Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa.) 1889-1916, July 05, 1889, Image 1

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Unparalleled UeHlnuitlmi f Life and Prop
erty— Fimr Thousand I'wiple Drowned
und Millions ..1 Property Swept Aa>,
Our disaster! H" w ,loW
tray it, or even how < uii it be faintly de
scribed? Whose mind can comprehend
it, aiid whose vivid imagination eati paint
it? The pen is not yet made to write up
its general features, much less to put the
fearful detail- -m paper; nor has the
brush been manufactured I" place il on
canvass. In some remote age when addi
tional anis and h.i bines for peifi ine
such a work, or when Rome one will, mi
raculous genius for describing unparal
leled marvels shall be born, the story o f
Johnstown's destruction may lie ciiioi i.
cltd. But until then the full horrors ot
the kinetic energies of Hie I'ilishuiali
sporting club-luke on the south brain n oi
the Conetiktuigh creek, will remain inule
Already many able pens from all sec
tions of lite country have been called into
requisition in an effort to give to the nut
side world some idea of tlie fate ot the
Conemaugh valley, but with all that bus
been so well written lite half bus not been
told. In try ing to gne p the magnitude or
the mighty death-dealing and property
destroying wave that struck lite town,
lying ou the banks of the little stream, to
the ill-fated Friday afternoon of May Si.
one is confronted with the inadequacy <>'
words to do anything like justice to tin
subject. The vastness of the disaster i
really too great for a tiuite mind to grasp.
Has it ever bad an e([inil? In tbr
United States certainly never; in the
world's history, since the days of I<ioali.
possibly, yes. At most it can be salely
said it is only rivaled by one or two ca
tastrophic* in human history. Ibe over
flow of the Yellow river, in China, a few
years back, caused a greater loss ot life,
but the destruction of property wa
sligbt in comparison with that of Johns
town aud its vicinity. For eighteen hun
dred years Potnpeii and Heiculaneun
have been lavoritc references as instances
of unparalleled disasters in the annals cl
the world; but it was shown by ttu arti
cie in the New York Wortl, some day
ago. that the Coneinaugh vadey's whelm
ing title hi'", 1 "' from the accursed dam
wrought arcater ruin than the ashes am.
lava of Vesuvius—that the Conemuugli
water avalanche was more startling anil
ruinous to lite and property than the ava
lanche of led-liot lava that poured upon
those cities with their ten thousand in
But what of lite sceltc itself—tie
sweeping away of strongly-built bouses,
the engulfing of humlreds upon hundred*
—the of men, women and chil
dren who were hurled with tin irresistible
force into the swelling flood to be crushed
or drowned. Their cries of anguishcoul:>
not be heard amid the deafening roar ot
the angry water, or if heard by those in
their immediate vicinity fell upon ears of
others a helpless as themselves —the dis
play of pent-up energies being utterly
deaf to the wails of the feeble and the im
precations of the strong.
Never can we forget the trying ordeal of
that sorrowful Friday afternoon and
night. Little did we think when prepar
ing for Saturday morning's issue, that the
matter being set up then would fail to be
put upon the press. Though the rise in
both the Couemaugh and Stonycreek was
backing the water up Washington street
and closing around the DEMOCKAT ofHcc.
and causing a suspension of traffic and
travel, not for one moment did anyone in
the office or press room dreatn of auy
more serious damage to the town other
than that occasioned by former overllows.
Remembering the Hood of two years ago,
we thought at four o'clock the water
would soon recede, hence gave very little
thought to it.
But at about five minutes before four an
alarm was souuded, and running to a
window in the east end of the building
we were appalled ut what our eyes be
held. A huge wave, seemingly almost as
high as the surrounding hills was rolliug
down upon us—surging, foaming, roaring
and filled with buildings, wrecks of build
ings, large trees, and logs, with scores
and scores of men, women and children
clinging to wrecked matter us they were
swiftly and ruthlessly carried along.
Above us, below us, around us we saw
building after building torn in the twin
kle of au eye from their foundations and
falling in crushed masses in some instan
ces, and in other cases tumbling forward,
backward, then turned on their sides and
anon whisked with the velocity of lightn
ing upside down, and hundreds hurled to
death in a moment, and others tfirricd
along amid the wreck of matter down
toward the stone bridge. Then when the
current changed, houses, parts of houses,
stables and wrecks of stables, shops, of
fices, cars in countless numbers were
tumbling, twisting, crcuking on every
side of us. South Fork, Mineial Point,
East Conemaugh, Franklin, Woodvale,
Conematigh borough, the upper ondlower
ends of, Johnstown hud by Ibis time con
tributed to ihe mass of matter and the
hundreds of unwilling Homers that were
surging nil tliruugu Washington and
Franklin streets. Ever and auou the B.
&O. depot huildiug. in which the DKMO
OIIAT wns published, would tremble and
shake from top to bottom as logs, trees,
and buildings would strihe it.
Fenrtul as was the scene of the whole
night, it. was not until daylight of Satur
day did we compielietid, ami then only
itieitsuieably, the extent of the wide
spread devastation. Where was Johns
town? Where. Washington strict? Where,
Franklin stieei? W here was Coiieinaiuih
borough? tVnere, W'oodvali? A lew
w'reeked buildings stood on tin- south end
ol Franklin, unit solne sll'riggling ones
coriht he seen along lire hillside ill Colic
luiiugli: I.inof Womlvale nothing hut the
wuecs of the lion ling mill and woolen fuc.
lory was left; ami as to Washington
street it was eompi lely wiped out. saw
tne wtecks of ine 11. eo 0. building an.:
the t lontpany store.
Where slooii hundreds of dwellings,
iv. Hi neli ill •tilled slit'. Is a In alleys, lion
nothing but a barren wasie of scoies o,
MI ICS of ginuiul was lo lie sceu; wliili
oilier pt.rtionti of the tnivn cotitainvdling'
piles ill ernslied houses, ami hundreds ot
mtiliiau-d dead bodies. The debris all
along Frank lilt. Locust, Muin uud otin?r
siieels was piled up nfli-i-li and twenty
leel over wltieli, nroiuni wibclt stricke.
men and women wete climbing in search
of loved oues.
V here are tlm ]o>t? Some of then
were swept down the liver, some lodged
against the stone biidge, others buried
tieneiilii a muss of rubbish, and still olh
i r.- covered Up in the sand.
How tne heart sickens in calling u;
some of tin- many familiar names of tin
town. Cartied to their unlooked-for and
untimely end we miss them on every
hand, (some of lite noblest of earth havu
been ruthlessly numbered among tin
hated reservoir's victims.
A> to details, we have neither the hear
•iot the will to add any to I his article.
We can only say, at this time, with the
data at hand, that the number of the dead,
will not fall much heloiv four thousand :
and the property destroyed may run trom
twenty ty tweuty-tive millions.
THE sToNi; t:nii>GE.
It-Certainly Sued Uauy 1 Ivwn
On th.u fateful Friday afternoon n
Dkmucuat rcportct was at woik in tin
Hue of Ids duty in Cambria and Millvilli
boroughs, and when the waters of tin
•esevvoir struck this place, was on tin
river batik at the Pennsylvania Hailroa.
buttinu. Font the point on Prospect Hit
to which lie lied, he had the best possilih
chance to note the eti'ect of the stone
bridge on the waters, and as there seem*
to he much diversity of opinion on thi.-
siihject. his conclusions are here given :
Had it been an iron bridge, or had tin
bridge given way with the first rush ol
tlm waters, all the houses tiiat wen
iloated from their moorings would have
been drawn into the current and carried
with gnat force through the opening
When lhe second heavy wave came, tin
water would have been drawn oil some
what, aud it would not have been forced
quite so high up across the town, Hcd
ford and Levergood streets, and part of
the lower side of Jackson street would
probably have escaped from total de
struction. From Cliuton street down
however, aud out to the btonycreek river
the destruction would have been com
plete. All of tire buildings on Main,
Vine aud Lincoln streets now standing,
including the Post-ottice, Hanks, Alma
Hall, and the churches would have been
swept down the stream, anil the many
hundreds and thousands of people who
floated up and across the streams and
were rescued, would have been drawn in,
to the fearful vortex and dashed to death.
The embankment of the railroad too,
would have quickly worn away, and the
mills of the Cambria Iron Company
would have been almost ruined, as with
out doubt the Steel Works and other
shops near the river would have been
swept away. All of Cambria City would
have been swept as clean us Woodvale.
anil the greater part of Morrellville would
have been destroyed. Five thousand
more people would have been drowned
and much more property destroyed, al
though tlie rubbish would all have been
carried away. People in Kernville and
the Seventh ward would not have been
flooded as they were, and the few lives
that were lost in these sections would
have been saved, hut a fearful compensa
tion for this would have been made by
the total destruction of the lower part of
the town, and all its people.
si •
Tlie IteriiHe.
Some steps should be tuken to prohibit
the depositing of the refuse on the river
batiks. What we want now is to widen
our streams instead ot making them nar
rower, and much of the stuff that has
beeu deposited on the river banks must be
removed. It would certainly he wise for
the borough officials to take some cogui"
zance of the matter.
How It Swept The Valley.
For years the people of Johnstown have
talked of the possibility ola bieak in the
South Fork reservoir, and many a one lias
prophesied the result. On Friday after
mum. May dlst, at nearly four o'clock
the w ulers came, and the result is so
awful that it eau never he adequately
pictured, inr correctly detailed.
From ten o'clock Thursday night to
ten o'clock Fi ul.ty fori noon an iuccssaut
tain fell ami early Fiidav the streams b- ■
gun to uvi iiio,v their buuks. The vvu,er
TOM; i luring me day, and at noon uearly
liie whnie town was submerged, the
water on Prauklin street being about
tout leel tie. p. j.auy people tied to
places of solely, but mauy more prefer
red lo teuiaiii iu their houses, their pre
vious experience with high water here
ivuig been luat they were safest there,
duotliv alter noou tiie iollowiug di patch
was leceites at the Pennsylvania liail
ruad tower, atttl was telephoned over
town, communication byway of Lincoln
tu tiigc liuvtug been cut off. " Keports
,rout Coiieiuaugit Ltue via South Fork at
,2.10 suy mo water is tunning over auti
ttie dam may give way at any moment.
N'olily' the ~cnple of Joiinslotvu at ouee
to lie prepare for tne wuist." This was
-igued " Operator, " but as ic'pot'ts of the
nam hriauitig were always current when
we had uigh water people had become
used lo sncii ialii and were not easily
alarmed, .vt anyralc, it was the expori
ence ot those who made au effort lo warn
We people. lUut tne mailer was Uvaled
with iudifforence. A second message was
received ul g:44 which said the daiu was
Urcukiug ai.d lue warning was circulated
on a few of the streets, but the people had
uot Uie liuu uo.' the opportunity then to
gei oit.
Oa lion street and Alillville au organ
ized effort was being made to relieve
tlieai wheu the flood eame. In Caurliriii
there were uo aieuns at hand to aecoiupdsli
lUi di, >•. aile up town people -v#'i
horses and wagons were busy taking
those out who wanted to go. Coniuiuni
ei tion between Cambria and Millville was
perleet by means of the Pennsylvania
stone bridge, although tiie water was
over iouueen feet high at tne bridge all
afternoon. That side was cut off from
Johnstown, except byway of the Wood
vale bridge, tiie Lincoln bridge, and the
bridge back of the company store being
standing, but submerged. The Franklin
street bridge was all right. Tiie Poplar
street bridge, the Cauipauy's toll-bridge
at Cambria,and the Teu-Acre bridge were
swept away shortly after eleven o'clock
in the forenoon. It was the highest wid
er yet known iu the town and still gradu
ally rising when the HEAL FLOOD CAME,
which we will uot attempt to describe in
lull, but note its appearance as seen from
a point on Prospec. above the Pennsylva
nia iUilroad'Station.
First came a lot of debris, bridges and
houses, uud us they struck the Company's
bridge, which was wegihted with cars of
uWtal back of the Company store, the cur
rent was deflected and pushed out above
the store and across Washington street.
Here the first houses in Johnstown bor
ough were taken under. A few moments
after, a mighty volume, seemingly ten
feet high, the top covered with lioatiug
debris, houses and people came rushing
down the valley. Everything was
swept before it and all Iron
stieet with the exception of a few
houses a'ong the railroad were at onct
submerged. It was impossible to take in
the whole of the awful scene. Tne Gas
Company's works squirmed and toppled
over, and almost the same instant the
Opera House collapsed, the
Mansion House floated away
and was submerged, and on looking
toward G'onemaugh borough everything
was seen to be moving. The main cur
rent came on down along the river bed
sweeping everything, and when it came to
the point, the debris clogged the arches
at the stone bridge. The water was held
here, and the current was forced back,
carrying houses and everything with it up
Stonycreek street. The first rush of
waters, which followed the course of the
Stream, was about five minutes in advance
of the second groat " tidal wave." When
this came the whole bed of the valley
was filled twenty feet deep, and the
water taking a straight course mudc u
clean sweep of everything from Clinton
to Jackson streets. At the Stonycreek
river, it struck lite up current and added
its momcntuip to the onward
course of the stream now on the
buck track. Hundreds of houses at
this time were seen floating up stream
and everything before them were taken
along, until tii| ./orce of the waters was
spent and the houses gradually settled
down. The force of this current is liest
known when it is told that the Unique
Kink wus picked up and curried to Sandy
vule Cemetery, and other houses were
carried fur beyond. After awhile the
waters receded somewhat anil
when the waters settled down it was
found that Woodvale was swept clean,
also Couemaugh borough to Railroad
street, not a vestige of the Gautier mills
being left. All of Washington street, and
front Jackson street to Clinton street,
Bedford and Eevergood street a clean
sweept was made. Up through the
Seventh ward, and in Kernville the dam
age was great. All of East Conetnuugh
and Franklin on the low grounds, includ
ing the round house and over thirty en
gines had been swept away.
Thousands of people who were in their
houses were swept bodily away, while
many hundreds made their escape in the
For over teu minutes all the water was
held in Johnstown, the stone bridge and
the embankment of the Pennsylvania
Railroad forming the breast of a huge res
ervoir. At last the water began running
over the embankment which was quickly
worn deeper and the water began to How
over, and down through the yards of the
Cambria Iron Company's mills. By Ibis
time a huge'pile of wrecked buildings hud
been jammed against the stone bridge,
and as die water began to flow over the
embankment, many buildings that had
come to a standstill, were drawn toward
this place. At this time the view from
the bank above the station, at Prospect
Ilili was heart-rending. Floating timbers,
roofs, and sometimes whole houses,
freighted with human souls were drawn
into the vonex, and the people dashed to
death before die eyes of their friends on
the hill, who were powerless to help diem.
The swift current had not reached the
houses on Iron street, next to the Penn
sylvania Railroad, and when the embank
ment gave way they were the first to go
over. As many of the inmates had been
taken out, they were standing on the hill,
painfully watching the other members of
their families, as they were Dome to
their swift death, aad the heart-rending
cries of .parents and children, sisters ami
brothers, added to the terror of the awful
The water had been too deep in Cam
bria City, on Front, Chestnut and Broad
streets, ill! afternoon for the people to gel
i nt, ami whtil tin: ovsrl: >w i aurr d 'hi
people were at the mercy of the pitiless
torrent. Over half the borough was
swept clean and the people with it al
though the floating debris was so thick
here that many managed to pick theii
way across and laud along the river
farther down. But little damage was
done at Coopersdale, and many peopli
were rescued there us they came down 01.
the drift. Thus in less time than it lias
taken to tell this story, four thousand
souls were burled into eternity, tens oi
millions of dollars worth of property wen
destroyed, and thousands of other peoph
were in the flood and not drowned wen
in insecure places for from twelve t<
tweuty-four hours before they were res
cued. During this time many suffered
the agonies of a hundred deaths and tin
instances of narrow and thrilling escape
could not ail he mentioned were column.-
used, and the great horror and aulferiiu
ot the survivors are so well knefwu thai
we will not attempt to describe tliem.
All through the li ght those who had
escaped death suft'eicd the most feaifu
agonies. As the whole town was undci
water to a depth of from fifteen to thirty
feet, and as the houses and other places
where they had taken refuge were con
stantly being moved and sliakeu, no our
felt secure iu his or her position. To add
to the horror the piles of wreckage at
the Stone bridge took fire, and all through
the uight, the lurid gleams of the flames
made people fearful that their place of
refuge would also fall a prey to the fire.
Then the shrieks of the wounded and dy
ing, which could be heard oil all"sides
were terrible. At the Stone bridge many
who were entangled iu the ruins and
could not escape, were burned to death.
Timely mid KtHcient Help.
Where so much good work has been
promptly performed it is difficult and
might appear invidious to discriminate;
but the service rendered by the various
church organizations is worthy of being
noted; and among such societies that
was active in relieving the needy was that
of the Presbyterian church, under the
wise direction of Kev. Dr. liealc, its pas
tor. Telegrams and letters poured into
him from all sections of the eastern purtof
this State and from New Jersey and New
York, asking for particulars as to the
wants of the people; und boxes of food,
clothing, and even bedding were sent to
him as soon as railroad facilities permit
ted. A room was then secured at the cor,
ner of Main und Adams street, which was
put in churge of Mrs. Dr. Beale, Mrs.
Jones and Miss Duncan, of this place,
Miss Graham of Wilkinsburg, and Mrs.
Dr. Marchand, of Irwin, who distributed
edibles, wearing apparel, etc., to multi.
tudes of every name, grade and profes
sion who were left in destitute circum
One montli and six days have elapsed
since the fateful visitation of the contents
of the reservoir, and the horrors of it are
still 100 manifest to forget it even for a
moment. Where destruction is so gener
al and complete it is difficult to say what
part of the town and its environs suffered
A stranger viewing any one of the flood
swept spots would necessarily mark it as
the successful candidate for the sad dis
tinction—concluding nothing could he
worse. But on going further and seeiog
more he would be soon convinced of his
error. Say that his first point of obser
vation was on the South Side, the appear
ance of Haynes, Somerset, Mori is and
Napoleon streets, in Kernville, would im
press liim with tile idea that the flood
spent all its fury there, but crossiug
Stonycreek to the Johnstown side, and
casting his eyes down along Uiver,
Vine and Lincoln streets, and out Frank
lin to Washington, this thought would be
immediately dispelled. Then coming on
to Main stieet and gaging upon the ruined
buildings up to Clinton,the ravages of the
uvalunche would he seen to be >oin.ensitied
as to force the conviction that it is idle to
even try to discriminate, and this convic
liou would be confirmed as lie turns down
Main and looks at Market, Walnut and
Union streets. These, with Chestnut,
King, Potts and Coueniaugli streets, and
ail around and about the Point, are left
with little more than vestiges to tell their
local.ons or boundaries.
Looking across the Coneuiaugh creek
into what was known as the First ward
of Millville borough, nothing, not even a
wreck, save the school house, is left to
indicate that even a house, shop, office,
store or stable ever stood there. Then
turning up Washington street that was
crowded in the south side with houses
from Walnut, past Market and Franklin,
up to Clinton, not a solitary former
building of any description is to be seen;
while on the north side, clear back to the
Counemaugh, the wrecks of the Company
offices and store and part of the B. & O.
railroad depot are all that are left to tell
the sad story.
Then, as the stranger turns down Clin
ton, a few dilapidated edifices tell of the
great losses aloug'that thoroughfare; and
reaching the point intersected by Main
and Bedford streets, and looking at the
wide waste up Bedford and out through
Conne.'iiaugU borough. I hat was so thickly
crowned with buildings, he yields to the
conviction that here the havoc wrought
by tlie enguliiug wave exerted its de
mon-like powers. Could ruiu be more
thorough aud more general?
But hold. Let him wend his wearj
steps over, around and about the wreck
age that intervenes in his course, on up
tiie Connemuugh river, and us lie reaches
the site of the large Chattier Works, tout
were a quarter of a mile in length, he is
furuialicl with ati expressive commen
tary upon the terribly destructive foret
of the great body of water that sw<pi
down the now desolated valley. over the now quiet Conncmntigh
into what was the neatest, prettiest bur
ougli of the valley—Woodvale—and see
ing nothing but a cleanly-swept surface of
suud up to the ruins of the (inuring mills,
and from there on to the upper end notlp.
uig but rucks aud stones, resembling the
bed of a widespread and dried-up river
he would be staggered when inhumed the
long street was formerly lined with sub
stantial dwellings aud cottages; and thai
the upper end had contained the large
stables and sheds of the Street Railway
Company. These, with all the cars ami
eighty-nine head of horses, were all car
ried away.
From here up to East Conemaugh, past
the fair ground, which like the upper end
of Woodvale resembles the bed of a large
river, with nothing but large boulders ex
posed to view, the scene is one strongly
testifying to the power of the maddened
water. At East Conemaugh all buildings
on the low ground, including the large
and massive Roundhouse, were all gone.
Ot the thirty locomotives swept away ten
or twelve of them are lying down along
side and in the bed of the river, some par
tially covered up with sand and debris
brought down from along the railroad as
fur up as South Fork.
By this time our stranger would con
clude " eye had not seen nor ear heard'
of anything in the history of the world's
great disasters that surpasses in extent of
destruction,or in the magnitude of horrors
Conemaugh valley's visitation.
But if not too foot-weary and over
surfeited witli harrowing sights wo would
suggest that he should retrace his steps,
and go down into Cambria City, where he
would find only a few lonely, crushed and
ruined buildings—the remnants of Broad,
Itailroad, Chestnut and From streets.
Three hundred and sixty-tivo houses,
stores, shops and saloons were deslroyed.
Fully satiated'with ins hurried inspec
tion of the flood's ravages, in a property
point of view, our stranger has no heart
to think of, much less to try to estimate
the dumber of human beings that was so
rapidly carried into the regions of that
" undiscovered country from whose
bourne no traveler returns."
NO. 13.
Only 500 Men to be Employed Alter To-
Morrow—A Johnstown Man Should be
Put In Charge.
Another important atep was taken )>t
night by those having the matter i.i
charge of cleaning up the town. Colot.i I
Douglass, the chief engineer in charge
resigned, and after to-morrow all the
present contractors and their present
force of men will be withdrawn. The
work will be continued hereafter, bit
only Ave hundred men will be employt <l.
General Hastings will also leave, us his
presence is required elsewhere, but In
will visit the town once a week, and ovc.
see the work. The sanitary corps wi 1
direct operations, and a local engineer wil.
be put in charge. All the work will be
under the supervision of one contracto:,
and with his force of five hundred men it
is expected that two months will be re
quired to complete the necessary work.
In this connection we have one suggi s
tion to make to General Hastings, an 1
that is, that the contract be given to a
Johnstown man. We have men here who
have lost their all, who are fully compe.
tent to take charge of five hundred men,
and we doubt not that thev would handle
them better than any fori ign contractor.
Being acquainted with hecould
direct his forces more effecively, and cer
tainly would not make t: .<• mistake that
other contractors have do shoveling
and hauling away part of < m ui's lot. Let
us have a Johnstown ma ;'•>■• ibis work
General Hastings, and tl. <•■>>' render a
benefit to the people of tli-, as we.'
as to the State.
Tlie Board of Inquiry—Am .i.'- for Dis
tributing the Beiie! 1 wiuU.
The work of this board i -.. dillicult one,
and should be prosecuted w itu the utmost
care. Messrs. VV. H. McCivory and S. S.
Marvin, of Pittsburgh, J. B. Kremer, of
Carlisle, and Judge Cumuii . of Williams
nort, members of Governor i leaver's Com
mission, were iu town and ex.
emiued the work the Boar ! li"re is doing.
The full Commission, with Governor
Beaver as Chairman, will ait at Cresson
next Tuesday, and consider a plan for the
distribution of the vast fund that has
been contributed for the relief of our peo
ple. The distribution of tliia money is a
dillicult task, and there are many sugges
tions on the subject. It is hoped that the
Commission having this responsible work
in charge will give the mat;or serious
consideration, and arrive at s me equita
ble basis for distribution.
A Word Gratuitously to our Mei chauts and
Other Ilii*ineii;<Meii.
It is not probable that many, if any, of
them can pay dollar for dollar what tin /
owe; and nearly all are receiving letu.s
of condolence from most or their crt < i
lors with assurances that former accounts
might stand and orders would be tilled
for now supplies. Now, this in some in
stances may result satisfactorily, but uo
"an ounce of prevention is better than a
pound of cure," it is suggested that the
better and safer"way would be to settle
ill claims on souie definite basis, before
making new purchases.
If reports are trustworthy at least three
aud a half million of dollars have been
contributed for relieving the necessities of
Johnstown's unifortunate.-. This sum if
not diverted into cln.n.iels never contem
plated by the donors would go far to af
fording relief to the absolute needy ; aud
if handed over at once would do a thou
sand-fold more goo 1 than if held for
months. Ought not the proper authori
des of town see to it that the reliel fund
be properly and promptly applied.
Additional .Moreno Item*.
The body of .Miss Lizzie, daughter of
Godfreld Hoffman, was found near the
Morrell Institute yesterday evening.
No word had been heard yet this morn
ing from the relatives of Joliu Donuelly,
who was killed yesterday, aud the em
ployes of tiie morgue will take charge of
remains. The coitin was handsomely dec
orated by Oliver Badger and the other
The body of a female was found back
of Sulka's Hotel this forenoon. It is de
scribed as follows: Female, unknown,
weight about 190 pounds, height 5 feet 0
inches, button shoes, gum rubbers, two
gold ear-rings, chased.
Some steps should be taken at once to
have permanent bridges erected across
our streams, aud the borough officials
should move in the matter. The Board of
Civil Engineers from Philadelphia will bo
here ou Monday, and it is hoped some
recommendation may be made to the
State authorities on the subject of bridges.
There bus been no road bridge to Cambria
since the flood, ami great inconvenience
is experienced on this account. People
there who have orders for portable
bouses canuot get them across tiio river.
Lint of the Dead.
A complete list of the known and un
known dead, found up to this date, is
printed on the second and third pages,