The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 16, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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( Ertatduhcd m 187$) ,
Published b *
f Star-lndape-idant Building,
M 10-22 South Third Street. Harrisburg. Pa,
■very Evening Exoept Sunday
Ot'Uen, Director*.
Vice President. *'
\ Secretary and Treasurer. WM. W WALLOWEB.
Business Manager. Editor.
All communications should be addressed to STAR INDEPENDENT,
Business. Editorial, Job Printing or Circulation Department
•ccording to the subject matter.
Sntered at the Post Office in Harrisburg as second class matter.
Benjamin & Kentnor Company.
New York and Chicago Representatives
New York Office, Brunswick Building. 225 Fifth Avenue.
Chicago Office, People's (Jas Building, Michigan Avenue.
Delivered by carriers at 6 cents a week. Mailed to subscriber;
tor Three Dollars a /ear in advance.
The paper with the largest. Home Circulation in Harrlaburg and
•earby towns.
Circulation Examinee by
Private Branch Exchange. No. 3280
private Branch Exchange, • No. S4S-24S
<ss osH^ s>
Wednesday, December 16, 1914.
Bun. Mon. Tttes. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Fall Moon, 2nd; Last Quarter, 10th;
New Moon, 16th; First Quarter, 24th.
Harrisburg and vicinity: Fair, cou- M
tinned cold to-night and Thursday. (3IC
Lowest temperature to-night about 10 J
Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair to-night
and Thursday, not much change in tern
perature. Moderate westerly winds.
Highest, IV; lowest, 4; 8 a. nt., 4; 8 p. m., 12.
generous liarrisburger is glad to respond
according to his means to the unusual number of
requests made of him for aid in charitable work
iu this winter of extraordinary stress and distress at
home anil abroad. The need for help throughout
the world is abnormally large this winter, —chiefly
because of the war in Europe,—but the larger the
need the greater is the willingness of Harrisburgers
to meet it through sacrifice and self-denial.
What is given for the foreign war sufferers is
most cheerfully given and that work deserves every
encouragement. At the same time those who are in
need in our own land, and especially in our own
community, should not be made to suffer because
of the aid sent abroad. We cannot, for instance,
become any less aggressive in waging the great tight
against tuberculosis in our -own country and our
own city merely because there is an extraordinary
demand for our help in foreign countries. Where
there is a double tight to be fought we must make
a double effort.
The sale of the Red Cross seals that is now in full
swing here in this present Christmas season is the
medium through which Harrisburg is called upon
to tight the great white plague of tuberculosis.
Great progress has been made in this tight in recent
years. Much ground has been gained, but to main
tain the advantage the ''sinews of war" must be
available for the use of the generals in the Red
Cross army. These "sinews" are dollars and cents.
To deprive the generals of the "sinews" will mean
the army s falling back from the trenches. It will
mean the loss of ground that will have to be re
gained with even greater effort at some future date.
Harrisburgers are not going to let the hordes of
disease gain even a temporary advantage in the
It may not be generally known that eighty per
cent, of the proceeds from the sale of the Red Cross
Christmas seals in this city is kept right here for
educational and preventive means in the fight
•against tuberculosis. Eighty cents out of every
dollar raised through the sale of the little stickers
in this community will be spent right at home in this
noble work. It will go toward helping unfortunate
Harrisburgers afflicted with this terrible plague to
get well and strong and able to help themselves; or
it will go toward establishing safeguards,—build
ing up the trenches, if you please,—to prevent life-
tuberculosis gripping the lives of Har
*)urg men, women and children who thus far have
eWaped its cruel hands.
The buying of Red Cross seals involves sacrifice
and self-denial, but Harrisburgers never flinch on
the firing line.
A psychologist, speaking from a New York church
pulpit, asserts that divorces can be prevented, or
even engagements and marriages which might ulti
mately lead to the divorce courts, by "the silent
influence of specifically directed suggestion given
with a look and a thought or through the magnetic
force of expressed superior quality that recalls to
sense and duty and rivets the affections."
By means of this psychic intervention, he says, he
lias been able not only to restore harmony and hap
piness to discordant lives, but also to prevent disas
trous unions at times of doubt on the part of young
persons as to the wisdom of engagements and mar
All that he did to arrive at these splendid results,
according to his statement, was to use "appropriate
dynamic suggestions, or imputations to right
thought and action, offered to the subconscious
There is sometimes a tendency for persons who
kiyrtv less than nothing about psychology and its
mysteries to treat such testimonials lightly. Yet
they have no right to doubt the word of a psycholo
gist until they kuow something of the science.
This science, for it is not witchcraft or magic,
needs to receive more attention from the general
public, particularly if it has the power claimed for
it, of preventing divorces and of interfering with
proposed marriages which would be likely to result
in separation.
Interest in debating is naturally revived in high
schools and colleges about this time of the year, and
more attention than usual is now being paid to it in
many places. The great questions brought up by
the war are tempting young men to match their
talents in formal argument. Debating leagues have
selected timely subjects for this season's contests,
and members of the teams are busily engaged in
gathering material for their briefs.
Activity of this sort is prevailing not only iu col
leges and universities but in high schools as well.
In the larger cities the high schools oppose one an
other and in the smaller communities the schools
of several towns form a league and each team rep
resents the entire debating skill of its locality.
It is to be deplored that Harrisburg has no inter
school debates. There have been inter-class con
tests in the separate local high schools but such
affairs lack the requisite spirit of rivalry. They are
too tame. Only inter-scliool debates can arouse the
proper amount of enthusiasm.
In case Central and Tech would not be satisfied
with a debating league of but two teams, they
could easily make arrangements with schools in
nearby places to join in the enterprise. The ques
tion of expense is negligible. Debating teams need
no equipment as do football and basketball teams.
Considering the ease with which schools can ar
range debates and the manifest benefits afforded by
such contests, —interscholastic contests which de
velop purely the intellectual side of the participants
and of those in attendance, —it seems strange that
the local high schools, conspicuous as they are in
so many other lines of activity, should be unable or
unwilling to put forth teams and fight for honors
in the extensive field of formal debate.
Buy your Red Cross seals early and help fight the plague
of tuberculosis!
Two men froze to death in Philadelphia. That, how
ever, in nothing compared with the distress that the winter
is causing in the European war zone.
The ntnn who grumbles at the sight of his coal pile
growing rapidly smaller in this kind of weather should let
his mind rest on that long period of balmy weather before
Thanksgiving Day.
No group of persons ever worked harder in a good cause
than the actors and actresses in the Or.pheum this week are
working to swell the Belgian fund receipts. It's a rattling
good bill all the way through and would be well worth the
price of admittance even if the money was not destined to
fill the stomachs of the starving war refugees.
Miss Bessie Wynne, the actress whose clover perform
ances on the Orpheum stage are doing a great deal to help
swell the box office receipts in that theatre during Belgian
week, enters into the spirit of the thing as much as do the
big audiences. There is something about her name that
seems to fit her well in the estimation of the Harrisburg
No, Luella,
Nothing happened
Down at Smyrna
After that;
Old Mohammed
Fired a volley
From the hill
On which he sat.
One shot passed
Before the cutter.
One was short,
Another long.
Ami it had been
As effa«tive
Had Mohammed
Rung a gong.
We are not,
My dear Luella,
Asking Turkey
To salute;
That could only
Get us, dearie,
Into trouble
And dispute.
AH we ask
The Oriental,
Ere we call it
Square and kiss,
Is his positive
That his gunners
Shot to miss.
That is all
It is, Luella.
Do not knit
Your pretty brow;
All gunpowder
Is a little
More combustible
Just now.
People bont
On peaceful missions,
Like our Uncle
In the East,
Have to have
Their bump
Of caution
Increased. —St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
"I understand Smith's wife lead/ him a regular dog's
"Well, she has money; so no wonder he don't have to
do anything but sit around the house all day."—Boatou
| Tongue-End Top ics|
Mr. MaeAlarney in N»w Post
The & tar-Independent having an
nounced that RoJ»ert E. McAlarney,
formerly of this city, has been made
city editor of the New York "Trib
une," he having assumed tihe position
on Monday of this week, the "Trib
une'' come to the front and prints a
sketch of "The Tribune's New City
Editor."- After reciting Mr. MacAl
aniey 's euc-cees as a newspaiper man,
iiwiganzinist and lecturer oif the jour
nalistic enrit, the "Tribune" says:
"Mr. Mac-Alarney was born iu Har
rieibung. Pa., Deceui/b-or 30, 1873. After
beiuig graduated from Dickinson Col
lege, iu 1893, he became a reporter on
the 'llarrisburg Telegraph,' but two
years laiteir went to Harvard University
to specialize in post-graduate work.
Newspaper work, however,' calied to
him again, and he joined the staff of
the 'Newark Daily Advertiser' in
IS'JU, ;:nd tlhen, to use the colloquial
| phrase, 'broke into' New York news
i paper work iu 1897, with the 'New
| I'ork Evening Journal.'
"While with the 'Evening Journal'
j Mr. MacAlairney served an all-around
] apprenticeship, soon becoming one oi
the paper's star men, and handling
among other important assignments,
the celebrated Jenuie Bossidheiter mur
der in New Jersey and the coal strikes
in Pennsylvania. During his connec
tion with tilt 'Evening Journal' Mr.
MacAlaraey did much political work,
and 'his efforts in that direction at
tracted the attention of the 'Now York
Evening Post,' which offered him a
staff appointment in 1903.
* , »
Went to the "Evening Post"
"He secured the position, and took
charge of the City Hall and the in
volved politics radiating from that cen
ter. In 1906 the 'Evening Post' was
so sure of Mr. MacAlaruey's ability
that he was promoted to the city ed
itor's desk, where he "reiniained until
1911, wlhen lie went to the 'New York
Evening Mail" as city editor. For
much of his time with the ' Evening
Post,' Mr. MiacAlarney served as act
ing managing editor.
"His stay with the 'Evening Mail'
was only about a year, but during that
peril)d he met one task that strained
the energy ami endurance of every city
editor in New York—the handling of
the great Titanic disaster story. The
city editor's desk is the staff headquar
ters in the battle of newspaper work,
and the editor-in-chief depends largely
upon its effectiveness for the success
or failure of each day's issue.
* * *
Went to tile Pulitzer School
"While with the 'Evening Mail' Mr.
MacAlarney was picked out as one of
the men TO conduct the destinies of
that interesting experiment, the School
of Journalism at Columbia. He was
•appointed associate professor of the
school, and continued in that capacity
until March last, when he resigned to
devote more of his time to fiction.
Since then he has been giving a courso
of lectures on the technical side of
newspaper work at the school, as Dean
Tak'ott Williams was umtviMing to re
linquish his services entirely.
"The 'Tribune's' new city editor is
a memlber of the Harvard and Faculty
cOubs, the Mexican Society and the
Beta Theta Pi fraternity. In addition
to the many contributions he lias made
to contemporary magazine work ho lias
also collaborated on two plays. His
many talents make him the one man
who can probably fill the big shoes that
Governor elevt Whitman's new secre
tary will leave behind him."
. * «
Flynn, the "Father of the House"
Representative John M. Flynn, of
Elk county, the "father of the House"
in years of service, was in Harrisburg
last 'light on his way home to Ridgway
from Philadelphia where he had been to
see Senator James K. P. Hall off to
Tampa, Florida, where the latter will
spend the winter, after having recov
ered from a severe illness followed by
a critical operation in a Cleveland hos
pital. Mr. Flynn is a Democrat of the
Old Guard school and was re-elected
at the last election by the biggest ma
jority ever given a candidate iu Elk
county, having been nominated on both
the Kepublican and Democratic tickets.
Speaking of the coming session of tho
Legislature, Mr. Flynn, who will be the
Democratic floor leader, expressed the
opinion that the business of the ses
sion will be conducted with dignity
and dispatch. He anticipates no flood
of crank legislation such as character
ized the last session. He looks for an
early adjournment. In the last session,
because o£ the difficulty in organizing
the House, all of the parties were
recognized in the selection of the of
ficers, and Republican, Washington and
Democratic members each had the elec
tion of some of the men on the pay
"I do not anticipate any thing like
that during the coming session," said
Mr. Flvnn, "for the reason that the
Republicans have an overwhelming ma
jority and there will be such a demand
for offices from Republicans all over tho
State that none of the other parties
will be recognized."
It is said that the Democrats in the
House will put up Mr. Flynn as their
candidate for Speaker.
Temperamental Impulse
"I guess I'll get a jot)," said Plod
ding Pete.
"'Great guns" exclaimed Meandering
Mike, "you ain't going to workf"
"N'ot much. I jes' feel kind o'
haughty and independent. I want the
pleasure of gettin' one o' tihese task
masters in line where I kin say what
I like to him an' then resign. "-—Wash
ington Star.
i Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.
*»f "° Garments Sold Before Thursday W*m
Salespeople not permitted to reserve
garments. No C. O. D.'s. No mail or- Spiff*
F .r der«. None sold to children. f
WM Smart Coats JESSES J| ||
nl| jyg SI.OO j|j||
LM7£ $2.50 values Silk Waists Cl Oft W' PSiJ
and lingeries and voiles, *} y- 9
SI.OO All Wool Serge Skirts 'PStajl
- »'• jKj^J
messaline, silk, plain, press- $1.50 Values
ed pleated bottoms. | 2—HOUSE DRESSES--2 EW|
k&ffi S,JEB | %T j Ijaj Your choice of two best Gingham,
SP *W/ Percale, embroidered and fancy Dresses, (V*
$3.95 Sweaters, all wool, 95
children's and ladies' sizes. *, f .. ■. .nr . , « Bl3re» v #
lEiiSI Wonderful values. 2=Voile or Lingerie Waists=2
00 UIU " ' ''"''"i" °' '. w ° ' ,Pal |['t u '
The Star-Independent does not
make itself responsible for opinions
expressed in this column.
V j
Mrs. Shook Thanks the Firemen
Editor, the Star-Independent:
Dear Sir: —I want to thank the fire
men for their prompt and good service
rendered for me at my house on Moil
day when it was on fire. Also 1 want
to thank the neighbors for their kind
ness toward me in sending in the alarm.
Mrs. J. M. Shook,
1190 Christian street.
The Holmes Seed Company Is Showing
Everything in Flowers and
Christmas Greens This Season
The flower lover, and his name is
legion, will have the opportunity to
gratify his taste, be it ever so critical,
by making a call at t'he new address
of the Holnles Seed Company.
Beautiful flowering plants are there
in great variety and a large assortment
of auracarias, dracaenas, cocos, palms,
scottii, W. K. Harris and new single
erected ferns vie with handsome palms,
Ijorraine Begonias and the like to form
a display excelling even the previous
holiday exhibits of Holntes Seed Com
pany, who have always led the van.
The showing of Christmas trees,
laurel, tlyeopodium, foxtail roping,
wreaths, Southern smilax, not forget
ting superb mistletoe, is fully up, if
not superior, to former years and will
ably maintain tihe reputation of this re
liable store.
Committees in charge of church and
Sunday school decorations will do well
to place tlveir orders early as it is
doubtful if some of these can be dupli
The pulblie in general is cordially
invited to daU and see the display and
■will be made welcome by a corps of
experienced and courteous salesmen.
The Holmes Seed Company owing
to the serious interruption to their
business resulting from the subway
has been compelled to move and are
now located in tlhe Adams building' at
106-108 Sowtih Second street.
Committee in Lunacy Appointed
Lefoanon, De«. 16.—A petition has
been filed by Bertha Elliott, sister of
Wilbur Reese, of Svner, North Ann
vilie township, for the appointment of
a commission to adjudge the young
inan, who is 24 years of aiife, a luna
tic. Judge Henry has appointed Roy
S. Light, Dr. W. R. Rood el and H. S.
Liigfht, as a commission. Reese is the
you nig man who was mixed up in the
fatal auto accident west of Annvillo
last July, -when Claude Witters, of Pial
inyra, was instantly killed and the
other four yoiing men in the Staiiffer
car were more or less injured. Reese
was driving a buggy and was thrown
to the ground.
A Pennsylvania farmer was the own
er of a good Aklerney cow. A stranger,
having admired the "animal, asked the
farmer, "What will you take for your
The farmer scratched his head for a
moment, and then said, "L->ok a-here;
be you the tux assessor or has she been
killed by the railroad!"— Argonaut.
At the Orpheum
There's a worthy vaudeville bill 011
view at the Orpheum t>h is week, so
worthy in fact that its a regulation
metropolitan program served up at the
Locust street play house at the usual
admission prices. So the reason why
Harrisburg should turn out in big num
bers this week to view the offering are
two fold. In the first place it is Ro
tary Week there and the profits go to
a" worthy cause, that of aiding the
stricken Belgians. If this is 110 incen
tive, then the fine bill is there, anil
that should appeal to every lover of
excellent and clean entertainment.
Bessie W'ynu is there with a fine reper
toire of songs aaid none of them have
ever been heard aJt the Orpheum be
fore. But some of them will after
Bessie leaves, for Harrisbung seems to
bo singing some of Chem now. "W-heo
You're a Long, Long Way From
Home," is one of her best and one of
the catchiest. She sing* a Japanese
song with costume and a setting appro
priate to the song, and in it she is
given an opportunity to inject a little
acting. And isn't Miss Wynn a dream
in her Jap kimono gown, and pink
flowers in her hair!
About four or five interesting crea
tions she dons at each performance and
all of them are lovely. And then for
those who like to laugh, there is Joe
Jackson, who has the w'iiole counedy
market cornered. Joe is programed
as the European Vagabond and for
thirteen minutes he has so many trou
bjes with his ragged clothes and his
bicycle parts that he keeps tihe audi
ence every minute he is on view. The
Fiarber Ciris and a wealth of othfti'
clever Keith hits round out the nfT
star 'bill. adv. ***
At the Colonial
"St. Elmo," the beautiful drama
tization of Augusta Evans novel of
that title, that has been delighting
patrons ait the Colonial theatre, will be
presented there for tihe last time to
day. "St. Elmo" is a. masterpiece in
moving; picture art, is in six parts and
calls in superb scenery and splendid
acting. Of the four Keiths acts that
combine into a fine vaudeviille offering,
the Six Lit tie Honey Bees, a rattling
juvenile singing a«it, is probably the
most popular. HaJleu Fuller and com
pany, presenting a screeching comedy,
will head the vaudeville festivities for
the last half of the week. adv. ***
At the Photoplay
To present a good program to-day
with a two-act LiuWn drama for the
headliner. "The Grip of the Past"
is a modern society drama produced as
City of Harrisburg Bonds |
Denominations SIOO and SSOO ?
Frpe of All Taxes in Pennsylvania j
224 Market Pa. f
only Lubin films can be made. A Yita
graph diajiui. "The Man Who -Might
Have Been;'' Hearst-Selig Weekly of
■Current Events and a Snakeville come
dy, ''Sophia's Fatal Wedding,"complete
the program. Friday the big feature
production, "The Naked Truth," in
five acts, will be shown. This is the
story of a real woman and taken froiu
the French novel of that name.
At tho Victoria
The hardships and perils of life in
Alaska, mingled with thrilling escapes
and daring feats, comprise the special
feature, "The Lure of the Yukon," a
masterpiece in three reels, which tops
an excellent bill at the Victoria theatre,
21!3 Market street, for to-drvv- only. It
is the story of two brothers who suffer
the terrible dangers of the Arctic to
will a fortune that, by lucky chance,
comes within their grasp as the long
winter breaks. On their way back t«
the States they meet a girl, whose fa
ther has instructed her to rob them.
Later she falls in love with one of tin
brothers and rescues them from banditi
who arc captured in a battle with tin
Yukon police. The story is full of
thrills and action is intense throughout
every foot of the three-reel film.
AnotJher headliner at the Victoria to
day is "Out of tihe Darkness," an ex
traordinary two-reeler, featuring Viv
ian Rich, William Garwood, Louise Les
ter, Harry Von Metter and Jack Rich
ardson. Adv.***
Cordovan Leather Boots
At the court of Elizabeth the wide
topped Spanish boot, handsome and,
to our eves, theatrical, became popular
among the rival courtiers, each en
deavoring to outvie the other in the
queen's eyes. The «lost handsome and
admired of all were made of w'hito
Cordova leather, edged with costly lace
and having gold spurs. Sometimes huff
and red and much more rarely the now
prevalent black leafher was the ma
terial. 'Boots for men seem to have gone
out of fashion during the Stuart era, so
far as the upper classes went. Your
plain citizen always adhered to a more
or less substantial shoe when at home
and seldom drew on boots save when
on a journey.—London Saturday Re
Employes Get Christmas Checks
Lebanon, Do-. 16. —*A. K. Ketter
ing, as treasurer, has paid out the sum
of $3,500 to the employes of the A. S.
Kreider shoe factory at Annville, us
their share of the Chris tunas savings
At the Midi til clown pkvnt of the
Kreider shoo factory, checks were re
ceived by the employes who were mem
bcrs of the Christmas savings fund to
the amount of $1,916.35.