The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, January 23, 1836, Image 1

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! imininewingaiv
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telleo,eeedi i t g
e•ttitilits or on -f di
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• i see - trate 1 . t
sr: • •ieddressed.r .
...i . the esitiblis ,ziti
Lll i .• t beecteed r , r
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Tim? bo
• AtiVisetist •
stasettoil t
costa ener
"/%' : iartztt'44'
taloa 'Relief al
'li , o, ait,,er lie;
n i
ire, tog..and t
,ip. tthualkill t
Um notion of i
e tie .hia Atisease,j,
tn othandoued
ith almost a. •.k
nafetp. Jc,tward,, •
0 -11, ' %mei ,v t,
wn , be perrruirr ro
--no tliwitrate' , E • i
-A omen like l ; it
, rt,
of aviary: ,tie
offeilecting a ra, , ;
red to - those affilet
.. mixt' • I:
'it with eon ', .v .
disease, and ..., r
-, notitatirgical . " t
be tinting , i: $ i
the hymplonut :.:f tl
• effect* radical ....", re.
. y worn by. the ••'env, Oen,
yaucc. !After th' einetbY the
teS4 , ad, alt' . tUnnita
!' ' 'li • '
, With UN appe i , , evil, eau
, andliky• both ae h '- without i
! , , l'•
ane'reStried . 1 ! .I, •totloWi
EgOft•tra; rellit ,`,. to this i
hits i effecting li,' dice' cures.
GI . . , 'r of Burger
ly ,Of PP. risyl% . ta.
' %Wu. PA, ,'fro
in the ieffersonli, edieal Col
tiacitso .
_lc Pro • 6 i
r of the ~1, ,
meta win ihnve, t i ty or-Penn,
'lllAltatt.i.sar:Pi .• I • moor Of 1361
, • raga Medical I .11ego.
liownt. Secretary of the Phi
rellotlPhysicitinwil ' •
F. : 141 1 4:4 M. I' ' t
[SO the above u ~ 1 •ntleirpe,l
perSQL ' 1 : s '''' •. •
Ew.lettow from -, •: ue ,itstiruse
;irlitititeifif Al • ' r . ...; .40 op=4
,' - • •
Pditki i
haa receive'
radicid c
had nearly
• treated ,wi
are k'
petiente •._
is the sae
thtkirneth 1
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bloom& 1
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t lk palliate
rarely ere
%! 'any a]
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berg of the
and 'it/ ate
free of e
or Pena
town ;
•§ln--Front' the
51 ba r? seep. an/
'herb la in prat*
na,l bad than&
stlesirshle obje
tiMl e P ar e i nit
d the 'allocate is
tin the great
arpsisimes ofal
cape ofyonr t
four apparatus
e tissues, pod is
tt Tactical sil
itp .o
Jai' . ' ► tug eittititi
iiafrai ' * cal. T 1
Cats. Ithedyrioct
n Of Is specific e
,skill and tact acl
- ty. • Theinst
Stte thanagetnent
stile individual a ,
id other peculiari
tir'littleutiiity. or I
f the treatment.
treatment, and
b by t
ogy of t
* 0 '1 3 4
• ,The,
QFa wol
pod •
with co
[lona] ,
' tenticin ,
ed yotu
that ba ii
in 4
fto g prt
and .
.feoroe ander m;
eanetionof fame •
, ipte. II have AO i,
• - reind male
n'M lea) icier
, 11:: : :::: 4 ,
,the geteapeetai
erd by tide Metro/
:arson desirous c
:efficacy of
QS tem o
li!aßsuyottsci rstacrt 4a; po
:g MOM.
in the
' Wee or
'cry • in
must be
Pierre ,
re of all
opt cm
cure by
tation of
oat con
biforra fail
a, radial
ail )esix
`Sad. I
Atithodi o , treating
iptished tht drasidet
tdered not man:
t.portitio of • cora-
di:mint and of the op- 1
based . to' e physiol.
oe of-the odest in
al in lour p °Feeding*
0 , are the pplacatioo
de oft:our-Bcl Ce to the
fret. Profe atonal
necessary o attain it
ametrte alo , without
hd the ads oh n
of the"
Ading to the ix;natitit.
es 4 each, ease, snick/
gilt even dorsal the in-
cans that itias attend.
°der-tiled cotes
/t, was my at IF gabby's birth da and
sane as begs u a having a started go ;
Stewed in fano s ; and with cabbage an f
salt pork to inntett o C• • 1 ' '..•
% ,;1.
"Potijah," .said.she to me,, "be'ent we
got a goose
. Ihout thetfaruit" "No," said
I,."we eat the old gander at Christmas,
and, he was the last' of the patriaiehs."-1
Aunt Naliliy :went' down to Sue; whO .‘t.aal'
getting break tt , t e . "Siisatitia,",-aaid,she,
"the boy tails howitiha'at got a goosein
creation; now what shall, - we do!" "Go]
without," replied Susanna; Withthtithil
le tone wine Tatlitiksaid had'
: .warn' . i
'Trite" her teeth ts;.t gums. ...Sat aunt Na. , i.
Was, beat. upo a i&oose, and-when such 'a
4 2:1:1
.„ liblie l stiff and straightit person gets bent.n*n.atty
41,-ie thing,: you may. ' consider ' the !natt i er, let
- ! go; end I. low thate,goose of somahind
lota liiihathat .Scime rate --oryther. , -,
'llem,YOtt et'itturt7 aried'ouvNabby,. to ,
. the ' l i t t l e blaelOOFlftropotlOale fii;
_iiy,4hieh . 'wee.digging potanieal.*:m the
gardepheraLwant, you to . go.alung" to
l t o bw d ue oo. t wri ghbo jagi ta u tuld ois i il bo t ria :ov.e a t - goose ttie
ti " 4oi. : , coi lo to, .
1 stiittell44lfrie, briiisd 1ik.:4144:t0 get
i PeOdeVv The', first house that Cato,tastpo
to t W4it.t/ist- of AIM *Bpi 'die tal!otye9 . :
manly- cal ' a.
Sfi l kl' :P it t. iii ,: - 4 9 e.
..tiatook - r - :: :AO ontifeilrits4.l%
vio., =,, . *lfieglifiColWoo
itol74 l r: 4 1 4 4416 i l:4 11 " 4 "
:binn'iieati,* ~ sii*koido :Mown.lari;:i 6 4
Itti ititillit ' ' -:- 'ol. olll6.l l6'M'#:i4eisit !,iy,
,-- z , iii:***i , t.' -- is - 9,(l.toorwop,P4i .4.1.
)tii:: - : ‘,.t, - _ - . .440#40.44‘06i ,
yi--. - -,- '-, • ;-,,-- iitkrut***k.o4.*
,; . ,-, ra, it ' Ai . " - -'l 3ol VistirsWi . ist eil•
3 0.
• ,-;:a.
.i",...;:ii4",:_i: V 1 ,,, .4.V". if;.* 44:42 . f ~•?:;::
~ ,,;,,r l7 _ , .
\.' . •
e titres
11 show
berpia or
1 1 019i:ten&
Ont right /
nip informa•
Olt of the
'agent of,
t Arpeui
to run'
it et*
in .
• —7,
. la*
• 41 , •
,f:.t , .ls".tt:i, .i••
...;i. -
..'fit l-~ .~
atantas. _ •,
Pilgrim, in thy journey dear? • •
.' Are its tights eitioct forever? '
" suppress the rising fear; "
God forsakes.the tightedUS never.
_ Storms may gather o'er thy path,
AIL the net, of life-may 'wirer—
Still, amid SW fearful swath,
God foraaker lie righteous nevelt: -
Pain may rack the wasting frame,
iltwitheesertilly Chia forever. • r
Faith atinthemkwithAetithleati flame.
:God RH:mites the - li bFs et beset!
Flom ian 'trembly Magazine.
Ottl2. COURTItry'J
Rehr the heart—'-taisethe liaod;
Bwcarr ye for theglarinos earns6— r
Swear by Natortes-holy-lawa, • • • ;
dert•od your
13y.the glory yeinhertl—
the num 'raid men ye beer— .
yonrersinitry's fivedoin, swear
fly the Eternal this day mein!
Raise the heart+ raise the hand;
Flung abzwarrthe stitrry banner—.
" • 'Ever live our country's hones;
Ever hat.ont our mare land. . •
Rakise the heart—raise 11w hand; Arie'earth and heaven hear in.
While tile sacred oath werowerir
.Swear ripboltieurratirer.lanifi
We% thou lepy alwiifn &dim*
Pkwiing foremost in the ficlA
While thy,zpirit hovers o',
trernbtd—none . Phial yield.
iteint--raise the hand;
- not ahroid- - ,the-atirry banner—
Ever live our 'country's honor--
Ever bloo m our native land.
Raise the heart—raise the baud;
Rdtse . it tozhe Fathq spirit. •
Td the Lard OtHeavhsr rear it. •
jet the kOal 'hoed eieth expand.
Truth nowavering—Fidth unshaken,
Sway Each aetion, word. and will—
That which man bath undertaken,
Iteaviutoan alone
Rattle the heart—raise the hand;
Fling abrciad the atarzp o tner—
Ever live our country's' r=4-
Sver-bkottsiour timAime ,
~ . .
.. . .
The Silvery spoS4--the silvery wiewf
Like a glory it fklls on the fields bClow; .
And the trees with their diamond branches ,pp.
pear . - . • ,
Like,the fairy growth aroma magical sphere;
While soft as
.musie,,and wild as white,
It glitters and floats in the pate moonlight,
And spanglei the river and finials am they flow!
Oh! who boa nefloved the bright, beautiful snow!
The silvery snow,and the crinkling Trost— -
How merry we go . Men the Earth seems lost!
Like spirits that nailTiom the dust of Time,
To live in a purer and holier clim
A new crean Nvithent wstetti
4..,...... ,\
Lovely as Heaven's town pore MK
Bet ah! like die many . fsirhwoes oar
It glitters awhile—and then melts into t
Thom merry bells! those merry bells!
How ninny a tile their mask tells.
Of eyeful laugh and load halltd
An upset in this' drilled snow.
Swift files the wind! but not en swift
As tlicrthe snow boat thro4igh the drift.
Shrill singir the wind but not so clear
As the blithe sleigh bell in the ear.f
The twainl peal will still ring on—
Until tie laterd snow be. gime:
Then fume to the - merry bell,
And to the w Ater sports Dittrwell
4 -
f t ••-• 1
luuuktiot tinplate - ;-, nothiu r baa/ iYerl
for etintlitilMr -z. 4 6 - ~.
BOap_.,was a-litiirel(not • lerarY 'Witte,
and so fie called tohierdatigh • rr ' rap*
ty, who having but one ey ; 04 - :; liltewise
caltedi3itatice,;4fiet isi l liy 4 ,::, " , .t ; • * 9ot.
Oasinsl,l-.“Piie!iii' liqq t . )l44 ' , iiiii '
_ il io
Ifirgoo.s. e•"•f. PititfY; Wail_ ' ', giii; ti `to
the broad flatiron'off the- --and tell', _
Catct.lw-be 6 6as careful as iestinliet to
geti; wet," she w ~• ._ kin a-paper,tind,
away went the web f , . - . ported- tedeli;.
ver his -charge . to- = • , nif:= ,- - , Allly‘gett-- :
cioes!" said ft .. , • , 4IT-that 14e-niggee
han't gat me an roil gometosterel"-, But
nevertheless, , . her basins* was( to stew
the goose and ask ner-qiiestiops,*t it she
-.went, aid pretty soon the tailor's treasure
1 wiffi-fiintnPtingaatongonimus,and carrots,l
-and cabbages and turnips, and spice's .," all
as nice as need to be;,_ After .breakfast, ' !
Atint'Nabby had genie altroatlio ea* in the
, neighbers, and when she came home, ettit'
went of course directly to:thohitehenJO l
sem how the goose came on. "Is.ii, tender,
St's:inner mid" she. Smarm smiled so
sweetly, that the old house clock in' the ,
nest the Cupboard, stopp ed and held'
up its hands--"Oh . ma'am! replicelkle . '
saran, "It is so tender that' I guess 't ant
' be no more lender arter heingbiledrt. :nil ,
fair "Oh, bless ye! its so bread a Piss
the back!" My eunt's mouth twittered se,
that_ she was forced to took at Susanna, to
correct the agreeable iropr§ssion. t . ,
Well, noon came, and theneiglaters be
gan to drop in. First came the ptinion,_
whO, being a man of vast punctuality, took
out his watch aurecron as he carne in, and
for the purpose.ofabow it "chimed.;"
as he said, With the old clock, walked into
the kitchen, bide Visit Sennett "good day,
hoped she 'eontimnaf•itrelf in body," -add
snuffed up thesweetßavors of the prefer._
ing sacrifice with eipandiciaostrikti- Next
to the minister came in the squire; het:o
pened the front dear, and seeing no one but
I me, "Polijah," he said,"whenll that are
goose be done? 'cause I'm everlastis busy
liettlin that hay mow casevandll'd like to
know." "Ready now, squire," 'aiutivered
the parson, opening the"kitchen' door,/ ' , and
[guess its. ao-nneaminent , fine-gosiel-ioa i:
Ito walk in, and let 'us have a-little-4-tar."
The squire entered, and be • end the tit inis.
ter bad a considerable spell of cancellation
about the hay mow case. The case vies ' , •
this--Abijah Beggs got hitive to 0 arry ' Complimentary.--An old - clergymen,
his hliy across Widow Stoke's field 16 the and rather eccentric sone witlial,• whose,
road; well„this hay mow lied:dropped off .field of labor waaa town-in tbdinteriater
the poles, and widow Stokes claimeel it as New Englcual, one 'Sunday, at the close of
a (waif di a stray.. "Now," says the shuire, his services , gave his'eongrega
"l conceit the chief Flint in the case is this tion that in the course of the week, he ea
here—has widow Stokes a right to hay? i pected to go on n mission—on si mission to
Now this %depend, ye see. 'pon ',other , the heathen. The min:hers ofbis Church
pint, to wit, videlieit --sloes - the hay belong t were streck with alarm and scitroW at the
to 'Bijab? Now the widow, says she, eve. Isadden and unexpected announcement , ef
ry man in tide country's flee, and' there- the loss of their beloved pastor; and one of
fore every man in this country's a king, 'the deacons in: great. agitation ex4laimed
jilt is feral h . farm goes; now the king, 1 , --"Why, dear sir, ;yam hare never' tald us
all allows, 1s a right to waifs ned•straysi' one ward of this hek.tre! What s hall we
—and says widow Stokes , that are do ?:' "0, brother C---,"said the parson,
/4 ,
,sitzha ' . Tine. But, 'says "Bijall—and by with I the greatest gang froid, don't ea.-
it's a cute argument; but. says he, pest to go out of toes!"4-Bertgor Corn
though every man in thib . land',of liberty's tnercia 1 1
r,• • ,
,a free man, yet that doesn't prove that ev-
Revolutionary Aneedote.. 7 -During the
pry woman is; and per contra, we know '
that Women don't vote , and of course ain't glorious three days, a tailor went to Mr.
free; so, says he, the widow Stokes ain't a McLaren, a watchmaker, ana'Preeentle4
kiwi ' , so says he, the bay ain't hein. Bat's a small French watch to high demande d
a pazaiiri case, aim it?" "Well now," an- to know how much the repair 'Of ir Would
sweied the toinioner ' "it strikes nie that -`:" °ale ;" ? Mr. s . l4cLa * ea, a fter 6201°1 j: 4 1 i % ,
hay aint a stray." "Well," said the squire, it, said , 'it wi lt be more expensive Empalr---
"that's a pint I never thinked of." J ust tug than its original Cost. !I don't pied,
then in came the deaciel, and after him the that, mid the tar: ill,wil i l even give you
sexton, and so on, till pretty much all of double the original cost; Or I 'have a rea= r
the at istecratic democracy of the village ' oration for the watch.' ‘What bight you.
had assembled. And then in bustled tituit has: given far it?' said the watchmaker.
\ Ratty, awful fine, I itellynte and then Su- ` Wk Y'l l replied the ter; '1
gaverthe fellow
san a and Cate began to • bring i n.dinner, a blow on the head for it; and if you re
tiedwhile they
_Were doing that, the core. Fair it , I Ivii l give you" two- r - Galignani.
11"17' "k i!
glass °f•gr3g 4 way ° '111). L--
EX - jilt - i. ---- t ,to the - -Pli t 0 r , 'i ---''7-- 7 .
i petite, a , lien_strpked doWn"tbelefacel; 1 ' - : •
'and looked • the table; and there Win ai . i • '
hew Opium, Deer 12.
pig roast and . ~f eed, ,1 a hoe, k i. ve l a, 1 ; By /the way—this is a p lace; wooderfiff .
and two Old' -hens,' ~- an 'everlastio 'eight it is almost painful to contemplateits rapidl
dull kinds ofsarce, , , pies, - and dins p. deVelopenients, and Suffer th p imagination
1 ' -r, anda bo ve an, 'to dwell upon its growth end business, and
. • dish - which • the. magnificence whichhis to attain in a
t, t are goose, i very flaw years. Already, it iii said; these
ly id be- i are 1.0,0(H), persons nioneeherAbannta
l'Oglish• icarreilmstiligNf o O on , of fr Prior YeAr.
' - 1, ..., 1 0 , All the fivers's arer Wildinghaws tit tbo
i r e iffa d, e -are tilted" - xiii,!aFfiik9 Pii* . ffc , To4,
't,‘ _ • ed. 0 ren;llt,ll.4:olo*Ltitr; SliPeriflgall'-
. ts, eStc., Tin) of theJ,
' 't , :' "worl d : *re` Wing, ems* ", ' cf c - The.
,Ait , ,honiebeari iieefnupttrtikin,Wl4l iheit
&', ' - ~ 'ciaS.' -`CsildWeigi, theatre_ is an far
complete , 'Jft be. tried-41i . 64.4 rkoiiti. - r - '
iliiii' ii - cAiiii .41ti'oti-,'d. 8,600 Pereek -
fli .
'r l 4 l ol" a ll ebo7 ' IY,llV llll o.i4 l ..anti;*if fir 7
lidiv9l7: 'e'tl4. . - ~_kiA.lhOakil***tkT.
-coif ._ , i k tt)2oo4* -
4,n'ilitigiFf itiai:iii4a, f 7110.1:1•14, hippo'
tio',#coyfijoiii - iii,9se,' , 4n: Ititmlita': 1 1 *! ; ,
-1 4.*Orielie04Pi*Z ai " 1 ,04'. , ,O L %
iti:PO : 114 5 1 i• ibi' l4 ° r# ,. • ( 4;i:i . --z• i•-`-
''.- YOU would be 'ligietifted,toborio
cfmn.141 , .-.labM: 10 "F''dedr ii r liallgam?
rtelithAttel. - i*iiilihio4e!,
i t i
ors-=alb ;
ii r ottalitAt;iniithitteillailn*ll)
Ypii at this Oicei .Li -Ariles4::*!4lc<et::.;;:".
• f..
. '4
SA....IUR • :MO
and dough-tkap,.aadl.ol
at IN: head ?It table,.
liy the he. day, ti.
hate* , alma; and attL
.nea t
_cad or - oi rots and,
This , td,thkesoop was assigl
the minister, , alt sat:down. The',
flourished 'Now- Rirlr,f sad -poaneekapai, 01.
14,Am &agog. helachad to- 4 po l oiti .
prhile *ix!" -.rept seriously fo work la
exhume iii,POl9f pork, rriimoniki 14* an
!who ~ mintatar;;mith a
'pool ? gently is*Y.:S'l*lr:'o4irOti
. tlasitsr;".ihittiiilek,“l , plaited it my.
self ':#o.l;,C'!l.‘hiite-.2-11iiii*,'!",..**1..sitillAte
I t',lnadito.olttg:Aill*liet-hil***:lo44
-PL ol 4o4*irticie,
tust Octagiagitto*li!ttite.nta'adiati , tratat;
!tesungial - hk)iiii;iftifkt*tiltatidlaooi.
which .41 0 Jadf:Aftift
.111114 1 1,16A 1- . ,11,00P1.91Vit
e ' '
`l.•-•:. • =
IA ;
111. e,
i►oulia'nt route.
hand moved iif
mi27,lls z t r i e r i p t ei i n e t e tmin
troireiliterikie onions, and;
the . titilo 'a gm'se, held it to
fore the c?rflPtizqr46
rat the 'fug upon Ms I
1 1 . 0 -1 discovery, he ,
dish macknocked,all to
. .
had drawn beans to the
ble; 'wirier pull as he saw
over it went. My aunt (Ito] the,cause
ofttlFitt4 evil, and there at another
plate: The company di; chiewhere,
and •wilt Sunday theymit declined
preitching account of ' misfor'-
tune,', hi aunt Nabby ,die soon after, ,
-and the sexton buried her, 0 fling no he
slid so, 'that; she departed, the poor critter,
incconsequenco of au iron , and=bro.
ken crockery.`
• • liev4rend Ladiei—A bent
ty composed of Ladies hos - beA
NN w York, the wives ,of 11181
Pu tini down their names in if
re with the prefix of
iii and laughs . nbout the, pi
to Is the following s tory teridi
to : */
ulna backwoods eettlement!in the iFar
est,stivilivitiorrhad made such pfd s gtess
f e
ii ,t h,
t a ndea t titheraik, tni itni : cto i h a rowaraotro co hefnthe, m abii..
n3si pe itagoAr o itactromot i n es eflaxiiainceoffie w eiort e no n3 Lthui T eded at bsubeian m ectesimedr eci rsivigmerhh and ilicilihy.ner. :
1 niterleanng- tim joyful news, 4bi l owa ti
Cuptaiisse `No, you little bioekheattkt
the wciutan.'—"-there's none of you Captains
but your daddy and me.' "•:,. I ' _
Anecdote.—A farmer or tek4itria,Ver
inenter'•to assist in draWitt* lags.
Yankee, when there Watt slog to GR, gen
e rally contrived to secure the emelleet
for which the farmer 'eh:noised' him, iatia
told !AM 'alWays to-kake,the imq , ancr.
net cemo'ensl_willt... l l.ll„Atiart.l, o A.ttlekt%
puddle*, Jonathan sliced o f er i palterons
tporti4n 6f the largest liert;aoipstoOlie
farmer a*Winlotateletrned,inhear take tke
AWL' End!'--1/eilhiet - Par. . ,
-then --;
*aught he
uulie,a chi!
pl! fil!rth
altenvh ,
4 1t thp.
01.0 seitori
of the trii. 7 ,
j e
volpot axle,
• 4 formed. in
_ ,
. • The
plp the cu o-
r- - .'pa:OkitE.4l i fiticotram;, :,..:
N,'This adlowirg. him ' Oeiteridlitik
times speech hi egiahadnr a Ortods.'
.airo,,wbentiteicti mar Pot - 4*tiii. 1 ,
glinting le rouse Oki unknirr. , i,
Om recoedgiorio iregyis ear riationallion:.
tir;and indepeot `.% . 'rite." rite.: itor of.the Loadi
vide JoOrnal ,wet maths. ' '"thisVoltapseot ,
and -thinly, 'at f :was li ,-;ii trampeCliall
thteteghent , tho, 114 in amd , nerved die
energuesofripsl .peciple. :i. '''si woederdiat
*Arad -week with ifffillallir Iti chht
lOastilard;:Gesi. ee is, sietottenites Mind&
_date. This • (shows w 't hist isentitneele '
we/eau Joffe' a me. •if ailereirdsipernid
he was a dem
i , deed.- well as.. inword.
L i b.
by fighting ths • , in "varef.llll2. , '.
irstrectfresi t 44 , 1 ' tee *id; Mine.
"Graiierser . 4 . " 1 " - Nitta lijoirtagli - 4.04
' sea -• -'' .1 lAs - 1 ,Asgiiit 001." '_"!.;
. , ,
,„ .
"I iboeld fad tw o . justice to ntifeelinc , ind
Perheilidif*Plßdo •.. :I , ` ' itniidletifhstne*.
ribiiiikiT meat, On thia, ' '' "'to Mermen it
et:dicer win his lreedY a 'l4* Our - mmotry,-
it:id Milled . ., 'the warm exprmaions Wiwi:
6 Ptie ar!or . ee. ' l 7 flancif . ,Pe 0400 6 :
V'i'be'Unit ' - 2 its:" trd to these pii,icipiiir
which cnight op . 11 hits rj republic „ prefer.
ring4PPle ' in 1 ' 6 dq.* ,ad earet7. tO gkiri. -
hare ciideara ea to .twirttel 'firer o.orri,the'
Ea of ,:110d. - tg 1 oh"
serithittlie , ' p• feet iiiiiitraliky . _to Imp. obsi,'
of thole blo y
„we Whlchliniye so long Oda.'
id oboe ftom au • the : ,or
. I(Pbe:- - Tike f listiegi
.and 60164 sty of li-eiteilnetlipietdedichilli.
gentile, ha not ~ Welke.: bout rriMpror . ai,e4 intl.
from . one of ore . ' efe.,lo ll ll-Vel irtnrilme
folloWed ea .. - - tit - olio It tinei3euioo; and
promiaed'lll afa .•:.', ,been " . :cipatedby,`thrthier . '-
outrage. T e Ai. orimir ,
arils, 1°944'
l e
a legal mint me , pap. Oti,f..:ittaik-ha, whi.. 0 . .1101.
have ail eq, al ri .t. hen hemi 'efiptillefi and'
PlainleM ind.the men !inpksed: to. aerve.s. Co. ,
reign g ran J and a . their, blood in. ' bidder; :iii
which they hire' . literest. , ' For these wres
goo*. our a ilithbot reingliag with its
politics , peal Which. agitate die brelits
of monar and hic,h produce*. treater-part
of those.* , will . nyenthelm their ;unhappy
ifahjects in ise . ry 'and `inquiya deouoded, re
droll, brit' Tem stilfeiling,:litivieeei,4On.
the alleles '6l'lli:tier tom; enithttpart
ita power' bieliliadiii uiletfint, mkt ikaiiissirt; .
1r hieliAli' 'll'y t'tria M Who castilokhkethsr
the I "4t . 1 . 14 . 7 , 1 dP,Me!kted hi 411 .1 3 ‘00.A4
well al b` ..go , riol,Deetleii'd;an long, ae_ilieie
retneloW ' dittlintli . 3lll. of en .amicable
adjuistme `z" iii ' meet 'Mid - 'here - iiere
thought, nab to war. , Thim4.lelosteni :hia,
1 bowaier, p asted 1,4. viol. given.. the eidelde
' Itharicii*tion sad 4zbearance haxeldan, ,gata.•
takesilur I.laddit t liad Amt i . mtm atane riatiOr like 1
wane hod : debt; Will' wt tbf thii • lemons of I
cc .- G : ' ,aright- hive Iremeni. 1
" IA '. - hotiiiias of.A
Vika, i'tie•Abi, of ' ' cos . -' A - ; blind
fats fl snip . her onto ` degmetifillo lit
A lliditioirfili to lime; ali; io n; '
of ijiren tajiiaGe ' axe** tblegther.
1 Brot
oink be f ad evert Att,,, - of' her depeodot
Lions u a neutrals, Imo, averted a weal Mead,
int** ' . , elle te penis(' her:for. her multiplied.
aggressi qt.: , Tito blood - risegn my cheek, whin
.1 redact . thirbindliating.thesiklignieefol sisine
ofthe , Alf sir Awiain !hip Kw:lr; minder:
eel eP i 4ivn decks hie,* ritielt .:Lientenant-,:tie
the ins of selectin ge innommt Octiniii:o.t
Eritistrt teeny. • Bitten ci of this kind whit*. 1
haPs : yte domain' all °di fellow er . aeoia‘
'That the, lad aot,higtio from* Efritialkstiii
I p t
ero•ity r joatiee, when . 'Aseia , oppasod is
• British i , resits. The rfl. ot outrage! , beg .
_made • ► • Oulpree 'eiorkp the American plod.
CitiWiti , . revery' politica denioniustiou ire rid.,
lying ~ . lid the 'standard or their'coidairi;
sod p • ' ing that liven mid &francs- in support
of at*, schha- , , - - . • •••••
"I ~ , Wide injustice to-the well knowd pat
rkOot If our territory. , to suppose that- : e i ther
cool ieria or your constituents, gentlenum. htit.
l y e: at one; it t i i isret . ttirg Memian • than the rat',lF
s'W *fretZeur aticat .-ymenliarly inter;
m lind g COatentwhis likely to mumeLfor
who d not know that the timtaltass, „k and' malpr
i t tng orthe savage are;ilwaya twtsidiyidwa,
the-in menforof British' 'entwine°. 'ikt:thli
mOm fellow 'cittikins ea 1 sincerell lellirrit;
their are organizing it contlinatine li
mb t lndians with n our limits for ilurlsilt
' pen ' anon, murder. And if theme,
1 th e ir .tottil aim, are let loose ii slaughter
7 p %nett and clthdratt it will not proceed limn
o tt b in anity and M of I,mition which vein,
I heti sOf ' total ta ii} .every alt "and
sOlm6s: ,
i *`At thin im ' taut crisis but one .eautMThient
tohouhl aniumtelbobremn,of,every true :Assisi.
Tnl ii r t io rd i ri lt everYi Perrone! tonaltieration;
tr 3 should Milt Otd . y urthe tie Which bindi him
rhis clutintryitoulldiarin the "wiwkinsind
rowers cipherwyr . rtihent,-he anonld t i i iie f t i l ei ently
i ets t Ateir i ti3=l4 4 . l tw il*t ia l lsg e Ast
'ace, bow in jattowato the Mum of,_ re filiCan.
' . should ' he blood of 4itternarderiod -tit
' lernian unsatisfied: or Onrevenged. i• .it
tartnot to, Yenterimuia must prim - too, ighly
. . terdeer-bought -.rrghtr tamely to surrender
. cortothe proollsiatsewhiewartiick they' Were
reeled, I Ali; beneficent 1114:diseriMitaitingl`rwr.
,w hl within stria ii jts_ pied* ,
r e. A.:l o t h e r %ship: `ten wfll artsetolead ink
i l e
fee Ito vierary kid g . arid-Vie- Witte :of
theta/mild will tostaughttlie useful leitinakthif
a distatatant tm”rsiiinjtirwiwithlin.
PtiPlt,l%7 ~ e •
.:i.,-.• •;;.,..
.., , \,:., ~,,-,,,.. - •
Leitsia —i' _ k4 e
otL-Th i rue4 ilitim y. after . wgi ttir l e 1; 1
S t ow
pecania -li — Wrlkii!talthat Geti.ll
Than ac' %diddle Toeless' hetailisti.' ns'Y
bin and thinly ikilldiarwidela.nnantl
sickly iticians of thl i rpoing, titgwi l
casket ifin:V". '', " • ' -- ,1 -, ::
4 4 11 " *,That inqbehte ,ciiispititti
pie lndi ' on 11'61141111i; G9v:llr*i
. . . . . _
me t a,
,io the *milt of ell Logislallaw
'cit. II o. a 1 1 6111110 T.. ESC 111
ref lai - iver.rx gala ,
aacia_the late &ask ff. Itti
1,4 ,
• pentad 14-ifirs • •
r tgaaaftaa AlawS• 4B4 ,-. 4
tips EdikluDidisA
&PailiN . COYeal#)
tfP l o_442&lt
itciza '
• -
It slileilierglie riasoitir • ' 4 "` - ti‘
v ir •
*ail* leaks, 4 .1%* aric ,
*As: *the** AVER
1 ac 1A,..,_,..f*t r t 111 y...... 141 0 4 -*ARVIII*.., • k
...did... I my !bat. fieiti - prolretliFele.olll;
we vioall give Hamm! a vaideritinfouthomnyoui
awrkAlkgil eiratif.lollll44",
, :;FilitiiiiaAgliite - ...,....._
ed-from - thertleneblirltibiror - -
sointify itipMfiddritiligichigir'.', 1
Onibil4iirli'ritlfiti retwirtWyMihnitlir.
iPtia telktltiOtsfin ogthifilibitit't* 1
its biirshig.,upon:Abh - oniniStabllityirft 4 ,, ± L„
iftliennt onit Ifscii isitiviiim, l :iiiAbli " '''
onnaintlity 'to. which L Midi • tetilsotatir `1" 1
, 4 ,"
. .i
thsol.-41..mninnioid'in .nr.aini4.lslSW • • •
For the benefit - 6ribe ladies tbniciWited,
"Ora,k ol :'!"`'N. I e',. Parr. ~.. -,..
.• -" . '" ' 'I
..- ~, •
".ft .is iiiitiOttoliti llitit wasps: 1601:0_
.. -. .
Aft* AK-maw ittrimiliaite .
peemai, by het,' Ostia .virition, sirionk tar
minis spar ind.firrobler hisi****olo al*
ilif, trial'in • LA'S " wtirk'Or,:polititril ', • • , ~, , •
i for OM *ski Of tbe'Omni ritiociei' yi r ': , -
1 intiCthostr collisions Aritteli4oultS a . .. !' -7,..
I Sold
_degree of virulence. witetrAbsi •;.,, '
ititi passion:of qtri- sss u Ost.-1 ' riusr„
wriiiiiinitry,in intitatimi ofitlA !risk,
'Wasik* ancient sod - ' e 4;1119i: , ,
women I . ioni a share hk ' Jr
~,. .
a i
. 1 44 t
Opi um
athetpalf* . ..Xijii. ,4 .4 0 00 - . . 014 11 4*
an ;I, ' , -- Sphere of ' • ..40. - . -
..„ , ,_„,
betorea - • 41)Ittpoi 'ot 0 lie' *IC :I',
her. e inns . . ibit idgia of pat ,s1:1;
Manson astir. tato Some, °fascism -
nort - Irolry.2' or is She. 4 1SlitiffkiiilliFr.
ii/. i'ookati* an dilelttri44‘k . .
fence of the ' ei iliarwoopoms.
tati wait. itil ladia - ta daiii e, . .
wartiara ;and I trittliin'ifinik'sheista .* " '
Mit own einnitry will.. am wog son kitOdigribe
2.44; *okay lotthp Kt." . .1:k. ..- • „i:,...4.11,ca
jestke`of ilti-Leior-ffls ltibl it•
s , _e d- .l M f,
1 , r 1 3 , I , i fi
Neeentrwoo. Gl e n, and earn. 'Oki
imaged, the Court of,ilarfarit, _-' 0 77- "'a '
tbe 47th eyed; and taw trie)sivw - wenepied
'ream thulium till the 31stleciabir ` "dinoPeili
• koailudif end wha 'vaulted itt.,slitil i wed boner*
big acqui Lei of theiloryiatiemm lied a **en ' '
by the jury- that the`al leistiewc twitAall
_ . - -efoolkiit
reference! ro *nee** . Aiwykioareitior
trillion, gi'mlation. *rt,......4."44,ef01k,
more ' 11 3014 aatakautait aiarlitil Wa - P°l7ztrd
*holed's* -
trash inehrr *Jodi Dram: :: kiii`OF
metableibi tigeetten th sus it
tio A D
_cotopered.aiithlha.AMlNO I t
laiiiirt tbeir.hiie gime:. Thom - r? kiik
tides* by theiverdiret offhiliiiied •
ad lonoVAwd dieser orally injured '
indlatthrla -haw. by ihtitabliatailarib • ail**o
"Nesposies".' .fally **Hake; theitii-Orti
opuirelif their tellew.eitisena: Nee*lneArehli
an ailditibial eildieee either " elsidaille of
,Preseco. the *order* ordirao meg
executed -it N,iictitinton, N. tI. as It" . •
tasOweek in purpariee of luifese vol e
Die= p4
.netwitbstandieg the intereit 'mida i r - his':
rtalartt Appeared to look open„thWitititor Mia'
proper . lighti and luThred torealont Ariaotword
li!tfiAs to Ibi i rce °nil aaPtallasoffaithl , -.-
*wed it 'arcopl riot be right to joasivothes
lei *Orders and let 7 ltta ito:tient" `Us.
[ tirely norriesitrthelorrnisoiriroef WWI
or n u mb * that may at" . hreit birre******4
iNalain easy PtlilantgallevAi* ar-emipo
to put down their. names topetitioneßorlpardps, \
When an atrocities - culprit - BAm twee ite . ,„
of payiaifther penalty' WWl` t•inies:-.-
exit went lid with;tho esatensarrirlittis
eigbt orlon Amend amatennihattinewhisiddir
tha ariebootew. New • weeineir eat <Mara
lame Varna Wipe:tem and waled. withmtheat
_exceripiary petfenee two cc three hes* dehisbah
nadelnßetateo winter day.- to 'um a- pper_yrio* .
l!itatitiii# , the neek.—N. Y. Cenre.': ';'" 1
'l ' 44
' I
' of Newere.--TfortOoructhhoweithe
Ilti; x0
'peened atiwieseed 'on all the- rhea imanrietiket
the p t *Wm.. , The highest -irdsheiwieir
fur of end Cade, foot =yeas. itepriAmesialat '
• in the jail erßehimeirWelesetyieadwar
*r iota 4 kompureaeamilmegukesielkii Piliir,
and be? good hehasioarfir-12 ananthilsisalefr
the expiration of their. "4e ni " . bnprisain saw
The lowest °sentence . 11iNI0 and witioutteerywheti
taliwista•t4amat and a tatostibaahaefilloolfirert
gpapin.-Nslt.Per. • “.. ~ - .-'...• --_-;;;r .eprif.l, l ,
r."--- •-1 -4,„./••,
TkeieStwithsowitoi Instithtistio.4*-00
7th of
tk%trr*o4 :1 1 0 - 0 t
dor#o o—orlrtt • il;"!"
re elb r: 4-I = .
t°:tee. ito 4 B:h l =
Km of XAndolifor the Ti l !# Or. - . V ,
"an establislintellitV ntRAVPHOIim-
Ifitiliaa Pt ittibalfavielitviolis **l: '
dOcumenis consist; or At 4 e 4 teritsevigir
!Fail, our Mitaister4CLoodem,;t4;th
rotary Of, State; htebtoititth:,kto4s , s4
front - 0 1 " 0 Ktlikk, finer k4o4.4ltttgoi
forming him ofthe GM" Of ik. husikloOtt els
prodOcing. 4 , ooo Pm/di -!PerYlifflkiliiirl
- -vivo
-.~~ .;