$ftf .'r'v -vLl ;plittll pi FIRMNESS IN THE RIGHT AS GOD GIVES U3 TO SEE THE RIGHT. Lincoln. I liimUn g?apfr-$twtod to f? olu, literature, owtgii, ferine ami IpccUanwus lwjs, to., to. WAYNESBURG. PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE, 5 1867. vol. x NO. 52. SHie lqmUitait. KV EHYWK UN K8 viTjl 0 It X I N 0, ur JA3. E. SAVERS. officii IN BAYKItS' IIUIUHNQ, C0U1IT IIOUSK. HAST OK T1IK FIRST Of D. Boskk, Fres't. J. C. Flknmikkn, Cashier. DISCOUNT DAY TUESDAYS. May Iu,'l6.-ly. WO riOB! KX.IIANUU U1NK OF WAYNKSIiUKG. (OI)l FKLLOW'S ASSOCIATION.) WILL advance cash on Judgments, notes, mortg .ges and otliur Becurithis. Col lections promptly attended to and deposits solicited. . , The stock of this bank can be bought at the ofllce of the bank, opposite tho Court llouso. until the 1st day ot July next. Shares $25 each. Dividcuds July and January. J. F. RANDOLPH, P-es't. A. L, Mvkus, Cashier. , 5j22-3t. LEWIS DAV, DEALER IN Books Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Paper, &o. Sunday Bcliool Books of all kinds constantly on hand, room in Mrs. Bush's huildinji, formerly occupied by Cotterell & Taylor, Wnynesburg, Pa. May 9, 'liO.-ly llobcrt uoipgluily, Carriage gSS8 Manufacturer- Waynksiiuko, Pa., RESPECTFULLY gives notice that lie lias located in Waynesborg, Pa., where be in tends to manufacture CAR1VIAGES Of every description. From his experience n the business, bo feels confident that his woilt, in style, finish and durability, will give entire satisfaction. Ills bis determination to purchase Iho bcstmatcrml in market, and employ none but competent workmen. tsrAll now work warrcntcd for one year. Wavnesbum, Feb. 21. 1800 1 1 wm. 33 till oy. WATCHES AND JEWELllY. MAIN STItKKT, 01'1'OSITE COO T HOUSE. KEEPS ON HANDS ALWAYS A choice and Belect assortment of watches and Jewelry. Repairing done at the lowest rates. "SHERMAN HOUSE," JUST OPENED BY Thos. 33rcvc3.1o POSITIVELY the most complete Hotel in our town, Everything combined totur nish tbo best accommodation ever yet ottered to tlio nulillc, " ' . , , , Meals luinished nt all hours, table provid ed with the best of the season. Travellers and those desirous of refreshment will do well to call, "Tom" slill retains lis old reputation of an accommodating centlenmn, unci hospitable landlord. House, the one tor mcrly occupied bv tlio "Messenger" Olllce. May 'J.'titi.-ly. yjirT. We iz v, 0"r. SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER. (In Wilson's Builbino, Main Sr.) Saddles, Bildl"s. Harness kept on band and made to order. ' Work done in tho, best style, and at reasonable rntes. srRcpidrimr a speciality on short notice. Farmer friends go look at bis stock. jMAJtBlE WOWS ". SMERSGILUBRO., (Jewollsold stand, upper end of town ) THE publie firo respectfully Informed that Hummersulll & Bro. bavo just received a large btock of all kinds of MARBLE WORK! Such : air Grave Stones, Monuments. Mantle Work. Ac. We are prepared to furnish work at roiisonsblo terms on short notice. Call and tx tmine onr stock, styles, and pri 'cs bo fore purchasing elsewhoro.. M-tf EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. 1 ETIEHS testamentary on tho estate ol 1J Alford ..Gregg, ot lumnorianu iown ship, Greene county, Pa deo'd , having been granted to the underfigned, notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said cst'ito to make immediate payment, and those having Claims against the same to present them Im mediately, propel ly authenticated for settle ment. . " AARON GREGO, 15-Ow. Cumberland tp., Executor. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. LETTERS TESTAMENTAKY on the 1 estate of P. A. Myers, Sr. late of Greene township, Greene county, flee'd., haying been iranled to the undersigned, notice Is hereby given to ell persons Indebted ir said estate to make immediate payment and those hav ing claims to present them Immediately, prop perly authenticated for settlcimmt. . of Marlon township, . . ' ' J At OB REYMER, 5jl-6w , of Greene tp., Executors. ItvTwTr oss, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, rvTinpi? l T.Dn'a Kntlillncr. West end of I Main strcsL WavneBburg, . SLATER ODENBAUGH, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, LT cmors and every thing portalnlng to a Drst class Drug ptoro. rrescnpuoni careiuuy com pounded. "CrelKh' Old BUnd," Waynes urg, Faj CV. . , : May 80,'66.-ly. GEORGE S. JEFFERV. Tvealer In Books and Stationery, Magazines, JLI Dally Papers Fancy Articles, &c., Way- nmriurg, fa. apyee-iy GETTYSBURG ASYLUM roil INVALID BOI.DIKUS. ' Incorporated by Act of Awembly of the Commonwealth of runno'i""!", v lo"'' Tlio Hoard of Sr.pervlnom upolntn4 by the above Cor poration tu curry "ill the ohjeole ol Urn net "I lm''ir"ra tii.n,rcipeotliilly auiimii:u l tho pul'llc tlmt tho la-Kiahi- tliri' Dl 1'' tllM.VlVllllIlt lllia illltlllll'IXI'il tho riiiidnn 'il I Il liirtlui eraa-Uiai. entitMlnhmi lit. unit mainteiimiooa !' nil A-ylnni for Invnllii Siihlio ul tin' lulu war. to Im luillt on thif llulllu ol Ui'llyniiOB, iiiiiI ae mi Inducement tn i:ttl iuliv rltix, llH lo coup -Unite to thl benevolent olji-ct, have empowered Urn Uiu-puriitlon Hi illntrllmlu iiiiioii-t tlin milwcrlbi'm mi' h nrticliii of vnlilo anil intiTcat, Iroiu UMMH-ialion with the Inn war, orony inoiioya, clfoct, prop erty, or entitle, real or pernunal, whatever, In thi State or oUt-wle-re, at am h time or upon hiii'Ii tiTiim, ami in nu:h wiiv iuoI maimer whatsoever, ioi to Ihoni ana aeein hi, imy lawaoJ f thoCmninouwoalthto the contrary uotwltli.tai.J- '"K:. . ... i .. .i.i..ti t.. niitnt-fl iinil wi'll known uiMltlrilK'H Tin! entiTi-riKi inconntuiy rtToincmii'u njr muwiwiviun Majiir (Jeniirnl GEO. MKDE, Ex Uoveinoi A. O. CL'HTIN; Major General GALUSI 1 A PUNNY PACKER, Mali -r General E. M. GREGORY, Mnior General JOMN R. BUOOKE, Miijiir General CHARLES H. T. COLLIS, Mnior Gene al H'Y J MA DILI, M 1 .r General J S. L. SELFUIDGE, ' Hri'iidii r General JAMES A UEAVEIl, BrL'iulier General JOSEPH F. KNlPE, Br'gailierG.'iieral WM. T BOLTON, BriL'itdior General SAM'L M. ZULICK, BrUadier Oeneiiil JOHN K MURPHY, HiigiidierGeivralJOHN K. U.VLL1ER, Brigadier Gimerul T. F. McCOY, Brigadier General R E WINSLOW, liriuadier General HENRV PLEASANTS, Brigadier Genend J. P. S. GOUIM. Briemlier Geiieial J. M. CAMPBELL, Ungadier Genera' THOS. M. WALKER, Brigadier General WM. COOPER FARLEY, Brigadier General D. M GRKGG, Colonel F. S. SlUMBAl'GH, Tim Bite lor tlic Institution (thliiy Heron) hm almtily hi'i'ii piirrliiMMl, anil It la IwiimI lh.it tlio good work may comitii'iit'ii hclori1 iiiiilniiiiiiiu'r. SllhaiMllilloiia will ho rifeivwl at III" ofllw of tlio Asmo. cliiliiin, No. l-Ji)C'lii)tlintmri!i-l. I'liiluiloluliia, on and alter Mumliiv, thulitli ilavol' .May. 1117. Fur each MilwiTiptiim of llvo ilollnri a CMllBrata will ha iHaiicid, wliii li will I'litlllo tliKhuhlcl' to audi artlclu ofvaluu an may he awiil ih' to Ita nninhiT. The tlrnt .li-ti il'iuion of awar.la will lio mailo jmmi'ill fttrly upon lim receipt of So.ooo Hiihiii'rlpliolia at $.i enell. Tl'ia iliiilliiiilon will he imhllc, and under the direct ailiierviHioiiof the Corporator. i'emoua at a dhtauee are n nilcsted to remit their imh acrlplinnH (when pracllnihle) hy I'nat allied money order, or ri'Klstered letter, to inaure )l'Olllit delivery. llirm:t all lettera to .1. 1). II0KK1IAN, SECRETAnY lloAHD OF SupiaiviHonH, Iloxl-M.l'.O., l'lilliiilelilila. Tlio followlns l a wliedule ol the awaidH to he made un der thu llrnt liatrllnition. Tho Itema of lllamonda and other preeloita atones were purclimed from citizens of tlio Smith during thew:ir,and their Keimlnoiiem lacertllled to byMoMra. llenWl' r w., the liuwt extenalvo ilialnond Im liinlern In llio country, and by J. Ilerinanu, diamond Bet ter, Sew York. GETTYSBURG ASYLUM FOR INVALID SOLDIERS. Incorporated by Act or Aemldv of the Commonwealth of Peiinvlvaniii. March II. 1SB7. OulcolliO ClIEs'TM'T Street, l'hllnduliilila. FIRST DISPOSITION. -Eighty Thousand Su'iscriliers at Five Dollars Each. 1 I Diamond Necklace, 48 Biilliaiits, valued at.. .:)(), 000 2 1 uiamon'' Cluster Brooch and Ear Rings 15,000 8 1 Award 10-4D Govern ment Bonds 10,000 4 1 Diamond Cross, set in Siver 7,000 C 1 Diamond cluster brooch 5,000 0 1 Award 10-40 Govern ment Bonds 5,000 7 1 Diamond -Single Stone Rimr 4,500 8 1 Diamond Clutter. Brace let 4,000 0 1 Diamond Single Stone Scarf Pin 4,000 10 1 Diamond cluster brooch 4.000 11 1 Dia noud Cluster brace let 4,000 12 1 Pair Simile Stono Dia mond Ear Rings ..... . 8,500 lit 1 Diamond cluster brooch 3,000 14 1 Award I M0 Govern ment Bonds 3,000 15 1 Diamond Single Stone Pin 3,000 16 1 Diamoud Single Stone Stud 8,000 17 1 Diamond cluster brooeh 2,500 18 1 Diamond Siuule Stone Ring 2,500 19 1 Diamond and emerald Brooch 2,500 20 I Diauwnd Single Sioue . Ring 2 000 21 1 Diamond Cluster King... 1,500 22 1 Lonj India Camel's llnir Hbuwl 1,50(1 23 1 Choice Emerald Stud... I, BUD ji l SniL'le Stone Diamond Ring 1,000 25 to 34 10 Awards ol 10-40 Gov ernment Bonds, each 1,000 85 1 Tbrec-stono Diamond and Ruby, half-hoop Hing... 800 80 1 Diamond Single-stone Ear Knobs 800 87 l Pair Diamond Cluster Studs . COO 88 1 Diamond Single-stone Ring, star sotting 500 3D Diamond Siiigle-stouo Pin i 500 40' 1 Diamond Cluster Brace let ; 600 41 to 50 10 Awards of 10 40 Gov ernment Bonds, each rii 51 1 Lady's Dlnm'tl -ret wiitcb 4o0 52 1 Diamond Single Stone Ring 850 53 1 Diamond ami Opal Clus ter Ring . 250 54 1 Diamond Single Stone King 200 C5 1 Pair Emerald Scarf Pins 200 5U 1 Diamond Single Stono Stud 150 57 I Diamond Cluster Pin... 100 58 1 Cameo and Pearl Brooch and Ear Rings 100 60to 158-100 AWurds 10-40 Govern ment Bonds, each 100 159 to '458-1O0 Awards, Government Legal Tenders, ecb... 60 8,000 Awards, Government legal tenders each ' 5 The distribution of the almva reward! M ill ba mado In ntihlln iu Moonaa the Hulifcrililion ia full. of which duo no tie will bniiiven through the papera. On and after May 6th the Diaiuouda will Iw on exhibition at the ofllceof the AiMoclation. Tho nubile ean t onMonttY rolr on mrythliw belni con ducted In themoat honorable ami fnir manlier. All the awarda will ho handed to certlAcnte holder!, Immediately alter the diHtrihntlon, free of all coat, at the olllce of the Ooinmuiy, Mo.lUUUGSl'NUI Street, Vllllaueljinuk Wolioroby certify that wo have examined the Diamond Oouila. Pearla, Euieraldl. Kublui, and othor Vrocloui ORRTlflCATl. guinea, aa doacribwl in the above Hit, and ttuu thorn all genuine HEME BKO'S,, Diamond Iniportari, IWMAimii Imni, Now York. J. HK1IMANN, Dlnmond Setter, am Baooiu Btreot, Now York. ' '- AOINTI WANT10. Book! can bo had containing twenty certificate!, I naa HTNnaiD DOLLAR!. All ordon ftr CertlBcatea mint be addreajed to J. D. IIOt'i'MAN. Secretary. ilMm. Box 1481, Poet office, rhUidelphU. NASBY. Triumphal FuourebTof J. Davis from Eon- TKK8S MoNHOK TO RICHMOND. Written for tho Toledo Blade TlIK SlMTl,VUOD ' RICHMOND VA A May Hi. I8ri7 J In castin a retrospective glunce back-, erii over tin- pa'liway uv tho pant, I kin si'6 in my mistakes vl icli I huv luade I hevn't nllus mado tlio most uv opor .... t i j l . t l 1 . tOOnitlCS I 1)(!V doilbtld wlieil dollblln wni! ft itrimn nnrl T linv atnnrl alnvrin nn . ...... .,v.. . ....... the brink and feared to launch away, when on the totbor side uv tlieJordon wuz pelf and profit. Our toresite isn't alluz cz our limJ-sito. Tlio great error uv my life wuz in not plungin headlong into the war cz a (Jonfu Irit Major Gen eral, diotingiiisbin myself for crouelty to Federal piizi.t'i's.aml bein at the inVe uv the fiiitrisiille slniirirle resfevt'cl and ein br iced ez a long-lost brother by the Northern people, (lutlin em kill l ittid calves tor me.) and uv coorse, bein tho olyei k uv syinputhy ez a tuurter by-thu S'tullicrii people. In this. sitoorthtin a man hez two strings to his bov. Ho brings tn his support tho two extremes. He lutohes togothur Ilorris Gruuly from the one side and General Doregnrd from the tother they embrace, and star.din onto both theirs holders ho hez wat'imiy bo called a soft thing uv it. I wuz led into thesQ train uv reflect tiotis by tho experiunua I liuv lied with our sainted clieef, Jetforson Davis. I wuz sent hither by the President to see that everything wuz done lor llio com fort uv the illustrious imu that cood be done on the occasion of his contempla tid trip to Richmond. I'urtikelerly I wuz charged to see that everything oaU kelalid to jar onto hts sensitive feelins be removed everything which cood wound his sense uv hearui, seetn or smcllin. The great man had consentid to 0 He hod bin, he felt, illegally deprived uv liberty uncotistooshnully in fact ujid et he shood consult his own feeling he wood remaue, but to forgive wuz divine Vewin these perceedius in the lilo of an apology ho wood go. The day bed arrived. Tho steamer wuz at the Fortress carefully prepared to receive its illustrious burden It bed been thoroughly clewed and fumigated. the cabins bed been nooly furnisht, and Hpehil alterashens made for the Presi dent and party Thcr ' wuz-Yoeniied States olliccrs and suljiers nboatd, but out ot respeck for the feelins uv their ilitir-trious 'prizner,' vi he is technically called, they keep iheirselvea carefully out ot his site, that the color uv I' eir uniforms might not awaken onpleasunt rellecKsDens. oo pertecK. UM-eil, h iiz the arrangements that tho rniliti uv the boat w'lich wuz originally bloo. wuz kivered with gi ay cloth, and the ' ii'le tigj;t!rhead uv the craft wuz sawed off This wuz sejested by a eminent (Jonnr vativo uv Nfo York, who hez a large S.mtlicrii trade wich he didn't prcjudisc by his course durin the war. 'The ladies cabin wuz originally assined to the parly, but a lemaie passenger bed no more regard for the comfort uv the marter than to die on the passage, an they were deprived uy it. Tlio Conservative mer chant insisted thai tho coipse be chuck' ed overboard, but Mr. Dayis, with a magnanimity which wuz alluz character istio uv him, retoozed 'No,' said he Met her rest there. I kin endoor the inconvenience, Hcvcre as it is. It is but one more attempt to break my spent.' All th way up their wuz the most tetcbin deference shown him. At every landin the people were assembled to greet him, wich he acknowledged with condesenshun I never saw oft the stage Ho conversed but littlo on the stage. He conversed but little on the passage up. Ez the boat was a sweepin majes tically past pints made historiole by the events nv the great struggle, his eye brighten, ef they wuz sich pints ez a Uonter?erit cood take pride in, and dim with teers et they wuz pints at which ther had bin reverses. The most considrit preparashens hed bin made tor his resephen. Ther wuz no irons onto h.ra the only guards in lite wuz them wich wnz detailed to keep the crowd from annoyin him, and a carriage wuz in readiness, into wich we seated ourselves, and wuz driven off at a dignified pace to thut resort uv the aristooraoy uv Virginr.y the SpottSi wood, Hore more eonsidorashun was shown. Mr. . Davis being averse to walkin up stairs, a suite uy rooms hed bin prepared tor him on the lust floor, and the presenoe uv General Burton, uy tho Federal army, bein ohnoxahun. he wa assigned by tho Ex Prudent n i room at tho further end uv tho corridor j His nervis bein very1" sensitive, hevy 1 mattin was laid down in all the halls, and the servants uv the hone wuzes pe inll v directed to wear lint slippers and ; to walk on their tiptoes ; 1 wnz invited to liis room and wuz 1 favored with a few minutes conversation with the Hist ot Ainoiikeiis, Glancin out uy the winder, his tine, soft gray eye restid on the roof uvLibby. -Lies I lies!' sod ho angrily. ' What spoohil lies hovyoo reference to?nsktI. 'Them wiuh wnz publisht in the suur liloiis rep. iris uv the committees uv a tini!oiistitoiihnel.C(ngi'is regardin the treatment uv piiz iei'8 in Libby They asserted ihal tin uttict IS lied becnZ they bed but ten t'tet by two tor seui'in, washiu, oookin and eatin. They hud that space, and wat more uniieoessary. Why give em room to cook when ihey hedn't anything toooik? Wherefore room to eat if they hedn't anything to eatT No, its false. It wuzu'l thu crowdin that pordoost tho mortality.' Only wunst wuz his bozzum wrung, and that the Government cood not prevent. He vuz astandin at the win. dor, gizing out upon Richmond, his mind reyertin to the time when it wuz tho Capital uv his Confederacy, when a procession passed with moosio, and flags and banners. With a shreek uv angish ho buried his head in the curtins, and went aloud. I rushed to tho win der. It wuz ez I feared. Film slowly by wnz a procession nv niggers who hed past that way perposoly. Merciful Heaven !' sed ho, 'hez it come to this 1' and ho wuz verj- reserved and deprest tho balance uv the day. Tho next day the President wuz taken to the Court, Ez he entered the room and glaneed proudly over the awjence, it wood hev bin very difficult to decide whether he wuz goin to try the Court or the Court him. But re. pressin hisselt lie o 1 1' aok his seat Teohin solissitood wuz displade in the Court room for hi comfort A crack in a winder e.isin r hit in a draft uv cold air : ha shuddered and a shudder run thro the entire asemiilago. The shod der ny the Cunserv uiv.i merchant from Noo York wuz tioiilv artistic. C tion wuz called tor. when the Conservative merchant's wife tore off one other buz- 7unn and stiiti the npertoor. Wuz ther ever more tecbiii saoririee f Tne I rest dent w- pt ez he beheld it. On asser, ta mug the tompeiatoor wiuh best soot'd h s system, a thermometer wuz brot, aod the room wuz kept at that pcreise degree, There wuz some iritim luteal formal ities gone lliro with, an. I the President's counsel made a motion ih.it he be admit ted to bail There wuz a stir in the Court 'M ike it a milliou,' sed mm, 'so that tho craven North sitd quo how we kin take ker uv them we love 1' but Judge Uiulorwo ul fixed it, al $ lJd.DOO. ami brisk es bees. Sehell, a Noo Y- rk Dimocrnt, several Richmond Dinnr rus and Ilorris Ureely slept forward and signed it. Never she! I forgit tho shout that as semlid ez Ilorris wuz a siguin his name Three cheers for JelTson Grecly and Ilorris Davis one and iiiscprahle, now and forever,' tlioulid one eiithoosiastio cotifi il l it 'Immortality is yours!' sed another, seezin him by the baud corjelly. Jeff son Davis is the big dojr of the nge. and you, my deer sir, are now the tin kettle lied to his tale. Wat joy ! Wat hap piniss ! When postoiity specks uv Him they'll speck uv Yoo !' I coodeut restrane myself any more Dustin into teers I fell on Greely's tuz zum and we embraced. Ez he hedn't his speektioles on he sposed it was Davis hisselt, and he bustad into teers also, and there wuz wun uv the most strikin tabloos ever exhibited. I got away af'or he diskivered his mistake. Here wuz the endin oi our troubles the eoiisttmmaahen up our hope. Davis wuz K kick I Ez he slept into the street the peoplo crowded to the carriage wich contained us and rent the air viih chiers. We renuht the hotel, and alter ombracin his wife, a season of religious exercises uz held. The clergyman who bod exoloosive charge ot Davis's piety doorin the war, wuz present, and he ot tered prayer. He prayed fervently that the Lord wood forgiyo the people oi the north for the wiong they hed done our sainted head, thut he would forgive ei .... t. possiblo, the late hed uv the Govern meni, who hod opposed him and the glo rious coz, and cf Divino mercy could stretoh so far that he wood forgive the Colonel uv Michigan cavalry which hed hunted down the Saint who wuz now in our midst, and made uv him a captive He prayed tor forgiveness, for tho reck less men of the North who invaded Vir gimiy ; for the noospaper conduktors who had aboozed him who is now with us, and parlickeily Ilorris Greeley, who hud this day in some measure atoned tor his previous wickedness. He prayed that the blessius of Ileven might rest, first, upon tho city nv Richmond, then upon the balance ot Virginity, and oftert wards upon the rest uv tho Southern States, and ho wound up with a fervent appeal that the Ethiopians, wiuh coodent cha'igM their skins, 'might sue the error uv their ways and return to their normal cundithen. After this the President received his friends. I a n not permitted to give moro o the President's plans than this : He will remain in secloosion, and will take no part watever in politics until after his final acquittal in November. He don't feel at liberty to take, hold uv the Government so long ez ther is even a teckniklo charge against him. Our 'rieuds in the Northern States, who ex pected him to tako the stump in their bohalt this fall, will bo disappointed. I return lo-morror to Kentucky. Pktuot.wjm V. Nasuy, P. M., (Wich is Postmaster,) and Professor in the Ham and JaphethFrce Academy for the development uv the intelleck uv all tho races, irrespective of color. THE SOUTH IN 18(17. The population of the fifteen former Slave States was a little oyer Twelve M llions in 1800, and is nearly the same to-day. Tho heavy waste ot War has been made tip in part by emigration and in part by natural uioreasc. Several S'.ates may have even fewer inhal-itants than in 18(11), but Texas has many more, ui d we think thee has been a gain also in Tennessee, wh"se two principal cities Memphis and Nashville have grown very cimiidurably. Assuming the pres ent population of lho-e Slates (including Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Maryland and Delaware) at Twelve Mil lions, wo estimate that it may be divid ed politically as follows : Whito Unionists who never faltered 2,000,000 Black uitto 8,000,000 Oiig'l Unionists who became Rob's 2,000,000 Orlgiuul Secessio dsts now loyal S.oOO.ono Implacable Rebels 2,000,000 This last class is more noisy than numerous, and eveu more venomous than noisy. It derives power and con sequence from its partial identification with the Five Millions who have beeu Rebels, but are Rebels no longer. Ev ery act done, every sentence uttered at Hie Nor:h, which confounds those who have been wiih those who still are Reb els, is grist to the mill ot those who are at heart as much Rebels to day as they ever were, and who are fully determined never to bo anything but Rebels. This body of malignants are as ready to-day to burn negro shool houses, insult the tumalo teachers therein, and assault negro cainn-meetings, as they ever were They are the institfiitors ot New Orleans massacres and Mobile riots. Tho coun try can have no solid peace till they are suppressed or driven out. They cannot be won over to loyalty, no matter by what means; but they may be isolated, and so exposed to discipline or reduced to insigtiilicaiico. W hoover and what' ever tends to nontouud these with the tar greater number of ex-llebels wrongs the taller while strengthening the tor mer. The Five Millions of ex Rebels make far less noise than the Two Millions who are at heart Rebels to-day. 'ihey are hard at work, trying to earn breai for thoir families, restoring their burned buildings, and doing their utmost to ef face the hoof-marks ol ravage and con flagration. We seldom hear from them, save in the statistics oi the crops annu ally grown, or of bouses and stores re built. Still, they are a part of the Amer loan People ; and it is not wise nor well lo contotind them with the Pollards and Sernmeses, who aspire to speak for the South. They may have been comrades for years' buck t they are quite other wise now. The true mon of the South those who have renounced as well as those who never (tailored the idea of diimem boring and humbling tho Union noed to bo asssured that their representatives will be welcomed to seats in Congrusg and their States restored to self-govern. ment whenever thoy shall in good faith have fulfilled tho conditions prescribed in the Military Keoonst ruction bill. To this end. wo sgatn urge that thirty to forty of tho ablost and wisest Republi cans in Congress be sent down to ex plain tho views and sot forth tlio kindly feelings ot the groat mass of the North ern people. Tho result cannot fail to bo beneficent. AT. Y. Tribune. JURY COMMISSIONERS. Tho fact seems to bavo been thus far overlooked, io the canvass ot county of ficers, that the Legislature, at its last session, passed a general law (except as to Philadelphia) 'for tbo better and more impartial selection of porsons to sorvo as jurors.' Tho following is a synopsis if its provisions t TWO COMMISSIONERS TO BK ELECTED. The act provides for tho elcotion, triennially, ot two jury commissioners, the first to be chosen at tho coming Oc tober election, for three years. They are not to be eligiblo for re-eloction more than once in any period ot six years. ONE OF EACH PARTY. Electors can only vote tor ono person as a jury commissioner, the two persons receiving tho highest number of votes to b-a declared elected the object manifestly being to provido a com missionertioin each oi tho political par ties. HOW TO SELECT JlWonS. The jury commissioners are required to meet with one of the judges of tho courts, at the seat ot justice, thirty days before the first term of the Court ot Common Plea, in each year, and pro ceed lo select, alternately, from the whole of the qualified eleotors of the county nt largo, 'sober, intelligent, and- judicious persons,' to serve as jurors in the sevt rnl courts during the year, the names of the persons so selected lo be placed (as here tofore) in tho proper jury wheel, thu same to remain lurked and in the custo ly ot ihejiity commissioners, tho keys to bo kept by thu Sheriff. DltAWIN'O OF JUIIOltS. Tho law provides that the jury com missioners and the Sheriff, or any two of them, shall draw from the wheel panels of jurors, gr.nd and petit, in the manner heretofore practiced ; but before rocecdingto select or draw jurors, tho jury commissioners must severally take this oath or affirmation prescribed by law to be taken by thu Sheiiff and county commissioners. THE NEW MODE goes into operation atler the first pf De cember next, when so much of any acts ot Assembly as make it the duty ot the Sheriff' and county commissioners to draw jurois, will cease lo have any force or effect. All acts in relation to tho custody, scaling, unsealing, locking and opening of tho jury wheel, and all acts imposing a penally or punishment on the Sheriff and county commissioners tor anything done or omitted in relation to tho custody or opeuing ot tho jury wheel and the selection ot jurors, will remain in force, and apply to the jury commissioners aud Sheriff. COMPENSATION AND PENALTY. The iury commissioners are allowed as compensation two dollars and fifty cents per day, and four cents per mile circular from their residence to the court house. The jury commissioners shall take upon themselves to discharge the duties ot their office under a penalty oi one hundred dollars tor each and every neglect or refusal to attend to the same, to be sued tor and recovered before any Justice of the Peace as ordinary debts. VACANCIES. In case of inability, sickness or death, or any other unavoidable cause, or in case oi neglect or refusal to ser.e. a va cancy occurs, the 1 resident Judge is empowered to fill tho same. A Climax. I stood in the desorted halls of my fulhor I gazed round on the bare walls, and down the hollow- sounding corridors I cried aloud 'The friends ot raylearly youth where are tliny 1 where t' and echo anbwered 'Really, 1 don't Know.' . 'Look here, boy, said a "norvous gpn tleman to an urchin who was munohing candy at a leeturo, 'yon, are annoying me very much 'No, I ain't neither, said the urchin. 'I'm a gnawing this 'ere candy.' Tiiouoiits Wiiilk Sewing, By as Old Maid. Men sow wild oats, And women buttons. Tho shortest way to a man's heart is down his throat. Man's love is like the moon it it does not glow turgor, it is cortain to grow smaller, A man may do good by stealth, but as for his blushing to find it famo, that's all nonsense. Man shrinks from cold moat. Does this arise from man's innate pro- sumption ot always ruling tho roast 1 Man takes a woman nutl a dowry in tho samo way that ho nccepts the ham per that brings him a handsome present ot game. Men have two way ot extinguishing tho flamoof love they either let it burn out quietly, or elso they snuff it cut at one blow. In a dilemmn, during the time that a man has been standing like a tool, tum bling for an exuuse, a woman will have invented leu thousand. Wives are often foolish enough to sot up for their husbands. But you hear ot few husbands who have the patience to sit up for their wives. Row many men are thero who think they are making themselves exceedingly popular w hen they are making them selves extremely ridiculous. Men have been pointed out to me who were said to be great thinkers. I have watched them and found them very great thinkers men who evidently thought a great deal but then it was entirely of themselves. Is there no way by which tho mrjrder of our prisoners of war is to be avnnged t Is nothing to be done to si cure to our rank and file tho treatment ot civilized warfare in any future war t Is the res cord of the rebellion to stand before the world, as evidence that the Republic of America cannot, or will not, defend' her dctouders! England suffocated our piisoners ot war in prison ships, the Confederacy starved and froze and tor tuied and shot them down. Why. may noi any future enemy do likewise T Government has totally and signally failed to protect or avenge the brave men who periled all tor her protection. It is not officers high in place who are likely to suffer by establishing the rule, in the faue of the world, that an American. H'.ildier may, with impunity, be starved, turned out, houseles8,naked and hungry, into the winter storm, or shot down while a prisoner of war, Tbo conse quences of snob rule tall upon the people. Can this same peoph, by any possibility, elecl men to represent them who will secure to them the respect of the world and the rights of civilized warfare I Is this Government theirs, and can they control it t Pitis Com, Tim Memphis Avulunchc is not delight ed wiih the prospect ot the visit of Judge Kelley, Senators Nye, Poraeroy and others. It wants to know it South ern pride can lower itself enough to listen to such foul brains and touler tongues and hearts t Surely, 'we' have not reached this depth of degradation. In its cheerful way it also alludes to them as 'political skunks,' a dirty crew whose ancestors, like their descendants, were engaged in tho dirtiest and most damiiable part ot a nelarions traffic And it inquires with its usual amiability, why spuon-lbiet liutler, the old cock eyed Beast, was not sent with them, etc, nnd so on tor nearly a column of adjec tives, epithets, ana frothy abuse, ibe poem, 'Ub I 1 am a good old Kebel,' etc , bad Us origin in Memphis. The Charlottsville (Virginia) Chron icle paper which needed Reconstruc tion and has accepted the Sherman plan thus sensible discuses the utter useiess- no8s ot the wreck once known as the Democratic party : The Northern Democracy have vse for vs in peace, they have not in war Thoir object is to make party capital; and tho South is merely a ball that is struck by the bats of the contending parties. But tbe very moment Jien Wood & Co.. show their heads plainly and run up boldly the Democratic flag, and call on the South to stand by them as a unit, the very moment will the nrth be a unit against tho South and all the Domooratio champions. It is hatred and l'oar of the Demociatio party (whose strength was in the South) that has made thu IS on hern people so sharp and so ex treme with the South. It is this hatred and fear which has kept the sore running since the war. There will be no peace for the South until the Democratic party marches ojff tuefieia of oa'tie.' ; A gentleman rode np lo a publio house in the country, and asked t 'Who is the master ot this house! 'I am, sir,' replied the landlord ; 'my wife has beta dead about three weeks ' Death-Bed Repentance. In an old graveyard in Baton Rouge, is a tomb stone hearing the following inscription t 'lie lived a deraoorat and died a chrii tian 1' A Puzzle. Two gentlemen each have a daughter, each marries the daughter ot the other i it children arise from the I union on both sides, what relation would they bo to eaon other t