The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 29, 1883, Image 3

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    Slit gttttli&uirj lest.
Published every Thursday.
f fora.rr. Jay. 4 bb4 Mound
Vaaday ( DvmbMC.
Ifnato. Ur Mlt.M will alyt "P;
aitia wbawl.a t ;! "" M!"","
w.nmlnr loo. I qMtlnia of I'tiMI" "
kM in not boWbmII rMiwmltU forth
I'lnlont tl.J ma J errs.
Iwk nt the fliiirnre"; on thf ljje1 of
ThoMM flirures tell you
... ,iT.t TO WHICH YoimsriwriuP'
iin t paiii. Within 8 weeks after
monev In sent, see If date l changed
Ho other receipt In necessary.
VaaYwaan m !
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Tin i 1 clili' inani ti Ukic lotcs, at' bill lie'
Hilt W
Apples are nn eipenslve luxury this
Tr. Hasslnirer left on Monday on n
business trip to Philadelphia,
Tha noor deer will have to take It
yet until the 15th of Deceaibcr.
Mm. Daniel Bnydsr lant week vialt
ed friends at WilllauiHport.
We will recelvw a few buidieln of
potatoes ou subscription at this office,
MIhs Fisher, daughter of lr. Fislier
t MrAlistMrvillu is vlsitinir Hon L. '
Myers and faisity.
.1. (i. Smith of the Central, and Jool
Uilver took a business trip to Lewis
town on Wednesday.
Loinj nights are on the home
utretnh. Yet three weeks aod we
have the shortest day.
Notwithstanding the Immense sales
of stoves this fall. 1. T. Rhodes has
still u full stock to select from.
Next week a party of hunters from
Mlddleburuh mid (Vntreville will
camp at Honey's shanty for deer.
Mrs. Lewis and daughter of Illinois
have been vintting John P. Smith and
family fur the lost few weeks.
Mrs. J. C. Huriington and daughter
Nettie visited friends in the eastern
part of the county the forepart of this
The Washington Mouse sells the
Old Sinoker 2 for ' cigars, which for
fi.e, beauty and flavor is unexcelled
in town.
Among the latest hunting exploits
In Union county is that of a man who
shot Hill Smith's Alderney calf at
Millmout for a deer.
That dreaded disease, diphtheria is
raging all around us, and the greatest
care should be taken to prevent its
advent in our midst.
We were favored last week by
pleasant oull from Mrs. Isaac Heaver,
accompanied bv Misses Woollier and
Smith of Shamokin, l'a.
Dr. Hibighaus has returned from
Huntingdon county. We have thus
far been unable to learn whether he
Intends going hack or not.
Samuel Howersox of Franklin twp,
who has been dangerously 111 for the
past few weeks, Is recovering under
the careful treatment of Dr Harber.
A young girl named Annie Mulligan,
residing near Wilkesbarre, is myste
riously missing, and is thought to
have been rubbed aiul murdered.
The Sheriffs office has become the
Jioorest public position in the county
or the amount of work to do and the
responsibilty taken. Juniata Iribune
Ditto, Snyder county.
Harry Gant, Perry county's euter
prising Leader Bewing Machine agent
vrai In town over Hunday and favored
us with a pleasant call on Monday.
We are sorry to learn that K. Y. H
(Smith, the popular Jeweler of Sun
bury was roughly handled on Nov. M
by a bull-dog which he hag beeu keep
ing In his store.
Jack's mountain, opposite Hunting
don, has been on Are for over a week,
aud millions of feet of lumber baa
been burned. The fire was started by
a party of hunters cooking their
It Is sold to be a good plan to burn
a little sulphur in the eellar occasion
ally. Th fumes sweeteu the air and
kill the yeruis which taint the bntter
and mea. and will do no harm In a
sanitary w.v.
The Juniata county Tribun$ calls
the attention of the Directors of the
Poor of that county to the fact that
tht pauper children are kept in a man
ner that Is a violation to the spirit of
the Act of June IS, im.
We were asked our prioe for adver
tislug an Illinois Lottery this week.
Wa answered on a postal card, that as
we had a ohronlo indisposition to
spend any of our valuable time In
looking through the bars, we prefer
red not advertising their skin game.
The Snyder eonnty Election for
mi will be a Jumbo affair. The offi
cers to Im elected are a Congressman,
Senator, Sheriff, County frasurer, a
board of County Commissioner and a
.hoard of County Auditors. . There
lll no doubt be many candidate who
M't-WIlt their fin f xd.ue suV"-
Henry Mink, formerly a eitlzenof
this place but now a resident of Os
eeola. Pa., Is reported dangerously IIL
We understand the Mlddleburgh,
Musical Association has concluded to
hold the Musical Convention at Mld
dleburgh some time In January.
llKAVT Wkioiits. The following Is
a list of heavy porker killed this
week: Milt. Moatt killed one of 4701bs,
and John Hteinlnger one of 3cX). Al
bert Houtx one of 853 and another 870.
The last week or ten days have not
exactly corresponded with Hum's
"When chill November's surly blast
Makes clo nks and furs st-riti plenty.1
Hut comes nearer to to the lines:
It was a lovely night In June,
High rode in cloudless blue the moon.
R P. If arman. of Kr.itxerville, pass
ed through Middleburgh on Naturday
for a two weeks' hunt in the Seven
Mountains. Frank Is one of the best
fellow that everl pulled trigger on
a deer. A good hunter, sure shot, and
kls crisp stories, ready wit aud big
heart enlivens camp life no matter
how dreary the circumstances may
TAKK NotK'K. Notice Is hereby
given that the printing books of Jere
miah ('rouse are In my hands for col
lection. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to the above, will
please call and settle in a short time
or they will be charged according to
advertised rates- $8.50 a year.
J AM Kit (I. ChoL'SK.
Mlddleburgh, Pit., Nov. 2U, '83.
Houso renting for next year seems
to be all the rage just now. It may
be Interesting news to people from a
distance to learn that our people don't
only "look for the morrow" but a
year ahead. What we want are more
dwelling houses, but the prospects for
that are not exceptionally inviting, so
long as people refuse to sell their spn re
building lots aud prefer to keep them
for potato patches.
The resignation of !tv. A. II.
Spaugler has been received and ac
eeptcd by the Lutheran congrega
tions composing the Middlelmrgli
charge, and he will preach his fare
well sermon at Middleburgh on Sun
day fore-noon a ml in the evening will
leliver a lecture on the Roman
church in the same house. As it will
probably be his last talk in our midst
before his departure, and on a subject
In which all are interested, we bo
speak for him a full house.
We understand the Stetler Hrothers
have purchased the right of twenty
five counties In this am! the southern
part of the State for Horsey 's Knsy
Washer. They are evidently under
the linn conviction that cleanliness is
akin to godliness. C. Stetler has been
appointed General Agent, aud the
iiianiifueture of machines will at once
be comiueucttd at the Planing Mill.
Middleburgh. We hope this new en
terprise will turn many sheckels into
their pockets.
A protracted meeting ha been go
ing on in the Kvaiigelienl church at
Paxtonvllle, conducted by Rev. II. W.
Oross, preacher in oharga. These
ueetings have been in progress sever
al weeks, and the services have boon
of a very interesting character, and
some twenty persons have thus far
been converted, and nearly thirty
were still seoklug. The attendunoe
has beeu very good, the preaching of
the Word is in strong, simple, plain
and practical truth, shorn of personal
pride and ineie fuathers. The good
work is still going on.
Dr. Harber and Squire. Belt och are
not an entire success in coon hunting.
They had one f the sly oreutures be
tween the "devil ami deep sea" (which
means in a hollow log) one night laid
week, with three dogs and two guns
In the bargain, but it don't matter
much at which end he got out, the
next day-
There was an old eoon and he sat on
a rail;
His head was up and so was his tail.
Moral Never be particular where
you punch a coon for fear of snolllner
his hide.
To day is Thanksgiving. Let us ac-
cept It in a spirit of wise and philo
sophical contentment. Let us take it
for whut it Is worth and never look a
gift Thanksgiving In the mouth.
Stuff the turkey and kill the fatted
goose. I,et each or us give heartfelt
thanks for not being a trifle worse off
than he is. Hut there are a great
many things we should not do. We
should not get drunk. We should
not pray for the widows and the or
phanaand then draw the straps a lit
tighter on our pocket books. There
is u great pleasure in doing good In
this world, and we never so fully real
ize It as when some of the neighbors
send in something to us along about
Thanksgiving Day or Christmas. Peo
ple who have never hadauythingseut
in to them should try it once, and see
How good they feel.
We are not In the habit of blowing
on our suooess in the publication of
the Post, but for the benefit of those
who have so faithfully stood bv us
during the past year which Is now al
most up, we would say that the Post
ha been gradually "Inching along"
toward prosiwrlty, and our subscrip
tion list w Die li at on time bad run be
low the 800 notch ha again Jumped
up to 000, and we hope to reaoli the
1000 by the first of January, We
would further say that we are not
sending a single paper outside of the
county that Is not paid In advance-
thus enabllug us to show a "aolld" a
subscription list a can be found
in the Stat. Should our patronage
continue in the future as it ha In the
past, whloh we fondly hope and hav
good reason to expect It will not be
long until we oan present our reader
with an enlarged and Improved paper,
Qh as will do credit to Snyder coun
ty Mid serve as an Index to the aplrlt
of enterprise and Improvement now
uevelntiiiiv .ltsMi(jiwMM -
Tb MiftLnburg Tekyrayh contains
the following dooislve notice; -
I Parker Jackson give notice to all
de people what reads this here Tele
graph newspaper, aod all de odder
peeple dat don't read dls Telegraph
newspaper.that, about a few days ago,
I did promise with a note to nav to de
Young's brnddersde sum of f. 10, and de
Young's brudders did transformate
the sadenoteto Mister Cox. Now I,
Parker Jackson, do notlflcate all de
peeplesdat I will never pay ford is
note, cause i ueuoer got He valuable
nes for de Bade note, and Mister
Moss, what knows all de law os Union
county and of Snyder county, told me
I should fertlce de sade note, then I
don't have to pay fordenote.for I nev
er reseved valualileatloii for It, be
Jinks. PAIlKlfn JACKSON.
Information is wanted as to the
whereabouts of it man answering to
the name of William Neal. He Is 19
years of age, 5 feet In height, blue
eyes and dark red hair. He left Kng
tand for this country Iti May, 1W l.und
lauded atCamdan, N. J. He was last
heard from at Georgetown, Md., from
which place he wrote his mother that
he whs with a traveling man, and ex
pected to visit Tyler statioii.Clearfleld
county, where he had some relatives
living. His mother left Knglund Im
mediately lifter the receipt ol his let
ter and has had no tidings of his
whereabouts since he left Georgetown.
Any Information concerning thii
young man will be thankfully receiv
ed by his mother, Mrs. Ann Smith,
Driftwood, Pa.
Rom. oif IIonok. The following Ih
a list of those who have paid their
subscription to the Post Mure Nov. lt
Solomon Sliradcr,
Dec. 1. 'Mil
May H, 'H4
1'ee. I, "nil
Feb. , '84
Dec. 1, V.i
Nov. I. 'HI
Feb. 1, '84
Dec. l, s:i
May I, "84
March 21, '8..
Dec. 1, '83
Dee, , 83
Dec. 1, '8.1
July 22, "84
Dec. I, Ml
Dee. 1, "8:1
Dee. 1, s:j
Feb. 1. '84
Dec. 1. 84
Get. I, '84
Dec. 1, '8il
!. Welrick.
F. P. Walter,
Washington Mover,
JoHCphttt Walter,
Daniel 8. Whitmer,
William Reigel,
Isaac Dreese,
George W. Young.
Adniu Miisser,
Jeremiah Row,
W. H. Stahl.
Jacob Hoilingcr,
Charles Ott,
John Francis,
John Norman,
A. ('. Simpson,
G. F. Hilger.
H. F. llarman,
John Harlwn,
Henry Snyder,
Last Thursday evening Superinten
dent Phillips' special car anchored at
the Middleburgh depot for the night,
and It was soon noised abroad that u
grand hunt was Ut take place the next
day. The surmisiiigs were correct ami
the big hearted Major put up at the
Washington House, and in the morn
ing, after taking something to stvady
his nerve aod clear his eye he buckled
on his urmor and in company with
Messrs. Abraham Roat.of llarrisliurg,
C. Stetler, of Middlchiirgh, II. II.
Grimm, W. II. Grimm, C. F. Charles,
of Freebnrg, K. C. Hamilton and
l.vvws Amig, of Seliiifgrove, struck for
the mountains in the direction of
Freeburgh. All day wits spent In
climbing ridges, stamping bruxh piles
and calling turkeys that would have
scared the timid bird out of a year's
growth had they been within ear shot
Weary and hungry they reached
Freeburgh at supper time and after
partaking of a hearty meal at Schnee's
hotel they sounted and prepared their
game to run the gauntlet of eager
eyes on their way home. Thev had
bagged 21 quail, 1 rabbit, 8 pheasants
and 4 wild turkeys. F.very tiling look
ed genuine but the in'Iif turkeys which
had their heads wrapped in cloth
Thie was evidently done at the proud
birds' own dying request to cover
the blush of their own stiiniditv in
being caught In some ipiiet old farm
er's barn yard. We understand the
Major is now planing an expedition to
shell Shade mountain, then follow the
uext day to pick up the game.
From yesterday's Mifiliuburg Trie
Sorry to learn that ex-soldier Saiuu
el Ruhl up the valley is sorely aflticted
with dropsy; but, withal, is very
cheerful. Dr. Thornton of Lewis
burg attends him.
Mr. It T. Harber of this place, re.
cuived word it few day ago to the ef
feet that a bolt of lightning exploded in
the cellar of his sou William at Ch ar-
iton, la., on the 8th of this month
His wife und three children were the
only ones in the house at the time and
all were rendered insensible therehv:
. . . ,. . .
oui an soon recovered In a short time
with the exception of the oldest
daughter, who was found cold, as If
dead, requiring the ministrations of
physicians for some four hours before
she returned to consciousness. At
last accounts she was able to walk
l'ror. A. K Gobble expects to start
avocal music class at New Herlin next
Saturday evening. The Professor's
well known ability to give instruc
tions iu that branch should secure
hhu a large class.
On Saturday of this week, commeno
ing at 10 o'clock A. M., the sheriff will
dispose of Mr. Win. Young' real es
tate In town and vicinity. Pall In,
Lieut. George II. Smith, formerly
of Co. C, 61st Pa. Vols., and a member
of Post No. 116, was burled at Harris-
burg, Monday, Nov. 18th. Since the
war lie had been a great sufferer from
asthma, and from It effect died.
The surviving members of the filst
Penna. Vols, will regret to learn of the
death of Capt. George W. Durell, for
merly commanding officer of the onoe
famou "Durell Battery," so well
known to every member of the
old th Army Corp. II WR aj
member of McLean Post, iNo. 10, of
Heading, and waa burled In that
Nor. 13th. Next to (Jen
i. lJurnsld. .
ne was the best known and K-io.i
Adamsburo Nkwb. It I reported
that one of a party of hunters accl
dently shot himself In the mountains
this week.
Last Sunday Rev. Land is of the Re
formed church held communion ser
vices and preached an Instructive ser
mon from the words found in St. John
0-39 40. '
David Schambach of Paxtonvllle
paid our town a visit, the guest of his
brother, John Schambach.
Jacob Dreese.Sr. of Troxelville.patd
his son, Wm. II. Dreescj a visit last
A little too much petty thieving is
going on In this town. The parties
who are helping themselves to other
peoples coul, &c, are known and will
wake up one of these cold mornings
and find themselves jn the hands of
the law.
A new doctor one patient the on
ly medicine prescribed are pills. They
worked like it rliariu. What you say?
Hutchcring Is all the go our Mople
are afraid of the hog cholera.
Reubeu Try, Snper isor of the Nar
row Guage R. It, suspended two of
his hands for rcfuing to work on a
rainy day.
Thanksgiving turkeys must take it.
Mrs. Isaac Keller died on Sunday at
the resilience of her sou in law, Henry
Felker, aged about "4 years.
Mrs. Wm. Woislliug is convaleslng.
J. II. Stadou and family left here on
Monday for their new home in Mis
souri. Axon.
The Hixyclc Shirt at S. Oppcnhciiti
Cane bottom ("hair a low as $j per
J at Keller's.
Carpets of nil
prices nt Keller's.
kinds at your own
Those seal skin cups nt S. ( tppiui
heimer's lake the cake.
Great bargains in Dress foodsnre
offered at S. Weis', Selinsgrove.
F.lmira hand made Hoots for men at
2..V) at M. S. Schroyer's, Selinsgrove,
Neiit, nobby and styli-h hats for
winter in great abnndanco at
S. Gppelihelmer's.
The famous niedieuled I'lauiiell tin
derwear is one of S. Oppeuhciiiicr's
(rood suits for boys at l.fiO, lints
for 2 cents, it Dreifuss k Hros., Se
linsgrove, l'a.
The only Original Klmira Hand
made Hoots for sale at M. S. Sc hroy
er's, Selinsgrove, Pa.
Taking the lead; Dr. Kcssler's cele
brated Knglish Cough Medicine at
Dr. Harbcr's Drug store.
Dr. Harber reports a rapidly grow
ing demand for McDonald's celebrated
Worm Powders.
HulTulo, Jupauese, wolf and Ijip
rohes, horse blankets Ac., in great
variety at S. Ippeitheimcr's.
Wamtku -10 agents in Snyder t'o.
to caiiviiss mid sell gravt Stones mid
Monuments, Address or call ou N. S.
Fisher, at Selinsgrove, pa.
It will pay every body to examine
ll in iiiim- rut-k r'urnitmo for
sale by the Popular Furuituro man
W. II. FKUX Lewistuwn Pa
We have a few thousand more of
thiHe No. I, IN inch shingles left, which
will be sold at f.00 per thousand.
First come first served.
T. II. II AIM' Kit.
tt.OM Kighteen Inch. No. 1 Pine
shingles, averaging 4 Indies and clear
of knots, at fVlK) per thousand. Cull
onor address T. H. IIaktku,
Middleburgh, Pa.
When you go to Selinsgrove, stop
at S. Weis'. He has just added ;t.1oo
yards of carpet to bis already large
stock, ami his immense lino of ull
kinds of good is eoiapleti.
Mens, Hoys, und Youths Hoots,
Womciis, Misse anil Children shoes
ull Klmira Hand mude for sale cheap
at Schroyer's. Near Depot, Selins
grove, Pit.
Farm at Pimvatk Balk. The un
dersigned offers it valuable farm at
private sale, situate near Hartletou,
Union county, Pa. Terms reasonable,
conditions easy. Call on or address
W. H. IlAltTKIt,
Hartletou, Pit.
Put away the linneti duster, hang It
on the garret (loor.and theu buy one of
Solly OpHMilieiiuer's world renowned
overcoats Made especially for his
trade. None others like them.
You cannot ufTord to pay two prices
for goods when you can get the same
articles for half the money at Dreifuss
Si Uro., Selinsgrove, Pa. There Is
the place to save your hard earned
pennies ami don't you forget it.
No Qroaso for Him-
"When Greece her knees Greece
knees Greece her knees," stammered
au emharrosed school-boy, forgetting
the next line of his recitatiou. "There
is no occasion to grease anybody's
knees," shouted his. teaalier. "Go
study your piece." Neither la there
occasion to grease your ia!r. Park
er's Hair Uulaaia Is all the dressing
you want. Restores the original gloss
and color to gray or faded hair. Does
not soil tho linen; not u dye; good for
the sculp; prevents failing out.
Yon Can Laugh
at the urlm destroyers, Croup and
Wbootiiuir Cornell, if vou have that
popular standby and Inoouiparable
remedy, Dr. Render's Kuglish CoukIi
Medlc.lno at hand. The wlseand urii-
dent family keeps It la the house to
be prepared for eiuerirsuoU. ttrlce 21
and 60 cents. Sold and warranted by
Dr. Barber, Mlddleburgh, Pa.
An ZzunplA.'.
A nale sloklv child three of McDon-
aia s oelebratd Worm l'owders ad-
In that eltyiunlster-relelvedofth.e.oru,ou.'
w"r,M,rMJ0,,ww u
lot worms rosy onee
appetltthe resnll
"Icu war als an "Free Trade" a mon
bis der onner dog. Binder selem bin
Ich Im favor for an tariff.'1
"Wos hut dich so schnell gadrnit f
"Well ich hob uls de tseidinga galasa
we wolfel tlos see in Kngloud glader
kafTa kenna. Ich hob meir an winder
suit green missa, und Ich bin niimier
tsu em Solly Oppenheimer on Selins
grove, tin du dadst tnler es fleicht net
glava, ovver Ich hub welfter gakoft
fun elm dos sle tin oldit lotid kenna
woo sie list 13 bis 13 cent grevga for an
dogs aravet."
"Well, wos hut sell init deiii tsu do?"
"Youst so feel. De leit luana dos
wile inler an hoeher tariff uf goods hen
done dates de glader hocb inachn.
De meiista Merchants neiua sellie ex
cuse mi fcrkulTa era glader about drei
mold so lioch dos se sett a."
"I'll do snglitj mier A is der Solly
batsalt ken tariff."
"Nit, Ich hob sell net gasoght. ovver
Ich hob gasoght das der Solly Ippen
lieimer ferkaft so wolfel dos ich net
sana kon wle air es dude, woudeoiiera
net kerni waga am hoclui tariff. So
long dos ich my glader katTa kon fun
em Solly t pcnhcimer ou free trade
priza mi grig 2 di-r dog for my aravet
bin ich In favor for an hoeher tariff."
"Well, ich hob sell shun fordem ga
hart, nod ich neiit amohl die kiuner
iiiiuucr tsu em Solly de next woch nn
rig see ous mit glader fun kup tsu
Miri(lletiii' Market.
consKi Trn v nv
Simoiitoii, Harber Sc Co.
..DO to ft ("
4 i ru old
Pitted cherries
I'lipitted "
, 50
25 to 50
y "
4 50
5 (Ml
4 50
11 M
1 115
1 0
I hiions
Spring I 'hie kens per
I'eil ( 'oil I
Chest nut Colli
IMaeksmitli ( 'oui
Kufg I 'oal
Plaster, tier ton
Salt per barrel
" " sack
" " " small....
Nov. 20, by Rev. J. W. Houghter!
John Metzger of 1'nlon county mid
Miss Kate lluttelistino of Snyder
Nov. 51. by the same, I). M. Cargill
and Mrs. R. J. Ticc, both of Lewis
town. Nov. 25. by Rev. J. P. Sliin.lel, John
Neppol Centreville and Miss Kllen
Schruiler of Franklin township.
di i:i.
Nov. Pith, in Selinsgrove, Samuel
Ilaninker, iifi'il 5S years am! !) dnys.
Nov. 1U, at New Hci-liii. Pa.. F.nhruliii
Khaiuory of K.lkluirt, 1ml., ugisl OS
years, 3 months and is davs.
The Sun.
NEW "VOKIv, lssT
Al'.ut siilv in. III. hi i'nii'i nl llii' Si' kiiiic
mil uf uiir r..iiliirhiii-ul iliirilitf Hit twrlii'
li nu urrc Iw u i mil In cnl all lie column,
nl all Tim fl.Nn irlinl hikI "lit In-1 )r ir tuu
vriMilil uct n rniittuihiti. (ri l lufririeitiKlii
rt'riuntluii, rui.tiiiuii ih'Iim, nIMtiio mill r-uiihil iih'
In. id iiinl .ui ml limn Hi.. null l.i rmrh Iroiu
rriulliiK IliMUt) .Stjuiiri In iIih lnf uf .M nuiit I '.i
inilrua lu Ihi) hum. n, then lu fruiting
HnuM iU no. mill limn luiuv-ij'i.irU'n- ( tlia u)
liik In ihi? miinii iiuuiu.
Hill I'iik .n, x , rill, ii fur tho liib:il.ltanl n(
llio I'.irlh; llm ruinu ulrip nl uili llui'ln'O w.iul.l
Klnllo llieitlnlio tumit vu v ,-,1 . n ni t -hkIiI iiiiiki
11 eveiji liuyvrui n niy nl I'h Sr. iluriim iln
1nit ar liu npuiil uiil uiii) In ur hut it, mik it
ii i em lii Ki.ui'l l.ulur Imt pjn'iit iniulln t
Lmir, lln. iil'Bi:iu r In Imii !., u ri i r.l -. iliulm
iiiuii nu'o lilrtuuu IIihumiihI o.w ul Muki rruil
lus. mulil uinl du) .
li l inn) hy lillln raleulnllons like tlorif thnl
mil luilu any Linn nl tliu ciii'iiluluin ul tho inn-l
Miuarul AiiHirlran iiuwuiitiunrn, iir nt Um lultu.
i'Iiiv uu llio uiiiiiinun uuil u'liuu ul AiiieriiHii
Uii'll Ml I Wuliuil.
Til k i. ami will cuiillnii to nuw.a
mr ivlitcli t-li (In' trulli wiihuiit Icur nl ruii.-c.
ijuiiik'i:, wlikli kdI al IIik luflt mi mutter hnw
luui'ti th prucurh ouFU, h Iiii'Ii iirunrntu Um? nt-wf
ul nil tin1 MurlU Milhuut wiik i nl wimU uinl In tin'
nmrl rcil nliHiu, mtili li in wnrkuin witliull
ll liukrl lur llm iMU.-r ul linntut iiniurn 'Hit hihI
whu-li tliiTulnru hitlii rt'i lUit I In- 1 nit' 1 1. .1 it par
ty must uu. Him mud uu iu tlim cuiuing ul
our lllil, 1KN4.
If yuu kiiuw Tiik Srs. ynu Ukr It ulriM ly. mi'l
jruii Hill rtail it Kith luvti.ttiuii't! ..Iilltiti'iii'o ami
T'.it'l uriuic what i ur.i to he thu luiml iiilrniil-
mit yi.irlu im hi.u.ry, liyuu Uu nut yet kin.w
luk Ul s, It it high 1 1 mo lu gui tutu iu uu'iiiiio.
Trrmilo Mall Suliati-llirra.
Thi) aevcrul tiiliiniiiK nl Imk Sim ro n-nt
tnall, tiiitjiulil, a IiiIIuhk:
liAil.V ju I'unu a iiiuiiiIi,o a your
! with Sun
iiiiv fuiimujfl.
SIMi.W Kluht pugei. Thin eilillun liirnli-li
ck lh ('iinviit iichii ul tno wnrM, nnviiil urlli lo
ui I'Arej'iiuiiui iiiitTi'ni iu fivoi i iNitiv, uinl lllcrmy
r.UnKiul uvw Iwuk ul llm hlghol uiullt, SI u
W tKKI.Y f 1 a yi'iir. KikIiI )irri ol tin hut ul thu daily Incur; an UKrifiilluMl iei.irt
mi'ul ut uui!ualluil viilsi. rmiciaj uiarkut rturtR.
ami lltnmry, Kiuulini-anil iiuiiiimIio liitulliaviii o
waka rus H tl.kl.v Si a tho ni'i.iuiur lur Ilia
i.iriui'r iiuuacuuiu. i ii i'iuix ul loll Willi lis au
villa cuj.j iiO' AiiuruM
1. V..MtLANI, Puli'lulivr,
IukSi , N. V. I'll)
XXL.tlum ol on th. min.
of bumunl VuJ-r, lata ol UIUill.oru.ll lowiihl(i.
Najil.r Co., l'a.,, havlnn nr.Dt-
a to in. unuernitiiii an r'r'ou) bnoalug
thaintolv.l luili'hloil to i.lil filit'. .r. riul.
J lu wall. linuj.Olal. iayui.ut, whll. ihiw.
uarins oiaiiua win ixm.ui m.ui Uulf aulh.u
Id W
8 KM. LtirZEI.,
Nor. it '.
Iu the matter of the Ktdateof David
('oleinaii, late of Franklin town
ship, Hnyder Oo,, dcu'd.
To Marf Cul.msu, wliloa-, anil Ih. fullowln
nsioail ohlWrao, vU. William Hoi.
mas. uf Aitaiut luwpf bill. Mofdar tin.. Fa.
l;ilibath Intarmsrri.'l wlih0.ura Mltatial.
(lruol lowtiahlii. Harry in., Fa. ! Ado
Mary lal.i married with Jacob I'll, ol I !
uwnahl, t'ulun tin., Fa., hair ami laal
rapratautatlv.t, ul laIJ Uul.maa U.-oM.
You sr. h.n-ky i ltail lo b. ami Siinar ba
fora lb. Jurtiian of our Orphani' Oouri, al as
(lrihaq' tluurt lu h. Iialtl at Ml'hlol.uru on
Ih. ilml Monday or D.c. A, l Hum at lu u'oluek
In lb. (iiraaoon. than anil liter to aeat it
raliua lu taku Iba Mtal. uf alil II A V 111
CULKMAN, due'd , allb. aiiraliad valutlluo
nut upuo It by as ln.Ut duly swardail by
Iba said Court, and raturnail by ih. Hhi rlll ol
fald oounty, ur ibow eauia why lb. asm
abautd Dot b lold. And berauf fall But.
Wlira.tb. Hob woa.i'U i nuenir, tan.
rraildani of our laid Court, at Mlddlabursb
bis Ul day vr not. a. u iau,
I J CKUC8K, Clark O. U,
talamanUry os th. tat. of Qi
Qanra. A.
iluat. Ui. of KMf.r two., Hnyd.r Co., Fs.
dsMasad, bavins baa tranlad lo th sadar.
ISB.d, all paraupa kaowloif th.iua.l.. In
O.utad to said aitat. ar. raiuaatal tornak.
Wo Iroabta to ibow Rood- tb.ia dir aatuaoiieaiaa tur
Mow 2s oido TTinmie I
I wish to inform the
ortmout of
rcsi Jonts of
Cooking Stoves, Ranges. Heaters,
Parlor and Bedroom Stoves,
Including the New Light Honse Cook, Silver Harp. Ladies' f'riile, TmrM
Cooks. New Sunshine, ew Jaspnr, New Hecord hargee, Iu
vincihle, I Ln Spear II enters. Now Kailt
Iris, New Jasper Heaters, Now
Fireplace Heaters,
Heaters from 15 to 30 Dollars,
are all of tbo latest patterns and host material, gnnrantocJ to be as obtap
as t bo cboapest and as good as I bo best.
Call and see the Fine Cook Stoves,
of wbich I have an largo And well-selected n stock nn can bo fonnd in tbo
county aud at prices tbut will coinparo with 'Vbolesale Houses.
Tinware, Spouting and Roofing.
None but tlio very I est inntei inl used. Spouting aud Hoofing dune oa
sboit notice liesptctfully siibmittia,
Minni.isuitni! pa.
As wo intend moving into our now building (Sohnnro'u OM Corner) oa
or about JtinnHiy 1, 1SSI, wo would liko to rodncu our largo Block Of
goods to savo the trouble of moving it, aud tbut tare oiler
in every dppnrlmenf. Somo goods must bo fmctifieed in order lo close
out. Tho block is now full nuJ complete, with a laiyo variety of Ludics
and Cbildicns1
& cSolllBiaBIS,
wliinb is the finest lino ever delivered in the county. I i'rxM ( iSolf
I IIiiiiUiMh, H1uivIh, I .ndieH' CJloth, 1Iuiiii1n
l illiM mid (j-onlM ITii1ivii r and a full line o
;riii!tnt own AVooIiiimI y4'pli.viM. Our stuck of
Cane aend Oilcloths
is nneurpassed iu Central Pennsylvania, and will be solJ at
Clo.sig 3Paai Fn'iccs.
IJemomlcr tbo major part of tbo ploek. MI'S T bo sold before Jan. 1, '81.
Selinsgrove, August fitli, ISS'l.
E. Y.
In bU Store on MAKKKT STKKKT, will bo found a fine lot of
5BIIN& of all M.nND)
and nil prices, in Gold, Procious Stone and Piauonds.
Elgin, Rockford, Springfield and Hempton
in Gold and Silver, at rcroarkaUo low prices,
of nil kinds ami descriptions. ROUGHS' FAMOUS
The pluce to buy WEDDIXO ritKSRXTS. CLOCKS cf all descrip
tions and all prices.
lie Fans Kis Goulali Wcls, at $1.25 a pair
The hi post variety of Spectacles in this pnrt of the country.
Goods cau he. brought from Now Yoik
Jewelry houses 10 America. J patii'in' a speciulty, and all
work fi'iarnnteed to give snlisfnttion. l'ir-rinps, Ureubtpins,
Watches, Chains, &n. ('all and examine, our stock. No
. ti outdo lo show yoods.
Aug. 283. SUN BURY, TA.
Pp an Bar Fy ra OiLiiB oe
Lewistown, Miflin county, Penn'a;
infli ur oi l2vr.v Iviml, Pni'lor, Chnmber,
linntiiir Uoom, Hull, uimI cliott. to
Miiit tho mcuiiH ol'ovory pcrsjon.
ruinted Chamber Suits, from . n n
l'arlor Suits, from -
all walnut, covered in Uair clotb, Reps, Raw Silk, and l'lusbes, of
any color.
Walnut Chamber Soils, with Marblo
Uedsteads from
Rureans, Stands, Lonntres, Chairs,
deiful Woven Wire Mattress or Spnnf; Bottom the best toada.
Au Roods kepi to stock and on hand, ready for sale, and at OF IP
PRICKS, that will convince all. that vou oau aave monev bv huvino i
1 It.. I t J .1 1
J . . " . ----i - J - !- "
"i " i" wow v. wtv, w . ,
rrioea, auu u pieava an. vraara nv
Snyder coanty tbtt I bare floe M
J'.aiiy Pawn, ien
Ooldeu Suu
and others. My
for selection from one of the largest
, ija nr.
Tops, from 4S in ti
. . 4 tr 50
Mattress of all Linda TI.. 1
, .'' 1 " . W
viwuw pa)oa)U pull neilVo
uupu, inn mnn rum ma iae imistliSA
OU MOTTO t GgO: Goods, Un
man bdt-mt TitX