The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 18, 1892, Image 4

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    gTfrc -fr Star
Aufoeripfi'm tl.'M ptr year, in udranee.
An liiilrpenili'nt loenl nnprr, putilMicuevi'rjr
Wi'ilmluy lit K'vnihlH'IIU, ,Mriron t'o.,
I'll., rtevolwl to th liiti'rmmuf Ki ynoMtvlllo
nml JvtrtiiMni!Miiitr Non-imlMU'iil. will trvt
nil with rulrmiHi, unit will lMHHHMliilly frMtil
iy IowhiiI tli iHlmrlllif rlww.
ftultwrlfitlon prlci'l.ftDpvryvnr.ln mlvunre.
I'ommiinti'iitlnttn Intend for nuhlli-ntlim
imit' Iw Bii'iimimnliMl liy lh wrfti-r'n nnnii-,
tml for niihlli'iitlon, hut a ti mninintee of
tf'IOfl ftlllll. Illll-rHlIni nWH Itt1l( Wlltl'ltlMl.
Advertising noes mndn known on iippllm
t!on nt tho office In Arnold' Ulix'k.
hi'iiuhty rotmmin trillions mitl irhnnirv of
dvertliM,menU nhotiUt rtmrh thin office by
MomlHy noon.
A'lil w nil cnmmmilontlnn to C. A. Hteph
n"n, Keynnlrtnvllle, I'm.
1. A. KTKPIIKIV, Kdltor and hk
for & 9tnir.
Hiil'lei-t to the ni'tlon of thn Kepuldlrnnn of
Intti'iKon county ut Iho primary election,
tunc IH, INK.
w. .1. Mcknight,
Horn. retired snd lived In the county. A tn-
rmyt-r, noiunlmcd nml IndcntWed with your
ntervitt. Served In the Senate from ln
' until 14. A rnnilldste for tv-noinlimllon
flow h Senator, mid for n scond term Ht the.
Kepuhllnin prlmnrles of .lefferwin eoiinly.Pii..
Juno IS, ISW. A Kepnhllrnn csmpiiiKner,
. worker itnd voter forthlrty-ltve years.
I.nbor mipporu the Hlnte. The HIHte xhoiild
rrotect Inlxir. The Impiwtittlon of ronlmet
ihor Mopped. Jeirerwtn ronnty to he given
two memoer In the' I,cirlHlitiirc. School
IxxikK to be furnMied free by the Htste to nil
tliewhiMilH. The tniine te lie rliiHHtfled nml
t lie expense of their mipport pnlrt by the Htnte.
I'ree Hchooln In fiirt- School tax nlNilUhed.
rhoola to be ninintnlned and support ci by
the State. Honesty and economy with the
people's money, .rustlee to the soldier, his
widow and his orphan.
If this Is your platform vole forme June
for 3lmbltt.
JjV)R assemhi.y:
8uhect to action of the Republicans of Jeff
erson ronnty nl the primary election, June
Htibjert to the derision of the lH'moeriitlc
voters of Jefferson county at the ensutiitf
primary election.
Juhjcct to the action of the Republicans of
li'irerson county at the primary election,
lune IN.
That "nothlnjr succeeds like success,"'
is a cruel, heartless saying, fit only to
be quoted in defense o( what were other
wise indefensible. Failure, honorably
met and nobly borno, 1 a thousand t linos
better than the success that is gained
through fraud, double dealings, or any of
the arts of the dishonest man. Better,
by far, that a man should live in obscur
ity all his days than that he should win
the highest success, that oan come to him
who trades in truth to the hurt of his
neighbors. The money-making spirit
has so taken possosslon of a largo share
of American people that they will defend
or excuse almost any act not openly
criminal that enriches the actor. Ex.
t Two great gatherings of interest to
many peoplo in Uoynoldsville are the
. Presbyterian General Assembly and the
Methodist Episcopal General Confer
ence. The formor begins its session at
Portland, Oregon, to-morrow and the
utter hub neen in session ai uraanu,
Neb.,since May 2nd. These great gath-
erings of christian workers represent a
very large constituency of some of the
best peoplo of our land. In each of
these questions of vital Interest aro to
be considered. You will find in our
column lute reports of these conven
tions and whether you are Methodist or
Presbyterian in fulth, those will lie of
interest to you. It is too soon now to
comment upon the result of those "meet'
ings, but during the future yoars it Is
Hoped they may apjiear to be to the
., , advantage of the denominations repre
sented aud the general welfare of all
-' .christian people,
It is a mutter of surprise to many keen
observers that Great Britain has eon-
aented to take part in an international
conference on silver. 1 The English pa
1 Vers are making very sharp attacks on
Mr. Goschen for givinar hia assent to
the oonferenoe and, with the present
state of public opinion in England, it
seems remarkable that Mr. Goschen
should have yielded to the request of
our Government. Tho co-operation of
i enough governments has already been
secured to assure the meeting of the
t conference, and it is to be hoped that
,', .good result may Jollow. The question
i of the basis of currency is really an in
' ternational rather than a national one
and the present market Di-ioe of stlv
makes the situation of the monetary
. v suuiaai'Us ol the world a precarious one,
- Some agreement on the part of all lead'
inir nations hm to t.ha eului lm vu.uii
illvor and gold must soon beoome ne-
.eesslty to the business prosperity of the
srorld. If the eoiulhe international sil
ver ooniorenoe is entereo into by the
loading powers In statesmanlike and
' earnest spirit such action will be taken
. pa will settle to a large dogree the nil-
tr iquestton ,ln American politics for
'wmi years to come ana place ali ,husl-
iHesj transactions .. national and Inter-
jtioa 1 upon Jlraj and pemutneut
Senator Gorman mini ) u very polite
and able speech In the Senate a few days
slnco. The questliin was on tin) passage
of the naval appropriation bill., The
Maryland leader, who aspires to head
the next Democratic National ticket,
expressed himself M not in sympathy
with the Holmun theories and plans,
but heartily in favor of such appropria
tions as were demanded by the growth
and progress of the country. lie be
lieved, he said, in tho encouragement
and fostering of American industries.
Heearnestly favored sufficient appropri
ation for the rebuilding of tho American
Navy. This utterance of Senator Oor
man will strengthen the already strong
hold ho has on tho Democracy and tho
people of the country at large. Strang
er things, by far, have hapixmod than
would occur if Mr. Gorman is accepted
by his party as their leader in the em
Ing presidential campaign.
All lloman Catholic people as well as
people of the various Protsant denomi
nations are Interested in the recent
utterance of the Vatican in regiti-d to
the plan of education put in praetlco by
Archbishop Ireland. A largo number
of our American ioople are Catholics,
and among them are found many of the
most intelligent and liberal minded of
our citizens. Any movement which is
to effect a change in the methods of
education approved by the olllcers of
this church Is an Important one. It is
claimed by high officials of tho church,
however, that the recent letter from
tho Holy See will not change the decrees
of tho council of Baltimore. But tho
views of leading prelatea differ some
what as to the proer Interpretation of
the Pope's letter. Let us hoH that
aside from all other issues involved
such action has been and will be taken
as shall lead ultimately to the perfect
accord of the Catholic church and our
public school system.
What is tho difference between nig
gardliness and ext ravagance? Two men
may have the same Income and expend
the same sums and one be cxtravugant
and the other parsimonious. So with
town, stute or national affairs, the
qtiestion of oxN3ndItures is not one of
amount but one of newsslty Biid wisdom.
That man is a niggard and a sHndthrlft
who stints his family in providing the
necessuncs of life and squander his
income in personal indulgence. So
congress may bo at tho some time par
s'jnonious and extravagant. The ques
tion the voter should ask of that man or
party which asks his suffrage is not how
much will you favor as a sum total of
appropriation, but for what purpose aro
you in favor of voting money. Scruti
nize not the footing at the bottom of
the page as you study appropriation
bills, but tho items of the bill.
The last congress was severely criti
cised because of its large expenditures.
It seems from present indications that
tho present session is also to mako
unusually large appropriations. Yet
from all tho politicians during a cam
paign wo hear much alxmt economy.
Let our government lie run economi
cally, let official extravagance cease,
let businoss methods prevail. But how?
Suroly not by tho voter accepting every
partisan cry of economy that is raised
and looking only at the sum total of
appropriations; but by each citizen
Informing himself concerning the nec
essity and wisdom of tho various ex
penditures. Tho intelligent voter is
not the man who takes tho mere "say
so" of tho political stump shaker or
party pajicr, but the man who investi
gates, meditates and votes whon ho
votes, 'because ho knows what ho wants
and whore and from whom to get it.
What we desire surely, as citizens, is
neither parsimony nor extra vagunco,
nor both combined us they frequently
aro in our governments' cxiMjnse bill,
but economy. Let all make a study of
the work of tho present congress and
let each determine for himself as to the
wisdom of its bills.
Door Plates Out of Eashion.
How completely the doorpluto has
gone ont of fashion. When I came to
New York to work for a living, a door
plate was as essential an insignia of gen
tility as a bank account, and shop
where they were sold were to be found
everywhere. On the residence streets
of the better class, at a certain hout
every morning, you would see a servant
on every stoop, polishing the plate np
before its owner had his breakfast. The
doorplate was with us what the marble
front step is to a Philadelphia Phila
delphia's front steps are there yet.
Onr doorplates have become things
of the past, found only ou old fashioned
houses without pretensions to style.
Their places have probably been taken
by the coats of arms which fashionable
New York now pays a Frenchman to
invent or borrow for it, and which make
the titled visiting foreigner rub his eyes
when he finds hia own crest over the
door of a Wall street man of unknown
origin or a railroad magnate of no ori
gin at all. New York Cor. Pittsburg
"What be you after now, Samu'l Pay
son?" inquired a brisk and thrifty Ver
mont farmer of a ihiftlegg neighbor,
who came shuffling across the barnyard
one morning with as much of a business
like air as he was able to assume.
"I jest wanted t know," replied the
amiable Bamul, with his usual vac
illating smile; "I'm tryin t" fix th place
up a little, 'gainst some vii'tors we've
got oomiu, an I jest wanted t' know if
so be t you c'd give me aa empty barrl
o floor t' make a hencoop t' put a pig
in; for 1 aint got nothing at all f put
Bothln at all inter Youth's Compan
Sandy Valley.
From present indications the crop will
be ItbtHHlrtllt.
Tho wet woather Is making lute corn
Rev. Hill of tho B techwooda, preached
to a large congregation
Tho Young People's Christian En
deavor is nourishing in our village.
Rev. Pollard will preach in the Valley
church next Sunday at 3.00 o'clock P. M.
Tho O. U. A. M. of Sandy Valley con
template attending church In a body in
the near future.
Bradford Be bee has completed his new
house and is ready to move In this week.
It is situated In Oklahoma, ono mile
north of this place.
There aro a number of mon at work
at tho Sherwood mine placing tho tim
ber In tho drift. Work will ho com
menced on the tlpplosoon.
Tho member of tho Handy Valley
brass bund are coming to tho front as
musicians. Thny number 14 and are
under tho Instructions of Prof. Burt, of
This place Is badly In need of a freight
house, as there is a largo amount of
gotsls shlpsd here and no placo to shel
ter them If It happens to bo raining
when they are unloaded.
James G. Mitchell, of Perrysvlllo,
candidate for State Senator, was cir
culating through our village Monday of
this week. HeoxjMwts his chamm very
favorably, and wo think so to.
There arc a nuinlsr of our young men
attending graded schools tills spring.
James and Alex. Walte and Frank Bon
er at Grove City, Chas. McGhee at Boll
view, Burt Cox at Roynoldsville.
Lust week a number of sample copies
of The Star were circulated among our
citizens. All were well pleased with the
now pujier. We would recommend it
to every family. We think it the kind
of starlight that will lienellt every house
hold in our community.
9vtftn with the STiM.
Bauohman MOORK At tho residence
of thobrlilo's parent In Kmerlekvillo,
on Muy aid. by Itev. Jus. H.
Jelliert, A. M. Buuglunun and Susie
C. .Moore, both of hmortckvlllo, I'll.
R kit EH Yon k At tho M. K. parson
age in Kmerlekvillo, on May 10th,
1HH2. bv Rev. .las. 11. Jellxrt. Philip
P. Bolter and A. G. Yohe, Isith of
Paradise Settlement.
Dii.ts FYK On Saturday, May 14,
1SD2. bv Esq. K. T. McGuw, at his res-
idenee on Jackson street, W. L. Dilts
and Mary E. Fye, both of Wlnslow
HAINK8 On Frlday.May 13, lHlii, little
son of S. S. Haines, of Rathmol, Pa.,
aged 3 months and H days. Funeral
services Sunday uftorntHm at 3.00
o'clock in tho church of (Jod at Rath
mol, conducted by Rev. Statler. Re
mains were interred in the West Lib
erty cemetery.
A Much Dreaded Fly.
The man eating fly of Central Amer
ica inhabits the low lying coast regions,
and is much dreaded by the natives for
the fearful results which follow its
sting. Naturalists call it Lucilia homi
nivora. The average specimen is about
a third of an inch long. It has a big
head, with the eyes on top. Its cheeks
are a golden yellow, its abdomen dark
blue with purple bands, its legs black,
its wings unusually big, and they pro
duce a continuous and loud buzzing
when in motion.
The person bitten by this fly gets a
disease called myiasis. It generally be
gins with an itching of the nose, then
that organ swells and bleeds; next it be
comes ulcerated, and in theso ulcers
may be found the larva) of the fly. The
whole face becomes swollen, erysipelas
sets in, followed by meningitis and
death. One man I knew shot himself
after he had been bitten rather than
face the tortures ho knew were certain.
Cure is difficult. Subcutaneous injec
tions of chloroform sometimes do good,
but as often fail. One man I heard of
was enred by lemon juice injected into
his blood. Interview in Now York
Peculiar Pronunciation.
Landor always pronounced yellow as
yaller. We have heard Mr. A. R. Wal
lace, the eminent naturalist, during the
course of a lecture, repeatedly sound it
thus, a mode of pronunciation said, in
deed, to be traditional in many good old
English families, and which includes
the substitution of lay lock for lilac,
Room for Rome, goold for gold, and
woonderful for wonderful
A homely old rural dean, long since
dead, used always, like Sam Weller, to
leave out the "w" In woman, and his
"Wilt thou have this ooinan to be thy
wedded wife!" was apt to mar the so
lemnity of a marriage service. London
An Easter scene la Athena,
For some time before Easter the city
f Athens wears a picturesque aspect.
I bis is due in great part to the number
of shepherds who, with their flocks,
have come down from the mountains
and are camped in every available open
space, engaged in selling their lambs.
There is no family so poor as not to
break the long Lenten fast with an
Easter lamb, the value of which is about
a dollar, aud a veritable massacre of the
innocents - is going on. "Customs and
Lore of Modern Greece."
The Larg-ut Ocean Steamers.
The largest passenger steamships in
commission are the sister ships City of
New York and City of Paris, each hav
ing 10,449 tons displacement. The steam
ship having the largest accommodations
for cabin passengers is the Cunarder
Etruria, which can carry 650. The
longest steamship is the Teutonic, 000
feet. NewJYork Advertiser. '
. ....
The Big Strike of the Season is at
CPDIMP Which are being retailed at uurpriBlngly low figures
O i rl 1 IN O Every man, young or old, that needs a new suit has the
S (J I TS advant.age of an enormouB variety in size, style and quality
to select from, at low prices, when they buy of us.
Do you think
You can afford to bear
the odium of wearing a
superannuated hat? Can
you stand the distrust
and disrespect which it
entails? Of course you
can't! Why should you
when we sell
New and Nobby
At such remarkable
tSSTWe carry an elegant line
I (9 u o
There is nothing like
lifting a boy into a new
spring suit. It adds sun
shine to the glorious
springtime of life, and
makes his little heart pal
pitate with joy and pride.
We have the nicest line
of boy's suits in town at
the lowest possible figures.
of Shirts, Neckwear, Underwear, Ac, &o.
00 A I
I P o I
U I ? 0 t -J
Decoration M
Memorial Day
Memorial day will soon
be here and all the old
soldiers will want to don
a blue suit. We have
some of the handsomest
To be found in this
section for the least
money. Call and see our
suits, get prices and be