The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 23, 1891, Image 3

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    ,nsj" v ryfWlWT'"
Presents In the moit elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It i the most cxcellnt remedy known to
When one is Hilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
. Barer &Co.'s
from which tho oxcess of
oil has Leon removed, is
Absolutely 23ure
and it in Soluble.
aro used in Its preparation. It lias
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nntl is therefore fur moro
economical, costing less than one cent
a ciqi. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crocors evorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
Blcltne&dacheand relieve all the troubles Inci
dent to a bilious state of tho system, suoh aa
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress aftor
eating, Pain In tho 81do, ko. While their molt
remarkable success has been shown la curing ,
ileiaache, yet Oarler'a TJttla llvor Mis MO
dually valuable In Constipation, curing and pre
venting thlsannoylcg complaint, whllo theyelss
correct all diaordcrsofthefitoinachtlmiilalo tho
;.vor and regulato tho bowels. Even It they ool?
(Ache they wonld bo almostprlcelesa to thasa who
I suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortu
nately their goodness doos notend here.and those
who once try them will And these littlo pillsvalu
inblo In so many ways that they will not bo wit-
iluig to ao wituoui mem.
(Is the bane of so many lives that herolswhera
wemakoourgtcatboiut. Our pills euro it whllo
Others do not.
i Carter's Little T.lvcr Tills aro very small and
'very easy to take. Oao or two pills makea doso.
IThey are strictly veaetable and do not gripe or
purge, bat by their gentle action pleasoall who
use them. In vials at 25 cents j live for $1. Bclu
by druggists everywhere, or sent by mall.
Bank Counters, Tyler Gystom, Port
able Unequnled In Styles,
Coot and Finish. ......
110 rise Catalogue of CentUm, Df.w tit., Illottratea la
Cvloni, Root, t'nt Tualare l&ltatl.
Also 'tyier'B uoyai
Office De.ka and Type
writer Cnbllieta, SOU
Htvlpa. ltest and choan-
t est on earth, with great
reduction In nrtres.
ISO t.a calaliiwu Frfe.
ro.tige It cl. full IIim of
II. .1., ll.alra. Tallin, Hook
4 a.., Cabin.!., Ltfal illank
TaijW, nook
I ...I iti.o
t.bjnei., tic. amaj. la alork.
Sort). I work n,.rf to ord.r.
Tvi.i;it i)nsicco.,st,.oui.,Mo.,x;.N.A.
llilelitalrr'a i:n.U. Dlouead riraaeU
irl final tinl Ufniilne. A
MFC J4 r lUiU. i,r it ak SA
ru msi ir tu(t 1 1 Dm jTKV
motU JtranJ In Itt-J it i. UDir ma&?
llioxeJ, -ift.l H L''i 'i -i TRlioVar
lai'i for I-.
suuioBiula i
B t 'II,lrro'l.-H-"."rl'"'i-.brretor
CttlrleterCiejatl4 .,i'"dUott square,
i total Drufgl.ia.
i it OK-i
Wilunoa fo.uuecuro for tueettoctooc aeii aouo,
" i. M. CO.. S8B rtaw, fter Ye7k
Another of John lkrdsloy's
Crimes Uneai'thod.
Blgaod the Nams of a Firm Wuioh Was
Not in Existence.
The 1'ennaylvanla Spnate Continues lea
Investigation The Testimony Cannot
All llil Printed, Kite tlloHleaslon Woulil
X.ast Soveral Months-Determination of
the Attorney-General.
FlllLAPELruiA, Oct. 23. Another one
of John Bardsley's forgeries enme to
light yesterday. It Is a note for 3, BOO
held by the Farmers and Mechanics'
Bank, dated January 31, 1891, showing
that Bardsloy carried on his villainy as
long as he possibly could. It would
seem that ho had been in the habit of
forging notes, endorsing and then dis
counting them, and then redeeming or
extending them when due.
This noto is signed with tho name ot
F. J. Clamor & Co., and indorsed John
Bnrdsley. The Farmers' and Mechanics'
Bank discounted it, and now Uardsley
being belloved Insolvent and a convict,
the supposed makers ot the note have,
boon sued.
Several years ago there was such a
(Inn as F. J. Warner 5c Co., John Hards
loy being the company. Ten years ago
it dissolved, selling all its good will to
tho Elklns Manufacturing Company,
Hnrdsley dropping out entirely and
Clamer going with the new company.
Tho old llrm nnme was the one selected
for use by Bardsloy ns being unknown
and less likely to cause trouble. Mr.
Clamor has already pronounced soveral
notes found ns forgeries. The right to
sign that llrm name ceased when the
Klkins Company came into oxlsteuco.
Not All the Te$ tlmouy Is to bo Printed
Tho Kvldenco Itfmtl.
IlAnrtimwno, l'a., Oct. 2!1. The Sen
ato discussed yesterday for several hours
a proposition to ndmit nil tho testimony
taken by tho State Treasury and tho
Philadelphia Couucllmunio Investi
gating Coimnlttoes, which has not be
fore been accapte I as eviloncs.
Tho Attorney-Genoral stated, as tha
result of a conference with the State
Printer and Superintendent of 1'ubllc
Printing, that if all tho tostlmony was
ordered to be printed tho extra session
would not end for soveral months. A
number of Senators Insisted that unless
they knew tho character of the ovidenco
given by Auditor-General McCamant
and other witnesses in connection with
the charges made against that official,
thoy would not bo in u position to prop
erly pass on it.
Finally tho proposition to admit tho
largo volume of testimony was modified
so as to admit a portion ot it, exclusive
ol ;n.tho remarks made by the members
of tho. investigating committees, and In
this shape it was' adopted.
At tho afternoon and night sessions
the time of tho Senate was occupied in
having the testimony road for the infor
mation of tha Senators who were un
prepared to decide on tho truthfulness
of the cliarges against the Auditor
Geuoral, unless supplied with the state
ments made by him and others.
The original motion to have all this
testimony admitted was made by one of
woL-amani's counsel, ana the Attorney-
uenorai is 01 me opinion mat, us pur-
pose was to suut on a lurtuer oxaini
nation ot tho Auditor-General, or at
least to prevent a repetition ot his evi
dence, which has been given throe di
four times, without material variation.
The Attorney-Goneral is determined,
notwithstanding tho action of tho Sen
ate, to conduct the examination without
regard to tho char actor of much of the
Dofaultlnir Clerks Arrested
Baltimoke, Md., Oct. 23. Indictments
against thrco clerks in the Treasurer's
olllce wero found yestorduy by tho grand
jury. Chief Clerk J. II. Schono is
charged with embezzlement and forgory,
n id Oscar Johnson and Gcorgo Tracy
are charged with embezzlement. Schono
was at ono time County Treasurer and
tho other two are sous ot prominent
citizens. All threo wero arrested, but
hecured ball promptly.
Seorotnry lllalnoln Now York.
New York, Oct. 23. Secretary Blaine,
accompanied by his wife and his
private secretary, arrived in this city
last evening.' The party took a carrlngo
and drove to tho Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Mr. Blaine will remain here for two
days before proceeding to Washington.
Mr. Blaine walked with a firm stop from
the train to, his carriage and seemed to
be in as good health us any ordinary
Trying Hard For a. Divorce.
raovJDKNCE, R. I., Oct. 23. For
several years the wife of John B. Iler, the famous yacht builder has
beu'i trying to get a divorce from her
husband. She has worked for it in
dlli'erent States, but lias not succeeded.
Now she tries the same thing in Rhode
Islo vl, having filed a bill in which ho
files a cross bill. Sensational develop
ments aro expected when tho case comes
A disastrous fire has destroyed about
half the business portion of Lancas
ter, Ky.
News comes from Granada, Spain, of
fresh and disastrous floods In that pro
vince. Philip Herbert Carpenter. M. A.. F. R.
S.i the distinguished scientist Is dead at
' - 1 .
Fire In T. S. Elklns' meat packing es
tablishment at Lancaster, Ky., did
$10,000 damage.
Secretary of the Treasury Foster made
his first speech in tho Ohio campaign
last night, at Fludlay.
By the explosion of a steam thresher
on the farm of Grandln Bros., near May
vlllo, N. I)., four men wero killed and
two seriously Injured.
W. A. Pollock, a traveling man, shot
and fatally woundo.1 James Andrews
and then sent a ball through his own
. lungs at Burlington, la.
I Dispatches from overy part ot Great
jjrltaln tell ol vastly increasing noons.
Vot a distance of thirty mll tho
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Newspapers of Pennsylvania Oon-
deinn His Partisanship,
Whnt Ktlttors or tho Keystone Stnto
Think or tho KfTorts or tho A111
hltioiiR 1' xcoutlvo to Ililnf
Illmscir Into I'l-omliieiico
1'or tho Prcsltlonoy.
Governor PattisTjn is being sevorely
criticised by the editors of Pennsylvania
for tho partisanship displayed by him
during his present administration. He
is accused of scheming for tho presiden
tial nomination, and, aided and abetted
by Harrity, his political right bower, ho
is charged with taking big chances in
his recent official uctfl.
Hero are somo of tho latest commonts .
A Campaign Document,
To thoso who were looking for some
theatric developments which should
cover tho Republicans with confusion
and prosago dire defeat for their ticket
in November, Governor Puttison's mes
sage to tho senate will be extremely dis
appointing. There is nothing in the
facts submitted with which the public
was not already fully acquainted.
That Governor Puttison's message
wns conceived and issued primarily as a
campaign document is seen in the par
tisan and misleading sub-headlines
which were incorported in official text
a s given out for publication, and which
the evening papers reproduced as thoy
received it. It is not customary for a
governor's message to contnin sub-heads
which aro in tho nature of comment nnd
judgment upon the text, but when a po
litical enmpaign is being conducted by a
state administration its official utter
ances naturally take on tho tono and
character of stato committee campaign
literature. Philadelphia Press.
A Democratic (i.-inio mocked.
It was hoped by the Democrats that
Renublinnns in thn ennnn wniild Tan
forl0lay and for points in tho issue
,lnvn )nafU,,f0,l
J for partisan purposes, but Republicans
have decided to undertake nothing but
,.u ..uuw Mill. bllVJ.UIIUU lUtCDblUttUUili
and as a result the Democrats have not
a peg on which to hang n campaign
argument. The extra session 1ms al
ready proven a failure as a political
capital maker for tho Democrats, and
none know it better than Governor Pati-
Bon and his immediate followers who
I planned this little scheme. Easton
i i'ree Press.
That llnrrity-McCliiio Crowd.
With commendable dispatch tho sen
ate has hastened to sift the, charges,
thereby making nothing of tho political
capital which Governor Pattison fancied
he could derivo from his move. Tills
nlacrity wns unexpected by tho Harrity
McClure crowd. It has dissaranged the
schemes of the Domocrats, some of
whom aro already criticizing the move
as one that will react to the injury of
their party. Philadelphia Evening
Hoist on His Own I'otnril.
The calling of the sonate, which Gov
ernor Pattison and his Democratic ad
visers expected would carry dismay to
tho Republican party, will wo doubt
not givo us the leadership which was
neededtoassurotho searchers after tho
truth that the Republican nartv cannot
be made the cloak of concealment. The
weapon forged to wound us will help
overcoino our adversaries. Philadel
phia North American.
A Mean Campaign Trick.
The incorporation of head lines in
tended for partisan effeot into" a gov
ernor's message is a new idea in this
state, which it was left for the Demo
cratic campaign managers to originate.
This attempt to givo a partisan color to
an onicui paper is m perfect Harmony
wuii me ncnou m calling tno extra ses
sion. Norristown Herald.
Paulson's Deiiiouriitio Itonr.
Tho ass in the lion's skin was not less
a success as a masquerader than Gov
ernor Pattison as a reformer. The ass'
bray betrays him. and the Democratic
tones of the governor's roar give him
away. liraiuora &tar.
Republicans or Pennsylvania Must
Meet Jin Issue.
"A Demooratio victory in this state this
year would have far reaching signifi
cance," said Congressman O-Neill, of
Philadelphia, in discussing the political
situation. "Tais is no tidal wave year,
and u Republican setback following
tho one throughout the country last
fall would be without precedent. More
over, this is the ove of the presidential
cauvass, when the Republicans can rea
sonably be counted on to use all prac
ticable and legitimate efforts to v,in. A
Democratic triumph now would give
the Democracy a chance to nay that the
state would uo douuttui in 1BU3, and
correspondingly depress the Republi
"This, of course, would boom Patti
son for the presidency. Such claims
would be most dangerous outside the
borders of Pennsylvania. With ths
Keystone stato appearing to falter hti-
nmno tne shock to iiopuuncumsm in
Kew York, Indian, Ohio, Connecticut
and in some pi the fr western states
U. & Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
Bewnre of neonla who do not lovo
children ami llowcrs.
If You Lovo Your Baby
Oivo her Dr. Hand's Oollo Cure. It is ab
solutely fnfo and affords relief always
Ssmplo bottles gratis at 0. J. McCarthy
or J. SI. Milan's drug ftoro. lis euio to
got one.
A good many housewlfes are busy
Willi fall house cleaning.
A National Event.
The hnldlna- of the World's J-'nlr Inn city
scarcely tl ty .vo irs old will be a remarkable
event, but whether It will milly benefit this
niitlou its much as the discovery ol the
Itestnrotive Nervine by Dr Frankllu Miles Is
doubtful. This Is just what the American
peoi.le need to cure their excessive nervous
ness, dyspepsia, headache, dliziness, sleep
lessness, ueui'Hliila, ncrvousdcbllliy, dullness,
conillMOil 01 nunu, eiu. it acui I'ae a cuarm
Trial tnuies aim nue
book 011 "Nervous and
Heart DI-0"M)s," with uuequal'd testlmoulals,
free 111 u 11. tiaueuuvous orugsioio. 11 1
uMrrantfid to contain, no opium, moiphlne or
danyerout tlittgg.
The lighter the clothing is thes
days, tho heavier the cold.
ierve and Llvor Pills
new principle regulating tho
eh and bowels fnrouyi ( nerve).
tverv. Dr. Miles' IMUs sneedlly
Act on
elite biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, pilee,
oonstlpatkm. Uuequaled lor men, winun,
ohlldren. (smallest, mildest, surest! Sldimes,
acta. Samples Free, at O. II. llagemmrn's
rni( store.
Nature wears a more fall like
pearance now than a week ago.
Romarkable FnotB.
Heart dlxense Is u-uully Kiioposed to be In
curable, bin when pnperiy treated a large
roportion ol cases i nti b cured, 'lliusftlis.
liuim Hamii. or Blkhart. Itul.. uud Mr.
Mary U. Halter, ol Ovid, Allch., were cured
alter Mille-lng 20 yeais H. O. l.lubur er.
U'Bini ..111 .1 li,., r.i,oin.iii.i, .... .un
riew tienri unre, which enrea ine inriiier,
'worked wonders lor his wife." Levi l ogan,
of Iluclnnan, Mich., who
lor 30 years, s.iys two bnttlos innuo hlin "teel
like a low man." dir. Miles' New Heart Cute
ISMddand guiiranteoa by''. II fluuenoiioh
tho druggist. Hook or wouderful tesliiuoiiiuls
mi. .. .....i.,ii., i,n.ii to nf
uatuial wood that sheds a violet odor.
on,- Wliat a Cough. i
Will vouheed the wa-uluiT The bltmnl tier-
haps of the t.ure approicli of that more ter
rible disease. Coubiunptlon. Ask yourselves
If you cauatlord Tor the (.alte of saving 50
ivnto. tn run 11m Hair unci fin nnlhlii'r for lt
We know frora experience mat xuiioii s uurs
wmuuro your uuugii. n never iaus. xuis
were sum me pdfil year, it, relieves uruup
and Whopplnc Cough at onco. Mothers do
not be without It. For Lame Ilac.t, Hide or
Chest, use Billion's Porous Piaster. Bold by
ji. nngennucu, -n. su. corner jiuiu uuu
Lloyd streela.
Tho telephono girl returns more
"calls" than the most popular society
Specimen Oases.
S. II. Clifford. Now Cussel. Wis., was
troubled with Neuralgia uud llhcnm.itlMii,
his Mtomach was disordered, his I.lver was at
le.Hed to mi ularmliiE degree. AppoMto fell
i) wkv. and he was terribly reduced In HbsIi
aid strength. Ihreo bottles of Electric Hit
ters cnreil him.
Edward Hheoherd. Harr sbiinr.i l. had a
running fcorooti Ills loj of e gut. years' ataud
log. UhOd thrco bottlos of Eleotrlo Ilimrs
anil foven boxts ol Biioslen's Arnica Halte,
and his leg Is sound and well. John Bpeuker,
Cat iwba, O., had dvo largo Knver sores on his
leg, d-Klur tald ho was Incurable. Uuu bot
tle Eloctrle Uttters and ono box Ihtcklen's
Arnica Balve cured lilm entirely. Bold by
O. II. llageubucli, Druggist.
An overcoat on tho back on a frosty
moruiug is worth two in the moth
proof chest.
Father Pablo Juarez Talks
Don Itunon Alva. Dear Blr: I have the
BHtlbfUcllcn of Informing you that tho Cactus
mnoa uiiro, oi win it you are liio owner, mis
produced the most w mderfut results lor a
Irlend of initio who has sull'ered from her
petic eruption, nnd I consider your euro a
rigeneraior without aniqual. In tho name
of my Irlend I thank you sincerely, and be
atiro I will recommend your valuable medi
cine, as 1 have ag tin seen its results.
Yours truly,
Bold at Klrllu's Drug Blore'eruuson House
Block, Bhenandoau,
The country Is simply loaded down
witli apples this season, and the cider
mill is busy.
Shlloh's Consumption Ouro.
This is beyond question the most sno
.'esxlul Cough Medicine we have ever sold,
i lew doses Invariably cure tho worst oases of
itoagh, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its won.
lerliil suooevs In the cure of Consumption In
vlthont a parallel In the history of medicine.
41uco it's tlrst discovery it lias been sold on a
uarantee, a test which no other medicine
an stand. Ii you have a Cough we earnestly
sk you to try it. Prtoe 10 cents, 50 cent, and
I1.1KI. If your Lungs are sore. Chest or Hack
ami, use Hhlloh's 1'urous Plaster. Bold by
J. 11. Hageubuoh, N. K. comer Main and
jloyd streets.
Man's wishes are not all wants,
lie does not need half as much as he
prays for.
Now Try This,
it will cost you nothing and will surely do
you good, If you have a Cough, Cold, or any
iraunle with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr,
Klug's New Discovery lor Consumption,
roughs and Oulds Is guaranteed to give re
lief, or mouey will be paid back, sull'rers
Ir un La Grippe found It Just the thing and
under Its use had a iperdy and perfect re
covery. Try a lample bottle at our expense
and learn fur yourself Just how good n thing
it Is. Trial botiies free at O. II. Hsgenbuch's
drugstore. Large slzo60o. and fl.OU.
Perhaps the scheme to make Hour
out of bananas is In -tho nature of
retaliation on the banana for lta per
sistent eitorts to pulverize tho pedes
A Glorious Hoeord.
Hlnce the Introduction of the Famous Pan
TlnaCougli and Consumption Cure In this
vicinity, the deatl rale from Cnnmniptlon
Ins decreased wonderfully; It never falls to
effect a cure, and Is the bestCouich uiedlolne
Try it. Trial bottles free at Klrllu's drug
J.AST OF Till! iturrAio.
nought nt n fabulous t'rleo by a Million
aire llankor.
Nbw York, Oct. SB. America has lost
ten of the few remaining old-time prai
rie buffalo.
They were bought at a fabulous price
by Mr. Lelaml, tho millionaire banker of
Liverpool, lCog. , and are now In this
city, whence they sail next Tuesday.
The animals are to be placed In Mr.
Leland's private park. They aro ac
companied by "Buffalo" Jones.
S'When Mr. Leland came to ask what
he would take for ten of the buffalo,"
said Mr Jones: "I answered by naming
n price which I thought he would "not
think of paying, fori wns not anxious
to sell. But he wanted buffalo in his
park, and that whs all there was about
It. Money wns no object.
"There will never he another buffalo
captured. I doubt it 100 still exist un
captured, and these keep in parts of the
mountains where no living man could
roach them."
Over 1,000 mon are members of tho
building trades unions of Paris, and yet
thoy have no strike fund.
The Mozart Musical Orohestra, of New
Jersey, has withdrawn from the Central
Labor Federation of Hudson County.
The bakers of Lowell, Mass., have or
ganized, and their new local union has
received charter No. 180, of tho Journey
men Bakers' International Union.
The strongest labor organization in
Holland is that of the railroad employes.
It has over 40,000 members. Next to it
Is the Clgarmakers' Union, with a mem
w.hh. of ,,1,mi t 9.1 firm nf whom 2 linn
' ' ' '
are women
President Gompern has Issued a circu
lar letter to the officers and members of
tho Bricklayers and Masons' Interna
tional Union, calling upon them to vota
for the proposition of joining tho Ameri
can Federation of Labor.
The Genernl Kxccutive Council ot tho
American Federation ot Labor has de
cided to take steps to compel tho Penn
sylvania Railroad Company to comply
with the provisions of the Weokly Pay
law recently adopted by the State.
To the striking tailors ot Philadelphia
tho Kxecutlve Board ot the Journeymen
Tailors' Benevolent and Protective
Union granted (500 as a loan, but the
money Is not to lie uaid over until th
matter has been submitted to a vote by
the members to-morrow.
Now der-ninn Arniv Uniforms.
Brums, Oct. 23. The Kaiser has
given his sanction to tho changes pro
posed by the War Ofllce In the appear
nnco and equipment ot the German
army. The clnof object sought to be
achieved i-tua exchnnge of bright colors
that attract the aim of an enemy for hues
that will make the soldier n less con
spicuous target. White leather nccout-
rements aro abolished, nnd tho heavy
?I'lk,el1 hol"-; 3 bearded for llKliter
will niino-t eutlroly transform tho up
pearance of tha German troops.
Casket Factory to Itotnove.
RocnESTEK, N. Y, Oct. 23. It Is re-
portcu on seemingly goou atuority tuat
tho Stein Manufacturing
g Uompany ot
this city aro about to move their large
burial casket and show case works to
New York city and that tlio firm of
Cliappell, Chase, Maxwoll & Co., ot this
city, Oneida nnd Hobokon, N. J., will
occupy the Stein plant here. It is Btnted
that neither firm will do business in its
own nnmo after tho change, but each
will act as a branch of the Nutional
CuBket Company.
AmorlcHii Mlsslonnry Association.' "
Cleveland, O., Oct. 23. At tho moot
ing of tho American Missionary Asso
ciation, the following officers wero elect
ed: President, Rev. Will. M. Taylor,
New York; Vice-Presidents, A. F. Beh
ronds.of Now York; Rov. F. A. Nobio,
of Illinois; Kev. Alox. MoKenzie, of
Massachusetts; Rev. D. O. Meers, of
Massachusetts; Rov. Honry Hopkins, of
Missouri; Corresponding Secretary, tho
Kev. Al. L. btrioby, ol New York.
Wonthcr Imlloatlous.
WasniNaTou. Oct. 23. For Now England:
Generally fain cooler weather; northwesterly
For Eastorn Now York, Fastorn Pennsyl
vania, Now Jersey, Maryland and Dols
waro: Fulr, except tain on New Jeisey coast;
slightly cooluii uorthwustcrly wfnds.
For Western Now York and Western l'enn
sylvaia: Fair; slightly cooler; northwesterly
Nltw Ton.. Oct, 3J. Mouey oa call loanol
cesy ut 3 to 3a per cont.
Closlnir Closlni
Yeetordsy. To-duy.
4 s, 1007 Itej ll'l, 100
s, 1U07 coup nan hum
closlnir Closing
Yoiterday. 'lo-dny.
Canadian raclflo hS, Bh
Central l'uciuo Ui S3
LhlcuKO. Bur. jcQulucy UU4 USft
Delaware Jc Hudson lafi i M'.'Wj
Del. Lack, it Western U3Ji U-H
Lrlo 31&
Krlo pruf 70
Luke Mime U.MV4 1U1M
Louis. Mush IHh 7H)a
MlchUun Central
Sihuourl l'aultlc 01 OUV4
Now Jersey entml H7fi 117--y
Noithwestoill UtiyJ llUSj
Ore-'nu Navlffation 7 7Ss4
l'ucitto Mail 3t9'i 3dlj
lieadluir -tlL SHi
Hook Island HM HMi
St Paui 74M 74 4,
Union l'aalio SlU 40!a
Westein Union Sxti Sh
Wheat dosed weak, No, - red winter, 101J(i
Deo , J4n. 107l.
Coruolosu.1 flrra. Nu. 3 mixed, Nor.
OiH Deo d if Jan Ml.
Outs closed steady. No. Smliod, 80a30t
Nov. -Wat Dee. mi-
IIUTT-ll . .
Ciwiuierr, Btato 4 I'oan.. extras. 31 e.a3Ujo.
yrugiuiery. western, nrus i aa-io a.
Creamery, western, sooonds o.a'4 o.
male dairy, a. t, tubs. extres.....d o.a'Jlkd,
Ktute Isctory. full croaTU. Seel, fancy. .OVfalO
State fsctory, lull oream, Aug. fancy... UHa'-iJi
ruite lactoi.v, full ur. am. line Ua'J'i
bta e luotory, full eieiu. good to pi'imuS,aau4
tatu lactpry, comuiou tu lair ,7 aS)4
Eoas j
N. Y. Btate. new laid, tier dos..,,31tae.a'.'t c.
tenn, new laid a,
Westein & fsortnwesturn, k-ood to
prime Hlo.a-3 a
Potato as
. ereer ltusa perbbl... , 1 0al 73
Dwoec putaiooa, Va choice ,,1 lloal 37
bprluir GiiloKutis. chotoo. larare per lb. . al'J
bpnug cntasous, prime.... lOttallK
owia,Jereoy, btate Pa., pario,. ., 11 allv,
Dbisseo I'oui.Tar -
Turkera. mixed wetghts. per lb 1 als.
Up'u oha'a, l'iula., U at lbs to pair,,.. VJ Ule J
flcmo Blackina
To test this Iisdk a strip of leathrr In a bottle ot
Acme Itlackitia: and leave It there for a day or
month. Take It out and dry and piiraino It carefully,
ft ki tmUlr tMt with och Droning and 1'uU
Mate any kind of leather
Wntorproof, Soft nnd Durable.
Change a Pine Table to Walnut
A Poplar Kitchen Press to Antique Oak.
A Cane Rocker to Mahogany.
See what can be done with 2BC. worth of
& ASA,rr.Tnns:W rnr.
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia,
supehiqr to vmm
Puritiea tho blooil y ex
pelling tli" i'lipm itics tlirougli
tlio propt-r c iiiii! els and never
causes eruptions on tlio skin.
Regulates tho bowels Cure3
dyspepsia, liver and kidney
troubles, tono-i up the svs'om
and gives you annpp- tito.
Never fails o cure any con
dition produced by impure or
impoverished blood, or a dis
ordered stato of stomach, liver
or kidnevs.
Sold at Klrlin'b Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Wock, Shenandoah, Pa,
A"-lc my nsents for W. DoiibIuh Shoes.
If not lor mill' lit your nliico hmU )our
denier to send for ciitilloinic, secure tho
ngeney, mill uet Ihct-i lor you.
It la a i- 'amltMShiio , u it li rm r.u'ksor wnx thread
to hurt tlii,' ti't; nuulo uf t'u' hist (Ino calf, ntvltsh
mid etiity, nud drcan-c ur tnnkr murr nhoe$ of this
tli ad? thtin tin i other manttfat tutet. It equals baud
hu.VL'il HhoiM t .iitii)j( fnnn jSJ.i-o ttigTi "0.
CSiBZ. 00 (ii'iiiihic llHiul-nnttMl, tho finest calf
Ps?m hIkki vvr tifTiTcil fur U-Vnij equals Freucti
Imported .lines which en, from tjts.into 1J()0.
crL T('i( riine, line cair,
wVm 8t Huh. .'oinforrjiMi1 and durable. The best
Bhoe ever otTend at tills price j snino rado as cus
l iii ii-ui. it it nut i-tisi i un i rum v .a:
GC3p 50 INiliec Mhici 1 anncrrt. Kalln ad Men
ulvi uud l.eiu-r( un irrriiill wear tlit-m. tlnecalf.
Sean i It -H-, Mitdotfi lnMt. heavy threo oles, cxten-
mou eujre. vnin pair win wearaear.
i0 fliu calf i no better boe ever offered nt
9M thlt price; mie trial will cmiviuco thoso
who want a shoo for com fort and nervlce.
-' isOi) VirkiiiuitinnH shoes
vBama iirft verv Hfi-finu- niiil iliinihli '1 hnsn wlui
liuo glen (hetti n trial will wear no other make.
UfHiV t ' IMHI 1.7 sellout e i iocs oro
DUIO worn by the hofieen where; they Bell
on their merits, a- the Inereaslun Rales show.
I &r$ nc ftlliOO IlamUMCutMl shoo, best
bWClKvfi Ivo JiotiKola, er Htyllsh: eiiualsFrcuch
Imported shoes c(it.tlm;fi mi t-t t -.u.t.
LiuHch' -..-,(, 'J.(IO and SI. 7.1 fihoo for
SIlfcKesaro tho bt-st line DougoU. htIKh and durable.
Caiillon. tSce that W. L. Uouglai name and
prk') uiostauiiied on the iKittom of each shoo,
W. h. LtOUUI-Va, liroektou, llass.
unU well miide, falilonable clothes?
If m, call on
w. jr. Jacobs,
Fashionable Custom Tailor,
8 South Jnrtlin Street, Slicnantloali.
Call and see samples of the latest goods and
the styles. Good workmanship, promptness
nud lair prices.
538 KPffllf?
ihu onlj itnulno litniiaii Amvrleu
SHcl.Ut In "c ulb-d 8tt -bo U
line w w Blood Poison,
NarvQUs Debility Spc
oial OIaws mx,
Kktu IHnsw. RtA 8iu rloi la U
iMUM.SoroThrout Moutht
p!.,tiho, Pinij'lc ruptioui, tofl or
bm4 I iMri Bvvttlnui, IrrlttiUtwi,
InlliuiiuUoui ni HuddIbii.
wr loit mnwr wttk hmc)t toenttl inilctr, Kl.toy a
PlilitT IHMMVI Mltl U PiMMKd pkUtttPI ,X' '''
lu.llTfUon or Ontwurk. Iteotnt cum cwrM In 10
talwr at oat Io nm Inw hope, no mUier ht
UUoc Wtwtor. QuMlf, Vmilr or HtwpHftl Phleln Iim tu.eA.
Dr. THKkL eir positively ' hout dftentlou Ircni
bQlDeU. OtD. TnunO, MtttDLI MID AMD THCIt C Htl4ri.4Tl
nattHiAow ri-h nr poor, umil ic tuni ftr tlQOK
'TRUTH' oI-in Q.u!lui owl-r vtn UUmonltl.
HiKtiw, rtollr from 0 Ifl S. F'm 6 tn t M'M. o4 B-L
!' ItolO ftantltf 8 mi 11. Wrtw nr tll -od b Td.
for lUftrtBtMi Woda. 84taM fbUo. dmllj Tlm
If you want to see a line display of Hoots nnd
Hhoos, go to
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Masquer's old stand,)
Corner Coal and .Intillii Hits.
HI I 111
H W-rT
Custom Work nntl ItepnirliiK
Done In the b t tyle.