Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, September 22, 1898, Image 8

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1Ii«? lir-i War Wllh iiuglaml In Which
\\> (.taiiteii Our lii(le|)Bnd^mif— Othei 1
War* wilii-li Httvn Aibleil (n Our T.-r
By llie first wur ilie war which be
gan in ITT.", ami ended with the treaty
of peace with England in 178:?—the
United Stales gained independence, a
place among the nations, and an op
iiortnniiy to try the experiment of self
government then only an experiment
anywhere—on a larger scale and under
heller conditions than had been possi
ble before that time.
The <|iiasi war which the United
Stales had with Prance on the ocean in
1 Ti»s, and in which, in a short time, two
French frigates and many French pri
vateers were captured, anil others were
defeated and escaped, showed, in the
words of President John Adams, that
"we are not a degraded people, hu
miliated under a colonial spirit of fear
am! sense of inferiority." It ended
French Insults to American ambassa
dors and the American government
and won for us as respectful treatment
from France as that country accorded
any great nation of Europe.
Several times, particularly in 18<)3-i>
ami in ISIS. the United States fought
ilie Barbary pirates—of Morocco. Al
geria. Tunis and Tripoli instead of
paying tribute to tlient, as Europe did.
Wc profited by this course, in self-re
spect and in money, and the'world con
ceiled that the American plan was bet
ter than the European by ultimately
following the American example.
These little wars with France and
the Barbary pirates are skipped by
timsi of the American historians, but
they raised the United States at the
time in the world's respect, and should
be read and remembered by all Amer
The second great war of the United
States, that of 1812-1." against England,
is ridiculed by some of the historians
because the question which produced
the war—the depredations on American
commerce, the impressment of our sea
l en into the British service, and the
: i.igation by British agents of attacks
by the Indians on nur frontiers —were
not mentioned in the treaty of peace
which ended the war. The war set
tled nothing, they said. They are mis
taken. The war helped the United
States in many ways. Its brilliant
\ietorles on the ocean and on the lakes
over the mistress of the seas won the
world's armiration; it went far to
ward breaking down local prejudices
and particularist narrowness, and ere- j
.-tied a healthy national sentiment i
throughout the land: and. moreover, it
cm ihe United Slates loose from all 1
connection with K,trope's ambitions
ami complications.
The war of I v11;-4n with Mexico,
«• tipled with Texas's annexation, which the chief cause of the war. added j
im re than »00,o<)li square miles to the |
1111 ry's territory, gave us the richest
: 'id field (California) which the world
has known, rounded out svijyuietrieany
i; the southwest the national domain,
and by the Wilniot proviso and ('ali a -
i.'.i admission controversies which it
precipitated, it hastened the abolition i
of slavery through the ins>flirt -rhiciv
slavery caused.
One more war. that of lscicom
pletes the list of conflict.- in waicli t i; ■
country litis been engaged, except Uva-n
which is now under way. Tfle war of j
IMil-.'i destroyed the secessions dr»c- j
trine. It did this in two way- -dy
overthrowing it in battle and l.y tile
decision of the suprenu court i:.<. the
• ase of Texas versa;; White, gix.ving
out of (be war. in which the *<■■■.tision
ordinances of the eleven state.! at 1 the I
Confederacy were dccla.vd he nulL
and void and the government was pro- t
i 'aimed to be "an indestructible itaiioit *
■if indestructible stales." It dest.-oyed
slavery, made (he country free its fact
ys well as in theory, removed th.* sec--
tional barrier between North and' '
South, started the south on its career
of social and material advancement,
and stalled the conflict bet woe* Ilam!";- ■
ton. .Marshall and Webster ou the uhkj
side, a ltd Calhoun, Ilayne .TelTerscnni
Davis on the other, by cletMing, as ttifce
three first named oontendted, that litis
government was a nation and mxi "i
M:i li it<■!>:< ii 112 ore *t»r Mr u■■ k
"They have, a xoiy effective
pitting the brakes on inebriates s(» j u
Manitoba." said Mr. O. A. •'il.-m.s ~112
Minnesota at the Ebhiti,
"When a man has beta, 'onric ted
twice or thrice for tirunkefai**s.s tit the
local police courts, ite is s«uttewf« 1 to
wear n brass collar, whfcii i'.- a. ? lain
tip to saloon-keepers that, lie :.i a. per
son to whom it is !'(»rhidd<*ii ui sell
any intoxicating beverages. .Vu man
v. ith this badge of disgrace cat get a
drink anywhere, for the la*' Is strict
ly respected. The result, is t J .at in
many cases an entire cure is el fected
in the Individual. Whenever tj ie au
thorities think ; has -Jip coHar 7 enalty
lie s been endured -oni; enot:„*a he col
lar comes oft' and the citiiea at lib
erty to get a drink." (
Aunt in'* \\~it*. tt|>ini»ri. t
But speaking of people who are not
as intelligent as the iav. allows. I heard
an old colored woman use an expres
sion the other day that was net v to me.
and so pat that it would be interesting
to know its origin. She >*ai a young 1
girl with her. and some especially stu
pid remark of the girl** had annoyed '
her. She looked at her in dfsgust. i
"Well," said she, '*you certaifily
ought to be tapped for ihe sgmples." '.
A nutmeg tree of the largest size will
produce no more than five pounds of
% "
How "'Enry 'Awklnn and Hi» Lli»" tele
brut* Their Nnptial*.
Touring In the eastern districts on
my bicyclQ last Sunday took me, per
force, through the regions of White
chapel, where I overtook a coster's
wedding procession, Bays a correspon
dent of the New York Mail and Ex
A coster's wedding is a species of
social function familiar enough to
those whose lot is cast in the highways
and byways of the east end of London.
The typical coster is not the sort of a
person to hide his light under a bushel
on such occasions. He is careful to see
that the fact of his nuptials shall be
made known to the biggest possible
section of the community at large, con
sistent with a due regard to the laws
of economy. To do him justice, his
efforts, ably seconded as they are by
the feminine contingent, usually result
in a striking success. The whole func
tion is expressly designed to create a
maximum amount of sensation with a
minimum regard for the conventional
, rules of behavior at such events.
Sunday is the usual day fixed for the
ceremony. The motley party assembled
in the church maintains under the
watchful eye of the person a subdued
demeanor «s a rule, though cases have
been known when certain recognized
i items of the programme, such as 1
' old-shoe throwing, clapping on the !
back and universal embracing of the ;
bride, were taken a little too previous
ly. No greater extravagance in the
way of carriages is ever thought of
than the "donkey shay," possibly reno
vated and repainted for the occasion
ai.d reserved for the exclusive use of
bride and groom. But more often the j
presence of a conveyance is entirely |
I dispensed with, and a sort of scratch ;
j procession is organized to the home of ;
' the bride's mother. Here the first |
item is a feast, followed by a carousal j
j of unlimited! dimensions and indefinite 1
j length, to which a large and varied
J assortment of friends and relatives are !
i duly invited* It occasionally happens.
1 that a few-turn u;> without the for
mality, of an invitation. Such a pro
ceeding is risky, even in these free
and-«i:iy circles, but should the unbid
den succeed in timing his or her
appearance to the proper psychological
moment, when good wishes and good
' beet have worked their meximum of
genial effect, probably no serious con
, sequence to the harmony of the gather
| ing would result.
; All this, however, constitutes tho
family side of the affair. The public
festivities ar»e usually fixed for the fol
lowing day. The piece de resistance
| consists almost invariably of a tour of
| the saloon bars of the neighborhood.
■ ' The first intihnaitioii given to the
•casual pedestrian, that anything special j
Is in progress is usually the emergence |
-from a saloon of a party of gorgeously
attired women and men, all in a state j
of extreme hilarity, who link arms 1
! promiscuously and commence a noisy, !
i zig-zag march in the direction of the
tnext saloon. The bride and bridegroom '
Usually head this motjey procession,
"with arms around each other's waist
<at:d leaning shoulder to shoulder in
■the most approved "'Awkins and
'Liza" form. This sort of thing contin
ues for the greater part of the day, the [
'party becoming gradually more and
more demonstrative until exhaustion
*or tlte energetic interference of the po
lice puts an end to the proceedings.
[ Wo inn 11 on ti War Veaael.
|i There is one.instance, and one only,
lon record since the days of Artemisia, •
the frit ml and ally of Alexander, 0011-
cei'tMng whose naval prowess Herodo
tus tells such wonderful stories, of a
woman who has fought on board a ,
She \pas the wife of one of the gun
ners 011 Admiral Rodney's flagship and j
( plied the trade of a bumboat woman. ;
It was during the war between
Frame and Eagland and their colonies,
which in American history is known
:as the French and Indian war, and ;
Rodney had charge of the fleet in de- j
fense of the English Channel.
During a hot engagement the Ad- 1
miral noticed, to his great astonish
ment, that a woman was serving one of
the guns and doing it well.
' The light was too severe to interfere
at the moment, so that, the story goes,
in spite of the flagrant breach of dis
cipline tlie Admiral let her alone.
When tl«e enemy had struck his col- j
ots he. went to the woman and demand
"What are you doing here?"
"Fighting the French, your honor. ,
My husband is wounded and down in
the cock-pit, and so I took his place.
And why not. your honor? Do you
think I'm afraid of the French?" '
She was reprimanded very gently and
.vent ashore with ten guineas as a re
ward for her bravery.
Tltc I'arlainn tabby.
The Paris cabby is not merely an in
stitution, lie is a social treasure. He
can be as drunk as'a lord, as witty as ;
the boulewirdier, the worst scamp in
Christendom, and in all capacities he
is the stranger's best guide, philos
opher and friend. Get on the right side .
of a cabby and he'll tell his passenger
anything from a state secret to the
latest Parisian scandal. As a cicerone
be is invaluable, because, having a
fund of "fairy tales" at command, he
1s never at a loss to answer any ques
♦ iorl the stranger asks. The other day
• a fiacre stopped in front of the Column
. Vendome, atnd a certain Bostonian put
, his head out of the door to inquire of
; his jehu wkat the column might be.
■Cabby, perched on the box, calmly re
! plied: "Oh, that? That is the Column
j 1 Vendome, which the communards pull
ed down to make into cannons!" an
, answer that so tickled Yankee humor
i cabby got an extra pour boire for his j
f"bull' or his^impudence.
I>e\vey Hut Xo Engliah Ominirn.
Tlu- I'nited" States government Is
prepared I<> answer (lie iixiulv.v of the
British < !«vorumciit us to the truth of
the statement msulo by Mr. ruiminj;-
hame-<>raham. :t former nteniher of
ParliaiiH'iit of feeeiit rlr reputation
til,'it the jrunilel'K (if I letter's ships ill
Maniia liny were licit !s!i seamen,
hrlin il to leave her Maii stv's service.
Mr. Ciiiiniujjlu'.ii :i'-<lrahai.i siiiil that
100 poi nds :> lncliili was- ofiVreil t »
each i I' these gunners for iiis s -rviees.
anil that thi'oujili theh* presence on the
Annfiean warships, l>ewe,v's victory
was made possible. Xohcily here lie
lieveil that the British jrovennnent
wonhl pay any attention to Mr. t'liu
ninuhaine-draham's demand for an in
vesication, Iml since l.ondon press de
spatches say that the impiiry will lie
made, the Navy Department has pre
pared a statement on the subject. The
statement, which was completed I'rt in
the muster rolls of Dewey's sipiadfi n.
covering the date of the engagement
with the Spanish tleet. shows that of
the 1,445 men on the American ships
only t>7 were alien, and of these only
§ were British subjects. Four of the
Britishers were on the Olynipia and
four on the T'alelgli. Xot one of the
pip lit is a gunner. They were ordlna
ry seamen, a carpenter's mate, a coal
passer, and a water tender. "Thirty
one of the fiT aliens were Chinese moss
I attendants and cooks. These 31 are
1 the men in whose behalf Admiral
: Dewey has recommended a special
i provision of law to enable tlielii to
become American citizens.
11l Ol.t 'IVIIHi Well Put.
Naval Constructor Hobson rerrem
| bereil Lord Wolscley's advice: "If
! >-ou want t:> set on in war, do your
I best to get killed." —City of Mexico
The "Slupiil Hoy" Championed,
The "stupid boy," who has long
I posed upon the dunce's block, serving
i to point a moral and adorn a tale for
i other little boys to jeer at, has at last
I found a kindly champion. She says:
"It is well to remember that a hoy is
not necessarily stupid because he in
pronounced stupid. He may be stupid
ly judged. The fire of intellect may
kindle slowly; it may he smouldering
under a heap of ashes, hopelessly sup
pressed. Genius does not always shoot
up like a skyrocket. It may come like
the rising of the sun to meridian splen
dor —slowly and steadily. Moreover, u
stupid judgment of a boy is damaging
to him. To call him a blockhead, a
dunce, an idiot, is unwise, as well as
j unkind.
j "Give the stupid hoy a chance, and
jit will be known ere long whether lie is
j really or only apparently stupid."
| As an example of this the case of
' Isaac Barrow is given. When he was a
boy his father considered him so stupid
i that he used to say if it pleased God to
! take from him any of his children he
hoped it would be Isaac. Yet Isaac
was not taken. He grew, instead, to be
one of the greatest preachers of Kng
i land, a professor in the University of
; Cambridge and a teacher of Sir Isaac
Dressni«k?rs will appreciate a new
! sewing machine attachment, consisting
of a 1 '-shaped frame attached to the
hack of the table to support a cloth
basket, which prevent,? the work from
uuDiiii or getting on f.he floor.
bj ':ii 1 ' NMTI •! >. \' >jawintr from tlie women.
fate- 112 »:»-.♦ 'i- wti • MMV 1»e t rvin •; s» <IIA*UI<' whether un*l
'*%* will t-» I>''\* :«>r a separator. sales here tfmw
't nt • i:;ieof tuarecf the » tjje separator
Sen! Huctrated Cataloguer*.
: r JviOliT FARH MACHINE CO., Bellows Falls, Vt. M
i -.-•*• Sumy n*rne... Price, |l«.00. Wwnj. Send for largo freo No. 006 Surwy. Price, wilt corttini.lMiM.iM.
As gouii an Mlia for |!>o. Cataloguo oi alt our stylos, shade, apron kail fendvra, S6O. goodaesella fbr|M.
25c 50c DR ugGISTS
! ■*
sri'l yen cure it < <■••• ••••.v.»nceThe-e ar.-i
somoof thd (.-.insfc s of con?! is a: !• .n :
Bilkm-me-vs, Uw-s of appetite, pimples, sour
stomach, depression, coated ton{;"Je, night
mare, palpitation, cold feet, deliiitv,
zine-is, weakness, backache, von-iiii
jaundice, piles, p.iilor, stitch, irritability,
nervousness, headache, torpid liver, heart
burn, foul breath, uleeplessnes;, dr<>.*•<• i
ness, hot skin, cramps, throbbing lic.-d.
SM MMAz? * Sura Curo
fitfulßm B ,or Constipation
Dr. J. ('. Ayer's Pills are a specific for
all diseases of the liver, stomach, and
"I suffered from constipation which as
sumed such an obstinate form that I feared
it would cause a stoppage of the bo.vels.
After vainly trying various remedies, I be
gun to take Ayer's Pills. Two lx<>;es effected
a complete cure."
I). IiURKK, Saco, MB.
"For eight years I was afflicted with
constipation, which became so bud that tho
doctors could do no more for me. Then 1
beg into take Ayer's I'ills, ami noon the
bowels recovered their natural action.''
WM. H. DkLAUCETT, Dorset, Out.
H' OW are the ehil-Ji
dren this summer? 1
Are they doing \
> well ? Do they <
get all the benefit they /
« ( should from their food? r
Are their cheeks and lips ►
of good color? And are
,» they hearty and robust in
i every way ? <
If not, then give them
■! Scott's Emulsion !■
,' of cod liver oil Hvlth hypo- ',
» phosphites. <
! It never fails to build !
, 1 up delicate boys and girls.
» It gives them more flesh <
'» and better blood. <"
' ( It is just so with the ,'
baby also. A little Scott's ■
Emulsion, three or four '»
,' times a day, will make
» the thin baby plump and <
' 1 *#P ros P erou S. It ,'
/im/jP young body with »
■' a t>t ' ust f^e mater ' a ' ' ■
1,1 i'n necessary for
» nil [ growing bones <
' 1 anc " nerves. ( "
112 All Druggists, soc. and si. |
• '
« Keep Cool!-
Cremn quart
| Window Screens, Poultry Netting
Hammocks, Porch Chairs Si. 50 and up, Coal Oil
stoves of Nickless make, Gasoline Stoves.
HARVESTING TOOLS in abundance.
Brick for chimneys, always on hand. Nails steel
cut, per keg. Western Washer, sMo'$ M o' best
made; Building paper, per roll, coo sq. feet;
* oultry Netting, 1 ft. to 6 ft. wide, 1-2 ct. sq. foot.
Jeremiah Kelly,
Onr Declaration of War
Has been in effect for a number of
years and our
Bombardment of High Prices
Has created havoc of late in the sale of
all at the lowest cash price.
PHOSPHATE, ThiJty tons of different grades will be
sold at a low figure.
W. E. MILLER, Sullivan County, Pa.
(Ue are Bound
Every Dollars Worth of SUMMER GOODS in
This Store,
and to do so eH'ootunlly and surely wo will use no linlf way measures.
Reductions that are large enough to make it an ol«ject Cor your purchas
ing. Here is a chance to get tha very liest that is made in clothing at near
l v half price. Wo mention a few prices:
Any light colored suit in store for men, that were 12.50 and
IS.OO now go for $8.50
All the summer suits which were sold at 7.00 and 8.00 now
go for $4.50
Youth's light colored suits which were sold at 8.00 and 8.50
now go nt $5.00
Children's suits which were sold at .'5.50, 4.00 and 5.00. now $2.50.
Men's cashmere pants at 05 cents are less than half price.
All wool pants at 1.00. Knee pants. I'.t cents. All wool knee pants nt
25 cents
Men's working shirts at 17c. 25c and :>se, are the cheapest prices over
Straw hats at your own prices.
Ladies' sapeg, skirts, wrappers, shirt waists, corsets and gloves at prices
you will surely buy, even to store them away for future use.
Sweeping prices in ladies', gents', misses', and childrons' shoes. Mens'
line shoes at 05c, thov are fully worth 1.50
Come and see the bargains we are ollering now. We must have the
room tor our large stock for fall and winter, and tho prices will he do object,
t 'ome and see (or yourself, will bo «rlnd to tpiote you prices.
Ha*. The Reliable Dealer in Clothing
JaCOP Per Boots and Shoes.