------v..---. r,w. SB EG LE ntiftr H. C. HICKOK, EDITOR. The Ixjwisburs Chronicle m hmicJ ever; WeuneaJa; morning at Lewiaburg, Uuioo county, Pennsylvania. Taa. $I.S0 per year, for cash actually in advance ; $ 1 ,75, paid within three month ; $3 irpaiJ within the r"; $, if not paid before the year et pirea ; single nambers, S cents. Sub scriptions for ail montba or leaa to ba paid in advance. Discontinuance optional with the TuMiaher eicept when the year ia paid up. Adverlierrarnla handsomely inserted at 50 rta per square one week, f 1 for a month, and $5 for a year ; a reduced price for longer advertisement. Two square, f 7 ; Mercantile advertiaementa not eiceeJing one-fourth of a column, quarterly, $1(1. Casual advertisements and Job work to be paid for when banded in or delivered. All communications by mail must come poet, paid, accompanied l the addreaa of the writer, to receive attention. Thoaa relating eicluaivrly to the Editorial Department to be directed to H. C. Hiram, Ex)., Editor and all on business to be aJdresfed to the 1'utlieher. tuner. Market St between Second and Third. . N". V ORDEX, Printer and Publisher. l"i?The fnllowing is a very handsome supple ment to " The Belle" one of the last and moat temarkable poems of the late EJgar A. Poe, We copy f,om M'Makio'a Model Am. C'ouiier. The Sabbath Bells. Hear the holy Sabbath bells Sacred bell ! Oh, what a world of peaceful real Their melody foretella ! How aweetly at the dawning Of a summer Sabbath morning Sounds the rhyming And the chiming of the brlla ! Flow they peal out their delight At the happy, happy eight Of the Mllagere in moti. To ihe place of their devotion. What emotions 611 the breast At the ringing ! And the singing ! And the solemn organ, blending With the fervent prayer ascending To the Cod who made the Sabbath for the weary pilgrim rest ! What joy, what pain the bnaom swells, Aa fondly reminiscence dwells O'er the happy hours of childhood, when we beard those village bells ! O'er the rhyming And the chiming Of the b.-lla ! Of Ihe bells, bells, bells, Bells, bells, bells. O'er the rich, melodious chiming of those holy Sabbath bells! H. 8. a. Far the Leivuburg; Chronicle. Zthmit MASON, or Accidents and Faults. One of the most difficult (ask for a pa tent to discharge aright in the management of his children, is to proportion the pun ishments he is sometimes obliged to inflict, to the magnitude of the offence. The spirit and temper in which a thing is done, should be considered more than the amount of mischief that has been the result. We should distinguish between what is done from vindictive ptssion, and what has happened ihrough carelessness. The fol lowing incident, which occurred in our neighborhood not very long atjo, may erve to illustrate these remarks. When first it was told to me, it was with the com ment, " I always knew he was a had boy; he has. a tnost violent temper, but I never could have believed he would be so wicked as to hurt his own brother." Both boys -came regularly to my class in the Sunday school, and walked four miles to attend it. I hastened to their house to hear from their mother's own lips the particulars. Had she joined in the censures cast upon her eon, he would probably have left his home ; his heart would have been hardened by a sense of injustice done him, and he would have withdrawn from every influence cal culated to lead him back to better feelings. Dut I anticipate my narrative. It was a hot day in Aopust, the reapers had been toiling in the fields through the sultry hours (for no farmer complains of the heat during harvest ;) in the bouse the " women folk' were nearly as busy as the men, making preparation forthe hands, or rather for the mouths that three times a day were assembled around the board. On this day they were more than usually hurried with their work, for there were sundry symptoms of rain. There bad been no dew on the grass, and the sun had risen at once clear and bright in a cloudless skv that morning, instead of struggling through mists and vapor. There was also a stillness in the air, which pre aged a storm. The consequence of all this was, that instead of returning to sap. per, the men desired Mrs. Mason to send them out a four o'clock p ece in the field, and they would eat it under the trees to save time. Mrs. Mason possessed that rf l treasure to a western farmer, a large family of boys. The eldest was able to manage the tedle-sc the, and was out all day in the field ; the nest two were big enough to be very useful with their rakes- These came to the house at the appointed time for the provisions. Mrs. Mason soon wnt them ofl again Robert with a heavy basket well filled with bread, cold meat, cheese, and pies ; James with a large can of hot coffee, and a tin cup. Her work waa now pearly over for the inlicptnbfnt Jamily day ; the bread was in the skillets only needing to be attended to from time to lime, and the careful another took her knitting and sat down near the open window, from which she could overlook her three young est boys at play io the yard. Occasionally she called to them when they were getting into mischief, or joined in their laugh at some famous tumble or well -contested race. The sun was setting ; the men began to leave their work, and the waggon horses, with their gears hanging loose.eame trotting down to the water trough to drink. The younger children were called in to be put to bed. This is always a pleasant time I for the mother, unless -he be very cross and impatient. The window was shut, but the sound nf laughter and of merry voices could be distinctly heard outside so dis tinctly, indeed, tbat it was long belore a plaintive voice calling " Mother ! Mother !'' could make itself heard. " Hush ! children," said the mother at last, as the sound caught her ear ; " I hear some one call. They were silenced, and again the cry " Mother! Mother!'' called loudly, almost wildly, made her start. "It is your brother James. There, Johnny, lie still, while mother goes to the door. Why do n't you come in. James V She ran out with a misgiving at her heart that something had gooe wrong, " What is it t what hu happened 1 you scare me.'' But James could not answer. His face and lips were white as ashes, and he trem bled so that he could scarcely stand. What is it, sonny V said the mother, tenderly, " are you sick V " No, no,' said the poor boy, recovering breath as he heard the sound of feel ap proaching, " it is Robert ; I have hurt him ; he is all bleeding. But I did not go to do it, mother, indeed I did n't.'' ' W here is he hurt ? where is he, now V " Here, let me pass you, mother, they arc bringing him in and he rushed past her, up the steep stairs to the little low room under the roof, where he and his brother always slept. It was indeed a (earful sight for the mother to aee, when her son was carried iuto the house, fainting from loss of blood, and a large gash in his leg very imperfect ly bound up. To lay him on Ihe bed, to hrow water in his face, to send off the el dest boy for the doctor, was the work o! a few minutes. The way in which the accident happened was sooo tola, the men had thrown down their cradles near the barn, the boys took them up, James swept around the dan gerous instrument in his inexperienced hand ; in a moment, even while the laugh at his prowess was on his lips, be saw his brother stretched bleeding on the grass. His cries for help brought the men to the pot. The father arrived first ; be held up his poor boy while another bound up the wound, and then they bore him to the house. They passed a weary hour while wailing for the doctor, for it was five miles to the nearest town. At length he came. Vress- ng the wound was a very painful opera tion. 1 he little ones, whose bra was in the same room, bid their eyes, and tried to smother their sobs, when they heard poor brother groan. The good mother nerved herself to bear it all. She held the basin of warm water, and prepared the bandage, and spoke soothing wOrds. At length, it was done. A healing oint ment had been applied, and the doctor gave him a composing draught to allay fever and procure sleep. Then the mother slip ped out of the room. She had controlled herself long, but she felt her strength giv ing way, and going into a dark room.oo the other aide of the passage, she threw her self on her knees and burst into tears. She had gives way but a few moments to her sobs, when she suddenly checked herself, and saying "My poor James!" h wrooed ber wav up-statrs, and sat .... D . down by his bed. Poor James ! yes, he deserved pity more than the sufferer in the room below, for his was mental agony, the torture of self- reproach. He had been leaning over the stairs while the doctor was in the house, and every groan had fallen like a dead weight upon his heart. . It was long before his mother's gentle voice could rouse him from the sullen stupor into which he bad falleo. She told him his brother waa bet ter, that he was going to aleep. At length he said, " You must ail haw ma , I shall be ashamed to show my faioe again 1 1 shall run away.",, -., -. , . Long and earnestly did tlie mother com bat this spif i ip her ton ; she told him po IJopcr bcuolci) one would blame him for the deed, and asked him how be would have felt towards Robert, had the cradle in Robert's hand hurt him. " I wish it had," was his reply. His mother showed him this was a selfish wish ; it waa wishing his brother to bear the larger share of misery. She remained for hours with ber son, till his heart was completely softened down, and as the day dawned she led him to see his brother and to bend over and kiss him as he slept. After this, it was James' greatest com fort to wait on his brother, and to invent ways of amusing him. Robert was con fined for a long time to his bed, and when he did move about, it was on crutches. This would have been punishment enough for James to bear, but he had also much to suffer from the unkindness of his school fellows. They avoided him, and pretend ed to be afraid of him. Many of them were warned by their parents not to asso ciate with that passionate boy. Again and again James thought of his first project of running away, but his mother's gentle influence restrained him : " Mother knows it was an accident !" he would say to himself, " and she told me she felt even more sorry lor me than for poor Robert." Many a needless pang was inflicted on him by the harsh judgment of others, but he tried not to regard their cruel insinua tions ; his mother was a Christiun mother, and she taught him the duty of forgiveness, and that it was of far more importance bow his conduct was regarded in the sight of God, than in the sight of man. Q. SOB THB LBWISBCBS) CBBOKICLB. Thoughts and Things. Thoughts are imperishable, and make part of our intellectual nature. They are the measure of the man. Although char acterized by an endless diversity, from the solid and massive proportions of deep, consecutive reasoning, down to the spark ling ripples of wit and spicy repartee, yet they still bear the common impress of immortality. And according as they are good or bad, are they suited to render us better and happier, or worse and more mis erable, for ever. Things are transitory and perishing. Some soon decay, and the most enduring must ultimutely crumble to dvat. M-n erect their temples, their columns, and their etches, and vainly imagine that these shall never be moved ; but " the finger of Time touches them, and they turn to ashes." Our bodies, also, the abodes of the spirit, these most curious and wonderful of mech- anisms are fated, in a very short time, to mingle with their kindred earth. Impres sions made upon the decaying objects around us, unlike those written in living lines within the soul, will soon be effaced, or perish with them ; while those who have entrusted to such keeping only, their im mortality, will be lost in a merited oblivion. Tbat man toils not in vain for " a re membrance and a name,'' who labors suc cessfully to impart thoughts to the minds oi men. In these thoughts he will live again, and exert an influence, fot weal or woe, when ages upon ages may have passed away. He who labors simply to produce tmngs, without any higher aim, labors for the per ishable. The productions of his arduous and unceasing toils, be they successful even to the utmost of bis heart's desire, yet will all. with himself, ere lone be no more. He sows to the corruptible, and " shall reap corruption." He who produces things, therefore, should do it mainly for the ser vice of thought. In this sense alone are our earthly exertions truly valuable as they assist us to take hold on eternity. Man of thought ! honor men of toil. You could not live to think, did they not live to toil. Despise not him who, while he labors for things, seeks them only as a means to thought ; who feels himself to be a thinking being, and would labor to culti vate his nowers. If he thinks up to the full extent of his information and ability, he is assuredly not to be the less esteemed for his toil. Men of toil ! honor the man of thought, who thinks for his and your good. Be as sured, there are not a few such. I hey are your honored coadjutors, and brethren in the great and chequered drama of Hie. Some originate, and eome impart the thoughts of others. Many wch are to be found in our various institutions ol learn ing, communicating and training up the youthful ideas ; others labor to the same end in the pulpit, others at the bar, and t nttira in the chair editorial. Io what ever way by any or all these meana- map of though,?, seeks to diffuse the stow fa News, Cttcratnte, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 13, 1850. of his own mind, like streams " for heal ing,' a II flowing from the same open foun tain. Men of thought, though deserving of their " hire,'' are but too often scantily compensated by those whom they toil to make happy, and are not unflrequenlly re garded as drones in society. It has been thus with the good and great of the past. How many immortal names might we cite, who were compelled to hear the scorn and neglect of the men of their day, of whom they were not worthy." But time has dissolved the mists of ignorance, and now the men who once labored in obscurity and, it may be, in penury, that they might extend the domain of knowledge, and thereby bless mankind, are the adored of our hearts, and the pride of our race ; while their silly detractors are" unhonored and forgotten." Eiicouraged.therefore.by the past, and cheered by the hope that an impartial future will do him justice, the thoughtful man endures all the bufferings of an unfriendly world, in the repose of his own spirit ; and in eternity, it will cost him not a single pang to reflect that this world has paid him poorly. Jus. Primary Schools. Engrossed with what we call our great interests, we neglect our schools the greatest of them all : our schools, those prolific,amazing sources of good or of evil. We do not reflect, or seem not to reflect, tbat from these are to go forth the millions whom they have trained, with such training as they have received, to mingle with the vast body of the people, and to take Ihe places which their lathers and mothers will have left ; tbat from these will come the sages and counsellors that are to guide the destiny of the republic and take care of its honor : from these legislators, jurists and judges, that are to make and explain and administer our laws: from these our orators' moralists, teac tiers and divines : from these the authors lhat are to give tone to public sentiment and to public morals ; from these the men that are to manage the periodical press with all its multifarious and stupendous powers: from these the mothers that are to direct the first openings of the infant mind, and to touch the first chords of sensibility in the infant heart ; from these the messen gpra of mercy that are to minister at our alters, and to consolations of a pure reli gion to the dying couch t that from these fountains are to flow forth streams bearing health or disease, life or death, through every limb, and vein, and fibre of our po- iiical and social organizations. Prof. Murray. Promising Young Hen. Hooper, of the Chambers (Ala ) Trib une, in a recent number of his paper has some trutniui ana sensioie remains n "promising young men." After premising that he ten one himelj. Hooper says : "Not one in a thousand ever attain to ihe dignity of a really useful man in society. The name spoils 'em ! Just put it into the grass green noddle lhat its owner is 'some thing above common is really smart wilt one day be distinguished in short as sure him that he is promising from that hour you make a confounded ass of him, and so he will be apt to write himself for life. He will have no need to labor man ually or intellectually not he ! His tal ents are to carry him through. All knowl edge will come to him intuitively ; all the circumstances of existence are to bow be fore his talents! He isn't in a hurry to put those talents into exercise. There is time enough for that ! In the end the 'promis- ing young man' turns out at thirty, to be a liquor loving creature with a red nose, soured temper.iittle kuowledge.bad habits, and no money." Our Glorious Union. The Rev.Dr.Be- thune of Philadelphia.delivercd an eloquent lecture in Washington,a few evenings since, in the course of which he gave a glowing eulogy upon the value of the union, and wound up by the exclamation, nuoa paisy the arm that shall be raised to remote Ihe first stone from this glorious Union!" For nearly five mioutea the omitting snooa with the plaudits of hia audience, and for a while it seemed aa if the lecture must there end. ' The last PotUville Emporium' baa 127 Sheriff Sates advertised, 8ft of which are against one man. The Sheriff and Proth- onotary can't complain of 'bard times in those 'diggina.' "' ' A ukase has been issued in Russia, or dering home all Russian subjects in foreign countries under the Paliy of their prop erty lvsiogOQuiitcd,flt 9'!ci I"0"1' Politico, agritclintt, Science anE iHocolUg. C7Tbe following lines poeseee, to oar mind, a peculiar charm ; and wa think many hearts will be touched by the low, aweet music which thua tbrilliogly wells up from Ihe deep fountaina of parental love. Oar William. BY THOMAS M'UUAB. A little ana an only son have we; (lod I.I'ik ttw lad, and keep him Bfcht and day, And lead him aoltly o'er thta stony way : He Is blue-ryd, and Haun-hatnil is lie, (Sura, Ion aeo. mine own waa wont to be And people sny h murh rwmblea ate-) I've nner heard a bird or runlet sing So sweetly as be talks. His words are small. Sweet aorus O, how delirioui-l.v they Ml! Much like the sound of silver bells they riiir, And Ml Ihe house with muxic. Beauty Ilea As naturajlyupon his cheek, as bloom rpou a peach. Like morning vapor, flies oV-f Lis smile my mind's infrequent gloom. A aentle child is he. and full of fun : He la-;ln with happy heartiiwes ; and ha life half-.!.-! eyelids twinkles roruii-hly, Till fr.au I .eir labes tears start up ami run. Ills ters. Mjlit.aa diamonds. When UVy roll Adown hi. elirk, they seem to be th' o'erfloanig Or the dn -..oil of lore within his aoul The human te..-terni nam of his nature suuwinr . Tis plea.-nt to .k on him while he sleeps: Uis plump sud citubby arms, and dvlicat fingers The half-leruMd smile that 'round his red lips The intellectual uw thai faintly lingvra Upon his oouuleoanee, as if he talks With sums bright angel on his nightly walks. Wa tremble when wa think that many a storm May beat upon him in the (In- to come- That his now beautiful and fragile form May hear a burden sore antt wearisome. Yrt, so the stain of guiltiness and shame Be never placed upon bis soul and name- So be preserve his virtue, tooou be die And tc his tied, his race, hia country pruva A fs.rhftil man, whom praise nor gold can boy. Not thrntt. of rile, designing men can move We a.k no more. Via trust tbat Its who k-ada The fboteteps of the treble lamb, will hold This lamb uf oars in merry's pasture- At, Where every inmate near the loving Shepherd ft-eda. Social Intercourse. One of the greatest mistakes in the treat ment of those who differ from us in funda mental points in religion appears in social intercourse generally. Men of opposite creeds may possess in common high in tellectual gilts, rich cultivation, refined lasts, moral worth, generous sentiments, all the qualities of good citizens, good unborn, efficient friend, and the virtue of domestic life. It would be narrow-min ded, unwise, unmanly, and still more un charitable, to suffer a difference of creed to create coldness, distrust, and ungene rous partialities in the general intercourse and duties of life. Let us be kind one to another. Let us cultivate each other's society. It us act together where no barrier exists, lathis way weshiill en large the boundaries of social life ; we atmlrflnm -f y - - -n-fiinotiora for the accomplishment of great and good ob jects ; we shall find wider apberea in which to dispense happiness and to exert a be nign influence ; we shall wear away each other's prejudices, and correct mutual mis conceptions ; we shall 6cd opportunities for quiet and friendly discussion ; and in performing the generous duiies of friend ship, we may, ere we are aware, find our selves transformed into apostles of truth and ministers of righteousness. V. Y. Evangelist. Benefit of Saving "Copy." Printers generally pay very little re spent to copy'' or the manuscripts Irom which they set in type the articles published. They are either torn up, kicked about the office, or burned. Probably no printer ever made a more lucky hit in savi ng copy, than did W.CIa) poole, the former publish er of the Daily Advertiser, of Philadeli hia, j in wmcn was onginany puunnucu .-II ington's Farewell Address. Mr. t'hy. poole saved the copy of this document, an J the move will, it seems, prove a lucky one to his heirs. ("iis ever-to-be-venerated state paper in to be sold on the Vi U of February, by Mr. Thomas & Soi.s, at the Philadelphia Exchange. No one has ever questioned the authenticity of J-ii-ment. It bears on evory line, uuimpeach able evidences of the Father of his Country. The sale is advertised in the London pa pers, and there will probably be bidders from England present, as such a relic would be a rare prize for the British Mu- seutn, or any similar institution. r. Clay's resolution that Congress should pur chase it if it sells at a reasonable price, has passed the Senate. It ia hoped the House will sanction the measure. This Address should never be allowed to go abroad. Cacbb and Effect. The Berks Press says the increase of ice and immorality in that county ia alarming. Io another paragraph it says our Common Schools are in a sad condition, the rooms being crowded to such an extent as to render teaching impracticable. The teachers, too. it ia said in many instances, ought to go to school themselves- These, two facts put to gether may furnish the causa and ahow the remedy. VOL. Choosing a ELisister. The people in one of the out parishes in Virginia, wrote to Dr. Rice, who was then at the head of the 1'hefJogical Seminary in Prince Edwaid, for a minister. They said they waoted.a man of first rate talents, for tbey had run down considerably, and needed building up. They wauled one who could write well, for some of the younger people were very nice about that matter. They wanted one who could visit a good deal, for their former one had neg lected that, and they wanted to bring it up They wanted a man of very gentlemanly deportment, for some thought a j;real deal of that. And so l bey went on describing a perfect minister. The lal thing they mentioned was, they gave their minister three hundred and fifty dollars ; but if the Doctug would send them such a man a they described, they would raise another fifty dollars, making it four hundred dol lars. The Doctor set down and wrote a reply telling them they had better forth with make out a call for old Dr. I) wight, in Heaven ; for be did not know of any one in this world who would answer tbeir description. And as Dr. Dwight bad been living so long on spiritual food, he might not need so murh for the body, and could possibly live on four hundred dollars. The Shepherd Botanist At Eaux Bonnes, in the Pyrenees, re sided a shepherd, named Sacnze ; he spent his youthful summer days in tending his flocks among the mountains, where he pursued, without the help of books, bis botanical studies. When we beard, from a preacher io the neighborhood, lhat there were books writ ten on the study of plants, he could not rest until he become possessed of a volume of Liunsus ; but the book was io Latin ! This did not discourage him ; but with an old grammar and a dictionary which he borrowed, he applied hime!f to the b. Kilt until necouia'reat easily, -nw only Linnxus, but olaolbe Roman classics, and eveo spoke ihe language with tolerable fluency and correctness. He has formed a collection of some two thousand Pyrrnean plants, and is honored as the eorrepondent ofJussieu; yet with all his studies, he continues faithful to his lowly vocation in his native place, where he is esteemed as ihe best of shepherd.- The British Friend. au v, Gen. Jackson's first A ppea ranee in Con gress When Mr. Gallatin was a member of Confess, in the year 1706, Tennessee was admitted as a State into the Union, and sent her first mamber to Washington. One day. when in his seat in the House, Mr. Gallatin noticed a tall, bnk, uncouih looking individual, with long locks of hair hanging over his brows and face, while a queue hung down his back, tied in an eel skin. The dress of the individual was singular his manners and deportment that of a backwoodsman. The appearance of so singular a character on the floor of the House of Representatives, natcnUt attracted attention, and a member at hisj side asked who ho was. Mr. G-illatin re plied that it as the member for the new Siate. "Well,' said his friend, " he seems just the sort of chap one might ex pect fro.a such an uncivilised region as L. nessee.'' The individual in question was Andrew Jackson. ClBCrMSTANTlAL Evidbsie I have hesrd some very extraordinary cases of murder tried. 1 remember, io one w here 1 J was counsel, for a long tiane tf.e evidence did not appear to touch the prisoner at ell, and he looked about him w ith tte most per fect unconcern, seeming to think hinrsell quite safe. At last the sutgeon was cal.ed, who staled the deceased had been billed by a sHot, a gun shot, iu the head, and pro duced the malted bair and the stuff cut from the wound. A basin of warm water was brought into court, and as the blood gradually softened, a piece of printed paper ajrpeared the wadding of the gun, which proved to be half a ballad. The other hall had been found in the man's pocket when he was taken. He was banged- Lord Eldoo's Note Book. The tone of good eompant m marked by the absence of personalities. Among well informed persona there am plenty of topics to diacuss, without giving pain to any one present, without submitting to act the part of a butt, or that still poorer crea ture, the wag that piaya npoa him. There is an omnipresent Consciences nd an all-recording Memory, that constitutes not onl a eecority but a certainty, or. ret ribution for guilt. VI., NO. 46306. Tun Cost or Goto Dieoise. Mr. Freanor.tbe correspondent of the Picayune, estimates tbat from 1849 to 1S50 $12,000. 000 in gold will be collected in California. It is probable that at least 100.000 persons during ibis time will visit California in search ol fortunes. Allowing the expense of each person to bo $500, we sbalihavo as the aggregate of their expenses, 250, 000,000. So that should Freanor's estim ate prove correct, they will be minus the large sum of $8,000,000. For our own part, we believe that the deficiency will be far greater, when tie loss on ships and cargoes shall be accurately ascertained. Pena y Pemt, who was President ol the Republic of Mexico at the close of the war with the United States, is dead. It waa under his auspices tbat the treaty of peace was made, and it was by him it was rati fied after Herrera.the President elect, fear ing papular indignation and the cabals of the St. Anitts.shuriDrd the responsibility of advocating or signing it, and obtained the election of Pena y Pena as President, ad interim, by Congress. He was conider- ed one of the ablest and best men in Mex ico. Sume people are always wailing tut a change of circumstances, before they can commence an enterprise. This is a poor rule take your circumstances as they are, and bend them t your purpose. Don't linger in inaction till Blucher comes up, but. the moment you catch sight of bint n the distance, rise and charge. This is the way to pain Waterloo victories in the moral warfare of life. Seven fatal cases of Cholera occurred in St. Louis during the week ending the 8ih ult. The Organ says lhat ' those per sons were taken from on board the steamer Constitution, and we have it from a physi cian oi high reputation, that do local Chol era exists, and that these persons were em iirrants. and brought the disease with tbera into the city, (torn New Oileans. ' The Police Magistrate of Rochester, un der a resolution of the Assembly, calling for the information, reports the number of persons who have been arrested within his jurisdiction for intoxication, or convicted of offenses committed under the influence of intoxication, who were not sentenced to the State Prison, during the year 1849, at ato talofl.249 T.w..aa BaJaaV The CoOp- erstowo Journal, says a draft of $600 on' an Albany bank, was found in the paper rags at a mi!I in that place. Accompany ing it wss the P. O. envtlnptand way bilt. It was addressed to Richfield, and it is sup posed that the P.M. of that place accident ally Jrnpped it among the waste paper,- which he afierwards sold. FariT or IsucsTat. Mr. Jones, dri ver of the Duxbury Si Scituate Stage to Cohasjef, and express agent between those ton- and this city, has been employed on that line for about thirtj -five years. He comme-ucsd life a comparatively poor man, and is now woith $40,000. He never drank a glass of intoxicating liquor in bis life. Boston Bee. VVai3I50. A man named Gideon Wil liams, of Providence, was fiued.Ust Wed nesday, three dollars and costs, amounting to six dollars aod fifty-five cents, for neg lecting to return a borrowed umbrella when requested to do so. The Rhode Isl and Justice has taken a step in advance of the age, which it is to be hoped will soot' ratch up to him. Obthographt. HatliwelPs Life of Shakespeare civts no less than forty-six different modes of spelling the great BrdV name all or whk-h huve beeo used at various times. "Vet we have seen two critics bela bor each other bv the page because ol diflerence of an 1 in the spelliog. It has been arranged, ilie Boston Trav eler says, that the trial of Prol. Webster, on ih eharffe of the murder of Vr. rataman. hal take nface about the middle of March, and he will not be arraigned until that ume. tm . r r t r?.nnM at Wash-4 a isr cost us iinisw. r-- ingtonand New York a suoject or dis cussion in Ihe journals, one ol which re- . ,i mark that it ia more expensive to cie man to live. A Drove ol Deer, during a late trip of the cars, from Sandusky , (Ohio.) ran along aide of the train for several n ilea. It waa n novel sight for the passengem. He that cannot lorgie others, break the bridge ever which be himself wjU dwjvtf Wgaaay 9