Gree10,6641. ...-... -,. ...„,,, 'Awe . Ai . the , . iababiiactia* I . and 4 , icini y; that *key _mow estabi* ..• for ally, oocapiad • by: Aiialt a -:iith ra , . -ara bek. teal!) Ira*, Cu , Cu , '. a;'..iiy:orialraistv they iiilt. I maaryiuidfiatk• .3' . ;:, '• ' _ • The fouOry i ta -Aa'oiet,tiolt. ... . . Tlireir Chegi .. `Store. PPrifi. VA ti.LETVLS porch. .th entire hitereetzuf and ' Robert Neli b, in th e. Store at Went iconier of.. entre and Marker ilift -boningh ~ of, ottirill% farmer', and imaduCted el th e firm •of No-' rig &, C 0.,:. . fo il Inform-their iWe „Public miner ly that. theyi Wend res 4 the-linatheislat. the -old. grand under: • 4 .4 , c o.„TAO!! Itiml. & c yin bi happy m. sugply their friends .• monomers with niffehanthse, at the nes. ...”, t .1- ,- ;... ' - . . are -mos- (tag, in addition to their trock:a large d extensive assortment of Ain. consuiting in part of, Pry Gonda, Liquors, Wines,' Teas, China, Glass, to, dec. containing Of ' . - eassimeres, settinetts, flannel& muslin., .1 tens. •... . , lannete.gloses, 'docents,' yarna,printa, . 'hams. - I • - ,Jekings. - silks, satins,' shawls, band erehieffs, vehats. I drum, eireasione, vesting& laces, fringes, • threads, maim& i • weeraddirit, - Minks& coatings, Plaids, GROCERIES. - , ':z • • Legnini, RE; Domhig.? Coffees, '.- Croix, New Orleans, Havana sugars. • said lamp i do New Orleans andiSugar Manse molasses, r no Petsder, Young flyecm Sonebong Pouchong m4l'B4lo* Teas.l ' Chocolates and apices; &e. • Brown and yellow *sip • Climes, Mace, irutmage and cassia Cayenne Pepper, mustard Box and keg raisins Carotids and tine Cheese f acidgek Mackerel and herring - Mould and dept candies ftwaltand bid nit Pipes and smoking tobacco LlQUORS halfnish & WI and-, NP.S: mmmon sagas • , Cognise. and common *brandy '.:llelland and conimpn gin " , Did . Irish whiskey and - Jamaica spirits •Ne* Elision:idiom -and Whiskey by the bbl :Lisbon, madein4 port and mai** wines Aseertmairef Bode mitt Shoe& • , Crockery, China and &as - ware. " Ghia. by thmbcet. -; \ . _ Thlrrt%Wen *Wes, FFF, do. • • Blasting ,`Fr, FFP. . ', i'do 41 of which will disposed if clotip for cash, *exchange for country produce atthe . mar , price.. - • , - Dee 19 5-tf • Coal Velem to Rent. xIWm! Rill, on the West Branch Rail Road nine a d a harmikii from achuytkill Riven; one ant a hilf above Minerstille—the - reins well Caleolaiealiameeztittlehie business the seati of Producing\ freeit klpiow,,lfithosit,additiowallespenarfiw gane Es- or am. reetnetetr;:s lugs.:dock of =el en , digrbig 4be: winter; emeoritia ad ;hog* 42 Oat ihiek s afritted. *fiery deli:talky —prop thabariet the propertratie, ptake, di tenakand farther - • —patitolars;apprx JAMES ptufamoi . :1 coniunsicid aka. rialidatiOPOW ROSEIRTV-W144: . Sehaylkill Amen. L97tl E N 1838. ,". • 44-1744.11 D . • ohitiogilviir' • - . infortoinkths poW 411 1e 6 atatir kd 1 - I= l.. g thaVeinsylvanit UAL in Pintarillei' Re b fro, pa_dirc.putalton.filr keeping a re : - • amihnient.aolisited'doring the az •rienceivrthice*rsivithisanselineofhtaivons. hy -*lire to please and application to btsti . to Inuit a enstdattians Ion: favor aid = Irf siMing taithe Pennsylvania Hall t sfiallltars - , ornenief superiorly:mill ;veld' At .1 . 440; and - every other cy titilthat . . livillb•rnatiu,d - catt affoid is .ea. . - . • -i.,41814 Or - •iii‘istectsiteolifr doten n. ,, Frier diidci. • Tri **wit' 40 -• • • 181 Nikita* Stikke:' 4 373 Pepper Pot per boyl • -12-1 16- Wks Feet .c rjl:- • Nor . . - ' • '..- 1-rnit IRON 10O1pr.DRY• Am "Ittrit "t!"Prig4-414APIiRY'' .:':ire:inaies _Works, ' -04 Aunt Pient,Sts4fitisingitenr P*4 - ul . ei• ' w. i ..10. i conotra - -• ' ,• • 1 ys intioirihir. teepenthily infoitne I,4 ll 4 ,, ,pairwtitai beAu tinnored:hio /km adiy bethittitAena Broad eteeetp(ae rtabriatj new eetaidkehhointilritoft-beillags- 614111 g$'- -ate any orders ilaWithalbr. ;134Chlitil awe for ht ill Gencin*ltavi ,Engines;! Abed WheeK,Chilits;ll*T4inkalpir • 44k# Pans, Soap. Hadar, ? I fni, Dash MU awl_ - 9f all 4 1 1 .0fif 04reztjdits.__ 3,3llloeftatintt 'ase, 'Argo soentWitit Agiv-V.Vatrikanalwilisiti.will: he in the ad . ventee , q, , ,echaiocii-PA • bury . : l6- tall, when thiy 'b. shown: by: wee.pefttey at the worhe l -- ! ..;el. i': -.- `A.. I 4VIS SW* Eitiriitit ititti-Stsik .:, ~ i- ' '' IMANUFACTORY. -'- .z.; On the eamoTneeniaei nem bObtid illitt or , :low Pressiun Engine:4.'B4Am aid MachinetY hi gel ztozol• oil tho *INC reasonable toritini-471 ' Um to' ' , -I. -- ..„._. - 1 4 - 4A-311MFLAW: ,1; N. B. Aim ioieleft et• flair Weal :iteis'enf Moth s Vino r*Ca.o_ . _ .-31- *nth Thin! Vt. .IPhVe: e ml!griils: Eil • - • COMIC) 0.,..CAT IILSMS- 7 1. **-10; 17 Mr11;- 005 t PLOVER Figtofor.saletby Feb lf MrpLER &ITA PAY rrAl'ell:l4/23. jtisA Ai- Feb 14; aiekii_LferfoordSie •-•t'Airi ON' T. irwrA attheliesuit7lTania ; Childirnmse,'ami t 1 mar jr A ONNIN : OItpIAAN . GIN, s r tor nip • - s Feb 13 la. ir MIL ER & BA E ,VIVINtEIt Stniins Sperm Oil, .7' quality. at st* ptavdko . n. 'UIO el. imam et: . e, F& FEEL:liar all kinds A: •1. on Land add far sale_ by Feb 6 'l2 piittENoLocac'i and for sale by. Feb 6- riiitED CODS antifirt rals by FebS DRAFTB & NOIPES, bound 4 1 P in Books; est riceived and for B sale by Fabl . B. ANNAN. fIOFFEI I 3.-L-40 Bags malodor nigh Scanted 7 1 -', Rio. Old Java and Lavin Qffee. for sale Scanted • Jan 2 . 9 • 21. - NATIV. NB & Co. The Literary and Se, ientifie -• Cr:ASS BOOK, lint receivediarid for sale • Feb 27 14 by B.I2ANNAN. CIIAMFAIONE'ININE of the Sillgry air! Eagle Br al genuine article for. sale by Jan 2 7—. kedo N. NATIONS & Co. NEW YORK SUGAR WIESE MOLASSES, a superior aril*, just received and for sale dac 53- - - . by T. & 3:BEATTY. , • - : Old Java Con . ii iv BAdS.Priase old Javo Coffee. a superior m-‘-ir article, fur. faraity use; for sale by ' , Dee 19 5 : N. N&TRANS. & Co. BOOH BINDING.— ! -Personr who have Books io be bound, can have them done at two or three week's-notice, by. leaving them with the oribacriber 111, BANN AN. WINDSOR CIIAIRILQ , -A large and genera v v assortment of Fancy Wiedsor For sale by JOSEPH WHITE ac, SON, ' June 29tf • : - Int Carbon. Cheese. SUPERIOR Dairy Cla PiosAppla - do For sale by . Dee 14 —7 . N. NATIIANS dr. Co. 811/OMAN his just rem p. remised a fresh su s-w•.. ply of Whips for Sleighing. together with an assortment of Throngs, which gil l be wild cheap. • ./an23 10— Saving Fund Society. irec-reri-cople Seciety,l ii ottiVopen eietedaY" froM3lto 3 o'clock lit thq Ofice'of Discount and Deposit, fin' the peir. pate orseeeiving depositsto any amount not ex ceeding 3600..fr0m any one peraten, open which au interest of 4 'per cent.will be paid on everr#s and•npwanis.bat noinbereSt will be allowed on any fractional parts of- $5. The nehole or slily part may he drawn. out oisgivieg notice; two to four weeks, at t he Office "on - Mondays. The be. sinew of the Society will be .condlicted by the &Bowing . o ffi cer. an& managers.,`nutil the first Monday reMay next. • - , • -PresiStint—AßUlL.A. BOLTON. . . . ...khrithain Heebner "ward o:4obley Edward linghes E. S. We an Jacob: Bull _ Jesse. T ' _ 'L. Whitri c lr, Secretary and " rer. Article 3d the Charter.. t "No emolument ;whatsoever sh, be received * the President or. Managers for their aerviees,_ nor shill any Manage; become_ burrower front .the tien t !' . . • act 3 461 f ran* . • Jr,ince4ved-Grani Neat Votk and !Wilde, : I ST Eanat*laite- 4802 4M 1 4 - lfeitaid fashicinatda Prtzts f i - o _ An. - Nationale! , • . Ciolib)nicasainserla and Sattimas, Cottowandgroollen Flannels. , ke. Oct ;14 -40. - - T.IIIaLIBEATTY. • jffew:nonix and TINA. Sto& za.ktrr- JOH* RUCH QOM'leiteedelfirkßaunla !Wm the Ann and-FeedBtorevilreitintreretrini. inform Rbeir ikbilo general. &it the i in. tend coodoiling it uniki the„ firm or semi & abut of - penxiiii....- Viabithest:pricixtro, in,caiik to -Flour load Yowl cetllitinaw• — ' ' ' - Nrollietraelaihir,Storel., _. ciisii; ' alissia , iimi': - am& id+t!.. _,lpiaritfatircyradfivi Hatirr /VIE subscritiar` thaakTet kr put Wank ley lease hi Warn his ferarei:ipastiarers sad the iiiktdte ienerellk. that as pride esfensied ad. Own a ileitis eters aid doe of goolh4 he Is . lir,. prepared to. ear them . Su rime and' Common gagaap;itro &Ahem OpktetPuhß:Vestehhd dmiull motet P r k e ' 6 ' ft "' il ‘ h; ' '' . -._'. - r - IMO Caße) Olatillell, ' --, 24 reeraluortmeefefaube, rue Ord nit . -,, -4.: . -. ' • age i , -- i '-.• ,`-;`' iedif Cush:ten* plain ' red drip* vagetemtb. -. •_ . „....-;„_=, - .2. ~..._-_ .. i i,,,,,,,,-. ~ ~., t,l, :- - *num Clethiaad VUtUgirerrbrodt *Win at fie gia MA‘.*!14!"..1,V.:7: w n i qga r, z-, .< < < ~ - "t - Ukiah?' at prides that enact thil is filline• '''‘' ^ ,'_ _7 . "'' '- a ; mad ' 4 '" , n : - _t ~,',.,T,,5, .., tigiri- wit sad Wirer ' OW 0 6 1 11 , 13100 4. 1 0.1 ...ang-T„.,____, - ~. lii - wadi i• - • f , - :3= I - ,L''''': '.- Walk-to Sri 'atioatito:‘esal! is r Il le .r", ____, L l e l lr ',.. l .._,.--,•' -i la th l4l6 ' , :::Je' :''',*: chute' hy ijiltk tinlied.' ,- ' 7 1, - " , 'l' ; am. - 'la . --' '' • .''' ' ''. 7 ,- - , -< A ':-t - 'r' < _A* 1h1 1 ,14 - Oho* 11ite0 71 4 1 . -011 0" 6 " , 211 - 01$ U - -•- ' s --- 04iii:tfait4 - '-' 1 Imisiohadkagebiewenadir Y•ritimadibuitk- ~,, ~_ ,:,., ~., rn ..,,,, , o t h .. ~, ~ ~ , :,.,‘..,.-,.---:.-,,,- ,- -it buriwm ,:riarkT , '- - :;giii ir , migitir - vh;dric ' - iski , wasid a SR - 30bniii Mu fgt.". lk!!" , -# t la - This ' - - - - aft odi i it,-, , , ,, , ,, , , vat =m u m , von puthoutr. -- : ---,--, - ~. o ft 1 - I na I. hir112.,-. - - ;thstadwirestlitlf*4 30 isiirlmar - e rib - -- s iirivotiVy -, 2 4 ‘ sp r e , 7" Asaiiiikilinielw the_ ,04 1410 i- 11,1 : -°*"-- - ' - -.oiiiise ; OußCOlasiii wilincibi#ll4llollatpsrtiaal.e- l.irr-- clirlkii6 2 ol4Clll l 4 :1 6 4;;*idited` ;- 'ot-1 - - •,..:,--- tit- g -, `,..''1,4 11 , - - -, 7 ,.. k r--, 71 ,-. ..00,. - 4 . -=..i. bei m ..tot, --. liailYitib*„ -00. 5 r. - -1•,-- , ,-*-- '547' 7 4 ,,, ,1t ~ ,rif,,:: - - Z 4, Alil ' ir fl? q ,- i ::'"*-Valkit /1144C110 ' 1 4 4 0 ,i- - ,. - L- , - - - = s ' - ' 't, -. 7-A' . =,,,. •••••••••ItTt; - - ?: . -t, . "' - 'n .4 "'it - ,:r - 4*714"1rr , ...,„„..,- t ;. zaPP . , 4 I , -,,, et „, • _4 -, ..,:,-,75, . 4 ,k ..",t" g : , *- ::: - - ',.., -''' " ,- 41-"-' 4l4 ' -:-., i• ,:c4 = t,Za . ~--'-''' - "" t- ,... --, s ^-=` `--1.,,,„,-.-.,-: .1 -- . t„ ,- , „, , -, - ..t. -,, 2 ”. " ''' -.'• t" - '' :-tt "t - ''. o ' ,'- ' 't't'''''' -** ' - `• t, '-', - ~, • -,-- -,,.,... 1t- - ~- • _, , t. , ,t,, ,„ „.-, •_,....t. ,- ,,, - - ~ • --- ",.. - , -- t - --,.-; ' -._ - Mill EERIE Nom . . . •II • ' tl . 1; - 1. T.. '- .--- - : 1 :: ' -,-,- :- -;-', --....-„, . '_ i'' - i• ' - 1 ' -14.. ' -1 - - -" - , • L '.' - - '..'. :; - -;. -- ii ., ' - -'' - ' ~,, ' -;-1,-...,'- - --, • - i . :.. i., '' -...- . :: .- . , 4- ..... „.:4 - •,: z 1-. ~ r , 7 -,:, , .. , , :-..„-, --- -!..".. i,-.1, -i. , , , r., , 1'4.=.1. ',.i . i , '-.,:.--- 1• . .i 1 ,- .1. - _-''. ,-. -, 7 ' - ,:. ' ~,,,,. ..".1 7-••=4 , X." - --...V..„_ . r , 4 __ Af Kot,;:z,L _ ...t.,- ,- &.. t ,t4,....- - .4.„- :: , ~ ,, ,,: , ,, ,, , , - --,..- 1 .'.--..-, . .-.A. -."‘, -;.::,,---.-. _-:,, -_• :. - ---,, _ • - eitif,NAkT SO :-: • : L . :Willie, If:ItAllt ~•;.1 w , Ouc i tt #‘:::..i';,"ll WE BUSTS, ; ' a Maciirert ; rapeive4 4* CIA YT°N * • 12— • Whips Whips • PORT CARBON "2. - ,,.....ifiAXATHANS-Aig-CO;A::- -! a AVE fatkiiimiliiii *daiigie - illienr. ° ins iiiiiirtiftaitit W, - ilia tioots., ._- .._, _ -asperforoidTa. - ii -- ..7,0vi 4 • On draiglit,' ' .': - ' -'''.:_''''- ' i -',--:" "": Star Binott... 40 ' s ' -do ' ' tO - : % ' ::do ' ' Bottled. ''do -- -' • dtil;. P."':' ' - -.-'' de on'ilrio4kt.. ski -do ' i Port :' F aro Graiie lime '4 ' - -'''''' "Ikat/eli) ; d o go - ::', - 'do dr on'dtanikl, - -• ±~ Common d : - do' do Illuperkw : }lioenillb de do do _ Ito ,' '',-... -VC: , do , '' do • bottled doi ' f fitli ;4, do ' - ' ,do do • -, ' do - do do `..- en draught, ,do Dry Malaga, Mithiga do ado LieboWilbd Nlicr. admit do ' do' dilly Madeira ik 'Muscatel do 1 :1 - Claret On • drab* and bowled, • -do Old Hock and M t bottled, do - Champaigne of gle, Comet and Jolly Brands, do Old 4th Proof ' y, a. • :do Hok Gim'' - . do Ctiampiairie Brandy 'stand Sktquality. Cagnan - and Berikana da• /ati 2 d 4' 341 46 I Jam. Spirits lat. 3d and 3d • do/t Hol. Gin, tat &3d goal4y, Brandy, 't N. E. Rum, Com. Gin d Common y Monongahela. anclimon Whiskey, So". Old Irish Whiske , do. do Se'otch on, do the. Real Motto. min Dear warr 'nted 40 jean old, _ilo Cordial., 4c. . ot.w Totem'keeper and consumers are inri. ted to call, where they ea be aupfdied with bit - - Wines ar.dl f igotirs.l on bettor WW 2 . than the . .1 bale bark get mi. ' 1111 la . , . = Pis. :es. • n 'br 2! ~++;Li~ 1 : - `an; iham ZEZ=I .imr. of 'superior For'w& by e ERTY. pt "orustant 'AVETON-: nit ; rsceitredi NNAN. :19— WDT .EMEN'S Gum Elastic Fuick Coats, Do do, do Pantaloons, , do do Cape., Do ado do Figured df , Plain Shoes, do Moleskin Over Shoes, Dd • do do Sinfientlimg Ladies:Misses and Childrens Apron • Du Fared and Fur Laved Shoes, Do - ' and Children's plain _do Water Bottles, Be. &c.: • Just receivedl u sd al for sale by NATHANS & Co. N. B. Gum E 'e Covers for Carriages; Gigs, and Wigons,Cuitains, Boots, &d. will be furnish ed to order. Ffb 6 12— G ENT N. Nathan* & Co. HAVE this day opened in the Stow forvierlv' occupied by F. J. Partin, Centre, two doors south ofidarket street, a • general assortment of Dry Goads, Groceries, Liquors, W ince, Teas, Chi. na, Glass, Queenswain, &c. consisting of - Blue, black, olive, claret. drab and mixed . Cloths. Blue, black, grey and mixed eassimerat. ib mixed. grey and brown Settinetts. Drab and colourcii beaverteen cords, &c. Red, scarlet, white, 'and green flannels. Red, blue, grtn, yellow sad,white Canton flap nets. Bleached and unbleiched .do muslin,. Irish linens &. Black, geeen. brown, and purple raetinoin Plaids, tinsels and negro cloths. Buckskin mitts and gloves. Silk and cotton umbrellas. Ladies and genttemans buskin, beaver and kit! • Owes. , lamb knit.and - Getenentown hose and i hose. -Satin and Ecuribazine pleated and plain stocks. Bleached and uabhisched Bien mad cotton DM ' Cotton and Pittsburg entd - .' ' • Silk and cotten-handkerrifiek. ' Do. &ape & do. shawls. Venthies, Silks, laces, threads. tapes; gotten,; blankets. coatings, wadding% camblets. POSPen ders, ginghants.checks, fickings, Engrtah.Frenelt; and Adterktin prints; new patterns, &c. &e, Mo. Jara;Lagnir; i; Su-Domini°. coffee &. Croix, New Orleans, Masao& augers Loaf Lump - , . do -New Orleans andAugar hone Molasses Gun Powder.:Yonerifyson. Salchow. Pour-hong and 806 a Tess - - , t PripatedQems anti Cocoa Shells . , Chases and Batterir Maculate .. Zealand & Spanish . do . . Vasiegated..Paloso Brown and' Yellow seep Closes, Mace,.&hpiee. Nutmegs, Tepper. Cu . . els. - • . Olires,CalLoors- .pliklei, Anelenies. Soy Curry and Cyan's, Pepper. Mustard 'Raisurs. Almonds: Paulo* Rice - Cheese, Cod Wa r Mackerel • . _ . Soaked and pickled Saboonfterring • Moulded and Dig Candles • Reek and TibLeale. tittle do' • • . 15.000 Spanish Cigars, from $5 to $25 per m. spanish and tone on dd • • Pipes end smoking tobaeocs • LIQUORS 12 4r ints-: • - 'dentrpalgne otilpsa_a. ' Brandy Holland and American ' ••• • , Jamaica spirits, New England min • Monongahela and commas - whiskey _ Madeira, brown sold pate diary *imp .' Sicily and Mine - dies 'Staderis do Lisbon, port. dry indigos - -., ' - do - Mabwa.rn ~. , ' *rat . - . likr- . atAinPaigie • i ; ' ;.< i. dd - . . Gent/opens, coarse • 7 4ne boots psidiasiee ,:i..: Boys 1 / 4 ' . . -- _ . 'do 1 / 4 ' '..., • -do ~ - ' dgi ~.; ~; .Lndios.iaitli , istivelsii.fes . -„1 ' ,-. ::- A. ... tts f:r Miiroeiro - seeteralkintsbees ,-.. do :.,Pirciell, k antinshoes'and slippers Chlldreir.and.infininr: ahsest' and boatels. die. Its. .=:-.. " . ...;.:Ciik. :klip..:„OkSin and- Miss' Wine. - •All - ir wind, wi, will ipaifit :iihaatik,Krita4 on thic.:lit".4olBlo,ollelsFroskii'esib: or ..tai es. OaniliObi- 0 0. 1 4 1 7."P r :0 dice=2 4 44 *- 406- T ani.ll Iteetstlis:*tsiii4 - ko:-calk. - ,:',"r,-...ii.,- __ _'FA'.. _,...Min,5 , 5_ , .'' --1-1'.7.:-.3-fr..l W ' 4 MBE 4,k WI- Dr NEW STORE. GROCERIES. .!:^::: , 7 '-'l4-..,.:(--,.:,::,-_,. =I Lon( Veen - Salm& : • . t r natoes White fiat dutch turnip ly 'Kale (Oreens) Blal top do IHemjs • I • !hoodoo leek -1 HERI Early 'York (Cabbage Rims Large do do blignanette. do drumhead (to comer sasery Early Impanel do' 74eaorted Thwerleed Bird Seeds. 1 . Canary. Millet and Kemp Seedi—s Together With a wade/ of Flower Seeds. ONION SEMI. Several bushel Onion Setts, lbr s4le cheap. April 2 Ell CollielrY WiDtk!, -- . Steam. Engine and /tail Car M nufactary. TUB • subscribers Xmpeekully ! inform their friends & the pubfie.that they are now pre pared at.their establishment in Pottsville, to exe cute orders for maknag and repairing Steam En gines, itall Cars. Staim Bollersiumps, Circu lar Saws, Mill Gearing and Mach' cry of envy description., They alp hake cons ntly an hand an assortment of Minets Tools, so h as Sledges, Wedges, ricks, R-akes, Drills, crowbars, &e. equal in quality and at as low pri -as -tan be obtained elsew here. N. •B. Smith iwork - of all kind carried on as usual: HA Y WDOD & SNYDER. Fcb ta ! • • 13-3 mo PROTE.kurios. •.. ' The Philladelphiii Fire Ala) INLAND iIATIGATIONI lIIINDRANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL ANTHORINED BY LAW, 0.300,0001 C HAATER; PERPE*U A t, l id ARE Bnck. b: lo h i l e im o i r teid rit iod =l , lnserarr. to! Mills, Bann, Stables. M m e e rCbandize. Furniture, Property of every description. Grimm loss or damn! la , PI Kt . - bscriber Tbe Su has Wit appointke Aims? for t above mentioned Inatitation, and is now prepared make Ixstzkercts upon every descrtpdas of at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN BAN AN.; ?morale, Felt.r. 1826. do do. FO ' SALE'. 100 tons Planter 150 bbls birerpootronud salt 20 sacks do , See Oa i 40 bbls new inackerelato. 1 and 2 20 half bbla do ' do 1 and 2 i 10 qr bbls do 'do 1 and 2 60 bbis rsersihiske - 1 50 Do superfine sr So bap strong arum Rio reilbti 6 sir tasks Ladino ' I • 1 1, - 10 do do svreer ~ logo nine i ~ 1 10 Mtn New England rue le do common brandy 1 SO do do it bagrior. old C 80l ogrist.brusasid.l • 1 lard; , , 1 Arts , sib 1 JOSESII C. KIT-Rli,,Centre St. i are 11 stf - nett dip or to the NationalHote . ' NEW 6.0 DS:: • • THE . Sphseribers are ju received ala and general assortment f fresh s,nd able ' \ Dry Gocid, .. l' , ' . Greeeriet;, i.. Hardison:4: . i _' r 'Mass & queens Wart . , Sporting aid Mating Ponder, I liar Irani, Grind Stones,. , . Fish, Salt; . Flour, Miter &e. &e. • *Lich in addition teDtbeir thrsner stock ten er their assortment essatirrive and complete , - ' A of which are offered foes.' wholesale or "%Cal g tt very redpeed prices Or cash lor in etching's! or Country" Produce- ;',l. i The highest prietrgiven in cash Air': all ' 4s ofeoantry prodpbe. 1 ' ,100E PH Blount o to:; i IME, it 804 ' iv Dee 27 . Blount Car -- ' 4 ILINI.ON FOUN 'Y ' interim the illab;• -lentiSeir:- PORT CLINIVN FOUNDR • . H$ tabocrilm;ra inforinform' • inhabitants or • . I gi val and its vlciailyithat ,• ' *maw Puta•? , ' ton are *ow in' operapot, nbaretta., wail* a. " s • to reeeivennterstbr . CAR WW.EgaS s e .1,11.28, &C. i• 'or anyothercaannara.:l , hicis they promise to " ' prowl:4lj aapfaiithfulr., .• ..1• PARKE &T 1 77 . ;• " 4. ft -Noiember MEN ' 1,, , .' . M.. 1 Er The Found", ~n 1 tot • bloia 'every • .... i • '' . WirMERI • AT -1 No. 85 NOR Timm Elbow IMANUF gialatiaoo. Radioed.' ChM, relkuire" do tbera,! , *, SAL*Lead Pl•r 1 " •41_p;•* Ai + ; STAND . • i(ONT . raikeiNistio ifiy - AR 4 T i R OF. / L , • )&" riga- - • •••• -tTartAmetio= . .• 'twanciuma 22 u~ Jany Jake iw GOOt6: JOSEPH C ? KERN • - EFESPECTFULLY infdrms the citizens of A L III Pottsville arid flelbity, that he hits Oat opened, at the corner of Centre and eallowhill streets. next door above the National Retch a large and elegant wisostmeint OfStaple and Fancy Dry Dixosts, with g choicii stleition of Wines, Li qi2ors and Crockery ware, all of which bale been purchased at the very lowest cash prikea in the Philadelphia market, and will be sold at 124 per cent advance: • MI kind of country prodube taken in exchange r goods. Sept 14 16- 43tf Fresh Fkitit, ftuces, Oct,. lop UtCll, and Bloom Raisins, • gasket and Bjorn Figs, Prunes, Carona and Lemmas% French and Spanoia Olives, .• Capers and Pickles, Mushroom Catsup, • ' Anchovies, f.weesthe of Anchoriatr, Loiater Baum, I 'Canton Soy; burry Powder, . I John Bon'sßiegtiak Sim*. "Pickled Lobsters, Clams aed Muscles: For safe by N. NATBANS Jan 30 It _ TORE sigma _ NEW GOODS * joliN T. HAZZAJID respectfully idforma bk. friend., the citizens of Pottsville, and the public ins general. that be .has just re. cci a large andleneFal assortment of well an , I GOODS, °unitising in part Of 1 ne, black; brown, olive. green.dtab and steel of cloths, do do do cissimeres. do, de saninettli. yellow, green and white flannelaJdno. and flushing., bangup and 'gamma corda.beever canton flifinel, napped Dalian I* miner.; silk, valencia,stranadown, taint:tend Murales vesting, a lirge assortment of plain and high col loro prints, llamas% for table cloths, puss= and bird eye diaper, ginghams, colored mtuilina, intl. duet, found - ;•on muslin, black and brown Vol 'd, plain altd cut silk velvet,itoolen yarn,ivoiii. en silk and cotton basiery, Thibeteashatere,ailk an cotton shawla,cotton and ailkbandkerchicht. an ' cravats, India, French and Italian silks 'ln. la 'es dresses, (hived, bisbhinct afid codtmlaime, ins, quilting* and inserting.; an amortment a and-galkanza l Irish linens, long lawn,' camtuick, eambrick, jaconet, Stria atrd muslin., French and Etiklisli mennoia.._ miumanane, borobitaettes; bbiulia*en; 94, DIAL g: 111.4.112-4 reit blankets and conoterpinosi I r ag 1 T t41 2 1 . beirCgrit boskin , Afaes, „ hosktn, andlid , ati2 titts.l. es gentlemen. and ebildrenast . - and boobs brtern . and bleacbed anislitia, -ft:,•en assortmend" et really made clothing, brushes; iombi, hail,. and A-1 tom ,- -•• _ . _____' l : RDWARE, VINTUTLERit. CNINA. OLdf2 I I I AND t/UEEtISWANE Also a good amortmeninf GROCERIES, pin. thaskd with"KW*: itordloquardy, consist. in liarf.Of ' - i . ' Ws. cordials,: kraacb losrady, tlollaiid ' ..- • ',. •• • • gin, old MootomatishvislOskey,eose ~; fandyi rye whisk**, No.l and 2 meek iit • . Ind half birreke, _, • - . '' „SUpERFINE FAMIL Y FIAAM 1 - . by the barrel nr bbsbel,:bitter, (Tsetse and .; ' • spermaceti and corn non oil..tOgettier i rt , "'th it'varieer ors:tides - not eittineraled, eh, Will . sell. irficilitiale and redid, bn Mt . j, .'; , , • &in* for essh eir Country prod 1 ' • • Always_ on hand a constant supply of_ P; F, fr,and ffF blasting powder. inklen , 1 superior Eagle po . Wder. ..f, ' - ,v ,- : . "--.- . Pie Water 117ce . 0114W:t'i , e,tiitailijhip, Otetittry, Produce. • , - • . 1 2•; .. I - .f. : ,K a4f , .=' • - I" nter4 . Caucus' intithintiswill rmiliktliels — • lffs 1011, ... th ey eiii be i firrni4al With most arts ea neatly as rod teiiito.alt•they toad: ' Ptlaap train loladdiVii: -',- - - 4)et 1.9:;:•;•: ....: ~ , Choler aided, ao • Bpoleaks chteilie• i • t Vr eit 11, as 1. 1100 - '4O 2 - - 2/ - • • • '4O dc0'.15.4,44,5r-Pat ' 741 :f 17 'Pr. • J 1 e 1: • SUPERIOR G R EP • I4 : Ik 7 ' •!' 4 CF ^ i I m pend, .„... - , 4:,.:::::: -::,' : '-.--' :, e . :,, ,, - -:•-!'". : . - -. 7 . -*,::. : !..0* ',IT: I f..r,...'5-,!:: . -, ,,,,ik, . '...• , %;',' - i --' iiiii4414.4i114 fel: . % C..: ' - - ', - , :1 : - . 1 : 7 ' A. 041 lil '.l/Ir . --- 1 , 0i,' ,, V itl - IRIIS/1 0 MW . t T.tryt•,,..,, - - . 4 `,;1 , ..,... '... ..* ••!',.... ..,...-.1.-1- 1 ‘ ' tali` iiit**lfitr r ....._ , ..4 . 74 , 41 0 .7„. , ..--......• .- K. .. „,::-..__... - • - - - • • -.- • .. . . „ f. 1?-1: 1 ! ~~ ~l'l t 4e isgawassiit litilf, _via' tif 11 f Furs of -: - .Z'.--: Haiti& ir Allsigie . ;; i .1 ., - i , , • • i CENcePtuentsT,W4 4 4 .*: 4 PK tht night of r . endang and L . pi) . l'y, ~ ..r . ,, .11. ,.. ...__ Tzmk I ,4,SUbtrOld" 13) " , ,.. t Y" - • 4 07, hiAi'reeel the ianehon of the ~, . Su Su geoni 4 ... ' Oiysicints of Philadelp a, b ch a cal core of ads disease, an ca Opnlhat hi zieatly. been abandoned aii bo 11. C. coli , ;dished with ahilo!tabacijotii _ , i-tpu -.oh .tor 4 , - i 1 01 1115;11':111111." 1: :"i i -iW bOd "1467:11:litil* : 11:11 ;: f-7:141 7 .1 1 6.1 :7 d.'llii t lii in P711111: 1 71 :1k ilei:k4;1• 1 1: i) ::'fill i ttil i t:14:3 : I:.11.'4'') ; *,74 :7 "4; : ':1 :1 '7:: :i7 .47:4'n-d , - 144 aravt 163b*Otio .,, 04),..$91 1 ;thii , tror: me ebtuplaint. - ~ ', ,,- '-', 4,- ' - '1 - I - -- - I% proposet it , 'With, chnfiCiiiixiloi:asi *mut; t or. this tiliMase. etoi ME in feting oerr inaiz - ' oti correct surgicilii . riiieljilie*riitinidi,:: ' Cure: The ,,toOgeiriie yeti-Me*: . ' Wilhite the torallte4lsS,tiffir 4 :T eitee-#4 r ely vier xtreetoradieiirsentWanit ' . - mist Ilicontintially.nrorn*thi'intiOuti . .„, i•Olit .tiit 4 4 tee in biiiOnopentie,': Ai l eg o , 4 .:ooltt .;•P 1 . 13! F r4 I kat iiitut j*effico 4 ;?:ll4ilitr.i,m„ „11!•",5,1$1,oco,' tinned. , :.:, 3 _,.. , , , ,-,... -,,-, :i zi r , 2 -, :f ,,.., 4 4...:_, ...,.. ,„ . atThis Truss, With ite4pettitage4 . ',Gan I/ant* any age. tnd by hOth,llCXlWitailhontintertup, , lion of business. . bith •-• •'" • ) • i -- i 4 - ' ' • Gentlemen are retched e t folloteiP went' oTthewo.fannin,..relatitfitei:iliiif - „ , li t aita its clis in effectinOnitiii l' -. • t liirtwart Giseom poibsikkgSfaiiti the _ ttniiersity of PentilYliani*_.[: . ' ' ,i GAAXV/LLZ SHAW? 1 1 111Voic - FrOfiteiq Pf ASA. II atomy in the JelfersohilfedioalOollege. 1 , flastort iscarici, rnifeestir of timlMukutes of Medicine. in thethilieriaty OrPerimOrlvaniti.' ' Caesar Itl` - .-Wcifiror of Sultry in 1 " , the ./.efierson Medical Co. , , .1 'Cesar Bon% Secretary of the, Pluliidelfsbin College of Physician* --. 1., . i EDWIN A: Arts, 311.. D. -' f _-_ . • Eowar P. Anier.„ N. D. • ' , Letters to the above nartialgentlemen MotAtia lite at asperse... -Copy of a letter" from Samuel ./aeltson. Polls- I sew of the Institutes of blei*.ineAp the Voivoriby of tennsylvattia: , ' -"• • • • • Docroft Hoop: . - Dear Sit:—From the. uniform failure of all • the trusses 1 have seen. and of the trattnrcni tem ployed for hernia in. pr ng ai.radical cure by • safe moans. 1 bad aban all expectuthiri of seeing this desirable obj reached, '. I inualcon. .' fess, th at your apparatus .inerhod of treating hernia, has. I belicre, or.cotoiliabiel this dealer stun), and the disease her= nisi : only thaw • itgeable, but in the greater '' of cues curie- • hls by the proemial ofart. - ; The principle of your treatment alur of the op motion of 'emir apparatus is head tel this ;dryad- .. on•of tht..thimms; and ii one of driOusatided. in` i tbebrsilcii and practical surAern. 1 ' ' • • There is nothing einpirial'hi Your proceedings or your irudruorents: They aro-the: application. ora well earablished'priricirde °fear !science to the ' ' prlxiirctiowof a specific efect. , Profiationil in. struction,akill-and tactiare mem.' salty to.attain # with Certainty . Th e rnetriniedts blooe, without appropriate mantgeprentandthesdaption of then action Witte individual 'according to thee:panther. tionsl and other peculiatitial o€ . . : ...*ch case, would wore bf little utility. or Might Jett defeat the in tention of the treatment. , " Pram the icmarkabie incite that bas attend. pi t ed your treatment. and the e.a.o deci ded cores that have come under my 0/01 . ' matron, giv • ing the sanction Ohm:tabs so of t he scienti . Sc principle. I have ner hen: Con in regarding your apparatus and method tree Ems arab. fished hi coedit:W. Rejoice. . hit] eonsideratkrn ~ end reepeci, truly Val, - '' - '4 *1 , • We. have in our postnatal ca elites 'Ol the tiret r-abiJiti pevforr . 'redly this ipment, iphi i l to any person deviroosorsatietyi regard to,the efficacy of-the iris' Perseus desirous of .lvairig Orr en i rapage, 191 . 11 40 well to *sk i m before the estretrieloCnieithet disease can be topic icemlily, than in hot weirth. . ~•f. ' rl — ealiciiiii oi . 'proem of using Abe aboveiniimtp: i i ; clan rim cc the anbja#,Kposcharks t orthlieriter, ram ilia , t,n , •dl to se may 36 ' • i "''', - 7 , -;4., . t It I I i i - • -DOWIS P.Lif IL rim MOUS hiN4 f*id lbetssatmis liettr. ,Enght4 the amid' all tin•Ailto , tdmit t - sia, Aga*. Coniieeneiti:Lein eit; A alba Liver. Dytenterj,Common Ara. For Wide diarist caliph= nd aware and eptiecticsim..: RECOMMETWArn We din atibneribern-lrafingi • Dow's newt himinctitc4o, f entle nod acre in irs operas &eat pbaseiiiiisa peculiar. ipatitit basis the atoniachaadta -- "_. heniont. We beliesitikwell the atenOnentioned: diiejvi „ bean 404104 niiiiieine Teitt : F er 4 lic*ing mate. foiannitieti id i theFl4karSalth o 4 l *ea- : (1 7,* they sir _ !IWIM _ - • __Ewer aes: whit. Alvin pi - i =~~:.„~ ~ _;.,. 1.7 . 1icP30F: E 'y ber of certift e tp tbe cures withibour tg hitarlf with TOtioq: 1, " of , bens)* or the autoitaTher in•tbodaete OM roht "iirAire et as moot . . Of lESL: ~4Tk 2S4f, 01213 , • I i: '.• j teraterby lellseir . beireaor iathoilii.MpeP : 'w, Affecuont I A PontPliint• 4 ii recio,wroac4 I I I • a' the a", at Mt it lean? ind 'Jo tatiittor bad stithe arro at" Is *believe it to laidEhlLitslCd • Not s a g o ea !=sictre's WS. _ as S>Tx% 11+0674k Ca CENTS-in Cub wilt 1 3 DANN-A N