The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 10, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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*2?? to *s"^
A popular
little novel
|p ty for a gift
or a prize—a product of
the company owned by
retail jewelers in which
this store is a stock
holder. . i
Store open evenings after
December 12 th.
l The I P. G, DIENER
II Store 1 408 Market St.
Petrograd, Dec. 9 (Delayed In Trans
mission) —An official communication is
sued by the general staff to-night gives
the progress of the fighting in the
various fields. It says:
"In the region of Mlawa, on De
cember 8, the conflict assumed a less
tenacious character.
"On the left bank of the Vistula
on the eveniug of December 7, the Ger
mans under cover of darkness, sudden
ly began an offensive movement simul
taneously along the entire front from
How (West of Warsaw) to Glowno
(southwest of Warsaw). The move
ment was remarkable for its stubborn
nature. The attack was repeated again
and again, the Germans advancing iu
compact columns.
"Aided by searchlights, however,
our fire decimated the enemy who was
everywhere repulsed. With "the rising
of the moon attacks of the enemy
"The next day the desperate fight
ing on the Liowicz-Ilow front was re
turned but without success for the
"In the Piotrkow region the situ
ation is unchanged.
"The fighting south of Cracow has
continued tenaciously, presenting al
ternately offensive and defensive move
ments. The Germans twice attempted
to break through our fronts but were
repulsed with serious losses.
"Ou the Black sea on December 8
the whereabouts of the enemy's vessels
were not revealed."
Cholera Spreading in Austria
Rotterdam, Dec. 10. —The Berlin
Board of Health, according to informa
tion reaching Rotterdam, reported 36
cases of cholera in Germany during the
month of November.
Relief for Catarrh
Sufferers Now FREE
You Can Now Treat This Trouble in Your
Own Home and Get Relief at Once.
tHow the Remedy for Catarrh
Was Discovered.
By the nmr HP HIS terrible disease
method the-.ton I has raged unchecked
and throat are A • i •
treated by an tor years simply be
n'medf ap'ptM cause have been
d "" treated while the cause of
"brants. the trouble has been left to
circulate in the blood, and
bring the disease back as fast as local
treatments could relieve it.
C. E. Gauss, who experimented for
years on a treatment for Catarrh, found
that after perfecting a balm that relieved
the nose and throat troubles quickly, he
could not prevent the trouble beginning
Tht B»». a" over again.
WZciVa On test cases, he could
direct influence completely remove all
\y tmuffn. upon the mu- c % t
\ i cousmembranes signs or from nose
°/ur , e' s bn the a di and throat, but in a few
ease by remov WCCKS they Were back.
tug the cause.
Careful experiments and investigations have shown
that as the troubles expelled from the nose and
throat, the real cause of tlie disease was overlooked
and in a short time the Catarrh would return stronger
than ever. Mr. Gauss has gone way ahead of the
ordinary methods of treatment and has provided a
remedy that
Removes tHe Cause
and Immediately Gives Re
lief to the Nose and Throat
Reese Jones, of Sc ran ton, Pen n.. says that after trying
many other treatments, he used this new method and
'My tiose is now entirely clear and free and I am not
bothered by the disease any more. The New Combined
Treatment is worth its weight in gold."
Temporary relief from catarrh may be obtained in other
ways, but the New Combined Treatment must inevitably
be accepted for permanent results.
Sarah J. Cape. Mount Pelia, Tenn., says, "I
suffered the pains and distress of catarrh for
thirteen years and needless to state, tried nearly
every method. But by your new method I wns
i omfiietely cured and you cannot imagine the
joy that has come over me."
Trial Treatment FREE
This new method is so important to the wel
fare of humanity, so vital to every person suffer
lug from any form of catarrh, that the oppor
tunity to actually test it and Prove its results,
will be gladly extended without one cent of cost.
A large trial treatment, with complete, mi
nute directions, will be sent free to any catarrh
Send no money, take no risks, make no
promises. Simply clip, sign and mail the cou
pon and the t»*st package of tho Nrw Combined
greptmer.t wii* be :zv'- Cully ntepaid, together
fftti) the valuable nook on CT'.-irh.
Washington, Dec. 10.—In order tliat
the United States may ■ observe strict
neutarlity in tho European war, the
Navy Department will not issue this
month the usual comparative statement
of the warship tonnage of the principal
uuval Powers of the world, hitherto is
sued in December and July of each
year. Instead of attempting to put out
a statement corrected to date tho in
telligence office of the department to
day reissued the statement of July,
when all of the nations now at war
were pursuing the paths of peace.
While the issuance by the United
States of a statement setting forth the
naval strength of the warring nations
might be improper in itself, it was also
pointed out that the changes wrought
in the various navies by destruction
of vessels on the one hand and pur
chase and completion of craft on the
other would make it quite impossible
to compile the necessary data.
Tho July statement, reissued to-day,
shows Great Britain at the head Of the
list with a tonnage of 2,157,850, while
the other nations, in the order of their
tonnage, are Germany, United States,
France, Japan, Italy, Russia and Aus
tria-Hungary. This statement shows
that with the completion of vessels
built and building July 1 the order
would be Great Britain, Germany,
Prance, United States, Japan, Bussia,
Italy, Austria-Hungary. This latter
calculation would place the United
States fourth instead of third among
the world naval Powers.
Amsterdam, via London, Doe. 10,
7.51 A. M.—Dr. Karl Liebknecht, the
Socialist member of the Reichstag,
who was the only one bo vote against
the war credit at the recent session of
the Reichstag, explains his action in
an article just published in Berlin, lie
"This war was not desired by any
of the peoples affected nor was it
kindled to promote the welfare of the
Germans or any other people. It was
created by the common action of the
German and Austrian war parties in
the obscurity of semi-absolutism and
secret diplomacy in order to anticipate
their adversaries. At the same time the
war is a Napoleonic attempt to unnerve
and crush the growing labor move
Floating Mines Targets for Liners
York, Pa., Dec. 10.—Taking pot,
shots at drifting mines, when met in
the North Sea, is the latest sport on the
high seas, according to Richard Hor
uor, a York boy, who has returned home
after having been since the outbreak
of the war with his cousin, Mrs. Her
mann Singer, wife of a German army
lieutenant, in Rothenkirchen. Young
Horner returned on the New Amster
dam, of the Holland-America line, an
officer of which tried to explode a
drifter with rifle bullets, but failed.
Czech Regiments Revolt on Field
Geneva, via Paris, Dec. 10, 4.40 A.
M. —The correspondent of the "Jour
nal De G'eneva," at Prague states
that confirmation has beeu received
there that Czech regiments No. 2b
from Prague, No. 108, from Brusau,
No. 11, from Paezika and the Kighth
landwehr of Prague, which were serv-'
ing against Servua, revolted on thel
battlefield. The news according to the I
correspondent, has created a deep im-1
pression in Vienna.
Goes to the Root of
Stopped-up noses
Constant 'frog-in-the
Nasai discharges
Hawking and spiting
Snoring at night
Bad breath
Frequent colds
Difficult breathing
Smbthering sensation in
Sudden fits of sneezing
Dry mucus in nose
and any of the other symp
toms that indicate ap
proaching or present catarrh
I Send the Test Treatment
| 6303 Main Street, Marshall, Mich.
I If your New Combined Treatment will
relieve my Catarrh and bring me health
I and (rood spirits again, lam willing to
lw shown. So, without cost or obligation
| to me, send, fully prepaid, the Treat.
. ment and Book.
• Name
| Address
I Gigantic Sale tfl Positive |
and Dresses BS JbL H oiucv oauci h
I SJ • BHtsbl SAVE! SAVE! |
I Coats Suits Dresses 1
IP All variety of shades and u " lined iif best satin, Party and evening, velvet y*j
ssj I styles, flare arid long coats, xf you have ever bought ~j| ( . 0 j ()1 . s manv classy' and I I
TO k' Plushes, caracul, lamb cloth, wonderful values they are *, . t , . *
SI ' and mixtures; belted and * l( \ re * n s^ore to'" you in this ' • , j'j 2
881 MWwm*. , . -x. *„./« suit department. Sale con- UHSh - y(m Wl " 11,1,1 >4GBbiHk. A\ \
111 plain coats. Positive $25.00 tinued Friday and Saturday, in wearing, $30.00, values J
to $35.00 values. I $20.00 values to $25.00. |to $35.00.
■■■ V We Have Not Failed or Bought a Bankrupt Stock Nor |j
concera. It is an absolutely cleanj fresh, up-to-minute merchandise sold Retail at Wholsalc
| I Headquarters For Children's Wear |
am Cloth and Fur Fabric Coats fk |
V 3r to°s7?so Values sl-95 tO $4.95 ■ 1
*■%» ( li.i) uiing Plain Trimmed Styles in \Y;irm, Serviceable or Kaney Mixtures. gj
'j London, Dec. 10.—Telegraphing
"from Petrograd, Router's correspondent
! says:
"How great are the financial sacri
fices Russia is making to promote tem
perance among her people at a time
when money is sorely needed for war
purposes is disclosed by the latest olti
| cial statistics concerning the spirit
: monopoly. These show that the receipts
from this source for September were
about. $852,000, which is about S3S,-
; 298,215 less than for the same month
j last year.
| "The number of kegs of spirits sold
in Soj leniier was 102,714. w'hii ii is 9,-
1:10.297 le.-s than in September a year
Berne, Switzerland, Dec. 10.—Pro-
I fessor Hugo C'laparede, of the I'niver
| sity of Geneva, son of the Swiss Min- ,
; ister to Berlin, has beeu dismissed from
the university by tiie Swiss Federal
! Council, on tiie ground that his ex
jvressed views concerning the violation
| of Belgian neutrality are inconsistent
with tiie observance of neutrality by !
I Switzerland.
Professor (iajarede had offered his!
: resignation, following a demonstration j
against him by tiie students, but tiie
Federal Council de -lined to accept it ;
and instead dismissed him.
The student demonstration occurred ■
!on November 2-1 as Prufessor Clap-1
urede entered his classroom. A delega- j
tion of students met him and read an
address, in w'hUii they asked him to;
resign, because "your attitude pro-!
ihi bits you to continue to occupy public
j post remunerated by the State."
Egypt Expels Germans
; Berlin (by wireless to Salville, L. I.),
I De.-. 10.—The Corriere della Sera of
I Milan asserts* that rcnorts received
j there from Cairo are to the effect that I
j women and children, German and Aus
: brian subjects, have been expelled from
| Egypt. Fifteen thousand of them, the
' newspaper nays, have been conveyed to
I Cyprus.
Count Festetics Killed
j London, Dec. 10. —Count George
i Festetics is reported 1o have been killed ,
j in Gali. ia. !He was well known in Lou
don society and was attached for some I
| time to Hie Austro-Bungarian embassy
here. It is understood he was a suitor j
for the hand of ! Mrs. John Astor.
Why Russians Are Placing Mines
Condon, De;'. 10, 4.53 A. M. —Aj
; dispatch from Petrograd to Realtor's!
Telegram Company announces that the
Russian government has notified neu
tral shipping that military reasons
j compel it to place mines off the Rus
sian and Turkish ports and parts in
the Black Sea. The government's no
ticed states that neutral shipping must
proceed at its own risk.
Confiscating Telephone Wire
, London, Dee. 10, 10.37 A. M.—Ac
cording to a tf-l egrajii from Maastricht,
Holland, says the "Daily Mail's'' Rot
terdam correspondent, the Germane are
| confiscating telephone wire and all
I copper articled of domestic use in Bei-
I giuin.
i Now Orleans, Dec. 10. —The British
squadron sent in pursuit of Herman
1 commerce destroyers operating ofi'
j South America was aided in its search
I by the vessels by an air scout in the
opinion of officers of the Colon, a ves
sel plying between New York and
; Panama and ovvued by the United
States government as told in mail ad
vices reuchiug here from Colon.
According to the advices, the Colon
when 300 miles southeast of the Flori
da coast on its last out sighted
an aeroplane which because of its de
scrijrtion from shore was thought lo
be r.iiattached to any land station. The
aeroplane approached the Colon close
ly, then veered off and vanished in the
gathering night.
Favorable to Germans and Austrlans
Amsterdam, via Loudon, Dec. 10,
S.-O A. M.— According lo advices re
ceived and published by the ' Berliner
Tageiilatt," the battle in iSouth l*o
hnd is developing favorably for the
Germans and Au.itriaus. The Russian
forces which were originally line I bow
shaped around Cracow, according to
the " Tageblutt' have now been re
pulsed at the wings.
Jailed for Killing Buck
Williamsport, I'a., Dec. It). —Con-
victed of shooting a buck with invisible
horns, Roucrt Rogers, of Brown town
ship, was committed to jail yesterday
on failure to pay tine and costs of $l3O
He' will spend 130 days in .jail unless
he settles.
Thieves Bound Victim to Horse
Canton, Ohio, Dec. 10.— four rob
bers stopped I'aul Lawrence of Dalton
Tuesday night as he was driving home
on a lonely country road with $«0. the
proceeds from the sale of potatoes. They
took his money, gagged him, tied hi
hands and feet, fastened him un IIH
horse's back and set the animal gillop
ing away. The animal wandered into a
farmyard, where Lawrence was able to
attract the attention of a farmer, who
freed him.
Spys Worst Is Yet to Come
Washington, X. .1.. Dec. 10. —Charles
Foddle, who says lie is the original
shinbene prophet and has accurately
predicted every storm for the past
year prophesies that the present storm
will continue for some time and will
be one of the most damaging in recent
years. Mr. Kodile injured one of his
shinbones some years ago and he says
its behavior euable's him to predict and
size .i]) storms.
Belief Work at Lebanon
Ijebanon, Dec. 10. —Announcement,
was made at a meeting of the executive
committee of the Emergency Relief
committee at the home of .lames IJOWO.
chairman, last eveniqg, that to date
$703.68 has been donated towards the
relief of the destitute and suffering in
Europe and the poor at home. The fund
realized to date is not sufficient, to an- :
awer the demands made upon the com-'
mittee and all persons charitably in
clined can make contributions to I). .1. j
Leopold, cashier of the Eirtrt National!
bank of Lebanon.
War Scenes Will Be Suggested at Eu
j tertainment in Chestnut Street Hall
Next Tuesday Evening to Aid the
Red Cross Campaign
Europe's far-flung battle lines, the
| marching of the troops and the picture
jof the fields after the bands quit play
iiig, will be realistically suggested to
| the audience that will crowd Chestnut
| street auditorium next Tuesday evening
I when Zembo band and patrol of the
I Mystic Shrinp will give a concert and
I drill for the benefit of the Ued Cros3
Christmas seal campaign.
Twenty-four pretty girls will act as
"Red Cross Nurses" and they will be
| garbed in regulation white with dainty
frilled aprons, caps and arm-bands. V
; feature of the occasion will be a mod
ern field hospital tent erected on the
stage. The brilliant Zouave uniforms
ol' the patrol utnler command of Cap
! tain F. 11. Hoy and the Uniformed band
under Director Cornelius B. Shope's su
pervision will give further suggestion
l of the feathering of the allies. But, it
j will be for Mr. Shope and his fellow-1
I bandsmen, to give the finishing touch, j
The patrol anil nurses will march into
the auditorium as the band plays J
I" 'Tis a I-<ong Way to Tipperary."
Tlie program has been scheduled to;
begin at 8 o'clock although the con
cert will not start until 8.30. At 8.45
P _ ' i ~1
This Automatic Poultry Feeder
Will Make Your Hens Lay Better [ , \
Here's proof! The Norwich Automatic Feeder is used exclusively at
the North American Laying Competition where all ofticial egg records
have been broken. In the Third Competition, just completed, the
entire flock of 500 birds averaged 170 eggs —131 of them laid 200 eggs ,"':v
orjiiore —one pullet made a world's competition record of 286 eggs in jgplL . .L-, -"'wji
365 days. These are official records made by birds operating these jK-1 .fcVud >wy,:ti". ; 3m«s
■ feeders, which were refilled but once each week. (fywM
Did your flocks do as well? You can secure equally good results, at the same time
reducing labor and feed bills. Adopt this method of feeding—give your birds a
fair chance to do their best work. Our new
tl is offered in response to the demand from owners of
small flocks for a low-priced machine embodying 'i'
the essential mechanical features which have proved ■• 'liitf
so thoroughly satisfactory. It has a capacity of 12
quarts— is positive in action—thoroughly well made |
—will give satisfactory service for years.
Among the special points of merit of the Apaco
Poultry Feeder are the all-important adjustable *j— jilj u lwwi
valve for regulating the flow of feed and positive
rotary action feeder rod. These arc exclusive Nor
wich features which cannot be secured elsewhere. 12 O art C t-> '»
Guaranteed Satisfactory or Money Refunded _ . . _ a ,f C ' y
Teat this time-savinß, results-bringing method right now. ill I JPIIVAFPfI
Mail your order for one or more Apaco Feeders today. We * *IW v* A I/wlv VI v^il
will make immediate delivery through your dealer or b> parcel . * AH- • r>* - *1 or*
post and your flock will soon begin to pay you dividends. S'ou *" e IVliSfiisiippi Kiver $1.«30
simply can't lose under our guarantee. delivered to paints beyond I
Our attractive catalog ts full of interesting futures and helpful
information. Mailed free for the asking.
WALTER S. SCHlia, Quality Seeds, 13M 2rSS S aEBT |
| Fed by our automatic feeders Sh Them nt Our Kxhllilt at the I'uultr; Show 'l'hlM Wrck
the <lrill will begin after which the
muses will move through the audience
aud sell the Hed ('ross Christinas seals.
These will be arranged in packages of
ten and twenty-five.
After the drill and the sale the band I
will entertain with a further concert'
ami this will be followed with dancing
until about 11 o'clock. The plan for
the "nurses' " participation in the af-l
fair has been mapped out by Captain
Hoy and he will be assisted by the fol
lowing girls:
Misses Fannie I. Hoy, Ruth Kirkup, I
Margaret Bacon,, Mary Roth, Ann Fo-1
garty, Ann Fissel, Maudaline Shoaf, j
Margaret Shoaf, Irene McCalley, Marie
Mel'alley, Katharine Thome, Mary
Frances Ebel, Klcanor Copelin, Marie
Melville, Dorothy Black, Katherinel
McCloskey, Ella Morrow, Emma Mor-;
row," Mary Koons, Esther Adams, Jlelen f
Roberts, Esther llutman, Hilda Fohl|
and ijaura Miller.
Well-Known Hersliey Woman Dies
Ijebanon, Dec. 10. —Hersliey lost a,
valued resident in the death last even- I
ing of Mrs. Elizabeth Demubh, widow
of Henry Deniuth. She was aged 75:
years and was widely known in l-it'b- j
anon county and also in the I>auiphin j
county region, lier husband died fit"- |
teen years ago. The following are those
who survive: A son, Abraham, of Pal
myra; a daughter, Mrs. Herbert Scott,
of Hersliey; two brothers, A. S. Blouch,
of this city and I. 11. lilou li, of Prince
ton; two sisters, Mrs. William .Shay ane. j
Mrs. Kate Bright'bill, of Lebanon. The !
funeral will be held to-morrow at 2 p.
m. from t'he home of her daughter, Mrs. I
.Scott, and burial will be made at the j
Wendell Henry meeting house, near
: Pittsburgh Lawyer Want State Banks
j to Reveal Their Unclaimed Deposits
Application for a peremptory writ
lof mandamus whereby William H.
Smith, State Baulking Commissioner,
| would be required to compel banks of
! the State to publish annually, in De
cember, a statement showing unclaim
j ed deposits in their banks, was filed in
| the Dauphin county court yesterday.
The suit is unique in that it raises the
question whether the banking commis
sioner can be man dam ueed. Some law
yers sav he cannot.
The action was begun by Felming
j Kevin, a Pittsburgh attorney, and
\ counsel for Mary 0. Brackney, also <it
Pittsburgh, who says she is the sole
: legatee of her aunt, the late Katherine
j O'Donnell, and now is without means
' of ascertaining whether her aunt u. .
j money deposited in banks.
The suit was begun under the act
| of March ti, 1547, which directs banks
i to publish in the newspapers state
ments showing what unclaimed
j its are on hand. The banking commis
| sioner, it is said, refused to follow Mr.
Nevin's suggestion "to direct banks
to publish the statement," amd the
suit resulted. The court will fix a time
' for a hearing on the writ.
Natural Animosity
"I saw a most unusual sight of har-
I monv at the dock this morning."
"What was it!"
"An old seadog getting on finely
! with a catboat."—Baltimore American.