The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 27, 1891, Image 3

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Ho Is iNbr fho iriisMml of tlio
Dnad Woman at Tarry town.
jT -i flV.
Coloqel of tlje Foupfeg
-MR gtory of th.e Late VaivH
highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S Gov't Report, Aug. ry, 1889.
Shoes can .
UimmI bf ram, women and children.
'Presents in the mnst Klmrml Airst.
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to flip hitman
system, forming an agreeable
.inu enccuve laxative t peritta
inciitly cure Habitual Constt
"pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak ur inactive
condition of the
It is the ma-1 Cxi c)lut renieily known to
When one t Htliitie or Constipated
so i r
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
ask Youn onuncsT ran
s-srEfcrr 03r" aliens
wuismu. m new york. h. r.
, Dr. Grosvenor's
Gilt qvtctt rtUef
IthnUmAtlflm. nonfTrIii olnnrla m-nA I,e,.l
1 lrtiimH at r j... - i i i i' . ' "V
W. Baker & Ccs
from which tho oiccra ot
oil has boon removed, la
Absolutely Pure
aiulitis Soluble.
No Chemicals
are used in its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, and is thcroforo for moro
economical, costing less than,one cent
a ciip. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily dioested,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crocoro ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
Or Uio Liquor llubil, Enaltl,a-ly Cureu
v "j- eauuiiuinicriiiu; iir. siumcs'
daoltlen Kiaeclllv.
I It ! manufactured aa a powder, whlob. can be riven
tt glass ot .beer, a eap of coQea or' tea. or In tood.
without the knowledge ot tho patient. It Is absolutely
Harmless, and will eireat a permanent and speed;
cure, whether vfte patient Is a moderate drinker or
mn alcoholtowreok It has been given In thousands
or oases, and In overy- instance a perfect cure has fol
lowed, it nerer Falls. TUesystemonoeltnprcirnab,
a with becomes an utter Impossibility
for the liquor appetite to exist. w
48 page book of particulars free. To be had o
C. H HAGENBUCH. Druggist. Shenandoih
io mill VpwnrdH
15 Per Cent.
Dividend Paying Stoolr.
Full particulars and
rroatiectm can be had
on application oraddresslng
8. I.. HIMPNON, iiauht-r,
i4 llrontl-wiiv, Y.
All persons are hereby warned
Belonging to the
Shenandoah Water Company,
and all parties caught -violating this notice
will be
prosecuted as XrespasHerH.
' ' " Ilyorder of
A grand opporlunlty (or Joining a new
The Beneficial Order of Equity,
A fraternal society for both sexes.
Pays From $200 to $5,000 !
Advances money to buy hemes, cancels the
indebtedness locate of disability or death,
pays sick and death benefits.
for Airther particulars cull on or address,
Deputy Bupremo President,
32 N, Main St., Hhenaudoah. fa.
The Cheapest Place !
to iiur
Gcnls' FarcisMng Goods, Hosiery, Elc ,
23 West Centre Bt, Shenandoah,
Author of "Loyal at Last," "My
Lady Fantastic," &o.
When Rofteernns wns In command at
Nashville nearly a yflnr ago he hnd dc
tcrtnlned to establish in the Fourth, nnd
indeed In sovonil otlier .Infantry refrl
tnunts, n torpit dVft'fe of mounted mun,
nrmi'tl with Henry rifles, and collected
from tho illffernut companies for tholr
mnrlramanship nnd btondiuoss In ac
tion; but, although tho men wore
supplied with tho rifles chiefly at
their own oxpenso, the authorities
at Washington had refused to
fflvo them horses and tho ad
mirable project had fallen through.
Now Colonel Hopkins had nover been
satisfied with this urbltrnry judgment,
and asked General Thomas to, approve
of his trying tho experiment at his own
expense, nnd an nssent being readily
accorded, a little band of ten "mounted
sharpshooters" formed nn effective arm
of the regiment's usefulness.
One. summer's day Major Bosant found
himself in command of two companies
Ifulton's und Gregory's supported by
the corps d' elite, on a march through a
nigged country In pursuit of a band of
guerrillas whoso attacks on detachments
on foraging and other expeditions had
been peculiarly annoying. His guldo
Was a stalwart youug negro, who pro
fessed to be familiar with tho mountuiu
fastnesses, among whoso recesses these
irregular combatants made their haunts.
Tho afternoon was well advanced when
they reached u spot whero the rood
branched In three directions one to tho
right, one to the lelt, and one immedi
ately across a denso wood and as the
guide declared that these three paths
concentered again into ono main thor-
uuBumra sumo uvo nines iurtncr on,
and that tho forest, was a very likolv
covert In which .to find tho human gamo
they were huntlug, Frank resolved to
divido his forco Into three parties; so he
dispatched Chnrllo aud his men on tho
right, Gregory and his on tho loft, whllo
ho rode with tho feharpshooters on tho
middle road.
For a time nothing distracted their
attention, but suddenly tho Major's ear
caught tho sound of a cry that might
havo been mado by somo forest bird or
beast, but which, under tho circum
stances, was,to say tho least, suspicious.
It came from tho right, tho direction
that Fulton and his company had taken.
"Dismount your men and let them
follow me, Ferguson," Frank ordered
tho officer of the sharpshooters, as ho
throw himself from his horso nnd
dashed up tho wooded Incline.
"It was nothing but a hawk or wild-
f cat," Ferguson cried, as lie gained his
' side.
I Hut as ho spoke a rifle-bullet whistled
by his head and burled itself In tho
trunk of a hemlock.
"Quick, boys, to tho treesl" Frank
i shouted, as he sot tho oxamplo by plac
ing mmsell oetuna a masslvo oalc.
It was a curious duel which followed,
where neither combatant could see tho
other. Every time a leaf on tho hill
1 moved a bullet spoil from the riflo of
one of tho sharpshooters to tho Bpot,
nnd every time that tho smallest pieoo
of a soldier's uniform displayed itself
beyond tho wooden barrier, It was tho
I target for a half scoro of shots. Now
and then, in a spirit of bravado, somo
man would stick his cap out at tho end
. of his gun-barrel, and in nn instant It
. wns riddled with bullets.
"Wo can't go on ut this little game nil
day, boys," Hesant said to tho. men
nearest to him. "I've half a mind to
charge the skulking scoundrels."
"It would be certain death, but we
are ready, sir, if youglvo tho word," was
Ferguson's reply.
Just then a ringing fusillado sounded
In thq distance, answered by a volley of
"Captain Fulton has struck tho main
body of them," Frank said, guessing at
tho situation of affairs, which after
wards proved ho was right, "and these
fellows aro but tho outposts. Captain
Gregory must havo heard our flriUET be
fore this, and If there is any way across
that rugged hill ho will soon bo with
us then we shall have them f routi and
A pistol-shot from tho man who had,
been left in charge of tho horses
warned them that there was danger
there, too.
It was now ncarlng six o'clock, and
though night in that summer seaspn
was not duo for three long hours, it
was quite dark, for a fearful storm was
hanging over tho wood. It had been
gathering the wholo afternoon, but
now It was como. Fierce clouds, block
and purple, rolled over tho heavens,
massing In smoko-llke density. Then a
blinding sheot of flame, followed by a
crash of thunder so terriflo that tho
puny reports of tho rifles seemed but a
mockery of tho warring eloments.
Thon a deep, sullen roar that appeared
to shako tho oarth ltsolf. Tho screams
of birds and cries of beasts, aud tho
crash of falling timber woro tho only
sounds heard now besides the artillery
of Hoavon, for friond und foo aliko had
crept to tho shelter of tho neighboring
rocks. Tall trcs were tern tip by tho
roots and hurled to tho earth like leaves
in an' autumn breeze, and all the whllo
tho deafening thundor never ceased to
roll, aud not ono drop of rain. But now
tho clouds burst and tho delugo was
upon them, not In fierce splashes, but
in sheets of water, that crushed to tho
earth all living things they reached.
And when tho fury oft tho tornado
was spout It seemed quite natural to
?rank that tho half-dozen figures of
men ho know were enemies, who had
been crouching by his side, should
glide away into the forost without a
parting shpt,
It was a difficult, task to make their
woy over tuo tanen trees to tne spot;
whero thoy had loft their horses, but
they reached It at last, to find tho snort
ing, trembling beasts unharmed, savo
one that lay struck dead by lightning.
"Push on, men," Frank cried. "Let
us get out of this Infemsl wood before
(tho lust glimmer of daylight falls us."
Luckily the sharpshooters woro prae-
uceu norscmors) for tho dobris Of tho
storm made their ride too much like a
steeple-chase to bo practicable to men
wnose seats In their saddles were not
firm. As it was, Lieutenant Ferguson
,got an ugly fall which broke his
I collar-bone, nnd Frank's charger
munucrctt over tho trunk of a tree.
llandlng Its rider In the mud, with no
other .damago, however, than a torn
looat and somo very stromr laniruam.
which Rev. Lubln's mo would not havo
. approved of had she been near to hear It.
1 Thoy reached tho rendezvous at last
Jbiilton and his men wero alreadv stran
gling up as they arrived, and Frank
noticed with pain that tho ambulanco
wagon boro its load of mlscrv.
, "Ono man killed and four wounded,"
Vuanio reported, briefly.
"And what of tho enemy?"
"Heaven knows. They aro In force,
inougn, at least two hundred stron:
If it had not been for that precious
siorm oreaitmg on us they would havo
wipea us out without a doubt, llut.
havo you heard nothing of Gregory.
Aiuuiiug wnatever, tjnarue. I am
afraid ho must havo retreated to os
capo tho tornado. It camo his way,
yuu uiow, anu no woum see xt long be
fore wo did."
"Then all I can say Is that wo are In
yuoer street, for as soon us those bcastl v
brigands lmvo got their breath they'll
bo down on us like tho wolves on tho
"Like enough, Charlie. Well, wo can
but do our best, and I don't doubt but
that we shall bo ablo to give a fair ac
count of ourselves."
1 "Doos this thing that Imagines Itself
a road lead any whero, I wonder?" Char
lie mused. "Say, whero's your guide,
, But that was a question that Frank
could not answer, for the last ho had
.seen of him was when ho was howling
In an agony of fear behind a rock whllo
the storm was sweeping over them.
! "He'shero all right, sir," Interposed a
I sergeant who had heard tho Inquiry;
"his old mido scrambled along after us
somehow, but I'm afraid you won't
(got much out of him, as that Httlo
shower shook him up considerable."
: The guldo could not tell them much.
Only that about three miles further on
tliero was a deserted tobacco factory,
and that. If orders could reach him, Cap
tain Orogory might make a detour two
miles north and got there without ro-
1 crossing tho wood.
Frank jumped to a conclusion ot
lonoo. Turning to his sharpshooters he
"I want a man to ride to Captain
Gregory It is a dangerous trip who
t Every right hand was raised and
every tongue cried; "I, slrl"
"I will choose the man with tho best
horse," tho Major said, woll pleased
with tho result.
To hear those gallant fellowa expa
tiate on tho merits of their mounts you
would havo thought that Undo Sam had
equipped them all with thoroughbreds,
but Frank had a good eyo for a nag
and quickly selected a strong, woll
rlbbed black mnro that took his fancy.
"That's mlno, sir!" cried a young soli
dler, as joyfully as though he'd won a
lottery prlzo,
Frank first fed tho lad and his horso,
and then started him on his dangerous
ride, giving him Instructions to tell
;Captaln Gregory, If ho could find him,
to make his way to tho factory, whlthor
without delay, he too, started with his
little force.
"Not n bad place to make a stand In,"
ho said, as ho rodo up to tho big, square,
empty wooden building, whoso fow ntir
iow windows soomod moro slits In Its
weather-boaten sides.
"If they don't burn tho shanty ovoi
our heads," Fulton added, tvlth a shrug
of tho Bhouldors.
There wasmoreover tho additional pro
tection 6f a strong board-fence running
round It, which Frank eyed with satis
faction. Tho guards wero set, tho men
flung themselves with arms besldo thorn,
on tho floor, to snatch what llttlo rest
they could, aud stlenco settled on tho
grim old edifice.
Naturo In changing mood had swept
tho clouds from tho sky, and a young
LuvaLroxfUHeaiavH pi . iu c a
MMTWisns-i ' tl
1 lijj Tr ' 4 ah i
poon silvered Uy tiny stream Jhaj I
weanucrou across tne little plain mat
separated them from tho woods.
Three weary hours passed and no
signs of tho enemy. Then tho sharp
crack of a musket from tho outer-pioket,
and the garrison was on the nlert,
Llko wolves rushing on sheep, the dar
ing crowd of guerrillas dashed to tho as
sault, knowing well that they had
nearly three men to every one of the
haled Yanks. It was a motley troop,
composed of irregulars, with some fifty
soldiers who hail escaped from Morgan's
command, when they hud been routed
alter his raid in Northern Kimttiokv.
and who now had joined their fortunes
witli these reckless Free-Lauces.
A shower of bullets from tho barri
cade of the fence checked their first at
tack. They hud never met tho men of
the Fighting Fourth before, nnd hardly
anticipated so warm a welcome. So,
recovering from their surprise, they
formed in butter order, and once moro
essayed to sculo tho slight obstruction
which this tlmo yielded to their fury,
and tho Union men, with little loss,
wero driven within tho building. Hero
Frank's sharpshooters did noble work,
picking oil tho leaders of their assail
ants with deadening accuracy of aim.
"Keop cool, men, nnd don't waste
your lead," tho youug Major cried.
"Let every ,bullot havo its billot."
"I can't mako swell speeches liko tho
Major can," shouted Charlie, "but I
can tell you, boys, that If you don't kill
why, darn it, thoy'll kill you!"
A gloain of firo from tho narrow win
dows answered tho appoul.
But tho rear side of tho building had
no windows, anil savo the cracks the
men had found In tho boards, no loop
holes' through which a musket-barrol
could bo thrust. Here Frank antici
pated his worst dangor, nor was ho de
ceived. TO 111! CONTINUED.
ihonld he displayed in buying medU
sine above all tilings. In selecting m
remedy for any dlsonse, you should be
positive that It contains nothing inju
rious to the health. Many remedies
on the market leave tho patient In a
much worse condition, than befon
taking them.
S S S-
U purely vegetable, and perfectly
harmless; tho most delicate child can
take it with absolute safoty. It contains
no mercury or minerals of any kind,
and yet it never fails to cure the dis
eases it is recommended for.
Book on Blood and Skin diseases fro.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Q
Have cured Disnv tnous-ni.t ra... (-..
-t tihv.irian. I7rn.n 1. A.
rapMlraiurpear, and In ten ilays 31 Icj.i , thirds Vf a
ITmntoms are retnrwed. Sn-l fur FfitF nnflt'.! it.
scu 0111 cure,. I Cli UfllO (WaUlicd rHtt yo tide"
UK. 11. 11. UK.... .L M)Ml. ATLAJiTATUA.
Committeemen should bear in
mind that the Hekald ofllce
is prepared to do nil kinds of
Poster Work!
at the most reasonable rates.
Qlve us n call and obtain our
prices. All work done when
promised and In a satisfactory
mauner. i
A New Venture
ilas opened a
Bales of assorted poods, nntlnnn. linrrlu-nm
glassware, elc, eto.
Goods from all parts ol the connlvunllcllrrl
on commission.
Oaoe-Beddsll'r baUdlng corner Vain and Oentri
Ho Deepens the Mystery by Describing
Marks on the Body.
Ills Ileal Nil 1110 Is (liKircp Victor Herd
ling lln Must Ituvu Kiimvn the Demi
Wolilim Itttlinatnly Wlirn fjllesllnln il
by IIih Coroner IIh lU'filsett to Annuor
(JuetI(ins-1!to llllleat Nmv (lolntr On.
New Yoiik, Juno ST. -The mystery
surrounding the beautiful desd woman
at Titrrytown deepens. Dolly Davis'
double, the woman who wns found in tho
river at Croton LsnillnK one week iiko
this mornliiR, hits been ltleiitllled twiee,
and in both Instatices the ldeutifieation
wns proved erroneous.
"Frank Atwood," who claimed the
body at Tarrytown lis that ot his wife
proves 10 le a suspicious elmracter with a
bogus name. He is under arrest. His
relatives say that forthetpast ten days he
hui been "out of hishond."
His true name is Victor George Ilc-rd-llng,
and he is the son ot George Herd
ling, proprietor of tho United States
Hotel at Kultou nnd Water streets, lie
is years old.
His wlfo spent yesterday looking fran
ticall.N ever) where in this city for their
little daughter, Louise, whom Ilsrrillne;
took from their homo in 35th street on
Thursday ntternoon to Tarrytown. Ho
told lils wife lie was going to Coney
The Child Spoke Ihn Truth.
"That isn't my niammn," lisped tho
pretty, chubby faced and curly haired
little one wheu her fathor hold her up so
that she could look Into the casket.
The child spoke the truth. Yet Herd
Hug may have known the dead woman.
Ho accurately described blemishes on her
dead body that the doctors had not ills.
covored at the ailtonsr. particularly n
scar from either a hum or a scald on her
loft kueo. Henlliug hnd only looked at
tho face of the corpse when ho looatml
tho blemishes, nnd a further examination
of the body by the physicians proved his
uuumoui to ue correct.
The rest ot hlsslorv about hta
llfo with the woman was a string of lies.
Ills story Wn Pulse.
Atwood" appeared beforo the ooro-
nor's jury yosterday and when asked If
there wore any marks on tho dead woman
by which ho could surclv identify hor. 1,
said: "Sho has n mole on hor left loir
noar the kneecap, a senr made bv a scald
on the same log, but below tho knee, a
mole on tho back of her neck, nnd she
has ono tooth that Is slightly twisted."
An examination of tho body proved his
statement correct.
Ho then claimed that his parents woro
dead, but said there was a llttlo mystery
about his family ho didn't euro to ex
plain. When the inquest was resumed last
night Georgt P. Herdling testified that
Atwood wns his son, but that he had not
been on good torins with him for the
past fivo years. "Atwood" wns called
again to testify. Ho admitted that Herd
ling w,is his futher, but refused to an
Bwor any more questions. Ho was thon
arrested nnd locked up.
"The supposition is that we havo in
custody tho man who cau tell tho mis
sing links in tho chain that surrounds the
mystery of the dead woman," said tho
coroner, before tho jury adjourned this
A Decision Kruclii l About tho Coinage,
or Silver lliillsra.
Washington, Juno 27. Secretary Fos
tor makes the following statement ns
the result of the Cabinet meotlug affect
lug the coinage of silver:
"After n full nnd careful consideration
of the law relating to tho coinage of sil
ver, Secretary Foster finds that the act
of March U, 1801, requires that tho Secre
tary of tho Treasury shall, as soon ns
piacticable, coin tho trade dollar bars
Into sliver dollars. Ho also finds that
$100,000 has been appropriated for tho
recolnage of tho subsidiary Bilvor coin
into such denominations as will host
serve to glvo it circulation. There is
constant demand for Buiall coins, princi
pally dimes, which tho mints havo not
boon ablo to supply.
"iho becretary of tho Treasury has de
cided that his first duty in this matter Is
to obey tho direction of Congress. Con
gress has ordered the coinage of tho trade
dollar bars Into standard silver dollars.
Tho cotnago of the trade dollar bars In
this ninuner will transform what cost
5,087j705 Into 5.M8.281 standard dollars.
The Secretary finds that it will rcqulru
perhaps four months to perform the work
of coining trade dollar bars Into standard
dollars and recoluing subsidiary silver.
inereiore tlio question 0I the continued
coinage of silver dollars ns heretofore is
not a practical oue at, present."
luo Laulnet also decided to chanuo tho
form of the asset and liability state
ments issued from tho Treasurer's offico
dally and nt the beginning of each
month. Iu the now form of statements
the net surplus will disappear and only
an available cash balance will be carried.
Other changes of n minor character will
bo mado, but what they will be has not
yet been decided by Secretary Foster.
Couiuilssioner Itlltcliell's ICealctiatlou.
Wabuikutos, June 27. There ore throo
candidates for the offico of Commissioner
ot Patents, the resignation of Commis
sioner Mitchell takiug effect on August
I. The applicants aro ex-Uonicressmnu
Slmmonds ot Connecticut, Assistant
Commissioner of Patents Frnthlngham
and T. A. Ilatinlng, a member of a well-
known pateut firm.
Humor of rrlncetw Marie's Marriage.
Roue, June 27. A rumor Is again in
circulation that the Princess Marie Bona.
parte, eldest daughter of Prince Charles
Bonaparte, will noon bo uuiud in mar
riage with ;t )0uug lloutonnnt of the Ital
ian army, who Is represented to be tho
son of peoplo of the working class.
Princess Marie is 21 years of ge, having
neon uoru in tuis city ou uuaembor. ID.
Presidential I'ostmasters.
Washington, Juno 27. The President
lias appointed the following named post
masters i Wm. II, Smith at Florence,
Mass.; Margaret Andrews at I'ruuklln
ville, N. Y.
Brother come out and let mo he Inside. Wm my
fao aud hand be ml, ton?
the window iu '
lit flnUrM thn ulll Im.iu. P.m h.U.ul
10c. a nomis ioc.
WOLFF , RANDOLPH, PhUadelpbis.
4J I -her s li -
ll S-Al
f"l"l IV ! 1 1 ill .,.
rW ii r fiend 4
m titw
i "nlali toj
. -ri,f '.titer.
lV.ii.idB., I'd
Villi Kl.llllM I
OuHtij U Local ,ir
ChlpiirKttrCiWmliu! '.
3S bi'l ?rtrrU,Piiliclt!r.lil
TIil i.iut rMtftble Karl tucceinfu
m-runn for tiii.tot oftwth
Spr cial DicaECs,BIoodPoIsoii
t'l ' PRS h otebe.. 1'lmr.lea, Sore
Siiiulh.Throni, Irrit.tlsn.. a i.l I
lua, InQamni.tunii, KMnera
BlaiMer, Loat rllalilr , Wraa bad
Il.aiwnala Ph..
Vaakncaa Ini.lllir, ImralrcJ Uarnorj aoJD.eajr, StrteHrra,
all dUcaaea'uoic Irom jouihfal .rr.ra r from oranrcrk
Old, YoutlR or Middle Agod don't aolar an; lonttr.
anrala aerials, no aiporlmmt. I haTearorrttlai knoan Is
melloa! aoi.ura alaclcncr.obJlloatr and old
no matter ho tailed relief at ono. rreah caeca eared la 4
lo 10 dare. buroan HuepiLa) exF.,rieD0O In uernienr, kot-lan-t,
k ranee and An.trla, ae oortlfleatra and dlplomaa pro...
and 25 tear, nr.otical eap;rleno. 10 ooa eatee enred yearly.
Htl & flfafl w,,t be paid to an adrertlaloc doctor, atbs
w a. .vjijr 1 tanprora aa rrteteklll, knotrledio aud
eperlenoo and who can ehow aa maor ratleuta permanently
cured aa lean atKr quaeha and mdrartlalni doctora baa.
rained there. Sendan.alatnprorboolCTKUTlI" anlaworn
t.itlmonlalaeaimaioi quack, and adrerll.lnr dootora wits
ilieir ralaa aud ii&iidukul guerantrre aod piatlioonlala, ibele
eaperience.lh.y du not poaaea and tbclr aobeme of rotundlns
money or Irienjly talkaand tbelrcbeap and drue
neltber of wbloh ouraa you, but are uacd aa decoya and reaola
lu ruin ot thouaauda of ootiltitinr; vlotlma, Ovnet lloraa
Everyday rromv A 1 tosp M.,.Teolnsa S149. Wedneaday
and Saturday Rn-nlnia f; ir 3 -19, Suodara from to 11. Vol
Ser.rcocv. aoo Wedoeadar and Satnrdaj rhlla. Times.
Leading- Churchmen.
Tiik National Tiuiinr.p. Wflihlnglnn, D.
O.. tlm Ureal raittliiiiul Wr-pklv ti,nmM
and HrotldP, will shortly begin the publico
lion or n highiy liuerebtlcg .cries of nrtlelcs
on Hie coi dltlen. drvc'ornicrit nnd prospects
or ti e lev. r 1 ihurohee. The articles and
Ihclr ccnlributoiB ure:
Reman Catholic Church. Cardinal Gibbons,
ArrhblNlii p ol iinlttinnre
Methodist Episcopal Church, Ulslnp John P.
. Protestant Episcopal Chi rch, Right Itcv. Leleh
Ion Cut. man, s. T. 1)., L. 1.. U., Ulthop ol Dol.
Presbylcrlan Church. Uov. I3r. H. SI. SIcCrno.
ben. Chancellor or the University ol the City
ol New Vo'k,
Unitarian Church, Itev. rdward Everett Halo,
the diMlnguimiid author.
Evangelical Lutheran Church, Tror. K. J, Wolff,
ol tne OeliyBbiiigHenilnarj.
Congregntlonal Church, llev. J N. Whlton, of
thnTilnliy Clitircti, New York Clly.
B.pllst Church, HobcrtH McArtbur, P.D., pas
tor Calvary liupilst Church, New York Clly.
Hub-crlptlou price or paper $1 n year, Ihrco
moulhscontnlnln. them artlces,26c, Addresa
riue""V..siti s .1ri-ftj?ikijitri
Mien tiyuhle'l UU tlioMAriDujliifr lrcefuln.-ttier
niHiiti. ii"U"Hi' i ip i- ' i, ' r rro i
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COUliBhl-', The Twenty-seventh Annual
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