PERNBY ha i ..iit.AD IMMtHiM'f* ami t'*r Mllttt. Fa jolg.biown to Altooin Slls johnstown to liarnsbuig 17.X Johnstown to Philadelphia *;> Johnstown to Blalrsvll'.i int ■: \ 7 Johnstown to Oreenshurv 17 1 t Johnstown to Pittsburgh 7t- J i Johnstown to Baltimore vXltf r t Jonnstown t, Washington 7 s EASTWARD ATLANTIC EXPRESS. Learn. (i)nlly.i A rrires. Flttsburg r.;0) a. ui. I Altoou: 6-: a. uj. J0hn5t0wn....5:27 a. ID. Harrlsburg ..10:20 a. m. I'lit.' ..........1:25 p. m. I New 1 ork 4:00 p. m BEA-BHOHK EXPRESS. Leaves. (Dally except iixfiv. Arr>vt*. johnatown;.. 5.35 a. m. | Altoona H:ds a. m. I Hetrlshure..ll:4oa. m. ! Philadelphia 3:15 n. m. Connects with branches at Bellwood. Tyrone Huntingdon. A local train. ■MAIL. I'fnvH. (Dally.) Amves. Pittsburgh... 5:30 a. in. Altoona 10:20 a. m. Greensburg.. 6:35 a. m. llarrlsburg.. 7:00 p. m. Latrobe 7:00 a. m. Blalrsv. Int.. 7:85a. in. Johnstown .. 8:29 a. m. Connects with branches at Greensburg, illalrs Vllle Intersection, Altoona. Bellwood. Hunting don. A local train. DAY EXPRESS. Ltd vet. (Dally.) A triors. Pittsburgh... 8:00 a. m. I Altoona 11:40 p. m East Liberty. 8:ll>a. in. i Ilurrlsburg.. 3:20 p. m. Greensburg.. 8:58 a. m. | Baltimore ... 6:45 p. in. Latrobe 9:15 a. m. ! Washington. 8:00 p, in. Blalrsv. Int.. 9:35 a. in. I Philadelphia, ti-50 p, in. Johnstown ..10:18 a. m. New York. .. 9:35 p. m. Connects with branches at Greensburg, La trobe, Cresson, Tyrone, Lewlstown. A through train. ALTOONA EXPRESS. Dally except Sunday.) Johnstown 12:01 p m conemaugb 12:07 p m Wllmore 12:36 p m cresson LOOpm Altoona 1:40 p m MAIL EXPRESS. Leaved, (Dally.) Arrives. SJttsburgh .. 1:00 p. m. I Altoona. 6:00 p. m. Greensburg . 2:22 p. m Harrlsburg.. 10:45 p. m. Latrobe 2:47 p. m. Blalrsv. int.. 3:18 p. m. Johnstown .. 4:11 p. m. Connects with branches at Greensburg, La trobe, Cresson, Altoona, Tyrone. A local train. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS. Leaves (Dally.) Arrives. Pittsburgh .. 4:30 p. m. i Altoona 6:55 p. m. Greensburg.. 5:42 p. m. llarrlsburg.. 1:00 a. rn. Latrobe 6:00 p. m. | Philadelphia 4:25 a. in Blalrsv. Int.. 6:28 p. m. I New York... 7:10 a. in. Johnstown .. 7:16 p. m. | Connects with branches at Greensburg, La trobe, Blalrsvllle Intersection. An express train, making a few local stops. JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION. Leaves. (Dally except Sunday.) Arrive; Pittsburgh .. 3:40 p. m. Conemaugh . 7:11 p. rn. Greensburg.. 5:16 p. m. Latrobe 5:42 p. m. Blalrsv. Int.. 6:13 p. m. Johnstown .. 7:05 p. m. Connects with branches at Greensburg, La trobe, Blalrsvllle Intersection. A local train. EASTERN EXPRESS Leaves. (Dally.) Arrives. Pittsburgh .. 7:15 p. m. Baltimore ... 4:55 a. m. Altoona 10:50 p. m. Washington. 6:05 a. in Harrlsburg.. 2:25 a. m. Philadelphia 5:25 a. in. New York... 7:10 a. in. FAST LINE. Leaves.. (Dally.) A nine*. Pittsburgh.. 8:10 p. m. Altoona 11:55 a. m. Greensburg.. 9:12 p. m. Harrlsburg.. 3:30 a. m Latrobe 9:30 p. m. Baltimore ... 8:15 a. m. Blalrsv. Int..00:00 p. m. Washington. 9.25 a. in Johnstown ..10:30 p. m. Philadelphia 8:25 a.m. New York ...11:30 a. m. Connects with branch at Greensburg. A through train. WESTWARD. OYSTER EXPRESS. Leaves. (Dally except Monday.) Arrives, Johnstown.. .8:12 a. m. | Pittsburg 6:10 a. m. WESTERN EXPRESS. Leaves. (Dally.) Airlves. New York... 7:00 p.m. | Pittsburgh.. 8-15 t Philadelphia 9:50 p. m. Washington. 8:10 p. m. I Baltimore ... 9:15 p. m. I Ilairlsburg.. 12:5 p. m. | Altoona 4:40 a. m. Johnstown .. 5:23 n. m. I This train will stop at Blalrsvllle Intersection, Latrobe, and Greensburg only to let off through passengers from the East or lake on passenger; for west ot Pittsburgh. JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION. Leaves. (Dally except Sunday.) Arrives. Conemaugh.. 6:45 a. m. i Blalrsv. Int.. 7:18 a. i:.. Johnstown .. 6:52 a. m. | Latrobe 7:47 a. in. I orcensburg.. 8:1s a. in. Pittsburgh . 10:20 a m. Connects with oranches at Latrobe. Greens bun:. A local train. fOHNSTOWN EXPRESS. Leaves. (Dully except Sunday.) Arrives. Altoona 7:45a. m. | johnstown... 9.25 a. m. connects with branches at Altoona, Cresson. A local train. PACIFIC EXPRESS. Leaves. (Dally.) Arrives. New York... 8:00 p. m. | Blalrsv. Hit. 10:24 a. in. Fhlladel'a...ll:2s p. m. Latrobe 10;58a. in. Washington. 10:00 p. in. i Greensburg.. 11:24fo. tn. Baltimore ...11;25 p. m. | -lttsburgli . 12:45 p. m. Harrlsburg .. 3:10 a. m. j Altoona. 8:05 a. m. Johnstown .. 9:33 a. ir. | connects with branches at Tyrone, Blalrsvllle Intersection, I.f 'robe. Greensburg. A local and rough train WAY PASSENGER. (Dally.) Philadelphia 4:30 am llarrlsburg 8:1,5 an: Altoona 1:55 p in John-uown 3:32pm Blalrsvllle Intersection 4:28 p m Greensburg 5:22 p m Braddock 6:22 pm Pittsburgh 6:sopin MAIL. Leaves. (Dally.) Arrives. Philadelphia. 7:00a. m. i Blalrsv. Int.. 6:.0n. m. Harrlsburg ..11:20 a. m. | Latrobe 6:43 p. rn. Altoona 3:10 p. m. | Greensburg.. 7:ii p. in. Johnstown .. 5:16 p. in. | Pittsburgh .. 8:10 p. m. Connects Willi branches at Lewlstown. Hun tingdon, Tyrone, Bellwood, Altoona, Cresson Blalrsvllle Intel-section (tor Indiana Branc -only), Latrobe. A local train. JOHNSTOWN EXPRESS. Leaves. (Dally except Sunday.) Arrives. A1t00na...... 7:50 p. m. | Johnstown... 9:20 p. m. FAST LIN Leaves. (Dally.) rrlre.i. New York.... 9:00 a. m. ; johi. E AM( VARIED LINE OE INGRAINS At 40c,50c,e0c, and 75c Our rurtuin Department is the largest m the city, in every grade of Lace and heavy Curtains. Floor Cloths and Mattings in all widths and Qualities BOVARD, ROSE & CO., NO. 37 FIFTH AVB., PITTSBURGH, PA, i' i I < : "l N r'The nv - juirtJj '■ r Loin." Willi ' 'ti' iiinnliem. Nti-tnlcm,! 1 VXn M-iE t Nw!l, ].filial I Ifi/' • >' IJiin • Scalds, Culi, l.nwba-!s| ' F' •' r ™* i T't . r;i it B k uin-i Suhtitf'm 4 : >i tn ourH I, -i.-t. u-l Ti. W- < .t.... udourß I ''' ' ' iSHlw's DR. BULL'S SCBSH SYRUP Forthe cure ofCoufrhs Colds, less, Croup, Asthna, Bronchitis Whooping Cough, incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of con sumptive person- in advanced stages jf the Disease. Por Sale by ail Di- r ris-s. Ptico -? r tents. R'CT SOIL, Climate nL v" ;h |ig| >, U O I Location In the south, i r\, IVI ■ j. F. MANCHA, Claremont.Va • •- - H| ' AQTkIM A CAN BE CURED. I IB BVI fik A trial bottle sentFn-eio anyone aOUcted. Da. TAFT BRO., liochcßtcr, N. Y. O This cut Is a fac simile if an amusing game and juzzle. It Is historically estruellve and politically iddress 011 reoelpt of an AMTKO. I.argc protltfi .iddrea-, , mu. S. MEYEK. 7 Broadway, New York. city. GIL A TEFU L—COM FO RTIN'G. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "By a thorough Knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the line propenles of well selected cocoa, Mr. Kpps has provided our breakfast tables with a deli cately flavored beverage which may save ua many heavy doctor bills II is by the Judlet us use oi tuoh articles of diet, that a constitution maybe gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundred* of subt'e maladies are floating around us ready lo attack wlerever th re Is a weak point. Me may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our selves well fortllled wit h pure blood and a prop erly nourished triune."— Civil survive Ouxette. Made simply with boiling watei or milk. Sold only In halt-pound tins, by Groceis, labelled thus: • JAMES EPFS & CO., Homceopathlc cnemlsts, London, England. ELY ' S CatarrK CR AM BAIM $ 1.0 O 0 l^gfSitsiti TO XNV MAN, FHAYFEVcR'^ Woman or Child suTerlng from tyr&Sjffir nATARHHI#IPtJ , ou ,o.„ut-HAY-FEVER A panicle Is applle-l into each nostill and Is agreeablo. 1 tire 50 emits at Hrngglsts ; ire mail, registered, CJcents. Ei.V BLtn-fIEPs. 56 Warren street. New York. BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR MY 'TORY OF P: WAR By Mary A. Ltrormore ller own noratlve ■ f -• Four ye n's rersenul Experience as ti Nurse ' in lies; pals, camps, and on the Rati in-Held. oilier book Imu drawn so many te-irw. inLht. 1 u,e an iuoud, of matchless Interest mid n-u-onm! puthes, it sells at sight to nil 3 lie "b i .tiilng " book to make money 011 noyv and fo" rbe 'mfldiiys. ;ef~ No eonipetlilon. : even h'milred pages, splendid steel pi ties. nvt'. -Id baitle In twenty colors, sixty fll-o Heuisai' I. live thousa .d more agen s wanted- men and women. Distance 1111 Ulndrni-ee. for we pat freights and give extui terms. Write for circu lar to A. H. \\ till I'HINGT ON A CD, Hartford, Cunu. OUR LITTLE ONES and (ho NURSERY 36 BROMFIELD ST., t Hhi. The most handsome and best. / maKaxine for children ever / published. $1.50 a year; simclo copiee, 15 cts. Rent on trtoi threo months for 25c. A sample La copy and List sent to address on recoipUof • two* cent stamp. f i •. '.TrjATOKCt. A *5: \? * . ii tWThe tiro s mimed below an the lead ing and representative ones in tin ir re spt ctive lines of liusiness. When writing -,o either mention this paper. •as- A Good stem-Winder Watch -or >2.-, cfjSLa only, and Warranted, at tfrt- C HAIK-H. r.'r'„ '*?, 511 Smlthiteld at.., Pittsburgh. Da: cash paid for old gold and stiver. CHA KLisS I'F/it h'i:H, Furnishic g" Goods 413 SM 111*1 IKLI AT Hi: IST. 100 FKDICKALST., AILKHH I NY. Sliii't.s to Order. We mill all our own shirts, aril our custom shirt Department Is the best equipped In the Mate. . carry a full line of Full Dress, all over Embroidered D. Ks , and Embroidered Linens, and guarantee a lit. It you can lint get a lit else*, here give us a trial. Cleaning and Dyeing ollicesat above locations. Lace t nrtaliis laundrlcd equal to new. Full Dress Shirts laundrlcd, llanu Finish. ■ JOBEPU HOUNE & CO., J* Dry Goods, silks, cloaks, No- Hons, Millinery, etc. < CSJJ Retail stores. SlB to 1.51 Deun av.Btie. ESTAHLISHED "IB7U Tvi, If CELEBRATED Kb M SWISS STOMACH BITTERS. The Swiss stomach Hitters are a sure cure for Dyspepsia, l iver hath• Hark, complaint, aid evory species of Indigestion, ft per bottle; six bottles, $5. AYlld Cherry Tonic, the most popular prepara tion tor cure of coughs, colds. Bronchitis, etc., and Lung Troubles. The Black tiln Is a sure cure ana relief of the Urinary organs, t travel and chronic catarrh or the Bladder. For sale by all Druggists in Johnstown, by it. T. De- France. John M. Taney & Co., 1.. A. slble. Cam bria. |fßr ea. w. s. BELL &CO 4SI Wood street, Pittsburgh, pa. Jtj AM ATE! It PHOTO OUTF'TS. Celebrated Prazmonskl Eens, Catalogue mulled free. J. 11. Blair, 17 seventh avenue. Plttlsburgh BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. I'lre brick, rile, sewer pipe, terra cotfa goods, Ime, cement, hair, plaster, etc Cr-WRITS FOR PRICES. fjv KKINEKK. WH. ON * CO., -jTJ IKON AND WOOD PUMPS, l ead and Iron pipe. Hose, pump sup piles, (las Fixtures, tools, Etc. send for catalogue. NO. SflO SMITIIFIELD ST. MME. KELLOGG has recentlv returned from Paris, and Is new es tabllshlrgsehools throughout the United states (o teac-t ladies TH . ART OF DRESS CUTTING. n'Jn e. K logg leads tic Inventors of the World de It ven-lve genius as applied to ladles'garment it tin.'. -he has Imitators but no equals, la oes bring a dress and learn to cut and baste tt a reilttlng. No. 844 I'enn evenue. Pittsburgh , . v MUlit Shisglei. : Strong, Dtuv'ute, 'e.jiX, and Basi'- ? 1 al-i /' [] INyv SEND FOP - • r '-■ b - M * MC ' • J.. J JOHN O. CItAF. . y , PITTSHPRQP t\ ■ ' N-:/' /-i Sttcc.n.r.i to An,to-im-.-ri .... • ...'L A.J can Koofing coinpanr inmoinvt'iilili Hoicl & iti's-aniiiiii IlKN'ttV I„ lIKKOKIt. PItOPKIKTOIt, Cor. Grant tc Diamond sts., Pltlsbup'h tf "First-class Meals For J5 Cents. ■DfYTT UDCI W. c. I'endleberry, Son ,t Co., JJL'XiJLJIIO Mnnufacturers of Boilers, chimneys and Breeching, oftiie and Works, Mulberry Street, Allegheny, Pa. Pittsburgh Female College ANI) CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, school of Education and Fine Arts. Full courses of study leading to graduation In each. \lso special courses of study, central, beautiful, yt Teachers. Superior home comforts and care tr young ladles. Rates moderate, .-end lor eata lorue and full lnformurion to the President Winter term opans Nov ■■her is. REV. A. li. NOIDTUJSS, i ms'turgn I n. The.l. P. Smith tlalinp, Glass A A.|Uua Co, IFANCY POTTERIES, UltONZi'.S, Cl.ot A: . DINNER ANI) CHAMBER SETS. DJSPenn we . Bet. Hth & loth Si-sets, PI I .'Slit lil!. 1 (i g c C j ster Bouse. 1 I. risneu. Prop.. 68# smlthfleld street. PITTSBt'KCiII, PA. i 1 ..idles' ard (icntlemon's Dining and Punch ltooms. | BUT MEALS IN THKCP Y FOB CM T.N is. onriiY se.oo. ! CRAYON POIITUAITS, LIKE SIZE. only $ll.OO. Orders by mull promptly n>- tended to. Write for particulars, solar Por -1 trails a specialty. Tit HOANO IVAN'S AI IT STOI.'F. Pittsburgh, pa. yK sirsier's Sressmaisisg 2n?ori\-:->, ; j/j 26 SIXTH AVE., PI'I'TSBI KOII. ihlw'i Dress cutting and setying school. ' lie /jfUsJlatest art of Dressmaking t;-iieiit- in ' _jVsiiuare measure. HTSend fordo ulnr. ' VffiLrrtJ Photographer, ' I -'/CzXZcj/-. IB HIXTH STUKET. Finest Cabinets fg and $2.80 per dozen. Pbot.t --j tette ,$1 per dozen, l ine Crayons, and up. JOHN FLO it ,R % 5f ). MANUFACTURERS OF,-' - - .. . I tu'/ : '' ■■ ! N. W$S- ' v . > FUCKER'S LUBRICATING i M MM I' PACKINO | FOR RAILUOAI) AND ENUINE USE. Italian anil American Hemp Packing. ' Hell Cords, Cnlt.oi Mops. Twine, etc. OFFICE AND SALES ROOMS—SS) A'liter street Pittsburgh. Pa. tNTWrite for price list. The heal, remedy In the world! OKAIIA.V'S, w ifm Hat. Koacii. Vhkmin anii INHVCT EXTKKMIMATOR. frOV iSfcvTyV Wholewtlc and Hotall Depot. 2j- 'r-L*../ 4 * - ' l"*Tty St.. FlttelrurKh. I * "-k-AOc TO RXTBKMINATK T F.U Mf M. OOLD FASHIONED WHISKT i OVSK. No rectifying. NO eompeund •Ug. I . F. LIU I.NCI .'IT, Distiller and Dealer In PUKE in I WHISKY. Utg Sndl bfield street, PIT'IKHLKOH, l-A. Hotel White. W. J. Denny,Drop. Leading Hotel of (lie city. , 2 I'KK DAY BAR ATTACHED. Sample Hoora for commercial ' Men. HOTEL CN-ttSOfC , 168 LA COCK STREET, Vtstoo tftJ.aa J?or Day. Beat Ueals>ml I odglngs In Ihe City. Hartn connection with lloicl and be.-J Liquors served. II KNoX, Drop. WM. J. FIXID Y Senior member late Schmidt & Friday, Distiller & Jobber In FINE WHISKIES, dp, and Importer of u l i ° isti * itfAKS, 033 t,field ';•-• *" I'l l TSBL'HGH, I'A. G1 IISSLY'S Business College AND NORMAL IN ST IT HI I. Is tphe pride ol McKeesport. Send for Catalogue. 8, S. GKISSLY', Manager. YlcKeesport, Da. ,• - . •. * Tfe. "F- ' • • - ' S F. j£ : H® t M3L Chamberlain Institute AND FEMALE COLLEGE, Randolph, N. Y —Tills Is a Sell ol for both sexee. Has been establDqed and well know forforty years, iswell equipped with all the appliances of a tlrst-class seminary. Location, twenty miles from Chautauqua Lake, not surpassed In beauty and healthfulness by that of any other school In the country. resident and Faculty reside with the students and give special care to their health, manners and in rats. The Music Depart ment Is under the Instruction of a graduate of the N. Eng. conservatory. The commercial college Is thorough and practical. Address lor Illustrated catalogue, free) Kkv. .1. T. ED WARDS. I). I).. President. PITTBBI Hp I! TILING COMPANY. mtOCKLEUANK it WAIIDKIJ., 1 .■3S \ v : '• • . WORKERS IN TILES And Ft signers 01 Ar I-tic Flic I laces. Sjre lal designs on appllca '" . coir 0, men at so licited. Nf. 213 WOOll STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. PIU'FDTII V DATF Hlk-Warp Henriettas, DiIDIiiUJI ! ti/llj't ..00! Dress Goods i.ace cttrlalns and carpeting-. ene\ saved en every penny's worth you puivhnse at these sheriff sale prices. T. M. Latimer. 13S Federal street. Allegheny. Da. M. .1. COHEN. JEWELER, • DT'l SMITH Fifi 1) STItKF.T, DDI TSIH'HGII. I'A. (Formerly of Fifth Avenue.) DKmonds. Watehea. Jewelry and silverware —FRENCH— r ~ ART ) : A 3 r: / i 3 j ,i new iG ~i irns* :s Diso *;• L . i •• - tii *• ■ i jtiht itTf'ivetl at GI: t Tir• B SOKOFENS. No. 4T.) woihl si.reef. WTTSBrMiII. I* ssenc::; of TlT: alth NEW LIFE! 'i !!•: t.I.K \ J I'ST Bl OOD 1 I KIFIEH. It u p'tM> ml vr. ii helet ted Herbs. Hoots, ilnrk iiml bk s. •V rrHifMl In Clirn i all ( hronlc I iHfHihts. 'jorptN A ID. late of Johnstown. Cumbria county, deceased, havli g been granted to the under signed, nil persons Indebted to said estate are hereby not Died to make payment wtthovt delay, and tnose having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settle ment to BTKPHAN Qt'lKK, Johnstown. Pa. Executor of the Inst will and testament of James McDonald, deceased. septj A DMIXIS * BATOR'S NOTICE— AY letters of Administration Franklin street, Johnstown, Pa. JAMES 11, O'CONNOR, Julys Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE.— . K TATE OF HKNKY U. 1)1 KEEN BACH, DEFEASED,—Notice Is hereby given that, the Register has Issued to the undersigned I etters or ' dtnlnlstratlon on the estate or HKNKY W. DIFFENBACII, deceased. All persons Indebted to t he estate of the satd deceased will make Im mediate payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against same will present them duly authenticated fur sc'ilement to I.IZZIF. DIKKENHAOII, Administratrix. \ DMINI TRATOR'S NOTICE. • —l etters of Administration, rt- lumin now. on the estate or I hnmas Mccabe, Sr.. late of East cenemaugh borough, Cambria county. Pa., having been granted tot lie undersigned, all per sons Indebted to said estate are requested to mate Immediate payment, and those having claim- against said estate will present them without delay. ED. T. McNEELIS. Administrator, tie bniils mm, Hoom No. II Alma llall. \ OTICFOF APPLICATION FOP CHARTER v OF INCORPORATION.—Notice Is hereby given that an application will be made at the next term of the Court of Common Pleas of " •ambrla t ottnty by J. 11. Wertt. Daniel Ott, Milium Miller, M. .1. Fcanlan, and Adolph slick for CHARTER OF INCORPORATION FOR SEVENTH WARD BAND, of Johnstown, Pa., the object of said corporation being the Improve ment of its members n Mtcde and the forma tion of a Band for Parades, concerts, etc. JOHN M, POSE. Solicitor for Apt Beards Johnstown, pat. cat, rt. WW. eg—FLINT GLASS WO? MIUK Nbottues 1 1 Manufactured by fSWIMoi&Ct. | ND R TF TURNE PITTSBURGH, PA. I a IN FOUR SIZES: j % Si 1 Pint, Quart & H Gallon -J WRITE FOR PRICES. mor29-ain OATARRH, Catarrhal Bcaiuuss ' ; r.v Fua; .1 Nl'lV IIOl!': TRI'-ITMUNT. Sufferers in - not tetter; stw.tro tV ttdiseases ore foww don*. or that due to the prcseiue r living parasites in the li:.'n.; y.'Oin'nen • ■'' Lie Rosy and it taelii.-y. tuber.. M' _i jo ; ■ f ■-ireh, how ever in's provot! tlti •)hu a 1 ..-t and t result ■ Cut* :• si: i lb- reim-tlv i is bean ft mulatetl wliereby i • • rit 1 leafm find liftv ft v-r f.i p. ttei . 'iitly c.tred 1.. from oii. to Ih'-Nt sir.r ,1'- alintts ninth p.t hoi ,•by t -j- :• oMY in two weeks N. ii.—~'or eaUUTlia' ti-.e'itur'tt-a jientiitttr tt. females fwhltes) this i tiu-dv iaaspeoific. A pan.i tlol '-xiiifitni:: : new freattneui IS mni'. ui ror- h t of It :t ■ -tits L-y A. fi IH:;- - .i t Vt ■ - Si., roronto. f t' -Scientific AM rp now I ettor File, i• titiii ta tiding sir ii.uuii ; 14llt|C< abinelH, I . S. |.i r merit Mlus, • evrwl its- it rile-. i.:ili> I It ' . lie*. Sclllluh? "* it In !e\r\ ■M.Jlill'. . ip Cl'Mlide il 'I IT • r, ndel, v •• V. rl'i*,* Ullce lccau an.l < h\t.% Vault, lu lie oftlve and Court House Fuar uusUiiiir* a s|ieciiiHy. Write for Circular*. K. K. liAKFP. Manager. Vih Aveuue and smithileld street, PITTS HRKOU, PA. Gloves and Corsets A specialty. First Floor. •' LA DIE'S AND ~*) - CHILD It EN'S tU TFITTINIt pRr.tHTMINT V jP 0 second Floor, '■• v;. D .j4 sixth street, P T*Bt le ; ll, l-KNN'A HOW IT WORKED. Good morning- .lark ! whv I haven't seen you for a month past. Wlmt i?i tlie world is the matter with you ? You seem to have renewed your youth." " Well Phil. I linve. Don't you remem ber the last time I saw you. how misera ble I was ? Sick and blue, and in that sort of mood a man gets sometimes when he feels the most noble thine in life is to go straight to the devil." " Not so bad as that, 1 hope : at all events you didn't go that way you are looking far too happy and hearty. " Thank goodness, tio ! or rattier, isauk Vinegar Bitters. Do you rememnor that dav I saw you bust, when you recommend ed that remedy to me so persistently, and I was first vex-aland then half convinced," I remember it perfectly, and you needn't say another word upon the sub ject ; your looks tali me thai you took the medicjac." '• No doubt of it: everybody remarks upon my improved looks and temper: hut 1 must really tell you all about it. I got the old style, as you recommended, and didn't mind the bitter taste at all. I fin ished the bottle in about two weeks, and was greatly improved, so much so that I determined to change oil' and try tin new style. " Well, how did you like it?" " You told me your wife preferred th new style, 1 believe; well, I must say lagre with her. I like the old style-very much but the new is a finer, smoother, moro tx pensive preparation." " I believe it is ; it) fact. I have heard so, and 1 wonder the McDonald Drug Company sell it for the same price they do the old style, because it is really a very costly preparation." " Well, that dosn't concern us Who was it said that people fancied themselves pious sometimes when they were only bilious? No matter! I was only going to say that I believe people often seem wicked when it is only their liver, or their stom ach, or some other cantankerous organ of the body so out of order they couldn't be good if they tried." "And if all the miserable dyspepsia, and victims of biliousness, headache and the thousand and one ills I bat Hesli is heir to would only take Vinegar Bitters, what a happy world this would lie ! " '• I should recommend the new style." '• I never go bnck on the old style." " Well, they can pay their money and take their choice, for both kinds work ad mirably." '•iiy T-I-- ' ' /--A"'""-' 1 i \ /A . i / • * V „ / i Tne Groat Blood Purifier end Health Restorer. Cures all ! nds of Headache within thirty i inutes—Try it. The only Temperance Hitters known. It stimulates the Brain and quiets the Nerves, regulates the Bowels and-renders a perfect blood circulation through the human veins, which is sure to restore perfect -health. B®"A beautiful book free. Addt(ss, r. H. Mcdonald DRUG CO., •32 Washington street. New Vorh jams TjEjTANTED—Ag nts in every city H town and village of I'ennsylvaula 'fur Hi Xow England Mutual .V-eldnnt Association, n I! Slon. da-s., cheapest in I bed accident asso elation. Address I. it. SI AY l uN. Manager, u Fifth avenue. Pittsburgh, l'a. HINDERCO^US. T*ioon?y?urcCnr* for Corn*. Stnpa nil fviln. Encnroi comfort to the feet. 13c. at l)nij,vi • ilißCoxtC"o.,N.Y. CONSUMPTiVE TTavo you iNmali. Hroti-hitif, Antlm '. 1 tidiiri stioiif ÜBO PARKER'S CINCERTO?.I'J. It has cured Iho worst rasca ainf IH L no best rente- ' y I T nil ills urisini? lrom defective null ition. Take in titne. UItCAI. CO.. BOSTON. Mt lmptea. blackheadL chawed and pi BO Inured b.v(;r,i rjtA >o*i' I b ' ) mayl-lt