The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 10, 1883, Image 3

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    ' M itl r -
. .:vrhnnl Host.
... .... rv ) I Urwlay.
n Cnrft r" nt TM CnnM Of
trUr ro hell -n fio f.mrlb Mon ItiTt
tf tM"irr. M7. ' I J'-rt''r, !. SuDl
H ! y i D!ccroUt.
vU'il 'II Hill" 81IN T! feW B31U, tt' fclti It'H
t). tfoUnderl building an addition
I j the Washington House.
tobon Wdt Tapfitry and Km win
Plo ent priee at IWler'a, 8 diiiHKrove
raru'tiiro th hirpent and best otock
in the ccunty at R-ller'ii, Selinojtrove,
Vou can by ft good Button Shoe for
$140 At Mrs. U. Marx', flelinRrove,
Thou. Bower thin work placed n
Wolf & Hiimaker Purifier into his mill
nt Frutiklin.
Yu cnn buy mtu'n plow shoe at
fl.Wa pnir at Mm. 11. Marx' Hclins-t-ri.vf,
Vi. C uteliu ii off to the ritjr this
mm k purchasing his stock of Spring
rail fu.nmer goods.
Wis II at tie Stahhiecker
'nrj: l vi'itinsr her sister Mr. Kunk
1 Mul Mr. Herbold.
1 11 Lathe t'ongres Haters nt Pa
ectti" n puir.
Mil.-. U. Maiix.
The bicycle has gained another vie ;
tlui. tieorge says he would tint luive
fxllen olY if the thing hadu t up set.
At tl. tintelius' is the only place
vr her you can get tho Pure Persian j
t tho l'ure Persian
(Sure death to nil
Insect I'owder
Aaron Htetler nnd family have left
their farm in Franklin township nnd
taken np their residence lu Middle
Mrs. Ellen C. Aurnml desires to in
form th ' public that f-he has received j
her Hummer stock of millinery
'all nnd see it.
A terrific rain ami hail storm passed
ver Middhdiurgh on Tuesday even
liar. We have not heard of any sci i
o'.is damage done by it.
It will pay you to go Q') miles toj.
II. Ilolfiuan & Itro's store. Sclins
groye, I'a., they keep the newest and
Jiuest stuck in the county.
The Evangelical church at I.aurcl
t'.ii is lereiTing a new coat of paint
which improves its looks. Mr. Aaron
Cm-sgrove of M iddleburgh hus the
job. - Mi'Jliiilitnj T 1'iji-itiiii.
lr. llasiuger sold his beautiful
grey oorse last weeli to a party nt '
Hanhury. Hit returned on Tuesday
from Juiilatta county with another
etepprr. Haiubletoiiiun blood.
Waistkii. A jiractical Book-Agi nt
t ) assiiilie the management of the
Mihscriptiou depart meiit in a puhlih
ing house. AddresM, stating ex
perience, 1'. O. Box, 2211, rhiladel
j.hia. l'u. fi tO-xt.
(bairge Stetler was severely kicked
on the lug by one of the horses in t he
stable at the Washington House on
Friday morning The animal was
brought there by a guest of the hotel.
Mr. Htetler is "limping" it now.
H. II. Jriin:n, of Ereebiirg, I.w
Ainlg of Selinsgrove, and 1. B. Wuii
deily, T. J. Hmith, D. Bolender and
Benjamin Bai-hmau started on a trout
fishing expedition on Monday evening
to stay over next Sunday.
The porson wlm exrhanppd a cotton
iiinbrella for my new silk iMnhrelhi at
the Lutheran church, Middlchurjxh,
on Sunday April 82, will obli-p ine
very much by leaving it (it the I'dst
pi'latiny olllce und not his own.
TllEO. Mwisukouii.
. , i
ti'iprovementri in uih uwtiiiine; ami i
sture Iiouho on tho North-west rornr
t of the wiuarc. It will he th finest
in town. He will start to the city
shortly fur his spring and summer
Messrs. W. W. Wilison & tho
Miniinburt; IUkers now visit our
town every Tuesday and Friday, tip
p'yinK our citizens with fresh wheat
and rye bread Kolln, t'akes, Tretr-els
io, W. W. WlLSOM & Itiio.
i. Alfred Schoch, while ussistinrf In
tho repainting of hiu house on Wed
day lost his balance and fell off a Hcaf
fold. He cueaped without injuries,
.mi is jus. ..uw - ... .
to take white paint out of a doth
fireat bnrgains in floor oil cloths
and carpotn at J. H. HoiTuiau & Hro.
Selinsfe'rovo, Pa. They hell 1 yard
floor oil flotliH at 80 oentH, 1 yards
wide at 45 eenU und 3 yards wide ut I
CO eentn, they havo also reduced all
their carpet from 2't to 80 per oent.
Arm Broken. Uanks, a ten jrar
old eon of John Weiand residin? one
mile went of I'axtonville, foil from a
wngon on Friday of last week and
broke hie Jeft arm near the writ. Dre
Barber & Hawinger adjimted the
fraoturc and the boy is doing well.
Jt fcT RkC'KIVBD.A fl" lot of l.a
dio' dres Hhoe at prices that will
convince you that 1 null a better hlioe
tbau you erer bought before for the
eauie uieney.
, Miw. K. Maiix.
Hetween National and Keyttoiio Ho
tela, BflintKrovH, Pa.
Iter. KimnKler, Uioiitih a profession
al fisher for men turned Ms attention
tofbihins for flh onTuewley evening.
Ht did not catch bo many but thoy
were email and aiany of them would
have weighed a round. It wat efter
the rain and ball utorm aud he bro't
enough JIilU'cfeek noil along home
to etart tip (i jrimatlpta(ii rM'h
u. Aiircil ncnocn im nuuie inaraeo ... ,
. .... .to L'ive iassiii; L'hmiises between
AT H.1ESG072.
An Inlcrviow cith tha rriojsors.
HherilT Keichly thin week added two'
wore boarder to hi "hotel" in th
person of two young iiihii who "wan
ted to tier what they eould llml" in the
afe. nt Brlimire'tt mill, Nelinsgrove, un
Saturday night latt, but were. Inter
feared with by night watchman l.oiig,
who cooly bagged them, handed t hem
over to the authoritcn whoon Holiday
morning landed them nt the "Motel
de Ileiehly" for safe keeping until the
meeting of court the latter part of
thin month, when they will be grant -M
u f'ee trip to the Kastern Pciiifon
tiary nt Philadelphia to keep com
puny with old Israel few year.
On Wednesday evening w e ealled on
the prisones. and applied our self ad
justing, buck act ion, " combination
pump to lind out something about
th-i boy. They were engaged inn
game of checkers ut the time which
they foon flnNhed and then Mibimt ted
to the ordeal. They were very talka
tlve, anil gave u a full aecniiit of
their iiightk ndv'iitiire which in miIi
tlllll,e was as lollow.x :
T1.. I. ...I ..IT. ...... I ..- ii. n ill.-..' I .
j in i. i,. .... ...... ,
a window ninl lia.l coiiuncnci'il opcr
iltioiisoil the ,'ife where.tiiev Wen
irroused by lioi-e Olltsi ic. when the
had left ii pal to watch. They ii
i 1 , ,
I tiercl to liini biW rcceivmi- no reMioti!'
. ,.,.w ,,,,. ,. , , !
i I ' 1 ""'ll'- men Mie I i lilile. lie.' hvvi'i- lie1 .-1 I -.
chip ngauist the w indow blind hieli ! I .. ,y r.-pair-d I . I he creek f.-r il.-l ' t r.-i.i.-i,.. .iih cha-m. b',,-
being n spriugroll, f'.ew uii and lhe;,y's tid.u.g. ..,( h.-aring of ni.v tc!er lr.,M ..rk..f fi..,
next instant three shots came throi.;h ,.m,,,mN ,. M: .,., , . , ...Is- bile i ill. 1 1... i... .....I . ..... I
I lie w in, low in illeti sleces...n. -"
reiisiiuifi null manlier oi saoi.r ine
1 called out to the watehinan not to
shoot and they would surrender which
they did by craw ling on' of the win
dow. They ha I a full kit of burglarj
tools, a lot of knives and several r
yolvers. They claim they could have
easily shot the watchman, be! did lea
desire to mid murder to their crii
They gave their names us David,
lotu s and Samuel ,l,'hn-,,ii. the form !
er i f lierinaii niel the let ter of I'.ng'.ish
decent. They ure aged about '.' and
3D vents, mid" though their appear
ance is by no .,s faorable lo the
,-ase. their e. in whatever. li
li..., asce,-t.,inlv not ill the line
of safe I, low i.ig, i'l-ii they would havi
made a better job of it. They claim
it was their lirst olTence, and Johnson
the Englishman, shows signs of
than ordinary iiilelligenc.'. and in his
ceil on the wall may lie found the fol
low ing poetical elTil.-ioil which Jilovcs
him t o pos.-. s he t'uicr sen ii,i"!it s :
Home i-. not iiiereiv roof and room
it need- something lo eh, I -at' ii.
1 1 , cue is here t he' Ilea rl can
i' has some kin i lip lo cii
"What i i home witil liolie to lil.".M us,
.None to welcome, none to reet ii.j;
Home is sweet but doubly precious
V lieu i Here is. one weiovo logicci us.
They are kept in one cell during the
day, but arc s"parat"d at night.
Watchman Keiiidnger, sleep close to
their rells and every precaul ion is
taken t. prevent their escape.
W'Alt 1'UIi l-.s. I have Just re
ceived a liiiiirni.'iceiit Mick of fool
wear for Spring and Summer I
u.aKca sp.ctany oi in i-nraici
Kociicster Itoots - thoes. which are
noted for durability and romfoi t.
Vou cannot K( t then, at any .a her
place in town. I''.verv pair warranled.
Mi:s. li. M aiix.
Uoombctwn National ami Kev don-
Hotel, Selinsgrove. la.
Take a yoimn man, n tall yoiin
iiian, with a smiill hat, a hai face, a.
lciit;I hy ni'ck, a short body, a pair of
loiirf slim h'rfs, w ith arms to mulch.
and both arms and Icrfs largest ut the
extremities, pin linn iii ii Scvmour
coat, inoase his lorfs in eelskin panta-
! loons, W illi sillhcieiit bow in the lcs
" , , ,
them and tha mushed ami astonished , ,ml"s M"'",m P1" 1 "le .-v.i y , do an I .'."ly trunk Mith-lood th
worldthat lies ahead of him ns lie ' n'1 ''! '""' : 've.y l....s is ; lia.n:, si,.,.,.-.. .... Al a late. ,,.,,
walks, era.n his tlat feet int.. point-! ."j".1 "1H' "s ar" ''"'''heil ti-ai ..f t h in;: - !. , al iin: ha. Neb.,
less shoes, tie an eve irluss to his lap-; ,W",li" ,,1,y"-. " "'" """l,"r i i( M;" " 1 '' rcolved . ha. S..I.
pel. -ive him a delicate ...ustach and 1 "" '"'r '"" '' i- 'I'lienh. inn, ', . rnnks N.,,!, ,,,!.,
eauetoplay with -ami vou have .he l'"'-'"''"' fl """ ,'"'d ' break ad;,h,l .hey were
dude now so universally dispised by
all human kind
OKF Cot JlTlMi.- James K. Iais
Jere f 'rouse, Jaim-s 'auaudl. Cap.
Hurd.l.rf. I'.d Moyer, Jacob Keiclu - u -
ba-.Kh, J.ColerlVck, A.l,-
Ker, TliOH. l'.le, Joseph M, iser, Joe.
Luinliard, Joseph;, J no. Kcichly
and Samuel (irons, till of this county
were biuiioned u witnesses to the I. v I
u.nilll, ciountv Court at Williams,..,,-!
,, wk b, tho easn of the Comuion
wealth v. Y. H. Wpfiier of Kratcr
ville, tho proseeutor being: "Dr." Sam
ucl II. Shriver. late of Alleghany c'i, v.
Thin proceeutou arises in tin's manner:
"Dr." Shriver, a few years arfu em
barked in the pension business. Thej
ineiiinhoadoiited aroused siisnicinu
in tlie Interior Jepartinei,t at Wash-
iiiK'ton and upon invostiuatioii it wasl'"" '" ""' ""itaiiis for a twenty
found that tho "doctor" employed
means that were not altogether
straight aud he wan indicted in tha
U. 8. CJrout Court for the Middle
District of Pennsylvania, tried, con
victed und sentenced to the Western
Penitentiary at which institution ho
put in the full course decreed by the
court. H,ptire Warner, thelofendeiit,
was a witness against him. (Shriver
appeared before Squire Wagner, and
personilU'd "Dr. McKay," subscribed
and took the oath before Squire Wag
ner, as "Dr. McKay," and he now
profeciites Wagner for purgery.
Squire Wagner in one of the most
eminent oud exemplary cteim of our
county, and the array of witnesses
that appeared in hiu defenae ou Tucs
day convinced the prosecution that
dideretion was the hotter part of va
lor and had the rime continued until
next term of court at whiuh t iiuo it is
PUfpopd "Pr." sjjjjvw" nillU wjrtihavpMot yet becu itieived.-i.'cji-
rarmi'H fire bu.iy and apparently
happy, nii'l well they may he for the
wheat crop never looked better At this
time of I lie year.
Hnuniel Uolijj, tha contractor and
carpenter, hm th contract for build
ific two hank burin In thN township,
one for (ieo. Baker and tlie other for
j),lt)Je Herman.
l)r. J. W. Unmpfsern mile vai well
attended on Saturday hmt
Tim lumber firm of Walter, Hart
man A Co., bought ft tract of timber
land hltuated one mile wect of till
place for $ ,
The two weddings which nvy to oc
cur in this place in t he neni- f nj .uj
w ill rob us of tw o fair maidens.
.lohn llaitiiian, wife and daughter
of New Columbia paid this place
Vint the guehlK of II. I. Hamlcr.
S. P. Hheiir'y registered in tin' city
'f Villiani!:poi'l one lay ho-l week.
Hfvii the lightning rod man will vis
it jour home find make your hail
-taini erect n he cl'.cnii th.. daiig. r
vou are in iec;nie ) our ho:i" is ma
protected by his particular rod.
It is one of th" physiological invi
teries why a boy's hands nil! blister
much Soulier on n In... bandit' than on
a bat w li ill pla viug ball,
lllfh credit s I ; . 1 1 1 . 1 be i;ivel to
those pei.n who are so f.iilhfi'l in
Mieir search for an v new thatmnv
o,. h
i..;. ... .i -i , i i i . .
ar in
' UP H MM.
I li.e ,i' i e U n ,u s 1 1, . .,ti,,.. m,,; n!ixi
el V at t elclil'-' Ml' h Will. iiiil.,v.- i ,,.
,,.;, ,,a. ,.,.,,, ,!., ;,,.. ..,:. j,,,. I
.... i , t j ni.-.i! i ti,.. v ,..l !
.1,1 iii. .oii, l
'i-i i , . t
. , . t . . . ,.' ' . . " ' ."i'". ' ' "'P " ' :
had during Ihe da was that take,,
The Hand e-,.,v. ns w,,t,. I'mestri
! ,ml!j,. ,,,, ii,,,,,).,.. . v i i 1 1
t 'i:-i:;ivi:ii.
ikv.,i i, ; Xisi .
lions., clenniiig js now in or,!' r.
The -walk ate being improved.
I he , a I Ilier-' ,.re li:,. I a 1 1 f i 1 1 g c i I'll . I
W id Siinotitoii claims to have the
I "" " t n.
I S. l'.owcn ,,nd son ,ue bus. shi,.pin:
pr-pti ..Imt and mw.. I lumber.
! II II had thelil.l.. linger.! ,(i
! '' ft hati.l badly bruise.l u ,ie h , , I
in g railroad iron. II- is unable t., , I,,
any ' orkut pr lit
1 wo lumber cars w ere broken on j
Tuesday while local freight cast was;
-diit. ing to the siding
J' -M Tents and Abr.iiu Wet I. ft !
j f '" M ielligan a. el o! Ii.r jaots ., tin.
, w t . j
i nomas Imomt i- eiiiargiii.- t;.
i lieliiug ,.,.,( , .,. 1 1 1 by A.
I I lotlt
j M i-s An, de P. -irbcr of M iiHiubur; is
I i.-ilin;; Ii ii ml-it, tour this w.. k .
II. I,. Hare went lo Mm, . ip, lis. Minn
I week lo i.-it ha-, brother and
',.,,, tl. ,.,.
.1.1! II of! nan (r.. Selit, -grove, ra . 1
always keep the very finest hue ot
j fancy syrups. N O iuol.,-e.. suar.
I coll' i ud groceries j n general to be
found an where, and prices a lit 1 1.
lower than tin- loue-t.
The people of Snv.lercoiinl v should
. . , . . . ".. .. . ' .. .
I hoi oi ioo nai'.l on in' l aC'ciii i.oar.i
fi. r lmil,.h,,iM.; ,, ,! t i ,.,
,,f iirh s sentence. Th. v arc ..,,,1,.
,..,, w ,.vill(.n, ,v ..ilkl. .k-ll-hl
, ; j ;. a,.,., i. ,,f .i.cwicl. c.l."
A ;-'" I .. has h full eve. a small
.... I 1 . ..4 1 I I'l ! .1
i.ea, ,...,,,, , ,. ,a. -ami
t ....I . i r. it
s.m. ...... e, ,s . a s, , an,, n,,,-,
skill, deep from (he loin to the udder, '
an l a cry short tail, a t hiu udder.
and a siiiare barf with teats a u'oo.l
distance from cac', other, and one
which, when milked, shrinks lo a
small coinpa.-.v
1 '", :""aspoonful of M,lpl,..r in (he'
nest a-
soon as liens or lurievs a re
I lli' lieat or the fowls causes tha
.1. j
,,, 4 ,, .
aiu an ottr readers to re. I free
1. 1 send persona! item- (,, (;js ,
by postal card or scaled letter, as thev
nun' l.i'ffi.s It c.iiii't, .
' ' " " .w'",,r '.. I',i,ii,.i,ii,Im
; r ,.. siann.T v,., or I,llVe
,"".,...!. , somebody ,ii ia your
l'-.rfhbor , . please let u.4 km, it.
J I nvartably si-n your name, but '"t
' ii'ieessry for juiblieation.
i nerc is a cnapier of imwritt,,,,
ioi , -,,,'.,.., county that .,, :
.pure nil the descriptive powers of the!
pell of an living tod.iil justice. Itisi
! ",0 ,,f " ''l P-"-.hase. the
!. 0 .. . .
household furniture, w ife and t hree
I'll I , . . .
children of his neighbor for :i.fln and
ashot-Kun. Jt miTht . supposed
! 1 ' who soi.i out followed
N 11,1 Winkle' examplo and struck
year s nap; mil not so. Jin slraiKht
way started for I.ewistowi. und
bought another wife - briuiii he r
back on the next train.
Last week a scamp went through
this portion of the county taking or
ders fur liiia dresg tenuis and carpets,
which he offered at ridiculously low
prices. Foi instance ho promised to
furnish 2lyui,U of K(,od carpet for
$1.0i) easli and $1.0(1 more when the
to.hIs were delivered ; u tfood dress
was the same price, 1J. showed no
sample, but freely used the names of
all the well known persons in (),..
neiuhljorhood, ns having irn him
ordern. Mlrantfo to nay w e have heard
of neverul instances where he "tmik
orders" and the dollar. It seem al
most incredible jhat any ono rhxxild
be taken in by any ofth-,.? windles,
this is tho imvt rlvllculoun, we have
yet recoideL Tlie "orders! cotxls'
1'or the Voar.
Kktciu M, April Ci. 1-PS3,
Mil, nntToK: Although nlioiit jm
miles from home, my thoiightx are of
teti among you.
And ai the "Trail"' IcaJ me over
I.aVft bed, Beits of Sage. ftliJ Mi!r(.""d
mountains, I feelt!it there is n hi.iiic
thinghere, far abuv tny ability to
des-ribe, and frankly acki.oe,,t.
myself In the flaw class of Wnudercrs
In Idaho. However deep one's feel
hit's may be, while viewing shoslmiie
Kails mid the surrounding scencr,
from w here I now sit I believe the
truest language Is silence one hun
dred nnd twenty live miles south of
ket hum, in tin-midst of one of N.i
tine's dreariest n'litinh's America's
Shahara siirrmiin led by w hut seem-.
in interminable w ild"rne-s. barren ol
Hue cnn i n mi w -mis oi rocu are ii i
hone Falls. There Hnake liir's
llll'ilil oilllie oi Wlll.T. I'l'li'ljIllK
I'rolU its placid M ream a I i.i e. sudden -
!y leaps a dislance of f.'i l. .anic
for an iuMaiit as if he -iNif'ng I ital.e
the fearful bound nil. I I lien takes il
liniil plunge into the wali ry proioiu.d
nearly :M'l fi(.t below! Ihae s I
i-a-h air - a n l w atehei) M i: hoiil war
ing upon the s'liiniih f I he iii:;l,t y
w ill- of Mt. t i-iiP. whi.-li t- , i
,.1'ai.iilv nlioiit Ibis vi ir. l .,f ii ti'-n
i ind w.iolie.l the .1 nding v.n'.i-
!as it:,. l! ,u c 1 il.iu n il.,un . ! A i ,
,,, I f.,1 ahY-i II, f ,in. f.
i. i . . i 1.1 i ,
I I . -. . w . 1 1 . ; i . , t it.- i I oil- f ' ra
' the
Id of
, ,n ,;,,'. j ,; -.,,. ; ;,, j, ..
nul l .,11 :l;e H,
j p' i.-IM ere M'i
,1, woeu into !.,ala. j
' 1 i
I i.i i a l ol I 'ea,,! v and 1 1 c 1 1 1, 1 i ,'. mini
ill:-- sl"i my brow of 1 1 1 - - in.ij"-: .. cat
ci-a.-l, , it, l,e, the great f i v. : j - it
'.'un d i. w a I r. an th,. fear! ii -'cue,
heard I he .lea felling imii r and i i',.vh i f
I he madly ru-hing l.a r.-nl a- i: wrpt
in te rill" gfaialear by, and my -oiil has
I' sliil, awed into siletit reere,c,
b tr.e uic,,iiiiar ib,, s la le N..
w he,'' eNe in N a I ure i I here -,n-h an
1 ';Ml,,,w I' '" 1 1 '''' '' U
i ';,:'v'; l'l "d... - as ln...r f.r-.iin.l
:i-h"ne I .d- Ina s.sea ofsage.
! '" """ '" 1 '" 1,1 '"' ,,v ' '"U
"""""""' I""1" 111 '"" ""'l''
f a
lesolatioil il I.ceivablv .1 s.late.
They are k matchl.--. .rm ,,f . ,,,( v
I have brjeMy s!eeh, , a no-mor
which has !,i,',;... hk- a b-auiifui
drei'in through my mind ,'i, r I
s.iv. with aiiiaetnent that grandest ,,
Id iho's imm and lerful s
lis pablieal. .it may proiapf - can on,-
III ,1 e e. ial lie and 1 1.'. i'ig bei ! !' feci !
i: ie, i .i ; nt.. and publish a I - r i i
t i ! i of tle-gr, al fall:, which shall do
t lievi jijsi j.-,., and l h n
a ud i tni i 'h-hinetit to 1 1
add inter1
I rv
this d, . r ing 'ferrit orv. -
W. J
a.Wsl V..
; I O'1 i '.I.e. inur is a list of iho-ewho
! I'"' :l'"'r '-ul i-cript i, hi t . I ! i ..-
'l-inee our l.i-t i--ue.
;.losi'ih I'.rul. iK.
!'-' Kinney.-..
'ti s.i . i-. i
I lee, I.
I. e. 1.
No. I, '.:
Ma I. '-.;
lice. I. s',
I line 1 . '
Ilea. I. s.;.
I I. e. t. ";t.
.May la. 'M
mist a kes in the
i " . . . i ,,'m. ..
; I imei i i r, .-s
i.Ino. II. I lsh
; Isaac lieli
.il. W'a.'ucr.
. .;ills :imine,
, , ,
ana wet
Sh ill M lia-re l. a,
ab, i e ci'e'li
I he parties illt.-rcsled'r.crfi.
I lie hi, I. die, I an I li I'l v 1 1
some (o
from S. ppe,,h"im, r s s d
, M ore Weill we- in -tnii
Kali-a-. Nebraska. Idaho and I 'oloia
iin ai, iiiii, : o.i'aiii) ea-y to lia u lie an. 1
l'i .iict, d him, the said I Ippelilieiiii.-r.
lo older .'! fur those read to to west.
and they are now on hand at boitoui
, ,.,,.,,, ,, riiV,.,p v,, v
;, v , v ,,y liinj y ; ,
HW , ,.' ,,,,;,;.,, ,,.
s. ( ippenhrin,. r Selinsgrove, Pa.
I ' .
Keller w ill In 'I be under Sold hv an
1 , 11 .'. I l I I 'I ll "Hill . ,111
,,,. Wi,r.e..te,l t-l be what
' ll-i at win n lit, .1 to I.e hat
Wantho - 10 arfcts i Snyder f 'o. L'V;".:'.. 'i.MJU liT,!', ".'"ri." "j iV.-KrJ"; I
I I ... .......... .... .... .... . 1...1 -
canvass and sell ;'ra ve St.. u,- and
1 , . 4,1 i . . .
, .ilniiuiiienls. Address or call mi .. S.
! richer, at Selinsgrove, Pa.
Ask f ir the Dukiie Klcrtrie Hr.i.
a galvanic nailery in eacn liar. Also
. I.....'. .......' .. . a. ,
the Palette Hat the newest novel! v
I'orsale by S. Ippeliheiiner, SelillK
Will. A. Moyer w ill sell real estate
about 81 miles east of lleaverto ll on
Sal lirda"' Miiv P Tim trncf cmsi-iu'
niuuiua. iii.ij u. mo n at i t onsisin
of I.M iicres- intl of which is cleared,
the balance woodland. 4 Ufl-Ht.
It w ill pay to e.vaminn Keller's carpets
. .., , , v.
hclore you liny elsewhere. No oaca-
1 1. ,i . , ........ .. I,;., I. ...a.,., r .. .. a:
' i w s... I'.e - i,-,
carjiet Wilell yoll call liliy a goo.! one
for the saui,! llloliey ut Keller's Sclins
grove, Pa.
Orbisonia Ii.iitt',Ji : Hut aluin-wa-terls
the best insect .lest rover known.
i in nw ilium into not water iuhi lei it
boil till it is all dissolved ; then npplv
the stlutioii hot to all CMck, closets
bead-! cuds and other places, where
any insects are found. Ants, bed
bugs, cock roaches nnd
things are killed bv its use while o""V ""'n "' I'rotliupuiiiiy .,
iiiiiMH nrn Mlien M) lis use, 11110 s,iydtfr c0U1)l y ,r eon tl Ul 1 1 u it t M ly 'l'..rm,
tharo in no danger of pulouuijr theiitm. . ...
lomily or injuring propnt.r. -11 J' 3 fcl:' 1 tU '
In ndlltion to mv I n;. lin'i rf
! rnrnilure. w Inch coniM of I led room 1
hicI l'arlor Hiiiti of all kinds nnd pri
ces. Sofas. Chairs, MarbleTop .Stands
illij I'.eJ ftpims, linve just ndde.l it
ia'gelino of CAIM'KTS, Ingrain nnd
Hriissids, of superior U.ili!y mi l low
in price. It i.s my dcteindnatioa to
keepngood quality and se',1 at the
very lowest living figure. Cull and
wee far yoursi'lvc before purchasing
elsewhere. Ui'i.l.lcn.
f'clitisgruve, I'a.
.1. II. Hoffman & llro. Selinsgrove,
i'a. me still leading the market i'J
I'alicy llrcss tioods, lloMcI V, Notions,
rin m in -1 1. it w i i k i v ti v
" ' - - .. -
" N
e ' ','
,r, in
i ' ,i I .
I' 'lat oe,
i ill ! t I" .
! ' ' ' - ....
-. a .n.' u!
I'ure .
"a '.i! .
'e -i nut I
kl II- per
. t
. "' '
.. I
I ielvi. I
..' ' li
ll' r I
I- ! 'I
.-,.:. i1,
t i i ; .
pi ii "I. in Mi, I lie.-r..
Hill e.ia. 1 1st 1 1 . I- I e'iu
1 11 I eliiis, a , , d li 1 e.i r
,. !.' da s.
k i -, j
. w:,i.
. m.
Aju-il P
. i li I 'i c om-,', nf
a. ,n in
i p..!.-
i l.l-e-. oa ng h!
of .1 II,,"- I
1 vear.s,
11 i t I . in;
I ; . i 1 1 : 1
in I ' da -.
prii nl I li ieiit il
I'.hli s, itl.-r. aged I''
,1 llllia I 'I eoilul .
X ''a ,-s, S , ,i,( ..
iiild '.' I d.iv
April I. ii. ar I'renio,,'. Iei-tie, ,
I Annie Troup, aged 1 n th a,,'
l.l s.
u K. Anne
II lr un i i'Ni II
I I' 'I. Ill 1
V.'. ll. ll..,i l
i;.a!.r..c V I II in s,,.,
,1 . s, 1 1 . r I'-1. M,,l r I , if l' .
I' rrv I ' i.-l.l;, I I. , 'ii ,t. I i -' i
II ,ln,s .V lv '. I.or i:h . ... I ill, Mill I !i ,
n I..
S ,i.,i. .. of I iinitl linn lOiiK-
I I ,1 I N.I I! .., "I s... , .',,,,' ! , iy t
'Jl !" .'.'..i ' ":'" '"'-1
I'.Mi i... i. ri. Oil i. I la, i :..,nr. s,,,. ;i
I V. X V. I M I ' I .IT, 11 l i , ,
A l .in ioi I In .11 oi Ul
:.', ! , .,'l I', si'.r, ,.
I, or MM
. , rr. I .'ii ii t
A I mi. i ' : rr .lull'
M ii.iii II, I,,, r l
HI. i'. I
' ' I ..T .1. I I ' 1 11 I I I ' I !
'I.I - i 'I'M!' s,',.,
t: w. r a 'i hi .v
I I .' ': I ; - . 1 1
hit In i UM ,.r A ','iin 1
II IIi-kii - f.i....
I !
, I, irl-' vv 1 1 ,. ' 1 1 ; ,. . . ; t,
I . . i -i. r ....' .
I V I1 SC. ll
, i, i.'. I! II r v I ' ! il .,-
, ! ii r . . ' ,', ' I 'I . ', ' ' r 1 1 . ' i ,
1 , .. i i' . ! I , , . , r . , ' r i :. , r;i ' i . ; ..r :i ! -..
u.i'r.i ll.Tr,...!,
lr.' i,t!.' lo'i.'li ,'''. , v-, i.i '-1, e,,rif,,r.
,,l.. II .I:.1, . I i I.'-' 1 -. i, ,iii.i- l.lilil
. ,i ;,t 1 '. I ' ,,'., . , , ' i,,t
i I. fin II. en. i. . I n-i- I,. I". I. i.i i ii v- .1 !. A
I: ... i i'l i ,
I t i-i i . k I oi i . I.e I'o.'!. nil il ''I'.l All
.i l.n 1 ' ,i .'.."le.i.U el ,1 v M , IV 1. 1. ., r nl
sl",;, ti Mr, !',
IT'I Ul.
IV. II f.i l.,e
I 1,0 Hi ' . l ,'..
iu j i in ,oi -
' I ,-r.
. t 'ml": I- I , i
' '"H Ill . -,
I I r ut
M . . I in. i
a. i
.1. i Id it'sl'. I 1-1,'1,'v
j -..
no i h i:
ii. ..t
: a
,'s S ,
- II, I ' tl ,
.1' I'.
. llflllllH II
W , i; , an ei .
, I'. t r II i ri im itl,
' li.i v.l lli tr .1 I.
j I.,-.,.;, M
' In- I. t ll ...l. !".
- ih.ii.'I I; . ..:,
I I'm. .1 ll.'ttri' I..
I..I.H W .' .'II.
I Kluwi.rl li A 'ir n I,
r'rr I. rl 1 ,1 'r.
I f. I '. . ' ' ', iv . ! r.
i. II I- ,,,', it,
I'.- i I. Ii:.l.i.
II. If.
lit' ll tlllltl
M llli' .'.rul,
.! 1-1,11. lie
.'.I'.i.r ,
f. nn '
S,-liti nr in
W llti'n II I ... I H,
I . ' . . . . -1 11 I ', 11 ,
I 'l rule I
.1 ll ii.ll- , ,1 l rr,
I 'ii : '. in i, I; 1 1. .Tin,' I.
1.114 !.!
Ihi Pi'' 1 1 i, lr . I.'.i ,n
I !" ', ol I J I II UT ' '
I I I'M.
Wl l.llSt II
rt h . i,.i. n in,
-I i.i c. hi i.i j .
"r i g prov a I "ii
..rT,c i
j. .'!..,(
i..,. I I!
HI l.i' l,
a ti 1 1, i .1.' j i t iv .a a .
An I .. .I at. iv I -l!i, iv;, I' I' ..r.l. ri' I ,
I 'H' I I,.' I IT I. t I ll,' ,1,111 I l MM I tl I tiU I'llltli
, 'ill 'li "t'l',1,'1, I.:'..,-,'- , i'i i!'.r al,, li ,,
t '. it i. II l.t -I-- tr.i ,e . , ,,v 1 1.,, i ' .ii . t nlll ,,,
I'l I 'lit t"i I ,t ,i ... ".. ,. oil ,.i lilt
I ',.',- it, ... iiill.ii, HI n ,V. :iI:it ll,i' rilni'
I. I It 1 1 I V .' .'. t r e... I. Ly I III' IT" I ll'', I', i "I :. '
, i , l,t I in I :u' ,iii I v l'i iv. ic ,-r t'l I I.e . ' crl, '
I I mil t. ti.ul 11... .... -cl I' I. i" I .-.'ii
I .o i. e: i: i i 1. 1 u .
I liol M;. i , rk u .
oiiri 1 'iit'liniiii ion.
" IIKKKAS the lion, .beep!, C
II,,, tier l'i r -l Ii-ni .l.,.ts . t,.,. .I,,(.
i'l . I I ,- i e ,' i , .-i'l el 'I ii tit if, , I Suvl.-i i
' liti i ti I M el i i u t. 1 , ,1, ,i ,, t v ,i l a i, . j
.lll. ll . Y 'rl. r, l.-'i . A-. I i'o .Iml-'-s i,ii
ut. .I t i ."-ti -. ;.t nit . I. in r I -mi. I I , i-i r ro '
i-r;i l'i uriim. 1 .1.. ,I:m i.oi.le, i.t ,r;l . l, ;
I -s ', I ,, , ,o ,Ut,.,'ie,l f . i ,.i- I in, i,r ,
I'Iii.iin c, at . u . ii rt ,. I iiii'i,ii I' .-1- iiri,
l i i,nr ii t.. I I .Tin tirr ut") 'i.-ii.-fil i' , i ,., ;
'I it., ricr s, . ,i i,- ,n ti.o 1 1 i e in I I I ! !." u m I, i
I ,i I l,o ..until V ill sr. ,',fr- .ii, . i, HI, i!.,n',iv. i
( l olan H e -tn ,, y ,, i,!y Is-,,, .-.iiiii.tu-.!,
v. ,'.,k .
N. l.i'o l tl. rfl ,r.i lee i l.y ulvrti ! I) r,.r.
ll.T, I.I-'.,-,- ..I II... I'.','i'i i I '., ..- ii,
u.el l,,r li,t .'"inn ,1 s.,, , i h, , ,, ,., u.,.,,
I'l it i i.r.'.fii ni nit. -it i ...I . r.-'.-r ,ti ,'1
u v-...... , . , , t, ii .. I ........ .
''"" 111 "iii''.," .. ni nt i ;; '.r '."I
UltU , ,., n io, t ,,,-r
; w' till, .iiooii-l u li v or-i.n- ir. i,..(,lrol ,
iie-i.i t. .n,i. iu .1 in .iheir i,tt.,i.,i ,i,. m
' lliW ll,'.'"... i-'t oi.u. u rcu'i,.. .1. n-i i, .
im miiii'irinvi n.iH'iiii nm Ki.or
i V " V. l-Q?- VV.V.V:,?.r.V i".?..-?.v.:'! A'''!.1 i
i ''-
IA I p tit.ltlll.Y. MarlU.
yOTICi: in lieteby oivon lint tin
JLl f d 'nni'M WIiI'iwk (' r iItiih i l ia,, I,
iii,. ,i i.i-, ii.ii,' in l'u r.ii'.l uiiii ii,.. ci, iu ,,i
th.. I ,r-,l,si,M' .'iiiirt n Sim I, r . .ul. il.-, l,,r i-xii.
j funuU'"' mi M,,u,ly, ilia lijtii iliiy ,. Mny n,-'.
A r'i l""mnl nf M.iruret i, wl l'.iv
of s ,',,, , 0KI,,Dl Uw ut a.i,iniU,n tW, ,
,iit.-eM I.
Ini ., ,.i Kiliudar, Im oi .u. Umai tw. rtM.
I Aiiul'oi,iiil el I', ill.' lio.V'T, H,i,if of
.lulu. s. nrvr. iut i.i .ii.c,,n m . . ,ic
Ai'iaaUsui' nt ul l.oulrn lluo-lni'tir, wl,,.nr nt
pvi,i n.i.,oi, un l ii.liiocr.'.u tsp.,
A.r,,l,:eni-iit , Ul.,e M,
Hlilnw ol
i Ml. l.u. I U. .ilur, Into i.l Wkriiinut'iu m I'
A iiiinilrcment "f Snrnli Stiouk, w Mn v nl Ja
ouli sii.i.nk, Ute , I V,. llunirr lw , il, o',.
A.rnmui.ii'ni nl i nllv iIIuim, iiu.,if ul iHn'l
li !.,. I in- nl i .-In nu I'" I p., ,1, 0', I .
A ol lry l,iir, wi,l,.w ul
('lint.. . l.ttr. I ii I a ..I .s.i.i,!.r.,i , ,l.. il.
puvi.i n a.'.u.u, i,,is l Kr,.ukiui ti'
j. (..'Hurst; cieik ii. .'.
Tvnirii in (1. lt,nvniH. tlo m mil lee
J r lurid W.lrl.k. l.'.n.ii', hit tll.s
Nmv S lr8BE' ririaiBc !
f wiali fo infot tn liio rofti lents of
:oiliucui of
Cooking Stoves, Rangss, Heaters,
Parlor and Bedroom btoves,
Incln.litiR Hie Sew Lih llouac Coot. Silver Harp l.n.lim' 1'iids. Ti Oftl
Cook'). New Sunshino, Nv Jasper, .New ti-rotd I.ii;im-h. I(J.
vincible. I'l.o Spenr Ifeniem. Nn 'i1r lirvn. New
Ilis, New .lasper flenlcin. Now O .l.h.u Sun
, 1'ireplaco Heatom. nnd ol licit Mv
Heaters from 15 to 30 Dollars,
no nil of (lie 1 ifest pitterm an. I best m i tei i d. mi l ii .oiIM .,i i
ei afi'ii I ulVti llu in bdow nelml cost Hef!uti then nale.
ICall and see tho
f W'hicli I have im lur',, ninl w fll-seh del ; i,.e ns , f ,.,n. ,n tho
cont.ty and nt pi ici n that will con. paie witii U I o!, a!e If iisis.
Tinware, Spouting and Roofing.
' V uie I, , !),, vciy I -st III Use ) So - iluw U .oliojr i .1,0 r
I i.tlt ll itii v. J;s;u c'.fuiiy Mihmii:. I.
Minm.i'nrncH r
1 sU
Stock to supply everybody in everything.
' Just opened. New and Stylish!
Coloitli C.'.sl.incis. Liuiies Linen U!sl is. Fine Lf cis, Kid Cloves all colors.
laths r xovi;i;ni:s
in.o?fk VV.Mr. Ladies Muslin Und m went mm Sk lis. L s c 7itp.h1 Gloves
ul eiitilesi varifty, Hct)tilai' M.idc Hutc. Swss Viotona Lawtts
All wool SACKIGS. Lnrac V.nioly of
: (J A LI (..'() KS, DIIKSS (3()()DS, &i
One of Hie. leading altractions in Sclmstitovc is our tnaq uficsnt li io of
.vliich is wi'll wn tl! l!.p cost ol i,o ii'i I 1 1 c i:i: i f LilJi Y TIHirit; SOI f?
Al 1UL UiUAL LU'.V miCiZ.
M si
mm& m bummer glothjna
I, ,- i .- ur-. , I un I I '( .!
I; 'III 1 I ) .Oi I'K' II - i: i V'! II ,1
' i ri' , r.'leolli r ,' I , "n e.. ;-;
,'...itit ;.f I ti It ;r v i ,'l.l" Icil ,
1 . .lit I ,,,! ..
IIibh Riiys l.ero !-. 'e r- -e : .r. Mn.c S'lii) I .- t,: ' . n I u t.r l.
Boys uits.'aood. for $1S0 and upwards. UmiiTwcar for 20 cents and np
wards. Men's Wool Hats 0 ccids ami iiiv.vp.kI, Goy s Wool Hats 25
cents and upwards. Shaw H.ttb Ci ctds d ujirtanls, Pine Whlla
blinls. Percale Sliiils. fJiu,n'' Sl,i-!s. Cuff a. Co'
Tieulii'S. H'ise. ('laves. Suspender?, ltiiu!s Salc'icls.
Valices. Carts. L'l.tlutllas. U'lt'ps. Lap Honrs.
,in 1 n hi II i I Jin til'ltlti ,1 ,.' t it ,
1 1 1 . 1. .' I , lie I . ,' il ml I I.', 1'tl IV I ' unit il - I , t , - ll .' i li I , n.-i 1 1 f . I ll I.' I'
' 10 0"0 POUNDS OF WL'GL WA.M..0 IN CCiiANCE FCH CC0iS...-.j
numwir VMiwursi-ir.vr RiWLnif'frr.v w
W. H.
m Imr
Lewistowa, SI:.rlin county, Pcnn'a.
H 1 1 ril 1 1 ri of I't-.v 1 . i ii. I . I ii i liir, 'liii in t l'f
J tiuninu INiiM-.!, I 1 1 1 1 . :tiii 1 v il 4-licii, to
!-u i I llu incaiisol'i r.v I I's-oii.
I' t'lmmbcr Suits. fr.,i.
p, i . SuitH. fiotu
ail wuliiut, euvued in nan riot),,
r.ii v ci
i Walnut 'lidtllhcr Suit , v illi M n i,l,
I . . , . i r
liu lstcnda from
Pr.trcaun, Stnnds. To inx. 'Ii rr-i, l.tttrehH of all ki.i,i, H, won
dotflll Woven Wire M it!i Hs or Spun., l'nttoai lite lict uih.Ic
AH goods: kept iu slocli a, n I nu Intn l. reidy for mile, and il CAhtX
IMUCICS, Unit will convince nil, tlttit y mciu save monev lit Iuiyii y nhfr
you tfttl tlio best, nnd iiImiivh gut, yon buy. Ilo ids pneked afiil deliv
ered, with tho bout of aire, to Ii. II. dep d. f ill an 1 h. the the immense
Stock. No trouble to show ootids, I)IT M'H'I'i): (lood liuods, Lot
I'lices, and to ploao a l. Oiders by mail will ruoeive prompt attcution
at all times. Vou .a Ke-pfitfiillj ,
" --'7.181. AV. II. FI3LIX.
IS-.t In v Klrrit lH r Ht-nt i w. i:PV(,iVp nil jrivrs the ennni
The WorM. ,VLk s,' tirw. lo 1 1 a r raw in ia puwinir o?r it
.Ast.vil Fr- - S Mice, ''a ii teie id .!,. .li, ul lo il.c wink of anir
'--i'F '"v
M&Xi 'f' y-'-Y,r'T?
-1 f''S?. vVl2
W Ni?! r'Sirf
ura5'-51Nii;- L
IVnn lf:'.rrw is auuli' of llir IU-i White i :.';, wall Steel Tiih, Well Tainted ml ia
every way lirttchiss. I i.rnntli a ll.uinu w .i -. I he ne . t iiiiluiulv inipl.mei.t on 1'ie l.ini.,
w ith our iniirovt ini'iits it is ilif ui i.l CDiivciaeiit, and a re.,t snii.; l Inn und UUir,
lo ynur inUtot uml laiy lliu I'riiu llrrw. Mai.uluc ute J nly I,) ilia
' I'rou Harrow Mrtiiultotnrlng Co.
Qfposilo Pliiln,lt'!iiliia. I'a. l'aiit(u, r Jrjr.
-o -
Sr.y1.jt ronnly ll nl f Imtn n fine as
Fine Cook Stoves,
V. 7
vr mt . ti r. mf. w . i
f.iil oi.I V MiPMS.
th I t.
'.' f - 1 1 In i Ik
I .,.l,'l tl .1 1 t.rt .i,.
,. li If ' " "I ' I. .Ins , '! ns , 111. )
it A I. hi .ok s ir in I .
Fm ra if u re
IJeps, liaw i!k. nnd rlutlita. vt
Took, from
4 to
' ''"r" and f.ive tlie f.umer hull" his blsi'r
Am liar cuit sa Milage ihc I'tnn ll.innw h.-'
, Vl'' -"' "iltoi.U inn Im a eauily fliause4
into rive Hillerrnl llnrrawa, U'tt
a'"' a ri,itik;e Slcl I. rr.n.h 1 1 irrow, w iihrmi
uil.iiii nu i vil.i pair , r bait. I l,U ita foimrr
Ii. all ila- II.inrt in tlie er.i ir.iiiiicH ial In
t'l.ii i-, lai l lliry arc fcthllitcJ td aaT Rflil.