The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 30, 1891, Image 2

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    Shenandoah Herald.
9, 0. BOYEE, Editor and FnUlsHor,
W. J. wATKINS, Local Editor.
DAILY, per year, - W 0"
WHOKt.T, per ymr,; 1 80
Sntored At Hie PostotHce, at Bbenandoah, I'n..
for tmnimlmlon through the Molls
nt seeond olass ruall matter.
Sudden Deatlio.
Heart disease is by far the most frequent
cause of sudden death, which In three out o'
four cams 1 unsuspected. The symptoms are
not generally understood. Theno are: lying
'ju lue HKiib Blue, bliuiv uicnkti. imiuui ItlO-
iresH In hide, back or shoulder, irregular
pulse, anthma, weak and hungry spells, wind
in Niomaon, awnnntr, oi anKies or uropsj,
(innraMlon. rirv cotiirn and amotherlnr. Dr.
Miles' Illustrated book on Heart Dlsenee. (ret
... . II Unn..,I.H.I. l.n ,,..11 ...... jrt.aMMtBn
Dr. Miles' uneqnaled New Heart Pure, twd hi
jBsioraue nervine, wi.H'ii cures nervous
bosl. headache, sleepletnrs-, effects or drink
mg,eio. ii coniains no opiates.
Talk up and boom your own town
Don't expect strangers to do it for you.
A Cure for Constipation and
Dr. Silas Lane, while in the llocky
Mountains, discovered a root that wbnn
combined with other herbs, rnnkee an oasj
and certain euro for constitution. It i in
the form of dry roots and leaves, and it
known as Lano's Family Medicine. It
will euro eick headache For the blood,
liver and kidneys, and for clearing up the
complexion it does wonders. Druggists
noil it at CO cents a packago
Only babies and auctioneers jot what
thay want by crying for it.
Ask Your Friends About It
Your distressing cough can bo cured
"Wo know it because Kemp's Balsam
"within the past few years has cured so
many coughs and colds in this community
Jts remarkable sale has been won ontirely
by its gonuino merit. Ask somo friend
who has used it what ho thinks of Konip'e
Balsam. There is no modicmo so turo,
none so effective. Largo bottlos 60c and $1
at all druggists'.
Tho preserving season bogins with straw'
berries and cherrios.
Oh, What a Cough.
Will von heed the warning? ThoKlcnnl nnr.
haps of the sure approach of that more ter
rible disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you can afford for tho sake of saving 50
i-eut, ui run iuo risit ana ao nomine lor 11,
Wo know from experience that, Shllnh'a Oir
will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why moro than a Million Bottles
were sold tho nasi vear. It relieves Pronn
aud Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without it. For Lame Back, Side or
Chest, use Bhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
O. II. Hagenbuch, N. E. corner Main and
juiuyu Bireeis.
Perhaps overcoats in May moan linen
usters in October.
Shlloh's Consumption Ouro.
trj0 In feeapond queattou tho roost nUO-
eesslul Cough Medicine we have ever sold,
a few doses Invariably cure the worst case of
ajougo, oToup, ina uroncnius, wnne its won
derful buccess In the cure of Consumption Is
wimuui puiuiiei 111 lue uintory oi meaicine,
Since It's first discovery It has been sold on n
guarantee, a test which no other medicine
can stand. It you have a Cough wo earnestly
ask you to try it. Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and
11.00. If your Longs are sore, Chest or Back
ruuiu, ubo ruinous i-orous Plaster. Bold by
O. U. Hagenbuch, N. E. corner Main and
iiioyu streets.
Leather bolts will be worn by gentlomon
this summor.
The Erreat Dumoulln. vchtvn Mnn mm t
leave you two great physicians simple diet and
fui wa;i. iiuu uB uvea uniu now ne would
have added a third Cactus Blood Cure for it is
the only Infallible cure for scrofula and specific
-"..wji.wfluitHHi, iureeunarea years' ex
perience In Brazil. No failures and no relapses.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson House
It is seasonable for nature to melt into
ecstasy and song.
To Nervous. Debilitated Men.
If you send us your address, we will
man vuu our uiusiraiea pampniot explain
In tr oil oViii.t n- ri.-na r 1 1 A X' T i
voltaic Bolt and Appliances, and their
charming eflects upon the nervous de
bilitated system, and how they will quickly
restore you to vigor, and manhood. 1'amph-
Int ffin T f 1 1 inr-i , f ...
-w- uui ii tun hid ,uua niuiutou, WO Will
bouu you a ooii ana Appliances on a trial
Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall. Mich.
The fostival season is now hero in all its
Miles' Nerve and Liver PIUh
Act on n new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the nervet.
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily
cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, pile?,
constipation. Unequaled for men, women.
6cts. Bamples Free, at 0. H. Uagenbuch's
A well known physician in New York ad-
Vl,HD hlfl Hotlonfn ). fFn- . 1. ft I M
Colds to use Pan-Tina Cough andContump.
ir i n p """"wwiiw, xiiiu uoiiiciirru
.b AllllU O VI 1 Ulj HIUIO.
True Patriotism.
"Well, I suppose you are going to cel
ebrate Decoration day in the proper
es. I'm going to the ball game"
toood is thicker then w attar,
tad most be kept pare to
insure good health.
Cwxrx8 Si-Kcnwli tmtarcattanajfy
fcrihla purpose,
ttwmir to faihi eiimrtate the hnpw
He and build up the general benliStx,
Xbere is only one Swift's Spectne,
Ktd thoro is nothing O&o it.
Boare and got the genuine.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Ptaaa
Tm Swllt 0spdflc Cg .
Oil Fonds In the Gulf.
Between tho mouth of tho Mississippi
rlvor nnd Galveston, Tex., 10 or IS miles
couth of Sablno I'nss, Is a spot In tho
gulf of Moxlco which Is commonly
called "Tho Oil Ponds" by tho enptains
of tho small crafts which ply In that vi
cinity. Tharo Is no land within 15 miles,
but cvon in tho wildest weather tho
water at this Bpot Is comparatively
calm, owing to tho thick covering of on
which apparently rises from the bod of
the gulf, which Is horo about 15 to 18
feet beneath the surface. This strango
rof ugo Is well known to sailors who run
on the small vossols trading between
Oalcoalen, Orange, Sabine, Beaumont
and Galveston. When through stress of
woathor they fall to make harbor olso
whoro thoy run for "The Oil Ponds,"
lot go tho anchor and ride the gala In
safety, this carious spot furnishing a
pood illustration of tlva effoota of "oil
upon a troubled sea."
What th Dpuagisls say
of Heiskeil'sOtntment.
'When woaivftfrkwl to rt'ii'iumiid a prepam
ton for UK. in disentw, ne liuud nut Hrihkkli.o
Ointhknt, with pv.'ry conlhii'tioe of ItftsuoosN.
ful truAtnient of tho 1iseasH."
J. C Rutit'K, 6 Main BU, Batler, lVl.
"I h.ivehecn ael'lns Htrisni'tx's OtNTMSinr
foreltiTan ycM. Itgnvw uniTnwl saUsfhotlo.
It will cure Trr. '
Q. W.'lUCRUtBBnASs, B&lnhridn, r
" We hve ovltlenco of thu urtlT propcrtlf
Of llBMKBLL'n OlNTimNT hit. It U H COO
rollnbls olmmcot."
Fliuino A Raves, Tarentum,
"In nil skin dlw"f I iHvartahly rucommol
J. J. Kbil, !)hrr'bnrj, Ta.
'TtmsKtttit. s Ointmicjtt rnixi whnn all olsa
falls." McfLMLLAN A Uan, Kroeport, ra.
Hfiskkll OTVfvnMT all on Its own
merit-" II. 1. Hiii-oa. Klttannlng, Pa.
8e aiulGDa were thn ap Jenl, for tulwart mm thai
, puny Doviftt hutavertpnt inil.Itn.
Ever; ham tan Be BTBOHU
I and 9IC 0SOTJB In all riiccts.
netrlng from NERVOUS DE
MIITT. toit ot Falllnc Han.
hood. Thrilcat Ezceiaea. Mental
Worrr. Btnntad DTlot)ment. or
raatorad to PF.RTECT HEALTH and
HEN, tha rrlda and Power or Nations.
Wo claim by years of practice by
our exclusive methods a uniform
"UONoroLT or success" in iroiu
V 1UKU1I uifi, ti u,n nnu
. A ADletloniof.Men. TestlmonlnU
T 1
I rem M Statos and Territories.
flllD MC1U BftflV will be lent free, scaled, post
UUrt neW bUlm paid, fora Ilmltprt time; Oet
it while yon can. Fall Explauatlom forHOMB TKCAT
MErir. Ton can he FULLY REBTORSS aa Thoaaandt
bare heenhyna.Read onr teatlmonlala, Addreas at onet
too Worth Fourth, St.
The moat relltable and luoeeiifu)
iwcUUtt for ftlltLieuci ofUifc
Special DisciscstBlood Poison
rVrr.BS, Kctchti, Plmp.n. 8er
Mouth, Thrott. IrrlUtioD. Seftld
loga, lofitnoiattloDt, Ktducjf
Vladdcr.LoitrlulUj.WtKk buck
Drrpl. Files, UeUnoholy
Weatoen l)hility, tmpklrti Mnmory nd Dcckr.&trlctarek
Ul disease reiu'tmy from youttifu) error or from orerwerk
OldiYouns cr MllldlO AhC doo'tinffep ivoy longer.
are if crilu, no Piper'-ot AnTerylaikrjowo i
m el turn urctcjit ciencv, vtjitinvc Kndold tun tollettetf
ooinktter who tnd relief at ene rribcie cor4 o
10 il4f. Korcpab Hupltal exrerltoce lu Oerfmny, Kac
land, Franc and Amtrla, aj crtlfleateii and diploma prore,
nd AS reari iiraetleal ep Hence 10,000 citti eored yearly.
&3 -4 K nrfcnkI'lbepatdtoanadrvrtUlDftdoetor.irbe
JLkJ)JJU' cm prore at KrvataklU, knowledge and
eipcrleoee and who can ihow aa xnaor patteota permascntly
cored aa lean otter qnacka and adrertilnf docton ba.
rained them. Scad 3a. tamp for book "TRUTH" and ewont
teatlmonlala exposing qnacka and adTertialng doctor with
their falae and fraudulent guarantee an J teatlmonlala, their
experience, thpj do not potuca and their scheme of refunding
money or friendly talkt and their cheap and worthlea drugt
neither of which cores you, but are need as decoys and reauli
in rain of thou and! of confldlog victim. Omer Hoobj
Krery dy from 9 X. M. toSP U., evenings 6to. Wedoeadaj
and Saturday Evenings from ft 10, Sundays from 9 to 13. Fi
Sferesces see VTedneadaj and batuxdaj J'hila. Tlmt
Office of 1
comptrolxbh of the! cnkrrnct. v
TI'Mifi7foii, 4prtf S, 1891. J
whereas, ay sntlBfactory evidence pre'
seuted to the uuderslgned, It has been made
to appear that "The Merchants' National
Sank (of Shenandoah," in the Borough of
Shenandoah, in tiio County of Schuylkill and
State of Pennsylvania, has compiled with all
the provisions of the statutes of the United
States, required to be complied with before an
association shall be authorized to commence
the business of banking.
Now, Tbebefore, I, Edward 8. Laoey,
Comptroller of the Curreucy, do hereby cer.
tlfythat "The Merchants' National Bank of
Shenandoah," In the Borough oi Shenandoah,
in the County of Schuylkill, and State of
Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the
business of banking as provided in section
Ally-one hundred and mxty-nine of the He-
vised Statutes of the United States.
J ness my hand and seal of office this
8th day of April, 189L
Nr,4518. e. s. LACEY,
Comptroller of the Currency.
GOUT, BACKACHE, Pains In the Side?,
i tho Chest and tha Joints, Neuralgia,
Sprains, etc., etc., tho
ThR best. iiNFniiAi rn rpmphv
VrftVl lm,..aa In iki. T
fina Koyai oeneral ixospital ot Vleuna
TKOTut-ojJS. Iu-, Jan atf 1WL
ieot. uneoi our sutaro. suffering from Uhea-
I tlRF lllltvmir Innhn.U.U V. I
L School filSTEHa DB NOTHifi DAJUJ.
Fvfl Cnmo n Hnltl
I wiiw m ayi iiui I
r. AD. RIGHTER & P.n
L BIO Vroadwaif, ifete York. I
kKiiropenn Ilonaennndobtjwtt.a'y.
Ixndon, Vienna, Rotterdam, irauiij
Koujteta, oAtu, NtireniberstlLi'lpalo
8 t&lZB AWAtlEC,
TREE Baoki about other Anchor IW
mediet oti Application.
Jt'M I
,W?7k A)
Cbtifmitrtl trdm First root.
took part in tho dialogue. Tho stago was
arrangod during a briof tntTmiMlon to
represent a town hall and whon tho curtain
was raliod tho young men straggled upon
tho stage, ih "down East fashion," attired
as farmers, lawyers, docton, dudes, 'squires,
i-to. One of them was attired to represent
a German, while anothor represented a
negro. But thty nil had tho appearance of
genuine "hayseeders."
"The Town Meeting at Grahtown" is
"allod to ditcuse and decide upon a tiio for
a school building. Tho Town Cfr- (G. A
Howell) calls tho meeting to order and
'Squire Orabb (Bert 0. Hooks) is raado
chnirman by a vote of all, oxoept Mr
Skinflint (John A. Kerns) who diflers with
all the ethers ;and votes "No" on overy
thing thoy favor. Squire Orabb then says:
"Gentlemen, tho mretlng has been culled
to decide on the site of the new pehool
house," and contitued with reference to
the town hog pound and a school-building
ito as follows : "Some people think It
(the pound) isn't a healthy place for hogs,
At any rate, the hogi don't seem to like it.
They don't thrive there: and some of th
upper villsoe people have offered to give
nice lot (or hog-pound, if we will move it
there. Now, gentlemen, ray proposition is
to take our present hog-pound for the sito
of the new school-houso, and to accept the
offer of the uppor village people for thu re
moval of tho pound. "Wo shall thus ac
complish a double purpose without ox
peme. the noa rousD.
Lawyer Chatter (A. A. Reed, Jr.)
jumped to his feet and seconds the proposi
tion with these remarks: "Tho pound,
though not fit for hogs, would be an ex
cellent place for a school. True, it is only
twonty feet by twenty i but children can be
packed close."
Mr, Sharp (James O'Hara) profacos
his remarks with an expression
of regret that he is obliged to dif
fer with his friends and says.ho thinks "wo
can cut off an angle from tho old burial
ground that will afford a site quito as
economical as the hog-pound, aud moro
central. Somo dainty pcoplo,"hecontinues,
"refuse to livo opposite, because of bad
smolls; but tho children will not mind tho
Mr. Skinflint says he has "listened with
profound.interest to tho rcraarks,"nd after
expressing tho hopo that his follow-citizons
will boliove ho is "actuated by the sin
cerost devotion to tho public good," and
that in him "also tho spirit of seventy-six
burns bright" ho suggests that his oldstable
bo purchased for a school.
FarmerlBright CW. F. Eeber) inter
rupts by asking Mr, Skinflint "it ho has
not ropcatedly said that the old stable
wasn't fit for his cattle," to which Mr,
Skinflint replies, "Well, sir, it doesn't fol
low that it may not bo made into a very re
spectable school-houso," Mr. Skinflint
then adds, "Keluctant as I am, follow
citizens, to part with a building ondearod
to mo by ancestral associations, and many
tender ties, yet out of regard to tho rising
generation, ;i am willing to sell tho stablo
at a sacrifice; and, furthermore, in case tho
town will give my price for it, I will make
a donation to the town of tho lot bounding
my cow-yard on tho south. This charm
ing locality, with my cow-yard on tho
south, and my spacious pig-pen on the
north, it will be the fault of tho rising gen'
oration if they do not make rapid progress
in thoir studies."
Farmer Bright says ho is a poor speaker
and asks thaf'my son Joff ("W. H. Brown),
who can talk liko a book," be allowed to
speak. The permission i'b granted and Jeff
somes hold of tho question intelligently.
But when ho Bays "What, sir! a place not
fit fot hogs fit for your Children and
teachers ?" His auditors applaud od loudly,
whilo 'Squire Orabb raps for order and de
mands that Jeff "confino himself to tho
question and not indulgo' in any imperti
nent remarks." Jeff replies that he "can
conceive of nothing more pertinent than
tho inquiry whether a place which the
hogs protest against is euitablo for a school
for human beings. Wo lovo pork, sir, but
we love our children hotter. Again Jeff is
called to order amid a storm of applause,
but his auditors rebol against the chairman
and insist that tho speakor continuo. He
does so and arouses Mr. Sharp's iro by
ridiculing bis burial-ground proposition,
saying: "Sir, the economy which ho rec
ommends is the self-same economy that
would lead a man to buy tainted beef for
his family because ho could get it
cheaper than good boef." Applause
and laughter follow this statoment, and in
reply to Mr. Sharp's "Is this order?"
Squire Orabb, who has beon wonovorby
the speakor, says, "silence I No Interrup
tion 1" Jeff then turns his attention to Mr.
Skinflint's prefered locality "with his cow-
yard on one sido, and his piggery on the
otnor, 'ana says,"! adralre.tho self-sacrific
ing dovotion which leads him to givo up,
with many tears, his 'ancestral stable, at
his own price, now that it is no longor fit
for four-legged cattle." Amid the laughter
and applauso following these remarks Mr. t
Bnckncho with ft Drawing-down Pain,
5 Weary, Tired Feeling, Disinclination to
; Labor, Scanty nnd High Colored Urine?
S Ifyou havoanyof thcsotroublosyoumny
S be sure you havo Kidney DIsenno- Aro
; you bilious f Ilnvo you Jnundlco? Do
S you havo asnllowcomplcxlon? Aroyou
troubled with constipation? If so, you
; havo Liver Complaint nnilhoald rond
S tho following testimonials
Mrs. Ciias. HATitontf, 61 Pearl St,
Bangor, has been'very low with Kidney
Disease; she has been confined to her bod
for Romo time. Had 'a constant and In
tense backache with all other symptoms
1 of Kidney Dlfteato. Her husband bought
I ltrowD'sSnrsnparllla; sho was cured by
; It, nnd is now In better health than for
! year. Her friends say Urown'a Snnaa
! pnrllla saved her life.
! Jons Pinixtrs of Taylorstown.Woiih-
ington Co., Ta., says: I had Buffered
i droRilfui.y from Stomach and Liver
I trouble and was reduced to 117 pounds,
! when I oommonopd to use Brown's 3ar
! aaparllla, and now weigh HO pounds. I
; consider It le beet Medicine I ever uted,
; and had tried A Trent many, without re
; lief before tnkln; Brown's- SarMeparllln.
! You may refer to iue whenever you
I Tho railroad men of Iho United States
; aro among the most capable, lDdustrlous
! and faithful of her citizens. T i them
At all Prujrgtsts I.OO.
Bade Idee)
DON'T take Something else "Just ai good," IT IS NOT. j
, Aba Wamim & Co., Sole Prcprietors,Bangor, Me.'
r !
Skinflint protests against tho allusions
made to bim, but ho is obliged to tako his
seat amid crios of 'Tut him out 1" "Trip
him up I" "Skin him I" etc.
Jeff then recommends tho selection of
"the best and hcalthioit tcn-acro lot in the
town for your schol-lot," and all but Jifr.
Skinflint cry "Good I" "That's it I" Jej)
then paints the result of such n purchase in
glowing colors and as ho concludos tho
question is called for.
Mr. Skinflint says ho toes "ruin and
bankruptcy" in tho measure proposed by
Jeff, but ho is silenced by crios of "Shul
upl" "SitDownl" "Enoughl" "Ques
tion!" &c
A vote is (finally taken on tho hog-pond
proposition and itisjdefcated, Mr. Skinflint
being tho only ono voting for it. The ton
acre lot proposition then prevails with Mr.
Skinflint's vote recorded against.
The dialogue created considerable mer
riment and the audience applaudod it en
thusiastically. Among those who took part in it and
whoso names havo not been mentioned
were Harry Owens, "Mr. Easy, John Cos
grove Mr. Crane, Edward Shoemaker,
Dr. Pshaw, Harry Olauser Dude, John
Prico Negro, and John Campbell, John
Hughes, Patrick Stack, Patrick Dougherty,
Benjamin Mansell, Charles Leitzol, Patrick
Stanton, Koy Swank, Jero McAvoy and
John Scheifly, farmers.
After the applause following the dialoguo
had subsided P.uby Yost gave a vocal solo,
"Bonnio Doon," in a very pretty manner.
Hiss Tost was accompanied on tho piano
by 3d. a bio Straup.
'Yankoe Doodle," by JaneT. Lambort's
fourth grade primary class, was woll ren
dered, and a solo, "I Cannot Sing That
Old Song," was Bweetly sung by Sallio J.
Hiss Dngler's class appeared for tho
third time and gave the song, "Isloof Long
Ago" with splendid effect,
Bort. C. Hooks and Wm. H. Brown were
next introduced. They appeared in old
military dress and gave a duett entitled,
"Two Hon of the Olden Time," in which
they told of "our joys and sorrows of a
hundrod years ago."
Edith H. Horgan's rendition of tho solo,
"Dad's Sweet-Heart," with chorus by tho
senior class, was intensoly lietoned to and
heartily applauded.
Tho exercises closed with tho singing of
"JJome, Sweet Home" by tho senior class.
As tho Herald issuer a morning edition
to-day, and as tho timo botweon tho closing
of the High School graduating exorcises in
tho theatre last nisi.'. ,;.nd tho timo of going
to press this morning was so short as not to
allow justice to the roport of the proceed
ings, tho publication is deferred until Mon
day's issue.
l'illl.ADKLl'llIA l'A. Kas at once, no operation
or loss of time from business. Casus uronnuueed lu
curablo by otlicro wanted. bond for circular,
lmmcnso Interests nro Intrusted, nnd
without them wo should moke little or j
no progress. In thoir dally toll, there Is
called good Judgment, honesty, ndclltv. !
qulcknois of thought, hnnd nnd eye, nnd j
coupled with those, they are requl rod to
do an Immense amount of labor. Theru
lsllttloorno work connected with t'i"
building and maintaining of a mllroa l
that does not boar heavily ou the Kid
neys. On the track, in laying rolls bihI
In gradlug l in tho shops where the mar
velous engines, and palatial onrs are put
together; lu tho baggage room, at the
desk, on tho engines, or wherover the
railroad mnn may be, his work opens a
path for Kidney trouble. Itallroftd men
therefore, cannot fall to be Interested In
tho Btatementof a man, who, for 10 yean,
has boen n rondmavter on the big Boston
A Maine Rallroad,and now having charire
of over 800 mile of roadbed. Head the
following i
Use Falls, N. It., May lfj, 1887. ;
Gentlemen 1 have used Brown'n Bar- -saparllla
for Kidney nnd Liver troubles,
and can truly say it hoe done more for
me than all the doctors I ever employed, ;
and I have hnd occasion to require the Z
services of the best physicians in the j
State. Sty wifo has also been greatly ;
boneflled by its use. Itespoct fully,
13. A. Smith,
Roadmnstcr Boston & Maine It. It. ;
O bottles for S. OO. "
jfrjcyfc to Xlooloayg
' mark
Williams & Bro.
Chamber Bets,
Wash Stands,
Dressing Cabinets,
Dining Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Chairs,
Smoking Chairs,
Card Tables,
Tea Tables,
Parlor Suits,
Easy Chairs,
Parlor Cabinets,
Easels 1
Music iablneU,
Piano Chairs,
Ball stands,
Hall Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Book Cabinets,
Sewing Machines,
J. P. Williams &Bro.
A newly discovered MINltBAL WATEB,
the use of Which will supply Important ele
ments necessary to health. It will cure the
Kidneys, Liver, Stomach, andaU Bowel and
Bladder diseases. It will dissolve calculi and
remove them. It removes the uric acid from
the blood and thus destroys Malaria and
Chills. It cures Brlcht's disease, and is es
pecially recommended for people advanced in
life, and for genera) debility. Kor undoubted
proofs or this send for pamphlet giving full
particulars, to J.K. PEP.HY, Water ol Life
Co., 81 South Main St., Wllkes-Barre, Pa,
lla.e aired rfunir Uvwanil case Cure pauenla pronounced
bo,. ! i by h" Tv st i n, una Fora ir.t doso aymptoma
laplrtly dlbapptar. and In ten dayaal l-t rwo-thlrda of all
tyniploma ato remoTed. Si nd for FREE ROOK of lejll
nonUlaof nlr. TFM ntu trcimintrnrr7lStlVi
acuUms curei. UfilO furuULe d t H tt yon order
ItUl, arnd tea cents in etiaipa to par postAe.aaaaaiBaBaaBl
Philadelphia and Beading Eailroad,
Time Table in elect May 10, 1S91
for New York via rhllfldelphla, week day.
2.10 5.25, 7.20 n, m. nnd 12.86 2.C0 and 6.M
m. Sunday 2.10 and 7.48 a. m, Kor New
York, via Manch Chunk, week days, 5.29,
?.20, a. m. nnd 12.35 and 8.60 u. m.
Kor Heading and 1'hlladefphla weekdays,
2.10, 525, 7.20, a. m., 12.83 2.60 and 5.65 p: m,
auuduy. 2.10 and 7.48 a. m.
, A "rr"B"8i week days, 2.10,7.20 a. m,i
i,w, 0.00 p. m.
Kor AWenlown, week day, 7.20 v m., 12.35
itiv p. m.
1 2.3 2.60 and 5.65 p. m, Sunday, 2.10 and 7.48
For Tamanuc and Mahanm. run w.ntr
days, 2.10, 5.25, 7.20, a. m.. 12.35 2.60 and 6.58
u. ui. ouiiuny. aiu ana 7.4B a. m. Additional
. J . " ..WW. 111.
Kor Lancaster and Columbia, wiui; alm.
MO a. m., 2.60 p.m. ' " '
p. m. Sunday 8:25 n. m.
yor Mahanov Plane, wenk rtnva. 9 in .
i as, 7 JO and 11.30 a. m 12.83, 1.85, U.50, 6.55,
7.00 ana .b, p. m. Sunday, 2.10, S.23 and7.l
u. ui, t,uopm.
l'or uiraravnis (itappanannock station)
unjD, .iy O.M3, I.MJ HUU li.AIO. m.t
id.o, i oq, a.ou, o,tx, t .w uuu v.jn. p, m, ouuuaji
-iu o,i, j.o a. au, a.vo p. m.
ror amiana aau ncmuiotin, weec aayi
y.Ai. Bi4ij. t.ju. a. in.. j.. 7.iu ana y.
i. m. Sunday 4.2j a. m., 8.C6 p, in.
TUAiriB maHlllSNAHtnJAHt
Leave New York via I'lnladnlnlila. vraato
days. 7.45 a. m., l.M, 4.00, 7..J0 p, m
night. Suuday, 8.00 p. m.. 12.15 night.
Leave New York via Mani'ii rliunk, weak
days, 4.30. 8.45 ft. in., 1.00 and 4.0J p, m.
Leave Philadelphia, weea days, 4.10, and
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 0.00 p. m., fri m Broaa
and Callowliill and 8.S6 a. m. and 11.80 p. m.
from 8th ano Uran strcota. Sunday t.05 a,
m. 11.30 p. m. from 9th evnC (reeu.
jueavo Haaaina, weeax days, l.a. 7.10, 10.le
and 11.60 a. m., 6.55, 7 7 p.m. Sunday 1.83 ana
1U.4U a. in.
lva fottavllle, weak days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.,
1'', 8.11 p. m. Sunday. 2.40 a. m. und2.ta
p. m.
lav lamaqua. week days, 8.20, 8.4S aud
11.21 n. m.. 1.21, 7.13, and V.18 p. m. Sunday 8.10
a. 111. and 2.50 p. m.
Jjwve uauoy miy, week aays, B.V), . c
and 11.47 n. m 1.51. 7.42 and 9.14 t. in. itan.
day. 3.48 a. m.. 3.20 1. m..
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2-4i,4.C0
fl.80, 015, 11.19 a. m.,1.05, 2.10. 5'20, 6 28, 7.57, and
10.00 p. m. Sunday 2.4. , 4.00, and i.'M, a. m.
3 , p. JU.
luvo Ulrardvlllo (Ilappahattnock Station)
week days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.38, and 8.41 ft, m., 12.0 ,
a.12, 6.28, 6.82, 8.0.1 and 10.08 p. m. BUiiday, !i,l7,
4.2;,8.aiB.m.a4ip. m.
jeve w luiumsnon, woe a: aays, s.uu,.) ata
11.03 . m, 3.3a and 11.15 p. m. Sunday 11 V
v. in.
For Baltimore, Washington and the west
via B. 0. 11. It., through trains leave Ulrarcl
Avenue station. Philadelphia, (P. & It, It. K.)
at 4.16,801 and 11.27 a. m., 1.34. 4.24, 6.5ant
7.23 p. m. Sunday, 4.16 8.02 lixi a. in., 4.34
5.65 and 7.23 P.m.
Iioave PhllaCelnhla. Chestnut street Whar
and South Street Wharf. j.
jt' 01- Aiianuc ajiKv. ;
Week-days ISxm-e&B 9:0U a. 111. and 3.b
1.00 p. in. Accommodation, 8.00 a.m., 6.0tr
p. 111,
bundays. Express, 9.00, a. m. Accommo
datlon, 8.00 a. in, and 1.80 p. m.
Keturnlng. leave Atlantic City, depot corner
Mlantlo and Arkansas avenues. weok-dajii
Kxprosa, 70, g,w. a. m. and 4.00, p. m,
Accommodation, 6.00, 8.05 a. m. and 4.39
4.30 p. m.
Sundays. Expreos, 4.00 p. m. Aooommoln
lion, 7.S0 a. m, and 4.S0 p. m,
o. G. HANCOCK, Qen'l Pass'r Agtl
a. A, MuLKOD. Pres. a (ien'l Uanacer.
Lohigli Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891.
PasseDger trains will leave Shenandoah for
Mauch Chunk, Lehlghton, Blatlngton, Catu
sauqua, Allcnlown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phil.
adelphlaandNew York at 6.47, 7.40, 9.06 a.m..
122,3.10, 6.28 p.m.
uor iieiviaera, ueiaware water Gap ana
StroudBburg at 6.47, a. m., and 5.26 p. m.
For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 9.08 a, m.
For White Uavon, Wllkes-Barre and Pitts,
ton 5.47. 9.08 a. m., 3.10 aud 50 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, 9,08 a. m 3.10 and 5.28
p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyons
9.08 a. m and 6.26 p. m.
Elmlra, ltochesier, Bnfiulo, Niagara Falls,
Chicago and all points West at 0.08 a. m., and
6.26 p. m.
Kor .lmira and tho West via Salamanca nt
3.10 p. m.
For Audenrled, Ilazleton, Stockton, Lum.
her Yard, Weathcrly and Penn Huven Juno
tlon nt 5.47, 7.40, 9,08 a. m. and 12.52, &10 and
5,26 p.m. ,
Kor Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beavwl
Meadow, 7.40, 9,03 a. m. and 5.26 p. m, (V
KorScrnntonat6.47and9.08a. m. 8,10 anu
5:28 p. m. -
For Uazle Brook. Jeddo, Drifton and Free
land at 5.47, 7.40 and 9.08 a. m, 122 8.10 and
6.26 p. m.
Kor liuakake at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m and
8.10 p, m.
Kor Wlggana, GUberton and FrackvUle at
6.60 and tf.08 a. 111., and 4,10 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10, tt. m., 1262, 3.10, 5.26, 8,03, 9.24
and 10.27 p. m.
For Lost Creek. 31rardvllle and Anhlnnri.
4.27, 7.40, 8.52, 10.15 a. m 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.S8,
8.06 and 0.14 p.m. , , ,
For New Castle, St. Clair and PottsvlUe.
7.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. m 12.52, 8.10, 4.10, 6.26 and 8.08
Kor Buck Mountain, New Boston and
Morea, 7.40, 9.08, 10 S& a. m., 12.52, 8.10, 5.26 and
8.03 p.m.
For Haven Run, Centralla, ML Carmel and
Shamokln, 8.52, 9.45 and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
and 8.06 p. m.
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah,
7.65 11.65 a. in., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.80 p. m., arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.20 and
11.16 p. m,
For Lost Creek, Glrardvllie and Ashland,
8.50, 9.10 11.85 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For New Castle, St. Clair and Pottsvllle,
fi50, 8.00, 80 a . m., 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano.
8.00, 11.85 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Hoxleton, 8D0
a m 1.40 p. m:
For Mauoh Chunk. Lehlghton, BlatinBton,
Oatasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eastos
and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m:
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Gen'l Pass. Agt,, Bethlehem:
At once the newest; oldest and best blood
purifier known. 200 years old in Brazil, two
years' test In this country, and without a rival
In the cure ol skin diseases nnd rheumatism,
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swelling, hip disease, and all disorders irom
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Bcose, No mlnernl, no failures, no relapses.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa,
Ul 1 kl.KilttH mWU'IVIt.IMfilNCtE.
Whoa troubled with tboeeaunrylus Irresularltie. ao
irpquanur rouowing a ooid or t zpoaure, or iroia van
auiuiionat teaKnaaaaiioiecauiirtot,aeir aez, arn
Uso Dfi. DuCHOINE'3 Celebratad
They nro Btrengtbeuiait to the entire eyttrr., in
tona. VI liar and mnanfetla f.flw tn ull f nn.ilnn. nt
anamiaa. DeniDymaiaocureiyaeaied,!!. Anaretn,
Or.Harter ModlolneCo.,ST.U)UI8. U