The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, June 18, 1836, Image 1

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!~ 9.
ftlB Of
Toro Dot. ,
ta &hams
be Owned
;cents for iv.
47 AU I
btunnoiss Co ,
post paid, or
for on-
Qubse ant ins,
tiers. dzei -address
ted with the -
will hot be at
- t , •-marava.
Indian C tree, Me
• . •SaMIICI
of Or • •
Trials sqd o
this several
to takeieh
Schools . 1
-be procure .1
l• d of Se,.
" geburg,
e feroalel
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;•ral com e ,
ill be 06.
, f a gixail l
hoots i'
nod as
By on
r of the
Zune 4
D. B.
N. E:
••• W.
, raer a Ar 4 ch an d
.niitandy for sale a .;
a Chentimils, C . 1
'Drogvna; Physici ,
• on hb,-; terms, w
ey Wirer tin hand
pared at i n
• rup of sarsapa rill •
uid extract of Sa
principle of the
• .. - uda ariow root
tent Grows and E
lnsh moss, one
• tried for infants
ive organs
tent Barley fur pr
•ILAL of I
Ibe supplied
quality. T
Carefully pr ,
Fatina& ,
Rommlicina .
• :li n -
elebrzted podrdera
egracts of Ci
a, &e.
soda. a disinfectin
er, an excellent su
and arming with
• d all its preparau
Chloride o
Yetis Po
, •
DeWitt po
ed essence ofGin • !
ders, Sodaic pond '
• A variety of othe
• I j
the !heirs and let
Rentaly, late of !
my of Schuylkill,
t toran order of
.ty 1' Schuylkill
peugsee latel
cc'd in .the town
r . of Schuylkill,
['err t, at 9o'
tiol of the real e
'rand among hie c
i that can be d
ilin¢ of the Who'
ee e Barnet whe
i•ou think priTer.
' rroall I
in the co .1
• PUratt •.i
of the co .1
held on
Remaly, .1
'the count •
day of Ju!
make pa
to and a, :
.and app ,
• ' Sheriff' oj
urg, Mo. 25, 1-•
1 1 (0T11
the aid le !
F. Brobel, late o ,
of Lehigh, de ;
MO al
the coon
Pursu• ,
Schur I ki
ftif West
day the
noon to
said dec
• gol repro
prejudic ,
to value
you may
, t to an order of t
Co. an inqiieSt w
Holdeinan, I sink
enn,in the connty
.th thy of June, a 9 o'clock in the fore--
lae partition of L e real estate of the
Bed, to and anion his children and le.
ntatives, it that an be done without
bend spoiling of the whole, other - vise
ipn!yee the a me; when and where
seendrirycru thin proper.
!Merit of the
fligthiltty 25. 18
110 ox
'•°- 114
in Phila.
illi ersa
: 16,i istures
[f two . rof Fre.
Shaftin and Fr.
.. : elphia,;' . d have
1. to grin three h
Ictilara'a ply to
- .11AYW I
, : - 2844' 1 Colli
I - :
.; Ata'and Schuyl
: the ,ablove 6 w.
an Whit
idfor d
• 43
4eurtan •
the bes
Rail r ,
,- ign
L be _ .Id at P 1
-mists, on Sat 1
6, a latlof groan
mitt, Stain. Mate
This]prOpfsty . l ,
Tbo as, and i
tirlti Bra ...I
in Mjne seine fo
e t i
d Can, for an 1
Cradu 1 Title ' 1
1 . 1 1 ANDR
l A • saign- -
f I ne P 1
te l em
, Gra Juice P
• Royal Pan"'
• Vnis Pon P.
recteiv ~
or rata
f i r
'able aenikutioally
twelve tines. will
'en; larger one. ix!
to the Editer ,on
iabtneit, taint be
71.71j4:7 E NT1 banta Co House
Ritter, '
r • 401.4 ' q
Or Ermita to : Laura on her aralutiort to b6 nitt
-Old •Maitt.l - , C:
. . .
I:Wartime, since yoqth decide. i
--• "And think it better to - a de,"
Sopposa due Muse eh ' oultow relate,
The bleasings of a_singletAtitte 4 • -
Some peaceful vilhige•wa•Wiiiclloo•6o
Just, nenough - o kear kke a e on.
A, gotta - , artug,,commodatut. neat. 1
Should the plue of y. r retreat. . 1
eli e
Whose snow-white front' ' eOraveller sees;
Smiling bettyeen the shot ' my trees, !
So ch fill, modern , gay! d fair, I
None ould suppose 014pfaids lived there.
A pa rt r neat, what:business done, • !,
Wc'd t, and slaw the setting sun, . - I
And arable end wond#,. too,
While we his parting groties view. 1 . ;
How e could bear the thine and strife 1
Atted ant no a city Wil li
And o at evening's nil boar •
Uric° scions of Me storade that lower. 1
• Ins it aim-chair, each, aide the fi re. i
Will we thatosy flame mire 7
And think , (poor frozen. • rted soubd)
v i es
Lave warm, not halflo, melt u awls. '
Thank:tech terpectabl4h.r.cise, , •
• A pair of ithrystal gl ' shows,.,
d jvhile-so snugly ti t r e sitting
NA• atitleonght to amuse bat our knitting
1 e h ' i li b m oit use th o e n
w al ed ! the
~. and
em embroil
e' fancy many it wife,
T e irrupt .of her hos d's life„
110altutg each Wailing - , fines cries, 1.
Wh' bu , s i ba n t i t y d' k in ec a p
_. :
quiet, f
1 ,
as : such •riot.?.. i
N 'if we are to havethis rout,
ke- my hat and as y out. •
S ed.with the pieta We have drawn 1
O Coping babes, and other wan, 1,
Pea d that instead of an or.brat, 1
Vi tir
o c
Mac maiden his her,
We' hie us quietly to , d,
An , joy that wellies tree wed. '34
AQa - '
i • nteill
ors of the bol. , ough
us of p-ocuring one
•mpeier4 to teach
' rtglieh education;
said borough; to
wdl be given.
!..n at teachers can
Sixth Street*,
extensive assortment
lours, 4-o.' Country
ns and Families may
ith arucles of the best,
ntly imported, or
large & small bottles
pardla, containing the
parilla in a cancan•
Wen Groats
Article for jelly, or
persons s‘f impaired
Paring batiey water in
dr fever tied ague
uta I.l,yocmus Bella•
and bleaching liquid
'tote for yeast saving
licate stomachi
s of their own mann-
, genuine PFeston
TM 17111111%Ttli
I mourn not for thy slam
Sweet morning of my 1
Thy' simple sports, - tbs aiSess wiles,
I, ours but for thy teitrit; .
4 • 1 .
For, t one warm gushing teas whieh El/mak
W sorrow my youngiteart had lowa. ii
ern notfur the frisu4s who trod' i l
ith me, youth's flower y . irate, i
' are rejoicing with their God,
here pleasures never fail; • ' t
thy should I .recall them here 1 i
me to mourn r3uthls flowing , teact [
land other articles for
articles selected with
e 4 294naeow
I al repressnlatives of
Vest Penn township,
be Orphan's Conn,
an inquest will be
• occupied by Jacob
hip of West Penn, in
o Monday the. glib
k in the iforenoon to
tate of the "said de
ildren and legal rep•
without prejudice
1 m•
Oh, I
I mourn not for each Bolden dream.
So bright. so dear In nsis,
3Vhiieti made lire's futurti pathway seem
Ai vale of sweets to i
I now enjoy my little d ay
Audi leave to God my fu re way.
. I
_ I mourrit the sunny h o rs
I anent n pure delight
By nobld streams, in w land bowers,
i l i
Glazing -nit mountain's' eight,
T 1 love of nature tinge still,
An • death alone, that l ov can chill.
So_long, so long, I've atrtive to htdo 1
The griefs that have t etrest,
Titv fount of tears seem Omar( .dried - I
Within my . lonely bre.* ;'
Oli for those heart•relieying tears 'I
Thatrfreely flowed in childhood's years. .
... .. :
1 '
[From the New Yo4L American.]
.1. V
Roll,. roll ! how gladly swell the distant noted
Front whereon high von 4Arry pennon floatd:
Roll,iroll ! on gorgeously illey come, 1 .
With iduines low droopingion their winding Way
And'hanner's glancing in the sun's bright rap.
What do you there, my marry comrades, sa e —,
We beat the gathering drm. - i
'Tie this which gives to mjrth a lighter tonsil.
To the young warrior's chOek a deeper glow!
When stretched non his krassy couch alon r
It•steals upon lib ear ; this partial call .
aliPrompts hint to dream of !berry. lir with '
i Its pageantry and 'bowl, .
Rcli, roll ! what is it that beat,— -t L
We sound the cAargr—on ith the courser Sid—
Where, amid columns red tWar's cagles fly 4
We swear, to do or die. , ..
'Ti. this.tpliich fed& the S of Fame With breath
Which steels the Oldie's tart to deeds of Berth:
And when his hand •
Fatigued - with slaughter saes o'er the Wait,
''Tie this which prompts' in madly once stain ,
To seize the bldody b . • t
Roll, roll! Brothers ! It+ do ye bear
Slowly and stadhi, as yeKist along
With your dull march a nd kiw funeral son g.
Corrirade, we bear a bier l - i
I Saw him fall : ' .3 , •
And ar beneath Ma stead' 'e la7, • me thong* .
' (Strange that such •seakl feeling in mews:l4lf
That bad he died beneat biihative skies."
Perchance someigentle tatide bad closed h '
And wept' beside, his
G.: W. PATTEN, U. U. Et
g l otheiwise to value
1. and where you may
Schuylkill county
al representatives of
• township, in
Ise Orphan's Court, of
11 be held et the house
'ceper, in the township
I. t Sell uy lktllpn Tues.
punty of Schuylkill,
06 28-4
d Others. .
Ir a Grist Min, consist
!•ch Barr Stones, Iron
I mink Complete, made
p but little ailed—
ndred #toshela per day.
D & §NY DER.:
y Wofk.s, Pottsville;
ill J.iirnal, Reading.
-k.B, unlin otherwise
CENTS in Cub will
RIP. bi
blic Auction, on the
ay the 25th day of
in the Bariogh of Mi.
y, on which is (Tested
Aright Shop and Brass
at formerly occupied
at present in the oe.
the situation is one of
building and repairing
other mechanical bu.
spsdable. Salo posi.
of J. 4C• Thomas.
rt Wines.
RTY have .on hand
n Wintfor .
t Wine in Bottles,
and for sale by
_pat re.
A At!".!. , , - . 4
1 ..
,s''.. - • ''...• ~--: ,-:. •:s ' l-- ..: .•_•i - :.... - .:i.;;' , ;•_l-,:; , . • :
• .....i . c ' ' s:. ' - THEI31 I #oo 2 - cMiltoti• - # . .BOJWiII
[_,-.. ---'... '.. :i ` ..... 'c .- . • .....- CO
.: -i' -••• :_ '., - ,;:f l'' - , _:...-- , i
' The Boston Transcript' • Ire the fiillowinie • ,
in ilhastraficnt of the di cubic* ie ' the imey
market :
• ..A friend, who has . ' eat . fitge b in ihis ` ntry
well filled with.;young. Ponsitilblies. •rn to
eat bnitid and ,nillk. foe ' his supply of "
nutriment diminielnal Wen tl*e point of Or.
ey by the advarteia, age ti, Alice*, and d , a
ed to sell the riiiti#--irb eti did.finAleia dol.
.. c
biri—cud boy . .tther : Fhi be , : dtd f - esti.
flee &Mang. if .•
limy" .a, t he . old row
per for the: tilli Mile ? hat': was;` r alllll.
Why, be wild &lint fag e a b , . Ark's ~
credit on the other . —wh#nt O n 'change , ' t his
1 • dollars , the y, et such user Int be
c01:004,4M re lll' - week exiare4 Id for
ll iro
the new mar out Arthe 6 , , Wrest .on the
Money is easier now.* ' '• • ' lc.
I- , -
slllldn~ H :Bdil
i; ,
latetillittirek Are Do . le ieWitur*,.., 4 -*
1 YastO.:•-Ate.,er the., gter-Drisker: Jaw ii
.e.the firma, and to be, .. a fire dip:,
' fig ,- 7 0. lig.lta 'Yo[No• et A B4 # 4 # Ta kk
Broathinti -* • - - 7
amen= =sum 1 . -:
• How beautl fi alm tha !igloo which teSelies
its love God ibetkullth led my neighbhr as
,royself: ;Rtillsii* is ' ' lee* andixmcvei
tienoe includes 'i . ' The benevolent ami,
I n 0136 untharitablei ei be utifaithful, tnitl not{
be cttristnioul, bannot impel in .. .utter tlionghti,l
cannot be telflellithey 'God and their iibitb•i
bootie, ind they do'im' - Witold'. be done; by.-41
1 But whole religictiml w ',is benevolent? Who tal i
at all theca pore In gbtund deed? whdhi - atr,
an times freer from ceesorteasnots. Item ounOar;'
liableness? None. No lea one. The precept*
staie t
taught et as tW on which " hang aU ell. laws
the, prophets."-the4eve IY*.ged sad tate, A
st #e4
oar rigAbar. majAnt impressed upotiAlic. ,
and have the whole hid' Kola wesistif
derstanding; while the mind is isithis • Uhl
individual is religious. ' But the' cares .or 'Lei.
world most at Omega:copy the thoughte, Old its
jarring collision's, and 'divert the Mind froth thia
wholesome state. The minions Which have been
;:herished by bad ea Minn; the indulgent. , that
COCTIIIIICO ray -OC.O , .--_ •Clill -
. ye become habitat l before the beauty o f whit • Prdlevery app. .elinewardza sifibjeatoierli eh:de.
dein was pereehredfthe thousand and tee that: Posted the 'lllation' of their immortal so' as
sand occurrences which tempt the rich to anther- theehad a thotniand years . to live, and then &short
itableuess and the poor te:rdivy and realm .41 tints of grace was to be granted PrePtirei their
by tanne`baniai th e truth from the mind,' 'llls uMfving.spuits jor the realms of eternity.. His'
has led men tent° desert. and ' tithe monastery, eaPErnliattun w sensibly affected; the venereble
to•become hermits and monks; forgetting ti lett pastier had too ed and ex p ired the seenit*es.
religion requires t o d o a n waw a i m p a ir er ., th. see of tho mind" of many. who before haditottbe
becomes effectiveby-frequenteoa r t:aroe• and HMO. had netithe will. Among the Fest en•
th e h a bit ua l re m a rren t ei!ee Ita p _ ,lailacea dip* was ono !who was very much a•M ed by
ties. - - .• ' II Ake irepreasive 'manner, end uneere de , *tin of
1 .
;lIMILUUTT•ge 112011M1017a ANIMALS: ~4 1 the !wencher: wawa lean chased each o th e down
death hit cheek, whreb he did notff wipe, way.
W hit. w" eftwt to hi?! as" worse thsal . d_estn Hawes e fine *king young than, of km est do
te creatures endowed with li fe by. th e cam , %At* . wi th er . w i t h & h aze l eye. and w ai l . " at a.
tor who blessed him with health and strentlii gamut the colu mns of Ilea church, not able
crest enjoying the sante" blessings in *not* td sheure a seti, on accoudt•of the crow widen
. 4
d ,' this agave him, pause"—and reason to i r waif unwind; several whine offered *With he.
h,,,, . 110 ,at he wilMandefartinti God's-will. a kindly yet try declined. Be r cbizned 1 with
nwrlnellitli elPeirled; too, that a bird wounded ca- the choristers they continnetthe W . and
raped la he h„tilew that there WaSsa ) snrdwin, tr" his deep toned oice was &seeable relief f the
cure the grenadier nurse to attend the pati ent' shrill. general 'Mensal rvierbations ivi which
for "misery doth part the flux of cornpanm"--the the aisles and usewere tfiendated. '
herd shun the wounded stag—the struck bitd j o er t h e twe i regat i et i was di em i awa d a d was
"seeksethe rushes" and there pines and ;dies in
solitude. ens day Spiffard exultingly brought shill
its way homeward, the pastor * we
shill eall , Mr. Elkton, descended from hisitscred
diwn i bird from 'its flightthe fowl was 0011 deiliend seeing a young man',lingering its the
winged, and ran, TMd triumOifieteiers pursued ewe, inquired if hi was a ' t ea pot = th e p i ll ag e.
--overtdok,and placed his toot on the victim.-e Hi t T aman was simply intim affirmatife, - and
He atitmed to seize it—the bird turned•urt its el
e thinking it up more than his duty, %led the
and looked - bier full in the face .with anc suet an i . ..o.nger if hetwould haw him se mu as to
ploring. such - a reproving glee and dhie with him; to which, at* little
smote him i • and his reason n mo , he coidienled.
acted murderer—a murder mitt heiaiti Cul village, Mr. Elktiii; haidthe
times long after ho has sal
,sr, ndleiater dinner; us village which
eye a thousand times." lb i ereelit-Aleat and pess- , If:, , Veld
gee es-liall-fise-liersiiiwaipiiit lif•Wwithrprit bil l , iisfli
T' l l ll4 Memo*/ henbanes at convulse Jima
How delighted dolt . rep populous - towns; Hater ydeleas mil years
of nature ' s beauteous ‘ swel li ng to expect. a shepherd over this flock."
ed perfection I To the meet feeling at enjoy. 'I was bore in this village,' said Mr, Elkton.
ment. and to the unbounded anticipation old future sighing. shut peon after I had attained alymejori.
bliss. how open is youth! How full ofl,delight ty, was called (Nowhere to a town so hat re
melt bow beauteous in infancy, although like the mote, where I remained till requested by biy thr
eady blossom of spring, it feels the chillt that its user true, which was about three year. since.
nature is heir to. We presi the elastick i musele, to coriftiand live with them, which Iha d o ne,
fill and soft, of the healthful elite], and pass; mar hoping here I shall, die.'
fingers through the glossy curls, and fundly pinch 'I shoald think said the stranger.'that ere from
the roily, dimpled cheek. and gaze in the laugh- berg elan for that bourne whence do traveller re
ing eyes, and express with enthusiasm our adm:- turns, vet I Shall feel grateful if you weidd point
ration of the promise nature gives of its future out to me the direction of your cemetery, being
perfection—We know not what; but we fisel,:aild desirous a elating it, ere leaving your_ vi lege.'
know that we love youth even in its iniellity. 'There,' said Mr. Elkton, pointing w i th his An.
i s
As it approaches to and attains maturity. haw gar to airmail enclosure, around which w a neat lovely is youth in its pristine pm white palling, and against which the gratis grew,
rity. Though man may not measure the power . totally unconscious of the, desolation whibli reign.
of God by-his own weakness; he may, and roost ed around, nature herselfseerned to sleep.' 'There,
love youth. beauty, and purity; and while ituch sir, is our atm for the dead, the remains of few
love is active in him, he must adore his infinitely are there, but the death of even a few Will einie
good Creator. : a gloomlineas that I do not care about seeing re
peated; the last person buried was a wild young
man, a stranger, whose death was earned by his
friend, by one whom he kneW in childe=d; but
a gingko word is often sufficient to cheers the
most ardent friendship into deep revenge'' About
two years arm,' continued Mr. Elitton.'inn quiet
village was enlivened by the arrival of thm gay
,young men, who seemed to live for plftlure; we
never knew what brzught them here; the& were a
lively, reckless set, who would do, or node 4 great
deed merely through caprice or whintliel was
their.only grade,' 'their giddyness w dmake
tA i
•them condemn where they meant to *ego t , and
throw in a black bean even Oiled they hi dud a
white one.' They created qpite a flutter Ma ng the
woman kind who' regarded them not - tin indly,
yet they were strangely „heedless of their danger,
or were indifferent to it, for many soft arid an..
guishing glances were brown at them.. which
they did not, or would see. -Woad to heaven
s this tranquility had last unbroken forever! but
„.,,„,,,,,,.• ,
'twas fated • otherwise ; demon of &axed ap.
azijaiwil '-'" -- ; , peered, and sowed his tires, here all las wheat
Happily, truth mast prevail. Th ose ganger*" before . One evening the young men e tended s,
&trines which enslave men politically tender party given, by one of our chief villagers •to his
the mask of religion, are sinking into ,contempt only daughter Ando, who had just attar ed her
and abhorrence with the tyrannies which sup- sixteenth year, a beautiful and amiablegi 1 she is
ported them, and are supported by them.' ' The too, beloved-by all who knew her, lichen porn,
struggle may. yet bi protracted, for with c
is , youtie marry; I have often wonderedt Why she
ran ts of the ) earth. and their emissaries, lit a , will not she has had several L eZeirllent
struggle flit eastenees but neither force
tan prevail against knowledge which has or art ' o ff ers. The finest looking :Man of the t 4 -ft was
Pintail named Clifford, be was not'opiite so giddy as the
the sanction of experience, :Those monstrous er- ' odors, and was a general Werke, esiteib i lly with
min which claim authority from an an t iquity- the old malt* * ; •
sure:minded by th e darkness of the meddle ages, li CIS id you ever see this , rd whorKyen coin
andesealued with the crimes of murder , lama* pli= ent ad 'highly,' said the - stranger llMllinp he
and In indicted indicted upon thme,whe,,ssaw a m u hive been a dangerous tele, but ;,1 suspect
beim ot tight, and held rut to opinion Mr 0011• Tao d a u er ihi r ir - i .
scieneesthe-these omens, will be knolen here. 'N o , I elver saw him;„l eras absent a clime
after only to retie the wonder of the hearer or o f their aline and duration in H 141414 being
reader, &tenth ate absurdity could be.. exist- on a visit to my Old congregated; WC under.
ed. . •
hi of him be tree, be cattail , we..'
It may be °hearted, of the hnhappy subjects to
habitual ebriety, that they have- interval* free
from delwiion, during which rational conduct is
continual, for a longer or shorter period, gecor.
ding to the circumstances in Which the person is
placed. When the desire for unnatural excite.
ment occurs, and is yielded to, it grows, by-what
it feeds on, for a time, and the victim of depraired
appetite; glorying in his shame, goes onifiem one
stage of disease to another, each one rising above
the preceding. in symptoms of madness;,--mad.
near. hailed as health, until nature fails, and the
degraded being sinks, crying for aid to the phy.
sician or the friend, to save him from the yawn.
lug grave he widdenlf sew open before him; or
the racking pains which awikkened reason tells
him ate the fruits of raise/m(lsm. and the precur
sors of death. Then domes that pitiful repent.
ante which knowi not amendment, and that for.
ced abstinence, in which there is no merit.
. zsztins To Taw 1001.
Shea she go" Formerly she hart' neier ask.
ed twin& the qtiestioo when called uptin by mill.
ery. ' She lied gone in search of the Children of
the Oeire &rib* Sunday schools, sornietimes in
comtany, but a companion. did not ou t er, she
erfoghtthe abode .of poverty. too often
.with sloe, harlesely to ramp in4iicy!fro Igoe.
ranee. - She . him, `the intimate coo ns ' 1, !•
Omen irtornice .ind 'guilt: and thi' intensity
which saistwitiaociety.forntrennousniertbms to
mails thaiWor:ese, that intempararnie lid ins.
isrello4p.os,g, the great cause °fsllffiltillit-
Mili:=llin Irishman lately nudes /WE id prove
thatcloSti wire en root invemtkwic or.'says.he.
"dose not ever y body sly o'cloc s k.M*.in th e
same Way as every body says , O'Contiell
-411 .11°41111SP"
"Atii imam wus.,
• • 1 ,
Oni the Onions A ~. y: . • , ,
& , '
And-last th . .inarkevi thepinnivejlade,
';That many a ime 'obscures his broil 1 , 1 ,
Thon'rt npvi , y'ciwna dim 'Pee an. - j 1 ' I
•• And heaven. . wgrastito more than` ttleti
1 20
lives Sunday. Thehelis of this little r
of Nesidhem were tolling I itierryi,diut 1
peel. inviting its inhabitants to.. th e white telt.
h i d
to hear and,ane dto the word or truth is A.
eleimed4Yom the pulpit., The happr-k il ie
sed in it Sendai gm answered, the op .by ilocking,in Awls,- On-
bets. dresameeting nits,_,
to hear o'e hold rthlistio was feinted to be de.
%tont and 'eloqueni follovrer ofthe lowly iiiiitn4l. 7 .'
11eamunenced • .. low butelear tone, warning ,
le l& sobjects as he ProCeeded. 4. Pliti,v4o , ' i
ociteen4 Ink len ge was rich • and bill
iiiihnoisiind " res free , easy inn` lini fel,
andlui spice; 't said , Wso mellow; 'iis tiv i
steal into the of many wandering niric
they knew not h was hisinattpiet.: —Be sp oke at
the great prone
u r of mankind tb orr,,anil4i r .'
tardiness and un illingneve to retrace their .
ed - their rolling ' misery and lON , compla ining
lof their unhappy situation and had El ite.
yet dot - disposed Ito look up to One. who Wil
ling and competent With outstretched ar, to
save and beatify them; of the granite kalti and
carelessness with which they were inclined ito re
- -"maid
if whaiieehl of ..
4E:con we said the Weirs, fort ; terrupt,
log you ~prey te ma Veal-mem Oreektel mead:-
•IN thisi crenate punned Bitr,,El ' , Wont,
retrained inn this back ground: . oaf " i tilitag
in'the pletiaares , that were gotig or i:i cern.
proaebed. inrilw his ended. mid -inlia the
I d
;came of la muse melerieltelyttleit is !rah .
Femme the Teemr her.l4 her endee _Pm
.ed Ineffol. awl, he.oll renkained down: t. - The
other MS Were 6.0' anions of the ": r• of Al;
teela favor, acid r4tft no opretewity linseed ,
to obtain it, and v rya walk x1'611410 .
cif jeilotwy t andar iO, (ha _po:ino*, ' which
Ciiftbni atoodid• d lolithi* . : 1
43teintf, Wit r Mfoin: mid a, with
gaiety !atone a a frietuil, cl alialth ini 'depart
woo:soil-I ha staid, I very much fin, too
• t ' H
its rrssi res soo p% eie sum"
I i
i r r lV. , 1• •
!tiros luliviiintsarikil.tisei
`( k.
,~ I
I:, •
--7 ' 7- 11 -7- -' a-- -.- ' -- iirt 't
~ ..1 0 w
. y.• • ,an .Id • • acconitienl- : • -
tbinlCout it-. - iiiiii4eaPilled,aratonr Mina' 4 4 ht'
e gat -
pnWk tie.. • - Ilei gat - - 1 - airmails? •• :
hubs , •-• '-7 :' . -••-- . - - z.° , ; - I'.;'
%unser* sold; Stan yillskAbenixerfok On
4 ,..
'dead, and writ -- o MT tbon.wit ,Will .
and conlnrill th e itainertr ''•, •As f4nrerlin ;II
to remain Si --; w dry s * 'to iccoinen 1; ; •
army loss.
..i ~' or • -,---.., ' l l ) 4 -'-';'
!Ahl ht •:. , *that ?do yotiltitaitrin irii,
main lurk . • Stanley, or . srart Wity mere. • • 7
row fie • • I. - 1 -
~• - • .. ~..i., •,..
Moll, I. j beer ond faded - On thei',lirrt
-I'think 1 -
' pirrsortholxiatior of Stanley - airy
most dean ' -attending Icio.:-. - , ' ;;` ,-I • • ', 7 • ', '.-
st iti
I d
• ITherrut of,timbos'. was, - th ey . -arera. all
three in, With Art • - ..pifrord - resigned 1 ,1 14 1
preterit . ' iheirmi' 1 WiWbeirteen th e other
two. - A fir minute"' ' ' the aliereccinverselnar.
Aliervbein' *one; ' • and lifairest - apprriach.
ed, and as - her to dine •iiltitn . ley:said ohs NO
n hfcii tha t Which Shit had knot-,
ter,; • wkir was. nitrot, fiery mass; 1101140 i
shelves d vried l or tribe were oat alier'etadd .
T r
break her jappirint,lithlint SAY !nil+ l . . i
this war mild lea mreerniktrine.Stanley„:. re i,t;
'ed, and - ' were 'rowing" violent, -4 When lies
kindly, en sweetly ragnestnirthens to thin rise
more of it at she was tmworthy lobe the Ina
of any catim - and Would feel 'very if
thew .boo be at varianp-e for such a trifle. his
-- 6 ,4-'
,to tned t midi them for a moment, bpi i 'wet
only.the m 'before the,. storm; the ; rumbli gof
the vol ' antecedent to the final r.uptisre. ..lks
. they were .- ing lio., Clifford-begied nv
be re ens' , spoke . le th al, '. karg , filen
, and mute kindness, and of inlay acts. rat
!feetion wh eh had bear' displayed . toWardi i . : . clr
other; but , it bit arguments , hrl earnest a i
were ma d in - vain;
. is friends . wets rivals, Ms 1
enemies, nd became so . muck excited tha )fa.,,
son swim fitinleY,Wles. rtm.ficd by 1 prostr tine .
him, - the fidleirinernonitig, Moon id raw:-
i q
~ r
rod a note oStsirdey, diroanding7a mettine two
hours su nent, aboska mile from the village,
1 and reqn tudtlistfenfto be the beiires'Of it, ir ti
respect& y deelined the boner,dechuingbeWould
never iii
m best and Mostintimittefriendaidieet
Leach oti : and Imediaterf *fie:wards departed
trom oar., age...Masen and Stanley rnet,l• bar
ing engainid "midi fries Some *vaulters who 1
were pulsing titresigh ourlown,. and Mason' 'was ,
mertallkiwcunided. till:day immediately started
:off and bas not been beard of since. 1 ar;
coritione. 31r4 Elkton . '. be the very day'of t dl.
el. and hid Mason bran& bete; an this ' . 1 -
ortibehonser said - the stranger. startioe - -1 - I
'Tee*: till l pgarcdtbreeor four daysirigreat
pain, spoke agile - polite heart that Cl ffirrd yos.l (=t h in . m r .; pa ten jib ed wt tiiiihei ept bl e.r i n t ,
sessed, - end oOthtf"gentireila Stanley ; al'atula*d the ; aid each time Clifford deelaredhe data bet pent: ,
latter from allicensereignew daimons; *did fre-' ply delay a dAyllooger, yet, nontiriaisd.. , -Mitiket, .
' quently for Alice, whe,etilled several titsiesi to.seella„Clifford it t irhst..ietnnsideratimindritieriliat . N
him. but he knew het not, and ; died with . her • bio &ding called lover, eddehwbeitanalymmited ~
name on-his . the ' d .. - tesolnot its- original ektaiiintiveilit hallotait
sPeor.,poiKiliisoof"t 'ld stratiger.ergnink, tr t *S t ud i i th e re l axe d / 1m xtho _y ikeet whe
and centring , *face ithNir -bands; -be wee s. it i m g " tekt*msoirier apieerikielusectimin-
it ManflOPl?S. anAl l 4 leare- i! - . 4• l4iiii'.ol_ xtitriaaiail.tei. WeatOttelinVef..bailet,'
oftha -o .' teinlsi!'Proo*PC l4 ls.. .-a, r it t tb na -t m g 1 1 6 MniDITA - . !efiervilieds iNtrolaffiti:i - melted Si .
one fault, if fault
s it he4-be, wait awaYa9 1 0' 0 ' 4 4 way by leasureh . All geniis' - Inaniaitaeste - •
by' him pant lc' 1 • ' ' i_ of hmuty, and etcher thein *ben eriPerelety:-.66 ,
'Too knew" him then?' said ;M. Elkton, uPen.. ten, have a • atural temienctre:ridalttha Eke,*
ing, his rya lather wider thajaatiall'44 o avaut - I Aid if itiust be allowed .44 thitile appearance . ,
ly gazing at the stranger.
r , ',I, „- •,_ •of the hu ma n body, when all Alairatonstituentsi
.yeta I knew him itoily I was his Monsoon:aim are em u toget h er b e a ms th e _ m e,„,,,,„. th rt hoh
friend: oh! that I had never left his aide! I--V-; favors this 07esiori, we ma venture
"my name is Clifford , once his friend .: .. ! that the ion called lov e, is gioduaboy thin •
'lndeed!. and what has beiome of Stanley, who relaxation?' 1 • •- 3 .
left here immediately siker the iffraysdignorant of After he had rated lathe ejltats`alierkiniligiv
the consequenceir ', - . I days, Clifford received Idtter.ethicifiTtlenieridet
He is dead,' mill Clifford, mourn fullYeremutsui his immediate departure; be histenetrid . 4ditirar t
like a fiend r pursued him; he could not sleep, • express ed his d e ep regi l i, would retifintli**o , .
he could not rest: the gutty face of MiSon way days, ete..eben Alice, laying her tillidtaissffiii ~
always preient; his imagination could perceive swee'd, said; . ,
nuthsog bat this ; he - sought the phantem pleasure; " Yon ill not &mit Inkr Clifford ?Z. -• ' •
but she eluded his grasp; it could' scarcely be said ! "bu y be eternally Antoniay 1 4 a -oli4 ;
that he lived; he merely breathed; he drardt, lam- hastily stehing a kiss ant was aleJ ', "• •':
bled and died a Victim to remorse: l• Days, who. , meet ?, pine * ea4 - tet . 0641 . t ,
'Remorse,' said Clifford, raising his head. and . not tome/ Alice 'fret" uner-sy; ' et,, .„ .4100 1 10:4 - 1 .ii '"
gazing fi xedly on vaeiney,'what is
remorse; what , single • mbmint did Abe doubt, .constriecy, ),
is conscience that it Should so sore) Y all some. One eve ing, after t h e had . tilled ,ftii-..iihuiliz i
and others pass over in silence as it called the time at h usual remise •in the ' diii; Arra;
moral sense, or is it only imagtnationt
I. it a' served a maim approathingriti'litaileuag* .
fragment of boner sticking in the heardior is but MAO% mantling on her;nbeeltir ['mid_ the
a chimera working upon the mind, or the wornal inddettly leave them , and wed deft restored 0-
re p en t an ce gnawing our vitalm, and making's. i peeps
an happiness by Clifford ' s gasping her id •
feelingly alive to the horrors of a deed which has , his 1 • arm . Bath es * had detained 'hire, ait,tv
not, cannot be forgiieri or forgotten!' ""
! longer an ho Anticipated; bUt, during, his eh.:
About an hourbefore sunset clifford ;was seen' same be ad not forgotten her, as he had ,leingh"
strolling in the direction of the graveyard; his abeanti I plantation a ft* bift"si,. fiat the 900" •
i i
step and gait was unsteady , as if his zeiolot .M s whi he contemPtated reeldteig." ~'
- ~t , li
was formed , or his mind made uPtuPaliormwma i ;New . Alice, I have this farm, la* ilia, kr . 111 a
unpleasant tasii. He approached the houses of t to m i d , err , dme;eep o ie .- 0 „,,,,.„,,..,4„„,..
, 4 „.. 4 , , ,,,, 1 ,
the dead, and among the very few whose deaths have • ~ 4 ",`_"' • Jrf '7-
and lives were cemareuturated. he obse r ve d - met “Per pe I will in ii Year. or !Tilt you art
which immediately ;attracted his attention. - It ,e ett h e y.i. _
wasasimpleheadstor l e,with the modest laseriptitini , In a sai or two said CI
• isOmnina Ilitipos, assn 21TICAltir will bet- • a new dpitur t..
.... b,Nrk.,..„,...„ :,
Clifford started when he read It, add laminae menus in n ' its elit l agkOre°o--,,,(7. 1 ,?,,....,,,,..c
. unites less tette an clear, ~,., . .....:,; •
lost in a reverie. '"ilo young yet op nobler a- P IsA : - ‘.
rnisingn ydeng mad as ever breathed the Marne. „A .
wen the bet. , ,
.. t ~ 4. ,...,.,,,...., ,1.. 0
red air of Mortarityi, with no thought" of death '"'rr?
ever [Wine across his imagination. av wild
_iti - a
hope of a lOog and happy life, cat of; biStre he.
had shed his years of folly. to attend his trial_he:
fore One, who is juld ge iloth cif qutaklittilVead:.
What .a mail?, el . joyous laugh bib hit !
Methinks b bear it (ringing now. Well: 'he is
gooe.whare all moo( go, and ham only preceded
aOm year. at the Moat, for no ate all has.
' toning down the river of time. yet seldom think-
ing of that memo then' ime shall kb lost' In
nity: •Tware to die before, my dr • liVe- in
fear of death. has lz a s tr i the trivial lasophical.
cant of many who , doot)l - more . ° the ter .
lest child. la filet . ed by - tn o . greateit htiglitii
that was ever eonj 'id up to its t Imagination by
itaignmM nine. We all- know that few.-wish
to die, even wheny.arnmest prepared to dwell
in the ielliiiiii therighteous on the phileir of , 3:e.:
modem; is it sttwe_ go, ietiChntit
l evy surprising wh we_ I iiiiment on
the restate of such re!lir.g. .41Maiit,y lit the.
close. the Imotim p rinci p le of thii desirat•we
all long tor.know what-i t continually ikolett en in
this sublunary uni and We!sometimee :fitai
that after roar final oak wu will-.kiiivi' elk no
More fbrater ;let y one . siciiiiinieif it this no
not true ; let Aim ai dy. it well , and,;then answer
Wit is not only ground , for ouribai of death
• gadded* .of nth? 1
Cliffhart, lhoug wreie eirtle wing, Eta . PO
see could kellwben they :mild tireotheithnwal
. ngen
awakened by a - on-the:Bedell ha.,
shrunk beak as Ilia fkar.ind Mali -taiddenly
around liskekilirri/lioniwholtiatilfitotiohoor l
depart:M*4 ' •
T.I ;.-- -. . • .-1.-. 4, '--;., • ,:;!,
i •
"Conte t' said - 10,- E*Thitii4atr* , lng. , .filPi.
'by the kjoiP have bid itotri - Anuntatitnit*
thoughts gaits keg entiotlit - --teitaiin itafe•
you will gtow KUM* LetG* i untr--. ' -:-"
i . 1 1 4 -... , . - .1.; ,''";
, 1- ' - 4 (1-- I . ' • j". - I ' 1. I :k;'.•;,--.,..f:,..1t."
=Y''''' . 7. - ' 2 .
~ ,Ir ~'",,, ..,'_,-4.,-,....111•4:W-"l4;,',l'''r''''"A;l:
‘ , .."-', : .,•...17 - 0,7 , '',',..: 4 ~..,;-4-g,,,,,it.:-;:_zr,„.,„,-...,,,,,..-,1-.,:,15,55,,,,,,,..t,„„ti
. ~;-„1-,..,..-..,1, - t. :4. -:, .-- '-. • • - •'-
• ' 4 •'"rr - •-•"- i'•• •,;44,14604.045,!'',••t:::‘4,5%tri'41::!-'.,
'''2..t.,.• ',.,,:•;-'---P.,:--•tii."-.Fe,',-1*1:444..,.,-,41*,-,r,;,..:?-_,,v. - , -, t'ir • .
'',..),•'''',F, - 4..iiv .-.-. 1: - ..12.f"•:. - t.,-kiz 1
,1 A . b , a ,,,,1 e ,-" t .• i .z n %•
g ,v f :',i t
4 .
0: ,-..r,i.-,',e .4.,..,i t'i ,, - t, : ,, -. -
~ • " , .- 1
„_• •• ~, -1 ''..-'4:"" t 1. 1 ,..4 •:” I ,' 42 .4 ' •,•1' 4 ;
-DiVP3I. -- A.1):. - :`', -, : '.,',..=,-. ~t. ' ;•: .
.t;.'•"i' - .•.:••.rzi:."--• ,, 'r•ift.
, s . : • '-'1;:- . '," , i:4 , -7 .
,"- , .eadeu said, '' r 1 •-',-,•.
trait kixitiaittriiitill:i ''- - "r''
liiilutii ,
mid diel:pit**i N . , 1 --- :Ti , :•
bele& k oftitartri" woof-1
.. ;:r.:,itii:. :
:70111 mc of bliii:•':',.Taillj "';. 4 , " -,rt'-'
`174, mar, '"-- 4 ir:. ;,••,;.-",- I- ; „4:!' •,,3 - :
:mitt ormai-mi* • • j .'. .C.:
iris: ___ __ __ e deatit-canaeitiAlti.t.r ~..' 7,3 -
i r.
.16 1 / I *lk ‘' - . a
ittieelition' r ti,creep,.ontalAz: • i ' , "4,t:
thailaterintr alinoit dotrit , 6 l o4- t' . ' "i•: - .''"'
law. Our t Molitor wapty,ind,trhy,elnialik 4 . i-,-„i, , ..,
not wet I. Pe lota/11l bo loncerlriertatilint , :. :',.,;;;
iiltioinheilliakleith as, a wartintipTTlinit4...itilk . " , ... : . -...7 •-/...z,
led iont-wrodndeond to a tem ilaps.yon erW101 . ,;:. , , ' 4 -:,, , - 1 •;"
"'Mlle COIO6 heroArithouri a irattpir",ettieoittit . =l' =7" .. 5. 4 .
rici 1 1 101 1 ‘ , • - .. •,. - ' .•,, ...`,.. -- " - ;"1 , 34`": - " - I''
~ti-I cannot . tliinet here, laiircliffitar,' "•••,-;ff.,,..'.;
' "Do you ' .i.",nielt to see- ootne , 'OrtsWV2‘.
tat tl
Merida, parr' • to jot* detaitiiret 4 esir_ ` '"'t -'*„.
aillOni. if . tells trittit,yoti Jai-did admirals/we -...f-f"..',,
104 30 i iiTient•" - sat 4 cht*llihilisied - --, r
..i . ,tieg rate *rde o my beartAre , unctrntit,ao.ll : -clitiv ' :.•
, 4ltia too to now,"l itaig.-Mi:,. litinrint . iiikt" , • , •--
_,4 . . yonder Alice. coining- itlltlit'llitetitioft '4. - 1,
*ill ! h er fat ', t weak a time haitilifeitiiica*o . .-'
v 6 1 2 04 1 ' • renlained•figlionni4. j"4 • p- 1 -,-.2. • ""
taifforitih • matte tothrn .aitilyeigariktitcldr -
as they die Attar...bat Mr. Elktint_ilitlint4l44. '
and , calling e attention of her ip4ler , :tiiiiiinuii , •
"very portico lir aubject. left Alice lo„Portne . - kW *
own path.' -he observed atone oti r e t ipAeat
n , ilk
herinanal ha - .t,atid thrones abs : - ' tatim'apsz i
t*heart 4' 1)61 0 14 irmi! '•
ii c o e d '
."" •-,
~ : ! :r . f
.: : --- 7 -
• . 48;44 •bpittiits, lby riticale.ijas 4 '
~ . ~...
Atpia m ett.ClilTord iliiiiiigdi*, pest .b.oitif --: .
anit.tiaating biome! timidly arninitli ...9011amt -, 1
- Alta looks ateatifigly at him. iffswentitilist
her: shook tier amlitaT-b./ the , i1" 24 * 1 : -.1 0 0 •*` 4 .
7 7 'a
t'ii;. i lk 0 i i . i 1 d a at linl4.tfa46lllAitirlidi;#3l . lo -,
rapt in avid. TP - ' sad pl!oeit#sitgi'gkeit:**ir• .
I air -
/el - ..4cek te .- i _ ___________
Sery_.mtch klter , • . Awn' Mir lite - twice/tithe& -„ I
all war joy and bagpipes% bat 'not, jetbaagleint .
way to ntninff• - . 4 : •,.: 11 -. • ';.' ' ' ''''' .
" Alice r eturned n o answer het heat Aris, tel
fall to speohlo. twiny iieiliellinteuaisimillW
Cited her, •Ind such unusual ones todgenn. ..
'her he a minnent•of her meal prisenceitinket '
Clifford's grief, was not of greakAlarshilti , 4ll
Wings. were 'soothed and becaleeedOtemmn
commenced speaking °tether end banier,lboin, . ~.
and b,y the time Mr.- takten and. Itii; torniodirieir
joined the, be ziek ,s; satens'lnt ii !Old!**
Clifford, clad hieing* et itsgaibirsikqi*
the Tillage nels longer tl . nmlyvis Vs ellgilat ill'
.M . E • 'Tie-nr- - '
‘i ti
, a,
R*. - sboar....4n;lrishinalittiiinehirad beat:,
°die h. . , mounted 'the-Ammar witititic fittetti r '
wards .. tail. The osler told hire, bil,willibb l :
wrung. , fbramost. "Obi my. hotiliO' laid liti. - .
"how do . 'know which way rtit; goint.!".' --'-.*--
C' , ' ' selitTolboy was 4dietedlatgb4
tabour' , 1, His inst ructor , Oalled:ffifm.ny,
co 1 - biuktir sta ' the reason Or Vs Mlf
4 f. wai I ughing: said be, to:thlak.',liiwkailk,
-would • Ir., swain - wing his o ,leg; ,Wbat tr....
crazy co . belt—wrathy of any: t lirittp-, : r , c.. : .
. r
'The . issouri, H. S. Shmdard ' 'lO ibis AV
tinetion . Miss Mary Elviri Steam_ by "Zir:=lfei*ll
ry flow.. Old marvels areidriet7l;ariaw.'"llliv
dirk tan away with the'sitoort. :, - , • ' •t'' . . - -. I 'i'.
' •
his rto leara,tbatijo • , reailiiiiiiiiiimair,
eon".- hii opinion ; , bee, nothinet4:ifiester ..,..
Inquire ' Rah Ut.Adi. lißtitt.-a4"* l 4 - ". -
pftbq be *Wilkie.. 1 - , ,-_ - ::',- I -';,;:i. , ,,,.
;..1 . deinad met "ne th er -ittilkt - ‘ iitietk:
weal teensumptkat;''aini abilatiii.bla ' - 4'"
*Ain no friend, yott via* elenr" - - "Yrrarroplie# -•
the • ,"but I anti:fig fear . - -I" -.. -' ' ' •'.. .s
Cell ey woo at illtilimeliam tiai OM
inarril+ aid-em . -3 41 14 ms litiadirkilist - _ ,1, -
ed w ith isteonminani* ' ' „ 3".1',.;;;;, :ti,
A' denim tow tiorninelast in'Attilislitioi -, :e.
little ' foot boy; Whit his sibtheir-didokrit ':*''.. -
in? • . eats odd vietmak, airet:•"ol4# - l'lff`..
ply °,‘. , 1... ._'.'..f ~ •?,,, r ".Z-44 . _ ,'T. , -_* . -I'4 ' ,_
• _A , 0:4..i0 Ida* emilal l erthatt , IliW - 11114 - v 4 - -
;Garda ' :'4 , 11- AtialtWitthitidiP . - * - - ' •' ';''
died ' thi. , iiierlirthe wiii:ithiftiiit" '''''• zi7..
loas' nutyfroirtli4m:litht iiititie:OiOty , , st s
!trim that* • ,:.. •:t.,, , ..;• : . i ., - . ,i : --
.. , 'l;Z: , 7 2- ''',;', -'"'"' 'l l- ":•,1
',„':- -"..' -'
`-.- -, - -_.l ..-'l:' ---- -r - Y;s4 ;) -Z,'-' -- ..-; , :i.7."
~,:1. .- g•:-.. '4 . 7, , 57il
:„ . .., - i - z, , ,,,, :, --,•:-.;-,%- ‘ % :1, _S'....' - '4O- ....t....,e,-,:,:' -.. ez:.; . ::',...' li,']
:.!:: ,';';,:;:-.`. ..:•.' , -';'.l..': : ' --- ,. i kti“,a,