The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, January 30, 1836, Image 1

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61.71 p or annign
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ttithir e te.addies l
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- , livais or
or vending an ,
use in flitihuvlki'
• ed the Eancuon
1 1 mire of tills dise
y been abandon
with almost
l'?"1 - gaiety. Upw '
in a abort tint!
• 1110 . 1! LI to be per
; • now dispea
t. A success 1
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l'offered to those •
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this disease. midi
corrupt surer.
' Thetrovives he
to t he sympt...,
! • er effects radi
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ini'prnfossion, , rel
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Gloom, Pro fl
iliersity of Penot
Sass., Ire
my is the JeffceS
i.. JACKSON, Pro
ichor, irk the Uo
as PerCuri.lo4_
lefreison Medi
y BOND. Secre t
liege of Physici
A. Ansa,
*us P. Arum, I
ye . to the, above
Tam *Om
.. mantes of
I. have
i.bisii4 inter,
Ihad a, ,
'Medi:likable obj
at Y9ur aPParnta
has, I believe,
iitni,tibe disease i
but. in-the g .
, the Processes of
principle. otly t o ..
of your. appatat
qhe-tiapues. and'
deal and prar "
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it instruments.
%established pri
lion 4 a apse'
till and to
mty. The i
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'Other PeAlt
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T have ire
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Ai* sale)
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32144 i.
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• •
/pia out • •
Iby this Insti l t.
n eonitn deacon ' anti
theefficacy . the,
is desirous o ink
will do 'welt
extreme weal
3 beinore ireadil3
4 6 r)
himboveinv Orin,
ie subject or piircbi
IR* hoe
pi I I • CIIIi
may 18 l
'ES ''AOr4
vela itteation
prayale4, a
t ehildrae, wl
la Of the gr
, wbi
joying the ex:pm** of the otheeti- dis
gust. .Dappuircutee„a;fritisposuie. By
my With, thou'lt find this worthless `casket
coutainoth rare jewel, Ina his I pray, thee;
there's no , tithe for bandying words now-ft
Egad! Need:May us inton *wee and
more secure Pincd t Witil thist.Basil, ere we.
die' awl tapping'isith'his goldheaded ls .
ten at en inner dooi., 'Saint Biislifec grata
the old sinner Witt his mat: of siesiair.'
Agreeably to the impatient* of thegid: ,
lants,the door wag quickly opened, and the.
' O ld 'sinner,' in the form of a handeonie,
middle aged• Jew, made his appearance; '
His olive' coinpletion was shadowed by
large black- brevets & a well trimmed beard.
A. black *ilk cap covered the erowif of his
head, while - his jetty-heir . hang On either 1
side of his face in .long crotettetror, curls.
'Save ye gentles,' said he, saluting theni I
respectfully, and having ushered them into
a small, dark and ill-furnished room, deg
mended their pleasure.
'ls not thy name Amaleekl' Asked the
gallant who had acted the part of a guide
to his friend,
'The ssar.' - . .
'Then our errand is quickly told. Thou
mayest „middy premise that nothing short
oldire 'necessity could have forced "us to
c enter this infernal abode of darkness and
-=... desolation, where thou art boroughed like .
From Blackwood's Edinburg Magazine. " a blind mole. -Stoney, 'money, money, Am.
THE JEW'S REVENGE. s : tnaleck, we seek, and thou Must provide
forour wants too, if thou robb'et thy ,breth.
"Yon that-did vent your Mourn iliton r
ol nryl , beard, , regi, to make up the sum.' -
And foot me se you a steinirc
Over,por threshold; stoney is your pull." I ;11W hat sum rnayest thou wand' inquired ,
ttlisceorr or Sasses ' the Jew, a slight. tinge suffusi ng his dark
countenance at the rude manner in which
' During. the ` ; tyrannous and turbulent
reign Of John s ,,the heartless brother of the hias uccor anordennidded.
- ,
lion.hearted. and romantic Richard, the 'Neither more nor less than one hundred
Isralites who then sojourned beneath his =Are' replied Basil. '1 think, Montague,'
sway found merry Enwand addressing his companion, 'that will meet
my present ex i ge n c i es. '
but a melancholy refuge, for their chris-.. -
than brethren sought every opportunity of 'A hund
" red marks!' refolded Anialeck,
, proving their superiority by insulting and theughtfullr tin a round sum, hot:sup.
persecutingwhere or whensoever they en. p ose / sheuh l be able to procure it, what
, securities Must thou offer for the - refer
countered them.
The heresy oftheir persuasion placed bursemiit and interest!' . •
them without the pale of the law, and the . These questions were,
.as a matter .of
pare Catholic antipathy of their °ppm". •c e ti i. __ ,i's e ; e x Iteettdi i ,_ ...„.,_, *lna ftrntitPtVatuwA'reti
somsfestroyed, and its flaming wrath, all P 7 Basel, _ w.neildler thetriug.,
_Pink" otaliw
the feelings of humanity.' It iitrue, their Pre"nunan ea re a ontlled - 4 boact'll'unct.4. 4 in
terms, and
.Wirth - anirinleitifkoss -highly,
usurons practices and unfair dealings, al
man,' ilPutliknes,.iuudthrouittitlupon them. flettßOild4Ala lle‘trislitufi - .
hogs. of Montagne, and both Patios .uoPa
the. mmtennit mid
.ampta d venu a l _ o ft the . y to iweeteellor bitter sneers - and revi
fres.and 'generous heart. i But ow the es-1
diet hand, they hisifinueb to advance in rated with WWII natidantion.
extenuation of their , extortions. They A few months . afterwards, Basil, with a
were compelled by fear and neceisity to fr r and happy at.r encoun tered his friend
exhibit a cautiousimd externaisppearance ql9 and
lounging in St. Nag" -
of poverty. .If by thesplendid promise of To his eager inquiries, he replied, that
the profligate end necessitous, they were the • temporary embarrassments.- under
induced to mile& the treasure, and , laid wh i c h he had labored had been itaPPil) re
their gold, their peril was great, for - they moved by the seasonable loan from
knew that justice waanot only blind, but leek; that he had moreover fallen in love
with a wealth hem had won her, affec-
Ike to their prayers, when they pursued
tions, and the reactant Consent of her la
thingPefractory debtor, and offered them IX/-
thing but a halter. they, to whom' umor had busily whispered
The borrower knew and not (infrequent
divers tales of his gallantryand juvenile
l parr;
surely be:blamed for demanding ii-premi-
ly took advantage of this partiality . Un- indiscretions . An egluent promise lof fir-
In -
der Inch circumstances they could -not tare amendment, besrever, on bi
and the irresistible intercession of is bo
urn -espial to the risk, as is the wont and loved andonly daughter, had induced the
custom in the pr father to promise that he would consider
es ent charitable , and Pa,
of their wishes; which, to the ardent lev
and'lightened age, even among many worthy
era, - was tantamount. to an approval, sail
money getting , e.hristiana. At this
period they all vongregate in an °bemire they_enjoyed his tacit permission to meet
often as they pleased... But there Was
district of the city, where they were IRO=
one speck,one solitary cloud iii the horizon
mitted to dwell, that they might be readi
ly found when wanted-for even King,iohn of his hones; Ansi had a inval - )f not •.
himself, in a time of pressing. necessity, the affections at his adored ,Beatrice, un
doubtedly in favor of hisinnoss' sine. In
aid not scruple to drag a Hebrew ofrepat
ea eakb:froni among his biethren; to ea. the undeviating correctness of hiss reform
a considerable sum , o t" mone y. Th e ed iife, however, he stillfirmly relied upo
JOT in vain pleaded his inability to meet ultimately bearing-away the prise evilest
liii monarc hs demand, and one tooth was. -all opposition. - 0 , .
pempiam t e d,t a .fie amp i pt e d.daity, until he . To attain this desired. object, he Was
aboald'eonsent to - rallies: the amount re- compelled to be painfully circumspect; at
quire& -At' last;afier loosing several of the same time the reformed regularity of
his teeth, '4h* siethorwisdbas,” eau lord his tile conduced g reatly to the -bettering
ofthepreueueew i rt i ag i yo h aerpe de pfam p. of his fortune, and he fined lii - nis elf in it
ted him to disgorge a portion of the filthy condition* discharge the Jew'sliond,rind
lucre wherew i t h hi a usurous appetite had it was on this just errandthat he was bent,
been' papippre d_wir- ' .
It weasfarly in the forenoon , orit.sum , his quondam friend-'and' ill-adviser, Moa
mar's-day, that two gallants, ,, watking arm. tague; who appeared to harbor tin invent,
— rt .- 7 in lute, turned soddenly and'anitiously, rate' hatred . Wear& Amaleck and all' hie
a 1 into the street well `known as tbe dwelling tribe.'' r •r •' •
en .. 0 4. sae i Places:a the Jesuit' tradersandteoneylend, He laughed at- Basil's punctuality, and,
Pii.uutfli ° Ol- t eau They appeatedto bevery apprehen. by force of casuistry and the Most poig
iwedest2olle boar -,rive of beingobeerved in such scausfacieue - nant ridieule dissuaded him from' putting
, t i, - ,Way'a ri d and unfashionable quarter - of the town, his hottest ittentions into priori&
wltt, • and nn ananall•Padithei lotutked :ints,the It were bootless te detail the base, - yet
. 40 . .r.e7. ..hiCei; than they:hurried- haitilp foniard • buries! ergueientsitehereviith he toififie d
. im i _ i ts T h e y _ were t ot t r :ypithfi l k. an d,patma t e;
. the Winferhig 'reiolutioWor - Basil, or ,the
_kirMs: ii„i 3 de at . id oak, a 4i r b.-: 71 0 i nl ay- a dishentirable means they employed to sk
;hi the rat, Is:tn9liti?ta:sha , ../itusted
. • hip ppo rty priver . the Jew ef his Money and hie right
Ifflunted 114114ettdi of,illep t Ittnked,. knowingly or chum '. Softee 4 t to linY,Aba l t they doh:
iI d r ist o w i tf &fhb" neighbor, silently -ansirered OPiredAtrthers , Obtnined ; the luetteelled
l ystlei : his s i gn , by j o cosely tenehierthe ' em pty bond; and left the duped Anialeck writhiut
. I W r tr i t4 o f. rqql of hii.letUbkna •Witii:the'eepondfitt. roe's'- '' ,• -,- , .:- .. - ..1 ;t•-..
' ' iiiir ger iii`jkiiil'i#o4-thiiii* indicating that ' Biusil - i iertainlY had some compunctious
•`ii: thePlrollugtgallanta' t ° :V it l i t i mitleoante him iermit ol :4sthet Atiioeik - iintil Ali
k 1.;,,",, _v f eirtersbp , /t'friretat ihreight , tbeM , and. a' beretici - and that; aigeo4 cottAido,
- s 'woo habitatioet*Y4olo4"ad the`- 0 4 1reee 'PO: 061 : 1 .4 1-d .*Y bf lieilititit
aimpaini this einintigistaeliteairereisene big Ihinilly I,J . iters ,- *Kaimk vigour. power. -
lured,,thr ' i:*seelge trjelgent3 /! 1 73 ,:" .{: , 1 5 : feelin .slkuiti glii : t il t :d no:l7tdown 6a :::y 11745:
i-,,,firtiiiivOtifder , degxt ointea'ffie , hilildoiiblikfitt*it'dO i- olilitirltanitOr rO.-
ifaskeikalfredreethqr ills siit.reder nit ' i - Eriiiiistwini With Big! upcMibiketiely'lli
:*ticka fidiiiekieleamg, 4l it weriiiii Iry invatittidi Ohio itandliccnidparhana Ra . : l
I,edi'Ais:seetiritro T - ,'•-,' - ' sil'imiOlfia* .I — idiiieetii hieat - bit not
-, 4 hit is; '-afireampikik4 .- :e,..* ikititiii3Ot**lo baaaat-fitindU afttn=
, .„ , , _
,• • .
• t i .l
pay abl
ones in
on inisis
be post
ding t
.ne of
dto tb
ded to.
e Heave
/Airily. ear:ay with the, gray old yest!
Hie eye growidim and his pulie it faliiOg:
Sighs site-not for his ice bound bier—
Keep for the bright and Youhg thy waking:
Deemed one-of Time, what doth be here?
Away, away with the grey old'yeir !
Br ttword of his dew.bright Bowers,
Tel not of his rosy morning;
Serpents lor 'd in his wily bowers.—
Storms were up, and he gave no warning:
Bled if ye-will his Bowers to your heart,
But ah, can ye lay t h e thane apart ?
Come to my heert;thim bright young year.
With thy airy steps and joyous seeming!
Thoti hest notyet imgh or a tear.
And the sun-light along thy path is streatning:
Come to My heart! 1-would` clasp thee now,
With the smile on thy lip, and the light on thy
brow ?
WS .
N . hes
ed the
J. W.
y which
!lion that
ig 'P r !
Th •
-t r
the in
• an 4:!
as peke;
olute certni
do of bond
in this city e
nently cured'
with be -
is on , 1
This' o .1
. adieu ore*
iicuNi -id,. I
as aF
ty and
ed cases
and die
iof any
P , eat, and
Hernia e
is troll-
Hog, young year ! Yet; I know tbriull be r,
Even as those' that are past have been ;
For. blighting and joyousness, gloom and glee.
Thou will shake from thy hurrying plumes -a
Stranger, I greet thee in joy and in fear—
But away, away, with ,the grey old year! .
n i f i ld m e ee nre tin fitr
principles To
ortha di
cure, and h
patient, ofte
*curie. by ti
tur ag i t i ts a
d car
zes, without
to -.1h0..
r esor or
I e treat.
e ery indi.
its radi
i ed 'mere
' se, they
nee moat
I. greatly
e pfesent
e dime-
toe wore
interr up-
271 '
in the
.r of An
',Litotes of
' rotes;
cal Co
Pea I
of Si
~: , usfbe
ri, Prof.:
hire of ell
n , t EM-
I cure by
11 ex
la g ' 1
ens IT m
lama con
ed' treating
U. dodder.
cmly man.
f the op,
s ba
a One
f the
cip e
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• • ev .
subs@ ibex
in. as Lb -
in 19-Amato
libe . 6 101
• ire infornag•
light of. the,
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ER. M. ID.
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40C0. ,
' •
YEAR.-wt w. r. 111111PLIT:
• -
Alt M 0 1 1 1640
SAWA .30;1536.
therhis" of c 005...,
tic 4letision. - •
It was kin° !occasion' of thik.le!i .;
Amaisch's entreaties were 'only' „• •
by the bitterest scam and the most r
sarcasm; that the'Mit stung by lta . 1
-4 ( 0 ,rm° 'conduct , solemnly . avowed`
avenged; end abruptly quittedthe
gellante with a• look that efrecnialt,
theJr . torced me rriment:
. tavern, however, was at hi
thither they sought for refuge froi
°lbws' uctive feeling Of care. •
lathe height of their debauCh.
B'Orlais, Basil's filial, Chanced to
The most overstrained courtesy
riably observed by , both, and the
generous wine having now *shilli
spirit of Basil, he was more that
At a - tate hour they quitted the tavern
'only to repair. to an, adjacent gemblifig
house; foriGilbert, with'a.caveless, playful'
laort ,of daring, had challenged Basil to the
hasactlaus Contest. iitte4ppeared at first
inellet4 - to wave the oWer,rbatlia evil ge
rlitl4l . 011tagUC, ,owed his dear friend
ttl.. rilt) 'put) with any Mart i and the trio pli
int ,disposition of Basil . yielded,, As they
Were nit :e point of eittermg the temple of
chance,,asilewho ne t in the rear, felt
some one plill him sightly by the cloak,
and , turning round' tu4httld - Antallac - ' k.—il
The Jew was about to addreis him,
wil n
the:inebriated Basil set - up a loud ,tang ',' il
and -Called to his comppions that y
might participate with him in.the pleasure'
of stinting with the' money lender. But
the, mtended.butt of their rude jests-had'
WOW.. '. - ' ; • ;
glue. hour afterwards beltdd the- weak.
eUrkirresolate Basil the pale-delft:lof de
fle was utterly rained:. liicrived;, bad'
stripped him of every meat_ ise ppesessed.
in•thatvorld; and histletirfriendilloit*guel
- hadieft him to his gloomyxeJlettitim4. - •
Tito next day Basil was the iernatitiof a
cell in
. I . ptigate, at that time 1 . 01.j0n .for
deltors; • -Hem no atienied •
firei e r - ban-,
004 from - his bt -At.; - •
: • . f -
"litit airseirJe - ip,' cried be, la'tlie de
m#e that bath veiled tbilievil!chaege.—,-
1 irlOaro;t#4 . o l l l 4 -":(t . thmi,kt.'
TiO 6 I!rell; IhNit - griel - I".44..:Saiire_ -Ipteko
- deprived eft 'ye - Miles.
Ohl- hew will my rival triumph id the:ruin
he. hath made. The Jew and ho' have con
spired to overwhelm tie' ;and lam Inst.!
And the thought that :Gilbert POrlai,4
would win his mistress, hy his owii indis
cretion, almost drove bin to distraction.
In two days there was to be a visid Este liven
by Beatrice's father. Resifts absence, of coarse,
ixtuld not ba creased, or parr unobserved, and he'
had no doubt but that his rival -would take ad
vantage of so favorable an Opportunitetoardsrep.
reseal him and improve his own views. His
creditors were deaf to his promises and , 'soliiita. 1
dons, and his 0-lend Montague was no wh"ff to,
be found at this crisis, when advice and assist.
saes would have been most Valuable.
The morning of iliOntended feteerrieesk-Ba- ,
Pi, heartless and despondide, wen aiding brood-' 1
ing over-his luckless fide, when a slight noise all
the iron gratings of his cell canoed hists to turn : l
bis bead in that direction. . ~.
The swarthy teatime 'of Amelcck' met his'l
wil. end Basil imagined that he sad' a bitter ;
.smile of pleasure illuminate the Hebrew*" town-
tenams, - - , i
"Come in," said be, in a hollow and despair.
ing, rice, "come its—my suspicions Pie verified
—come in, Jew, and feast upon the mild-fie, thou
hist wrought. What-further vekgeince disk
thou seek,thou heartless minster,"
A ioa l eo k o d o e t d before the dejected Basil, vs..,
ed ateadfaatty upon him, with a 'calm dad natal
Bed brow.,-'Christiait,iirried he:in **ern and
edema video, -"thou 'haat widfiged Inie-withimit i
proriettims--isey. I held ant myhand to-thce in
tint% of need-1 raised thee up and thee'. didat ,
smite me. .iletornieg etritfigr good. can I 410.
wonder theta thristiticwho thriseopedly 'diapers
the dietatesathis oven religion,- will dot respect
mini? What thopkh lain a ein, thickest 'died
, that I have not' the Doling, of a man as well 'ls
thee' and shall I not avenge an 'Welsh when
chew* has placedew enemy wit' hin r ite grasp?"
"Fiend of hell!" exchiltned the, mesideued -Oa.
eil."and IX not thy veegence autficitintly, 'Outten
ed, but then must some to taunt mais the dun
geon thy 'Many bath ,provided? awa y of by bea.
van I willlstrike thee to the earthr
But Amileek was; neutered at hit *tiger,' end
showed no signs of retreat: The ezespereted
'Bawl raised his head to execute his " thistit.-end
the next moment the vigorous hand of the. Jew
bad laid him It his Abel unarmi and withf as
much'hieility as Vim had been • era child.'
"Foolish and impetuous youth!" said Amaktii,
when. wilt thou learn to be guided *reason end
' justice? 1 Bat I 'will teal* thee a , lemon -that,
while thou haat life.ehail,rietree be foiraten. Wei•l
shall meet again!" and in ea ymg he hastily quit
ted the abused and discorefittail Bald. A ,&'w
minutes had scarcely ellipsed:-.-whqn - I,the_lferper
oft** wham entered and; politely formed 'Basil I
thaLles was fteD, and at the wiamitime.plaitediLia
iiiitiiied a weighty bag of markt' l -,
• - '...lAttifil--who-,wheaceisiatesAir o .titailY-Shilv
precious aid, demanded fivitlisfeihhist"
'Thy friend. sir, has diwiliiiigiid 1 . 14-debts,erid
*it the Bits," replied' the kiieperil. 1 , ,..= ; - ..:
IFriand--What Blend?* - - - ;
- ' 4Bitf , h!t• jolt ruw,ttitied thetier
' . elnspiiisrUk-41 . 10- Jeutr"beuicung *Oiler
4kior I exelaliDellsiial, tear! thitealy: l
teriahriltholl4-- Ali - hallairOkliql•N "..iii!l ,
Aul forth frote-thi'l: 4 ' 6l u ' - - --- C -: -.;: - - .--.1
..,. e.t• .4`.: VI : , ••••2 .
,o - , ''..ii'- - : , ii,- - '4. ,
ins/ iiiiiiii - ' at tittstels"B4l6ir , 110;4*i
was. ..
- .111- 0011 li; ,I!tudlObisifih. but*
oS red
'still wh • - 'to' - heitiTethwut4thiCharK,
ver, .- • ' - antes. . iholtolltes;
.tiMissiriatasit:- hk - - atitinasstlb*ltst
'toads Ids ' '-'
. ,
igmirsnee is bliss. . -:
s folly to be wise." • .. -• .
' In e oaf edeys, ;rime strollea s ita the
kitchen ofgreethal be tig inatritallY carious'
Ito learn hoocking w II on - a scale se*
extensivelb *eel liliglti of Mir& - 200:
students. was a. q Mei; of .an ,hour' before' '
breakfast. an .nor kettleAlledwith Mif.,
fee, alit aim denomina eil, hung glooustiy,lMne•
the fire. Se ate come ladled and bubblA 'we
observed ever and anon home derk,subandehi eFi
dimly totiarge tot algrein a moe; using to
surfs and instintly, dacklnid down, i its
deeds wh re ,evil. Vint. wet al Oft it very.
seine . liq din fdleerutrisWe where te.,par,
take • we where to purs ode our palate dealt wes ,
a bra i n mac. d espite of all ineiriiiitionslibit.
it wane' of popular -me aid damaged rye:
What d this myst -. , • blacksobstaner inil I
Was it a nrgeon, , er. emigre's beakOretieln
pipelquestion U. moor great peream4l
interim — t it3r.:Acie 'the -Warm—our eirlistar
birt.proir •-• -4 plariged into the boiling
ocean' beams as; and isQi u te l , the faie.light . ef
the. laughing monioni - . Heavens ! Wind.
a discovery ;even • 'now: we Ms ':- atthe Wind
ieColieetion. , -•-- • --1 t ; - —._, --,
In a few mineitne w whom in Alin. beeakilist,
hall carrying the hit . the *en pint.' Mete'.
where our clakernateri ~ - stiMiltigotrith ill thole
might, the toughest b easkin - Uhristedoni, and'
pouring •down their ' , . cited-throats. cap - after
ebp,ofthat , infrankl. - *gel
~ Tim* lia4;.:. *We
rimittorny Eriend:Fran Stanley. ' i '
'Frei*, What are. drinking r ' • ' . •' • •
'Will.coir” 1-.
4 4yor
, a
yestaki- ' • th;nirthatit; -
I "What thei' - * , . *MeV - ' '
` 1 1'...11idtebtelfi.' 4 60 killthefl-___ : - 4 - AiL li t .: -P er F able . : _y_ ~ -
discovery, put do , t amp, Maley -
(Here the w hole'' Is caught thir alarm,
'speak out, ipeak OW mounded on all sides.)
•Fellow..ltmiors, ' , . *idlyimagine that you
have been drinking •• , no such liiing t leu
have been drinking . - T *glop. herein the hiWit.7
self (holding wr i the * .klees endhorrilile _Mirse„.
which bad been Wit. . into a ' pol,ygder)itYa•
minutes evil fished this out of the- edge' , ell'l
tie !' • • 4 .
Tha ages jimiot eass win ininifite4 GAM
many reckless daretilevill as where etermstre.
gated underlette roof; theylenred paint Brithdo..
der Clapeorntagiitlithe protegee? being *miriade
they bed once settit defutorm, Willi militia. of ,i
—comity Olt this dial:atm . nekton muck 1
km theirs ; alers! one w %EA and thelisitlef
the room metterhts ra ,s. That night the . ;
ersik wsts tarred Mel' the and rode owe rail;
-and tbb keeper of t he. all war burnt in effigy:l
I never took; _ p cifiollete tiolfen., -
The story hair it. _ moral.. admit,- which I
kicked ' Eve out or . and sent Thieter Faustus , ;
to old Nichelair,(fareili . lromßed . olliNkit.) is as - ,
fatal tb the physical as Wm tether intellectual an:
petite.. The tree of ledgeas net-Hie trotit/I'l
life--atd if we git o her efruit atlas finmir„ yrs
loose our relish the 'elle litter. header, je
you are inclined nig leinde...4 . you'llieist art
eiter:dinnor drea d Of jephxy, in $ ., arethitrpt_i'
will_ be- ke Winne via ,willsout .liiie -*awry
'WV PO iflou II to en39.Y. the-C9toVialis'
'oflilk, see ' nut Mho , hut **tali Allinge
Iteep.out: the Kitchen. ~
_,.. . .
--' Bo frith ,; the idager : , •TlietinM mui irlierenir
Ming with bleatlilinaintereMen the atimie Mese.
But one fe night; lwent behind - thwarienes.
We took legless of w il e
with • *prim amiiiies..
and made our bow to, VirOPlLi"t'after-"'dd
manliad filed her la the market... Thli 4151114fi11'
Waribinke rigebfewcheiri or kneginithdemie
severed.,.. has Miter beim re4inited. , .. - .
a ,TO iguS tpciffpikitinc..l.
. , .. . .
... n.....
EariY. aCtlie iii'd ny , empleiniattt in tha.
secret. to bring tip chi d .....117co menet, at. what
occupation—Do :, heti !tampon% is loitrair
the mind is cm*, :. attention is directed In
proper Welds .. ' Ind slain** and bad
o f.
cornpany will 140 of ' leiVe - or six yeari er tt-,
young man'sli ih cloiety Occunied t willial:
fintrt him in balite indUstryi cud' hi own '.rn.:
seems orrnipdtaud * tr.....hts owilitirietitind
enterprise will "dm film boogied, andptiti-,1
pttrously in ,filik: A rich tither, Ikea( 'always
hell, a and e.iliekt be . pravetiiiislibildiesi'to hint
war, and:no sooner. Wit havelles:Uoitilitynne I
il i a
ith:d , families, not istoenitio ,distinctionw Yid
, f wetly' do we ,ft an indulgent, iichlither:
hofrerm sit humid ,lifn has Jaiseti himarg. in - ,
world, indalging hie son in ea trisagalicr e aid '1
' • hibitro+gixing ra ' meney,ltiVipend'irtgak.l
.e y and *him. at ' tine course; the holeii-or
• ,
remit. nude .. the &Whin iliat , ha lila
wantand that livilliiiheirit.ivi.ll4*.ini.
tole'' . . .t*, - I': 'Rhine* bete* ikiei:
4" l6 Plti r cui iraD 6 w l 4* nt! lis6" 6t1110., failthie.
is , -i-----itiVer lilimilt.' ;A: , .-rich.
.lotw -. bolas& -
Q' coationit at
, iitiitimilkitilsist.
Aleffilli.: 444ll dj a y,
skillara yektsorbt
" 4 1 add, athiewiiiit
. 10• 7 M 1h1 .1... 1 *
..opelluti.l".• - i
A . loo*.iiiki .Th khg
7 7-
telHaati — beitit‘tieWietetiatille e llibitao"*.;
die riFirtkee Jatfee:eii
=ties et aseseeely
- , • -•-•
Mpg o f the INO
wheelsed • petteitemi l y est'
to eeeteett, hie rife., Het pliable*
takes A aelikeeiteth
greet tr. Wt eoiewait. , e h tettietit,-
*ate beti , eeb the Putieeleetelett " 4
rities.ite eeettlied br 6 1 . 1 0 11 40;g
heed is elogeol ti iwy the:iebri s .ortha: lor
irapted Wei the4ffliebthi - . 1 Oak'
NO bet ilist itehttiiiiiikte emit:
ii.b the hothead talieibee.- yeW
ettfeed kola* it egebteoteetmerdetthi
Men be 3 riureqq** 6 *l*** l 7.,**Amod•
etroek ot L itutaaßee-ht, iteytmielleethleAlit
' eke Obteiwno WNW. witheet 111~irees4: ,
owle t pelmet mover. if hi 411,11abie
13010; Cannegritiartar lia , iWarlidOlA , _ 0)
heel& action lee,iiiissegis -111411,011111101111111 L
bOeileti. hi bet kat ber-reeht#: Mahal
, mike" will end afleiviardtbis Wet w.
Niniwatiooof the wUI. A.priiesiothywiptis
eFeiteuttlelket , er mentelik iti4efr Omr"
therfiiraweee of any actihating that
needed btAbe Melts_ r
„,-- ,c'• ' , . : 4111r1 kir .s . ' .1 - 14: , r l. ,
, !,Z -
..',. :r . :: "4 - .;; , Zo
111 ' 1441 4aiiiitiiikiii 4istiiiii l.: I,W,
eriyeand- 04;•isiistievoi` Eli ger - -
enesti'tif. up *et iii*:".iik. - -
~,. „.
.{a ahalat • Eir!la4h7;Alts- ?e,•„.
`•,,i*rzint Bi 41 iiiiiitekatiik; jiiik.44,4”
every provaltatef the Weti' :otilesi - 0047:411.4k
the 25th - dtf Mirekin thilyedrlo4,2****;, ,
lively cid , "An act ,alaunitualiSkill
al propeityito be ; 'collectedirith * ***/-urn*l
and - lerlei r the,dirrinf the uldwiOlitt
an ter te. Oita* the ciditY,istnidint lidiutiOs , .
* use aOa laaMialhakkr ,- 4l4 1 4 1 .:000 1 0 6
are . lierelimpealed,,inajd' a liti:Jap,all l l
thi *lle •Aon of taXie,:sa;liaia 440 , s . s -
day of Meath* lad '4.-44*iiiieheCridiami-
.hall not go yeaaii*kiiitilaN,Ato_L** . .
'Reidy diens ,Mier. **reit IidtICOMIIIIIIF. - ,
Vane " withal •- - -:- : - I''' 4 : - '';'' . "l7"':' '':t - ' . 7 .4 1: 5 ' •
: u 2. Tha iteelthe*Pa'alidi
tiled States, - eicenttat didlblikr--
afthertli, - ilialelltailiklint " c '' ".t.
et persentas may beinftestseh fiifY
to the bplawa rnadelirilid , , l oll**, - * - !ttaha'
ceedisig hi thoxirlisiiikikkliiriiint i onpitlitipf e
lainks their mUlalleaa 4 iiia •••• -
re hereby *Wide sionntim
brad nand told rejle - isfuthe
torn and Company .:of dui ,liliik it the} _
IleatesP . and shall 'SOimintidieintil the thint/fek
ef. rdarchos theyearlbfAinidlif ttleit•
alkali ha Vadat 'beaky madikvinelda - *:llo4 . V__ :
Isaiti,ntidissee arid, ledefinallseene, ! '
ausaaai ' 4 1 .0 11 ‘. e
kete - ofttrliatenneer - hinit;'asiiii *id ' -- ,r: s .
*Oas* to all; franc diddes, - ;4l4it*: , -
of, to{ see and :beeped. Pirink,e , ;Teak •
tad' the :Isinte` ti datedatta r ,a.Peto ‘ ; ial. *I IBI W
such *laws eial.'ettruieliete t s hoe ahallAPtek 4
meander, ad beinecemerirY******, •
itiftittoitof the United a * ' , •;.1
Lien ladle*, of asi *Minted -.. '' ' ,' '-: _ ,-•
prescribe rules tbr-,esti „trundle -' ihd: -- At , •
;aid - eorptiratiati, trearally • ' : - dir . ridl#ll
which to 4ca it . 4 ir , ' 1111 7 './44Widaill irAliq
and- . eery the sdase - Prtfaia Alt' . 1,!..,
rivaltr l6 * to' '!*llh, •
' lirthia _ .
~ L ., '
aludebi suhlat' a* Ohl; al*** . 2 - , - 4-
heater Vriderited; ' 1 - = ,'' ••:n :;-:.-` ~. :.:, .:._ ,
.., 4,
iherstd 3: rii.thoitiiiiiiiiiiiit-iitis %..
of duriaid t!'ini l thari,SliaLlit#l -
electiniiiiptheteinkinf bibs 'hi ' that - CRT, - i •
adelphin; on the firet Itonel4 ritii,t*".:l
year,l4l4s jai - natty of aidai, -, erldeli'aidu, 1ti, 1 , 4.,-
a hS e ! o is V 2 41 5 - "lltie - ahisg•
I U ,- - ue' fiY rage: iialatr . .4...,
Alai be ca nal& of tii opii3OiirZi44 , - ' ,ti
shall it - tufinicskiihkivatkiethiß Wu* .
rd 4 ,proceed to elect side id' tbde '
to lid- ' :president add eorplaration, di*
hold i *id Alin ,dorise tikdnial ' .=.
.whioli'llierdrrectortire_aledinfilkairaki*P:PliiC:' •
of &rectors or if the leterldeitilidele net he,"liirie,
on that the said neejdnithieholl - set*iffinn
ems be - &idea,' lilt iljahall Allatebk dirsit,
other tithe to held seek Tedsetididlinstir itipr
i g
elect*** nelikrlieelirechirs•;•aid.." ,
Pithe,liese, beiniAllelksiontinie4l , - '-'ll4'"
is lab of the deaAh or trarigtiatinii" of** • ;,.;
dentothi direct*, eddll - siest timeline' . _
floni their win nadlent,iand lir Mae( '!
or resitlndies 'efidireciaMbe;vanaanYtli*r hits
I,=Y the nmisitstaiC
_***arnit, : i 41 , '-.'
4 'pat rin - Wmetdt AO hesostlhi7:, •
den** artieln Ort/* :ea teursathis tal*Ati,;, , Z
Arfiete I .:Na4; lug i •:isaahuldar - , 14 ,41 1 A.4g;
tidiest bribe 'Pitted . tea, :_didn. biiii - ii:. n „ . !,
of mite at in 4esd*_:firWailliai 4l4ll l - •
son .ir biin*V .The imaluweituOte M._ I!6''
eichretoebbeldir 44116 - ,mile he- P:.
director., Ain bi is: 4l4oiiii , :leciiiq: d 7
k g.—
, Lut mciie tilt"' titiVitieles.iireiefiilii." 1-StiP s
' shiiiii ohm two ant lit inaniesbagla - •P 4 1
end for every four sharseabentrisi-lidolstA..
exceeding thirty, radsnete;feeidSejs(Aarge.
Plait) thuir•nud•Pet 'esiandair .:ImbiOd4or ' '
lir etraryenghteliatidatedOintY ditit ,
Ling rkene - Pelei . bill,
init no *spiv tadr***oo' l l
or body poliur4 Anne - • *lirillat.l
hilLthas Wit)" ,aitelWal!: AO* Olt - 4402. d.
' nib or shanirrhillobilhed u lliOlf ant
. 1 - 44 i
t u ia l lioni l t lia bethrettrifellsolit* ,.. ` ' '' ! " ,11 '.-: A., ‘ F l'
• irifiN Ivivit - . s ;
Ai/infers SONS ifiallbelidli*itkiliniiiii`iiiiipt. .1
Anita eleitioi:obillFlV44~lWllinViiiiiNeit- ''''', 1
lig year, and an dirieti*,;shilllindildrilillitilhat:;-1
Ai ..
, is m o u rth r e e , yes*ontrartir*Pea, ,Olt . lOW 1
but thedfieritir'erbek•iditdit bir,thitiripslides4 Par-
*We be eidleetedi , iit'reviiioliefliorariaib:4 l ,
Ae, of din:atom:oC board at - dienisinediiqdjo
pent'Cße. ealihhuleakrisakilaillitt•
se:4l , o , 4 *. il i m oLS'al‘g; .. , ~ ..0411 - 114:4.
it . stiniNlther,llMlNF: _..._. 1 . . 4111014
tied an oath ell:_alletnetilidW" - **d'
Wald* den:Psediat'-I_be;' lesoo,l ~ . ' l : 4 "i
Pktrlkkk a!!**1010.100,110tAW-41004-
«:~ -
i I 1
1* ! ;
i , ,