loose mid for three minutes the ball rung with ttieir c heers, renewed again and again. I hey stood up wuving hats and hanker chiefs and rims. As Senator Walcott finished the Illniiie men were on their feet ngniti, cheering and waving flags, haiiilkercluefs and even um brellas. Someone in the galleries began the cry of "Itlnine, Illaine, .lames (). Illume, ' hut the chairman rapped for order, and the roll call proceeded slowly. When Indiana was reached therp wns ap plause, which wap renewed ten-fold when the venerable It. W. Thompson walked up the nisle, took the platform and in a brief speech nominated ('resident Harrison, The counter demonstration of the Harrison men came with enthusiasm. Fans nnd unbrel las were in the air, delegates stood on their seats, and i'red Douglas, waving his white hat on top of h s cane, led t lie cheering that was sustained for two minutes or more. 'J ho chairman sat down until the tumult subsided. Then ho ordered tiie call contin ued. When Michigan wns reached tome one in the galleries cried out, ''What's the matter with Alger?'' but there was inly a slight Inugh from the convention. Then Minne sota wus called nnd W. II. Kustis took the tloor to second the nomination of Maine. Just ns the applause for Mr. Kustis' speech was living out Mrs. H. V. Kerins, wife of the Naiional Committeeman from Missouri, and Mrs. Carson Lake, of New York, who sat beside her, started the cheer ing again, waving their parasols. New York being reached Chatincey M. Pepew proceeded with his speech, seconding the nomination of Harrison. At its close, the lust paragraph being delivered witli im passioned euriicstne and dramatic e fleet, the Harrison men started a counter-demonstration to that following Kustis's speech. An immense crayon iiortruit of the President was carried down to the platform, while thousands were on their feet shouting and waving every portable thing thut could be handled. 'J he work of Mrs. Kerns nnd Mrs. Lake was duplicated by Mrs. Depew, while a young girl in the gallery evoked cheers by waving an immense flag. Inn few minutes the Harrison portrait was met by the Chi cago Hlaine Club marching up and down the nisle with a picture of Minnie, and to gather they were carried until the yelling was over. The time consumed was 2M min utes, and then Mr. Warner Miller of New York, took the piatrorrn to answer his col league and second the nomination of Illaine. As the roll cull proceeded, some states seconded Hlaine s nomination ami others Harrison's. Then the ballot was taken, with many interruptions challenges, Ac, which were satisfactorily adjusted, und nt nearly five o'clock tiie result wus announced. There was silence as the secretury read it, as fol lows : Whole number of votes east, WUJ; necessary to choice, 4M. Benjamin Har rison received Kift 1-6; James O. Itlnine re ceived W2 William McKinley. 182; KobertT. Lincoln, 1: Thomas II. Keed. 4. The chairman said : "President licnjnmln Harrison having received a majority of the votes cast lias received the nomination of this convention. Shall it be unanimous?" Loud cries of "Yes", "The nomination Is made unanimous." A motion to take a recess untill 8 p. M. was Immediately offered and agreed to, and the heated and excited assemblage dispersed. At the evening session Kz -Minister Whitelaw Keid wus unanimously nominat ed for Vice President. Resolutions thanking the minor officers of the convention and the citizens of Minneap olis were pasted with enthusiusm. Air. Clurkson offerei a resolution of thauki to the pjople of Minneapolis for the complete and superior accommodations provided, and the generous and adequate provisions for entertaining visitors; also thanking the Kz ecutive Committee. This was adopted. A resolution from the press thanking the local press committee was offered by Mr. DeYounjt oi Calitorna, and adopted. CUAi-irniET u. rvrrw. Mr. Cannon, of Illinois, offered tha nsual resolution to ninke (,'hnlrninn MeKinlev the chairman oi the committee to notify the enndidntps. Thsnks was ulso voted to retir ing Nstionnl Committeemen for their ser vices in the ciimnniiin of imt. 'flip r(.lof Ctates wns then called for the appointment of members of the committees to notify the nominees. At the close of the roll call, tin convention at Hi p. m. ndioiirni d sinp die. 'J he following is the ballot by States as final y corrected and approved lor the ntll ciui record : Ptatts ami TMiiiiTotiirs. Alabama l .... 7 A rkansas Ill K .... j California IN M II Colorado H H .... Connecticut 12 4 N Delaware II 4 1 1 Morula H H Ilcotgiii 'H '2li Idaho I! (I .... Illinois Ah Ml PI .... Indiana :tn :io lown Jil 'JO ft 1 Kansas '.ti II (I Kentucky 22 2 1 I ouisiaiiti Hi H M .... Maine 12 12 .... Murvliiiii! in I 14 .... Mnsssi busetts :m lx 1 11 Michigan 2H 7 2 l!l Minnesota k S !i 1 Mississippi H :;j 4j'.... Missouri Sit 2H 4 2 Montana n .1 1 .... Nebraska HI l.'i .... 1 Nevada II II .... New llampshiret 1 X j 4 2 .... New Jersey I 'jn IK 2 New York'. 72 27 M' 10 North t 'arolinu 22 17' 25' I North Dakotii Ii 2 4 .... Ohio 4(i 1 ..., 4.1 Oregon H 1 .... 7 rentisylviiui.'i (II l'l Si 42 Mhode Wnnd H ft 1 I South Carolina .s 1:1 3 South Dakota 8 H Tennessee 21 17 4 Si Texas Mi 22 (1 .... Vermont H X Virginia 21 ! Ill 2 Washington . 1 (i 1 West Virginia 12 12 Wisconsin 21 pi 2 :t Wyoming (1 4 2 .... Alaska 2 2 ... Arizona 2 1 1 !..,. 1 'is. of Columbia 2 .... 2;.... Indian Territory 1 2 I 1 .... New Mexico f! I! Oklahoma 2 2 .... .... I'tah 2 2 ...J.... Kentucky 1 absent: North CarolinnH vote absent, t New ll.iliip-hire 1 lor Lin coln, and one for Heed. Hhode Island 1 for Heed. Texas 2 for Heed. IIITAITnl.VNON. Harrison Itlnine , McKinley Hoed..... Lincoln ,W l-ll 12 1-0 1S2 4 1 Sketch of Benjamin Harrison. Prs.iAMis Hai.iiison, son of John Pcott Harrison, wns hornnt North I'cnd, 0 Aug ust 2(i, IK.'1'I; graduated from Miama I'niver sity in 1H'i2; studied law in Cincinnati and in IsM removed to Iiidianariolis, which has since been his home. In IWiii hp was elect ed Reporter of the Supreme Court of Indi niin. and in IM12 entred the nrmy ns second lieutenant of the Seventieth Indiana. When the rceimcnt was completed he was no pointed its colonel by (Jovernor Oliver I', Morton. He was hurried forward with it tu join the force under (ieneral liuell nt llow! ingflreen. Ky., then confronted by theCon federntes under I'.ragg. His first independ ent action as a commander wns against a body of Confederates at Kussollville, which he surrounded, capturing many prisoner and all their horses and arms. His regi ment wns occupied chiefly in the West, guarding railways and fighting guerillas. He was so engaged until January, 1MH, when he was put in command of his brigade, which was added the First Division of the Eleventh Armv Corps. In his new rank hi first engagement of importance wns at Ilcsiica, May 14. Isjh, and n tew dnvfl later he took part in the capture of Cassville; then in the battles of Kenesaw Mountain and Peach TreeCreek. where his bearing so pleased Honker Hint he wrote to the Secretary of War calling attention to his rervice nnd requesting promotion. The winter of lMi4-iV he spent with Thorn at in Tennessee in command of his brigade, and was made brevet brigadier in January of 1Wsr. The war over he returned to Indianapolis and resumed bis duties ns Supreme Court lieporter, having been re-elected to that office while at the front. In thecontests for the Presidency in lWiH and 1H72 he traveled through Indiana making addresses, but did not enter politics again on his own account until 1H7H, wh ti he reluctantly ullowed iiis name to be used in the tight for (Inventor ship. Orth had been nominated but de clined. When Harrison took up the fight it was ton lute to win, but he gave the Democratic Williams a close tussle. Har rison in that showed his popularity, for he was stronger than his ticket by several thousands. In 1K70 President Hayes ap pointed liim to a place on the Mississippi liiver Commission, nnd in 1K0 he enst the vote of Indiana for Onrfield, refusing all of fers of votes for himself. In lHsuthe Republican pained control of Indiana and he was elected I'nited States Senator, taking bis seat March 4. 1H81. In 1HKK he was nominated for President and elected, und now receives a secoud nomina tion. Whitelaw Keid's Career. Wnrrri.AW Hfid. the unanimous choice ol the convention for Vice President was born nenrXenin, 0..0.-ctoher27, 1H17. He studied nt Miami t'niverity. from which he urnd uated in 1H.VI. He at once took a lively in terest In politics, making speeches iti the Fremont campaign on tiie Kepnbli. an side nnd soon became editor of the Xeuin AVus. At tiie opening of the civil war lie became the correspondent of the Cincinnati Oazrtte, with headopiurters at Washington. His letters on uirrent politics at thut time at tracted much attention by their thorough Information nnd pungent style. From Washington he made ezenreion to tne army wherever nctiveoperstions were prom ised. He served as siilc-de-coinp to Oen. llosencrnns in the West Virginia campaign of IHtil. and wus at the battles of Shiloh and Oettvshurg. He wus elected Librarian of the House ot Representative in lNia and served three years. After the wnr he en gaged in cotton planting in Louisiuna. and wrote a book on the South, entitled "After the War". Ho then returned to Ohio and wrote "Ohio in the Wnr," which is pro nounced the mcst important State history of the war. On the conclusion of this labor, he went to New York on the invitution of Horace Oreeley and became an editorial writer on the Tribuur. Upon the death of Mr. Oreeley in 1N72, Mr. Ueid became editor and principal owner of the paper. Jn 170 he was appointed by the Legislature of New York a lite regent of the University. With this ezception be declined all offers of public employment for a period of -SXj years, piefcrring to devote his energies to the Tribune. He was offered by President Hayes the post of Minister to Germany, and a similar position by President Garfield, both of which he diclined. President Har rison's offer of the appointment as Minister to Krauce was accepted, however, and in this important position Mr, Keid distin guished himself. He recently resigned this position and returned home a few weeks ago to resume his journalistic career, but only to be met with the unsolicited offer of the vice presidential nomination. THE PLATFOBal. The following I the full text of the pint form, as adopted by the ltepubllcan Con vention at Minnenpoli : Thp rpprpsptilntivp of the Itppuhllcnri of the I'nited States assembled in general con vention on the short of the Mississippi river, the everlasting bond of an uude tructlblp Kepuhlic, whose, most glorious chapter of history Is the re-ord of the lip publican parly, c'oiurraliiliitc their country men on (lie majestic march of the Nation under the banner. Inscribe I with the prin ciple of our platform of Isss, vindicated by victory nt the polls nnd prosperity in our fields, workshops and mines, nnd mnkc the following declaration of principles; I'lioTKortoN anii Hrcii'iiorirv We renf flrm the American doctrinp of protection. Wp call attention to its growth abroad We maintain that the prosoerous roud.tiou of our country is largely due to the wise rev enue legislation ot the Kcpuhlicau Congress. We believe that nil articles which cannot be produced in the llnited Stntps except lux uries should he admitted tree of duty, und that on nil imports coming in compttii ion with thp product of American labor, there Should he levied duties equal to the differ ence bi-t wen wage abroad nnd at home. We assert that t he price of manufactured nrtielcs of general consumption have been reduced under thu operation of the tariff act ot H!i. We denounce efforts of tho Democratic majority of the House of liepri'sentntives to destroy our turifl law by piec emeal, as is manifested by their attacks tioou wool, lend ntm lean ores, The cinei products oi a num ber of Stat; and we ask the Kiople for their Judgment thereon. We point to the success of the Itcpublicnn policy of reciprocity, under which our ex port trade lias vastly increased, nnd new anil enlurged markets have been opened for the products of our farms and workshops. Wp remind the people of the bitter opposi tion of the Democratic parly to this practi cal business measure, mid claim that, er.p. cuted by u Hepuhlicnti ndministmtiori, our present laws will eventually give us control of the trade of the world. Tim Crniif si v. T hp American rpnp'p, from tradition nnd interest, favor bi-met-alliMll. and the Republican party demands the use of both gold nnd silver us standard money, with such restrictions nnd undei such provisions to he determined by legislu lion, as will secure the mainienatiec of the parity of values of the two metals, so that the purchasing nnd dehtpaying power ol the dollar, whether of silvergold or purer, shall be nt nil times equal. I lie intere-t of the producers of the country, its farmers nnd its workiugmen demand that every dollar, paper or coin, issued try the iiovern rucnt. shall be as goisl as any other. We commend the wise nnd patriotic steps al ready taken by our Government to secure nil internal loiinl conference, to ad' Jt such measures us will insure a parity of value between gold and silver for use as money throughout the world. A Fiu k IIai.i.ot. W'e demand that every of the l iiited Spites shall be allowed to act one free nnd unrestricted ballot in al) public elections, and that such ballot shall be counted nnd returned as cast ; that Hu h laws shall be euai ted ami enforced ut will secure to every citizen, be he rich oi poor, native or foreign-born, whiteor black, this sovereign right guaranteed by the Con stitution. The free nnd honest popular bailor, the Just arid P'iial representation of all the peo ple, as well as their just and eiiial protec tion under the laws, are the foundation ol our republican institutions, and our party will never relax its efforts until theinteg rity of the ballot nnd the purity of election shall lie fully guaranteed mid protected in every State. We denounce the continued inhuman outrages perpetrated upon Ameri can for political reasons in certain States of the I'nioii. r oiir.Mix Relations. We favor thpexten- sion ot our foreign commerce, the restora- tiimofour mercantile murine by home built shins, nnd the creation of a navy for the protection of our national interests and the honor of our flag, tho mnimenancj ol the most friemhy relations with all foreign powers entangling allininvs with none, unci tne protection oi tne rights ot our nsner men. We rcailirm our npprovul of the .Mon roe doctrine, and believe in the a hisvemeni of the manifest destiny of the Pepubiic in its broadest sense. We favor the enactment of more str'ngeni laws nnd regulations for the restriction ol criminal, pauper and contract immigration S.rm or L.mioh We favor elhci -nt leg islation by Congress to protect the life aia limbs of employe of transportation coin panics engage 1'in currying on inter-stnti commerce, and recommend legislation by the r. spective States that will protect eni ployes engaged in State commerce, in min ing and manufacturing, Caisps op Hcmamtv The Ilepuhlicnr party lias always been the champion of the oppressed, und has recognized the dignity o! luanhoo I, irrespective ol faith, color or nil tiomility. It sympathizes witli the cause o home riile in Ireland, and p-otests ugainsi the persecution of the Hebrews in lliosia. i.iKM.TY The ultimate reliance of frc popular government i the intelligence, oi 'he people and the msiutenance ol fieeddr among men. We, therefore, declure anew our devotion to liberty of thought nnd con science, of speech unci press, and approve at. agencies and instrumentalities winch con tribute to the education of the children of tin land; tint while insisting iikhi the fullis' religious liberty, we nre opposed to any uniut of any Church und the Stats. Tin sts We reaffirm ur clared in the Itepublicim plr form of sn to all combinations of cap, i d, organized in trust or otherwise, to control arbitrarily the condition of trade among our citizens We heartily indorse the action alrendy tuk en upon this subject unit usk for such furth er legislation ns may be required to remedy uny delect in existing laws, and to rendei their enforcement more complete und effec tive. fy.rt Mail Dki.ivfry We approve th policy of extending to towns, viliagei nnd uiral communities the advantages ol the free delivery service now enjoyed b the large cities of the country, und reatlinu the declaration contained in the Lcpuhlkun platform of Ins, pledging the reduction ol letter po-.itage to 1 cent at the earliest potsi b!e moment consistent with the ir.a n'cii unee of the Postotth e liepnriment und tin highest cuiss of postal tervice. Civil We c uniiieiid the spiri' nnd evidence of reform in tne civii and the wise and cons stent enforcement ly tiie Kepublicaii purty of the laws regulat ing the same. NicAKAot'A Canal The construction ol the Nicaragua Canai is of the highe-t impor tuticc to the American people, both us a measure of national deienso nnd lo main tain A mcricau corn merer, und it should b controlled by the I'nited StattsGovernment TiiiiiiTonirs We favor the admission ol tho remaining Territories at the earliest practicalile date, having due regard to the interests of the people of the Territories line' of the I'nited Stutes. All the Federal otti cers uppointe t for the Territories should be selei ted from bona fine residents thereof, and tho right of self-government should b accorded us fur us practicable. Arid Laniw We favor cession, subject to the homestead laws, of the arid punlic lands to the States and Territories in which they lie. under such Congressional restriction lis to disposition, reclamation und occupancy by settlert is will secure the raaziraum ben efits to the people. Tint World's Fair The World's Colum bian Exposition is a great national under taking, und Congress should promptly enact such reusonuble legislation in aid thereof as will insure a discharging of the expense and obligations incident thereto, and tne attain ment of results commensurate with the dignity and progress of the nation. Imtxmi'krakci We sympathize with all wise and legitimate efforts to lessen and prevent the evils of intemperance and pro mote morality. Pensions Ever mindful of the services and sucirtice of the men who saved the life of the nation, we pledge anew to the veteran soldier of the Itepubllc a watchful car and recognition of their Just claim iion a grateful people. llAritftsn' AiiMimsrnATiosj We com mend the able, patriotic and thoroughly Amenenn administration of President Hnr rison, Under it the country tins enjoyed rn ninrknble prosperity, and tho dignity nnd honor of the nation, nt home and aorond, bnve been faithfully maintained; and wo ofter the record nf the pledge kept a a guiirniiieo of faithful performance in the ut"rc" Name of the national Republican Corn mltteemen. Arknnsns, Powell.New York, T. 8. Clayton. I Wtthertiee, California, M. II. Do,North Dakota, II. C. Young, Hnnshrotich. Colorado, J. F, Faun- Ohio, Wm. Al. Holm. iter. Connecticut, Samuel Peisenden. Florida, John (LfxiriB. Georgia, William W. lirown. Idaho, (ieorge L. Shoup. Illinois. Willium J. ( ami hell. Iowa. J. 8. Clarkson. Oregon, joso ji. Simon. Hhode Island, lsnno M. Potter. South Carolina, . M. Iirnvton, South Dakota, J. P. Kittrcdge. Tennessee, Oeorgc Ws Hill. Vermont, Matron B, Kaiisas.Cyrns Lcland, llolliert. Virginia, William Kentucky, W. O, Pradley. Ma, ne, J. II. Mnnley. Maryland, James 8. Gary. Massachusetts, W. Murray Crane. Muhone. Washington, Nelson lien net t. West Virginia, N. B. Scott. Wisconsin, Harry C, Pnvnc. Wyoming, Joseph M. Michigan, John W. Mernarn. Missouri, K.fJ. Kerins, Montana. A.C.Itotkin Carey, Arizona, William GifTurd. District of f'o'nmbia, I'errv If. Cnsson. New Hampshire, P, iipnpy. New Jersey, GarrellNew Mexico, 'J homo A. lloharl. 11. t at ron. Alabama. Delaware. Indiana. IOnisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Navada, Norttr Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Oklahnma slid I'tah nsked for further time in which to muke their selections. - THE STRICKEN CITIES. Latest News From Oil City and Tltua yille. Pa. All Bodies Recovered. On. City, Pa., June 111 Tim list of dead is completed. The last body identified, thut ( f William White, found.nt Kinlenton, wns the Inst of the list missing. Prank Ycnger, of Sivelyville, who was rescuing penp!o by means of a boat w hen the flames came, lost his reason to-day through tho terrible strain upon his mind. Other reports of a like nature may be expected nt nny time, an a great ninny persons tire still prostrated from fright. Tin s villi:. Pa., June i:i. Memorinl ser vices were held in ull the churches Sunday nnd were largely nttended. It is estimnted thnt Ki.issi peopie were ill the city from the neighboring towns. Tne recovery of Hert Osmer on Saturday morning bring the number of dead up tofKi. Work in the ruins were suspended Sunday to give tne exhausted laborers an oppor tunity for rest. A reporter Saturday went down Oil Creek from Jitusvillo to oil City in a boat, searching lor bodies. The bushes along both bunk are laden with every description of clothing and furniture. The high water mark rem lies in some places hn'l wny to the tops of tall trees, whose resits are on tho . .... i. ..r . . TL... -.1.1 I 1 1 .. bank of thestream, i he old Drake well, a mile belo.v this city, is washed nwov. Tweii'v-live other derricks along the bunks just be.o v the Drake well are entirely oblit erated. Twoiron tanks, of ': linrrels fu j purity, hove lodged in the lower brandies of lahig'.uk. Several houses from Tilusvillo 1 are stranded in the chum. el u distance of live miles Iroiu the city. From 'l .tasville to 1'ione-r the debris ia thickest. Five ui-ge iron tank which were swept from Tit-isvil'p, are lodged ut various inter vnls as tar in Pioneer, i'hi; most remarka ble sight is the immense amo'iut of debris, incliid.i g men s, women's and children's wearing it r--t. furniture of all kinds and looking incn-ils, which liniij; upon tho trees nod the tv.iiow hmncht ull ulong tho creek. A Sinn'! dwe. I'ti:-' carried from Tilusvillo stands .'). et iiiiund. surrounded by brusu and trees and wedged between two gigantic oaks upside down. Only three, bridge of the 2") which formerly spanned Oil creek be tween this point und'Oif City remain intact. 1 he others are either totally or partially wrecked. No bodies were found. A notable riitl'erencj appears in the char ne'er of the disasters which have overtaken Oil I My and Titusville, Herethe element of lire 'mid water together wrought the aw ful destruction of life and prorty. At Oil f ity the flood caused hut u small portion of the loss, und tirp did Itie rest, ItFVOMI Ol It HOKItRIt. At Pntchinski, Unssin, three hundred nnd ten lious-s were burned. Tho population of the town is 7,(u. Great de.titution pre vails. The Perlin Tageblutt confirms the recent rumors of the death in tho interior of Afri ru of Pasiiu. If it is true that Kmin is dead, the natural supposition ia that he has fallen u victim to smallpox. The Oriental bank in London hns failed for 9,0h'J,o )'). The Mauritius cyclono cau.. ed the wreck. The drouth in Cuba continue. Tiie eruption of Mt. Vesuvius continues. At about the middle of the Atrio Del Ca rat io, the deep sickle-shuppii valley which separate Monte Sonum from Vesuvius proper, a small cone has appeared from which two streams of luvu arc flowing. A shower of sinuli stones and scoriae arc being ejected from this cone, above which dense cloud are .Stones nre also being ejected from the principal crater. This phenomena is accompanied by prolonged nnd ominous subterranean rumbling. The director of the Meteorological Observatory thinks that the eruption will cease ut the next full moon. Seventeen bandit who wens captured near Orizubu, Mex co. have bppn executed. 'Havoc Wrought by Cuban Floods. Matanz . Ci'UA, June 13. The flood in ihia region is rapidly subsiding, and the luninge done is now everywhere apparent. The furniture of some 325 Hooded dwellings aas been either curried away by the waters r ruined; crops huve been destroyed, and ibout 4oU heud of cuttle have been drowned. The market pluce is purttully ruined, and it m stateil thut over (100,000 bugs of sugar have been lost. Tke Leasee Reearit. The following table shows the standing of the various base ball clubs : Post- Per Lost, poned. Cent. 12 4 .739 IS 6 .tm 20 S .674 20 4 .And 22 3 .522 23 8 .600 23 4 .4H 2fi 3 ,47ft 2.1 5 .444 25 5 .432 81 4 .340 33 7 :m Won. Boston 34 Brooklyn. .29 Cincinnati... Chicago Philadelphia. Cleveland .... New York... Pittsburgh... Louisville.... Washington.. St. Louis baltimore.... ...27 ...23 ...24 ...23 ...22 ...23 ,...20 ...10 ...18 ....12