Mattl.-cw A. Kinimcil keep the U.5t gro dries in l.rUn. Y.i vrutrs Fine (.audit constantly on band at A. K. Viscl's. For Fine "it-am p to M. Scbroclt, oji ite tbc Sociirscl House. Baby Ci and T.uhy Vtis in great va rit-t v, at lire. A. E. fill's. Temperance drinks on M. Schrrk's. opposite the Somerset Houe. Ail tlie latest spring and summer goods at JlatlLewa Si Kimmeil's, Ueriin, Pa. If yon want the worth of your money, po to Matthews A Kimniell's, Berlin, Pa. Lace Certains, GO cent, np. Curtain sere n 6 cent tip. Mr. A. E. I'm. M. Schrock never allow? binseifto be un dcrso'ied in tbe grocery, flour and feed line. A full line of colors of Wool, Cotton, and Lintn Caipet ( bain at lira. A. E. Ubl's. Revolvers, ( artriiles, and Fishing Tackle at J. 15. HLi'iKi!.f.x'. Fine Ires oiiifbums, 8 tints, at Mrs. A e. riii . Tbe ' miik sliake" at Zimmerman's toliac ro More, i' duing a flourishing business this week. Try it. Matthew A Kinintell are tbe leading mer chants at licrlin. A visit to tbrir More will pay you. a they are oller'.ng bargains that dory conijietitiv!!. Kye-Klcsses at I'.iesccktr A Snyder's. Can suit everybody's eyes. ' -- Netr A Casebeer are the leading Jewelers ot Sjnnrret. t ail at their Mure for any thing you want in that line. " Milk Shake'' at Zimmerman's tobacco store. IWt you know what it ia? It costs but a ilitkie to tind out. For (leorgia Marble Xlonuuuntsand Head Stones go to W. F. isiialicr, Somerset, l'a. (leorgia Marble takes tbe lead for nionn niental work at V. F. r-iiiFrKR. Hack numbers: of the containing full accounts oftiie I'mlierger, Yislcr, aud Mianlis tnuredits, can be secured at Fisher's look sloie. Pnyoti know Ibat Hip'j Jlr.w. arc to-day the .ending Mcrdirnts of the county for (.neral Merchandise. We don't need to blow alml our goods and pints, our oils lotuers do the blowing for u. Hies llKoy., iiiKsville. Fa. The .Iaee to get tbe wlebraled ( 'lover Club i'ar, the best brand Tobies and tine T oliacco. 1".. I!. CornioTii. Do vou tiw Arlmtua Flour? The best -in the market. Yotl can get it from M. rVhrock, who has the exclu?ive aale ol it in Somerset county. Kverj- man attemling umrt will want to take a new Summer Hat and Necktie home with him. P. I.. 'aselieer kcej nothing but' Fimi-hinglloodi. Latest Styles and t heat l'riei. Hands ime ?t. k of White F.mhroidered Iliihn. A large tH-k of Hamburg and Trimmings. Mrt. A. F.. Chl. Voti -bnuld get my pricia la fore you let your order for inonumenH and In ad slimes, al.-o tirui.ile Work furnished loonier Wm. F. Sh vrfra. Somem t, Pa. S'uk Sun I'tubrellas, from il.Jj up. Mas. A. K. Fhi.. All kind of Marble and iranite work fumibel at the lowest )iw:ble lirice. Call and ce at W. V. Shatl'er'f woiks, Suiucrnet, Pa. Allhoub ae areturuiagoiil hata and txin nei.i by wores and fifties jut ikjw. we make it a point never to disappoint jivopla from a ditanc. Generally we can 'rim your or i).t li!eyou wait ; it not, within a couple of hnure. M. M. TttEliWELI. .t t'o. Our Silk Warp tliiueres ami Silk, are giKnl and cheap. Mm. A. F Fhl. Wbal'a tbc uic of carrying a watch that won't keep time? Keller take it to Nelf.t; Caaelafr and have it (leaned and repaired. Handwme all-wool Bilk-finished Ilciiriet's Ca--hmere, from o""c lo SI a yanl. .Mn. A. F.. Vili- Headauarters For gwod things to eal and drink. Willi 11 yeara exrience in" pnparing the aliove goods, ! -ai honestly mximmend my place lo the public When hungry and thirsty don't go to tbe Side Show when you want to nee and get the best. It is not nccewary to jay anything to my old customers that have dealt with me for years, exceit to thank them for their patronage and good will; but those cominir to our town a Strangers and in want of Fomcthing to eat and a good cool drink, Pisel's ia tbe place and don't you forget it. (( lOMte the court house. A. K. r&EL. I have jiiKt received a new lot of cari ts ami can now tell an all W two ply carpet for .V) cents ier yard, that wai worth 1171. Call and get a bargain before they are all gone at J. B. SsTni-.Ks. A full line ol fresh ground feed always on band at Schnx k' Feed Store. Vougbt 9 grncery is tbe best place in Som erset to deal. He sells the freshest goods at eth lowest prices. Ijidiea' Moulin T'nderwear is good and cheap, at Mrs. A. K. 1' il's. o o a, IF jou .-Kit to get aU the new, about the FISHER'S BOOK STORE. Here tou can set tHe full iUasrratel history of ibe UMBERGER MURDER andthe YODER HANGING, An.l the futlett and Uten Information In mrard of the c can HISS? JCSTICK and all kind, Lperviwr. cau krt guirvi,r' Guide,, Towu and County Merck aula can buy at LOWEST WHOLESALE RATES. Fisher's Book Store. T1.I. larse. hnwUmu- ami attractive will I orn Curt tf k until J' cach niulii and every .--.ium,ialiou and aliemiou mil be ahou all itron and purum uesini.K tu result at the li1i store. BIBLES. ALBUMS, SUNDAY-SCHOOL TICKETS, CARDS, TESTA MENTS, GOSPEL HYMNS, PICTURES. FRAMES, Blank ifcv,. Vrnildlmv. Pax !U11 and Bats. The peueral place of resort for ne, protlt and pleasure during lliia griul court week will lie at FISHER'S BOOK STORE. LOOK iiea.dqtjvhtj:i.s a.t HERR a BROTHERS. Foil ALL ffalcles, Clocks, Jewelry, Spactacles, &c WedeolretAcatl the nentl. of the mi- die. end fevta'.!r all atfnliTu ! th! and next week. that e have l.y ei.lnMetf M.ick ol Watrbi ol Kv. rv m.TI (it i. .11 In U- louud ill wunerset. lo tie eouwuccd ol ihu l t tueail and see lor oiir e f. We Miall ivc the LOWEST CASH PRICES On h; our rr.d and thereby make it prnt table to cvervmie u Miini lo ;ifla.' aiiythim; m our hue. All k in.1 of repair wnrk lK .uly ax 0 promptly Oi.uu in tie most wot kinanlike nuuiuer, nl SAIISNAITIOX .l AKAMtKK. HERR BROS. FERNER Reliable Closc-iriccd Shoe Store Petiole Congress! TbiH cut represents (lie Kiner- son l'eliole Congress) in Kangn- roo, I'oriKiisp, Cordovan ami ('alf ; lias a double gort. one being plai-ed back, and tlieoth- er in front of the ankle-lmiii'' thus preventiti'' the strain of. the rubber on the ankle-tsunami preventing the gore against-Ik-in it chafed snd defaied by in terfering. Without ipiotiuii the; coming Shoe ia the COXiGiliiliSS GIAilTiEE, LADIES FINE SHOES &jnta.V&V- F,ex,bIe Hand turned' "T T''ATT"'"' r t?CI Pmcsi;ent' f.'..'4l, P. and Shoe. AM, ol'L T IJ. UKUJyX. LAlOlJ Working shoes, with Leather counter and iusoie. Ws rejtticcirnllv call at ention to tho large line of the in wt seasonable; stvle in the trade, i ml we alwavs of other dealers. CALL A A"L SKE US. FEUXEtt B ROTIIERS, Somorset. REAL EST ATE FOR S XLE! I have toomm h n al lnT -tv and want to 'd. No. I. i otltT thvifraw Hill inrin. 17 mvn- II linimn-ml. with iowl H fi iui IUrn an4 tni!hiiMiUK. hniuite , end Somer-ct llr- No. 2. Four ATf lm joining. No. 3. A I 1 1. f lwe) Hi.u with rv1 M tii.vjtd fwc. wtfh Miah i(r ftllli outtMiildintfH. No 4-. A Tract u 1-an dinatel1, miltnt fntni Hvr all cleart-d aid in a yuod m I ittntairdu? aiw, it-Trvt lbrKtL;h, marly Ht- of t'tTlHilV. . M. uoi.ii;kuai'M, SHARP kim:!o&1 :r!a. uoa going on !r. (Vurt, go to to the lmrortam trial. "., " " I of Ul B-nkj. 1. i KiNI'S F OTHERS' if f;tct Unit we constantly keep in stock ami most serviceable goods, of tlie latest invite comparison of our prices ith those KAUTZ BROTHERS, MANUFACTURERS OF V: v; It; M "W: A.-. Ci. o: f: S.. AND DSALER5 IN ( ITV III (;GIEs, WAGONS. sLEIW, Sl.KloHS, IIARN'KKs, HAr'tI.E. RODE? IlLANKKTs, IIF.I.I.S AM) Willi's. A SPECIALTY MADE OF THE RICE COIL SPRING. - Call and Examine our Stock " JENNER TOWN. SHARP! BR B. Snyder. Special Bargains FOR THIS WEEK. While you are in Somerset you will likely want to buy a suij of Clothes or a piece of Carpet, and you will want to know where is the cheapest place to get what you want. The old reliable stand of J. B. Skyder's, is without a doubt, the best and cheapest place to get anything you want, espe cially in the Clothing or Car pet line. You can also buy a beautiful gold tipped silk Um brella at Snyder's for 75 cents. Call in and see the special bargains, and while there get one of these beautiful silk Umbrellas for your wife and daughter; J. B. Snyder P. A. Schell & Co., IlEALERS IX STOVES, TINWARE, H'Hi"e-Furnihmr 'irK-N. Iron and Pump, Iron i'if; mid FuiD, Tin, Iron and Steel spnnting. Alleys, 4c- (loin cm short notice. Chimney, Drain & Sewer Pipe. Call and w the I-anr-M mid irT it:ii.W-t' and wld at (lie LOWEST PRICES. J. M. HOLDERBAUM, CENTRAL BLOCK, SOMERSET, OFFERS AT HIS LARGE CLOTHING and CARPET STORE X Self and Hell Selected Stock or MKSs , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S' CLOTHING ! Jnsst received, ami will give a (JIJiP.IA Silk gold lipped Umbrella on sale of ?I2 worth oi upwards, bought at Lis store after Ibis date, MAY 27, lss:. 1 wear. We also olTer the finest and most stylish line of NECKTIE, BOWS. WAKF.s, fdl.I.ARS CIFK3, HilSIERV, SIIIRTst, IiKAWEI, ic. Ae. Eve E.tniBrrKD. I Oi a T 1 lierits' Furnishing Bepaflmentr We iell two Hemstitched I.inen II:ind kercliiefs for - cents, worth double. In the CARPET DEPARTMENT WE OFFER BRUSSELS, TArF.TIUES, INCKAIN, RAG, MATTINi IS, STAIR, FUKiR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS. And as tlie season is dosing, allow from tliisiiate II) ver rent off flipping ami give a Gloria Silk Umbrella. ith $I'J worth or upwards, sold to anyone person. The g work tfoes bravely on. tnir first lot of Umbrella U all (iven out. and we have this dav re. 'eiveil an other. Call to see us, and examine stock. J. M. HOLDERBAUM. Boy Your Glotiii ! IF yna wanl the 1 -e-t n ;r3 , ! investment in a ' ' '. Prices will be knocked keltcr-1 ''nVTT' skelter for 2 weeks atllcfHcy s)f a 7ml Middlesex Blue Suits, guar-: Koo.u, ,r ti. ' tr-if tv --. aiiteed all-wool and fast colors,! at $9 worth $12. Men's Cassicerc Sviits, all- 1 1 0, $n nr-rl !Tn ' .c, Boys 2-piece Suits $r, 1.25 $1.50 and $2. Knee pants 25. 35, 45 and 50 cts., worth double the money. Buy Your Clothing FROM HEFFLEY AND SAVE MONEY 1 Y,,u need nit look around. Come direct to IK-tlley's. You save at least 1 to oua uit. It is easilv understood iv I ran tlte cheaa-st. ngnhile the prices of my gissls. f lien, agtiin. I am the otilv stiue that hamlies New ork and Pu'lUdclphU ;'ih!s Isjught at 13 to Jij fur cent less than Pittsburg -oesls. The ba kwardness of the season has not aided the sale of ft raw lilts ill the least. In order to inajie them go X cut prices in halt. Tlte price of W ill Pa'r h;is aliin-t droped out of sight. Von run get a suit at marly any price. Customers and the public generally an' reipiested to coino and inspect the, suits ami i-ear in niihd the prices, make J up ol gissis ijiuuiiy. worKiiijusiiip oo tit of my goisls shouiil iwavs be uikcii in cousn'eration. Trunks, Satchels, Hats, Fin ishing li.ssls, (.inn C mts, Oil ( oat.-J and I'.tiits. riubtelhis, U isil and onn P.lankeL-i, all at reducvil prices, at Ketiley's. HIP, HIP, HUEHAH! -ri .p. The Daily Herald! H Gees To Tis Pocple Wl Read It! LARGE STOCK OF GOODS FOR COURTI BARRELS GINGER CS AC XER5ANDCAKS! 1000 LBS. BEST N. Y. AIO SOMERSET CO. CHEESE 1 300 LBS. CHOICE FESH LONG BOLOGNA I 1000 HALF MOON P1ES--THE BEST MADE I 500 GALLONS LEMONADE AND OTHER MILD DRINKS I 10 TO 25 BUNCHES CHOICE RIPE BANANNASI 20 BOXES SEST MESSINA- ORANGES ANO LEMONS I 100 BOXES STRA'JV BERRIES DAILY AFTER MONDAY I 50 BUSHELS FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS! GREEN VEGITABLES DAILY DURINGCOURTI ROOM FOR EVERBODY AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL. ftcsecCTruLLV. ic B OOK &. EERIT. ng;r.h.koont? z H H ! - -? OCALtft IK lOBiiCCu 5 -mi 111.1 CIGARETTES, PIPES r..! -: sr-. 1 5iin.;:s 5 T Fishing Tackle, Baseballs, i'S: tiCl'l) BAkBES ;li' l' A.'- t MILK-SHAKE, SOMETHINGS SKFT PKINK-, IT. iTv v. N. W. Corner of the DIit: We understand what the ; ,. . They wan; (Pkx!s at t!:- : ble pr;ft s. They wuct to pay ca.-'n ate! y) per cent. Thev don't want to t iv . ;.,,: ,., ., ' ces for the so-called best g :s :-u ; market." lf They don't want to t-iy ti e.r ; J iKirs' debts w lien deal:: a ; f" ces for the so-called " l est store, which ttiey are ob:;-.'i-. n, (i Ci,nJ1e the ilealer trust p..-.: n rr: ? prolit to nutke up for his i. s s i v : ho lon t pay. r. I'.Tlt they do Wlltit to bc.y :';... s j that !! only for cash and : all, which is the ow.--t ..-;; ati'l w no t.nvs uirccny iroiu ii.-mi ; .(' and pays t!ie cash, therei.y -n c; ! the consiiiner the advaii'i'e f a '.i : 4 count ; also, sa ing ;i ilni-nv -r' h fi and lastly, saving the eoui"i-r i :p ;;. count for naying cash. 'i .i Tlie policv of the llitri-.i;!! s-,,. . ..: tb line, r u'l li. ; 7 Kvervtlong in tlie line ' I Tinware, fhoc. Harduar. N i to l)e had at panic trii'i-i at -: HAUL A IV :!; Suith-east corm-r I '.:;. H. . ji.-.-i"-'.- ) i .i;t fl ' 'r t it THE J" SOMERSET IIERALrl' . i 4... Tin" ailvocatc of tii'' I c-t est.s of the j'i"Ii', arc! t' 1": new.ji;ij.T of thu county. NEWSIEST, NEATEST ?-4-i is4, !t-n r.. 5 1-4 . n r i 'i ' ' U Ilinst t'UR'ftllly fiiit.' I. . ; - f nl to the wants of int''I!!,,.i r j t eri. 1 'V Our Politics, ii Wo believe in the Ki ini purt v w ith all nur trciii;'!i. aici iii- the honest eiifoivetatTit i! ini-iplesi ns the I i iri i v t aw! guarantee if the r :i 1 1 1 r " V - ?v ; " 1 ', it'. i u we r-hull suiiport them ii!i " -' -Ji streiiortli at our etninnaiiil. M ftron.s in asserting hat e sitier the best nilili''al irit' Ti -t the coiiiitrv we shall u!'".v ' ojijiosini' jiai'tif" with fair play j irive them the eoiii'lerain " oj'iiiions hoiie.-tly e.'rc--'.'l ahvays receive. THF 9nMFRSF.T HERA- 4 t in w m (h. merit ami tiiteii'! tainly oeeufies a jiroininci.t : tion ainon the eoir.ily i:""' tin.' State. $2.00 PER YEAR S2. It' You Want A I.I. mi-: N niF. CoixTY Svi:m A.Mress S0MEHSET HEIIALP Somerset, Fa s. ; s '4 oa i ; I. I t' i