The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, February 24, 1863, Image 1

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9clect poettm.
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Alone I walked on the ocean strand,
A pearly shell was in my hand,
slooped and wrote upon the sand
My name, the year, and day;
As onward from the spot I passed,
One lingering look behind 1 cast,
A wave came rolling high and fast,
And washed my lines away.
And so methought, 'twill quickly be,
With every mark on earth from me !
A wove of dark oblivion's sea,
sweep across the place
Where I have trod the sandy shore
Of time, and been to me no more;
Of me, my day, she name I bore,
To leave no track or trace.
And yet with that who counts the sands,
And holds the water in his hands, '
I know a lasting record stands,
Inscribed against my name
Of all this mortal part has wrought,
Of all this thinking soul bath thought,
And from these fleeting monisitts caught,
For glory or for fame.
( 1 .3006 Stan)
Veneered at the Academy of Music, Philadel
phia, before the First Anniversary of the
U. AS'. Christian CoMmission.
On the evening of the 29th ult., an immense
liumber of people—citizens of Philadelphia
M' nd delegates and visitors from all the loyal
tates—tnet in , the Academy of Music, Phila.
;elphia, to celebrate the First Anniversary
kteeting of the .U. S. Christian Commission.—
D No. 11. STUART, Esq., Chairman of the Corn
ission, presided, and after making some re
arks, introduced Rev. Dr. ROBERT PATTER:
ON, of Chicago. who delivered an able address
behalf of the Commission. The Philadel-
lohin Presbyterian says!—
! Ou the conclusion of Dr. Patterson's speech,
rlsicls brought most vividly to miml.some of
he terrible sufferings and hardships endured
y our noble soldiers on the field, Mr. Stuart
troduced to the audience the Rev. Bishop
impson, of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
"one distinguised in the Church of Christ
roughout the world." This distinguished
eater and most eloquent divine then made
e following address:
Among all the meetings which have ever
en held on the face of this earth, in Church
r in State, there never has been a meeting
Mite the equal to this. There have been large
Essemblies; Uinta have been most important
eniblies; but when we consider the age of
e world, the circumstances under which we
ve ue, the pressure that is upon us, the soy
w in many of our hearts—struggling 'with
ope—the efforts made to relieve the sick and
wounded, made so by war, I repeat it, there
•s not been a meeting precisely of this char
r ever held upon the face of this earth. You
ye had, it is true, in this city, and in other
ies, kindred meetings; but this is the anni
rsary, of the United, States Christian Com
And when I look over this assembly, I almost
oluntarily ask, Who are here? I see the
.litary officer from his command in the navy ;
see here the Chief Justice from his bench ;
ee here one who formerly graced your Chair
, State; the merchant is here from his count
1-room ; and the professional man is here
.ut his office; and, here, mingling with all
ese, are youth and beauty, matron and maiden;
d among us, the soldiers themselves, who,
rtially disabled, are taking a little rest from
fatigues of war.
Why are we here? It is because of the in
, est felt in those upon the battle-field. And
en I listened, sir, to the report which was
d, and the statements which have been made,
feel almost oppressed with a sense of the
agnitude of the work which you have under
ken 'to do. For whom are you proposing to
ovide religious reading and religious instruc
on, to seine 'extent, medicines, clothing, coin
ids, consolation ? Why, sir, the army and
e navy contain more than one million of men ;
id while siding on this platform, my mind
enrred to this thought : If you take all the
en in the cities of New York, of Brooklyn,
Boston, of Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
:ton, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis, and
icago, and combine them all together, the
y of the United States exceeds them all in
mber. And it is for' sucla an army that you
e proposing to undertake these means of in
ruction I Why, the States of this Union
• ye been nobly providing for the unfortunate
ck, and furnishing asylums for them ; but
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what has your great State of Pennsylvania, or
your sister metropolitan State of New York to
do, compare with the work which you of this
Christian Commission have in hand?
Then, again, I turn to another view, and ask,
if we limit our cares to the sick and the wound
ed only, how many there are ? One hundred
thousand men are said this night to be sick in
camp, and in the hospital. One hundred
thousand! More than all the men capable of
bearing- arms in the whole . city of Philadel
phia! If every husband, and rather, and son
grown to years of manhood, in this whole city,
were lying sick in hospitals, they would not
make 'the number of those who are sick now,
scattered all oyer our land. This, then, is the
work Which you hdve undertaken to do. And
to do it requires wisdom, energy, sacrifice, and
outpouring means, such as only a free and a
great people can bring themselves, to, the point
of affording.
But, sir, I have hopes for the success of this
Commission in its enlarged projects,'because of
the sympathy which its objects have in almost
every family, and in almost every bosom. One
out of five of all the grown men in the United
States are now in the arty. If our Northern
population is estimated at twenty millions, ten
millions being men, and five millions of the
remainder being,under eighteen •years of age,
as your statistical tables will show, we have
left but five millions of grown men in the loy
al parts of the United "State's, and more than
one million of these are now in the army, or
more than one-fifth of the entire male popula
tion fit for bearing arms.
And, sir,,how many sympathies connect them
with friends at home ! It has been my lot,
Mr.. President, to travel extensively; and I
have noticed, from week to week, as I, have
visited the congregations in my field, that more
and more of them are habited in black. lam
ever thus reminded that friends have lost friends
and that hearts are mourning with a sorrow
that nothing can alleviate but the consolation
that these friends have died in the service of
their country! And when the,wives, sisters,
and mothers of
,tliese men in the army, shall
lay their hands to this work, and when friends
who have been left at 'home, and in health,
shall unite in it, I have hopes that this great
work of yours will .be accomplished, and this
Commission successfully
. perform the work
given it to do.
1 need not refer to reasons why it should'he
successful. Are we pot under obligations to
the defenders of our , country They are not
only brethren and friends, but they have step
ped in front of .us to receive the shafts 'of the
enemy. Look out to•niglit, and see where they
are. While your streets are covered with the
snow, and your streams are being filled with
ice while the winds of heaven, with their
wintry blasts, are beginning to be piercingly
severe, see the hundreds of thousands of your
brethren, and friends, and acquaintances, and
neighbours, who are now in need of protection
and comforts! And is there a heart that will
not be moved—a hand that will not be ready to
stretch out to these suffering ones all possible
aid ?
But, Mr. President, thi n s good work presents
tome cheerier aspects. I do not know, air,
what will be the `fate of our country; it is not
for me to say. I know this, and my soul relies
upon it—"the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth ;"
and he is working out some great wise purpo
ses in all the movements of men, and in all
the combinations of evil men which can possibly
be formed on the earth. For though the floods
may - rise, the Lord in the heavens is higher
than they.
I love sometimes to look out and see the in
dications of Providence. When this Western
world of ours was found, there were strange
combinations of circumstances preceding and
connected with it. There were the discovery
of the art of printing, of gunpowder, an ex-
tension of the science of navigation, a revival
of letters in the schools and colleges, when the
Lord would lay open this Western world, and
stretch it out to receive a population which
should make it the "land of the free, and the
home of the brave!! And now, sir, while this
present season of trial is upon us, I look back
to strange activities and strange combinations
in other directions just preceding this periods
I see our Government sending out its wisest
men to explore our bays and rivers, and make
charts of the whole coasts, under the influence
of some great idea of preparation. Without
this preparatory work, what would our ships
and vessels of war have done in reference to
our blockading expeditions?
Then I look again, and I seem to see God's
hand of preparation in the material world. He
has just stretched out his hand and lifted off
the covering from the silver bosom of moun
tains in the Nevada Territory, and shown us
wealth that, if we were but to take the crust of
it into Wall street, would make all the brokers
in the land almost shout for joy. I have been
asked, What if our national debt increases ?-
1 am no financial man—l have no teachings on
the subject of finance—but have this to say,
that if our country survives this storm—if our
ship of State comes into port, we have not only
money enough in these ;o mountains to pay off
every sailor and soldier, but money enough to
line with silver every deck of every vessel, and
all its spars, and give to our soldiers on their
return silver arms instead of their iron ones !
Well, sir, I see more than this. I live in
the West. ?fy home is among the great prai
ries. I have been watching agricultural fairs.
I have said, What means all this excitement in
reference to agriculture? Every man seems
to be inventing a plough, or a drilling machine,
or a reaper,,or . a mowing machine, or some•
thing else to husband labour or augment its
power.. I did not understand it. But we bad
just built workshops, and made ships, and were
throwing out reapers and mowers by the mil
lion, when the necessity came, and the young
men left their ploughs •and their fields; and
had not God given;us these implements, we had
never been able to feed these soldiers.
Well, sir, I look again. That same West is
connected with the East. Our coal-boats used
to run down our rivers, and our streams directed
all our trade. But you gentlemen of the East,
far-seeing merchants and bankers, turned our
attention eastward. You ran your locomotives
through or over mountains, across valleys and
Hirers, and bound ns .to your Atlantic ports;
and just, sir, when the enemy shut off the
mouth of the Mississippi, we transfer the
mouth of our railroad rivers to your Philadel
phia and your New York. God was preparing
the way for it.
I look again. And although it is but a sim:
ple matter, I have often said to myself in the
last five years, what is the meaning of all this
amount of inventive genius spent in thd direc
tion of the sewing machine? I visited in
New York large factories, where these were
made in immense quantities, and apparently
the world would' soon be filled with them, I
said. wondered why it was. When I look
over the land, and see the hundreds of thou
sands of men needing clothes—and when I
turn my eyes to the villages and country places,
and in almost every house, these machines, mul
tiplying their powers by tens and by hundreds
—then I have seen why God gave man just
DOW the seivinpinaehine.,
Well, now I look in another direction—to
the great revival of religion a few years ago,
in which you, sir, and others, took so active a
part, to the' prayer-meetings and the young
Men's Christian Associations that were formed.
What did they mean? A little before that
the churches were stirred up to making books
and religious tracts—the presses of every de
nomination, and of religious associations, were
set ageing, and the land seemed as if it would
be filled with religious literature. The Lord
was preparing. And I now see bow you can
send, according to your report, your tens- of
millions of tracts to the army. All the press
es were working by steam, and the tracts were
ready to your hand. God was in it. Then, in
that connection, this revival came. It took us
from our denominations—it brought business
men from under the shadow of the pulpit to
where there d bearts were warmed by close fra
ternal association; and they learned to work,
together, commenced as laymen to work, held
meetings of prayer, carried religion into their
shops and countlltag-rooms; and when the trial
came—when they were needed to accompany
their benefactions with spoken words of com
fort and consolation—they were all marshalled
and ready, a full regiment, in the noble work
of this Commission, with you, sir, as their
General, to lead them. And, sir, I thanked
God that, whether the nation will or will , not
change its generals, we have no need to-night
to change ours.
Now, all these are some of the indications
of the hand of God, as I think, and they give
me encouragement. The soldiers must be cared
for. We are under obligations to them; we
dare not leave them nor forsake them; they
are onr brothers; tears .of sympathy are flow
ing for them; prayers are being offered for
them, and strengthening, and blessing them—
e work which the band of God haa been for
some time past wonderfully preparing.
But let us look at another view or two. The
first is this. I prize this work because of its
effect upon the soldiers of my country. Men
will respect themselves, when they feel that
the eyes of the virtuous and the good are upon
them. Some one has said that in the ragged
schools and reformatories of the world, the first
great step in the reformation of their occupants
is to put upon them clean clothing, and wash
them, and make them feel they are respectable
—that some body cares for them. Sir, when
the soldiers who are fighting our battles are
lying far from home and kindred; if they are
allowed to lie forsaken, destitute of sympathy,
in temptation, and want, and wretchedness,
unable to do any thing for themselves, it Is no
wonder that they sink in vice, and that to some
extent the feeling come, "It is useless for us
to do any thing, for our country cares nothing
for us." But when these soldiers are sick, and
there have come and sat down by them angels
in human form, and wiped, as a mother's hand
used to wipe, the cold sweat from the brow,
and placed, as only a sister's hand can place,
the cordial to the fainting lips—when they find
whole thousands of the community willing to
pray for ?hem, and wishing them well, and
sending out delegates from all parts of the
country to their comfort and relief, the soldier
feels as if be was eared for—he respects him
self, for he sees that he is respected, and he
rises to do nobler deeds than ever.
You have the story of Alexander when a
young man. When lie was about to ascend
the throne, he called his young men around
him. He gave to one a cloak, to another a
spear, a shield, a valuable garment, until he
had distributed all he had. "But," said one
of the young me to him, "Alexander, what
did you reserve for yourself?," He replied,
pointing upward, "Hope ! And then," said
he, "I seem to myself to be standing where
the eyes of the whole world are upon me."—
It was this that nerved him to swim the river,
and that gave him power to drive the hordes
of the East before him, and dream even of
universal sovereignty. 'When the soldiers of
our country, our fathers, sons, and brothers,
know that all the ladies of the land, and men
from the bench, and bar, and. counting-room,
and places of responsibility, are all cheering
them on; why; sir, their strong arm will be
nerved; and taking their weapons anew, they
will go forward, bounding over forts, leaping
over ramparts, scattering the enemy before
them; and victory will come upon our stand
And then, sir, when these men return to our
land, they will , not come back as a curse to us.
A writer in Great Britain says, that one of the
greatest elements of her weakness is the return
of demoralized soldiers, who are a curse to the
community. Not only have these men talked
with and prayed with the soldiers, but, Christ
like, they have brought physical comforts in
their hands, and ere they have ministered
spiritual consolation, they have, following the
example of the great High Priest of our pro
fession, who opened the blind eyes, unstopped
the deaf ears, healed the sick, and cleansed the
lepers; and thus it has been that their hearts
have been opened to religious instruction, and
they have listened to words that sounded as
words never spoken before; and when they re
turn, they will come with Christian hearts and
sympathies; and not only sing the sweet songs
of Zion on the battlefield, but to their children
around the hearth, in the church, and along
the streets and highways. And lam not cer
tain, sir, but we need Christain soldiers to
come back to put more bold courage in the
hearts of Christian men and women at home.
We need not only to have faith, but to add to
our faith bravery, and possibly Christianity,
tried in this very war, is to result in a greater
boldness and bravery in our Christain churches
at home.
But, sir, my mind sometimes exults in this
thought—we are proving our Christianity in
the eye of the world. We read the writings of
infidelity. Sometimes they talk about human
itarianism, about ameliorating the condition of
the human family; and they repesent Christi
anity as dogmatical, controversial, speculative,
and as away from the wants and necessities of
man. But, sir, in this hour of our darkness,
when the clouds are upon us, when men are fall
ing around us, and women are sorrowing, who
go into the field to minister to the soldiers?
Is the infidel there? No, sir. They all hide
their deformed heads, and Christianity steps
out in all her nobleness and beauty ! Yes, sir.
Christianity is still young. Though nearlytiwo
thousand years are upon her, there is no wrinkle
on her brow, no stoop in her form; the lustre
has not 'gone from her eye; she steps upon the
mountain-top and over valleys, dropping com
fort and consolation into the camp of the soldier,
as well as upon the churches of the living God;
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and it is in such scenes as these that Christi
anity is vindicating herself to be, as she is, the
child of God, the messenger of mercy to men.
And, sir, our Christianity, in this free coun
try of ours, is occupying a great position. They
tell us we must have State endowments, State
churches, large fees for the support of minis
ters, and for the progress and perpetuity of
Christianity. But go where old institutions
are—and I revere them—go among them, and
you find this that never in France or Germany,
or even in old England in all its glory, there
was never a Christian Commission to attend to
the wants of a Christian army. It has been
reserved for Christian America, where Church
and State are disunited, where the State gives
the Church legal protection, and where she
smiles upon the State in turn. It is for disen
thralled Christianity to bring forth her rich
fruits, and show her power to minister to all
the sons of men.
Now, sir, I rejoice in all this; and when I
look over the field, and see what God is doing,
I feel willing to bear the affliction, knowing
that although I cannot tell just when it shall
be—" in even time it shall be light"—and that
when God has proved us, be will give us the
Why, sir, is that flag of ours ever to be
lost? Are those stars of heaven ever to fade
away ? No sir! Have you ever thought that
no nation on earth ever had a cluster of stars
on its flag till the United States prepared its
flag ?
.There was one nation, or tow, that had
a lone star, but never a combination. I know
not how to account for it. I cannot tell pre.
cisely how it came; but I have thought our old
fathers were men who looked up to God.
They saw clouds; but they saw beyond the
clouds, into the clear stars shining in the sky.
I shall never forget bow I felt when once
wrecked on the Pacific coast. The storm was
wild, and a thousand of us, it seemed, were to be
buried in the ocean. We stood on deck, in a
way to prevent the noble steamer from careen
ing, though it seemed as if she must go to
pieces. I looked tp. But by-and-by, in the
midst of the storm, the clouds gently parted.
I saw one clear stars shining there. It seemed
as though an angle's eye was looking down
from the throne of God. In a moment more
it was gone. I looked, and looked again, and
in fifteen minutes I saw the clouds part again;
and now two stars shone down upon us. So I
took courage. I said, the storm is passing
away. God made.that star of hope to shine out
clear upon the dark and troubled sea. And
the men were cheered in heart.
; Sir, when I look at that flag, I sometimes
ask myself, "Where did our fathers get it?"
Did not some angel hand clip it from those
heavens of blue, and send it, with its stars, as
angels' eyes, to gaze down upon the suffering
sons of humanity, and lead them to look up
ward,.and beyond tha heavens, to their Father
and their God above?
, Let those stars shine Let no power be
neath the cross control them I And although,
as, in the apocalyptic visions, there may come
a fog that may seem to blot out one-third of
the stars of heaven; and the smoke may come
up out of the pit, and obscure its glory, yet
God will drive 'away the thick darkness, and
the stars Aar
upon our still
glorious trium
At the con
dress, which
Stuart each
Simpson." Ti
was responds'
The Chair col
his valuable
Brethren, yo
dear friend to
allude to it.
for his count
come here to
ting aside of
us as he has
THE ch < of a woman's heart should, like
a w i a d.o, be sweetly musical, but not, like
a w i a Arp give out its kisses and love-tones
to allliods alike.
L well-known American citizen says that he
I:aclerstands "nearly all living tongues." We
know some very lively ones that he would be
apt to find incomprehensible.
LET a new star be discovered—another dia
mond upon the frontlet of eternity and unborn
millions are inheritors of glory of its knowledge
YOUNG ladies rarely kiss each other except
when there are gentlemen to see them do it,