Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, June 16, 1898, Image 4

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    Republican News Item.
The News Item Fights Fair.
Published Every Friday Morning.
By The Sullivan Publishing Co.
At thfi County Beat of Sullivan County.
Filtered at the Post. Ottice at Laporte, as
second-class mail matter.
Srusem ption— £ I per annum. If
pud hi advance #l.llO. Sample copies
free. All communications should he ad
dressed to
I.nporte Pa.,
For m garden hoc. garden rake, jrrti I>.
liinsr hoc. pick, shovel, etc. <*:i 11 on W.
WnH paper with line borders to match,
.1 ust received it! .1. W. Bucks, Sonestown.
It yon need fence wire, call on.l. W.
Ituck, he has diflerent sizes on hand
Tilt Affair* of the City Ar» Manugori Ka.
11 rely by Business Men.
The leading and most commendable
feature of the management of public
affairs is the principle of the sinking
fund, which is applied to every enter
prise or business in which the muni
cipality is interested. Whatever debts
it has are on the sure and safe road to
liquidation by the automatic operation
of the sinking fund device. By this
means the city of Glasgow will, inside
of fifty years, furnish free water to
its citizens; give them the best elec
tric lights free; electric or water
power at cost; allow them to ride on
its electric road at the nominal fare
of two cents for any distance and fur
nish to all free use of a magnificent
public library.
The city affairs are managed by
business men with the same prudence
with which they would manage their
own affairs; the question of party poli
tics enter into no local election and
it seems to be the object of the muni
cipality to administer the city's finan
ces in an economical way, to improve
the public health in its physical and
moral basis, and to give brightness and
the possibility of liarpiness to civil
life. Its success in all these has been
so marked as to command the admira
tion of the civilized world and to gain
for itself the appellation of the best
governed city on the face of the globe.
An Odd Advertisement.
Among the odd trade advertisements
displayed at the recent Stockholm ex
hibition the Lilietolmens candle played
a prominent part. The candle stood
127 feet high. The lower part, which
was intended to represent an old
Swedish candlestick, was In reality an
enormous structure of bricks and mor
tar, in which was established a perfect
ly equipped candle factory, where em
ployes worked six hours a day. The
base of the candlestick covered a space
■lO feet square. To come to details, the
candlestick itself was 47 feet high,
while the candle —a real stearine speci
men—wasfully 80 feet; its diameter \tas
i>Va feet. The appearance of this ex
traordinary trade trophy was at once
remarkable and imposing. The colos
sal candlestick was painted with an
aluminum powder until it shone like
well-polished silver. At night, too, an
electric searchlight of 7,000 (ordinary)
candle-power cast its beams from the
lofty summit of the wick over the
whole exhibition grounds. Altogether
the cost of the monster was about $lO,-
Pressure of the Sea.
There are spots in the ocean where
the water is five miles deep. If it is
true that the pressure of the water on
any body in the water is one pound
to the square inch for every two feet
of the depth anything at the bottom
of one of the "five-mile holes" would
have a pressure about it of 13,200 feet
to every square inch. There is noth
ing of human manufacture that would
resist such a pressure. That is ex
ists there is no doubt. It is known
that the pressure on a well-corked
glass bottle at the depth of 300 feet is
so great that the water will force its
way through the pores of the glass.
It is also said that pieces of wood
have been weighted and sunk in the
sea to such a depth that the tissues
have become so condensed that the
wood has lost its buoyancy and would
never float again. It could not be
even made to burn when dry.
Great Britain'* Stcmu l'uner.
It is estimated that the steam power
of Great Britain is equal to the united
strength of 1,000,000,000 men. The
number of persons employed in her
coal mines is about 200,000, and of
these fully two-thirds dig coal for other
uses than for engines, leaving 66,666
men to mine the coal necessary to do
the work of 1,000,000,000. The en
gines are made hy 60,000 men, so that
126,666 men furnish the means of do
ing the work of 1,000,000,000, the
strength of pach being thus multiplied
nearly 8,000 times. This gives to each
man, woonan and child of a population
of 35,000,000 some thirty willing slaves,
born fully grown, exempt from sick
ness, needing no clothes, eating only
fire and water and costing merely the
work of one man (a 8,000.
Report of Auditors of Davidson Twp.
I Charles K. Hazen Sujiervisor of Davidson Twp.
I for the year ending March 14.18W,
Dr. C'r.
j Amount oi duplicate 1074 81
Amount of extra duplicate . r i3B 66
1 Amt. received from County Treas.. 1492 So
By receipts shown and canceled.. 1 :K>"' 73
: Exonerations allowed 2H82
j Word done on duplicate 123642
214 days servise as supervisor :!21 00
iidays with horse * 75
Hauling toolson road 'io 00
Work on duplicate 18 25
Receipt as shown and canceled.. I 19
Balance due township 13H 83
:sio,"> y.i :tlor> 99
K. Ha/.en, work for J. O. Wilson for the year
1896. By work, 48 59: by caul) :s.lf>— ssl 74
Oscar Lewis. Supervisor of Davidson township
for the yeai ending March 14,1898.
Amount of duplicate ias 51
Amount of extra duplicate 1118 40
Ann. received from County Treas.. 1600 00
do D. S. Phillips Sujiervisor 40 70
Balance due Oscar Lewis Supv 91101
By receipts as shown and canceled 1700 o;l
Exonerations allowed 84 19
Work done on duplicate 6#2 89
151 days services as sti]>ervisor '--Hi 50
ll 1 /; days team work 26 25
Material furnished 1031
2095 07 2095 07
Account of 1). W. Darling, Overseer of Poor for
the year ending March 14,189 K.
Balance due last settlement 08 02
Heed, from Wm. Moran Collector 20000
do County treasurer 325 00
By receipts as shown and canceled.. 48<i 01
Seruives in Kutz case ">* 4m
do as Ovrsecr 6 66
Balance due township 45 88
. 593 02 598 02
Account of J. C. Steek, Overseer of Poor for year
ending March 14,1898.
Ralanceduc from last settlement... 69 21
Received from County Treasurer 70000
do Wm. Moran Collector 316 65
do 1). W. Darling 100 00
By receipts as shown and canceled.. 484 24
Receipt from Danville Hospital 37500
Expenses in Kutz case 55 30
Registering and postage 24 50
Receipts as shown and canceled... 00 23
Balance due township 170 53
1175 80 1175 80
Account of M. 1). Horn, Treasurer of Davidson
School District for year ending June 0,1898.
Received from County Treasurer... 1000.00
do State appropriation 1243 98
do James Moran Collector 283 CI
do Wm. Moran Collector 705 53
do D.H. Lorah. Col. 1889... 173 17
Bal. due M. I>. Horn School Treas.. 2:JO 21
By receipts as shown and canceled 3527 37
Commission 2 per. cent 71 30
Receipts as shown and canceled 37 83
3036 50 3636 50
Assets and liabilities of Davidson School Dis
trict for the year ending June 6, 1898.
Balance due from James Moran < \>l.
for years 1895, '9O 1053 12
Wm. Moran Collector for the year 1897.
Amount of duplicate 1300 79
Credited by exonerations 04 29
Exon. of Ind. School District 48 Co
Amount of tax returned 10 00
Paid M. I). Horn School Treasurer 705 53
Rebate 3527
Due Twp. from Wm.Moran < «»1 .... 502 36
1300 79 1300 79
Assets of Davidson township Poor District for
the year ending June o, 1898.
Bal. due from Win. Moran Col 700.00.
Liabilities of Davidson township Road Fund
for the year 1897.
John Karge xoooo
Robt. Stormont estate 700 00
P. Dome : 325 00
M.J. Phillips loom 1925 00
We the ui auditors of Davidson town
shi|>, Sullivan county, l'a.. have examined I lie
foregoing accounts and find them correct to the
bestof our knowledge and belief Witness our
hands and seal this 6tli day of June, 1898.
P. M. TAYLOR. Auditors.
J.C.Starr I
Report of Auditors ol'School and Building
Funds ol'Laporte Borough.
J. W. Flynn, Treasurer of School Funds for the
school year ending June 6, 1898.
To amt. reed, from T.J.Keeler Col. '96 21 98
do A. 11. Huschliaiison < ol.:98 3690
do do '97 52 72
do do Aug. 3d '97 358 61
do Oct. '97, state Appropriation 431 98
Due J. W. Flynn Treasurer 121 (12
By amt. due Treats. last audit 123 41
do orders redeemed 885 66
do Com. 2 per cent, on $885.66 17 71
1026 81 102681
.1. W. Flynn,Treasurer Building Fund for school
year ending June 6, 1898.
To balance last audit 251 19
Amt. reed. A.H. Buschhauscn C 01.'97 331 07
do do 38 65
do do 28 61
do T.J Keeler Collector '96 30 40
By amt. of orders redeemed 515 79
do 39 bond coujions redeemed 97 50
do Com. 2 per ct. on $613 29 12 27
do amt. due Borough 54 36
679 92 679 92
Musical Fund.
To amount of musical fund 108 83
T. J. Keeler, Collector of Taxes, school year
ending June 6,1897.
To balance due last audit 2195
By Treasurer's receipt 21 95
Building Tax.
To balance due last audit 30 40
By Treasurer's receipt 30 40
•A. 11. Buschhausen, Collector of School Taxes
for year eliding June 6, 1898.
To amount of duplicate 516 67
By Treasurer's receipt ::.\8 61
Rebate 19 16
Commission 3 fier et. on >''69 711 11 09
Treasurer's receipt 52 72
Commission 5 perct. on $55 49 2 77
Treasurer's receipt :;6 90
Land returns 10 96
Exonerations allowed 1120
Balance 39 96
516 67 546 67
Building Tax.
To amount oi duplicate 182 3t
By Treasurer's receipt 33107
Rebate 17 96
Commission 3 per cent... 10 24
Treasurer's receipt ,;s 65
Commission 5 per ct. on $lO 6s 2 03
Treasurer's leecipt. 28 61
Land returns 10 96
Exonerations allowed 710
Balance 35 42
482 34 482 34
Statement of Liabilities and Resources for La
porte Borough' School District for vear ending
June 6.1898.
Liab, Recur.
To amt. due by J. W. Flynn. Ties. 124 62
Outstanding orders Nog. 320,322,323 188 00
Resources in excess of liabilities 199 07
By land returns 1895 i;, m
do 1896 10 77
do 1897 10 96
Due from A. Buschhausen Col. '97.. 39 86
do State appropriation 131 16
511 69 511 69
Building Fund.
18 Imnds at KlOOeaeh . IsoOCO
By Land returns 1895 .. 1081
do 1896 10 77
do 1897 10 96
Due from A.ll.Buschhausen Col. 97 35 42
do J. W. Flynn Treasurer '97 51 36
Liabilities in excess of resources 1672 65
180000 I*oo 00
Musical Fund.
Amt. In hands J. W. Flynn, Treas. 108 83
We the undersigned auditors of Laporte Boro.
do hereby certify that we have carefully examin
ed the accounts of the Collector and Treasurer of
the fiscal year 1897 and liud tlieni correct as set
forth in the foregoing statement. Witness our
hands and seal this 7th dav of June. 1898.
THOS. K. KENNEDY, 11. A. KARNS Auditors.
The lowa State Board or Health has
passed a regulation asking city govern
ments to prohibit the riding of bicycles
with drop handle-bars within their
jurisdictions, on the ground that it is
detrimental to the health of riders to
assume that position.
Another crowd of idiots are going
to the North Pole to freeze to death,
but nobody tares excepting the Coro
ner, who thereby misses a chance to
sl<t on the remains.
Statement of Laporte Township.
Philip Karge in account with Laporte township J
as Collector of special road tux for the year end- !
ing June 6, 1898.
Amt. in hands of collector f«»r '96 tax 37 06
Amt returned on same 5 27
Balance due township Ul 79
By exonerations 14 03 ;
I And returns 40 (is
Amt. collected, 5 per cent off 1M 2 > |
Rebate on above 982 I
Collectors commissions.*. 5 til
Amt. collected on face duplicate 100 75 \
Collector's commission s;io
Amt. collected 5 |KT cent added 9 28 '
Amt uncollected :;3 so i
To amt. of duplicate 400 52 j
400 52
Cash Account.
To balance in hand 31 70
Amt. collected within 130 da\- 196 0*
Amt,oll face duplicate 106 05
A int. collected 5 per cent add v* I 28
Amt. uncollected 33 80
By receipt* Hied 165 78
Commission 10 01
Rebate 0 82
Balance in hands of collector 101 09
377 00 377 00
P. kargc, Collector of extra road tax 1807-8
To amt. of duplicate 400 52
By exonerations 11 03
Land returns 40#M
Amt. collected within 60days I*l 25
Rebate on altove 82
Collector's commission 5 01
Amt. collected on face duplicate.... 100 75
'Collector's commission 5 30
Amt. collected 5 percent added 0 28
Amt. uncollected 33 80
100 52 400 52
Cach Account.
Amt. collected within 60 days 106 uh
Amt. 011 face duplicate 10605
Amt. collected 5 per cent added 0 28
Amount uncollected :t3 so
By receipts filed 165 7s
Commission 10 91
Rebate 0 82
Balance in Collector's hands 159 30
345 81 345 81
Philip Kargc in account with Laporte township
as Collector of Poor Tax for 1807.
Balance in hand from 1890 tax 12 26
Amt returned on same..., 2 11
Balance due township 40 15
To amount of duplicate 400 52
By exonerations 11 03
By returns 37 5o
Amt. collected within 60 days • 165 09
Rebate s 97
Commission 5 38
Amt. collected on face duplicate.. 110 57
Commission 5 82
Amt. collected 5 per cent added 7 29
Amt. uncollected 15 87
400 52
Cash Account.
To balance in hand from 1896 40 V»
Amt. collected within 60 days 179 44
Amt. collected 011 face duplicate 116 39
Amt. collected 5 per cent added 7 29
Amount uncollected 45 87
By receipts filed 268 71
Rebate 8 97
Commission 1120
Balance in hand of collector.... 100 26
389 14 389 14
Statement of School Board of i,a)x>rte township
for the year ending June 6,1898/ Account of I'hilip
Karge as collector of school tax for 1897.
Balance in hand from 18% tax 131 01
Returned on same *32 ,
By error in settlement of 18%. 6 70
Balance due township.. 116 92
To amount of duplicate 533 83
By exonerations 41 03
Returns 49 61
Amt. collected within 60 days 210 20
Rebate on above ......... 11 i-
CoI lector's commission 6 85
Collected ou face duplicate 129 87
Collector s commission 6 88
Amt. collected 5 per cent added 13 26
Amt. uncollected 64 76 .
533 S3 533 83
Cush Account.
Balance due township from 1896... 11692
Collected within 60 days 228 47
Collected 011 face duplicate 136 70
Amt. collected 5 per cent added 13 26
Amt. uncollected 61 76
By receipts tiled 500 23
By commission 13 68
Balance in hand of collector 46 20
560 11 56011 ,
Account of John Kiernan, Treasurer for the
year ending June 6, 1898.
Amt. received from County Treas.. 166 00
do do 400 00
State Appropriation 393 01
Received of P. Kargc Collector 500 23
Teachers' salaries 1176 00
Attendance at institute 49 00
School supplies 46 74
Fuel and contingencies 151 si
Secretary's salary 20 00
Rcfiairs 20 25
Attorney's fees 10 00
Publishing 3 40
Auditing fees I 00
other expenses l 75
Treasurer's fees 29 18
Orders outstanding »'d 08
Balance in treasurer's hands 14 4H 1444 "j
We the undersigned auditors and clerk Ixi here
by certify that£tnc foregoing statement is true
and correct to the best of our knowledge.
W.J. LORI>, Auditoo,
r. K. PETERS, Town Clerk.
New lot of wall paper, timothy and
clover seed, onion sets at popular prices,
at .1, VV. Buck's.
Everybody Says So.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the ope, pleas
ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver und bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
| Fine fresh oranges, lemons anil bananas
I at John W. Bucks, Sonestown.
Educate Yonr llotvels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Call in and see the new nickel oil stove,
a good thing for summer use. J. W.Buck.
Cabbage, celery and cauliflower
plants for sale at 25c and 30 per hun
dred, at the store of Mrs.M. Lauer.
Twinkling of the Stars.
A discovery of much interest to as
tronomers has been made by Dr. L. L.
J. See, who is in charge of Lowell Ob
servatory at Flagstaff, A. T. The cause
of the twinkling of the stars has al
ways been a mystery, none of the
theories advanced having stood the test
of thorough investigation. Dr. See has
found the cause to be the presence In
the atmosphere of innumerable little
air currents or waves, which dart
through the air and cause a break in
the light from the star. The result is
that to a beholder on the earth the star
has the familiar appearance of twink
ling. These little air currents can be
distinguished through the 24-inch
telescope very plainly on nights when
this twinkling is observed most by re
moving the eye-piece of the Instru
Kansas City has one of the longest
straight stretches of boulevard in the
country. From Olathe, Kan., on one
side, to Independence, Mo., on the
other, there Is a straight course of as
phalt and macadam for over fifty miles,
with Kansas City in tho middle.
crippled me for years. I could not
walk. I tried many physicians with
out benefit. On the advice of a
friend I tried your medicine. I
was completely oured by three
bottles of _
q Ayer's
G. F. BOWEN, Horton Sammit, Pa.
A Horrible Railroad Aooident
is a daily chronicle in our papern; also
the death of some dear friend, who had
died with Consumption, whereas, if he or
she had taken Otto's Cure for Throat and
Lung diseases in time, life would have
lieen rendered happier and |>erhapß saved.
Heed the warning ! If vou have a cough
or any afleetion of the Throat and Lungs
Call on T. .1. Keeler,Laporte; W. L.
I tollman, Hillsgrove; 15. S
Forksville; C. B Jennings, Agt. Kstella;
,J no. \V. Buck, Sonestown, and get a
trialjpackage free. Large size 50c and 25c.
G. A. Rogers
(Successor to B.W. Fawcett.)
Watches, Jewelery,
Silverware, Etc.
Bicycle repairing. Bicycle sundries.
Fishing tackle, at lowest possible
Good News.
No other Medicine was ever given such
a test as Otto's Cure. Thousands of hot
ties of this great German remedy are be
ing distributed KKKK OK CIIAKUK, to those
atllicted with Consumption, Asthma,
Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and all
Throat and Lung diseases,giving the peo
ple proof that Otto's Cure will cure them
For sale only by T. J. Keeler, Laporte;
W.L. Hoffman,Hillsgrove; U.S. Lancaster
Forksville; C. B. Jennings, Hstella; Jno.
W. Buck, Sonestown. Samples free.
Large bottles 50c and 25c.
New lot of timothy anil clover seeds and
onion sets at John W. Bucks, Nonestown.
No-To-Bac for Flivy Cent*.
Guaranteed tobacco bablt cure, maken weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c, SI. All druggists.
To Cure Conatipatlon Forever.
Take Caeca rets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
It C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money.
New Grocery
We step forward.not backward. We
are opening n|> new ways for the pub
lic to attain just as good bargains in
General Merchandise
nt I.aporte as in Williamsport or else
where. We are planning each week
to that end. This week it is
PRINCE'S nc per lb.
Business at the store is getting busier
each week. The newness ot the goods
and the littleness ol price tends to
turn the stream of trade our way. A
call will convince you that you can
dn the best at
and Summer
Every corner of the store is
bright, with the newest things
for Women's wear and Men's
wear and Children's wear.
We are glad to have you come in
and see the new life of the old
store and look at its excellent
line of goods.
Spring Weight
for Men, Women and
In conjunction with
the inviting varities, all
prices will be found more
than ordinarily small.
Grocery Department
A new and fresh sup
ply of Groceries have
have just arrived.
Vernon Hull,
HiUsgrove, Pa.
Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY,
are first in quality, first in style, and first from a genuine savin*
point of view, because they're lower in price than you can find
If you are looking forjhe bargains of the year go at
once to any of the above named stores where former
values and prices are practically lost sight of in our
determined efforts to dispose of the largest and best
line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever brought to
this County. 6
Extraordinary line of
The lady who wishes the latest styles combined
with high grade and half the old price should call and
select from the complete line of sizes.
We keep in stock at our mills a
complete line of dressed lumber
Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber.
Hemlock Novelty or German Siding,
Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick,
Hemlock Flooring any width desired,
Hemlock Lath both $ and 4 feet long,
Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple,
"The same woods in 3-8 ceiling.
Buy Good Goods!
And you will be surprised
how cheap they are in the end.
We liave just unpacked such a stock of coats and capes to which we are pleased
to call your special attention. We do not pretend to handle the cheapest
coats in the market, but we do say we have the BEST and neatest fitting
garments made. Our coats and capes are made to order, and in the latest
styles with prices to suit everybody.
Ladies and Misses, Boys<"and Men, you need not go half frozen'this winter for we
have plenty of underwear for you all, both in cotton or wool, red or gray and
the prices are very low, so low that when you see the goods you will ba astoo
•*hed that we are able to give you such bargains.
One word in regard to foot wear:
Our shoe department was never more complete and if you will Jfavor us. with
your attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince you tbat we
have the most carefully selected line of fine and heavy boots and shoes ever
brought before the public. On crockery we have just received some very
pretty designs in Decorated Dinner Sets to which we invite your attention.
The buying of country produce has always been a special feature of ou
Business, and we still continue in paying the highest each prices for Butter
Egg" and Wool.
E. G. Sylvara dushore, ipa.
Wright & Haight,
M. R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa.
112 urniture Undert♦
Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling etc.
Full and complete seasoned stock always on hand.'
A fine line of furniture etc. The most complete line of
Coffins and Casket to select from in Sullivan County.
The finest hearse in the county, with equipments to match. .
Embalming a specialty. Funerals directed with I
safety and dispatch.