The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 10, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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We call your attention to two attractive articles that will
be offered to-morrow at special prices. Either of them will
prove a most welcome gift to mother, wife or sister.
Eiderdown hath robes in light and dark shades, and a
variety of patterns—
s3 Values, $1.98 $3.50 Values, $2.29
All wool high grade serge skirts in navy and black, new
models. $4.00 values. Special Fridav only,
—Suits, Coats and Dresses—-
For personal use or for gift purposes rare bargains are
offered in our big sale of ladies' ontcrgarments. The
offerings embrace quality and style, and
Prices Average a Half
Don't Forget Id 19 t A4I» t4 Don-t For S«
the Number IW _ lfc We *TlI! •le the Number
Dr. and Mrs. Stine Will Give Dance
To-morrow —D. A. R. Hears Address
by Mr. Wheaton—Five Bushels of
Peanuts Shelled for Sale To-morrow
Mrs. J. Ralph Morrison and Miss
Frances Morrison are entertaining at
tea. at their home. 615 North Front
street. this afternoon, n compliment
to their house guests, Mrs. Edwin Win
ner and Miss Gladys Winner, of Ger
mantown, Pa.
Yellow and white chrysanthemums,
with here and there a touch of bright i
holly, form the decorations in the draw
ing room, parlors and dining room
where supper will be served to the
members of the receiving party au i;
several other guests.
Mrs. Frank Payne, Mrs. W. W'aliey
Davis and Mrs. George Douglas Ramsey
wilf pour tea and chocolate. Receiving
with Morrison and Miss Morrison
v ill be Miss Virginia Haigest King,
Mis- Helen Hammond. Mr.-. Paul Ciar
feld Smith. Miss Janet Sawyer, Miss
MarsMref M d-aili. Miss Margaretta
Fleming and Miss Margaret Williamson.
The dance for which Dr. and Mrs.!
Henry M. have issued invita- j
t on*. w,!l be given to-morrow night,
rt their home. 21 South Front street.
Miss Mostandon Davis, of St. Joseph.
Mo., nh will be t e guest of honor, is
:ng uiii ;i entertained during her stay
in tiie city.
Trinity Guild Sab To-morrow
I nity Guild of 8L Stephen'g Prot
<- Epi>. church w.!l hold its
; -:i-c a the pa r :<h house, to-mor
row afternoon, from 3 to 6 o'clock. To
av many ot the young women were
! - ' gage; n shelling five bushels
nl • est r< which w.ll be salted and
*:>! d to-morrow, <v:th the homc-ma-le.
• ndi. -. ■■■■..■* and fancy artic es of all
- -. A novel feature of the sale will
he tr.c dollar iaVe. where da.ntv ar
t the thing for Chris-mas
p fts. will be sold :-nd the prices will
range from twentv-five cents to a lol
ls r.
Mr-. Phiiip T. Meredith, president
of ;he Guil.i. will be a-siste iby the
following committees:
Candy—t'hairman, Mrs. Walter P.
Maguirc: assistants. Mrs. Foose. Mrs.
.Mahan, Mis. Gannet. Mrs. Trace an i
Miss Heller.
Cafe —Chairman. Miss <ara McCon
k*y; as- -'ants. Mrs. Titsworth. M-s.
I'ayae. Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Gendell and
Mr-. Dick nson.
la: 1 v Work—Chairman. Mrs. Jonu
Oen«!ager; assistants, Mrs. Bowman,
Mrs. Kaltwasser, Mrs. J. G. Ingram.
Mrs. ' . M. Cole. Mrs. W. W. Galbraith
and Mr-. Frank Smith.
Mrs. Roll.n Alger Sawyer and Mrs.
F. Herbert Snow will pour tea.
Choral Society Plans Rehearsals j
On January 5 members of the Harris- '
r R Choral Society wili begin re
hearsais for their spring music festival,
at which they will present Handel's
'"Samson." Rehearsals will be held in
Fahnestoek hall and will continue untii
the time of the concert.
The society was organized in 1593
and have given splendid converts each
year since tiiac time. Dr. J. Fre 1 '
Wolle. who directed the chorus last
year, wll again take harge of the
work, assisted by Prof. E. J. Decevee.
Sample of Pyramid Pile Remedy
won.|.^h? n L° r K t . li "! K ve ' oulck ""ef.
I, 8, g or protruding
Piles, hemorrhoid and all rectal
K'V the priva r of Jour own
il •J*? 1 II druriflsta. Fr*„
fj* *"«' with booiUet mailed
free in plain wrapper.
T,'.* P MI ° .9*™ COM PA NY,
611 Pjramld Bids.. Marshall. Mich.
Kindly send me a Free isnmpte of !
Pyramid PiW Remedy. in plain w rapper.
nt r I
pianist, and the Russian Symphony or-1
Harry M. Bretz is secretary of the :
society, and Miss Mary Turner, assist-1
! ant secretary. Already many persons
have enrolled and it is expected tiiat
| the number of singers will far exceed
; that of last year, as many members
of the Stougu chorus have signified
' their intention of enrolling.
Mrs. Gilbert Heads Relief Work
Active work of the Home and War
Relief Committee, in which society
tolk are interested, will begin January
1 and continue until March 31. The
' committee was permanently organized
last evening at a meeting held at the
home of Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, North
Front street. Mrs. Gilbert was elect
ed < lairman. Mrs. John Fox Weiss, sec- ]
rotary, and John F. Sweeney, trust of
j tieer of the Mechanics Trust Company, I
The committee will solicit funds from
the city and surrounding towns and buy
yarn and other supplies, after which the
work of making the materials iuto |
c'othing and other necessities will be.
given to needy men and women of the!
city who will be paid for their ef- I
At headquarters. 7 South Front
street, there w':h oe sold cakes, pastrv,
. ice cream and other foods, the proceeds
to t>e added t«> the general fund.
D. A. R. Hears Mr Wheaton
t Mrs. Henry MeCormick presided at
an interesting meeting of Harrisburg
! Chapter. D. A. R., held this afternoon
iii the John Y. Boyd Memorial hall, of
the \. W. C. A. The meeting was an
ojn.>n one and began promptlv at 2.45
o '..lock.
Harris H. W neatou. of W'ashington. I
!>. a collaborator, with the l"uited
Urates Department of Education, gave
instructive and interesting talk on
Some Phases o: tie Immigration y.ies illustrating his remarks with
-tereopticon v ; ows hrought directly
from the New \ o"k Bureau of Immigra
Newell Albright gave several piano
numbers which were thoroughly en- ;
joyed by all present.
Birth Anaouncement
Mj. ant \I-s. William Alexander,.
130 i North Third street, announce the:
rth ot a son. William Nelson, Tues
•a \ De>-ember 8. Mrs. Alexander was
Mss 'Mary Knepp, o>f this city, prior l
to her marriage.
Laborer Asked for Iniuries Re
ceived While at Work
Li banon. Dec. 10. —Settlement has
been effected in the $25,000 dr.magj
suit instituted by William G. Eekert.
of this city, against Luria Bros., scrap
dealers of this city, and also Mat Sil
berman, trading under the firm name
of the Donaghmore Iron and Steel!
Company. Ecken wa« employed as a
laborer at the plant and on September
4, 1913. alleged that due to negligence
,in providing safeguards at a large
shears used for cutting iron and pipe
! he was struck on the head by an iron
j bar and suffered a concussion of the
, brain, a broken skull, and besides be- 1
mg confined to the hospital and his
home, will be in.-apa. itated from woik.
The jury in the Wilson P. Althousc
vs. Adam Brightbill suit for the recov
ery of sl!s3 alleged to be due for
wages on the defendant's fa:m. after
a half hour g deliberation vesterdav
afternoon, returned a verdict for the
full amount, with interest, amounting ■
to 1196.23. 6
The $5,000 damage suit of Julius
Caplan, scrap iron dealer, of this city,
against the Pennsylvania Chautauqua,
was on trial yesterday afternoon. Aft
er hearing a number of witnesses. Judge
:C. \. Henry ordered non-suit in the
Head of Bible Class 53 Years
; Lebanon, Dec. 10. — Members of Sa
j lem Lutheran Bible class, of this eity,
; have elected officers for the coming j
1 year and hav e named County Commis- j
j sioner John Reinoehl, superintendent,
i for anrther year. This will also make
i fifty-third consecutive time that he has
been elected to th e superintendencv of
this school. It is said that Mr. Rein-|
1 oehl has a record for continuous serv-1
ice in one church in such an office in
i the Cnited States. It was in 1862.
1 .just fifty-three years, that he took up
for the first time his duties as Bible I
class superintendent.
Man—So Miss Ethel is vour ;
eldest sister. Who cornea after her!
Small Brother—Nobody ain't come yet.
but pa sa.vs the first fellow that comes
van have her.
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
Mr. and Mrs. William. Pearson, 27
South Front street are spending the
week in New York City.
Miss Clare Manniug, of Mt. .Toy, is
spending some time as the guest of
Miss Anne U. Wert, 912 North Second
Mrs. Herbert K. Buck, 9 South Four
teenth street, has returned from a four
months' \ isit with her sister. Mrs. H.
Hoeidothing, Yuba City, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Mitchell and
little daughter. Miriaui Eleanor, of Pa
oli. are spending several days with rel
atives in the citv
Thomas J. Saricks, 1923 Park street,
has returned from a business trip to
Mrs. George W. Hamilton and little
daughter, Miriam. 1920 Park street,
will leave the latter part of next week
for Chester, where thev will spend the
Christmas season with relatives.
Miss Helen Hartzell, of Beaver Mead
ows. is spending a few days with Miss
Charlotte Stewart. 2051 Penu street.
Mrs. .Tohn Tanger aud Mrs. Harrv
Murtorft", of Boiling Springs, spent yes
terday with Mrs. Annie Cofbett. 13S
Locust street.
Miss Sue Wagner returned from a
visit to the home of Mrs. .leunie Wag
ner. 714 Capital sitreet.
Mrs. Glenn W. Helmar. 714 Capital
street, left yesterday to .ioin her hus
band at New Haven, Connecticut, where
they will make their future home.
Mrs. Herbert Allen Reed and son.
Herbert Allen Reed. .lr„ returned to
day from a two weeks' visit to Glass
port and Pittsburgh.
C. XI. Sigler, 30 North Second street,
returned from an automobile trip
through the west, including Minnesota.
Michigan, Illinois and Ohio.
The Rev. A. C. Shue and the Rev.
Marry K. Watkins. pastors of Metho lis;
K niscopal churches at York, spent Taos
ilav in this oltv.
Mrs. Fred Cartwright. a member of
the Stough party, has returned from a
visit with Mr. t'ariwright's mother,
at Delaware, Ohio.
Mrs. Km ma Bell. 127 Sassafrass ave
nue. spent yesterday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Rediker, at New
Ijawrence Shank, of Atlantic City,
returned home after a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. William Arbogast, 132S Ver
non street.
Miss Kiuma Dodson has returned to
uer studies at Linden Hall, Lititz, Pa.,
after a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Joseph
W'allaz, 34 South Seventeenth street.
Miss Etta Davis, of Nanticoke, and
Miss l'.fta Giuter, of Sunburv, are
guests at' Mrs. Samuel Weidenmyer. 32
South Seventeenth street.
Mrs. Thompson, of Mexico, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Het
rick, Sixteenth and Regiua streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Campbell,
of Millersburg, were guests of Mr. au i
Mis. Jacob Shumaker. 23 North Fif
teenth street.
John Seibert, of Chambersb.irg. is
the gue< of his brother, A lam Seibert.
1520 Naudain street.
William Toml : nson and Russell Tom
iiiMin, of Cnambersburg, were guests
of their mother, MTS. William Tomliu
son, 1619 Regina street.
Miss Auuie Blessing, of Reading, re
turned at'ter .a visit with her sister.
Mrs. O. Urol, South Seventeenth street.
Mrs. John Price Jackson and daugh
ter, Miss Marv Kathryn Jackson, of
Riverside apartments, returned from a
visit to New York.
Frank S. Mellinger. Lebanon, return
ed home after spending several days
with 'oca! friends.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Campbell, this
ci'y, reri'ne 1 from a visit too Letia
non. where they were gueats of the'
former's pareaw. Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Mrs. Sol Cohu. Miss Bessie Cohn ami
Miss Horteiise Gerstel. Ilea ling. will
spend the week-end wirn local relatives.
Miss .lean Wiliianss. of Baltimore.
Md., was the of honor at an
evening party given Tues.iav by Mrs.
Henrietta Walkeincyer, 530 South
Front street.
The M.sses Bert'ia and Elith Kopen
leaver, of M:llcr.< aurg, arc guests of j
Mrs. Geo-ge W. Sprnoebanks, 4 11 Wal
nut street.
Miss Ha:'.el Herman, of Re i L.uu. !
is the guest of Miss Bishop, at
Miller-Shank Wedding
Quarryville, Dec. 10.— Miss Dora
Shank and Vernon M. Miller were mar
ried yesterday at the parsonage of the
St. Paul's Reformed church, Lancaster,
by the Rev. Dr. I. M. Memiager, the
ring ceremony being used. They were
unattende !.
Ibach-Oberholtzer Wedding
Ephrata, Dec. 10.—Miss May Ober
holtzer and Byron W. Ibach were mar
ried yesterday by the Rev. J. W. Smith,
at the parsonage of the United Breth
ren church. Thev were unattended. A
reception followed at the home of the
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the
Cause and Remove It
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for <alomel. act gently on the
bowels and positively do the work.
People atfcirted with bad breath find
qub'k relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets The pleasant, sugar-coated
tablets are taken for bad breath by all
who know them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gent
ly but firmly on the bowels and liver,
stimulating them to natural action,
clearing the blood and gently purifying
the entire svstem.
They do that which dangerous ealo
inei does without anv of the bad after
All the benefits of nasty, sickening,
griping cathartics are derived from Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets without uriping,
pain or disagreeable effects of any kind.
Dr. P. M. Edwards discovered the
formula after seventeen years of prac
tice among patients afflicted with bowel
and liver complaint with the attendant
bad breath.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are purely
a vegetable compound mixed with olive
oil. you will know them by their olive
Take one or two every night for a
week and note the effect. 10c and 23c
per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum
bus, Ohio. Adv.
How She Discarded
Unsightly Complexion
How often t exclaimed as I beheld my
ugly complexion In the mirror. "If I only
could tear off this old skin;" And. do
you know. I've learned how to do that
very thing? Not to actually remove the
entire skin all of a sudden; that would
tie too heroic a mettled and painful, too,
I imagine. Tlie worn-out cuticle conies
off in such tiny particles, and so grad
ually—requiring; about ten days to com
plete the transformation—it doesn't
hurt a bit. Day by day the beautiful
complexion underneath comes forth.
Marvelous; No matter bow muddy,
rough, blotchy or aged your complex
ion. you can surely discard It by this
simple process. Just get an ounce of
ordinary mercolixed wax at your drug
gist's, .ipply nightly like cold cream,
washing it off mornings.
My wrinkles I got rid of by an equal
ly simple method. By dissolving an
ounce of powdered saxolite in a haif
pint witch hazel and bathing my face
in the solution, every line completely
disappeared. First the finer lines, final
ly even the deep crow's feet, vanished
entirely.—Moil a Morrow in Town Tat
tler. adv.
Members of Messiah Lutheran Church
Guests of Mrs. Harriet Naylor
Last Evening
Members of the Sunday school class
of Messiah Lutheran church, taught by
John Jacobs. were entertained at the
home of Mrs. Harriet C. Naylor, 666
Schuylkill street, last evening.
The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, pas
tor ot the church, gave a very inter
esting raik and members of the class
rendered instrumental and vocal se
lections. Refreshments were served to
the following:
The Rev. Henry Hanson, Mr. and
Mrs. John Jacobs. Mrs. Mary Brown.
Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Emma Smith. Mrs.
Edith Smith. Mrs. Mollie Steele, Mrs.
Katherine Hunk. Mrs. liiggle, Mrs. Ag
nes (.'ox. Mrs. I'olestock. Mrs. Coldron,
Miss Mary Kunk, Irvin Geiger, Mrs.
William P. Craig, Mrs. Delia Craig,
Mis* Sara E. Naylor, Mr. and Mrs. Har
rv Naylor, Charles Craig Naylor, Rob
ert Miss Kisie R. Craig, Mrs.
Alice Hinkle. Mrs. Peters, Russell
Coldron, Wilber Smith.
To Entertain at Cards
Miss Kathrvn Harro. of North Le
moyne. will entertain at cards to-night
the following guests: Mis* Pearl Black.
Messrs. Mvrl Arbogast and Daniel
Peters, of Harrisburg.
Names Drawn From
Wheel That Replaces
the One That Was in
Use Since 1834
Those of Judge Kunkel, Sheriff Wells
and Others Will Go Down in History
With Ancient Machine—Some Jur
ors Never Served Before
JurorS for the January criminal
court session, to begin January 11, —
twenty-four grand jurors; seventy-two
petit ana sixty traverse jurors,—were
drawn this morning from the new wheel
containing the 19IS collection of 9l)0
names, by Sheriff Wells and Commis
sioners Edwaid Dapp and Samuel M.
Taylor. Many of the men drawn to-day,
the Jury Commissioners declared, have
never before served on a court jury.
James Maul, a sign painter, employed
by the Jury Commissioners, this morn
ing painted on the old wheel, aban
doned yesterday after 80 years of serv
ice and which is to be given over to
the Dauphin County Historical Society,
the names of President Judge George
Kunkel, Sheriff Harry C. Weils, Jury
Commissioners Dapp and Taylor, their
clerk. Marion Verbeke, and the dates,
1834-1 914.
The Commissioners are not con
vinced that the old wheel may not
have been used even earlier than in
1834. hut the county records do not
refer to it before that time. On the
new wheel will be placed "December
9, 1914."' the date it was put into
service. ,
The list of jurors drawn this morn
ing follows:
Graua Jurors
George F. Miller, Susquehanna;
Charles E. Walker. Second ward, Steel
ton; David E. Snyder, First ward, Mid
dletown: William 11. Coleman, Pen
brook- John M. Bviutou, Fifth ward,
Steelton; J. Ross Higgins, Wiconisco
township; Daniel G. Moyer, Washing
ton: John C. Baer, Derrv; Arthur Berry,
Williams township; William L. Van
Camp, Sixth ward, city; James B.
Suickler. South Hanover; William S.
Tunis, Eighth ward, city; Bertram
Bush. Fourth ward, citv: Joan H. Xey,
Third ward, city; Simon C. Stark.
Third ward. Middletown: Hess Bigley.
Derry; William R. Seiler. Fourth ward,
city; Sherman C. Beinhauer. Swatara;
William H. Clay, Twelfth ward, city;
Henry F. Brenner, Twelfth ward, city;
Benjamin Books. Rovalton; Thomas W.
Miller, Swatara; Jacob G. Martin,
Conewago; Alfonso Harris, Sixth ward,
Petit Jurors
Harry L. Reichert, Surquehanna:
Solomon Parmer. Jackson; Robert A.
I Why suffer from constipation and
stomach trouble when Mayr'g Wonder
( ful Stomach Remeilv, a simple prescrip
tion of French oils, will give relief and
tree the body of all poisonous matter!
If you have fainting spells, sick head
ache, distress after eating, pressure of
gas around the heart or constipation,
get a bottle to-day. Do not delay
t longer. It has brought health and hap
piness to thousands. Mayr's Wonderful
Stomach Remedy is now sold here by
Geo. A. Oorgas, 16 North Third street
j and Pennsylvania Railroad Station
i ' Ad*.
Itfkf AST
mkGreat Chri
\ \flmk ' Starts on Friday, December 11
' '' I On Every Trimmed Hat in our Store
I From Now Until Christmas —Think!
Ji \ / The choice of our stock, including ail the New
&. vi II V./ Hats fresh from our workrooms. '
Every Hat Marked at a Special Price
Car Fare Refund Checks Issued During This Week
■ v [
/tt% Jk r\ All kinds of highest class DRESS a 8
" Hats worth $7.50 to SIO.OO. TT f
s> .» 1-
50 Trimmed Hats 3Tabiesoi Trimmed Hats j.
of all kinds and colors, Former values of these, M %
merly sold up to $2.98, *IMjP $3.98 and $4.98, *§» 1
Special WUV Swcial 3
' fic
DShats Sma " HATS
. j 4jj iQ I Draped Velvet jj
Made of best taf-
For Middle-aged Women, M | 1* J f% w^^ ! ( tna |
feu; value $r,.00 Uo ,„ oc tOQQ „, eo no „ . . ffyjL a9J U .Bonnets
values $2.98 and $3.98. Special, v tEd $( , Values g
N Large Black and Colored ■''*) (I Q g
Velvet Dress HATS k®| |*4) sfeSoyQ 8
Ostrich and fancy trimming. I
(Children s Fine Values to $5.98. Special yViVv Children's $
Tnmmed Hats - |
values up to $;u)8 Trimmed Hats \
Handsome Plush Velvet Hats rflfi AO Va!UM i
Si Mr( With new ostrich trimming. F.
Value $5.00. Special ?/OL
— I
French Room Models Fur Trimmed Plush & Velvet I
... .„ . .„ . and Broadtail Tuibans
All at Reduced Prices values up to «« mp@4 m |
Take Elevator For Third Floor Special Va |
I Mary Pickford PI I! fi/ FHA TC Children's
Velvet Cloth rLUiYIL. lIHID Ready-to-Wear
and Plush Hats Medium and Small Trimmed Velvet and Plush TTAT^
-srssr— ffirrr |Q qc ,t $4 qe „ a J s
$1.98 and $2.49 98»vO V\ Ci.3o ro . 49C I
Carl, Third ward, city; Harry M. Fair
childs, Millersburg; Hugh J. O'Don
nell, Ninth ward, city; Ira A. Ulsh, I p-!
per Paxton; Benjamin F. Work, Upper
Paxton: William Horning, Tenth ward,j
eity; Richard Zigler, West Hanover;
Harry E. Hourk, Penbrook; George C. 1
McCahan, Tenth ward, city; Howard
W. Peters, Seventh ward, city; John J.
Straub, Swatara; John Lapplev, Sr.,
Eleventh ward, city; John Pyne, Fourth
ward, city; J ohm J. Xewbaker, Second
ward, Steelton; Simon W. Goodyear,
Tenth ward, city; Charles L. Kraber,
First ward, city; Thomas Spancake,
Susquehanna; Harry Keen. Williams
township; Henry X. Hummer, East
Hanover; William J. Putt, Eighth ward,
city; Harry A. Keim, Fifth ward, Steel'
ton; Frank Cassel, Lower Paxton: John
F. Snyder, Eighth ward, city; Henry
C, Forney, South Hanover; William
Sadler, Third ward, Steelton; the Rev.
John 8. Baker, Conewago; George W.
Kinter, Dauphin; George Hutman,
Twelfth ward, city; George Shertzer,
South Hanover: John F. Siegel, Twelfth
ward, city; Harry F. Coleman, Third
ward, Steelton; John M. Segar, Wico
nisco: Thomas E. Kepler, Susquehanna;
Samuel Resh. Royalton; Harry A.
Foothorap, First ward, city.
David W Gingrich, Second ward,
Middletown; Richard L. Dare Xinth
ward, city; William D. I.ebo, t'pper
Paxton; William F. Kunkie, Paxtang;
[ lohn F. Bower, Halifax township; Lane
Harmon, Wiconisco township; Harry M.
! Wert, Millersburg; James Bordner,
j Wayne; Thomas E. Ebv, Lykens; Wil
: liam A. Phillips. Second ward, Steel
i ton; James E. Kelly, Wiconisco town
j ship; John DoGray, Eleventh ward,
'city; Wiimer E. Buflington, Eliz&beth
j ville; Harrv B. Gearing, Susquehanna;
James A. Ulrich, Second ward, Middle
| town; David Bender. Penbrook; Frank
lin M. Duey. Third ward, city; Charles
i 1). Stucker, Sixth ward, city; William
K. Crouse, Dauphin; Charles E. Liv
! ingston, Swatara; William H. Meals,
I Second ward, city; William Lingle, Lon
| donderry; John B. Aldinger, Derry;
i Harry Hummelstine, Seventh ward.
| city; Samuel 8. Stroup, Williamstown;
! William H. Maxwell, First ward, city;
{John C. Cassel. tost Hanover; Irvin S.
: Gearhart, Swatara: Harrv M. Sweigard,
I Jackson; John K. Hoffman, Lykens;
i George W. Light. Jr.. Hummelstown;
j John B. Bbersole. Lower Swatara;
! James X. Mortimer, Eighth ward, city:
j William K. Hamer, First ward, city;
William J. Bordn-r. Millersburg.
Traverse Jurors
Joseph Updegrove, Williams town
ship; Walter E. Mourner, Lvkens;
Leonard M. Umholtz, Seventh ward,
city; Robert Stohle, Derry; John Weis
enford, Fifth ward, Steelton; Edward
Lauman, Wiconsco; Henry J. Stewart,
Third ward, city; William F. Carlson,
fourth ward, Steeltcn; Samuel (J.
Haiti, Third ward. Mid-dletown; J.
tieorge Keil, Firwt ward, city; Amos F.
Minnieh, Lykens; Thomas F. Landis,
Second ward. Steslton; Edward J.
Simpson, Thirteenth ward, city; Abra-
ham K. Winters, Oonewago; George
Lehr, Fourth ward, Steelton; George
W. ghope, I'enbrook; Charles B. Gard
ner. Sixth ward, city; John H. Perkev,'
West Hanover; William D. Lonig, South
Hanover; George H. Louer, Third
ward, Middletown; Herbert S. Gilbert,
Millersburg; Howard S. Wallace, Ly
kens; James H. Long, Seventh ward,
city; Daniel Sheesley, Millersburg;
Charles Lynch, Second ward, Middle
town; John L. Amnion, Eleventh ward,
city; John F. Crum, Lower Paxton;
Elmer C. Sheesley, Second ward, city;
Harrv W. Speese, Ninth ward, city;
William H. Bronewell, Fifth ward,
city; Lewis L. Lonard, First ward.
Middle town; Martin V. Nye, Derry;
Daniel McCalley, First ward, Steelton;
George S. Snyder. l T p[>er Paxton; How
ard At. Bird, Second ward, city; Elias
Deimiar, Derry; Charles H. Miller,
Ninth ward, city; Addison J. Haver
stick, Millersburg; Harry A. Phillips,
Eighth ward, city; John H. Aungst.
West Hanover; Albert M. Keane, First
ward, city; Bay Zimmerman, Jefferson;
Ludwig Hcrre, Susquehanna;
Gingrich, West Hanover; John A. FitJS
patrick. Eighth ward, city; Alvin M.
Weaver, Susquehanna; Harry H. Hoff
man, Jackson: William G. Early, East
Hanover; Paul B. llollenbaugh. High
spire; William M. Bunkie. Ninth ward,
city; Bufus B. Keister, Jackson;
Charles S. Bou .liter, Fifth ward. Steel
ton; H. Kos.s Shirk, Susquehanna: A.
Cooper Wright. Derry; Edward A.
Uoughter, Highspire; William H.
Moore, Seventh ward, city; Earnest C.
f Hi
Jeweler amid Silversmith
Moil's and Women's Watches in tile leading
American and Swiss makes at prices from $5 to
Every Watch we sell bears our personal guarantee,
backed by sixty-four years of business integrity.
214=216 Market Street
Established 1850
—— >
, Keys. Filth ward, city; Jacob I'hu,
Jr.. Washington; Curtis M. IkmcliJ
Susquehanna; liarfield McAllister,
i Eighth ward, city.
The shipment of coal over the SunU
mit Branch Railroad for tin- we. k eml
lIIK December 1!) H. toxcth-i with »
comparison with the corresponding
week last year, was as follows:
Miorl Mountain rolliery .*
Week Vear v ~
Tens Tons *
'914 2,872.0(1 222,471.09
1913 6.115.0 X 276.592.14
Decrease 54.421.1H
Summit Brand. < oiiicrv
, 19H 6,338.1 X 292,688.15
, 1913 6.929.07 _• SG.SS!». £X
Increase 6.099. ll
1 Decrease, ,"90 09
. 1914 9,201.18 ".13,
. '''l3 13,047.1:. 56:;, 481. 14
• Decrease 3,845.1 7 15,321.<t
To Hold Annual Christmas Sale
The Women s Missionary Society <rt
. the Holy ( oitiinuiiion. Lutheran ehuivu;
Seventeenth and State streets, will hold
; their annual Christmas sale on Frida#
, i and Saturday of this week at 5 JVoctJ
I Thirteenth si rent. They will sell home,
made bread. c;i'kc, pies and candy. Plain
and fancy articles suitable for the holj*
■ i day season will also be on sale.
1 | <m
Association of Ideas
'( Man (in bakes'hop) —'My >yii'e tuft
• me to get something else —whatSyas i; 4
Baker—You iiave biscuits and a pfo "-'
■ maybe it was some crnilers. Man—Nif!
■ I distinctly reaiem'ber her telling nn»
• not to get things twisted.— Bostofi
. Transcript.