The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, August 22, 1866, Image 2

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    whoovor, understanding the section, opposes
it, must bo Id favor cither of repudiation, iis
luinlng tlie rebel war debt, or ul' paying tlio
rebels fur their slaves, nud wlUi rtiuilshall
liaro uo argument.
1'lilLADKI.r-llu OdNVENTrb.
Tlio Democratic members of CnngrtSBS lmve
published a cull for a National Convention to
bo liold In tho City of 1 Idtiulelphlu, on the
'lUhof Aujjtist, nii'd to bo known na the
National Union Convention. This cull Is u
'tormaldUbiindiuenlol tho Democratic party,
nnd renunciation of the name Democracy, mid
an luvitittion lor Us members to meet In Con
vention with such dissatisfied persons of the
Union party us can bo Induced to unito with
tho In forming n new organization. It isa
direct confession that tlio Jcinrtcratn fttrtv.
Indelibly stained with treason as it is, a name
too grievous to bo borne, an I tlio cunning
signers ofthis'all, who nro staggering under
'Its weight, ilro riving to relievo thoinsi Ives
'frtilh Iho dreadl'til burden,
This proposition to change its name is a
humiliating acknowledgment of defeat, o.
dishonor and nfnutionul coinl"mnatiun, widen
could have been wrung from these men only
by tho direst sull'cring mid necessity. And
yet it will not avail' Tlio new parly, what
ever namo or shape it may assume, will bo the
flinno old Copperhead concern. Composed (if
tho game men, dollied wilb the wiiho history,
and plotting tjo samu dishonors and disasters
to tlio country.
Tho "cuir cstublMiiH tho fact, however,
thai 'the recent revelation to the Democracy of
this District, "Hint iho war was just nnd ne
cessary," was local in Its character, and did
not extend to Washington, for it makes no
mention or tho war at all, and, for might tlmt
appears in il, tho authors never heard or the
rebellion. They discuss the. dangerous siliu
llon of tho country, utterly ignoring tho fact
thai thuro has been a rebellion, and innocent
ly seem to expect that tlio people will ho
equally dumb; apparently entertaining tho
idea or tho ostrich, who believes that when
Ins head is thrust into tlio did bis holy is out
ot sight. Hut allow nso to quoto a passage
from it.
"At present eleven Slatesaro excluded from
I be National Council, For seven long months
tho present Congr si has persistently denied
any representation to Urn people of these
States. Laws nll'e, ting-their highest and
dearest intersts have been past ed without their
consent, nnd in iMsregard of tho fundamental
principle of free government-"
Ifcro it comphlins in piteous terms that for
seven mouths 'eleven Htatcs have not been
represented In Congress, but makes norof.r
enco whatever to tlio manner in which the
Senator and Representatives from those
States wont out ol" Congress, or tho condition
of those States lor tho live years preceding
tlucse seven months.
Il'atreclJto treat tlio sulij ict as if tlio Sjiia
. tors and Representatives from those Slates had
been rudely expelled from Congress, without
causoor fault on tho part, and wickedly kepi
out of their seats for tho long period of seven
months, and very foolishly tries to ignore the
fact that Iheso Senators and Representatives
flvo yours belore that time, and in violation of
their oaths, bad voluntarily abandoned their
seats ami inaugurated a cruel war, in which,
after a cosily and bloody struggle of lour
years, they were overwhelmingly ilefe itod.
The ulicmpt to suppress the facts o! history,
and keep out of sight tho many events which
mark the annals of tho rebellion, is an admis
sion clearly fatal to the protended honesty and
soundness of their docl l ines.
Again they say:
'As essential to national union, wo nnsl
maintain unimpaired tlio rights, tlio dignity
and tho oquaiitv of tlio States, including tlio
right of representation In Congress, unci the
exclusive rlghtof cacti State to control Us own
domestic concerns, subject onlvto tlio Consti
tution of tlio United States."
N iw, all this is a mere trick of words,
intended to obscure the truth There is no
issuo involved concerning ilio rights or the
dignity and equality of tho States, hut the real
question is, what shall h"tho slatusor condi
tion of (! rehvlliim inhnbilmiln of Ihu rebel
States; upon what terms shall th"y be admit
ted back to tlio enjoyment of political rlnhls.
and what securi y shall be taken, what guar
antees exacted by the loyal people of the na
tion to prevent the horrors and atrocities of an
other rebellion?
Ill conclusion, tho million ies of this
Call ISC the following language ;
o therefore respectfully but earnest
ly urge upon civ follow citizens in each
otate, lorntnry and Congressional Dis
triet'in the U.iiled States, in the interest
Ot Union, and in a spirit of harmony,
nnd with a direct to the pri,",' i
ciplcs contained in said call, lo act
promptly in tho se.ection of inoderale
and oouscrv.-ilivo men to represent them
in said Conventicii, to tl:e end that all
tlie "States slmll nt once be rest- ivd to
their practical relations to the Union, the
uousiiiiHion do inaintaiiieii and peace
bless tho whole country.''
Hero we have the whole Democratic
policy developed, which is th at all llie
Slate shall at once be restored to their
practical relations to the lion by the
iinmodiatJ admission of their Senators
ami Ilepreseiilatives in digress. Ev,
cry Senator and Itepresentalivu elected
ill nine- out of elev en rebel Slates is, I
.. .. '.. T
am lnlormeil, a rebel, and wholly unable
to tako the test-oath. Miny of them
wero leading rebels, and bora u large
part m precipitating Ihu South into re
bellion. And De.iiocrnlic (.'ongrestiion
demand their immediate and uncondi
tioniil Vestoriillon lo power, and proclaim
that ihu failure lo adiui. llieui fir seven
months is a gross infraction of their, MnU wanton v.olaiion ., f tho
Constitutto,, nl.l.oiig 1, those rebel I op-
i i-oviiiuiivi-a ii. in in, i.-tu jn eceeui ng live
je.ns Bin. ii uui, on uieir own aceoi lit, an.
j . . . ., ' i
iiuiill mni jitun i.i niu iiiiiu ((Il-JJMI ,1
most bloody war tor the destruction of
.1... i! a .. l l r t
iou wovoeniiiuiii. vini nero 1 U l SI 00 i
allowed toituggest that theso Deinocratio
, , i
inemhciso'l Congress have lb one risipect 1
, , , , ,,
overreached incline ves J h 'y bavo
.... , ,, , i
; H!,"uI,"n'p.irpcwofn!i.iii'i.u,la!ito4 to
,(,, .,u-ul, , meet, anil
these constitnio the exact basis and plat- s
i i' i. .1 i.' t in 1 1 .... i
. .. r . -V1,i.-.,.c.i,
ocracy. So that every man who goes
into that Convention is advised in ad -
vinco, that whatever change of name ho
may undergo he mn-l subscribe uncondi
tii'lic'.ly tJ the old ' Copperhe id'' creed.
This "call" is addressed lo ioU-Uus
,, it i .i i i
well as Uui ... uieu.and the loyal men
who siii.tni ie l the u.miitry. tuy not fpe. -..-:t
cilied, and Couledornto officers and sol
diers arc iuvitod to tako their scats in
convention in Philadelphia Tor tlio pur
poso ol Bottling tho questions and conso
quonoos growing out of the rebellion in
whio tho have just been defeated."
This now party is to bo 'dubbed the
National Union Tarty.
Jiut according to 'tho doctrines ctitcr.
tainod by'llio'uien who proposed to form
it, there is no n ition, there is no united
indivisible, American people. They and
their predecessors for torty years have
advocated the dogma that our Govern-,
ineiit is a ineru compact, a niero confed
eracy of Stales, of sovereign and inde
pendent Stales, each cit which according
to tho Kentucky and Virginia resolutions
which have long formed the cornel' stone
of tho Democratic; creed, have a light lo.i
judgo ol the liilrnelion ot the Constitu
tion ns well ns thu remedy, ami to re
main in or withdraw from the confeder
ation according to the deti I'liiination of
(O'lifttilnl on Fntirlh ''.)
She jftqntMicittt.
J. E. SAYERS, IMlliir iiiiVrulihslii'r""
TirwmiwTMiiirii'iriiiiiiiii iiiiumiiihiiii m i iiimiiiii m Mini
GEN..T. W.GiiAliY,
Of Washington County.
Of C titer Tp.
Of .Monoi.guhela Tp.
Of Jefferson Tp.
Of M jiiong.ihel.i Tp.
Of KichhiM Tp.
Of Gilnioro Tp.
Ot Marion Tp.
Rally ! Eally !!
Hon. H0. V. L.WViJKXCi:
McKKXNAN and other able sneakers
wi nMwi tI)u j,
,. . .,
VI,M1,"-V' ""
of Clurksville.
fi:ii)av, AUtiusr 21, is.
kis earnestly re piestel that, every loyal
man will attend. Let us all inn, out and
j1"'! he:ir;ily in the contest s . that our
triumph may lie complete in the F,,ll
Turn out. and hear our worthy Kcpro
sental've. In d fence ot C.mgrcsi and himself.
Tumi out to a in in. and let T1IK FOH
see that we are null determined to do.
fend the cause oiir'Miiave 15 ,ys in li'ue''
so nobly won on Iho field of buttle
Cirmty Cmii'iiiltee.
notk'i: -.(.iiiKi.onM'i:
Thu Union St lie Cen'l.-al Ciui'iiir.oc
I ol I eiiu.ylvaiii i, h we sent giveiing 'o
i the Union men of thu Soiuh and leti lor
i ii.l ibeoi flu. ikii ,.(' tl... V..: i M .it :..
P;,;,, ,!,,!,!, w!l ,, t(1 M ,u .o,,,.
,,,., . a n,.p ,,,,, ,y
call up m all t'iy N irili irii S;-,i,,m lo send
.1 ,i., ,ii ...,., , , : i
il.'legitPiiM n ot, to sit in (Joiivenlnm, bill
giUons not, to sit in Convention, bill
beer" nnd o i-opeMte with the tried
champions of liberty from the South.
r i
. i ir ,i ... p . .i p , , ,,
Uotoii Kepu iIiciiim will he held at the
,. 11 , ,r ,, . ... ,
"it pnilton Ilouso ' in avnesbnrg on
r i i , 1 i . .
Wcduesdiy eveniiig, -i.'nl pist, fn't'io
,, wu!(10,n , t,, ,. s
,,,, , w,,-,,
alo ' tho loyal
.'Hsomblo in
tL-i" f'rJ9
jwl,v.t.ti()i. at riiiladelplii., on th i.'ir.l
,,:(V .jf s t m.xl
' ' ,.
- ...
Tun in ist of our s,u -e'w wo.'li It o.'e:t;iI.
' 1 by h:ihI1i a-n 1 fr U ,v. M-ninwof
ImU":u- Wo ara ca' it will pr..v. o."
iut"i'e;t to a in dorily of mir read.'iM ,nid for
L,VJ ,,, w , V. n
i u.
Our Meetings!
Pursuant to announcement, meetings
were held last Friday and Saturday nt
Odenbaiigh's, in. Jackson tp., and at
ttogorsvillo, in Cantor.
Tlio call wa properly circulated and
at n solsoiiable linur on Friday, tlio peo
ple ot tho surrounding district assembled
in goodly number at "Odenbaugh's to
hear the distinguished speakers uunounu
cd for tho occasion. A lively eiithusi
asm dUplayed itself in the way of music
and banners.' The Ten .Mile Martial
Hand enlivened nil wi h patriotic airs. A.
staff had been erected in front id' the ho
tel at thu head of which, unfurled to the
nioiningbn'cc gaily lint teivd the Amen
can ensign, and un its folds the appro,
priato inscription, "Grant, Geary, Law
rence and the Union !''
Preliminaries having been arranged,
tho ino ting w.y called to order by the
appointment of thu following officers
President, Mr. Jo. Ko.-imw, Sr.; Vice
President, Kriiu.viu Woods and Vis
txsT Smith; Secretaries, Dr. Fc.vncis M
IIli.i., Svm',. Mii.i.ikm, J.s E.'s
Lieut. J as A. Woods was then intro.
dilced to address tho assemblage. lie
spoke but a few m vnents, calling their
attention to some of the m ve important
issues presented, mid deli.ied his own
position as. a candidate lor Assembly in
fmv but unmistakable words. lion. L
L. Minoii was then called to the stand
and oiga,vdthu attention of all tor thy
"pace of three quarters of an hour in a
vivid and lucid explanation of our nation
ul difficulties
The speaker of the day, Hon. (J no.
". Lawiiksck, was mxt loudly called
for and responded in a speech near two
hours in length. We thall refer to him
At the close of .Mr. Law-hunch's ad
dress all rose to their feet and joined ',
in a hearty 'three times three" for him
and for Congress, nfmr w hich the crowd !
dispersed lo their homes, to meet next , ''hrougln, forth a mouse,'' which, having
day at liogorsyille. the peculiarity id being burn grey, nud
n, . ,, . , .,, , with a slnb tail.was dniv ehiisteneil,auil
Ihe following day came, mdd and ,,, ,)r. s.lull!lir M, M:lU,ml
pleasant Soon tho roads lending to ! being scarce, thu aforesaid m-uise al
Uogersvi'le were n'ivo with horsemen, though but a few days since a resident
men on Dot, nten in c:irria"es. till ca-'er
io boar live speakers, upon live questions
They were not to l-e disappointed. The
persistent and laudable encrg; id' our
Iriends at II had succeeded in ereei..
ing a l.irgj and comfirtitlile awning of
green brandies phviod on scaffolding ex
lending from mo' to roof, and beneath
whicli the aiilioncu were comfortably
seated upon rude seats improvised for
the occasion.
At an o nly hmir the meeting organized
by electing Mi:. Ai i-'ui n Oniu, I'res
J as Ei.v and Tii.h. Iv -Hiiti- V. Ties.
Cut. .Ino. I!i:i:xs. Sa.m'i. Mii.i.iki.n, Ma-
riiiAs liiivxr, IIhshy Curium,
ham Wnvvr.u. Seecetai io.s.
aml Hi. j
Loud calls wero then made, for Mr
.Ino. IJ'.'ciivn'.v, who was known to be
present, .'m l wh m the crowd were de. :
terinined on heari..-'. ,,; los place !
upon I he speakers' s'land. to their intense
gra'ilie.i'i ni, mil held them spell l,o:i':d
for near two
uns. .il ntlein pi. at out,
lino would be bill, to miit'da'o At li res
his spirit wanned lm blood !i!;e the
music of a tru to .t-uh, an,', for
the moment cheer after elieci' would j
biir-t frim his hearers, again ihe melting 1
pathos of his voice would cause great.
tear drops lo course over t1 c sun brown j
c!i: elis of veterans uiiined to such out j
ward demon tration of feeling, so great
w is the power of .Ids eo'i"4ieo. Sal'-j
lice il to suv that his ad Iress was I j ;
foal ure of the day. and ho retired from
the slatil ami! pro longed acclamation.
Hon L. L Mini in follo'vcl in a lev
ncal an I appropriate rem irks, confining
t'lein mostly lo a eull f or the young men
just entering the pulilleal arena to ho
ware ho.y they made their slurl, assur
ing llieui. from experience, that a good
beginning was halt tie; race.
Lieii.t. J A. Woods again made a
plau-ilile spco h ol lil'ty minutes or more,
in which he reviewed the ground held
by Copperheads during tho war . and of
their attempts at present to delude the
soldier. II ) was ficipieiitly applauded
bul b id lo give way as the h mr was
ling la:o an I thsj Hon. Oi;o. V. L.vvv
iiknok yet lo speak.
Mil. LvvviiHNOic arose, imiiiediately and
delivered ; n other long and sturliii'' ur-
guuieutive discourse upon' the great lop
ics fir consideriirion. I le'relraood and
explained slop by s'ep his action, mid
reasons for so nc:i'ig, .during tho l;,.st
session' of Cong,, M. Ho i.lso gavo an
interesting acoi'iiiit (if thu trials'und ar
duous duties performed by thai body ;
oi tne inomeiilmnis problems yet to be
solved i and how n dopoii'lcd upon the
loyal Union party of llie NoriJi ;Vj.
wiiethr or not lliey. should be solved
aright, Vu would hki t.) dwell m
length lyoa ihu p is'uiou he assumed,
but il is impoL-iblo ,u preen. He
elcuie l n,i s line ol llie foul c.ilumiiic.
neiiig cpciiiated coiicenuno-
mi, not bv
ic urnliig 'evi
lor ovil". but in u calm.
dispassnnu'c a id genllou. mly inaiiuc. j
All who heard him nro ronowed in their
fidelity, and if ho dcu't run in advanco ot
the ticket in this county then toe- forfeit
all claim ol prophesy. Mr. Lawrence
desired to bo questioned upon any point
ofhis record, and to all questions asked
returned full nud satisfactory answers,
in every case sustaining his course.
We do not hosilato in saying, that ho
was and is tho "right man in the right
p'aoe," and would md bo afraid to von
tuib our neck that ho will go to the
t ext Congress with an increased majority
whoever his opponent may be.
tJ.u-r. .T.o. RiMiNsin response to ucall made
a, short hwrauUe, rpicy, and to tho point,
when tho meelini; adjourned with three laid
huzzas mid a "ller."
It has never been our fortune to attend more
orderly, more enthusiastic, more Welle induct
ed meetings limn the above la this county.
They wero u credit lo Hie party and to the
pi. .ces where tln-y were held. Xota drunken
man, not an Hilary word, all passed oil' liappi-
ly nnd with the utmost i;ood feeling.
To our Iriends wo would return th inks for
their hospitality and tin h' labors in behalf of
the Ri.n.aiLicw. lis siilMoriplion 1M took a
sudden Hurry and went up nmuzinnly. .May
we all live to enjoy many such h ippy I'alher-
Under tho above caption, wo have
from tl.u Morgintown ';.', the follow
ing notice of a Domuora'.b meeting
held at Maidsville, Wet Va. U isnio-t
too rioli to be lost. Wo have heard of
the oiT goings of sour) from this place lo
that meeting, but do not see their names
mentioned in tho proceedings. '1 In y
either never g it there or was id so little
importance as not to j'l.-tify notice by
the J'o t :
"home Greene comity cf.pperheads,
knowing there were not enough men of
tlieir ill; in this county to get up a
meeting, crossed eve'.' the line on Salur-
day, July JSih, nnd sucoeloil in calling
togeiher the few faithful in Mi M iid.
ville distnei, and had a frolic. All tlio
speakers were Ironi (,'ivaw county, l'a.
All llie Secretar'm were from (Iciyh?
county, l'art of the couimiltee on reso
lutions were from (7riw: cuinty i and
in f ict tho meeting was lroin Oi'i'cue
county. It was a ic.vvi cro.vd from
Gri'dm: comity, and if they are trying U
coax old M.iiiongalu 1 a to vote On their
I ticket tins Fall, and expect to succeed,
lliev are ijra; . f v a certainly.
Ihe meellog, altera severo labor
1 ot '"" eeuiiiy, i'.i , vas appointed
us a delegate to represent lie.- irjiuhl
in the Philadelphia Convention. 1
A vigi'auce coin-nitre of - from each
town -hip was uppoii.U'd. We confess
that Wrst Virginia is poor, but who
ever thought her so poor as I i cu'l on
Greene county for a d. legitelo thel'hila
delphia Cnuvetitio i ?
, .v, mi .
The II dlidaj'sljurg ll rjltrr s ays: On
tho return of one of ihe delegafiiS to the
CJiymei'-.J.i'iii-on S ddier.-' t'onveiitinn ,
last week h'.'l 1 in II irrisbunr, the fill ) v
ing cdl.iqiy occ.ired l)d,,veeii a wjII
kno'.vn g in and lii-u:
'Will, Ciptaiu, li'ivv did y en-(iiinyin-
li'i't pm ll'.' II id y;i any ligliiing
down there? '
Is. ,, in ,
I "N 11 uV,'ryl!un-' l,:H0'' of vcr' or'J-'r'
' an l 1 w'"".1 Iuvu 'ou kw that
lm'ro VL'10 ''"'. 1111,1 '"ere."
A" 'X!-'aiiou is nun ce.-s uy
I'osri'osi-.D Tiu Muvlial's Sale of
the- property of Hook it Who, published
,,, ,,,. ,. , l,i-ii. m to ba.e la ;oo i, :.i. o
I'itldmi g on the 1 1 tit in-t , has been ad
j iiirned until Aug Slh 'lij at I') o'clock
A M. at the siuic place.
. ..j"ti. 'it. J i tie-t K. M ior!u'.i .1 was re
nouiiii.ited for Congress, by lhe Uepiib.
Ileitis ol tin 2Jt district, both his com -pclitoM
w iilidravviiig from the Iii.iI. The
lioiieral Ins rciptoft for g'iiPal.tlioii ever
this re.-i'.lt.
Tin-; R C'J.iUw'.VM-i AND TIlii T.VXKi..
Tlu la d. .V iflA .1 il riii'tn i(e;iioiisti-tes
clearly the elli.'ient handling ut our
financial questions by the fist Congress.
In thu miti-t of tho clamor raised
against Congress for what it did and
wh it il refused lo do , there seems
a disposition to ignore o-.'.ii'cly the fact
Ihal il red lived t!u d muesli,! taxation t'
iho. extent ot some seveiity-livo million:
of dollars a year, in aeeor.i.mcc with llu
recommend ilions of the U venuu Cum-
inisMou. This fact is of ipiile as much
importance to the misses id the people
as the redueiioii of the principal of tin
nali mal debt ; for tho load of laxatiotn
had become too greit I r tho pro peri v
of llie co'P try, and h id not relief been
thus idfot'lvd", the levenues wherewiih
the debt is being paid off would have
fallen off so largely as to arrest the re
duction of the debt. Congress, by abol
islniig the cumulative luxes that preyed
upon the v ery vitals of our uianufi'cliir-
ing industry, his improved ihu prospects
of homo labor and home c ipiial, s icu r
ed remunerative omploymoiit to the poor
man, and at the same time lightened (he
burdens id all
It is true that ihe reduction miglit !u
carried fuilier with beiulil lo the coun
try, li ,t the Treasury Departmnui was
desirous that the revenues should not ho
seiiously impaired, and Cjugress acted
Willi a due regard to the recommend. i
tiops of i he Secretary. l may bo salidy
iisseiied thai while the biiriiiiis ol the
people h,ivo been thus lightened, it has
been done in hiicIi a way lint the surplus
ipplicabhi In paying idi'ihu public
may not be iutci'feio I with, nor tint great :
vo,k interrupt ,1. ., ,;. I he.'elore, we
give credit to ihe A Inn in.-drition tor its
iivnri; in loin in lliaiiees I I, i
llie prosperous solvency they once ex-
hMlv,t w, imM uml tlu mik p01furm:
ed, by Congress in effecting so large a
diminution of taxation is ol even more,
importance, and deserves to bo quite as
well remembered.
It was deemed by tho ltVpuhlicnns in
Congress the best plan to try this meas
lire of diminished taxation, and see how
it worked, and what ell'eet it would have
upon the revenues, before going any fur.
llier. At the next session wo cannot
doubt that a slill lurther abolition or re
duction of taxes will be idl'cetcd, though
not to so great an extent as to impair
the revenues, it being deemed best to
maintain these at as largo a total as may
bo consistent with thepiirpose of paving
off the national dent, without opprusiive"
ly iifterfcriiig with the business of the
people. As i he task id ttimplv lying ti e
taxation goes on, it will vvipo'out inary
inquisitorial exactions, as tho present bill
has already done. Tlie snniu ni nt ut
revenue will bo raised from fewer sour
ce, ami by this means we shall probably
be able to got rid ol Home of tin va-t.
swarms of officials neces.-ary under tffo
j existing system.
It inu-t be remembered tint we can-
li"t hope to pay oil" the debt if, by rodiie.
, log onr revenues loo iaigely, we take
away from the govel mn-'iit, 'lliat surplus
which is applied to the vvo;k id ivduo-
i the mountain ol debt. W e cannot
have at the same time a continued and
J red
irge reiliiclion ot debt ami a rwei'pui"
uelioii ottaxes. Our opiioiieiitsclam
, or lor iMiii, uiougn any reasnnaliliiiiaii
: may see that sucli a tiling is impo-.'Pde.
Coi gress lias, therefore done well for tho
government nnd the country. It hat
relieved Iho people of the tvocst forms ot
taxation, and those which mo-t injurious
ly ac'cd upon our doinelii; induslry,
while it lias pie-ervid llio revenue wiih
a view to the c.oijt nuance of the work of
paying oil' the debt.
I As the country inc' ea- cs in populu'ion,
and the south recuperates fiom the de.-
! iriictive i-llecls of the wai', ihe revenues
will atiginent steadily even while wo
annua ly lighten the taxes. The amount
ol leveiiue vve ra-so is not the evil to
complain of thoii'h Deinocra'.ic. p.irti.
S ins stupidly llii.d ll no belore Ihe peo-
plo as a heinous c
urge against the l!e-
piibheaus. ilhotit raisiejg some sueb
ntiiount, it is sheer nonsense to look for
a reduction of th.i debt, and these parti
sans know it. We do not lind the na
tional Administration favoring any re
daction of the revenues beyond that an.
thorizel by Cong es, and on this topic
the Administration and Cougiess occupy
substantially the same ground. There
was no conllict whatever between ihein
on this po ut. Oongivs took counsel
of tho Treasury i.i framing its 'tax hill,
and no moie reduction of taxes was at
templed than tlio S.-ci clary was willing
to allow.
Neverlhvli'ss. the primary credit ol ; TOTICE is hereby given to all persons who ( lished a uumber of Wlm mtk Aicuvitt nt iui
any reduction ot taxes belongs to Con. '"vt' Ils-,,'('d willi an annual Tax, : poitaut points, where a full supply ot nil tho
gress, which body at the session of 18 i
fell, so much impresse 1 with ibis iioeesi .
ty as to provide lor a j lint revenue eoin
iii'.ssidm, to sit during the recess mid ex
amine the whole subject of revenue and
taxation. This niea-uiv was wholly thu
work of l!epibieaiis. Tiie opiKisition
would have preferred to'e.ise apprn
prialioiis, taxes and debls, as ihal would
make a stronger case fir them against
Hie responsible ruling parly. Such lias
been tlio course of ihu oppi siiion
thioughiml llio Iiepublican adiuiiiistra- i
tio is ul Lincoln Mini Johnson. It the
' iloaii ant. pirly .-howe l its enp.icny to
subdne a gig ti. lie rilieH'cti nnd aliol . h
th" vast ins; it 11 iui ol t. ivei v, il has 011
. tlie re'.uni ul lie ice shown :-ti'l more sig
nally its aieli.y to cope with the great i
financial proble.n involved 111 the mastery '
of 1 ur debt ami currency. The Treasury L
: "" vyi-ii". e.-s, eacn in r.s way, li.l- (lone
' its allotted task, nnd so well thai already
, nr , tela is reduced one handled and
; iweniy -i mr millions ot dollars, iitnl our
ol luxation ligbtened sevetnv-l'ue
millions, all in one year. From Ibis 1 I
the public mdg; i f tit.- future.
Til'.UIo.MO I'WLL-A'voaN. MAN NiiAR
One of tho most terrible accident
it lias been our iirovincu lalelv to
record, occurred ve
, i
t: rd.ay mornii ir
unom ni..o o clock, at tin
tobacco ware-house f .Me srs.
Slelfee it Keuiiedy, on Wood street,
bet ween an I Six h. 'J'lie pailicii
lars, as farm vve could learn them, are
asloliows: A yi nog ipuii by liie naine
of W. II. 11. Jl.igar, in the employ ot
t.lie above name I li.-m, vvns at woik in
the (bird story ofliie building. Some
person i'u the attic called out lo him, and
desire I him ' to lake n hateoct' that be
was li. Hiding down. Il igar steie 1 for
ward lo take llio tool, and a-i hetind
upon in uiior vviiicu covers tlie M itel,
.vay, it hi ing insecurely pi iced tilted
with him, and he 1M1 through. Tne
hatchway in llie second story was open,
and, passing through that, he lell to the
lii'st II tor, sinking noon his shoulders,
iiraugo lo say, aliliougii be was c uiiplet
ly pa'raly.i.'il liom his sho aiders down,
Ail wan perfectly conscious. lie u as
('III )Vl I
to his boarding house, No. lup. I
colli street, anil Ur. Waiters wascal -'.din,
who pi'oiio,iiiee,l his back brok.'ii,
tie-idci other injaries. Iiiiim: ill:,
afternoon he, was removed lo Mercy
Jlispilal, )v'heru In; now remains in a
precuneus condi'.ioii .
Mr. Il.igarisa young man ot about
twenty-live years of ago, anjl is single.
His p.irenls, who nro very ag"d icsido
imWayiiesbiirg, Orocne coiintv, l'a. Mis
etnpl'iyurs represent htm as being in
every way uu estimable young man
For a short tiinu ui:ertlio f all, so com
pletely paraly. 'd wai his system tint he
felt no pain, but after iv-action took
place, I intensely. His ree jvery
isi'.1i'emuly dotibltu!.
The nbovo we haveli'o'U ihn Pittsburg
r,i:;Ui! ot tho llith iust. As ctatu 1 before
the young innu w is a firmci' resident
ot our town and vva-i universally esteem
ed, as an 1 1 1 1 o s t , i:i 1 Is'.ri oas and in
every way respectable gentleman. His,
will Do not only a g'eit hu to the family,
bllUo t,mll,nllllily.
T ,,,. ,
Lutei' intelligence brings- thu news id
li'n denllif1. His body whl be brotiglil.
,IU0 lor buniaI,
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of a writ or Fi. 'i., issued out of
tho Court of Common Picas of Greene
comity, and lo inn dhectud, there will ho ex
posed to public snlo nt tho Court house, in
Waymsliurg, on
At I o'clock, p. m , tho following property viz:
All the iLbt, title, interest ami claim of do-
fciitliint of, in mid to a certain tract of laud
situate in Morgan township, Oreeno county,
I'a., ndjoin'.n lands of David t'rayr.e, Ailain
son's heirs, and C. C. Ilarrv and others; con
lainini; one hundred and lil'ty acres, more or
less, iilioiit one hundred of which are cleared
iiml on which are creeled a double hewed loo;
1 louse and kitchen, frame bai n and stable vvitli
coal banks and npple orchard and sumo other
fruit trees.
Taken in execution as the properly of
Samuel House at the suit of William Kiucaid.
muL'.',-::! (iheriir.
K(iuiiiz;itiou of bounties I
QOI.DIKRS of isill who served II years,
or were ilNehar.'c.l from wounds or ,1'isa
bilily ineiirii d !u llm .';.. .,' are enlilled lo
an in il'.tin il iiii liuii-ln t tjnlhrx himiili), Thoe
who enlUicI for and Kerved 'i years, or vvci-o
diseli ir;;ed for wounds. A-c, are entitled lo
if. Ml lid lilional b'Uinly. Tlie lieiis of said de
ceased soldiers arc entitled to Iho same.
Iho ii!idi'tsiirn"il having hciv.i! tiiiiki:
VK.vio, is -rii,.; aiimv, mid liivin r b id c.nidia-
able exoei ie ir. .olleclin JtOL'.NTV M)
I'l.N'doN i:,.IM.S will lolled Ihe ihiotv
under tile fit" I iW. Call at I ) Wiley's Law
Olllee, rpinsito ( unit House, Wayiiesbiir
I'a. Lriie;' your Ditchaiircs wilh you.
.1. A. W'dOiW,
IIUi;l."i-:it Claim Am-llt.
10 USE,
1) (1. Kl'LRRY, I'aoeiMi r.u:,
rpill'. subscriber rc:iocctl'ii!ly miiKiimica lo
I the public that lie has taken chaw of Ihe
llaniillon House, which he is determined to
conduct ns a Hist class hotel. Long experi
ence in holel-k 'cpinsf h is qualilled him for
.. I....! l i... '. i i" t ,....
' ,n, i,0 'an satisfactorily entcrlalii nil who
may lavor him wbh a, 'cd'. Thu lmiiso is
' WW and well liiriusti d. ll bus undergone a
thorough renovation and been I "lilted in such
style ns renders il iiiile pleasant. The rooms
have been re p ipcrod and newly painted ; tho
table is abuuilaiilly .'Upp'ied with the best edi
blcs the counliy ull'mlm and pains are taken
to render jiuests comfortable. Kates ns low
as those of other hotels. D. (. Seianiv,
There is connected with the Haiuilton Ilouso
a bivcry Slahle, with good horses, carriages
and buggies lor tlio aceo:od I'lon ol lli'i.puli-
Horses boarded, nnd well altendcd to, at
moderate r iles I). II. it Sox.
aui!.". v.ii.-lv
!ji. BiaH'rSlIll iiSt'Vl'ISIiy B' IS,
On no; or ln iinai. Itnvu- i.n, )
-Mtli District, Stain of l'cnn'a.,
ll Wi's.iei, Awnst llith. liSiib,
until , ..... j..v lav j.:i n i I Hi: I. II III U Ulil '. r.-i. III I .ii.i..u'oijli a m a.fiin l vi j.uia in UOIlSlUDlly
(Ireenc coiintv, thai their taxes are now duo: kept on hind. This agency in 1'iltsburgli is
and payable, and that Ihe Collector will be at a '.We-iA: one, and purchasers may rely on
.IEl'T''KUSON, iKepb-mbcr .lib, isiiii. being set veil here, ns advaiilageously ns nt
CAIi'MICllAI'.L-s, " i;th, " the laelory A compoleiit ilayor and musi--
; i; !". N S H , " 71 Ii, ci ui isalwaysiiialtenil.iiicual ihe. warcrooms
..IAt'KSi)NVII,l,i:. " i.eth, " I of Ihe su'iscrilieis lo perioral on Iho instru
And nt tlie Oiiiee, in Wavncdiurg. on nil incut 1, exhibit their various powers and qinili
week daya nolo September 1st, to receive the 1 lies h w the diU'eienl siopstiiid Iheireoinhiiia
sainc, .uid if said taxes are not paid wit bin Iho lions, and explain their Internal construction.
Ihe persons so neglecting or refusing to pay
shall be il.l.ilc to
'lona For ccii'
al iilion d uion llie aoemnl thereof. United
Stales or National 15.iak nul ls only, la-n in
piv.nait of 'I'ax-'s S W Si'OTT.
D.'pt Col., L'nd Ply., l!HU Dis I'eiiu'a.
I ALL persons knowing Iheniselv-'S indebted
to llie in- Oi-rn-i:, cither- ;,. .lob
Work or Suiwriplion Puriag tlie six mouths
the paper was conducted by Mr W.ilkllis,
will p-iy Hie nccounls lo .Mr. ,I.,s. E Siycrs,
wh iis aullioriz si lo ieceiit f ir llu; s uiie.
KailV alte'.ilioi I ft ! ':is HI HIT will save coU.
-Mi.sR i LIDDLl-; it CLARa.
a v : . viTi '.a i -r i T 'i Tl'iTs
A H!'. ihe nio.-t p-r.'i-ct pnrgtlivo wlileh we
I v an- aide to produce or which we lliiuk h is
ever yei li'"ii ma Ic bv naybody. Th.-ir ef-
'M. . -. I'l l.; have bcn abiin-
ilanily shmvn to
V.i -j VXU-UU ' Hiiiiiuiiitv hownuii'l
s ulM'y '":-y '"!. -I. uu. (eh
fiV'-V.WX cary iiieilieliirsiu use,
in linn lit s' how miii'li
UJA- 1 lev lll'e S:l i. nnil
,.. . i . . 1 1 . i i i ii. i, 1. 1.,
p wciiid to cniv
Hun peiietratiiiii
propel lie, i'limulate
Ihe vil d aelivries oi ihn bo ly, reniovlag Iho
oti ilnieiiiins of ils organs, ruiily the Hood,
expel disease, T'.ley piu'.;o out "ill i foul h.'
inor.s which laved an 1 grow di-.ieiii.iei-. slim
ul de sluggish or disordered organs lul l their
natural nciioii iia-1 impirt a healthy tone
Willi sti-f n.-. th I i l!c wliul;' systeni. Not only
do lliey (aire ih.t ei'erv-d.iy complaints of
everybody, but alsi 1'ir.iiiil ii.le and danger
ous diseases. While lliey prodllcn powerful
elleets, Hi van; i i l ie sie.e lime, in (ll,niiiis.i -ed
doses, I : i . ' sa1'' ! and lust physic that can
be employe. I firc'.i'.! Ir ai. IS- ing sugar-coat
ed, tlcv 'are pliMs-iut In take ; ' ami. being
purely vegetable, are free I'.-oni uny rlslc o
hariii. ('mm bav.i !i -en ma le which surpass
belief, were they no',, : libs' ; nti d cd by inen
ol shell ex ol -d p i-i!i Ml and i ll.traelel- e.s lo
j forbid lb.1 sii 'pi iou of untruth. Many eniln-'
,.i -. ,,..,.,. .,...1 i,i,i-.:, .e..,.. i, i,.;,i ,i.i.
.,r.,s piceriiiV to the nubile ihe reliabiiitv of
our remedies, while ol eis have Kent us llio
asHiirauce o! Ihoirconviclioii Hi d. our Prepa
rations oolilr.hiile Immensely tn the ri llu f of
out alllie eil, siill'.-i ing fellow men,
Tne Ag-aits below mined is plcii'icd lo
fiii'iii -h gratis our American Alumnae, con
taining dhvi lines for Ihe use and cerliueates
of Iheir cures, of Ihe following conijil lints i
Hosiiveiicss, llilious Couiplainln, lllieitma
llsin, Drop.y, Ileiulburii, lleadncbe, arising
from foul stomach, iSuusua, Indigeslioii,
Morbid Iiiacliou of iho Howols and 1'iiln
inising Iherel'roiii, Flatulency, Loss of Al
pcllte, all Diseases which require an evacua
tion medicine. They also, by piuil'ybig tho
blood and sthnulaling tlie system, euro many
complaints which it Would not. ho supposed
they could reach, such us Deafness, Partial
HhiidiiesH, Neuralgia ami Nervous Irritability,
Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys,
(lout, and o'her ktiulred coinplaluts iirisl'ng'
fiom a low state of tho body, or obstruction
of lis functions.
Do not bo put i If by nninlnelpled 'dealers
with other preparations which lliey niiiko ,
morn profit on. Demand A vnu's and lake no
others. The sick waul llie best aid there U
is for them, mid they Nliould have it.
Prepared by .1. 0. Ai ICR oi CO., Lowell,
Mass., and sold by Dr. I). W. Uiaden,( Dr.
Win. L. Crelg!i, M. V ' Harvey. Wnynisbtirg,
I'ai, an.1 ul 1 Irugg . e.s tlirouehout Iho eouiily,
IIUgM, '.'in
C'O Aft A VKAR made by any one with
ilVw.UUW .Vlfi-Slcncll Tools. Koexperl-
eiuli necessary,
and Treasiu'ei'sof It
The Presidents, Cashiers, rale of Hi per cent, per annum Is this day do
Riinks indorse the circular, cllired, counting from t'a'u of last divldendi
Sent lien willi samples, Address thu Anieil-
can Stencil To.l Works, Spiiiiglldd, vj:-1
mont. iiugl, am,
M.winro fit ji:s
IM ' I all viuletiesiiud patterns, The above
linn have recently ustabhshed it inuunfaclory
ot thu kind named In.
nnd am prepared to turn out everything In
Iheir lint) such us Churns, Pitchers, Jars for
prosomnir fruit, &c e. A supply kept eon
Ktontly on hand. The public, nnd country
merchants particularly, nro earnestly reinienf.
oil to call and examine their slock before
tuiri'liaslnu elscwlicr.
Orders noma distance will reclevo promnt
''''b . augs.-ihu.
MaphJ to Snrrol, ami J fume .lun.
piSICESi I If) i.i:io, llu,iEi(!(), nndup.
1 wards according to number ol stops and
style ol case.
The C.uiiNT.r Ouu.vxs mumifiielured cxclu-.
sivly by Mason A II indin, have met with a
success unprecedented in the history ol' nuisi.
o I ins ruiiicnts. fupplyinir IX want ln(
ki: ' ;i. .1 ,. . -
.... ..... .. ., in, ulu iricaiest In.
i. v", J ' ; ,u""-
, ' , "1 " ' ? ,, ,'" V, J"1"1.
and demand lor them is still ranldlvhicr..,i,iln,
nnd nuit cont uue to increase ns t'irir merits
become known. They urn admirably ndiiiit
ed m the performance of S.-cular as well na
Sacred Music.
The Cabinet Orpin Is essentially diirerimt
from and a very u,roat improvement upon nil
in-lruuiciitsof the Jlelodeou or llaiinoiiium
i I. The more organ like character of its
L It has grcatly'inoro power and volume
of tone in proportion to its cost.
:i. l!y iho cmploya ent ol a very simple,
invention, its capacity for cxpn ssi m is vast
ly greater than has ever before been attained
in such instrument. This Invention is c9.
pecially valuable, because scarcely uny prac
tice is necessary io lender It available. Any
ordinary perform: r can master it in na hour.
4. Ii alinilsof .'.real rapidity in execution,
adapting to the performance of a groat variety
of lively secular music.
o. No iiistrilmeut is less liable to get out
of order.
ii. It. will remain In tunc for years,
' It is a gciif nil feeling anions' those nlmnl. tit
purchase musical Instruments, that wero they
111 ,ll.: l'a communication with the factory they
t would Have a greater opp rtunity for select-
I ing a trcsh an I perfect instrument, than it
would no possible to oittnin I rum any agency.
The subscribers would say, that to obviate
, this dillieiilly, audiill'ird persons at a distimco
the same privileges secured to those near tho
I factory, Messrs Alison it Iliunliii lmvo n:itnl.
1 All iiisiriun.aii.ssoiii 111 the city, nro sent to th
' n-'hi',,'n,v "'' tlie' without charge',
i ami! sold out of llio citvare securely
iio.!.i ami oeiivereu 111 1110 railroad stations
or I ill lings 111 Ihe cily, Ireo ol expense.
I'ei'sons ordeiing an org m by letier. nro as
pure. I Hiatus g m l an ilisliuuieiiL will be sent,
as ii'th-y wen- hero to select it persomilly; tho
su 'seribeis considering tliemsclves bound
by honor un. I interest to select and forward
love utlh f than ihe ri-r In-tt of the stylo order
ed. The subscribers will ho happy to rcceivo
communications lroin any one that desires
fun h'T informal ion annul tlicC.uiixr.T Oho.vns,
and are a xioiis lo jiut into the bands of every
body, whe'her intending lo an in
.slriiincnt oi not, a copj ol thu circular, which
contains a vast nmoiuil of inti resting musical
inloruialion. (,'o ies mailed free to any ad
dress. CIIAllLKS 0. MKLLOll, & CO.,
HI Wood Street, I'lllsbiirgli. Solo Agent for
the iM.ison iV Hamlin Cabinet Organs for
Western l'eniisilvania.
lUl'.'S. 'lili- lt.
Vi ill attend I nil claims for back pay, boun1
ty and pen.-ions oi'snldirisamltlioirreprosiuitu Tne lVie ions ol'ihi! following clusaare
increased lroin ij-s to id.", and fr2: ur mont'li,
and w .ions lor children under sl.vtooa yours
i:2 per monlli each, viz :
1st. Tii i-e who have lost llie sight of both
eye-i, the use ol'botli hand:', or otherwise total
ly dis abled and iacapiieitaieiL lroin performing
in iinial labor.
lid- All widows having children under 8lxj
Icon veins of ago nro enlilled to ij'2 per month
additional for each child.
lid. (luanlians representing tho wW rhil
dm, of soldiers are enlilled to the same incroaso
ns if the mothi.r was living. aug. I, '(ill tf
rtlilOMAS FJOIiRKL respectfully annonnrCB
I that he has pun based llio shop of Charles
Iliekey. and solid's a call from those who may
d'-fire his services as I Surlier ami Hair-Dresser,
lie occupies room No. fi, Campbell's Row,
wh re he is prepared lo perform llair-Cutllng
ni-eiiiioie.' , i , i in; mono, anil no Bliuvlng
With reiiniagmim honum ni.ors. v
Come billi r, conie liiihor, by night or by day,
For th; gay nnd the willy ho shaves and
oil s hair,
A nil na (piickly as one, dressed mid brushed,
goes away,
Another is sure to drop down in tho chair;
And the chin that is Biuoolhcd, and the linir
Ihal Is dressed.
So polished anil graceful mid netilly appear
That if Taste has a mansion on . earth, 'liaeon-
It is hero It is hero I
Hern Fancy designs, and its gay the doulgn
As the gayest which Fashion e'er tartjjht to
llio tri.le,
And graceful iho vvavo of iho ! ocks as thej
Wliero Ferrd's hand has their beauty array
ed ;
Then leloldivml young, all tho lrryora of Tnste,
ForlfTaslo liiisu iimnsiiai on earth, Litlicf
baste, .
It. Is hero It U hero I
Wiivnesburg. mistl.-tf.
- . T
1 reived from tho East a now stock of DRY
(i(J(Jl.)S, which he oilers Trt tiib Vi.iimo Bttliff
lowest possibia rules. Cull mid soo hliw.
Rooms in Iho west end of the "Qriett
House, ayncsbuiir, l'a
nug! tf
ESsviucHtl Police.
JL ono viiiu.v V.m.i.i.v Tia.iuit.M'it Compan
lire hereby uolilled that a DIVTDKNI). lit Urn
I'y order of Directors,
W. L. S. WILSON, Treasurer,
Moiionaiihelii City, Ana-Int. lit).