Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa.) 1889-1916, November 22, 1889, Image 7

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The Imperial cabinet llmler Arrest-No
11iii*111 to be Hone to Horn I'etro or Fam
ily—Tile Spirit or Republican sin
Brazil is in the throes of a revolution,
not only civil but. military. The Minis
try has resigned, and Dom Pedro's Em
* pire is now a tliimr of the past. The go
ing over ina body of the Conservative
faction in the Mouse to the Republican
made it a possibility and a certainty.
Throughout the country the greatest ex
citement prevails, and the news of tiie
revolution spread over the entire new
born republic with inconceivable rapidity.
From every city comes words of encour
agement and approval, and the spirit of
' republicanism lias permeated Brazil in Its
entirety. The provinces are a unit i
support of the incoming Government,
and, in view of the fact that the military
forces of llie land are in line with the
revolutionists, it can only be a movement
of peace.
The ex-Ministry ha given up all hope
of a turn being made in favor
of a re-eatatdishment of the Em
pire, and they admit, that the
prospects point lo an establishment in
Kio <ie Janiero of a Republican form of
The coffee growers ami exporter* itre
unanimous in their oppo-ii.ii m i<> the old
Government, and as a result have luiacd
the price of green coffee.
The Enipen ris chiseled iu- the Palace
at Petropolis with tlie heads of tile Min
istries of War and of the Interior.'aiul
obsolete seereey is maintained as t. their
titans for Mie future. The official de
spatches are sent and ec 'i ' d in cipher
by iru-ted oflleiais of the oid regime, and
nothing whatever is to lie learned in re
gard to the movements of the Emperor
and his household. It is likely, however,
that lie will return 10 Portugal. In any
case both he and his whole family will
leave the country as soon as possible.
Tlie minister of MOSMIIS, WHS not hilled
a reported, hut seriousl. wounded by a
shot fmm one of the soldiers.
lito DK JANKIIIO. BIIAZII., November Hi.
188!).---A republic lias been proclaimed,
Willi Senlior da Ponseca as President.
The Imperial Ministers have heeii placed
under arrest and are kept in close confine
ment. The Provisional Government ha
guaranteed protection to tlie members of
the Imperial family. The Emperor is at
bis Summer unlace al Petropolis, twety
live mile, north of Uio de Janeiro. All
business in Hie city is suspended, lull,
there is no danger to life or properly.
Another despatch from Uio de Janeiro
Stales thai the garrison ai (hat city lias
formed a provisional government, com
prising Senlior Constant, a journalist
named Quiutino Uocaqmva and Gen. da
Foil seen.
It lias been well understood by the
Government t> Brazil lor some lime (nut
there were designing. active ami ambi
tious men in Brawl who were engaged in
propagating reiiublieaii tloclnnes ami in
fumeming discontent w'lli the muuuichi.
It has iilsn been well umlerstooil that
there whs a good ib al of uneasiness, it
uol po nive itisloy any, in (lie uruiy. laii
uuythirot line the reported outbreak was
not expected. The ino-t artletu inonaicui.-ls
ill Brazil tick no-v ledge l hut a repuld.e i
bound o> h>< e-lahlisneil there in time.hut
they lie)lev- it will come by evoiniiou iii-o
not by revolution—liy ine gradual moili
hcuiion ot iiislilulioiis lo keep pace vvilh
tiic spread ol gel.erto education and tit>l
by an armed revolt. The revolution re
ported now is iiiaierstoo l by the Brazilian
represent alive- here lo he merely a rebel
lion of ilie army. The Brziliuii people
are uui supposed to be in sympathy with
the revolt
A gentleman hut recently returned
from Brazil and whose acquaintance in
that couutry is wide extended end •• I
cannot believe' lllal, whatever ;n iy have
taken place, ihe uilimaie result will he
the perinaueul retirement of l)oni l'e.lro.
He is one of the wisest and hc.-i uionnrchs
in Christendom. He came into power
many years ago, as the successor of uis
father, who hud heeu a uiosi liei.elicenl
and HCCeplalde ruler to his people, and
the son has so cloudy followed in the
fathei's footsteps I hnt he lias won a greal
name 'or hiinsell. He has never been -•
ilespol Ou the conliary, he is officially
known and sign- himself "Constitutional
Emperor and Defender of Brazil." lie .s
very iihclul and unostentallod-, ail his
people have uot only always admired him,
but have always trusted him. I kno v
this to lie true. Why, even the so-called
Republicans in Hie Umpire have access In
him. They have printed a newspaper at
Itio for years, and the Emperor, 1 think,
subscribes for it. The editors are per
sonally acquainted with ihe Emperor, and
the tone of the organ, while aggressive
on the point of a change of Government,
has never been disrespectful to the au
thorities in existence."
" You are disposed, then, to look upon
the affair reported as being only a local
lurry ?"
" I am unable to believe it representa
tive of uuy general feeling or purnose.
The capital and the character of the coun
try have always supported the Emperor.
He was liberal, wise and progressive.
The people of llio, I know, took pride in
his spirit of inquiry, which led him to
visit other countries and study new sys
tems for use at home. The whole coun
try, and particularly the cilv ot Itio.
profited greatly by his applications at
home of what he had gathered abroad.
In fact, praise of the Emperor could be
heard in every part of the Empire, except
in a remote section continguous to Para
guay. where the people spook Spanish
nnfl have grown to sympathize with I leir
neighbors across the border line. Some
hud feeling remained there, growing out
of the war between Brazil and Paraguay,
hut the section 1 Of country is so remote
from Rio anil iCtmnts for so little* in the
affairs of the country at large that no ac
count need he taken of the had blood
there. No. it is impossible to believe
that the present trfflihle isof force enough
to change (lie power of Government in
Brazil. It is a constitutional monarchy,
and tiie Emperor lias proved himself to
liea liberal ruler, and the people, in my
opionion. will in the end sir-tain him.
The people are not believed to he with
the army, and tiie Provinces aie not ex
pected to follow the cnpitnl. There arc
nineteen Provinces, each with an inde
pendent local Legislature, :>nd all of them
are expected to stand by the monarchy
for tiie present, and to remain in favor of
the tueory of eratu il evolution inwards a
reptl'llc. Tile ill •loinalic leplesei.liiliveb
of Brazil here claim liiat even the p. opie
of the United Stales are not tren limn the
people of Brazil, 'i he Constitution of
Brazil is framed substantially upon lb*
lines of our Constitution. Tne i.iuperor,
Dom Pedro the B-eontl, is belove I In his
people like a fat her, and his an tide to
wards I hem has always been more pater
nal than royal, tlis daughter, the Princess
Imperial, 100. seems to lmve grown in
public favor, and recent reports from
Brazil indicate that wlmlevei feeling of
hostility to wan Is her existed previously
lias been greatly modified try recent pop
nlar acts, especially the founding by her'
of a line iniLlona! museum ol an and
ureiiajniogy. dust recently she eetu
brioed tier silver wedding, and Hie popu
lar rejoining was -o great and so general
I tin < even tin one Republican newspaper
of Kio (le.Janerio. which had been in The
habit of erilii-i-iag Her Imperial lligti
ness unklii iiv. inrew awii its hostility
entirely, ami bestowed upon her Uuliui
iied praise. All Hie newspapers recently
received nere from Uio liave been full ot
praise lor Hie Princess.
KII'AU.I Ki 11.
in-, i . 1-'. ZJtuiin-rimin t ails Pi-inn a lliillil-
Ing ami Hies I-'i-aio tlie injuries Ke
On Sai MI dm forenoon about 8 o'clock
Mr. C. I'. Zimmerman, a carpenter cm
ployed y Mi. 11. MuClosky at the new
livery siiilih la in erected lor All. J. G.
Pender tie r the .Mansion House, fell with
his head foremost from a girder, a dis
tance of aboiii nine feet and struck a
piece,of timber. A heavy hemlock plank
fell lifter him and struck him in the side
His rigid ear was cut almost in two and
the rigin si i 1)1 his face and head had'y
bruised >oiu Having si ruck the timber.
He was carried lo the Mansion House,
and Dr. John bowman summoned. The
wniiiois In ing iiresscd, Eiiniu-'iloan w„s
taken in im hoarding place in the South
Side. Eater in the day word of his injury
was sent lo hi- home in Somerset county,
not a great distance from Ligoiiicr, Wesl
morelatld co i:11 v.
Zimmerman sustained an injury to llie
spinal eolnniii. near I lie iiase of t tie skull
ami strew .su.adily wor- till about 0
o'clock "ir S.iiiinlry evening when Ik
ilietl. His friends arrived on Saturday
niiihi, and vesicrdav inoniiti ■ lli.ev took
Ins remains homeward ou I 'at: lie Express'
Tlie .llac-lluga ii iti<> lliipllst Chiu-t-li
The meeting- held at 1 In; Baptist Oh lit ell
(Inline the ens week have lieen a dectiled
sneeess. \liiimiirh not litr _• -t attended
owinu In the lei I en i - Iter, quite a number
have risen for .irave s, ami ws irusl nave
given their hearts to Go I. The pastor,
llcv. I Jr. Fuimnn, is an elegant talker as
well as a friendly and agreeable companion
and is eapa n of lining much good. As
the meetings are to iie continued (Ids
week a cordial invitation is extendi d
to all. Preaching every evening at niil).
.it ih Ni-w <** W 'i kt.
Mr. A I) i resvler. President of the
Kerr Mnrrav ManulacHirim Oompany,
Fort Wat lie. Iml., was in the <dl v on Sat
urday evening. Mr. Cressh r's company
are electing Hie gas-holder ami purifying
nine i nert for th,* .lolimlo vn Gas COlll
- (•• •- or - -' -.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, he cried for Castorla
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
I^STHAV. —Came f<> premises the
j nt Hie undo; signed a mile and n half from
Blackllck in l as; tt'lienttleld township,
Indiana coun'y. about the Ist r tla.v, a red
and white spi Med steer, ttlih wide horus. a
piece cut mil of Hie left ear aud two notches In
11. He Is abr.m two years old. '1 he owner Is je
(l nest I'd to vine and prove properly, pay
charges and lake blm atvay or he will be dis
posed of ueeordlgK to latv.
\ AI)mIN IS 11< > IIHN on Hie estate or .IHUN
W. WKaKI.aM). late of Hie Borough of Johns
t,own, county ot Cumbria, mid Stale of l enn
svlvsuila. deceased, having been gianted to the
undersigned, .ill persons Indebted to said estate
are reutie-ted to make iiiitacdlatc payment, and
those having claims against the same tvlll pre
sent theui. Only authenticated, for set ' *n
Johnstown. I'a , dept. 13,
AUHUihd it A I UK'S -Nl> lil k.—ICS I A I'K OK
tilts. I.aI'HA SVKIIN, DKCKASKl).—bet
tors ol Administration on the estate of .Mrs.
Laura Wehn. late of conemaugli txirongli, Cam
bria county, deceased, having been ''ranted to
the undetslgncd, notice Is hereby given to all
those knowing themselves indebted to said
I estate to make Immediate payment, and those
having claims agalnsi said estate to present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
.ron.N CAMPBELL, Administrator.
sept IS tf
Cambria Iron company vs. Christy, St. al.
prolbonslary's < titles, (iciobsr m, mn.
Colors aud Back bj the yard.
arc mi! quale.! value.
Dress Triui>aiug. Gimps, Fringes,
Applique E I,< is, Biaius, Buttons,
Dress I ngs and Dress
Mak'iV Findings.
Imi first vurielics of best goods in Hos
iery and Underwear toi Men,
Women and Children,
Lurgeat slock of Fall & Winter Wraps
for Ladies and CliiidreD.
Jackets and Long Wraps in Cloth, Seal Jackets, Coats and Mantles
guaranteed to wear well at
lowest prices.
Finest Alaska Seal Skin Coats and
Jackets, also Shoulder Capes, Boas
and MufTs. in all the fashion
able Furs.
i/ariw it's Unit Cm O. I), with ll'iii'lfge uf Jlx
The Best Kid Gloves, iSl.OOapair aud up
Blankets, \lder Down (Juilts, Table
Linens. Towels, Lace Curtains,
Heavy Ciirinius, Table Cov
ers and Upliolsteriug.
Jos. Home Co.
609-621 Penn Ave.,
B. & B.
TJie extent of the benefits of Our
Mail Onlcr Department
Is well put Uv a letter recently received
from Mexico. The lady writes: "lam
a regular customer of yours, if I do live
3.000 miles from Allegheny." The prices
she quotes may he taken as a fair sample
of the exhorbitant charges made by store
keepers where there is little competition.
You needn't pay auuh prices. Furor
near, our MAIL Oitoau DEPARTMENT so
licits your trade, aud promises to give
viiu goods at the lowest prices obtainable
in the entile country. Write for samples
and make comparisons.
If you come to the Exposition, don't
fail lo visit our stores. Ten minutes
walk from the Exposition will bring yon
to our stores on Federal street, corner
Park Way.
See our Great
Dress Goods Departments,
Silk Departments,
Casbmures (Black and Colored),
Fine Cloakings,
longest Cloak Booms in the two
Finest lines Genuine Alaska Seal
Lace Curtains and Portieres.
Prices go lor nought when you can see
i lie goods.
115, 117, 119, 121
Sir P. S.—lf you cannot come, write.
Idleness is a Dangerous Fault
In the Kidneys. When Inactive Uu'.v spccplly
t ill into disrepair, i lios<- obstinate and until
maladies, might's disease and diabetes,ensue
with tenlble certainly upon the inaction of
the organs affected, catarrh ol' the bladder,
enuresis, gravel and strangury are also lo be ap
preheuiled irom a partial paralysis of the blad
der. of widcta weakness and sluggishness are t lia
causes, tiostetter's stomach hitters Is a ttne
tonic and promoter of activity lor the renal or
gans, and one which can be relied upon to afford
tUetii the tequslte slli ulus without exciting
tUern—an effect to be reared from tlie uninedi
eated alcoholic excitant of commerce. A further
beneficent effect of Hitters, by renewing activ
ity of the kidneys. Is to enable them to drain
from the blood lulls passage tliein, impurities
productive of rheumatism and dropsy Nervous
ness, fever and ugue, constipation and dys
pepsia arc conquered by the Hitters.
ICHASED.—Letters of Administration having
been granted to the undersigned on the estate
i or Frederick William Hoffam, late of coueuinugh
borough, Cambria county, deceased, notice Is
hereby given to all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate to make Immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against said es
tate will present them; dm authenticated for
settlement to OHM OEOUOK KEll'Kii,
septhl-tf Admlnlstrmor.
. UDITOIt'K NOTICE.—In the orhnns' court
' A of Cambria county. In the matter or the
1 ttrst and dual account of c .1. MAYEK.
Administrator of JOHN SIIKTOKN. deceased.
Anil nowr, September 2, 1881), on motion of
John 11. Itrown, Esq., Attorney for Admlnlst ralor
M. B. s i KPUENS, Esq., Is appointed Auditor to
distribute the funds 111 the hands of the Admin
istrator. I'kk cum am.
Notice 1B hereby given that I will sit for the
p.'rppse of the above appointment at my office,
rooffTNo. U, Alma Hall, Johnstown, pa., on
Saturday, lliv gist day of September, IMH'J,
at 10 o'clock, a. ni„ wlieu and where all parlies
Interested may attend, or be forever debarred
from coming In oa said fund.
M. >. STKPUHHN. Auditor.
"Try Ayer's Pills"
For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Oout.
Stephen Lansing, of Yonkers, N. Y.,
says: " Recommended as a cure for
chronic Oostivcness, Ayer's Pills havo
relieved me from that trouble and also
from Gout. If every victim of this dis
ease would heed only three words >'
mine, I could banish Gout from the lami
These words would be —'Try Ayer s
" By the use of Ayer's Pills alone, I
cured myself permanently of rheuma
tism which had troubled me several
months. These I'll Is are at once harmless
and effectual, and, I believe, would
prove a specific in all eases of incipient
No medicine could have served me in
better stead." —C. 0. Rock, Corner,
Avoyelles Parish, La.
0. F. Hopkins, Nevada City, writes
"I have used Ayer's Pills for sixteen
years, and I think they are the best Pills
in the world. Wc keep a box of them
in tho house all the time. They have
cured me of sick headache aud neuralgia.
Since taking Ayer's Pills, I have been
free from these complaints."
" I have derived great benefit from
Ayer's Pills. Five years ago I was
taken so ill with rheumatism that I was
unable to do any work. I took three
boxes of Ayer's Pills and was entirely
cured. Since that time I am never
without a box of these pills." Peter
Christensen, Sherwood, Wis. •
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Dealers in Medicine.
/■- OF / IIFF m HeonMannool,N'*n
F | <1 M ons anil Physics LI
hility, Prematura L)i
IfliniM TUVQfi C clint*. Krror* of YOMUI
FTIIUFL IHI OLLI A a ,„i the nutolo miw*r
esconsequent :Hereon. 800 paire* vo., i'2s !••••
acriptions tor n I Ihhumc*. Cloth, full uht. °nly 'LB"
by mail. Healed. Illustrative sample free to nil y en
anil middle-seed men. Send now. The (loin m
Jewelled Mifdai awarded to the author by the Nail •
•u Medical Association. Addres* P.O. Box lttft.K' •
ion. M i-..0r Dr. \V. II PAKKKK. </rinaU?of ,t
van! Medical College. 25 year- putctl'-e m. Bo- to
who may ue -ons'ihiHl conlldenually C stt* ■
• Hulttncit w u So*irUlv o*!M*HHeioi V-.ii
Cut lIII" out• You may uevei ll am
Why Ayer's Sarsaparilla is
referable to any other for
the euro of Blood Diseases.
|S, .•in,.- no poisumms or deleterious
.11);.' ,s filter info tho composition
ii| A$ i. s Sarsiipurilla.
A, Sarsaparilla contains only
la; )..i . .o ami must effective remedial
pro peril ii*.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prepared with
extreme care, skill, and cleanliness.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prescribed by
leading physicians.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is for sale
everywhere, ami recommended by all
first-class druggists.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a medicine,
and not a beverage in disguise.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla never fails to
effect a cure, when persistently used,
according to directions.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highly con
centrated extract, and therefore the
most economical Blood Medicine in tho
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had a suc
cessful career of nearly half a century,
and was never so popular as at present.
Thousands of testimonials, are on
file from those benefited by the use of *
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Or. J. C. Ayer Sc Co., Lowell, Mass.
Price $1; six botttea, $5. Worth $5 a bottle.
% Lr ' HIE'
/ psr J "■<- > '7XS?
- i J ii'ljonuv
vt • •' . ' ' UtliJMMtll
(hMrbnii" •'!••• all, MU,'I daHneof
waituWr- i ' •- -i , t. U<*:DlH..< >I IHPLI:
riicbc • ..111, k- ... i -.1. ...fid rr*w.n,| afiflr y
Hr;v .In yoiti •• "O .tutiu.j aud •.town tl<
ti tbisi. wi.i. i!uiv mv •a... i.t>, MM'.itio yunr *iwu proper
II Is • I.kf :i. • r, r I -ciidluK Hie NOI.;
Atlih Mill 'IWTI miij.,.-, I. M.S llmshowtiu
(lie kutnpii a ■ . ImT.IM Iwh . up lii * larco trsdu
as-.tfiii -••.!••,. i. W •.tl'lj 'or a •!< nth or tw
we iMiint;; ;• • m Irad. from lb*
•orroui.uii.. •. • .voiHlcrful offer erer
known,i- ttmii i . irn.:;. ■ i.'Li..y Ik* ploood at one*
SrlirretL. • . . ?•. .11 , , lt . Wilto ul once, and
®ake>urc i -.n Ib-.d'- . ■ I- lm-dlyauy trouble
lor you to show lb.. -nay cull ot your hoine
•off your reword M ' \ poatal card oa
Which to write . , T ••oUrtUow all,lf yoo
do not car t< •*' ly • i r !.• lint If you do I t :i:i: one of the
oral solid . i , • I -r lirm line ot
I OHT3 • ig'it, •'*
xidreaeUhu.• ut.,, r*, •• •• IAIN
; ...-vf-:
A thorough school of Telegraphy, Hook-keep
Ing, Shorthand, prepstalory and higher English
Music, Elocution and Languages. Terms are
moderate. Instruction fine. For flirtlisr Infor
mation or catalogue, address or call on
OuePerwtt In
Free! nd aft r yeu hare held
them In your home for % months und ahown Ibemtetnwe
Allegheny College.
18 Federal street, Allegheny, !'•. Thorough In
st ruction In bookkeeping penmanship,shori hand
mid typewriting, tclegruphy, English branches,
Languages, Music, Elocution, Vocal and instru
mental Music, Paluilug aud Drawing Students
may enter at any time. Send forelrculara; a<l
is.l A U.
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Tb© kl lneys hove id all wln
ler, as tb* pores • f ' li*• • i*eii closed.
I but now : he springtime h s i-uim*. and they need
! some aid. May he you ha\>- ilia? pain across the
track: • •••■ Big down
fiidns * •• • • Jailer by
followl- • • In* • "d his wife,
and UH> in •' • corrector
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Silver Age Rye
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headquarters at
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,.it.ouagf heretofore bestowed.
Remain respectfully,
v. ...UT,. -Hfi-i. hi'xi.ony. TciepfeM
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, tiv . p. i.MIX niii, i, lor i.-p. -.uver Age, >i.sft
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..i How Regained,
\ "-.l utificnn i M Popnlnr MedicalTreata
he Errors of \ . u,: c.u:.. :rc Decline,Nerrooa
j'i.l I'h^ai| \
i Pol'.y, V ice, Ignorance, Excesses or
•n, •. u,r :• r. ! \v "•♦fiiijj the victim
i • . . srrlouorSoiiiU Relation.
: , id j'lVte dors. J <v*-osj this great
I. ' ■* • \ ... v, ro :.l &vo. Btmtliful
>• . I, f>:a gilt. ! . e on'y fl.oo by
*t;;M. cmicealeu inp': i wap; or. lllus
• i. ;.ih .e< *ua Frrr. If jwti a; ply a\v. The
ui ilshe'd uithor. Win. fl r.'.rkrr, M. 8., re
km r'jD National dfedieal Associntion for
< I'Ul/iM ESSAY on NKItVOUH and
i YSK'.AL DEBlLlTY.Pr.Purkernndacorj*
HHisuiut JTvyslcluns nuiy he consul ted, eonfl
li uUttlly, by inuil or In person, at tho oiflce of .
No. 4 It II I (i nt* h St., Ronton, Mam*., to whom all
ordora for hooks or letters for advice should be
directed as above.
,V •" I' Let ten ifstamentory on the Kslat.
of Kev. Thomas Uiivlu. deceased, late of .
borough of Cnmhrla. county of Cambria, Pa..
, u ennbil to flic undersigned, nolle
.. .xl to sal.
iipt delay
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11. . -iK l> S.
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