DAILY TO WANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 11, NO. 302. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Personal. * Mrs. GEORGE CLARK is visiting her friends in Dansville, N. Y. Judge and Mrs. MERCUR have returned from tbe sea shore. Mr. C. P. WELLES has moved into bis new bouse 011 Poplar street. Mrs. ED LYNCH and three of her children are visiting in Wiikesßarre. Assistant Postmaster OOLBAUGII is visit friends in western Bradford. Miss KATIE WATT# is visiting bea sister, Mrs. W. S. VINCENT, in Erie. Mrs. MEHAN is visiting her friends and former neighbors in this place. Mrs. E. J. MrNGOSis visiting her husband, Dr. G. W. MINC.OS, in Toledo. President CLAGIIORN, of tbe S. L. & S. R. It., is registered at tbe Ward House this morn ing. Doctor 11. NEWTON YOUNG, of Wiikes- Barre, was tbe guest of Dr. IIOLLISTKR over Sunday. Miss HELEN TRACY and Mrs. HARRY E* TRIPLER are guests of Mrs. HENRY PORTER " in camp." Bev. Father HOIIAN is enjoying a visit from bis mother and brother, who reside in Haw ley, Wayne county, this state. Miss JENNIE IIOLCOMB, who has been spending several weeks with friends here, re turned to Philadelphia yesterday. C. 11. SMITH, the Montrose insurance agent is in town. He is now general agent of the Southern Tier Masonic Belief Associa tion. Mrs. IIEIN nv C. PORTER and her two lit tle girls have pitched a tent at '• camp Tay lor," and will try tbe pleasures of camp life for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. SMITH have left tbe Adirondacks and are sojourning for a few days at the most delightful of all our sum mer resorts —tbe Thousand Islands. Dr. REESE DAVIS and family, of Wiikes- Barre, have been visiting bis parents at Neath, this county. The Doctor and wife were the guests of bis brother. Senator DA VIES, last night. Mr. OWEN JACKSON, of Philadelphia, is visiting at 11. AVE PATRICK'S. The young gentleman is a member of the elioir of St. Clement's church and occupies the position of leading soprano, of that ritualistic estab lishment. Maj. E. W. IIALE and Hon. J. G. PATTON leave this afternoon for a tour of the fash ionable summer resorts. They will take in Long Branch, Ocean Grove, Coney Island, Saratoga, and other places. AVe wish them a pleasant trip and safe return. We were mistaken in stating that the gen tlemen who were treated to a ride on Col. it. A. PARKER'S yacht, " Emily," spent the night on Cayuga lake. They embarked at Fair Ha ven and were taken to Alexandria Bay, re maining over Sunday at the Thousand Islands and returning to this place yesterday. Dr. WILLIAM H. MERCER and sister, Miss ELIS A. took a pleasant drive up to Say re, to visit their sister, Mrs. KOSENMULLKR, yes terday. The Doctor returned in the evening, accompanied by Mi&s MINNIE WOODRUFF, of New York, who will remain the guest of M. C. MERCER'S family for a few days. C. T. MCKINNKY'S new house on Third street is approaching completion. It is near ly enclosed, the siding lias alrsady received a coat of paint, and the building will be ready for occupancy in a few weeks. With his usu al enterprise, CHARLIE is just " pushing things." In location and general appearance the house is a great improvement on the old one, which was burned a few weeks since. Prof. CHARI.ES AV. SHELDON, of Hamilton, N. Y., has been added to fthe faculty of the Collegiate Institute, in this place. Mr. SHEL- TOWANDA, PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 18S1. DON is a graduate of Madison University, led bis class from the time be entered college, took several of tbe prizes, and was valedicto-. rian at graduation. Being a teacher by pro fession and a man of high moral and relig ious character, be can not proye otherwise than a valOable addittion to tbe faculty. AA r e appropriate from the AVyalusing cor rcspoiulanee to the Elmira Advertiser the following: Dr. Brown, of Syracuse, with his iively wife, returned home this evening after a pleasant visit of a week at his old home. The doctor is set down as a boss fisherman, but it is said bis brother Theodore gave him a back seat as to both numbers and weight of bass caught during the present campaign. F. G. Churchill, wife and little girl, of Ilar risburg. are stopping a few days at Mr..How ard's. By the way, our professional fisher men had better look after their laurels, as Mrs. Churchill, on Tuesday last, lauded in the boat a bass whose weight was 4 1-2 pounds, the largest one reported at this place this season. " Harrisburg papers please copy." The Exstensiye Itosery and Nursery House of R. G. Chase & Co., of Geneva, N. Y., is represented in Towauda and vicinity by Mr. J. T. MOORE, of Ithaca. This is one of the oldest and most reliable Nursery Concerns in the State of New York. Their large and increas ing trade is due solely to their honorable ! method of doing business. Many of our best citizens will cheerfully testify to the very satisfactory manner of their dealiugs with them in the past, always receiving their or ders in the best condition and True to name. Parties giving Mr MOORE their orders can do so with the utmost confidence. A\ r e bespeak for him o large patronage. The M. E. Church and Sunday School will pic nic at Eilenberger's Trout Ponds on Wednesday next, August J. Train will start from Court House at 10 a. m. sharp and return at Gp. in. Fare for the round trip 50 cents for those not members of the school. All members of the congregation and other friends are cordially invited to join Tickets for sale at C. T. Kirby's, Dye & Co's and Geo. liidgway's. Gcrmania band will accompany the pic nie and discourse appropriate music. Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLINAN'S on Bridge street, for the best tive cent cegar. Tne News Condensed. The public debt was decreased $10,078,- 023 23 last month. The New York Central has begun issu ing rebate tickets to the AVest. The population of the Dominion is 4,- 350,933, an increase of 080,498 in 'the past ten years. The activity in the iron market contin. lies, and prices will probably soon be fur ther advanced. A new plot to assassinate the Czar lias just been frustrated. A lady of high rank had been chosen as the assassin. James Robb, formerly at the head of the banking system of the Cuban Govern ment and later a banker in New York, is dead. L. Gross & Co., of New York, large giain exporters, have suspended. Their liabilities are mostly in Europe and small there. Fluctuations of the President's pulse and temperature are attributed to slight causes such as weariness, restlessness or moving the patient. A live stock express company has been formed in New York to bring live stock from Chicago in from forty to forty-eight hours in improved cars. Ten prisoners escaped from the Mur physboro, 111., jail on Friday by cutting through the wall. One remained in the jail. There was great excitement and a large posse is out after the fugitives. < The Norwich Pistol Company, a joint stock corporation, having its manufac tory at Norwich Falls, Ct. has closed its doors and it is said will go into Insolven cy. The liabilities are estimated at $50,- 000 and the assets at $20,000. A fire in No. 9 slope of the LansforU, Tamaqua, was caused by boss Powelljen tering with a naked lamp which iguited. Powell was nearly suflicatcd and render ed unconscious. The lire is still raging llercely and the mine will be flooded. The will of the late T. C. Riley, of Buf falo, N. Y., bequeaths the Young Men's Christian Association slo,ooo,the Church of Charity, the Foundation of Buffalo Society of National Sciences, the Buffalo Historical Society, the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy and the Buffalo Orphan Asylum $5,000 and SIO,OOO a piece, in all sixty thousand dollars. The President's Condition. OFFICIAL BULLETINS. 8 :30 A. M. The President slept well during the night and this morning is cheerful and expresses himself as feeling better than at any time since he was hurt. After the slight rise of yesterday afternoon, his temperature again became normal in the evening and so continued. 11c appears strong and lias evidently made progress in the road to recovery during the past few days. His pulse is now 94; tempera ture 98; respiration 18. 7 I*. M. The President remained with his head and shoulders elevated until the time for dressing the wound this evening. It con tinues to progress in a satiefactory man ner, and discharges healthy pus freely from the deeper as well as the superficial portions. He lias taken uourislinent well and in sufficient quantity, and in all re spects continues to do well. The rise in temperature this afternoon was slight. At present his pulse is 104, temperature 99.5, respiration 20. THE BALL LOCATED. By the aid of Prof. Bell's instrument, constructed for the purpose, the location of the ball was yesterday determined. It lies 4| inches to the right and below the naval, at the point where a blue spot was visible some days after the shooting.— The exact depth of the ball was not defi nitely determined. It is imbedded not less than two nor more than live inches. No effort will lie made to remove it at the present time as it is causing no trouble. Prof Bell is delighted at his new achieve ment in the field of science. METEOROLOGICAL.— The thermometer at Dr. 11. O. PORTER & SON'S Drug Store, at the corner of Main and Pine streets, indicated as follows: AUGUST 1. Ga. ra.—oß deg. above zero. 9a. m.—7l; 12 m.— 76; 3 p. m.—74; 0 p. m.—73; 9 p. m.—7o. Average temperature during the day—72. AUGUST 2. 6 a. m.—G5 degs. above zero. AVEATJIEK INDICATIONS FOR TO-DAT. —Local rains, followed by clearing weather; winds mostly southwesterly, with stationary or higher tempera ture at stationary pressure. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS.— SpeciaI in ducements are offered you by the BURLING TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. Lost, Sunday evening, between AV. Dittricn's and F. AVatts', a pair of lisle thread gloves, with colored wrists. Finder will confer a favor by leaving Mr. AVatts'. PRICE ONE CENT. We are constantly receiving orders for " Linn Smith's Imitation Stained glass," and are ready to give our patrons the full benefit of an inexpensive and handsome decoration by placing it on any glass whether door or window, large size or small glass, gieen or white, round or square, in fact any posi tion, shape or kind of frame or glass that needs shading from the rays of the sun, or from the gaze of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal patronage bestowed since we have received the agency of this Imitation, we shall by a strict atten tion to business, hoping to merit a continuance of the same. To those who have heard of the •'lmi tation Glass," and have not seen it, we extend a cordial invitation to examine into its real merits, and ask the prices for which it can be obtained, we are prepared to contract with churches, halls, or or other public buildings, and warrant all of our work to surpass in beauty the genuine stained glass and our prices are less than one-fourth the cost of the same. Those in need of anything of this kind or who are lovers of art, whether they wish to pur chase or not, are respectfully invited to examine the same at C'IIAS. F. CKOSS' Book Store. BUSINESS LOCALS. Pomona Grange Xo, 23, P. of 11., will hold its next Regular Meeting at West Warren Grange llall, No. 298, on Thursday, August 11,1881, at one o'clock p. m. A general attendance of 4th degree members is requested. DWIGHT KELLUM, Secy. The Revised Edition of the New Testament in three different styles and ranging in price from 20 cents to $1 25, just received at Whit comb's Book store. 24(5 Get vour couches,sofas, easy chairs—every thing in the upholstery line repaired at Ottarson's, Bridge street. The 2" Senate " has long been considered headquarters for the best clams. Mr. Nestor is now receiving his supply direct from the famous Perth Amboy beds, and serves them in every style. LOST—A Gold Pon No.J3JMaybie Todd & Co., in pookct rubber holder. The finder will be re warded. (298-6t) CIIAS. M. IIALL. ICE CREAM.— We are now prepared to fur nish ICE CREAM on short notice. Orders left at Kirby's drug store or with driver of the milk wagon, will receive prompt atten tion. Price 37 1-2 cents per quart. Iw. H. ELSBREE. H. WILCOX. WANTS. Under this head we will insert FREE, notices of situations or help wanted. Wanted, work by the day, to support my family. Mrs. Saml. G. Berry, Mechanic street. Good trusty hoy to do chores and milk, enquire at this office. A GOOD GIRL, one who understands all kinds of house work and cooking, wanted. Highest wages. Inquire at this office. TO WANDA AN I) M E HOOP A N Y Stage leaves Towanda Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, atone p. m. Notices of passen gers and packages may bo left at Stevens & Long's, and will be carefully attended to. B. 11. BROWN, jul-28. Proprietor. BARCLAY JUNCTION HOTEL. If. (JAT Off, Proprietor, Near the Barclay depot. Good accommodations at reasonable prices. Call and see us. ARCTIC HOUSE, Corner Surf and Ocean Avenues, OCEAN GROVE, N. J.— Furnish Dinners for Excursions. M. A. BULL. I have a number oj SINGER, HOWE, and WILCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machines in good condi tion, for sale at very low four cs. Sewing Machines rented at 50 cents a week. O. A. BLACK, June IG, 3m. Agent. HW. MILLER ■ keeps several PUBLIC HACKS and is ready to attend all calls in his line promptly, lie runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night and early morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and 3,) no reduction for these trains, 25 cents per passenger . Regu lar customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates. Charges for attending parties, one couple $1.50; two couples in one load, SI.OO per couple; for attending funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. Hack by the hour sl, Horses and carriages to let. Orders left at his office below council rooms will receive careful attention. 11. W, MILLER. Nov. 27, 1880.