Republican News Item. CHAS.'LOREN WING, Editor. THURSDAY OCT. L' 7. 1898. "FIRST" OF ALL—THE NEWS." The News Item Fights Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER. Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Seat of Sullivan County. LAPOBTB, PA. Entered at the Post Office at Laporte, as (second-class mail matter. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS FOR 1898. State. (fovernor—WlLLlAM A. STONE, of Allegheny. Lieutenant < iovernor—I.|P. S. OORIN, m' Lebanon. Secretary fit Internal All'airs—l AMES W. LATTA, of Philadelphia. .1 udjres of the Supreme Court—WM.W. PORTER, of Philadelphia: WILLIAM l>. POUTER, of Alleghany. Congressmen-at Large—OALl'SllA A. (IIWW, of Susquehanna: SAMCEL \. I > \ VKNP< >RT, of Eric. Congressional. Congressman, 17th District—W'ft. 11. \V< >< »I>IN, of Berwick. State Senate. N. 11. CCLVER, of Lycoming. County. Represent at ivo— I »R..1. L. < 'LI RI ST IA N of Lopez. Prothonotarv—WlLLlAM .T. LAW- R ENC'E, ot' Laporte. Sheriff—ll. W. i »SLER, of LincolKdlls. Coroner— DR.C. I'. WACKENHCTII, ■•I Laporte. CONFIDENCE. Confidence is essential to success in business or war. The Wilson tariff bill was the culmination of a free trad>? agitation begun by Orover Cleveland in 1884. its failure to provide revenue to support the government, the borrow ing of enormous sums of money to meet the ordinary expenses, destroyed the confidence of the nation. The panic which paralyzed industry and sent 2,- 000,OOn men into idleness and their fam ilies to face starvation was the logical result. Increased distress, low prices for farm products, an ever diminish ing stock of gold in the treasury, gave the advocates of free coinage an op portunity they never enjoyed before. ;md never will again. The election of •McKinley may be regarded as little short of providential. The Diugley bill was speedily passed, the treasury of the nation began to fill up; the wheels of industry began to re volve; the smoke of countless chimneys of manufacturing plants curled to the sky; gold began to flow into the coun try, and the price of wheat and of all farm products advanced. Somehow the Republican triumph restored confidence to the American people, and hand in hand with confidence came prosperity. This year has opened a new page in the world's history and blazed a new path for the tread of Anglo-Saxon free dom. El Caney and Ran Juan demon strated anew the invincible pluck, the splendid courage of the American sol dier. Manila and Santiago surpass Tra falgar, and write the names of Ameri can sailors, Sampson, Schley and Dew ey and Hobson and Wainwright side by side with that of Nelson on the head roll of fame. Shall we garner the fruits of the po litical victories of 1596 and the martial victories of 1898, and keep the flag flying where its gorgeous folds have been unfurled, or confess that Ameri can ability and character are not equal to the opportunity that the god of bat tle has thrust in our way? Shall we assist in the storm of detraction that has assailed the administration and the conduct of our war, and join in the pessimistic views of a Cleveland and Bryan, who doubt the capacity of the American people to justly and success fully meet the responsibilities that a war waged for the sake of humanity has cast upon them? Let them be answered. The Republi can party Is able to take care of its own rascals, If there be any, We will not burn down the house to get rid of a troublesome brood of mice that nibble the state cheese, if such there be. De feat now could not be explained. We will not adopt a remedy that would be worse than the disease. Would a house of hungry Democrats be an im provement over the house of 1896? Let all Republicans who glory in the name and who believe in sound money, protection, prosperity and patriotism, rally to the colors. Let all sound money Democrats see to it that their labors and sacrifices shall not have been in vain. Let us send greeting to William Mc- Kinley on the Bth of November, the glad tidings that Pennsylvania stands fast by her glorious record of Repub lican victories, and that she approves of his statesmanship, self sacrificing labors and splendid courage. This plain American citizen has borne upon his heart 10, these many days, the vast and unmeasured responsibility of a sudden war. No labor has been too se vere for him to undertake, no sacrifice too great for him to undergo, that the nation might pass in safety through the dire ordeal of war. During the many weeks and months this patient man has grown in the hearts of this people and in the estimation of all the world. He has written his name with that of Washington, the father, and Lincoln, the savior of the country. With them it will be enshrined forever. Shall the state that gave him 300,000 majority seem to reward him with the dishonor of defeat for any reasons under the shining canopy of Heaven? "This year national issues are para mount." This year the Republican party of Pennsylvania owes to the na tion and to the Republicans of all the states a special duty to maintain its organization and roll up a majority that will discourage the enemies of Bound currency and American Industry. There Is today not a majority of Re publicans in the United States senate sound on financial questions. United on finance, the Republicans would have a bare working majority. Send a Dem ocrat or Populist, or any antagonist to th«> Republican party, and the president will be further embarrassed in his ad mittedly sound and wise poller' •***_! _ Stove Season S&M ~ - 5Kj is upon us again. We are better prepared to serve you than ever. The factories have greatly improved our Heaters and Ranges. No Range can equal the RED CROSS assortment. No COOK STOVE does better work than RED CROSS Champion. Single Heaters Double Heaters RED CROSS Office Heaters Fully guaranteed. . i For Wood Room Stoves we fan give vou none hetler than the MAPLE OLEMONT. keeps good lire all 11 i<.>lit: lutni green or tlr\ wood. Stove Repairs a specialty with us. Jeremiah Kelly, HUGHESVILLE. Our Declaration of War Has been in effect for a number of years and our Bombardment of High Prices Has created havoc of late in the sale of MOWING MACHINES, DRILLS, HARROWS, PLOWS, LUMBER WAGONS, BUGGIES, and ROAD WAGONS all at the lowest cash price. PHOSPHATE, rhiJty tons of different grades will be sold at a low figure. W.E. MILLER, County, Pa. flsk no Questions Why We Sell So Cheap. All We Ask You is to come mid examine our large Kali mid Winter -lock ot Clothing. Mines and Ladies' Coats and Capes, and convince yourself about our |»ri<*. Youth's suits ;n l'.'iO. < 'hildtvii s -nit well made, at l.'J.'i. Overcoats in hlack and hlue, 1 n-sl ever ■>tiered, at >.fMi Children's overcoats at 1.25. Knee pants. :!f>c, are strictly till wool. Top sliirts and undershirts at wholesale prices. Heavy cotton undershirt at 2;"ic. LADIES' COATS AND CAPES at prices wl'en you see them yon will surely hitv tliein. Shoes lor ladies. Shoes for men. Mines lor misses and children, at special low prices. Our store is crowded with new poods and we are still getting in more. We must sell the goods and the prices will suit, the purchaser. Come and -ee. We advertise exactly a- we intend to sell. Drk*« The Reliable Dealer in Clothing JaCOn rCI Boots and Shoes. HUGHESVILLE, PA. Political Card. 1 hereby announce myself as an inde pendent candidate I'or representative tor Sullivan county, i'a., to make my liotanv Kill, my jury reform lull and my free speech hill laws tor tlie welfare of the peo ple oft lie Stale. Fellow citizens, write my name on your tickets in the right column or place and yon will thereby elect me when you vole. I solicit your votes and ask lor your sutlrajres. hit JOHN » Joins. Herbalist. Linshore. I'a., July Is, 1898. The State Normal School of Must i Stroudshurg, furnishes its stu dents' rooms complete. The only : school to carpet its students' rooms with tine llmssels carpet. The first and only school to introduce plain , anil fancy sewing, without additional cost to pupils. See advertisement in another coliimc. J. \V. liuck has a nice line nl hoisc blankets. To ( lire Con<*t ipsttiott l'or«»v«*r» T.IUO I'ascai et s Canity Cathartic. We or LT»o. If l\ C. C. fttfl to euro, nftinU money For wall paper, window shades and I oarpet paper. £o to John \V. l»ndo cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all drnpfists. G. A. Rogers I'A. (Successor 10 U.W. Fawcett.) Watches, Jewelery, Silverware, Etc. Hicyelc lepairinj:. l'ievole sundries. Fishinsr tackle, at lowest possible Price. PLACES New Grocery LAPORTE, PA. Our Friendly Latch String Always Hangs Out. Shoes nn endless variety of high grade foot-wear is now on s;ile and for the next 60 Days there will positively be No War Tax put upon my prices. E. L. PLACE'S NEW GROCERY. FALL and Winter Every corner of the store is bright, with the newest things for Women's wear an»l Men's wear and Children's wear. We are glad to have you couie iu and see the now life of the old store and look at its excellent line of goods. Underware for Men, Women and Children. In conjunction with the inviting varities, all prices will be found more than ordinarily small. Grocery Department A new and fresh sup ply of Groceries have have just arrived. Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove, Pa. W.L.Hoffman's i _, HILLSGROVE Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY, PROCTOR, PA. An Explosion of Values. PRICES BLOWN TO ATOMS. Two or three reasons for this—liberal supply, bet ter qualities, less in price than found elsewhere. Ladies' Dress Wares. They are the kind women want, and our prices will cause lively selling. CORSETS Selling at Corset Prices. No other line in these stores has such decided growth as that of Corsets. Augmented sales each month demonstrates the superiority of brands. General Merchandise. There is to be found a general line of seasonable goods constantly on hand. Remember the Place. JENNINGS BROS. cS§! We keep in stock at our mills a complete line of dressed lumber MANUFACTURERS OP '"fdWOOd. Gang Sawed and trimmed Lumber l-OPI-Z, PA. SPECIALTIES Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick, Hemlock Flooring any width desired, Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long, Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple, The same woods in 3-8 ceiling. CORRESPONDENCY SOLICITED. Buy Good Goods! And you will be surprised how cheap they are in the end. We have just unpacked such h stock ol coals and capes to which we are pleased to call vour special attention. We do not pretend 10 handle the cheapest coats in the market, but we do say we have the I'.KST ami neatest Httiii" garments made. < Uir coats and capes are made to order, and in the latest styles with prices to suit everybody. IN DRESS GOODS WE WERE NEVER BETTER PREPARED TO PLEASE YOU THAN AT THE PRESENT, AS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN THAT LINE EVER DISPLAY ED IN THE COUNTY. Ladies and Misses, Hoys and Men, you need not go hall frozen this winter for we have plenty of underwear for you all, both in cotton or wool, red or "ray and the prces are very low, so low that when you see the goods you will ha astou ■«hed that we nre able lo give you such bargains. One word in regard to foot wear: Our shoe department was never more complete and if you will 'lavor us with your attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince you that we have the most carefully selected line ol line and heavy hootw and shoes ever brought before the public. On crockery we have just received some verv pretty designs in Decorated Dinner Sets to which we invite your attention. The buying of country produce has always been a special feature of nu Business, and we still continue in paying the highest each prices for Hutter Kgg o and Wool, E. G. Sylvara DUSHORE, IPA. Wright & Haight, SUCCESSORS TO M. R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa. Furniture , , ». and bfuaertaKtucp* MANUFACTUBEHS OF Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling etc. DRESSED LUMBER Full an«l complete Reasoned stook always on hand. A fine line of furniture etc. The most complete line of Coffins and Casket to select from in Sullivan County. The finest hearse in the county, with equipments to match. Embalming a specialty. Funerals directed with safety and dispatch. PRICES REASONABLE.