; ( . Hiding Mnr. of I be Endless ChIO Starch .!, pirohaae of "Bod Cross" and jrr' flMit" staroh. make H Just Jnu money. Why, lor only 80 you . 1 -1 to get one Urge 100 package prwo" starch, one large 100 pack l')HHb(iief Bent" March, with the IB, two 8hakespeare pnnels, print ''live basutilul oolors, or one Twen !tury Oirl Cslendnr, embossed la k your grocer for this starch and 'j benutlfoi Christmas presents free Atrar.i-e organisation which should tine Its runiliimwiilHl law Hostlnnnco ,sslv sating would do nwny with 'r port of the ordlimry slcknws 'rBOUK who ebould live up to tho y i fuse r Teller In Tom. wroiviLL. F"-: Tetferine fuiore tbnn its weigbt in gold 'One application cured me of "i my toes of seven (7) yers I Jcbn M. Towles." It cure "F diseases. At druggists 60 1 box, or by mail postpaid from fltiptrine, Havsnnah, G. '' tnlTaraal Relief. ' ejor "Now, Mr. Duoltttle, what ' n learned about your topic, the r T" Mr. Doolittle "That svery c believe It harmoolrve exactly ?her complexion." Jewelers' LtTIMS C)UJIT. (" ,J. i ii.aur makes oath that hel the nnrr nt Hie flrto ef t. 3. CEKT A h: b"fii"einh(.1yof Toledo, County 1 forll,nil that said Arm will par A OKI nUNKKBD DOLLAR (Or each if cm of CATiaan that cannot be . Uieaaoof Hall' CiTAann Cum. Fkahk J. Chikst. ia-)o before me and subscribed Id ray . mBTt vile no gay 01 ueoeiuoer. KJl day of A. w. Ui.iimis. t Kolary rublio. . Care is taken Interually.and it)T on the blood and mucous aiirfaoee ? Itum. Bond for testimonials, free. 1 1 1 u . m . , , v v., A uisuus w ' -Sir "Imirtrl.tn. 751. amllr Pills are the best. "'trnge dunitlou of striken In Ger ivMttwuen six nnd soven weeks. frr l't Best is l I Cheapest' 5 tm this from experience in every irni of life. Good clothes are mosi .Ue and war the longest. Good tes the best nutriment. Good jf Hood's SarsapariHa, is the best aipest because it cures, absolutely tt vohtti all others fal. 0t5 SaUafrnxit T Supremely Fraction t. Mler Twaddle "Yes, she's a tctlcal woman, a regular utlli ' ;Bul they say she has a skelo lc ief closet." Mrs. Gadabout !s'fShr has? Well, TU bet she at!b hang her coat on to koep It if; It's anywhere near the tia '."New York World. " : : : ,iat is Deai in tne great poet ntrles Is not what Is national what Is universal. Long- I'll; oil's rou cumin rtjroup and Whooping-Cougli t led for Consumptives. Givos 38. I u' results. Kcfunc sulintitutea. tc. fk''r' BiUitutiuu. Tfiulttoorse. 11 n'Q nnnnu MhM M UUUUI1 Bthsand Cnlils I I tm m 1 oniilini'lloii. B II I hm If Irugrfst. 2Bo. b Is k II Oet'Tliroush ilia Winter M'lih. ; j nut h I'olil. idea that iiiuny pitotilo Imve, or is mi iiiilimilili ir ; J "'o..iif in g. W iiitur 1m just ns liotilllii'u! H)r, If M-oilo will luktt citrti of ii v. tlf ytm wntit tu ihrmigli I r H'itlitiut a cold, nlwnrvo iIicho J, jlo rules: ,1 I ovi-rlamt your Imiiso, nnd i) jl till viiiililaliiui. Slitttp in u II ti, but kci'p wiirinly (!uori'd. jtnkn oil' ymir iiiitdmu- writps & comu ill lllll I111USII, Ullll III '"I tlieill Oil wIlPII y)ll L'O out. la"yA jNt K lollg" ,H tlitiin in t 'lie K'ottiiil, tluu't go with- vmIiIiuik. 'J'Imh n ,!,, jH iiilpitiuit of u, ,r, two t., " wilt '1-4 1 "'fle W.,rl Won II tin. tett f-Wheeler eoems to b ,J f that new doctor of his. Skor I. h likes his up-to-datoneB heeler wtuj sick In bed tho Orel .!,'; doctor said was: "()! we'H i on pedals again In a fow patltollc Standard and Times. Iy talk and one may hear, but 8 ao take part In a conversa . e most sincere and searcnlqg teerson. il'fr.kham's Medicine Made .(.Woman of Mrs. Kuhn! ' Tl? riKKHAIi HO. 64,491 f M8. risBiiAM-I think it la ; I t write to you expreBslng "fre crratitude fop tlm ' l,avo experienced by the use E. I'lukham's Vegetable Com f tried different doctors, also j kipda of medicine. I would fur at time, then would be U ever. ieight years I was a great suf ihad fttllimr of 1)1.. u.....,i. 1 misery at my monthly I Could not worlt luit .. ottlU have to lie down. Your 1 1U miid n ,..,..., jw ork all duy and not get you tor what you have ne. I shall always praise U.iao tn.ll .. , ""uei lug women. - K 1111 11 1 ... . v 1 Kuun, Osruano, Ohio. F taken eight bottles of Lydla F' Vegetable Compou !d -r i'age oryourKuiia- I. UJlin Mxn... I,L- V , mutavi vue fiver rills, P ' 7 that your remedies will VOU claim fr, 41 M I ""mi DClUrU f " ' I remedies I was very bad fh ruulo, was nervous, had 5 for. I could not aleen. anH m pi- i to do me no good. Now I J your medicine has cured sdly recommend vm, ,u,i. I f' l'V Dna mhu.... f .. 'iuaM. Qua Mansu. Mica. REV. DRJALMAGE. . THE EMINENT DIVINE'S SUNDAY DISCOURSE. Sabjsel: iettleit In HeaTsn Tlis Pate ol Nations as Well a of Indlvlduala In God' Hands The World Not Uov t arned In a Ilaphaiard Way. OopyrlRbt, Louis Klopsrh, HM.l Wabdikoiok, D. 0. The Ideathnt tilings In this world are at loose endj and going at haphazard Is In tbl dlsuourse combated by Dr. Talmage. Thetextls Psalm cxlx., 89. "Forever, O Lord, tby word Is settled In heaven." This world hns been In process of ahangs ever lnoe tt was creatod mountains born, mountains dying, nnd t liny have both cradle and grave. Ouce this plnnot wits all fluid, and no being suoti ns you or I have ever seen oould have lived on lt.it mluute. Our hemisphere turns Its face to tbn sun and then turns Its bunk, The nxls of the earth's revolution has slilftml. The earth's eentreof gravity Is whanged. Once flowers grew In tho nrctlo and there was snow In the tropic. Tlira has buen a re. distribution of land aud sen, the land crumbling Into the sea, the son swallowing the land. Ice nnd lire have fought for the possession of this planet. The ohemlcal composition of It Is dllTnrent now from what It once was. Volcanoes once terribly alive are dead, not one throb of fiery pulse, not one breath of vapor the ocean changing Its amount of saline qualities. The Inter nnlflresot the earth are gradually entlug their wny to the surface upheaval and subsidence of vast realms of continent. Moravians !n (Ireenland have removed their hoot poles because the advancing ana submerged them. Llunmus records that In eighty-seven years a great stone was 100 fnet nearer the water than when he wrote. Forests have been burled by the sea, and land that was cultured by farmer's hoe cuu be touched only by sailor's anchor. Loch Nevis of Hcntlnnd nnd Dingle biy of Ireland and the II or. Is of Norway, where pleasure boats now float, worn once valleys and glens. Mnny of the Islands of the sea are the tops of snnnen mountains. Blx thousand miles of the l'aclllu Oceau nre sinking. The diameter of the earth, no ordlng to sclentllo nnuonncement, is 181) miles less than It was. The entire con figuration of tho earth Is nllorod. Hills nre denuded of their forests. The frosts and the waters and the air bombard the earth till It surrenders to the assault. The so called "everlasting hills" do not !nst. Muny railroad compnules ceuso to build Iron Lrhlgos because the Iron has a life of Its own, uot a vnirotiililo life or nu nniranl life, but n metallic llfo, nnd when thnt lire dies the bridge goos down. Oxida tion of mluorals Is only another term for describing their death. Mosses aud sea weeds help destroy the rocks they deco rate. Thechangos-of tho Inanimate enrth only symbolize tho moral changes. Society over becomes dlffereut for better or worse. ISoundnry lines between natious nre set tled uutll the next" war uusettlos them. Uncertainty strikes through laws and cus toms anil legislation. The cliurHcterlstla of this world Is thnt;nothiiig in It Is settled. At a time when we hoped that the arbi tration planned last Bummer at Tho Hague, Holland, would forever ebeathe the sword nud spike the gun and dlsmnntlo the fortress the world has ou bund two wars which nre digging graves for the flower of English nnd American soldiery. From the presence of such geological nnd social and national and International un rest we turn with thanksgiving nud exul tation to my text nnd llud that there are things forever settled, but lu higher lati tudes than wo hnve ever trod. "Forever, O Lord, Thy word Is settled In heaven." High up In the palace of the sun at least five things are settled thnt nations which go continuously and persistently wrong perish; that happiness Is the result of spiritual condition nnd not of earthly en vironment; thnt this world is a sobool houso for bplendtd or disgraceful gradua tion; that with or without us the world Is to be made over Into a scene of nrboresconce and purity; thnt nil who nre ndjoiued to the unparalleled One of Uethlehem and Nazareth and Golgotha will be the sub )ects of a supernal felicity without any taking off. Do you doubt my first proposition that nations, which go wrong perish? Wo have In this American nation all the elements of permanence aud destruction. We need not borrow from others any trowels for up building or torches for demolition. Ele ments of ruin nihilism, Inlldellty, ngnostlo Ism, Sabbath desecration, Inebriety, sensu ality, extravagance, fraud; they are all here. Elements of safety Qou-worshlp-Ing men and women by the scores of millions, honesty, benevolence, truthful ness, selt-snorllloe, Industry, sobriety aud more religion than has characterized any nation that has ever existed; they Jure all here. The only question Is as to which of the forces will gain domluancy the one iasa ascendaut, and this United States Government, I think, will continue ns long as tho world exists; the other class ub aendunt, and the United State goes Into Buoh small pieces that other governments Would hardly think them worth picking up. Have you ever noticed the size of tho eemetery of dead nations, the vast Green wood and I'ere le Chaise, where mighty kingdoms were burled? Open the gate and walkthrough this cemetery aud read the epitaphs. Here lies Carthago, born 100 years before Home, great commercial metropolis on the bay of Tunis, apart of an empire that guve the alphabet to the Oreeks and their great language to the Hebrews; her arms the terror of natious, commanding at one time 10,000 miles of const; her Hamllcar leading forth thirty myriads, or 300,000 troopi; her Hannibal carrying out lu manhood the oath he had taken In boyhood to preserve eternal en mity to Home, leaving costly nud Impos ing monuments at Agrlgeutuin a ghastly heap of ruins; Carthage, bur colonies on every coast, her ships plowing eveiv sun; Carthago whero lire her splendors now.' All extinguished. Where are hor swords? The Inst one broken. Where are her towers uud long ranges of maguillcent archi tecture liuriod under the sands of the lJagradns. As ballast of foreign ships much of bnr radiant marble hag boon cur lied uway to build the walls of trausmuill terranean cathedrals, white other blouks have been blasted lu modern times by the makers of the Tunis railway. And all of that great and mighty city aud kiugdom that the tourist finds to-day is here nnd there a broken arch of what was once u fifty-mile aqueduct. Our talented nnd genial friend, Henry M. Field, In one of his matchless books of travel, labors hard to prove that the Blight ruins of that city nre really worth vlsltiug. flurthngo burled Su tho cemetery of dead nations. Not one ultar to the true. Clod did Hlie roar. Not one of the Tea Com mandments but she conspicuously vio lated. Ilor doom was Buttled In heaven when it was decided far back in the eterni ties that the nation and kiugdom that will not serve God shall perish. Walk 011 In the cemetery of nations and see the long Hues of toinbs Thebes nud Tyro and Egypt und linbylou aud Medo Persian and Macedonian and llomau aud Hnxou heptarchy, great nations, small na tions, nations that lived a year uud nations that lived 600 years. Our own nntion will be judged by the same moral laws by which all other na tions have been Judged, The judgment day for Individuals will probably eoiue far on In the future. Judgment day for 11a tlons Is every dt; every day weighed, every day approved or evory day con demned. Never b ore lu the history of this country hug American nation been more surely lu the balai.ee than it is this minute. Do rig:' uud we go up. Do wrong, and we go d'wu. I mu not so anxious to know what this stntesmuu or that warrior think we had better do with Cuba nnd Porto Rico nnj the Philippine as I nm anxious to know what Ood thinks we bad hotter do. The destiny of this nation will not he decided on yonder eapltollue bill or at Manila 01 at the presidential ballet box, font will b settled in heaven. Another thing deolded In the tame high place Is that happiness Is the result of spir itual condition uud not of earthly eav iron ment. If we who m.iy sometimes b ave a thousnnd dollar to luvest find It uoh a perplexity to kuow what to do with It and soon after find that we iuvested It where friuolpal aud Interest have gone down tirough roguery or panlo, what must be the worrlmeut of those having million to Invest und whose losses correspond In mag nitude with their resourcesl People who have their three or four dollars u duy wane are Just a buonv a those who have an Income or two ,000 a year Hometlmes happiness Is seated on a foot stool and sometimes misery on the throne. All the gold of earth In one chunk cannot purohase Ave minutes of Complete satis faction, Worldly success is an atmosphere thnt breeds the maggots of envy and jeal ousy and (into. There nre those who will never forgive you If you have more emolu ments or honor or ease than they have. To take you down Is the dominant wlsii of most of those who are not as high as you nre. They wilt spend hours and days und years to entrap yon. They will hover nround newspaper offices to get one mean Hue printed depreciating you, Vour heaven Is their hell. ! A dying President of the United States said many years ago In regard to his life time of oxperieuoe, "It doesn't pay." The leading stntesmen of America lu letters of advloe warn young men to keep out of Eolltlcs. Many of the most successful ave tried in vain to drown their troublo In strong drink. On the other hand, there are millions of peoplo who on departing this life will have nothing to leave but a flood name and a life Insurance whose llurclned fn3es are Indices of Illumined souls. They wish everybody well. When 'the fire Deli rings, they do not go to the window at midnight to see if It Is their store that Is on fire, for they never owned a store, nud when tho September equinox Is abroad they do not worry lest their ships founder In a gale, for they never owned a ship, nnd when the nominations nre made for high political office they are not fearful thnt their namo will be over looked, for they never applied for ofTtno. There Is so ruuob heartiness and freedom from care In their laughter that when you hear tt yon aro compelled to laugh In sym pathy, although you know not what they ure laughing about. When the children of thnt family assem ble In the sitting room of the old home stead to bear the father's will rend, they are not fearful of being out oft with a mill ion und a harf dollars, for the old man never owned anything more than the farn of seventy-live acres, which yielded only enough plainly to support the hoiuohold. They have more happiness in one mouth tbau mnny hnve in a whole lifetime. Would to Ood I bad the capacity to ex- Clalu to you on how little a man van be uppy nnd on how much ho may be wretched! Oet you heart right and all Is right Keep your heart wroug nnd nil Is wrong. That Is a principle settled lu heaven. Auother thing decided In that high placo is that this world Is a sohoolhotise or col lege for splendid or dlsgraoeful gradua tion. Wo begin In the fresumau class of good or evil nud then pass Into the sopho more nud then Into the Junior and then Into the senior, and from ttiat we grnduato angels or devils. In many colleges there Is an "eleotlve course," where the fctudant seleats whnt be will stuily mathematics or the languages or chemistry or philoso phy nud It Is an elective course we nil take lu the schoolhouse or university of this world. We may study sin until w are saturated with It or righteousness until wo are exnm- Idlllcatious of It. Graduate we all must, mt we decide for ourselves the style of grnduatiou. It is an elective course. We can study generosity until our evory word nnd every net and overy contribution of money or time will make the world better, or we may study meanness uutll our soul shall shrluk up to a smulinoss uuluiuginu ble. We may, under Ood, educate ourselves In to a fcolf control thnt nothing can anger or Into an Irascibility thnt will ever nud unon keep our face flushed with wrath and every nerve a- julver. Great old sclioolhousu of a world lu which we are all being educated for glory or perdition! Homo hnve wondered vthy grnduntiou day In collega Is called "commencement day" when It Is the Inst day of college es orclses, but graduation days ure properly called commencement day. To all the graduates It Is the commeuuemeut of active life, and our graduation day from earth will be to us commencement of our chiel life, our turgor life, our more tremendous life, our eternnl life. Dut what a duy com mencement day on enrth Isl The student never Bees uuy duy like it. At uny rate, 1 never did. When Pompey landed at Brlndlsl, Italy, returned from his victories, be disbanded the brave men wuo hud fought under him and sent them rejoicing to their homes, und, entering Home, his emblazoned ahurlot was followed by princes in chains from kingdoms he had conquered, nud flowers suoh as only grew under those Itnllan skies strewed the way, nnd he came under arches Inscribed with the names of battlefields ou which he had triumphed und rode by oolumns which told of the 1500 cities he bad destroyed and the 13,000,000 people he had con quered or slain Then the bnnquet was Bpread, und out of the chalices lllle.l to the brim they drunk to the health of the conqueror. Bellsurlus, the grent soldlur, returned from bis military achievements and was robed In purple, and In the pro cession were brought golden thrones nnd pillars of preolous stones aud the furni ture of royul feasts, und nmld the splen dors ot kingdoms overoomo ho wns hulled to the hippodrome by shouts suoh as had seldom ruug;through the capital. Then also came the oouvlvlallties, lu the year 37-1 Aurollan mnde bis entrance to Home In triumphal car, in which he stood while 11 winged llguro of Victory held u wreath above bis head. Zonobln, captive queen of Palmyra, wulked behind his chariot, her person encircled with fetters of gold, un der the weight ot which she nearly fainted, but still n captive. And there were lu the prooesslon 200 lions nud tigers nud beasts ,of many lauds and liiOO gladiators excused from tbe cruel amphitheater thnt they might decorate tho day, nnd Persian and Arabian and Ethiopian embassadors were in the prooesslon und the long lines of cap tives, Egyptluus, Syrians, Gauls, Goths aud Yanduls, It wns to such scones thnt the New Tes tament refers when it spoke ot Christ "having despoiled principalities und pow ers, He made a show ot them, openly tri umphing." Dut, oh, the difference lu thoso triumphs! The Roman triumph rep resented nrrogunce, cruelty, oppression und wrong, but Christ's triumph meant emancipation und holiness uud Joy. The former wns a procession ot groans aocom 'pauled by a clank of chains, the other a procession of ho-annas by millions set for ever free. The only shackled ones of Christ's triumph will be satan und bis cohorts tied to our Lord s chariot wheel, with ell the abominations of all tho earth bound for an oterual captivity. Then will come u feast In which tiie chalices will bo lllled "with th new wine of the kingdom." Under arches commemora tive of all the buttles In which t lie bannered urmles ot ths church militant through thousituds of years of struggle have at lust won the day Jesus will ride. Conqueror ot earth und boll and heaven. Those armies, disbanded, will take palaces and thrones. "And they shall come from the East uud the West und the North nud tbe South und sit dowu lu the kingdom ot God." And may you uud I, through the pardoning und sanctifying grace ot Christ, be guests ut thut royul bunuuetl THE SABBATH SCHOOL A Remarkable Shawl. The most remarkable shawl Is tho world is one belonging to tbe duchess of Northumberland. It is made en tirely from tbe fur of Persian cats, and many thousands of skins were UBod. the weaving taking several years. Al though this shawl Is eight yards square !t can be compressed Into a space no larger than a coffee cup. It was formerly U10 property of CitarltJ X. ol France. Sorry That lie Spoke. Husband (cynically) "Ah, women are all alike. When I flrst asked you to marry me, what did yon say? Why, you said that you wouldn't marry tho noblest man that ever breathed." Wife (quietly) "Well, I didn't, dear." Tit-Bits. .. Interesting, "Life must be very monotonous for you," said the sympathetio frieud. "Not at all," answered the Ohiuesa emperor. "I find a great deal ot e in citement getting up early iu tbe uoru ing to see whether or uot I vaa assas sinated the night before." INTERNATIONAL LESSON COMMENTS FOR NOVEMBER 19. Subject! Pnblle Tteatllngor the Bcrlptnle, eh. itl., 1-13 (Inldrn Texti Keh, fill., 3 Commentary on the ' Lesson. Coxkectjso: Lines. "The ptnee of meet Ing wns in the open square of Ophel, south east of the temple area, and near the water gate, through which water was brought or use In the temple. At this time, under I'.sra, began a new era of Bible study. He inaugurated a class of scribes for copying nnd tenoning tbe law, nnd synagogue meetings for rending It. It Is thought that Eura returned to Persia nftor lie had spent eight months In Jerusalem working re form by separating the Jews from their heathen wives, but In his absence they had relapsed Into their former condition, and were In this state of disobedience when Nehemlnh came to them. Here Is the first mention of his name In Nehemlnh, and It Is probable be followed Nehemlnh to Juden, to assist In another movement of reform." 1. "All the people gathered." From the surrounding country from 20,000 to 50,000 In number. It wns at the time of tho Feast of Trumpets. Trumpets were blown every where. Tbey proclaimed n day of rejoic ing; they were a publld acknowledgment ot Jehovah as King, n summons for the people to range themselves under His ban ner) they were a call to repentance: "House ye, rouse ye from your slumber; awake, awake from your sleep, you mind vanity." "Book of the law." The whole body of snored writings, eollectod Into one volume otE.rn, the first greut scribe. Our Old Testament. 2. "All that could hoar." Men, women and children who were old enough to understand. 5. "He rend therein ... .from tho morn ing until midday." Or, "from daylight." He began as soon ns It wns light enough, and read on (he and his assistants, v. 1) till noon, that Is, for six hours or more. The reading nppenrs to hnve beeu varied by occasional exposition (vs. 7, 8). "Tho ears of nil the people were attentive.' Though there is no word in tho Hebrew for "attentive," yet the meaning Is quite cor tectly given: "Tho ears ot nil the people were to the book" fixed on that, and ou unthlng else. 4. "Ezra stood." With thirteen repre sentative men from Jerusalem, upon 1111 elevated platform whero they, la turn, rend the Hcrlptures. Hero they could bo seen by nil nnd heard distinctly. Nothing Is known of most of these persons, perhaps the ohlef ot the courses of priests who ministered lu the temple service. Thov ave dignity to the service and honor.nl K7.n1 lu the sight of tho people. Those mentioned In verse 7 were Lcvitcs. 6. "Ezra opened the book." The book was a loug strip of parchment, rolled upon 11 stick ut either oud; thereforo called a roll or 11 scroll. The writing was In parallel columns across It. Huch rolls aro still used 111 Jewish synagogues. 0. "Ezra blessed the Lord." Offered prayer, lu that prayer Hod's goodness nnd mercy, faithfulness and truth, power nnd righteousness, were recognl7.ed, and His faithful promises were pleaded. 7. "Caused the people to understand tho law." They stood beside the render und expounded tbe law by turn during pauses In the reading, or were stationed nc Intervals la the crowd, dividing it Into Bible classes, und nil teaching at the same time. This was it part of the regular work of the priests und Levites. On this occasion It was probably necessury for them to translate nud explain the law In the common tongue for the benefit ot a large part of tho people. They expounded the mind nnd will of God In what they read, and applied It to the people's pres ent eondltiou. N. "Kami distinctly." So that everv wonl could be distinctly heard. Tills was the tlrst way In which they caused tho peo ple to understand. Tho Israelites havlug been lately brought out of Bahylonlsh cap tivity, lu which they hud continued sev enty years, were not only corrupt, but tbey had In general lost the knowledge ot the nnaieut Hebrew to such a degree that when tne book of tbe law was read they did uot understand It. Therefore the Levites translated it Into tho Chnldee dia lect. "Caused them to understand." They gave both a translation of the He brew words Into the Chnldee and an expo sition of the things ooutuiiied In them, nud ot the duty Incumbent upon thorn by virtue thereof. 0. "Nohemluh tho Tirshntha." Hitherto Nehemlnh bus called himself pechali the ordinary word for "governor. Now he Is called Tlrshathu, a more honorable and reverential title for governor. The new title is among the indications thnt this por tion of the book Is written by another. "This day Isioly." Mourning wits unsuita ble for u day of high festivity, the opening day ot the civil year and of tho sabbatical month, Itself a sabbath or day of rest, and one ti be kept by blowing' of trumputs. Lev. 23:23, 25; Num. T.t.1-6. A day up pointed for general rejoicing In Him who bus turnod our captivity, restored to us tho law. nnd agulu established us among His ordinances. It appears that the people wore not only Ignorant of their undent language, but also ot tho rites aud ceremonies of their religion, not being permitted to observe them In Baby lon. Therefore the rites uud ceremonies must be explained. 800 vs. 13, 11. "All the people weet." They realized how dlf fereut their lives had beeu trom the lives commanded by God. They had failed lu personal duty. Thoy had failed In the pub llnworsblp ot God. They had failed us a nation. They saw, also, the punishment which O01I had threatened for sin, ami un derstood clearly why they had been inudo captives aud why the nation was so poor and weak when it might have been tbe central glory of the world. 10. "Go your way, eat aud drink." Ob serva God's nppolutment. They should testify the genulreuess of their repentance by the faithfulness with which they l- ipt the feast. "Send portions." It wa.'an ordinance of Uod that iu these feasts tbe poor should be specially and liberally pro vided tor. Deut. 15:7-11; 10:11-15. "Neither bo ye sorry." We must not bo merry when God culls us to mourning. We must not Hllliet ourselves when Gud has given us occasion to rejoloe. Even our sorrow for sinners must not hinder our jay lu God's servlc . "Joy of the Lord." A conscious ness ot God's favor, mercy uud loug-sulTcr-Ing. 11. "Lovites stilled all the people." Hushed their loud lumentulious. Emotion needs control when It Is lu danger of run ulng Into mere physical excitement. 12. "Went to make a grent mirth. .. .be cause they understood the words ot tbe law." They now knew God's will and their own duty, which they resolved to practloe. This gave them ground of hope nnd trust In God's mercy, uud therefore gave them great Joy. A KitocUliiK 1'lM'liiy, y AS 9 ruok. A Trade Saeret ltevealert. Mr. Bussettip "How much for a shine, sonny?" Boy -".Five cents when yer ask beforehand. Ten cents, if you don't." Collier's Weekly. While spectacle may not always improve: au individual's appenranoe, it cannot be denied that many people look better through them. KEYSTONE STATE. t-ATKST NEW OI.RANRD KROM TARI Ol'S PArtTS OF TI1K STATKS. GRADE CROSSING DISASTER Farmer Killed and His Son Seriously In jured In llnrks County Reports of llank Ing Ilepurtment Shows Notable Increase In Assets I.arorne County Institute Strongly Condemns Srhool Fund Veto. Daniel Loose was killed nnd his son ser iously Injured nt a grade crossing, three miles south of Hamburg, near lleroe Me llon. Mr. Loose was 45 years of age. Ho was a well-known farmer of Tlldnn Town ship. Accompanied by a 15-year-old son ho wns on his wny to Reading with a load of potatoes, and upon approaching the Phila delphia Beading Hallway tracks a south bound eoul train was passing. Just aa tbe rear end had passed the horses were urged forward and the next minute the north bound express train, leaving the Beading Terminal at 11.30 P. M., known as the "Buffalo express," plunged Into the team, Instantly killing Mr. Lose, seriously Injuring the boy and also killing both horses. The wagon was reduced to feoffments. The team nnd wreckage were thrown against a heavy plntform which adjoined the track, which was also destroyed. The train was stopped as quickly as possible and the body of Mr. Loose was placed Id the baggage car and taken to Port Clinton. Later It was sent home. The boy was taken to the Pottsvllln Hospital, whero a portion of the frontal bone was removed. IlulldliiK and Loan Statistics. The seventh nnnuul report of the Banking Department of the Htute for 1HIIH, relating to building and loan associations, has been made public by Commissioner Powers. Only tho llgures nre given. Commissioner Poweis faying that ns there will be no Legislature in session next year It Is useless to recom mend any legislation this year. Tho build ing and loan associations reporting number 112. with assets amounting to 112.C(15, 7(17,27, un Increase over the previous year of 'J.'iO.HllS.Hil. The receipts were 32,385, 2(MU3, an lucreuso of 2,0i319fi3.H8. The total shares In force at the end of the busi ness year was l,l)3:-l,472, nu Increase of 23, 000. During the year forty-nine foreign ns eoelutlous did buslucss In this Mute, wllh 2IH.2D5 shares III force. Thirty now associa tions were chartered to do business in the Htitto and fifty-four wound up their affairs and went out of business, some of thuin with the assistance of a receiver. Touchers lleniititii'i Ntoim. At tho closing session of the Luzerne Couuty Tenehers' Institute, haid at Wilkes Barre, Goer.ior Mone was denounced lu tbe resolutions for "curtail, ng the Htute ap propriation for tho common schools," his action being chnracterized ns "nn unwar ranted assumption of authority, without prbecueut iu tho history of Pennsylvania, uud as violating tho duty" of liberal support which tho Htate owes to the common schools of this great commonwealth," Iu iinoth.-r resolution tho members of tho Legislature from this county were nsked to use their best endeavor to get the ritate appropriation increased. School Untitling it lilft. Tho Pennsylvania Steel t oinpauy hns mnde a handsome gift to the borough of Hteelton. Koveral years ngo at a cost of 4125,000, the company erected a magnillcent brick school building, which has been used by the High School und other higher grades. At the lust meeting of the School Bourd, President Fel ton, of the steel compauy, before he tendered bis resignation as president of the board, presented tile bulldlug to the borough. The school house was erected under direction of Mr. Felton's father, who was n former presi dent ot the steel company. Two Killed liy ICxplosInn. Two men were iiiHtnntly killed und auother probably fatally Injured by the explosion of u Lehigh Vnlley locomotive near Wynluslug, a short distance from Towauda. The dead ure Fireman Eugene I)eei;un and Brakeman Warren lloblnsoii. The Injured mnn Is Dun lei Georgia, engineer. The locomotive wns rented by the Lehigh Valley Company. I: was blown to pieces. Tra.01 1 wus blocked tor live hours. Ksraped from Prl.ion. Arthur Wltted, a young man serving a iovea mouths' sentence for robbing Pennsyl vania Hall road ears, eseuped from the Lan caster County Prison, He was employed us i runner urouud the prison, and took ad vantage of his position to secret several Jrlvlng lines, with which he was alio to leulo the high wall. Thus far there is 1.0 clue to Ills whereabouts. To lliilld h Hig lli-eiiker. Tho Lehigh Vulley Company, It Is an nounced, will erect another mu.nmoth hp-uker u mile southwoat of H tleton, which will be even larger than the big No. 40 breaker. Jut completed, which Is the won der of the anthracite region. There Is a vast amount of uiiiuiiied coal In that terri tory and the new breaker will give employ ment to over 1000 men. Water Ciiinpaiiy Wins l-'Ijrht. The lllnlrCouiity Court granted uu Injunc tion restraining the borough of Tyrone from purchasing the Hundred Springs reservoir for It municipal water works. The injunc tion was scut out nt the Instance of the Ty rone Gas nnd Water Company, a private corporation that supplies the borough with water. ;tlitnrr Loses His l.lfn. Henry Hhlve, aged 20 years, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hhlve, of Porkuslu, wus Instantly killed by the accidental disehnrgo ot his gun while gunning near Blooming Glen. Tho charge struck him in the head and almost severed bis heud from the body. I.lfo Crushed Out on the Kallroail. George Evorurd attempted to bouid a freight train on tho Pennsylvania A l'.rle Uallroud nt the Broadway crossing, Milton, and fell under the curs, hi body being cut in two. He wus agod about 22 years. School Girl Dies from I nil. Klght-year-old Katie Hoover, of Beading, stumbled over a bench ut school ou Tuesday and died of ber Injuries. From Ills Point of View, "I understand that there aro some firms that give a young employe a ralBe of salary when he marries," she said. "It Is a strange fact," replied the cynical bachelor, "that there are men so constituted that tbey enjoy encour aging other men to get into trouble." A century ago Adam Smith, noted as a remarkable accomplishment the manufacture of 4,UUU pins by ten men in a duy. lu these times ic is considered au ordinary achievement for three men to make 7,CUU,U0O pins in the same tiuie. It will cost $230,010 to mnke the aeoessury rrpairs ou the Olyinpis, But tbey would be made all the aume, even if it cost four times that sum. The laundress is sure of satisfactory results in her work if she uses Ivory Soap. Linens are of immaculate whiteness: no dirt or streaks anywhere. There's no room for criticism in the work when brought home. Ivory Soap is cheaper than common soaps in the end. A WORD OF WARNING Tlitre are miny while o. sarh rfprnnted to b "mt as at the 'Ivory';" ihrv ARB NOT, hut like all counterfeits, lack tlx peculiar anJ remarkable qualities u the genuine Ask lor "Ivory" Soap and Insist upon getting It. coevsiOHl ,eoe av thi pnocTra a nMail CO et,e.,Mti Boston's city debt has lw-roue I :),000.nol since January 1. California's dried fruit croo this year 1 wottb approximately 15,000,000. Save llio Nickl. From saving, comes having. Asli your grocer bow you. can save 15c by Investing Sc. He can lell you just bow you can got one large 10c package of "Bud Cross" starch, one large 10c package of "hublu gor's Best" starch, with the premiums, two bountiful B'laltespearo panels, printed in twelve beautlliil colors, or one Twentieth Century Girl Calendar, nil for 5c. Ask your grocer for this starch nnd obtain these beuutltul Christmas presents flue. An Inanlt to flip Doa;. Mr, Newlywcd Why don't you calt mo a brute and done with It? Mrs. Newlywed You forget that Fldo is present! I'uelt. Fits rermnlirnt.lv cored. Nnnt or nanrosis-ri-M nfter lll-M ilnr'o iim of Dr. Kline' tlreut Nerve ltt1oiir.f "Jtrtsl bntl-lennd trentlse f ru 1 II. H. II. Kl.isr. 1. t.l.. Kit Arch St., I'liila.. I'x Lord Salisbury's son. T.ord Edward Oell, is with Colonel lladeu-Powell at .Mil 'ok lug. ForWhoonlna Touah. Plso's Core Is a snc- I ressful remedy. M.l l)lrrrKil,u7 'luroop Avu llrouklyn, N. Y.. Nov. U, ltuu. Freight rates In England are considerably higher than l.i tbe I'nited States. They urn llxod by act of Parliament and set forth lu elaborate tables of classification nnd rates, togethur with the Hues over which sum apply. We refund 10c for every nnckngn of Tut kam Faiiki.kss Tve t lint mils tn V SHIIS lacilcn. M ro )rug Co., Uulouvlllo, Mo. told by all druirgists, Tho Uurllncton llnllroad Is talking of conducting a special chicken train once a month. No Cure, Mo Pny, Ts Ibe wny Klmlley's Kyo Hnlve Is sold, t'broiiie and itrnnulutod lids cured in ila: common orc eyes In It davs, or money back tor tbe asking. rWthl bv all (Irtmtriht, or by tniill. iluc. box. J, 1. JlAYTKU, Decatur. Tex a-. MARRIAGE Said to Ue nn Kvn ltftrgnln by a Woman of lCspcrleucr. "Marriage," says a fair correspond ent, "In common with all tbe blessings and evils of this world, is governed by the laws ot compensation. A man loses, possibly, a certain amount ot liberty a vague terra at best he may, perhaps, have to deny himself his cigar and a few other unnecessary luxuries. Ho must, in short, be a little less sclf centered thun formerly. Yet are not his denials more than amply repaid by paining a comfortable home, where be reigns paramount, where he is consid ered, loved and waited upon at ever;' step? Above all. on securing a tender, sympathetic, lovlcj helpmeet, always roariy to sink Into oblivion ber own worries and troubles, to advise and cheer him in tho dally flight, to sym pathize in trouble, to nurse in Illness aud to transform his very faults into virtues. All this and more a man gains as a reward for a little self-denial and an increased responsibility, and I say it Is emphatically untrue that men "rnnk wedlock as a tremendous nnd most undoubtedly uneven bargain.' Don't Judge men by a fow who, un worthy to be husbands themselves, have been disappointed In their wives, or by those small-minded creatures who lack the faculty for seeing two sides of a question. No; marriage, where man and wife are true to their calling. Is an undoubtedly even aud profltablo bargain." Mr. Bomint Imfl fouwlt-cl R eoUi'po for IliiH.oim ut Jit-nun's. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING BY MAIL. Our l.nokfi Hhow tttnl wa hAVtt nearly two mtlliou i un t4)tnrn who live lu ull puriA or tlto world, moHtof lioni dcpi'ud upon our HitbHii mnit for Uioir ChiiMniaa emu- tan inku cmi if your wiitiiH nloo. Memv Kiivmif iikCftt InuKflieinactff in our 4i igo 1 tsiwloguw wliii-n toild ot 1 vpr ihtiiK to Hut, Wt'itr (iiiii Ihihikj of- notH, train -uouh, C andM-ft. Chin eioHru, l lutiib.l om inoiIt'H.CouL'lHm.l lorfc TfW "liy. DcHka, Dmm-i itn. I'f dm. Mn.'v Ciuilrs.Kiiit v 'J au.tm To'inruM IVuh, 00UI 'Mt vh, UrocrrtrMi.t.fi'DpH, Wnit- l'TH, llilll(lk'l('hH 1h. MtiH- :ul Insinimc'nH, .i Mifn, Orn'tmt'uts, l'lcUitfe. 't k KiiIvph, l.'orktltt. Ht k hium'i. HllrfTwure, Hirhnic silver NOVfllU'H, WliUlUsH SLcwM, TihlPtt,ft. ihir l.ithofr ufiAtd Catitirf e shows tat fists Xtg y,sie squhi tA andDrflfirt vj mtk n rilt COin'S. LtttpStM snvtl , Imtnrs fuinishtd er, and ftemHt firtpmti. Om Mndg'Ufnd9 Clotkinr C'tttxlnfut tt'ttfl StiHifiirs ? t t ttti attached off s sutts rmd 4tV4t roots horn SMb t I'JO.tO td O. t txptet'ttre find on f fottnig. H waismtM Mf a Sfi'ttat Catafogm ttinos, Orptins. Srufing Af (hmes nnd Ricxtiet. All i?iqinrlH unnWfi-fHl khuio day nn w'wd. W win niiiM. your rhrminiuft buvlntf tunr imu tHrnctory limn it liim ever been twforp. Whictt ('niulotfiir do yon wnni ? A ((drew tutu wnw t JULIUS MINES St FOflr, iia i.nMoiti;. mo. Dept. si, xrrki iTrw. ffnjl, 35c. to J25. lamp, Jl'.5. rARTERS!NK Muke writing a comfort. $ Send your name and address tin $ postal, ami wC will send you our 156-Jg (?) pact- illustiated alalnvue fri-e. ) it) WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. !. ? 176.Winrhnr Atrniia. Ht llatin. Conn.'!' ?' . , av l'XVaXSAaaaaavS,aX,ixjiXi Is your breath bsd? Then vour bext friends turn their heads aside. A bsd breath mesns a bad liver. Ayer't Pills are liver pills. They cure constipstion, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headache. 25c. All druggists. Want your nitiuatevlis ur baurd basutllul brown or rich lilar V t Tron BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ttt W. L. DOUGLAS $3 & 3.50 SHOES jfti om Worth $4 to $6 compared wnn uiner manes, ttitloraril bv ovrr 1.000,000 wet rem The atuuit have W. 1 I foil); la nime anU atuiiiieti on bottom. no iitMlilule claimed in 41 good. our dealer -nnuia keep them -it j not, we will tend a pair n receipt o( price. Sta Wind ol eadicr. iie, and width, plain ex tp tot Catalogue C free. . I. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mat. Us I M xaai t Y ft iktttftJSa- r ii . T DPOPQY NKW DISCOVERY: !, WlWrO I quick r. ml ..id una, a.a "I t.i uitioial. .ud I O days' kiaaliaaufc rr.. or. a. a. ... auaa, a. s. Atuau. a J IS UuMU WrllllE Ail hi,i UllS. I K4 Daat 1'uuiiti Syrup. Taaiea (iixxl. Cae j I io r.. o. r....o...., ?. a h.u t Co. I.H.V., n. h I J "Jujj fca ja " Saaaawia l Miatiaaaafti.MiiMMlMMMM-AaMii.,..ii,iiri . ,, , , ....r r.JM. The first Ova persons prouarlng tbu Endlr thsln march nook (rora'thir Krooor will shoo obtain oue largo 10a pnakssro of U4 Crttu" Ktatrch, on lru lOo packaga or llnblnrer' Hi March, two tibRkrser psoitis, prliitvil lu twelvs beautiful oolors, as natural as Ufa, or nnu Tvuntlath Contury Oirl !iilndr. tUt flu est of Its kind ttvsr printed, all absolntwly fro, all others proourliw tbe i:ndli.u C:kaln ntmrcfx Dusk, will obtain front their grocer tho sbovw koo.Is tor A. "! Croaaj" Lauudry ftiarch Is soniHlhliiK entirely unw, anil Is without dotilu tbn grotti est Inventlou of the Tweutleth Onlury. It has do equal, ami surpluses all otliorx. It bus won for Itself prslse from all parts of the duke. I males. It bus MipvrsnUnil every thing heretofore used or known tosolettue In the laundry art. It Is oiwite from wuout, rloe nnd eoru, and obemioally preps re J up.iu sukuttilo pr'luolples by .1. f. II hluir, Keokuk, luwa, an expert In the lauu liy p.ohoslou, who bus had twenty-live jear." pruotlaal experlenou lu fanny ImiuderlUK, uud who was the Urst suooes.iful woJ urigluat luveutor of all flue grades of starch In the Uniteil Htates. Auk jvur rouer for aturoh aad jutalu tbeas b.autiful Christmas preseuU free.