The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 12, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    Sister: Read Myfree Offer!
M ««. ror ntoeelth.
If rcra fMlrniSt for household dutiss. social plum re*, or
dally employment. writ# and tell me ju»t how you »ufl«r.
aal aak for my (m tu «Uy»' trial of a box tattMrt
su «*2 jroornoed*. Mm<um(uitrKudwommi
lamrtogv What w* women know from experience vn
know better than any man. I want to tall yoa how to
aire Tparaelf at home at a coet of about 12 cent■ a week.
If you suffer from women 'a peculiar ai lmer. ta caus*
in the head. back, or howelm. ImLi of weight
•Mihanuidown Moutioa,lallin- ordiapUeooaoat «f
PaWe orraat, Canute kidney and btaddor woakoow or
con.tip.tioo and pilot, painful or irresolar niiifc.
catarrhal condition, and discharge*. extra mo aorrooa
"***' aplrita, melancholy, deiiro to ery, fear of
wmetkinc oril about to ha poo o. creeping fee lias aloac
too ipwo. palpitation, hot naahoa,woarinoaa, tallow coo<
•ilexion witk dark circloa under the eyea,peio la the left
oreart or a general feeling that life la not worth knot,
•ad learn how these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at home without the dsmgers and
expense of an operation. When you are cured, and able to enjoy life again, you can pass the good
word along to some other sufferer. My home treatment is for yeoag or old. To Mothers of Daugb
tprsti \rillexplain how to overcome green sickness (chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and lassi
tude in young women and restore them to plumpness and health. Tell me if you are worried about
your daughter. Remember it coets you nothing to give my home treatment a ten days' trial, and
does not interfere with daily work. If health is wortk askine for, then accept my generous offer and
write for free treatment, including my illustrated booklet. Seven's Own Medical Adviser.
I will send all In plain wrappers postpaid. To save time, you can cut out this offer, mark your feel*
fogs, and return to me. Send today, as you may not see this offer again. Address,
MRS. M. SUMMERS, - - - - - Box H, SOUTH BfeND, IND.
On Account of Stough Campaign Some
Churches Are Only Holding Morn
ing Services Combining Sunday
School With Congregation
AH echo of the Stough campaign in
Harrisburg is n otic able in the activities
of the local clnircbes. which with the
exception of preparations now being
made by several choirs and a few of
the local Sunday schools in rehearsing
fir Christinas are at as low an ebb as
in the mid summer season.
Following is a list of churches which
have announced their order of services
for to morrow:
First Methodist—the Rev. J. H.
Rover, pastor —Sunday school and
morning service combined at 10 a.
ni. No other service. »
First Presbyterian—Tbe pastor will
preach at 1 and 7.30 p. m. Sabbath
school at 9.4 5 a. in. and Christian En
deavor at 6.30 p. m.
Main Street Church of Go :—The
Kcv. t.. M. Getz. pastor —At 10.30 a.
in., subject, "The Song of the Forgiv
en." At 7.30 p. m.. subject. ••■Seek
ing the Lost." Sunday school at 2
p. m. Junior Christian Endeavor at 6
p. m. Senior Christian Endeavor at 6.30
p. m.
F r?t Reformed—The Rev. Charles
A. Hnyette. pastor—Morning service
and Sunday school at 10 o'clock, open
iug together. Sermon, "What th.*
Bible Says We Owe God. - ' Evening
service at 1.30 o'clock. Subject,
"Choosing Otir Own Path." Christian
Endeavor at 6.45 p. m. Prayer service
Wednesday evening at 7.45 o'clock.
Junior catechetical class Monday at
4.15 p. m. Senior catechetical class
Wednesday at 7 o'clock.
Grace Uunited Evangelical—That
ftev. .1. M. Shoop. pastor—Sunday
s;hoo at 0.15 a. m. Morning service
at 10.30 o'clock. K. L C. E. at 6.30
p. m. Evening service at 7>.30 o'clock.
St. Marks' , Lutheran—The Rev.
William B. Smith, pastor—At 10.30
s. m.. theme. "Paul Preaching the
Gospel." A: 2 p. m., Sunday school.
At 3 p. m„ Senior catechetical class.
At 6.45 p. m„ Christian Endeavor So
ciety. At 7.30 p. m., theme. "Keep
Yourself in the Love of God.'' At
4.15 p. m.. Wednesday, Junior cate
chetical class. At 7.30 p. m„ Wednes
day prayer meeting.
St. James' Catholic—Low mas* at S
a. m. High mass at 10 a. m. Sunday
school at 2 p. m. Vespers and benedic
tion at 7.30 p. m.
Trinity P. E.—Sunday school at 10
a. m. Morning prayer at 11 o'clock.
Evening song at 7.30 o'clock. Ordina
tion service next Friday morning at
10 o'clock.
Harry Thomas Nunemaker and Miss!
Margie .May Diffendert'er, both of High
spire, were married last evening at 7
o clock by Squire Gardner in his office.
Tile bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j
Benjamin l>iffenderfer. The couple will,
live at Highspire.
The Best Show of the Week at the
Standard Theatre Saturday
The Naked Truth. George Klein's beau
tiful 5-reel subject.
Matinee, 2 P. M. Seven reels.
Admission 5 and 10 Cents
Night, 5-reel special, 6.15 o'clock.
Admission. 10 cents to all.
Played 70 nights in the Chicago
City Limits.
nnrnnnnir N
, "iMmKi BeF@anr e@ci^'l
Y If You Should Die! f
Would you be willing, to-day, to turn over
the management of your affairs to some person
who might lack ability and experience!
Then why run such a risk that would bring
about just such a result after your death by I
neglecting to make your will and naming a
trust company as executor and trustee of your
An individual may die before the completion
nf his service to your estate. A trust company
is prepared""to manage your estate temporary
or for any period of time. And its service is
backed by sound judgment, fullest experience
and financial responsibility.
Q213 Market Street JJL
Capital, $S00,0<)0 Surplus, $300,000
Open for deposits Sat. evening from fi-to 8 N 1
1 1 I
Steelton Committee, After Listening
to An Interesting Address From
John Fox Weiss Plans to Push the
Work of Disposing of the Stamps
i An enthusiastic meeting of the
. Steelton Red Cross Christinas seal com
mittee was held in the rooms of the
Associated Charities in the Trust Com
pany building, North Front street, yes
terday afternoon.
The feature of the meeting was the
presence of John Fox Weiss, chairman
of the Harrisburg district who deliver
ed an interesting ad irees in which he
' outlined the plans in use elsewhere for
the sale of these stamps and which
were adopted for use in selling them in
i the borough.
The proceeds from the sales of
stamps are devoted to ant i-tubercular I
work, and eighty per cent, is devoted
to the work in this vicinity. Of the re-1
maineder. ten per cent, is' devoted to j
State work and ten per cent, to nation- j
al work. The money for this district |
is distributed through Dr. J. W. Ellen-!
ber;er, president of the local organi
zation. and is available through the 40-1
**ftl Asssoeiated Charities. Temporary i
assistance is giiven to tubercular poor,
railroad fare to Mont Alto provided,
and attention given to similar needs j
in a systematic manner. The commit
tee follows:
Chairman, Mrs. Lewis E. Johnson:'
vice chairmen, J. A. MeOurdy, Mrs. I
So .onion Hiney; school committee.
Prof. L. E. McGinnes, Prof. Charles S.
Davis, the Rev. J. C. Thompson.
Business men's committee. H. C.
Wright. Daniel C. Becker. Matthew M. •
«..\isaek. Dr. W. J. Middleton.
Residential committee, Mrs. W. H. j
Nell, Mrs. Eugene Seal, Mrs. Harry C.
, D ei!s ' Irs- ,lolln Bethel, Miss Celia
«*rt>y. Mrs. Edward Mengle, Mri
Harry Lupfer, Mrs. John M. Heagv,
Mrs. J. P. Detweiler, Miss Hazel
. Smith.
John Beuedek. Jr., Whose Whereabouts
Were Unknown to His Parents
for Two Weeks, Located
The value of news aper publicity was j
eJearlv illustrated yesterday in the case!
of John Benedek, the 16-year-old son j
of Mr. and Mrs. John Beuedek, 445
Mohn street, Steelton. who was last
seen by his parents about November !
2 7 when he left their home late in the
Tuesday evening, December 8, a sriu-1
gle column cut of the missing boy was !
! printed on the Steelton page of this
j paper. Late yesterday. Joseph Sebo, em
ployed by Henrv Gilbert & Son, noticed !
j a boy answering the description of tfhe
missing Benedek loitering around the
• Gilbert stable in Blackberry alley, and
after questioning him found he had in
. deed discovered the lost lad.
Tfle boy was reticent about stating
why he left home and why he did not
return. Sebo. by means of telephoning
to neighl>ors of the Benolek's in Steel- !
ton. notified them of his find and later |
the parents appeared on the scene and j
took their son home with them, happy j
once more.
Annual Alumni Event Will Be Held \
December 30
The following committee has been ap- j
j pointed to arrange for the annual dance j
i of the toral '.High School Alumni Aaso-
I i-iation whic& will take place on the
: evening of Dei-ember SO in the hall o<f
: the Benton Club, North Front atreet:
j W, 'M. Harclerode, chairman; Miss
Sylvia WhHman.lMtisa Clara Harclerode,
i Miss Margaret. Daily, William Beehtel,
' Bun Brandt, Charles Chambers, Miss
1 Elizabeth Clancy, 'Muss Berth* tMeaser
smith. Miss Blls Sharosky, Roy Snyder,
'Miss Martha Selway, Miss Ellen iMerrv
man. iMiss Clare Heck ami Miss Sylvia
Meeting* Will Be Held Tuesday Evening
at 8 O'clock
The Fortnightly Chvh of the borough
j will meet Tuesilav evening, December
i 15. at tfhe home of ; Mrs. Gallagher, 21
North Harnsburg street, at S o'ctiock,
at which time the following program
J will be rendered:
; • "The Constitutional Basis of State
Government," Mrs. Lupfer; "American
i Citizenship, Chapter 9. State Govern
ment," 'Miss Hess. The remainder of
I the evening will <bo devoted to the
] Christmas, social.
The ten-month-old boy which was left
at the home of Mr. and >Mrs. John Lud
wig, 122 South Front street, Wednes
day evening, has been turned over to
the authorities of t Jtn'berland county,
and IVtective Ben' jy, at that count"?,
is now making a i ireh for its parents
woh are beJieved , have been residents
of Carlisle, but who are alleged to have
skipped the State.
Dwight T. "Hess, Heilwood. is spend
j iug the Christmas holidays with his par
ents, Mr. and L\lrs. C. Hess, South Sec
ond street.
Edward Windsor, North Front street,
transacted business in Harrisburg to
•Miss Pearl Herman, Aberdeen, Md.,
is spending the week-end with >Mr. and
Mrs. M. F. Harlan, Felton street.
The Naked Truth
In the Latin Quarter of Paris lives
Lolette, who is known throughout the
artists' colony as the handsomest girl
in Paris. In spite of the fact that her
services as a model nre sought after
by the leading painters and sculptors
of the city, she poses only for Annand
Bouchard, a mediocre painter who be
friended her when she \tas left a pen
niless orphan several years before. The
i moral of this story is brilliantly por
[ trayed in motion pictures at the Stand -
I ard Theatre to night.
Miss Mario Wiseman, the visiting
nurse employed by the Steelton Civic
Club, will be in her oflice from Sam.
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. in. to 1.30
p. ni.
Continued From Pint Pn*e.
valid?, will be taken to the tabernacle !
in a hundred or more automobiles anl
seated in comfortable chairs to bo fur- 1
nished by members of the women 'a
work eommi' e and women ushers.!
Care will be t:.ken to select only old per
sons who cannot get to the tabernacle
unaided, for the party has experienced
difficulty at many places with persons
who pretended thev were invalids so
that thev might benefit by the automo
bile rides and by the solicitous care of
the women.
Thursday will be known as a "Day
of Rejoicing." for in the evening all
who go to the tabernacle will take
| with them articles of food or clothing.
These articles will be piled on the plat
} form and on the following day will be
I distributed among the needy poor of
the city.
Parade to Cap Climax
The most spectacular event of the
campaign, the parade of members of
city churches and Sunday schools
through the principal streets, will prac
tically cap the climax on Friday night.
It is thought improbable that "all the
paraders can be accommodated in the
tabernacle, but a song service will be
held on the streets before the opening
of the tabernacle meeting.
There were more than a hundred trail'
hitters at last night's meeting at the
tabernacle. The unusually largo num
ber was reached because of the pres
ence in the throng of many high school
boys and girls, who ha 1 come to the
service as the guests of the evening.
Dr. Stough gave the briefest sermon
in the campaign, turning over much of
his time to Captain Jack Crawford, I
"the poet scout," who warned the boys
in the audience against cigarettes and
strong drink, and told stories of his
experiences in the wild and woolev
Song Composed by Spooner
At the tabernacle to-night the evan- j
gelist will preach on the theme, "How
1 May Know I Am Converted." In
stead of the tabernacle chorus, the
booster choir will occupy the stage. A
special feature of the evening will be
the boosters' presentation of a song.
"When Daddy Hit the Trail," the
words and music of which were com
posed by Professor Spooner. The au- i
thor of the song says that h e took it
direct from life, embodying in its ■
verses the actual experiences of chil-|
dren whose fathers had hit the trail. •
The subject of Dr. Stough 'a discourse j
ao-morrow morning at 10.30 o'clock'
will be "Stubble or Silver." In thel
afternoon at 2 o'clock he will speak to
men only on "Chaining the Giant," the
last of his series of lectures to men,
and "Spooner and the boosters in :
specialties" are also announced. The
evangelist will preach again in the
evening at 7.30 o'clock. In the after !
noon as usual, Miss Palmer will speak
to women only. Miss Saxman to young :
women and Miss Eggleston to children, j
Senator Hall Gains Strength
■Senator James K. P. Hall, of Elk
county, who has been ill for a long
time in a Cleveland hospital, has so far"
recovered as to be able to be remo.ed
to his home n Ridgewwv. In company
with his wife and son, Lyle 'Hall, he wiil
later go to Tampa. Florida, to pass the
winter. Senator Hall will be succeeded
in the State Senate in January by W.
'W ayne Hindman, of Clarion county, a
Democrat, who defeated Josiah Howard,
Republican, of Cameron, who for many
vears represented his counfcv in the
Russian Official Report Brief
Paris. Dec. 12, 4.25 A. M.—A fet-
TOgrad dispatoh to the Havas Agency
gives a brief official statement issued
by the staff of the Russian army in
the Caucasus. It follows:
'' There is no important action to
report as halving occur rod on Decem
ber 10.''
WOULD ADD $50,000,000
CMttairf Kru> Fac*.
to the UMmora. The assessments are
accepted and when property owners crf
fer their buildings for sale they are
allowed to add an additional ten p«or
! cent, charge, and no more. In other
words if an owner fixes the value of
i his home at SIO,OOO he cannot sell it
for more than SII,OOO.
Pennsylvania laws, it has been point
i od out, will not permit such practice
here, and the Commissioners referred
; to the Now Zealand plan only for the
purpcse of making comparisons.
"Once property owners appreciate
j the benefit to be derived by fixing prop
: erty assessments at a figure equivalent
I to eighty-five or ninety per cent, of the
actual value.'' said one Commissioner,
! "the city will get a higher valuation,
: both the owner and the city will be
! materially benefitted, and the tax rate
| will be lowered."
Thb assessors will start their work
(some time during January. The Com
i missioners say they have not yet
; e>l who will be appointed to the posts
j of assistants to the City Assessor.
Continued From Pint Pagt,
; bara river in Northwest Servia and
: capturing two towns.
A daring Turkish naval raid in
Russian Port of Batum, near the east
ern end of the Black Sea, is reported
to-day from Constantinople. It is said
that 100 Russians were killed by the
bombardment of Turkish warships.
I Since the engagement between Russian
j and Turkish warships in which the for
-1 mer German cruiser Goeben, principal
unit of the Turkish naval forces, was
damaged, there has been little activity
ion the Black Sea and to-day's dis
patches give no intimation of the char
acter of the Turkish vessels which
made the attack or of the whereabouts
of the Russian warships.
The German cruiser Dresden is said
to have taken refuge from the pursuing
British warships in an inlet on the
coast of Patagonia. The Dresden is the
only one of the five German warships
defeated by the British on December 8
which has not been reported officially
to have been sunk.
It has become apparent that the re-:
newed military activity in France, the
precise nature of which has been left
in doubt by the indefinite official com
munications has not yet attained tho
dimensions of a general assault. Berlin
is speculating whether the allies taking
advantage of Germany's preoccupation
in the great struggle with Russia will
seize the opportunity to begin a general
movement with a design to push back
the whole German line.
Reports from French and English
sources state that the Germans are be
ing pushed back slowly here and there,
as though the present operations of the
allies were in the nature of testing at
tacks ascertain where the Germans
have been weakened appreciably by
withdrawals of men for the eastern
The campaign in Eastern Russia is
now viewed more complacently by the
allies. Petrograd reported yesterday ths
Germans were within 15 miies of War
saw but it is now said that this advance j
has been checked. It is assorted in'
Paris that the German plan of campaign
has failed; that attempts to outflank;
the Russian right and left have been
deieated and that the Germans are
now reduced to the necessity of mak
ing frontal attacks which have so far
been futile and costly. German ob
servers, however, while frankly rscog
nizlng the immense importance of the
outcome, see no reason for believing!
that the German plan of campaign is in
danger of failure.
The mystery of Servia's sudden re
versal of form is attributed in Paris to
a dramatic incident. It is said that
Xing Peter, Servia's seventy-year-old
ruler, went to the front at the time
when his army apparently was being
pushed to extremeties by the Austrians,
and said to his soldiers: "Your old king
has come to die with you for the fath
Thereupon a general assault was or-1
dered, resulting In the recently reported
repulse of the Austrians.
General Stewart Knows Nothing of
Rumor Concerning National Guard
Washington jingoes are circulating a
story from that city to'the ♦.fleet that)
the War Department is engaged upon |
plans to place the National Guard of j
Pennsylvania upon a full war footing,'
the Federal government to supply this !
State and other States as rapidly as j
possible with arms and ammunition and j
complete equipment. If the federal |
government is going to do all of this
it has not so informed the State au
Adjutant General Stewart said to
day that he knows nothing of the in
tentions a« reported and intimated that i
there ar e people in Washington who i
talk too much about something about
which they know nothing.
General Stewart says that the Fed- 1
eral government is at all times prepared '
to equip the National Guard.
"I have no information that they j
want to put us on a war footing,'' said j
General Stewart, "but I know that at'
the War Department they have set |
aside enough of everything to equip !
every National Guard in everv State
in the event of a war."
Captain Jack Issues Notice of Full i
Dress Drill Next Monday
Captain George C. Jack, commanding j
the Governor's Troop, has issued notice
to all members that a dress uniforn
drill will be held in the armory on Mon
day evening next, when every member
is expected to be present, provided it )
does not interfere with his occupation. !
Drill will begin promptly at 8 o'clock, ;
and after the drill a ousiness meeting
will be held, at which the civil officers
of the organization will be nominated
for next year.
Lieutenant W. H. Bell, U. S. A., in
spector-instructor of cavalry, will be
present, and it is (tossible that the in
spector-instructor of infantry may also !
be there. This meeting will be an im- 1
portant one, as the Federal inspection j
is uear and the troopers are expected !
to do their best when the officers of I
the United States army come around, !
in order that the troop "may get a high
rating. On this oueasion visitors will
be welcome. An effort is being made
to obtain recruits for the troop.
A wise person takes notice of Nature's demand
for correction and assistance. Unhealthy con
ditions of the Btomach, liver or kidneys first
P ve warning by a trifling symptom such as
heavy feeling, sick headache, poor appetite or
depression of spirits. You should pay attention
to t^iese unnatural feelings immediately and
(Largest Sale W W
of Any Medicine HI H
in the World) JQ
are what you need. Try them, and you will always keep a box at hand.
They give you a clear mind and a sound body and keep you at your best.
They help the brain to be bright and active by purifying the blood that
nourishes it They drive impurities from the system, regulate the stomach
and bowels, improve the appetite and greatly benefit the general health.
When you experience signs of sluggish liver, inactive kidneys,
latent dyspepsia or impure blood, you can depend upon Beeeham's
Pills to promptly relieve and prevent more serious trouble.
A Timely Dose Works Wonders
At All Druggists, 10c* 25c.
B Direction* of special value to women mtk every km BBliA*
i W
Commerce Members Vote to Turn Hands
of Clock Forward One Hour
By Associated Press,
Chicago, Dee. 12.—The executive
committee of the Chicago Association
of Commerce, composed of twenty-four
members, voted unanimously in "favor
of moving the hands of the' clock for
ward one hour, for the purpose of gain
ing an hour more of daylight at the end
of day.
A resolution also was adopted ask
ing the United States Chamber of Com
merce at its annual meeting in Wash
ington next February to take up the
question of & nation wide movement to
gain more daylight at th a close of the
This—And Five Cents
Don't miss this. Cut out this slip,
enclose five cents to Foley & Co.. Chi
cago, 111., writing your name and ad
dress clearly. You will receive in re
turn a free trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidne"
Pills, for pain in sides and back, rheu
matism, backache, kidney and bladder
ailments, and Foley Cathartic Tablets,
a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic, especially comfortable to
stout persons. For sale in vour town by
George A. Gorgas, 16 North Third
street and P. R. R. Station. adv,
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.
Philadelphia Division—ll6 C rew to
go first after 3.40 p. m.: 102 101
111, 1 ' Ui '
Flagmen for 102, 104.
Brakemen for 116, 11S.
Engineers up: Sellers, Streamer
Everhart, PoweU, Seitz, IHindnian',
Crisswell, Supiplee, Grass, Sober, Brue
l*aker, Manlev. Foster, Tennant, Long,
Snow, Young, Minnich.
Firemen up: Libhart, Wilson, Shive,
Copeland, Mahoncr.-, Herman, Barton'
'Hartv, Achey, Moulder, Huston, Yent
z£r >. Shaffner, Reno, Martin, Lantz,
Whiohello. Chronister, Gilberg, Duvall
Penwell, McCurdy, Wagner, Kegleman'
Houser, Spring.
Conductors up: Looker, Fink.
Flagmen up: First, Harvey.
Brakemen up: Wiland, Brownewell
MoNaughton, Jackson, Coleman, Bu
chanan, Shultzberger, Kope, Dearolf.
Middle Division—2s crew to go first
after 1.30 p. m.: 21, 23.
Fireman for 23.
Engineers up: Havens, Moore, Wiss
ler, Hertzler. Minnick, Kugler. Smith,
Magill, Garman, Free, Bennett, Mumma.
Firemen up: Fletcher, Arnold, Cox,
Buyer, Musser, Drewett, Zeiders, Gross,
Simmons. Ross 1 , Wright, Davis, Kuntz,
Sea.grist, iPotteiger, Karstetter.
Conductor uip: Gant.
Make Your CHRISTMAS a Hummer
Are you looking for good value in Plants? We are in a position to give you the
best to be had. If you buy our stock we can assure you that you will have the satis
faction of getting quality that is bound to please you. Therefore take no chances
at this season, and let us fill your Christmas orders.
1 Place Your' Order Now Plants for Xmas
ImA, HOLLY (Loom) Begonias, Cyclamen, Ferns, Poinsetttaa,
JIT V. HOLLY WREATHS Sfete™ 68 ' TennlnaUls ' 0ro "
\JhS.\ /Or/ Laurel, Oronnd Pine, Crow's Foot, Fox Wholesale and retail. We have the only
IfWfO m .. . _ car of Canadian Balsam Fur Trees coming
Eopeing, Southern Wild Smilax, Pine to Harrisburg. 300 of these are already
im \ / f Tops, Sheet Moss, also our Native Moss. sold. The kind that do not fall off.
Our business has been so seriously interrupted by the construction immediately in front of our door of the
subway to go under the C. V. R. R. tracks and conditions are such that it is almost impossible to reach our
store. We have been compelled to locate at
No. 106 and 108 South Second Street, in the Adams Building,
where wo will have a grand Christmas opening and where we will subsequently continue our seed and implement
business. We take this opportunity of thanking our many friends in view of the unfavorable conditions favored
us by the use of the Telephone and patronizing the salesmen we were compelled to send out.
HOLMES SEED CO. No. 106-108 South Scond St. |
Both Phones Bell 08 ADAMS BUILDING
The Colonial Theatre will present
on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
together with four Keith acts of vaude
ville, a wonderful motion picture of the
popular play, "St. Elmo." This picture
is considered one of the most remark
able that was ever made. St. Elmo, as
a book, was one of tho best sellers. As
a play it drew capacity audiences. As a
film, St. Elmo is a motion picture
achievement bristling with the higher
element's of perfection. A dazzling cin-
Flagmen up: Miles, Mumma, Miller,
Cane, Frank.
Brakemen up: Putt, Bolnn, Kane,
Roller, Plaek, Keiffer, Rissinger, Kipp,
Sftahl, Heck, Kerwin, Beli, Reeie,
Frank, Sehoffstall, Spar, Mathias, Mc-
Ileury, Troy.
Yard Crews—Engineers up: liar
vet/, Saltsman, Kuhn, Snyder, Pelton,
! Shaver, Laudis. Hoyler, Breneman,
| Thomas, Rudy, Houser, Meals, Stahl,
Swab, Crist.
Firemen up: Myers, Boyle, Shipley,
Crow, Rieve, Ulsh Bostdorf, Seiiieffer,
Rfcuch, Lackey, Cookerlv, Shoiter,
Maof.-er, Sholter, Snell, Getty, Hart,
Barkey, Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Ney, Essig.
Engineers for 707, 1856, 14, 885.
Firemen for 1859, 1886, 213, 707,
Philadelphia Division —219 crew to
go first after 3.45 p. m.: 238, 245,
209, 246, 222, 210, 216, 202, 208,
232, 239.
Engineers for 208, 210, 222, 238,
Conductors for 216, 238.
Flagmen for 208, 216, 246, 248.
Brakemen for 205, 208, (2); 219,
232, 238, 248.
Conductors up: Keller, Stauffer,
Fliekinger, Logan, Walton.
Flagmen up: Kroh, Donohoe, Shin
Brakemen up: MePhearson, Taylor,
Kime, Wertz, Waltman, Decker, Diets
Shuler, Weist, Campbell, Mumma*,
iSutnmy, Stimeling, Myers, Wolfe, Cros
by, Vandling, Malseed, Kiester, Rice,
Middle Division—ll6 crew to go
first after 2.45 p. m.: 120, 118, 104,
15. 105.
Fireman for 120.
Conductors for 118, 105,
Flagman for 118.
Brakeman for 104.
P., H. & P.—After 4 p. m.: 16, 8,
ematographic triumph by the Balboa
Company of Long Branch, California,
manufacturers of "The Pictures
Beautiful." Heroic picturization of
Augusta Evans* world-famous Ameri
can novel. Stupendous in qualities of
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treatment of a tender theme. A photo
play that revolutionizes motion pic
ture production and establishes a stand
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24, 12, 11, 4, 2, 10, 19.
Eastbound—After 3.45 p. m.: 63<
65, 58, 60, 64, 57, 70, 56, 69, 71, 53,
52, 51.
Conductors up: Philabaum, German.
Engineers up: Martin, Kichwine,
Wood, Wyre, Morrison, Massimorc,
Fetrow, Barnhart, Crawford, Tipton,
Firenlen up: Longenecker, Sullivan,
Boyer, Fulton, Lex, Nye, Snader, Dow
hower, liumbaugh, King, Brown, An
spaeh, Corl, Bingaman.
Brakemen up: Grimes, Dunkle, Tay
lor, Ware, Smith, Greager, Holbert,
Mftohamer, Painter. Duncan, Gardner,
Shearer, Mumma, Hoover, HaTtz, Flea
gle, Miller, McHenry, Heilman, Miles.
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