DPIOHSriC! GOODS -AT Tin:- CORNER STORE AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, All Id lulu of potted meals, IIhIi, canned goods, oysters, lobsters, cruba, lliuslnn caviar, fresh spiced oysters, 11 now t smnU:d hams, bo logtiitb uhd smoked beef, York statu full crouni cheese, Kmuntluil, Swiss, Edam, BupBa-'o mid LlmbtirKeiv Flno assortment of cakes mid bis cuits. O. and 1$. plikhw of tdl kinds. Pickles by thudoz-n. You will Hint juet what you want. KAISll IXPOBT Bill, Light. mm mm Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. AM. Till! KKWS Knit OKB CENT. Hi.s a lirger circulation In Shenandoah limn any otherpiperptrilwlK-d. Circu lation book opm to all. LOCAL LUNCHEON. A tin" July. Kirly pcuchos. !).,( tiny are here. ir your cellar frequently. 1'icnicB almost evory day but Sunday 1, VI. Ypplo butter and elder will be plenty tlr winter. Tho tima to drop a man a line when ho i overboard. Work is plenty and all who want to v- ' k.i'iin fl id it. Ytnoriean publio schools were never in n m if1 (1 uirislilng condition than they aro at J r. sent. Ii Ih a mistake about 'it b-dnjj unhealthy to -lni-p on feathers. Iiook at llio spring chi ken and seo how toujjli lio is. A c tt planted at the root of a grape vine i -mat) be tho beat thing to make the vino produce. "We would quietly add Hi to are lots of vines and lots of catf. li t thorn get together. PRETTY NINA VAN ZANDT. She In to Hceoiue Hie Wile of un Hal lull JolirniillM. Nina Van Zandl, notorious for Jnr proxy imtrriRgt) with August f-oics, the lender of the ex- ttutiii anarchist-, is bci jiii" tin- wife of S. to t: Muliitoa, an Ital ian Miss Van Zandt's f.itln r coplirms the report. Tho mar rid il, is under stood, will occur some tune in .Inly. Thu prosjn ctive (rrooin, c-alwitur St ef ano Alnhuoa. was sunt toNiN.v van 7.aniit. Chka,'' by an iiillu'iitial daily journal published in Itome to handle tho Italian department of the Worlds Columbian Exposition. Other Italian papers board of this proposed venture, and they made him tluir correspondent. Ho arrived in ftcw iork, and wus also made tho rep resentative or IAmeriea, the Xsew York Italian paper. Ho mot Miss Vnn Zundt in private theatricals u few we les ni'o, and it was a mutual case of love at lirst siirht. Miss Vnn Zandt is the yinnfr woman who fell in love with August hplcs, the Anarchist, who was luii'-ed tor partieiiiation in the Hay. inaricet l icit, and, heiu unahlo to trot. the consont of the authorities to her lnarruije to the condemned man in jail, t.Lnt b"fore a inairistrute with his brother and was married to him bv yioxy After the execution she put on widow s weeds. s,; F Mica in large quantities has been dis covered in llritlbh Columbia near the bjftd of tho Tcto J anna l'uss. What a Prominent Physician and Ohemlat says iAftor Analysis and Practical Test. Vr J. lytler, formerly of Hellerue Jfotpiliit M aiC'U uouege unu uiny laiumt Allege .-.jti aks us follow : Alva-a Urazlllan Hmcllli) 'co. U Wiiltret XT.,. n,,nl.ni.K (Jcuts: Tliesampe of your tortus illood Ciun wltlrli T liiiiiuhl ftir unnlwlR. ItHVn Ruojeciea 10 n very muroujsu io.i, uuu o.u flml nntiislnulu iraroof mineral or inercnrlnl preparation in It whatever; aud. us 1 lime lia'l eonspierablo experience lu IU coii'tini tlonal flTi-et In certain dlseasos alreavly 1' u jwu to you, I consider It the safest anil best vegetable blood purifier in the maraol. Vours 1-eHnectMllv. ii. .1. i.Y-vrmi. l'b L..M. l. Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store.t'ergiiwm House iiiocit, nenaauoan. Playing Cards. You can obtain a psck of beat quality pliying cards by sending fifteen cents in postage toP. S. Eustla, Gon'l l'ass. Agt. Ii., 0. & Q.U. R. Chicago, 111. tf Best work done at Uronnan's etenin laundry. Everything whito"and spotless. L.ice curtains a 8iHoialty, AllJ work guar anteed. WALL PAPER ! A OAKIiOAD JUST AKK1VKD AT MBLLET'S BlllllkS ..BC Gilt .So ElllbOSSCU 1 1-ZC WindOW Slintlee, Spring rollorS..2i5c Curtain POlOS -O0 JIOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenanooah, CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. Tax Duplicates. If we mistake not, the Horough Council, a its noxt meeting, win deal witn tnoquoe lion of overdue tax duplicates in a manner that may chum some squealing. Shenandoah Wins. The fourth game of tho series bclwoen tho Ilrowiuville and done' Famous base ''mil club, of town, resulted in a victory for din lattor by a s;ore of 11 to 0. The Brownivlllo club did not secure a hit oil Mack's delivery. The features of the game were two running catches mado by Kerns and McNealls, and a double play by Ward, unaseisled. Coming Events. July 30th. Festival mil ontortainmentj Robbins' opera house, under the auspices .f Silver Wave Castle, v . 0. K. of il. 0 Aug. 6. Ice cream l tival, under the luspiees of tho "Y's," in ltobbins' opera house. Aug. 18. Ice cream and peach fostivsl, in ltubblns' opera bouse, tnder tho auspices of Camp No. 183, V. O. S. of A. - Tho Mt. Qrotna Hoax. If tho party who started tho hoax about Ml. Gretna to which the ItunALD referrod to last night falls into the hands of Jlaha- noy City people he will nover tako a hand in such business again. Tho AInhanoy City woman who was shocked by the news that her husband was one of tho victims is still nuflfarlng from the rffects. Completed to Doadwood. The llurlington Koute, 0., 11. & Q. It. It., .rom Chicago, I'eoria and St. Louis, is now omploted, and daily passenger trains are running through Lincoln, Neb., and Custer, S. D., to Doadwood. Also to New. astlo, Wyoming. Sleeping oara to Dead- wood, tf SONS OF AMERICA ITEMS. Notes by One Who Koops Hlmsolf Posted. Shonandoah Commandery, No. It, of town, will hold its Japaneso ice cream fosti val on September 2.id. It will be a novo! affair nnd wid attract a large gathoring. That there aro somo Commanueriee out side of Pennsylvania interested in the preservation of tho old Commandery or esniz ilion. is ovidoncod by tho fact that Colorado Comnmndery No. 115, of Denver, Colorado, has, in conjunction with another one, arranged for tho perpetuation ot the organization in that stato on a basis similar to that in Pennsylvania. Another very stroncr proof is tho action of Montana Commandery No. of Uulto City, lion tana, in applying for ndmisdon into tho Pennsylvania organization. At a recent meeting of tho Kxecutivo Oommittoo said application was considered, and by a unan imous vote it was agreod to grant the request, and tho result has been that their ronort and tax were forwarded and samo roceived by Commandery General oUlcials Tho mortuary payment fund, ono ot th cardinal luatures of tho Sons ot America, goos Into eiTct on August 1st. Upon the death of a moinber, or a membor's wife, nn auossment of ton contfe is made on each member in tho (tale. When tho member ship ruaclios 2 500 or more t'&l) will be tb limit for a death benefit. At prosont will amount to something liko ?180 1 cheap and good inuranco. Shenandos1. C .minamlery oxpecls toadu lareelv to it' lembnrjliip during tho next throe months From ten to fifteen por 6ons have made inquiries tho past week with a viow to becoming members. It is uxpeotod that St. Clair will add coinmanuery 10 iuo rosiar ui buu state or gmization in a short tima. Why not havo it ready for inttl tution on Labor Day ? Tho Commandery General Hoard of of ficers held an important buiincss sossion at State Camp Pennsylvania's Ueadquartors. A Hoard of Directors to goyorn th Mortuary Payment Fund was choson The application blanks and other printed formi wero fixed upon and will bo ready for distribution at nn oirly dato. The state was duly districted to agree with the laws, and District Oommandors will bo appointed soon. Commandery No. 14, of town, has re. ducod its initation feo to S3 for applicants from 18 to 85 years of ago. This reduction is mado for a limited time. Now is th timo to join Commandery No. 21, of Slahanoy City has added several now mombors the past two months. It is already laying plans for tho entertainment of tho Stato Comman dory General, which moots in Mabanoy City on February 22ad, noxt. A parade of the commandorios of tho elate Is ono of the features spoken of. Oommandory No. 11 oxpocts to havo 40 men in lino at St. Clair on America's Day, September 7th, next. OVl Tiri.,, flnno-h I Will you heed the warning? The signal per- lUle dlMxwe, Consumption. Ask yourselves euls,toruiUherlskand do nothing fjriu ,viu Cure sour Cough. 11 never falls. This explains why more than u Million liotiles wtro sold the past year. It relieves Croup iud WhopnlnK Cough at once Motnera do I not be without It. For Ijune Dock, Hide or 1 1 'lliuAiiltnf h N. liV fV,rtiAr Unln find ya street.. Walors' Weiss boor Is tho best. John A R illly sole agent, 6-6-t HE WON THE DOLLAR. How a Small Boy Called" Drummor. As a drummer stood in frontof Sehelfly's restaurant conversing with , a lrlcnd the ther day a small boy whoso countenance of such peculiar formation that it nevor fails to attract attention, stood near bv vilh mouth and eyes widely oxtondod, Utening intently to nil that was being aid. "Look here, my son," exclaimed the irummor, who had eyed tho youthful listener for several momente, "if you can hring to me a moro ugly looking boy than you aro I'll givo you a dollar." The youth smiled and strolid away leisurely. Tho drummor continue conversation with his friend nnd was con gratulating himself upon getting rid of tho listener so oasily. The boy went in sonrch of bis brother and, i.oeting him, said, " , if you will come down to Scheifly's Pll 'set 'un up.' ,- consented and a few uiiuuto" later the drummor was Interrupted in his conversation. Say, mistor, didn't you say you would give mo a dollar If I could find an uglier looking boy than mysolf 1". "1 did," nnswored tho drummor, with a mile. "Well, here is my brother. Is ho ns good looking as 1110?" "Here's your dollar, .young man," said tho drummer, as ho handed the bill to tho youngster, "but I'll bot nnothor you can't how mo anyone more uglier than either of you." ' Oh, yes I can," was the prompt rotort. "Who, then?' "ily father." "Nover mind, I'm satisfied. Isooyou businoss aud would soon have an oyo to bleak' me." Reading's Royal Routo. The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, by means of its fine equipment, fast trains uxurious parlor and sleeping oars, and tho general foresight of its management, lias uccooded in building up a great reputation as one of tho most attractive routes to tho various summer resorts. The prosperity of Atlantic City, particularly, is dun in a great measure to the enterprise of this company, Tho Rsadlng routo affords unsurpassed facilities for reaching the soa, nnd a largo majority of tho travel to Atlantic City is over Its line. Tho ride irom riiuaiioiptiia to the bcs coast is a dolightful ono. The road is double trackod, steel railed nnd stono ballasted, and as the engines use only hard coil thero is no nnnoyanco from dust, smoke or cinders. Tho company is running trains between Philadelphia and tho tea shore in 73 minutes over its doublo track which, by tho way, is tho only doublo track lino to tho coast. That this quick and ab soluto safe servico, together with thesplon- iid equipment of the road, is appreciated by the publio is shown by the largo pro portion of tho business which it does. An especially convenient train for Atlantic City from points up in tho stato has just beon put on in tho Main Line and Wil hamsport Division No. 4 whiih arrives in Philadelphia at 12:00 noon, and make con nection, by transfer through tho city, with tho trains leaving Philadelphia at 1:00 p. m. arriving at Atlantic City at 2:18 p. m Thero are lots of other trains besides tho one meutioned, of course, but this is par ticularly convenient to tho residents of the interior of tho stato. A Kind Friend. Is what they call that Famous Heraedy, Itcd Viae OU. It nulcklv cures lthcuintiilsm. NeurnUla, Cuts, liruites, Burns, Sores and all rain. It Is good for man or biast. 23 cents, Atiurmrs artig store. LEATHER and SHOE FiHDIHGS 3?. J. CLEAEY, Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large nnd flrst-cUss stooi. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Kcrguiou House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. GKAKTZ) Ice Cream Festival Undtr the ausploel of the R0BB1NS OPEUt HOUSE, SDENANDOAII, Pi., Wednesday, Aug. 5, '91. TIOKBTS, - 10 0HUT8. Good for a plate of cream. iriOIl CONJTITUTIONAIj CONVKNTION James J. Frnney, OK 81IKKANPOA1I, Bubject to Democratic rules. WANTS, &o. WANTED. A lady agent to sell n goot nrtfele among womeu. Apply at he Hkualii nMce. OJUL WANTED. A Kootl ox- i inHiDuwugiit nniuvu lor KQuerm IIOUSO work. NoolUeruoedannly. Call at IIkiiai.d illlce. Kast Ooal street. 7-3-tf FiKSIRABLE PROPERTY FOR JL sale. One or Mia ninaf rtAslnilitn npnnsK lies on West Oak Blreet, for sale ou reasonable .run,, vpiiiy m iuiwwh grocery store, cor aer Jardlu anil Oak streeU. Hheuandnah, Pa LOST. On Jardln ntrcet, between Oali and Centre, a nve dollar gold piece, t'luderwlll be smtnlilr rnw.irlri hv lamenlJ. L. William;', 8. Jnrdln 8t. 7-2Mw WOK SALE. A grand uprieht nno. eoual lo new. 3 rl'irionnts. A.n C, nnd ono ' flute. Can be nought, in one lot. or separately. Call at i Mi'Keone's saloan, 7-13 lw 17OR RENT Store und building l UOW OCCllnled bv the HllAttnnrinah Bakery Co. lor ma mfitcturlng ant retnP anny miHinou. two noors 0 wiaj foot. Apply tu. u. rittunv. n.m 11 IFAti vrjn-Au Hctlve reliable man Tt salary aro to si So m.inthlv. with in. urease, to retireiient In hla nwn neilnn a rn. wonsllile New York llnuse, Kelereuoes. UAflUlAUlUHKWWS UOX 1M, JN6W xorE. NOTICE Proposals will bo received till JlllV 22 Id. A. I).. 1801. to 12 o'elnnlr noon, for tho plastering of the front rooms In the basement of tho uew court bonso and cor ridor, and also for the oarpeuter work, nans and specifications cau be seen lu tlie Commis sioners' olllce. SAMUEL 0. DtfTUHK, j.v.MKa j. nowita, ELIAS J5. H":KD, Conimlsslouers. Attesti-JouNS.SNYDEit, Clerk. 0-11-td ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Kstate ol rnnlcl Hunibel. deceased. L,euers of administration on inn estjitA nf iwmei jtumuei. late or union Imvinlilii. Schuylkill count v. 1'u.. dioeail. hnvn henn irr.iu'ed to William II. Itumliel, residing at iiiugidwu, i"k 10 wuuiu mi iicrsoos lnaentea to said estnto are reoueslod to muke i nvmet,!. aud those nvlu claims or demands will mnke known the same without delay. WILLI V.M II KUMHEL, Administrator. . O M IIoi.LopnrKn, Att'y. July lOih, 18W. M7-0t CHARTER NOTICE. Notice is hereby irlvon that an Hnnlicntlon will Ue made to the Governor f l'ennylvanla ou tliethlrdday or August, 1801, by J. M. Gllck, Moses .Mervlne. Cnrlstiau Kberls. tilmon nwoyer, v icnry T. Trout and J. u. Iloelmau miner mo ac. oi Assemuiy online i "An act to provide lor me lnoornoralluu and leculn. tlon of certain cornorallous annroveil Anrll 20, 1S7I," and the supplements thereto, for the cuaiier or au intenaea corporal ion to ns culled ''Fulton Vnter Ctmnuuiv." the etinrAC ter and object of which is the suppls-lugof wiuer loriue vuunu hi xno ooroiign oi uirrfru vlll", In the county of Schuylkill, and to per sous, pjrtuerithlns an J umocl nluus resldlus I herein as may dehe the same, and for th?so purnoses to have, nossess nnd enlov ill tho rights, benefits ana privilege! of said Act of ,YB'omuiy nna supniemenie incrcio. J. il. I'umisttui. Hoiiciior. GiKAnnvii.LK, July 7, lb'Jl. 7 7-td FOB S-AJLIE! Thoundorilened. deslrlnirto retire from bus. lness, will dlsposo of his stock ol dry goods, giocerles Ac, cheap. Purchaser ciiu alsoient the store loom at rcasimable terms The stand Is a good one aud lu the bands of a live mau can ne maao pronianio, T. 1. DAVIS, xoo Kortli Jarcliii St. 0-10 tf M. S, SCHEIDER'S -NI5W- -AND CONPECTIONEIiy, No, 27 Soullt main St., Sliennudoali Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies GUAIIA.M BKEAD A SPECIALTY. A fine line of Confectionery. lrlne Ice Croam Tailors nllaulied. The Photographer Is located at No. 14 North White Street Having ban Ms gullery greatly Improved, he is nowDeuer piepareu iimi, ever to meet ineuauu oi me punue luinepnoio. graphlo line. Tho best photo graphs at lowest iirlces. Crnyon Work a Specialty. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoo Store (Mas toller's old stand,) Vomer Coal aud Jartllit.H'.H. .Mr. Snyder will always keep In stook a fine nueoi uoois sua buocs. Custom Work, and Rciinlrluj; done In the best style. He guarantees to sell cbeaper thu competitors on Main street who nave uig rums 10 pay, ana guaruutees a genu. ine uargain ou every purcuase. NJow Is the t lina to oh sugo yo Jr umia-w j v. You on gel at Hoajlan's a suit ol good Summer Underwear at 50c little bet'er lor 8O0. Good Summer Ou'.lag ililrtF, 2io to SI. OjIo icaulu's nndgo'the new Century Hr.ice tlw best Buininer llrace u themnrket. At Seanlan'syou can net a goad SOFT HAT for 50c, No moro bother 1th ba's that do not fit, ns fcau lan has a new at Stretshgr for Shaping Hats to lit the head. Only two dozen more aSoueokwearleft. Scinlanwlll sllyou cheap hats and caps, lalost stylos and colors. Cheap Overalls aud White 4111 rts. in Hoitlli ltgniii St. Attention, House Gleaners ! Thejwarra weather Is here, and house Anu nt suou times most everybody needs Bometiiitiir to urigiiicn up tiio Home, bo 11 you Veuet, Moquett, Body TWO OU THRISE HALL, STAIR OR You can find a full Mil Lid Curia n i UI Window Shades, Floor aud Table Oilcloths aud Linoleums of all grades. Prices oaunot ba heateu when quality Is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. I, J. PRICE'S Old - 113 North Main 'Street, Shenandoah, Pa. We mean it In every sense of the word. We oiler you good all-wool suits for less than their value. Our light .goods must go, regardless of cost; so If you want to purchaso a Men's All-wool Cheviot Suit for $6.50 call on us. Furnishing goods also to be had at lower prices than you will find them elsawhere. Wo make no boasts merely for advertisement, but wlmt we advertise we will do. Call aud examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret it. il, T1- J1 n -famous" one clothier. 11 JV. Main Street, Shenandoah A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written. juarriago nconaeii anu legni claims promptly attended to. Heal Estile, Collection and Insuranco Jgecey General Plre Insurance lluslness, Represents tua in ortuwesiern i.iie maurauceuo. OKFICK-Muldoon'ubnlldliiff, corner Centre nd Went Sis., Shenandoah, 1'u. Good fropirti.i A.'! Kinds For Sale, Alwosto y dou ,1a lrauo dwell"n house, s.o sand reniuurani, on Kat iinti'e St -A dwelling aad lestuuruutuu Kast Centre street. -Desliablo properly on c.iruer Centra and Jardlu streels, suitable for business pur poses, -A two story double liatae dwelling, on West Lloyd street. -Two2 story frume dwellings on West Cen tre street. -Two '2 story dwellings on the corner ol Coal and cuestuut stiects store room In one. -Two-story single house on North Chestnut street wituaiargewarenouse aiiuerear. -Three two-slory double frnino buildings corner of Lloyd and Ullbert streets. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, SU Xlatl Centra Street, SlIJltf.lXVOAlI. Bread, Cakes, Ibream and Coafeclionery -Of ALL, KINDS - Lambert, The 'Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ol Hats, Caps and Dents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty of Nelllo Rly anil Mary .Anderson Caps. O BA3T OENTRH ST. Q M, HAMILTON, il. I)., PHYSICIAN AlD SURGEON. Olfloe-2!) West Lloyd Street, Shenandoah fa. - cleaning la the next thing lu order. need a gjou o.trpei oi eituor or Tapestry Brusse, - PLY INGRAIN, RAG CARPETS! assortment at PRICE'S. ! Reliable - Stand. New Saloon and Restaurant I Newly Failed, Tapered and Reaovaled. No. 115.KAST CKNXItlC BTRUEr, Tln-eo doors above Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. s Mr. Uasliey would In'orm his many filends nud tho publio that he will inter to their wants In tho same first-class stylo that he has dono lu the past. None but the best brands of for. elgu and domestlo wines, liquors and cigars will be kept In stock. Cholco tempcranco drinks. Fine old slock ale Thoeatlng bar Is supplied with everything lu tho e'ltlms lino served In the best stylo. Meals set ved at all hours, l'lne private rooms attached. -JXJST OXJT- a (is The "MEW BROADWAY11 BAHGE It beats every thing In the market, and the price is just right to suit tho times. It will pay you to come und see It. I am prepared to do tbe following at the prices quoted: Tin roofing...... 60 per foot and up Tin rojr painting 1..0 Tin conductor 1J0 " Tin banging gutter I2u " ' Galvanized chimney stack 20o per pound Itepalrs for nil stoves 11 specialty. WM. E. PEATT, 7-S-3ra 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah The Cheapest Place ! to uuy Gents' FumisMng Goads, Hoiiery, E(c , ia at CHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, 23 West Centre Bt., Bhenandoah.