14 MIMDIPMB CAMPBELL HALL A Novelized Version of tbc Motion J Picture Drama of the Same Name £ ffPljiiiit Produced by the Lubin Minufac r iSiPN® pll w® turing Company Illustrated With IfiH Photographs From the Picture Pro- I ÜBIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY Continued . Despite lier juilgruietit. Hetr.r - * heart | wftened Whiitever liMd Ueeti his mo I tivt-s. (hi* in in In:< 1 in Ills way bee:: K hnd ever enroll whether she lived or! died. went shelterless or slept tieneath ; h rnof S-nee her e:irly childhood hr | lid :<-sun'.cd the plaen of her f.ittier I and the tlmucht lialnts of youth un ion eiisilv litiikeli •'Vou-eruur nctions looked pretty h:td Montv." he Kiiitl s'owly "1 did* not; inertn to he luiiust. * ver. '.tut yon had Hlvpn tne cause to distrust you Wh.-it 1* it von hitve to stiy niitr?" "1 know von ;ir>- proud. Betty, hut I * nnt you to henr tne out." Carson told , Iter. He seemed t< ponder whtit would be tile lenst |>!i iI) fit I words, rind the:' riitttiiilli d "Fretrv soon after I sot hack to Xe\. York I met m m ill who knew nil nI• I Old ON sod tvlmr I lie;ird iirottaln roe let' k liere i|ii 'k n I could eiiuie Tie lin!i't played s,|u:tre with you Betty He" Retty's eyes flttshed fiercely "I v i'l h"; r notltlnr hlt-iiu-t mv hit® b"ml." *!ie s; : l i|uictly "Where is h" today?" Carsoti asked \ ifh ;i sudden i linage of tone "He h i.- l* 'tie to faiitlehtiry." the sir: fpplied -i.., ( v "What of it'' 'Hr lt::s not pme to C'tllttlehury —he is with the Countess I.urovieh. as he is , almost every day." Carson minomiepil ralmly "It hasn't ttiken me many days to cet a line on your nobleman. Not only is he ashamed of you. hut lie is Btakins love to another woman " Every of color driuned slowly 1 111 1.1 1,. ..,1 M .| MILT Ll|'- ri"s "Tiien 11>;eii If yon have lied to mi } swear • i'l kill ymi lis I would * rattle'. I must know the truth now mid all of it " "I'm !'if ili sorry. Hetty." Carson j •Hid synipsttlietiiiiiiy "I shore am. hut i there ain't no doubt. Come with tne." In silence they walked rapidly alone i a mile of walled lanes. Present )y they drew near the small stream | that was the Imtindr.ry between Croft laich and Ashley jjranse. and Carson, rtrawitii! tic irirl into the shelter of a clump of shrubbery, pointed to the op posite hank Seated in loverlike con-1 Ti rse were two tlsures. one the unmis tnkable figure of Lord Cecil, the other the Countess I.urovieh. Even as Betty -1f , He keate4 In Loverliks Convene WirtTwo FiQurM, On# the Unmistakable Figure •f Lard Cecil. watched with hurtling eye* the woman passed and raised her face, aad the *an crushed her in his arms as ha pressed his lips to hers. Betty drew back without a word and wr.lked away. Carson, with a triumph ant smile, hurried after her. "You won't want to stay. I reckon. \ Betty." he said, as he overtook her. j 81ie did not raise her eyes, but nodded. "No. I will go away." she said dully "I knew you would I'm goln' to look \ t>fit for yon. little srtrl. I reckon you ; don't want to see him before yen RO," Carson suceested. "No. I do not wish to see him." ahe replied In the same Itfelpss voice, no nulike her own "Please take me away now. Monte." "All right, Betty, you can connt on •Id Monte." he said soothingly. "Ev erything Is fixed—l knew you'd want to go. Just you slip Into the bouse and iret voor thing*, and I'll meet you at the foot of the drive In half an hour •with a machine. Don't you care—be ain't worth it." At the same moment tbe Countess I.urovieh was looking up archly Into ; the eyes of a man whose clothing du plicated that worn by Lord Cecil that day and whose figure was Identical His face was carefully and expertly made up to a portrait-like reproduction of tbe featnres of tbe nobleman. "Do you always put so much spirit Into your acting, M Devoeax?" the 4 ' ' '■ ' • ~ ♦. HARRfSBUHK STAT?-IXT>EPKXJ)EXT. TH[TRKDAV EVENING. DECEMBER 17. 1914. | countess lausbed. "My lips are crtish j ed! Not quite, as yet"- j The actor swore softly as Carson's hurried entrance interrupted the scene "It's all fixed." Carson informed the ! countess with savage satisfaction. "I'll ) tnke the machine and pick her tip at! i the end of the drive, and if ever that j i staring foo! sets eyes on her npiin I j hope to he shot for a greaser!" "Yon very probably will he shot for yourself if ever he sets eyes on you. : j my friend." the countess commented | "so see to it that he doesn't " An hour later motor was speedlnc swiftly toward Whitehaven In it sat i Betty with pale, drawn face and Mr j Monte Carson, on whose' vindictive ■ and greedy features was a grin of grat ified triumph It was near the dinner hour wiien i I<" r d Cecil returned from Catitlehnry j where the matter of the poached game! had been finally concluded, and with | an eager light in his eyes hurried into the manor house As he moved toward the stair James came quietly forward and stopped him with a how. "Her ladyship has gone out. my ■ lord." he said, and ill the man's voice [ Cecil caught a troubled note. "She left j a note in the library, my lord." With a vague sensation of impending ; disaster Cecil hurried to the dim old \ room and ripped open the-envelope ly ! Ing upon his writing table His face j grew white as his eyes flashed over the i tear blotted page "Beloved." he read and seemed to hear the soft, caressing voice that was I used to whisper the endearment In hi ; ear. "I have gone away, and you will I never see me again I know that yon ' ' love another and that ymi are ashamed j of me I tried so hard to make you happy There is but one thing more I can do for yon Yon will find in the j safe a deed of gift for the 'Golden Hope I hope you "will be very happy Yon did love me a little for a time, did vott not. my husband? Good by " And then at the end the little scrawl ! | "Betty." Slowly Lord Cecil placed the note In i tle pocket of his coat. "1 will find you. my own. though It ' j be at the ends of the earth, and shut : yon up in my heart." he whispered ' "And as for whosoever has done this thins"- Tbe words were checked, but In bis I linoldering eyea was death CHAPTER XII. Fate's Tangled Threads. SGPUENLY. as the sunshine of a : day iu June may be blotted out by the thundercloud that rolls inward from - the sea. the Joy- I 1 ounness that bad lighted up the an I cient halls of Croftlalgh was smother-! Ed tieneath a pall of sorrow and mys terious fear. The servants, who bad quickly come to love the young mistress who brought to the old manor happiness | and prosperity, when'both had long been absent, moved about silently and questioned each other with frightened eyes None knew or could guess the na-1 ture of the calamity that bad befallen i and not e'ven James dared to mention' to the haggard master tiie name of the | vanished mistress. All dny long Lord Cecil, with blank and drawn lace, sat in his library, and i telegraph messengers came ami went ceaselessly, as well as men whose brtak steps and sharp, cold gHtnes were evi dence to the obawrtnc ef their trade, i Bnt one order had been issued to the domestics—that absointe silence con cerning the affairs at Croftlalgh ahonid be preserved, and so well bad the veil j of secrecy been maintained that uo hint had reached the world that Lady Betty Cecil had disappeared. Almost beartbrafcen. tormented by fear ot what might have befallen the j girt, absolutely without clew to her I intentions or whereabants, knowing; only through the confession af the j maid that Betty had been the victim of a Aiallgnant conspiracy engineered by the Countess Lnrovich. Lord Cecil was forced to an agonizing inactivity, j while a score of the best private de [ tectivee in England maintained a re j lent less but fruitless search. • e • • e e e Since the hour of her flight from : Croftlalgh. following what she bellev-, ed to be the discovery of the fact that Cedl not only did not love her. but re garded her as a cause for shame, to be hidden from his world. Betty bad been sank la the apathy of utter mis 1 ory Her fate waa to her a matter of complete indifference, and wit hoot In terest or qoeation she allowed beraelf to be borne away by the gloating Mr. Carsoa, whose satisfaction at the thought that be would soon have in hie control the "Golden Hope" waa scarcely less th*n that he would wreak i a deadly revenge opon Lord Cecil and that Betty, whom he regarded as a I traitor and Ingrate and hated with all j the malice of which his mean soul was ! capable, was now completely in his | (tower It was big full Intention, use* the mine waa safely and tinully In his pos session. to abandon her to the moat ter rible fate he could provide. Meanwhile he played to perfection the part of the faithful ami forgiving) protector He played it so well that Bettv.j Iter mind dulled by grief, accepted him as ahe bad when a child, as u kind fos ; ter father, and reproached herself that 1 she had ever doubted him She took I no note of the country tbrough which | the speeding t-ar passed, nor did shej trouble to ask the name of the city j which they presently entered—White j haven Neither did she concern herself that the mean little hotel to which Carson proceeded directly, a nil where they j were erldetitly expected was situated j in a section along the waterfront which j even a stranger would have recognized | as a region of sordid poverty and a| breeding place of crime. Once within this house Betty was j though unaware of the fact, a closely j guarded prisoner Believing that all regular transpor j tation routes would be watched by de i tectives. it waa Carson's Intention t" remain in hiding for awhile and then with Kett.v stem away on some trUmp | vessel of such character Hint motives and methods of passengers would not tie questioned Such H one. ne had been informed was almost ready to put to sea. and lie knew tie could easily buy passagi aboard it To Be Continued. CONFESSES ROBBERIES Man Wanted by Shamokin Tollce ls | Found Secreted in a Trunk Shamokin, l'a„ Dev. 17.—After an extensive search bv police for Jjlin'- Tiniioe, wanted for numerous robber ies. lie was traced to a building here vester.ioy and arrested while hiding in a trunk. As he was being removed to jail at I Suiiliuiy he confessed to several thefts and implicated Elmer Uucli, ol' tnisl place, as an accomplice. Tinicoe assort-I cd that Ifueli explo leij dynamite Ia j t ' summer at ilagenback \ W alla-c s cir-i cus here, a number of people narrowly escaping death. Kueh has been arrest ed. MINE FIRE THOUGHT CHECKED Lehigh Coal Officials Believe Taraa ria Blaze Under Control Taniiuiua, Pa.. Dec. 1 7.--Officials of' the Coal and Navigation Com j [•any believe that they have siiccee le I ! in preventing further spread of the flrji raging in a portion of No. 9 mine | since Monday. A large force of lire fighters is at work day atul night, but they have not j been able as yet to got close enough, to the flames to ascertain the amount ! Of damage done. Aged Hermit Found Dead in •' Octoruro, Dec. 17. John h'c i. aged hermit, nearly 90 years . was found dead yesterday in iii along the creek. He was found dead John Brown, who was taking his mail to him. Death was due to npoplexv. Ho ! leaves no relatives. \ Ladies'-- Buy Cigars FOR PRESENTS AT Golden Seal Drug Store, 11 S. Market Square. Ml lain I II , M ■ "■ u. ■ ,■ t Lumber Get Away Ironi Iho .job it' you do business with lis. Yon won't need to have it delivered until yon are ready to use it—and we | won't disappoint yon eit her. We own 100 horses ynd many wasro'ns so you can easily see why we can make prompt deliveries. Lumber piled on the job a long time before you want it is liable to be taken—besides ii discolors. Remember this next time. United Ice & Coal Co. MAIN OFFICE: Foriter and Cowden Streets BUSINESS COLLEGE®. ■" " 1 —i I ————^ kLbu,. BUSINESS COi^uli 32W Market Street Fall Term September First DAY AND NIGHT W—— , WINTER TERM BEGINS MONDAY, JAN. TH DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. MARKET SQUARE HARRISBUBG, PA. Cumberland Valley Railroad In Effect May 24, 1814. Trains I-ravf Harrlaburg— lor Winchester and Martinsburc at 5.03, *7.50 a. m, *3.40 p. m. For btageratown, Chambersbtirff and intermediate stations, at <6.03, *7.50 -11. o3 a. m., *3.40, 5.3tf. *1.40, 11.04 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanicßburg at 0.48 a. m.. i.is, .fl 0.30, 0,30 p. m. For Dillaburg at 5.03, *7.50 and *ll.tl K. m.. 2.18, *3.40, 0.32. 8.30 p. m. •Daily All other trains Ually xcen Sunday, J H. TONGS. 1 U. A. RIDDLE. UP. A. guoL __ _____ Bgg gly g| mw l|U llilk STAR-INDEPENDENT'S Tho Star-Independent wants every reader to have a co py of this Beautiful Bible, but the supply is limited. Act quickly. Clip the coupons and present them without delay. Get it at once. No time to lose. Address >STAR-BNQEPENDENT, Harrisburg, Pa. < Certificate I DOEHNE I A Kcei* brewed with a double purpose— < To please tiie palate as a beverage; \ A liquid food in the truest sense of the words. < Made from the best selected hops and malt. > Brewery unexcelled for Purity and Excellence of > Product. I DOEHNE BREWERY £ Brll s2)iL Independent ;iis PLEADED TO GO TO JAIL Moonshiner's Daughter Did Not Want to Ba Parted From Father l'hi!adel;iii ; a. Def. li. 1 linging tightly to her father. Samuel Kainisun. | who had teen sentenced to eight months : i,| ttje countv prison for aiding Bernard j A shell in the operation o!' an illicit >till on Nor.ii Sixth street, 1 I year-old Vetta Kami-oii tea"fully pleaded that j he be allowed to go to .jail with him. Kamison an I A>->eli pleaded godly In fore Judge Titiiiiipsou in the I nited | States District t. o•!rt to '' niooiishin- j inn;." As Kamison was led from the j court room, his daughter. Who is the oldest of *t\ children, dung to his arm | j and plea led to be taken to .jail with him. Federal officers finally forced the i hv,steH a! girl to relea-e her hold on : jtpr father, and he w:k taken to prison. As'.iell, it appeared, was the a dive operator. and he was sentenced to eight i pen months in t'np Kastern penitentiary, j Checks Croup Instantly Yon know croup is dangerous. And you should also know the sense of se- j I eurity that comes from always having j Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in j ! the iionse. It "cuts the thick mucus an t clears away the phlegm, stops the strangling cough and gives easy ' breathing and quiet sleep. Take it for i coughs, colds, tickling throat, hoarse ness and for bronchial and la grippe I coughs. Contains no opiates. Every user is a friend. George A. Gorgas. lfil I North Third street,, and I'. R. R. Sta ; tiori. adv. ; LEE LANDS AND LOSES PLACE Berth Picked up by Congressman Elim inated in Legislative Bill Washington, Dec. 17. Represents-' tive Robert K. Lee, of Pottsville, a! ' Democrat, who was defeated in the j i last election, had selected for himself a nice berth in Washington. He piciked 1 out superintendent of the Co agression - j al Library, Which has little work at-j tu-ched to it and a salary of $4,000 a year. Mr. Lee got the support of a num- | ber of Democrats in the delegation ond landed the place. Yesterday the pilacf i was eliminated by an amendment to the legislative bill. Miners Fight Higher Fare Sha.mokin. Dec. 17.—An increased! I rate of from 10 to 1!) cents in the! ! round trip from Hickory Ridge to Sha-' ! mokin, is resented by men who use the j Pennsylvania railroad miners' train, I ami tie United Mine Workers' head | ; quarters has been asked to have the j j Public Service Commission inquire a<-1 j quickly as possible into the increase, i Man Dies on Train Altoona, Dec. 17.—When train 31 | | over the Pennsylvania arrived here ! yesterday a mail, supposed from paipers found on him to be Jean HaMenger, aged a-bout 55, of Seligman, Ariz., was found dead in his seat in a day coach. Coroner's physician said death was due to heart trouble. Philadelphian Killed Topoka, Kan., Dec. 17.—,10hn ' Roib- I bins, said to be from Philadelphia, was ! killed Tuesday night by a Union Pa- I cifit train in the ratfroad yards here. AGED WOMAN MURDERED Nephew and Boarder Held in Grue- j some Detroit Mystery Detroit. Dec. 17. The body of Miss Frances lioniholt, ti'J years of age, was j found in a woodshed at the rear of her i home here late yesterday afternoon. I iter head had been crushed and evi dently death had occurred several | hours before the body was found. The police detained F. W. liaeping, t Mis? Boni'holt's nephew and a boarder, j it was stated at police headquarters ' thai a bloody ax was found near the | body of the victim. A pockeßbook, I property of the dead woman, was pick- j e> 1 u.;i by police officers. The purse was empty. The body was found bv ,Mm Bom- 1 holt, brother of the dead spinster. At 1 tlies ide of the corpse was a blood stained coal scuttle, partly tilled. Court Three Years Behind .lefVerson C'itv, Mo., Dec. 17.—That the Supreme Court is now, and lias been for the last thirty years, more ; than three years behind in its docket, ] is pointed out with enuphasis of the need of reformative legislation in the j final report of the Judicial Code Kevi- I sion Commission, submitted to Oove.rn- | or Major yesterday. Dr. Frank P. McWilliams Dies F'ottsville, Dec. 17.—Dr. Frank Me- Williams, of Schuylkill Haven, medi i cal practitioner, died yesterday after several days' illneos from pneumonia. > He was a 'graduate of the I'niversity.of Pennsylvania. It is believed his disease Make Your CHRISTMAS a Hummer WE CAN SUPPLY THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES Are you looking i'or good value in Plants? We are in a position to give you the best to be had. If you buy our stock we can assure you that you* will have the satis faction of getting quality that is bound to please you. Therefore take 110 chances at this season, and let us till your Christmas orders. I Place Your Order Now Plants for Xmas HOLLY (Loose) Begonias, Cyclamen, Ferns, Poinscttlas, m X Holly Trees, Dracaena Tenninallis, Cro fljfr V HOLLY WREATHS tons, etc. C MISTLETOE Jr&/m hoscuswreaths Chrlctmae Trooc J LYCOPODIUM WREATHING Will 191111C19 II W3 > LYCOPODIUM WREATHS „ , \Jfiv \ Laurel. Ground Pine, OroWs Foot. Fox Wholesale and retail. We have the only YNtDk , _ 1 '_ „ x car of Canadian Balsam Fur Trees coming Eopeing, Southern Wild Smilax, Pine to Harrisburg. itOO of these are already ifl\ \ VW / f Tops, Sheet Moss, also our Native Moss. sold. The kind that do not fall off. Our business lias been so seriously interrupted by the construction immediately in front of our door nf the subway to go undeT the C. V. R. R. tracks and conditions are such that it is almost impossible to reach our store. We have been compelled to locate at No. 106 and 108 South Second Street, in the Adams Building, where we will have a grand Christmas opening and where we will subsequently continue our seed anil implement business. We opportunity of thanking our many friends in view of the unfavorable conditions favored us by the use of the Telephone and patronizing tbo salesmen we were compelled to send out. HOLMES SEED CO. Ho. 100-108 South Stood St. Both Phones JESSSE ■S HOUSEHOLD JH TALKS ' ssS . Henrietta D. Grauel Useful Gifts Christum* is for children hut frown | folks like being remembered ton, I'von thoujili their remembrances arc in the , form of useful things. A kitchen kit is a useful collection j of implements needed every day by ev- | erv housekeeper and it is something | anyone can select. A starch, or soap bo\. nicely enameled, with the li'l hinged to form a door, and a shell fitted in makes the beginning. The corners of the box may be finished with little j; brass ornaments and a brass knob on the door, and brass binges will give quite an air to the case. What one puts into the kit depends upon whom it is for. Of course there must be a can-opener, a cork screw, a screw driver and a small hammer. Hut < whether you add a tack puller and a j small saw depends very much on the character of the housewife you intend j. the gift for. Some women like to do bits of carpentry and others leave it all to ".lohn Henry." A little file for sharpening knives, a i roll of sand paper and a long, thin spat- i ula* or mixing knife will be turuishingfl i anv woman will enjoy having. If you are sure the kitchen docs not yet eon ! tain a good mixer for cake batter in the .shape of a slotted spoon, an egg ! beater, and a measuring cup, stock the j little cabinet with these and similar things for baking day. Add some strong j: nails or screws for fastening the box to the wall and you may be sure it will j be welcomed. 1 Another "home-made" gift is in the 1 nature of scent bags for use in the linen I' closet and in drawers. These may be. was contracted while going out in a storm, to attend a patient who also had pneMtmonia. Dr. McWil'liams for a made any si/e and filled with drier lavender flowers or with a sachet mix tore. A few drops of rose geranium oi or oil of mignonette or any essentia oil will scent a whole sheet of cottoi batting and this is a very good fillin; for the pads arttl bags. Other useful gifts that anyone car make are fancy, small cake*. Thcsi in a pretty, tissue paper-lined box o basket decorated with a bit of scarle ribbon and a twig of mistletoe or holb are all sufficient to show the Christina: spirit. A recipe for very rich cookies Hoc may lie shaped into various fo:nis wi ; l a pointed knife or a fancy cutter i this one: One and a half cups r> lightest brown sugar, one and a lial cups of shortening, three eggs, flavor ing and flour enough to make a pasti that can lie rolled on a board. Nut' currants and raisins or colored sugn will make these little cakes very gay (i'nger bread men and women ml< interest to