JPZC-TSTTCi GOODS AT T1IK CORNER STORE AT ALL PRIHCIPAL RESTAURANTS, All kinds of potted meats, fish, canned good, oysters, lobste-s, crnbs. KU'slan cnvliir, fresh epUed oysters, tlnwt smoked hams, bo lognas ami unoko'l bef, York stnto full cream clieielkinanthnl,SwiM') Kdnni, RnpMuo mid Llniburgpr. Fine assortment of calif uud bis cuits. G. and H. plfklos of ti.l kinds. IMtikles by the doKn. You will find Just what you wont. SEYBRH'S, Cor. Contra and White Streets. Minor m, pi, J yv raraa Baton BOTa S pmamj gu arrpaoc rmob enraaawj tawizaiBi roowaas TPV T ' The Evening Herald. ALL Till! N'KWH FOR ONK C11NT. Has a larger clmilal Ion 111 Sheuandoah than any oilier paper published, circu lation hook" pen to nil. LOCAL LUNCHEON. This is the lima tur lliu hay fover to tako hold of ite victim. Blows are not always oxohanRod when you Ktrikn an aonualnUnce. Hot milk l said to be a good substitute for bor as a itimulant. Elderberries are ripening and will bo souht after for wlno making. It is harder to drivo a bargain on a coun tor tlian a ton-p 'nny null. Thoro will be ureal quantities of canned fruit stored away this year. It is well to remember that overybody follows the man who goes ahoad. One of the cosiest thinR in tho world to do is to sneak well of a man when ho ie dead. ProgrosB. It is very imiuriant in this ago of vast nihteml.profrree that a remedy bo pleasing to tho lasto and to tho eye, eadly taken, ac ceptabio to the stomach and healthy in its nature and effect, Possessing tlioo qual itlos, Syrupof Figi is tho one porfoct laxa tivo and most gontlo dlurolic known. PERSONAL. Mios MbkrIo E l'almer and Katio and Lottie Burkhart left town this momiuif for Heading, whoro thoy will spond a week With frio.ids. iliksos Mattin and Millie I)avidon, of ThiKdelphih, are tho guests of rolativos in town. Mrs. Arthur Trrziso has gono to Nowark, N. J., to visit friends, Ellsworth Haas, of Shamokin, is a town visitor. 0. E. Titman's family is now homo again. Miss Holla Grant Is visiting friends in St. John, Now Brunswick, Miss Carrio Weavor, of Mt. Carmol, is the guest of Miss Eflie Hoaton, of No. 4. John Houtenick and wife aro spending n few days at Berwick, tho guosts ot tho lat tor's parents. Mi's Bobena Glovor, one of our public school teachers, has accepted a similar posi tion at Atlantic City. John A. Latham, and M. M. MacMillan, Efq , of Mahiinoy City, woro in town yos torday. II. E. Dengler, 'Squire T. T. WlllUms and II. Wiedorhold transacted business at To tsvillo yesterday. Will Sllliman, of tho Sunbury Daily, who spont the most of tho past week in town with friendi, returned to Sunbury yostorday. Baso Ball Notes. Jeanosvilloand Mahanoy City will cross bats at ibo former placo this afternoon. Miko Ileffron' will twirl tbo ball for tho Jcanesvillo boys. THE SCHOOL APPROPRIATIONS For the Various Dlstriota of This County. Tho IIkrald to-day publishes lorttaf; Bret lime the list of appmpriati ms made ry ho slate department for the various school islricis of Schuylkill oountj: 1 AshUnd 9,1 88 i Alllnirn 3 lUriy I Wythe bi ft Hlytoo 8 Branch W W 7 IlruukWluk. K 2i0 .2 8 llrunswlck, M '173 U Hrm.MvlcK, H 85 3 10 HrunswicK.W , W J It Ilullor 1.7W 4J 12C 8'30 1.1 Centre '. , 6 1 llChU'ch mJ If) (Jreasona B; 1U IMmi 63 "t 17 lfMiu.1 519 67 IS Foster 180 WJ lit l'Yackvlllo W5 "J JI) Kratley &W !W ui uilbartou J' 22 Glmrdvlile 1,180 11 M H..I.II,. ill 71 21 llnT.ley 31H OU 25 Ku'Mlcr W 26 Kline 1.02' 27 i undlugvilli' 125 10 l,.f uiiulmrr 270 10 ai Jlaliunoy ulty 6,2to 10 Miihuuoy, H 2,ias 5j 31 Mahauoy.W 1,722 20 82 nablui,N J 33 Mailhelm, S ? 29 31 MuliantonRo, T 1 '0 nr MahantoDgo, U 00 30 Mldrtleporl - , JJJJ 37 .Mlu-rsvlllo l.?90 81 &j Mt. Curbon JW 30 New CiMlo - 010 08 40 New millidelphla 20G 1! H New ltlngol(t jg ' 12 North 100 11 II Norwegian -"J " 11 Noru-cgluti, K f II l'.Uo Alto p82 Vi 17 I'onn West u'i J IS f'luegrove ! 41) I' negrovo T - M l'ln.-Krove W J g run L-aru'iu -- r.o fHi,n,,, zTS bo 53 1'nrter hi"! .J. JI t'ottsvlllo S-' 53 Halm - 1.9 Oj m Heilly.. Km 01 57 Hll-b.:.'.'.'." 5,21 01 Ail lhah J1 wwciiir:::::: 110 HchuylKlll Haven liJ Id Hcliuylkill 10 (2 HchtiylltillT rSSS! m HhominiViah ,l S"J 01 SlepheuH S3 9?, IBMr.utll - , im TnuiriiiH 2,5))0 21 . . in t n Lettor List. Tho following letters remain uncalled for In tho Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, IV i post offlco, August 22, 181)1 : lllokle. lAira Martin. II. V. Htlnenioiz, 11. II. I'artiiM calling for advertised lottcrs hould please say "advertised." Ono cent will be charged on all advertised letters. II. C. Boykii. V. M. False Protonao Charged. Constable lioland loft town tills mo:nlng for tbo arrest of Charles 1'. Narhgang, b baker and oonfeotionor of Mt. Carmo', who Is charged with talso protenso by J. CoBoe, the merchant of town. Mr. Cuffee alleees that ho sold Narheang a bill of goods and tool: n che k in payment, and when the check wa presented thoro woro no funds in tho bank. The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. (17 Tremont in Tremont m Tunnel... 70 ITuion 71 ITnlun B : Union N 200 30 01 22 r,tl 21 :S 71 J3 &) 72 Union N 73 Walker 1 Wnshlnston.. to wuyuH.. G10 31 50 Ti 311 10 POLITICAL. jjlOR liUEItlFK, Josepli Woll, Or loTT8VILI.K. Subject to Democratic rule. WANTED. A boy to attend i linrna. Annlv In Ilr. Rlsllpr. rnr. .tar din and Lloyd streets, Mlionaudonh. 8-21-tl FOR HALE. A Rood pool table h the Kxoelslor Club room. Apply at the room, or T. A. Kvans', 31 IM Centre t IM dwulliuu hoUft to H. C. Kulgbt,33BastCculroB reet. 8-1-tf TT'OU REVr. A Jj co.ilninlng six room. Apply" DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR ale. One of the most desirable proper ties! on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at Kowse'a grocery utoro, om ner Jardln and Oik streets, Shenandoah, Pa. TYPE WRITING. A youtif? lady, a gradual!-, w mta work at type writing, cull at llisnAT.ii orllee, or address llanAi.i), Mhenaudoalj, l'a, 8 1-tf FARMS FOR SALE. Areyou lool; liiir Inrn mrm? Ii so call on or write in .1. .1. KnTili'r. Krnckvillc. l'u.. as to where they are looaiea una lor terms. s-u-n PROPERTY FOR sale ctienn. It being on corner of Coal and Emerlclt streets. It Is suitable for many purposes. Apply to ao. -ii a jaruin au o au TESIUABLE PROPOSALS. Sealed proposals will be received b3 the undersigned com- lul'tee unill u p. m. Augu-txi, icui, icir uu.iu invtlin rnnndiitlnnf irtt. Qei.nre s Ltthuaulan church, corner Jardln and Cherry Hreels, 8benando,li, Pa. Plans and specifications inn Rama cin Da Neeu ut lutr nvuru ui Melusky, No. It 8 East Centre streot. The committee roaervo tho right lo relec'. any or all bids. A. MELU-KY. . J.tiKltLTUI)KA, (JjimnltU-o. Bbenandoah, August 11,1891. Attention, House Gleaners I TltewHrm weather Is here, aud hotise-cleanlng Is the next thing In order. AudatHUoh times most everybody needs Homethlng to brighten up tho home, so if you need a good carpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussefgm TWO OR TiiSlEE-iPIyY IFJG33.AIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. of Lace Wains Curtam roles all Kinds ii i Window Shades, Floor nnd Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one price to nil. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. PROPOSALS Will be received for furnishing aud delivering to the different school bulldlugiol tho boroughof Shenandoah 203 touiof egg coal, Bilious of stove coal. lOtoim of pea coal nd 10 tons of chestnut coal. AH bids lobe submitted by September 1, 181)1. The committee rcterves the right to rcjaot any or all bids. The coal to be furnished must, bo irom the P. & It. or Kehley Ruu collieries. Jtf. J. OWBNB, WILLIAM TKEZtHK. WILLIAM 11ACIIMAN, JAMES O'lIEA UN, A. J. GAliLAUHEU, 8-Ii-Ht Commltloe. 70 yorisvuie u:; fcupfa kniary Total S61.SMZ7 POLITICAL PARAGRAPHS. Thcro may be plenty hHrmony in th" Democratic ranke to-day, but It la not headed with a big U, If a Kilkonny flsht doon't develop at tho Democratic primaries to-i'ay wo havo lost our reckoniiiK powers. Tho Democrats of town who knif d Nichter last year aro tbo loudett for tbo success ot their friends. Tho battle to-day is botweon Nash and WadlinRer for tho judgeship. So far as tho nomination for sherill Is concerned Wnll acorns to bavo ovori lhine his own way. A house to house canvats was being raado to-day in favor of Joe Wadlinger, an as uirant for a county delegate.'hlp. Let tbo campaign in this county bo free (mm norsonal abuso and political mud- CON-iTITUriONAL CONVEliTION Jnmcs J. Kraiicy. OF SHKNANDOAH. SublecttoDemocatlc rules. SHERIFF, BENJ. J. SMITH, I'HESENT nFI'tJTY. SELLINGS OUT. Desiring to alipaso of ray entire stock of goods, In ordsr to vncite the store-room for other purposes, I will sfll the remaining stock at groatly reduced prices. These goods mut be Hold wlthtu a hort time, uud It will bantftt you to Inspect the name. T. 15. 3JAVIS, 0-10-tf too Kortli Jnrclin St. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, SO East Centre Street, 8UJ1.X.IXD0A1I. Bread, Cakes, Ico Cream and Confectionery ! -OK AU KIND9.- A eamo will be playod at Froeland Sun- flinging and troachory. Wo know it will day botween tho Danville and Frecland 1 10, if in our power. Ashland Local, clubs. Tbo Y. M. O. A. club of l'ottsvillo will Fftncy Dalawaro peachos rocoived dally try to do up tho Delano boys at mat piaco , c ...,!, 8.1 -tf this afternoon. Tho Standard Dictionary, Another wrrent dictionary of the Emitlsh laniruago la in preparation and will soon be completed Tho Tyler Desk Co., of St. Loui, Mo., is said to bo tho largest concern of tho kind on earth. Tiev manufacture tho colobrated nnd will soon be completed. It will Iih palled "The Standard Dictionary,' .! . i.. ...i j fli.t,. mid will bo mibllshed by Funic &Wug' aro uT, . .v-. - - -. ... Now . u ln be at H a uo aw ttviM oi iviers ivoya. umc ,, ,, orWcB, dictionary of the llnnl. iPHi.niirvilni. P.hmnh ntlH nllll I .. . . ...hi l. jdbh., "v. M;niiisli language, win uuvo iiiduy turnituro generally. Send for their mam- .lit-ilnculshluL' characterlBtlcs and will moth catalogue Illustrated in colors j thu I embody a great number of now and r,l unrlrnf Ihn lrl nil nvnr i.ri ntorl. Ttnoks I lllinortllllt IirlUclnk'S In leXlCOgrapll.V. j ,,,.:..:. i . .iii free i postage, 15 cents. See advertisement , "A',,, V' " ",'V i in to-day'B papw. i,.(ii,irr the word tho most common tiimmltiir will ImirlvHIl llrnt. Tills will Coming Evonts. i. a ra,nCI.i departure from the usual Sent. 2. Jananoso ioe oroam fostlyal in method, which gives Unit tho Itobblns' onora houw, under tho auspices of etymology, and then the original Shenandoah Oommandery, No. 11, Sons of meaning of tho word, which often U . I fill Ill'N lOLU UI1U. Ill Ull llltt Ml..' Amerioa. ,ii r imnli iha Bnlnniltln alphabet, as prepared and recom- meuileu uy mo American riiiioiDBioBi Aoclsllo'u, is used, and it is believed that more accurate results can bfl ob tallied In this way than lu any other. Terms used ln science, handicraft and special subjects are gathered with irreat comtilettncss and grouped with out definition under the general word, and eacli,beHldes,la Uciineu lu its prop er place. Thus, under "plumbing," wo have all the terms used In that trade; under "apple," the name of nearly 400 varieties are given. The book will contain about 2,200 pages and 70,000 mnro word than auy otln r slugle-voluniued dictionary. It will l.ova nlnlmlal II I iiui r i Inn a n.i Books Suitable for East and West Alahanoy Twp. 1 iaire. it promises to rival ail th- iuicuii iua t,uun ut wui uuvi uiiii til tic No Combine Beer ! We mean It in every sense of the word. We offer you good all-wool suits for less than their value. Our light goods must go, regardless of cost; so If you want to purchase a Men's All-wool Cheviot Suit for 88.60 call on us. Furnishing goods also to be had at lower prices than you will find them elsewhere. Wo make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what we advertise we will do, Callaud examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret it. HI fATTC i "FA! a mi y I'iyE CLOTHIER 1.1 If. Main Street, Shenandoah. TO "3TOTT. In ordT lo nixke room for our tail foods wo luc Milium ..ut our entne noes oi uaitr, Misled und .Men's line FOOTWEAR. Alfo mining nud rubher boots. Tbeaagoods win uewiiuai f?jji l f j i . t. noieo sunable oiler lor the same will be refused, ltemember, we Must Dispose of the Entire Stock nndvou will be astonished at tho prices wo oiler tne piioiio uo.1 aoom are an riew and or the finest quality. Don't nitts the selling ontof the eutlre stocit. ltemember, this Is no humbug, but a fact. Come ui ly while ourstooa Is coiuplit.. ltemember the place, has secured tho agency for the I3UUVE1SES and EXPORT BEERS A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortuages and Bonds written. aiarriage licenses anu legal claims promptly attended to. eal Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Firs Insurance Business, llepresentB the JNurmwtBiern line insurance uo. OFPicK-Muldoon's bulldlnc. corner Centre and West Bts., Bbenandoah, l'a. RICHARDS Sc. CO. OF WILICES-BAIUIE. These brewers are NOT IN ANY TltUST and are selllnR (heir excellent beers at the people's prices. Saloonkeepers Supplied at $7 Pur Barrel. Private Parties " " $8 " ORDERS CAN 11E LEFT WITH Sosta Soot and Shoe Store ! S0L MAK' 120 S' m ST' Next door to postolllce, BlgnofStar. I.. AN. axKr, who will promptly fill all orders for nueuauaouH unu vicmiiy. SCHOOL BOOKS. The place to buy your sohool books cheap is Also Helinlar's Companions, Hook Htraps, Hchool Uacn, Tubletv, eto. Everything and anything rt-qulred In sohool. Hiatus, nenclR etc , sold re tail aud wholtsale, 1 First National Bank SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00 Don't forget tbo place If you wish to save mouey. IMI. MELLBT; CHAB. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Shenandoah. special feature) will be worK or ita muu, jno want to be without It. tho createst scholar will If tou want to drive away Drsnorsla. Biliousness. Cons'loatlon. Poor Annetfie and all evils arising Irom a. disordered Liver use Dr I-oo's Liver Iteiulator, Trial bottles tree OTIIAWH )iow h" way the qrlnd blows, but thiy dnn'i show whal bard blows we have been strlltingati-trjw bill prices. Boms hats are dear at any price; these baui are cheap at double the money. If what oovers your head Is not brooming toyou. oil the pains you take an to the rest ol your uttlre areslmply thrown nwny. Comoaud see how you wilt look in one of our 60a straw hats, There's no use In Klvlngany further description of them than to nay this they are stylish. We cut the price down because we want lo cut our (dock down. Another big bargain ln hats It our tl black sllirnaU. 13 S. Main St SGANLAN-! A. W. Leisennng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrinq, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally Prom 9 to 3, 3 PER CENT. INTEREST New Saloon and Restaurant!! Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. .A two story double frame dwelling house sioieand restaurant, on East Oeutre 8t. :. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre street. , lelrable property on corner Centre and jarain streets, suunoie tor ousiness purposes. . A two story double lrame dwelling, on wen Lloyd siren. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen tre street. .Two 2 story dwellings on the corner ol uoai ana uuostnui streets rttare room in one. , Two-story single house ou North Chestnut street with a large warehouse at the rear. , Three two-story double frame buildings corner or Lloyd and Ullbert streets. Newly Paiotcd, Papered and Renovated. No. 115 RA8T CENTRE 8TREI5TJ xnreo aoors noove JtcnancK iiousejy BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor Mr. Ilaskey would Inform his many friends J nnd the publlo that ho will cater to their wants J ln the samo lirsi.clats style that he has done I iniuepasu itoue uui me oesi uranas or ior- Tho Leading Photographer, 14 ft WHITE ST. The work done at this gallery Is fully equal to that done at the large galleries of New York and 1'hlladelnhlH. Oumnarlson Is In vited between the specimens ol hli two and lime dollar cabinets shown In bis wludow aud the best of work done ol'uwhere at five and six dollars. WDo not ciimo long nignts ot stairs 10 natronlza an enterprise run by out of town parties when better work may be had of your own townsmen. elgn nnd domestic! Wines, liquors and cigars I will be kept in stock. Cholco temptranoej uriiiKs. iMUB utu biocjc aie The eatlmr bar lgfiunntled with ftvervthlnor 1 in the eatlnsr line served ln tho best style. I Meals served at all hours, Fine private rooms J tuuicueu. -JXJST OUT- The "HEW BROADWAY" BAHOE It beats every thing ln the market, and the! jsjusi rigui to sun me times. price 1 It will pay you to como und see it. I am prepared to do the following at the prices auoted: Tin rooting ...,6c per footand up nmuji paiuuug 4t.o iin conauctor H..izo Tin hanging cutler ..12o (jalvanlzed chimney stack 20o per pound uepairs tor au staves a specialty. WM. B. PRATT, , 7 uam 331 s. Jarain St., Shenaoal ttATIIEIi and SHOE ID m Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line of Hats, Caps and Gents' Furntthing Goods and makes a specialty ot Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson Caps. e BAST OENTRB ST. TO HUCKSTERS I L. Gardner, agont for tho Now Jersey l'cach urower'B Association, will be at the LEHIGH VALLEY DEPOT every mornlnc with choice Jersey Peaches. Canteloupea. Tomatoes. Bart- lett Pears, &i., which will be sold at Philadelphia prices. 8-ll-lW DP J". CLEAR'S", Dealer ln all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies Large and first-class stoox. All Demands of the Trade Supplie 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson Ileuse building, SHENANDOAH, PA The Cheapest Place -to liuy- Genls' FurcisWng Goods, Hosiery, Etc, IS AT OHABLES : YAEOWSKY' 23 West Centre Bt., Bbenandoah. s i Q 21. IlAMIIiTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Otuce- 20 West Lloyd Btreet, Bhennt; at Klrlln's drug store. Paid ou BnvInKM Deposits.