The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 08, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    Special 23-Inch Sleeping, A A
Full Jointed DOLLS, With i|XQ
Shoes and Stockings ... I# U
Also a large stock and complete line of Imported
and Domestic Toys which our display will prove. You
are invited to inspect them. Popular priced.
1204 N. 3rd Sfc
mmmummmkM mini i mi
Harrisburg Carpet Co.
32 North 2nd Street
For Christmas Gifts
I Never have we shown so large a variety of Rugs.
There is a Rug to harmonize with every color, from
the small Mat to the largest sizes made.
Carpet Sweepers, Cocoa Mats, Rubber Stair Pads,
Hassocks. *
| The best Vacuum Cleaner with brush, only $5.00.
Harrisburg Carpet Co.
32 North 2nd Street
The New Lighting Plan Was Referred
Back to Committee—Traffic Ordi
nance Not Reported for Public Dis
cussion—Members Donate S7OO
In the absence of President Revn
ders tbe local Borough Councilmen ac
complished very little last evening but
hear reports and to refer an important
matter to committee, which was done iu
the case of the new lighting system,
this delay being caused, however, when
it became known that the Harrisburg
Light and l'ower Company wanted a
live-year contract, instead of an agree
ment lasting but oue year.
At a previous meeting between the
Town Property and the Finance com
mittees of Council with a representative
of the light company the location of
the lights had been settled.
A call for the trafiic ordinance in
troduced by Burgess Wigtield in a com
munication failed to get it out of the
hards of the borough Ordinance com
mittee, but Chairman Shelley, of that
committee, made the statement that this
ordinance would oe presented at the
next meeting of Council,
The more than 40,000 yards of street
paving laid this fall was formally ac
cepted. The snow ordinance, intro
duced last spring by Councilman Wag
enbach, which has been slumbering in
committee all summer and fall, was
pressed to the front when tbe sponsor
of the bill was reminded by the present
fall of' the beautiful of his pet meas
ure. In reply to Councilman Wagen
bach, Councilman Henderson, of the
(Highway Committee, said the ordinance
would be ready for action at the next
meeting of Council and that the Har
risburg Railways Company, which is
largely involved in the provisions of
the bill, had assured him that any snow
fall during the time that the ordinance
is pending would l be taken care of by
the company.
A feature, of the meeting was a col
lection taken from members of the
Council to defray a bill owing the bor
ough by a poor family and which had
been presented at the meeting for the
purpose of having the borough fathers
exonerate the debtors. The amount in
vilved was $7.
The request for an exoneration had
come through the Associated Charities
and was presented by Councilman Hen
derson, a member of the Charities com
The collection from the members will
be turned over to the committee han
dling the charity work.
10 North Market Square
We do the best dental work that
cau possibly be done aud we do it at
charges that are most moderate.
Painless extraction free when [dates
are ordered. Largest and most com
plete offices in the city; sanitary
throughout. Lady attendant.
j Hours: 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays,
10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
The Rev. A. K. Wier Announces Plans
Are Being Formed to Assure a
Feast to at Least 100 Needy Real
Young Folks at Yuletide
The Rev. A. K. Wier, pastor of Cen
tenary United Brethren church, has
started an iunvo. ation in the way of fur
nishing about one hundred poor children
of this place with a real Ohristmas din
ner. His plan outlined is that fifty, sev
enty-five or even more families of his
congregation invite one or two poor
children to dine with them on the occa
sion when a roast turkey is the main
jart of the menu.
This matter has been placed in the
hands of a committee of his church and
by means of a card index the details
are being worked out. While tthis plan
is being worked out each child is re
quested to register its application with
the Rev. A. K. Wier at the parsonage,
232 South Second street.
dmppeareTm home
John Benedek, Jr., Walked Away From
445 Mohn Street on Evening of
November 27
John Benedek, Jr., 16 years of age,
left the home of his parents, 445 Matin
street, on the evening of November 27,
and has not since been seen by au-v of
his relatives. The youth made no men
tion of where he intended to go at the
~Mi I %
i Hr. j .
JSffi ' ' in K
i time he left his home and his parents
are grief-stricken on account of their
inability to secure news of his wherc-
I abouts. Any information about the
I missing youth will be greatly appreci
ated by his parents, Mr. aud Mrs John
| Benedek, 445 Mohn street, S'teelton Pa
I . m '
! 700 Seats Will Be Reserved for Bor
ough Residents
Announcement has been made that
| 700 seats have been reserved for use
by StecJton people at t'he Stough tabor-
nacle, Friday evening, when "iiteelton
Night" will be observed. Residents of
the borough are requested to meet at
State and Filbert streets Friday even
iug at 7.15 o'clock and proceed" to the
tabernacle in a body. These seats will
be reserved until 7.30 o'clock Friday
evening, am) if not then filled I>y Steel
ton peoj»le will be free to all comers.
Will Be Inaugurated by Baldwin Com
mander? No. 108
Baldwin Commandery No. 108,
Knights of Malta, at their regular meet
ing last night, conferred the scarlet de
gree on a class of candidates.
At this meeting it was decided to
try a plan submitted to itrcrease at
tendance at the regular meetings. The
secret committee was given permission
to at least once a month furnish an
evening's entertainment in the form of
a social, smoker, feed or games and mu
It is probable that tournumeuts will
start during the winter months, such
as indoor quoits, checkers, etc.
The mark degree will be conferred
next 'Monday evening.
Mechanics' and Helpers' Belief
The annual statement of the Me
chanics' and Helpers' Relief Associa
tion, which has declared a dividend of
$5.50 a mem'ber was completed last
night rind shows that oulv a single mem
'ber of the organization died during
the year just completed. The deaths
of t<he wives of two ot'her members
were also in the list of beneficial pay
ments. During the—year the association
received over |2,000 and
in death, sick and accident benefits.
Transportation Relief Dividend
The Transportation Relief Associa
tion, operated by the employes of the
transportation department at' the Penn
sylvania Steel Company's plant, last
evening declared a dividend of $7.32
to e.icli of its members. The money will
be paid at the headquarters of the as
sociation in the Flynn building from
3 o'clock to S o'clock on the afternoon
and evening of December 21.
Bellers-Shuler Wedding
Chester Sellers, of 355 Swatara
fit ret, and Miss Susan fciiuier, 334
Swatara street, were married Saturday
evening at 6.30 o'clock at t'he Cen
tenary United Brethren church parson
age by the Hev. A. K. Wier, pastor. The
contracting parties were unattended
and will make- their future home in
Class 2t> of the First Methodist
| Episcopal Sunday school will hold its
1 postponed meeting at the home of Mrs.
! Ulmira Detweiler, J6l South Front
| street. Thnrsdav evening at 7,30
o'clock. • .
At a special meeting of the Bor
j ough School Board held la«t evening
| W. F. Darby was re-elected president
I and J. B. Martin was elected vice presi
j dent of the Board. The election of
| secretary and treasurer will be held la-
I ter in the year.-
| Steelton Council 933, Royal Area
j num. will hold its annual election of
officers at its meeting to-morrow even
j '"g-
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting
nurse employed by the Steelton Civic
Club, will be in her office from 8 a. m.
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30
p. m.
FIVE eight-roomed dwelling* with bath
and all improvements, on Harrlsburg
street, Steelton. Desirable location. Ap
X. Front street, Steelton. Pa.
Legal ||
NOTICE is hereby *iven to the policv
holders of the Steelton Mutual Fire
Insurance Company, of Steelton. Pa.,
that its annual election for directors
will be held at No. 132 N. Front St.,
Steelton, Pa.. Saturday. .lanuarv *2, 1915,
between the hours of 1 and 2 p. m.
IKSS, Secretary.
Highest Court Against Him, He Must
Look to Governor
Atlanta, Ua., Dec. B.—Refusal of the
Cnifed States Supreme Sourt yesterday
to grant a writ of eiror for review of
the case of Leo M. Frank brought an
announcement from Solicitor General
Hugh M. Dorsev here that immediate
steps would be taken to have a new
date set for Frank's execution for the
murder of 14-year-old Marv I'hagan.
The Solicitor General will appear be
fore Superior Judge Benjamin H. Hill J
to-morrow and ask the Court for a writ
directing that Frank be produced fori
resentence. Judge Hill then is expect-!
Ed to set the time for bringing the
prisoner into court.
Lawyers here familiar with the case
said last night that they knew of no
further legal efforts that could be made
to save the prisoner's life, except that
an appeal for clemency to Governor
Slaton, of Georgia, and the State Pris
on Commission.
You Need This
Great Nerve Tonic
For Over-Eating, Drinking, Smoking or
Overwork of Any Kind Causing
11. C. Kennedy is having a lively
sale of Wendell's Ambition Pills these
days because tlie people ot llariisburg
who have tried them know that they
tone up the entire system and impart
\ igor and energy into run dotvn people
in a few days and because they are
guaranteed to do exactly as advertised,
and 11. Kennedy is authorized by
the maker to refund the purchase- price
if anyone is dissatisfied with the first
box purchased.
If you feel blue, have lost confidence
in yourself, are despondent, weak and
tired out, a 50-eeut box of Wendell's
Ambition Pills is all yau need.
Finest prescription for headaches,
nervous troubles, poor blood, kidney
and liver complaints, malaria, neu
ralgia, trembling and loss of appetite.
They never fail to end constipation.
Get them at H. C. Kennedy's and
dealers everywhere for 50 cents. Mail
orders filled, charges prepaid, by Wen
dell Pharmacal (Jo., Syracuse, N. Y.
Main Offlces Have Been Removed to
Philadelphia but Will Be Brought
Back to This City When the State
Fight Starts in 1016
To all intents and purposes, so far
as the trunsaction of business is con
cerned, the Democratic State Commit
tee headquarters in the Spooner build
ing, Market Square, are closed. And
yet they are not closed, for there will
always be somebody in charge, and
when the big campaign of 1916 opens
up the Harrisburg State headquarters
will again be opened and the work all
done there.
When State Chairman. Morris was
here last week he announced that the
State headquarters would be removed
to Philadelphia, to occupy offices at
14 7 South Broad street, which served
as a branch during the
campaign that closed on November 3.
Arrangements were at once made for
the removal, and all of the books, pa
pers and part of the office equipment,
including former Secretary Jim Blakes
lee's easy chair; the desk* of State
Chairman Morris and various other
historical impedimenta, were shipped
to Philadelphia. That was the extent
of the moving. Since 1892 the State
headquarters of the Democratic commit
tee had always been located in Har
The rooms in Market Square have
all been given up but two —there were
eight at ono time—and these will be
occupied by Secretary Warren Van-
Dyke, who intends to retain his resi
dence in Harrisburg. He seeks the po
sition of Collector of Internal Reve
nue, which he is said to have a light
good chance of getting. The Philadel
phia headquarters will be in charge of
Robert T. Keenan, of that city. The
Harrisburg headquarters will always
l)e open, with some one on hand to
hand out information, if there is any to
hand out.
The next regular meeting of the
Democratic State Committee will not
be held until June, 1916, when a new
State Chairman will be elected, but the
State Chairman, uinier the rules, enu
call a special meeting at any time he
sees proper. Mr. Morris will, therefore,
be the State Chairman until June,
1916. As there will be no state'ofticors
to elect in 1915 the committee will
not be over crowded with work. In
1916 the State headquarters will be re
move.! back to Hnrrisburg to take up
| the work uf the Presidential campaign.
Best for Kidneys—Says Doctor
Dr. J. li. T. Nead, Greenville, So.
; Car., says that in his 30 years of ex
i perienee he has found no preparation
| for the kidneys equal to Foley Kidney
] Pills. Pain in baek and hips is an indi
| cation of kidney trouble—a warning
;to build up the weakened kidneys,
j make thetn vigorous, ridding your blood
jof acids and poisons. Foley Kidney
i Pills will heln any case of kidney and
bladder trouble not beyond the "reach
of medicine. In 50c and SI.OO sizes.
Sold in your town by George A. Gor
gas, 16 North Third" street and P. R
R. Station. a-dv.
She Won't Believe It
We don't suppose that it will ever
be possible to convince a woman that
a neat little round ho>le in the sitting
room rug, where a sanall amount of
ignited tobacco happened to foil, mere
ly serves to make the place look home
line.—Ohio State Journal.
Philadelphia Division—loß crow to
Igo first after 12.-10 p. m.: 108, 128
101, 119, 124, 123, 127.
Engineer for 108.
Fireman for 108.
Brakemen for 119, 123, 127. 128
108. .
Engineers up. Madenford, Keane,
Earhajt. Pauell, Crisswell, Seitz, Heid
man, Gessey, Brooke, Sober, Supplee,
Brubaker, Long, Tenart, Foster, Young,
Hogentogler, Sellers, Hoppersett, Mc-
Gown, Arbright, Snow, Minick, Davies,
Mauley, Henecke, Welsh, Kennedy, Gal
Firemen up: MeCurdy, Gilberg,
Wagner, Hamer, Kegeman, Naylor,
Packer, Pennell, Behman, Kochenouer,
Bleich, Arnsberger, Farmer, Manning,
Dunlevy, Spring, Mulholm, Miller, Kes
treves, Robbison
Flagmen up: Donohoe, Kochenouer,
Brakemen up: Buchanan, Desch, '
Allen, McGinnes, Mclntvre, Stehman,
Brown, Funk, Dengler, Wiland, Mum
'inaw, McXaughton.
Middle Division —lß crew to go first j
after 2.50 p. m.: 23, 17, 21, 20, 19,
26. 16.
Preference: 10.
Fireman for 21.
Flagmen for 25, 18.
Brakeman for 10.
Engineers up: Moore, Hertzler,
Kugler, Smith, Wissler, Minnick, Ma- j
gill, Garman, Bennett, Free, Mumma,
Webster, Simonton, Havens.
Firemen up: Drewett, Simmons,
Wright, Zeiders, Musser. Seagrist,
Gross, Ross, Davis, Kuntz, Look, Rtouf- j
fer, Karstetter, Reeder, Sheesly, Pot- I
teiger, Borninan, Lif-bau, Fletcher.
Conductor up: Keys.
Brakemen up- Mathias, Wenrick, 1
Werner, Fieck, Baker, Kilgor, Kane,'!
Bolan, Putt, Bickert. Fritz, Kerwin, ]
Bell, Kipp, iHeck, Roller, Plack, Kief- '
Yard Crews— Engineeps up: Knfin, j
Pelton, Shaver, Landis, Hovler. Thomas, i
Rudy, Houser, Meals, Stahl, Swab, j
Crist, Harvey, Saltsman, Silks.
Firemen up: Lackey, Cookerly, |
Maever, Sholter. Snell. Bartolet. Getty, I
Hart. Barkey, Sheets, Bair. Eyde. N'ey,
Mvers, Boyle, Shipley, Crow, Revie,
Firemen for 1869, 1171, lg2l.
Philadelphia Division —2os crew to
go first after 1.45 p. m.: 216, 245,
238, 222, 246, 210, 208, 247, 232,
202, 227, 239, 240, 244, 226, 228
221, 230.
Conductors for 216, 227, 232, 238.
Flagmen for 208, 210, 226, 232,
246, 348.
Brakemen for 205, 208, 209, 221,
222, 238, 240, 244, 248.
Conductors up: Walters, Logan,
Shirk, Pennell.
Lasting and Useful Christmas Gifts That Will Bring Happiness
Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets Victor Talking Machines
White Beauty, the New HOOSIER S2BaU "
40 Labor-saving Features
17 Entirely New
It is 80 complete that it practically puts your whole Jjr Ib| B M
kitchen at your fingers' ends. It .is so compart that ■ UI 9 %££ I US 'W'%r IS! 15#
you can reach everything easily aiul put it back
quickly. It will fit into almost any kitchen. Fill's for Ladies, ]\I isSOS illlfl (llildrcll
No matter what opinion you may have had of A,>„ ~+• +l,„ 1 i ±- • ~
Kitchen Cabinets, you will say this new Hoosier is villi. ()I Till selections 111 t'llO City,
the aost convenient labor -saving machine you ever Mklk, Pointed FoX, Black FoX, HtulSOll
a>i t\t\ ii i- Seal. Fitch, Raccoon, Red Fox, Civet
$1.1)0 will deliver one to your home Cat, Pony Coats, Seal Coats. A number
and make 3 our a\ife happy and healthy of the Furs and Coats trimmed with
the rest of her life. Fitch and Civet Cat.
Everything C) it) Toy Land
T l or „ °»
The Home 312 Marke First Floor
i Fresh Eggs
a Dozen
j bv using EGG-O-LENE. A 25e box
! is equal to 30 Fresh Eggs. Send a
I card to Harrisburg Egg-o-leue Co.,
j Harrisburg, l'a., and have a trial
| box delivered to your door. Only
25c. Agents wanted.
Flagmen up: Crow, Camp.
Brakemen up: Kenwtemacher, Goudv,
Albright, Kone, Fair, McPherson, Tay
lor, Himes, Wertz, Waltman, Deitz,
j Weist, Shuler, Campbell, Mummaw,
Summy, Myers, Stineling, Wolfe, Mai
seed, Musser, Crossby.
Middle Division —102 crew to go
first after 4.45 p. m.: 103, 108, 117,'
104, 111.
Engineers for 102, 108.
Conductor for 111.
Brakemen for 102, 117, 104, 111. (
P., H. & P. —After 10.45 a. m.: 23,'
17, 18, 1, 6, 3, 9, 8, 16, 24, 11, 12,
i 4, 2, 10, 19.
Eastbound —After 2.45 p. m.: 56, J
57, 65, 63, 54, 62, 60.
Conductors up: German, Kline.
Engineers up: Fetrow, Massimore, j
Fortney, Barnhart, Wood, Pletz, Mar- J
tin, Wireman, Tipton, Glass.
Firemen up: Bowers, Bingaman,!
Brown, Sellers, Shader, Sullivan, Rum-1
baugh, Corl, King, Boyej, Palm, Ep
ley, Fulton, Anders, Longenecker, Dob-'
Brakemen up: Maurer, Ely, Strain,!
Wynit, Cheney, Shader, Page, Miller,
Dunkle, Taylor, Miles, Hinkle, liartz,
Fenways Chocolates
«Oc the lb.
16 N. Third St. and Penna. Station
. '\
Make Your CHRISTMAS a Hummer
Are you looking for good value in Plants'? We are in a position to give you the
best to be had. If you buy our stock we can assure you that you will have the satis
faction of getting quality that is bound to please you. Therefore take no chances
at this season, and let us fill your Christmas orders.
\ Place Your Order Now Plants for Xmas
jffljfl HOLLY (Loose) Begonias, Cyclamen, Ferns, Poinsettias,
\jv \ /W Laurel, Ground PlnS, Crow's Foot, Fox Wholesale and retail. We have the only
lrKiu -J _ „ ~ ' car of Canadian Balsam Fur Trees coming
]p Ropeing, Southern Wild Smilax, Pine to Harrisburg. aoo of these are already
lin \ rw / f Tops, Sheet Moss, also our Native Moss. sold. The kind that do not fall off.
Our business has been so seriously interrupted by the construction immediately in front of our door of the
subway to go under the C. V. R. H. tracks and conditions are such that it is almost impossible to reach our
store. We have been compelled to locate at
No. 106 and 108 South Second Street, in the Adams Building,
where we will have H grand Christmas opening and where we will subsequently continue our seed and implement
business. We take this opportunity of thanking our many friends in view of'tlie unfavorable conditions favored
us by the use of the Telephone and patronizing the salesmen we were compelled to send out.
HOLMES SEED CO. No. 106-108 South Second Sf. I
How Is Your Range?
Docs it burn just the way you
desire ?
W ill the tiro coiue up quickly in the morning ami
give an intense hot lire?
Or are you required to eoax it along with wood
and wait and wait, and wait for the stove to get hot?
Do you know that we have many grades of coal
so that when one kind does not give good results
we can easily send something else?
If you are using Hard Nut try the Coal Mixed
one-half hard and one-half soft and see if that won't
do better. Price, $7.05.
If the mixed nut burns too slow, then you want to
use all Lykens Valley Soft Nut; price, $7.20.
Let us know your conditions and 'we can easily
fix you up.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster & Cowden Third & Boas
Isth & Chestnut Hummel <t Mulberry
v ,
New York, Dec. B.—The SIO,OOO
I pearl necklace lost by Mrs. W. K. Van
berbilt last Friday was recovered yes
[ terday. It was found by J. J. Colling,
[ a clerk in the New York Central offices,
i Friday afternoon in the gutter. He
carried it in his pocket three days.
I He had' no idea of the value of it.
When he read the advertisement he
took it to Mr. Vanderbilt's office in
the Grand Central building and recov
ered a reward of SSOO, the amount
The necklace was lost from a cab in
front of the Kitz-C'urlton hotel.
This plea of the " inevitableness of
war" reminds one of the old fashioned
explanation of an automobile accident
t'hat it "could no*t have beeu avoided."