The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 02, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    DUDLEY 2H inches
NORMAN in oho
2 (or 28 eta. Cl** I *. Pvabrdr A Ci., lac. likm
(Formation of Organization Which Pro
poses to Substitute Events for
University Regattas
Philadelphia, Dec. 2. —The formation
of a new college rowing organization
■which proposes eventually to abolish
the Yale-Harvard and the Poughkeep
me Regattas and institute in their
places a week of racing modeled along
the lines of the English Henley became
.known publicly here to-day when the
establishment of the Collegiate Rowing
Association was announced. This body,
it was reported, was formed 1 at a meet
ing called recently by the University
of Pennsylvania rowing authorities ani
attended by the managers of the Corn
ell, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Navy
and Columbia crews.
Manager Lackey, of the Yale crews,
has been appointed by the association
to draw up plans and regulations which
will be submitted to the rowing author
ities of the various colleges for their
approval and for ratification at the
next meeting of the association to be
held in New Haven.
The reduction of the length of the
championship races from four miles to
three or even one and a half miles was
advocated by several of the managers
at the meeting here and it is proposed
to encourage the smaller colleges and
preparatory schools to take up rowing
as a major sport.
Manager Fred Davis, of the Pennsyl
vania crews, who has been chosen
chairman of the new association, has
announced that the Yale varsity and
junior crews will race the University
of Pennsylvania over the mile and a
half course on the Schuylkill river here
on April 3. Races with Harvard, Prince
ton, Annapolis and Cornell are pend
Union and Car Shop Teams Win—
Baumbach Injured
In the Middletown Industrial Bas
ketball League series last evening the
Union five defeated the Rescue team by
the score of 4 6 to 7, and the Car Shop's
topped the Winer oft quintet by the
s-ore of 3tf to 15. Baumbach. the star
guard of the Car Shop team, was hurt
in the second period of his game when
be was thrown heavily against a door,
sustaining a laceration of the 'back and
face. The lineups:
First Game
Union. Rescue.
Beard F King
Dupes F McCreary
Seltzer C ........ Bowman
Dougherty .... G Hammond
Bnavely G Judy
Field goals. Seltzer, 10; Beard, 4;
Dupes, 3; Phillips, 2; Suavely. Foul
goals, Hippie, 4; McCreary, 3; Seltzer,
3; Board, 3. Substitutions. Phillips
for Dupes, Hippie for Judy. Referee,
Baumbach. Scorer, Ruby. Timekeeper,
Snyder. Time of halves, 20 minutes.
Second Game
Wineroft. Car Shops.
Welch F Hoffman
W. Weirich F Zell
Beckey C Nagle
Shaffer G Smith
Stipe G Baumbach
Field goais, Baumbach, 8; Zell, 4;
Welch, 3: \Y. Weirich, 2; Beckey, 2;
Nagle, 2; Hoffman. Foul goals. Baum
bach 4; Zell. 2; Welsh. Substitutions,
Phillips for Baumbach. Referee. Berry.
Scorer, Euby. Timekeeper, Snyder.
Time of halves, 20 minutes.
Skeleton Found on Mountain
Mauch Chunk, Dec. 2.—The skele
ton of an unknown man was found on
Bound Mountain, between Tresckow
and the Quakake Valley, by two hunt
ers. The remains are those of a medi
um-sized man, and must have been
there for a long time, as nothing but
the skeleton remained. The Carbou
county authorities were notified.
Waives U. S. Hearing
Reading, Pa., Dec. 2. —After two
postponements because of illness, Her
man G. Weber, a prominent business
man, waived a hearing scheduled to
take place before United States Com
missioner Maltzberger yesterday after
noon on the charge of being implicated
in the robbery of the West Lessport
postoftice. and entered $5,000 for trial
at the December session of the United
{■Hates District Court at Philadelphia
early in the summer.
Pretzels for Soldier in China
Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 2. —Charles
Tlemell, first sergeant of Company A,
Fifteenth United States Infantry, sta
tioned at Tientsin. China, will receive
a« a Christmas gift a barrel of pret
zels. He formerly lived here and is
very fond of them.
Auto Overturns; 3 Hurt
Mount Cannel. Pa., Dec. 2.—While
Ambrose Ambreza, of Minersville, was
driving Miss Mary Menapaee, of Ex
change. and A. Delcos, of this place, to
the latter's home here in an auto the
car upset, injuring the three occupants.
Ambreza's back was badly hurt.
Horse's Kick Probably Fatal
Manor, Dec. 2. Isaac Smoker, while
going into the stable to get his horse
to go for a physician for a neighbor
who was ill, was kicked so badly that,
it, is feared he will die. His left arm
is broken and his face was badly dis
figured. The a 1 Mdent occurred yester
day morning before daylight, and as he
did not talk to the horse in the dark
t'he animal reared suddenly from his
Sportsmen Cannot Agree
Tlt-e board of directors of the Unite.!
Sportsmen met here vesterdav in an
effort to untangle difficulties growing
out of the retention in office of David
Pritohard, of s cranton, as president.
IMany organizations, it is claimed, are
opposed to Pritchard and allege he was
11 eld over two years as president il
legally. Tin- directors reached no con
Lobert, Paskert, Mcßride, Collins and
Plank Among the Few From Major
Leagues Reported to Have Signed
With Federals
Chicago. 111., Deo. 2.—Will $48,000
for three years' work tempt Johnson,
the star pitcher of the Washington
American League Clwbt President
Weeghman, of the Chicago Federals,
has taken up the vase and before the
day is over Johnson will -probably be
reac'hed bv telephone at his homo in
Coffeyville, Kun., and if he will accept
those terms the Idaho wonder will wear
a Chi fed uuifonn next year.
St. Louis Wants Johnson
St. Louis, Dei'. 2.—The St. l<ouis
Federal League directors yesterday an
nounced the foltowing players as sign
ed with St. I»ut9 for 1915: Ray Cor
lian, shortstop, Pacific Coast League;
Ba'be Borton, first base, Pacific Coast
League; Ollie Kirmayer. outfielder,
Three-Eve ljeague. The officials declared
t'hev have every expectation of signing
Walter Johnson of the Washington
Players signed by other teams as re
ported to the St. Louis team were an
nounced as follows:
Pittsburgh—Perritt and O'Co-nnor,
St. Ijouis Nationals; Konetchev, Pitts
burgh Nationals; Berghainmer, Cincin
nati Nationals; Allen, Brooklyn Na
tions; Blackburn. Chicago Americans;
Hea<rne, Toronto Internationals.
Buffalo—Wingo. St. Ixiuis Nationals;
Caldwell, N«w York Americans; Mc-
Bride, Washington Americans; Collins,
Boston Americans; Bodie, Chicago
Brooklyn—>Mogee, St. Louis Na
tions; Viox, Pittsburgh Nationals;
Plank, Philadelphia, Americans.
Chicago—(Fischer, Brooklyn Na
tionals; Hagerman, Cleveland Ameri
■Baltimore—Lobert ami Paskert, Phil
adelphia Nationals.
Bresnahan Rated With Big Managers as
Roger Patrick Bresnahan proudly
takes his position as second to John
McGraw in the rank of ''champion sal
ary-getters." Bresnahan, according to
advice emanating from "trustworthy
sources" in Chicago, has signed to man
age t'he Cubs for three years at a sal
ary of $ IS,OOO per year. At the ex
piration of this contract, if, in the
meantime, Roger doesn't develop into
a "bull in a china shop," he will have
received from the Chicago Nationals an
aggregate total of 5T7,322 in salary.
Two years ago, after Bresnahan was
given the gate at Kobison Field-, he
signed with Murphy for $6,666 a sea
son. with a cash bonus of SIO,OOO. He
realized en this salary for two years,
getting in ah $23.332. Add to that
$54,000 for the next three seasons and
you have a fortune of $77,332.
Indeed, Roger never has been a
"cheap guy." He served two years
■with the Cardinals on a basis of $lO,
000 and 10 per cent, of the net profits,
and prior to that he was suffering along
on a beggarly allowance of SB,OOO per
annum. Since he won his managerial
chevrons, six years ago, it is believed
that he pulled down upward of $75,-
Lancaster All-Scholastics Administer
Drubbing to Locals
The Harrisburg Independents dropped
a game to the Lancaster All-Scholastics
at Lancaster last evening by the score
of 36 to 23. Rote and Geisel were ab
sent and Ford and M. Yoder filled in
the places on the team. The lineup:
Independents. Lancaster.
Ford F Houck
McCord F ......... Brown
M. Yoder C Ranck
Arthur (} Todd
McConnell .... O Sha'ib
Field goals. McConnell, 4; Houck, 4;
Rrown, 3; Ranck, 2; Arthur. 2; Todd,
2; M. Yoder, Wohlsen. Foul goals,
Ranck, 12; McCord. 9. Substitutions,
Lancaster, Wholsen for Todd. Referee,
Stein, Franklin and Marshall. Scorer,
Hammond. Time of halves, 20 minutes.
All-Stars Are Too Fast—Margin of 52
Tn the Elks' match last evening the
All-Stars won from the Elks by 52
■pins. Atticks was high man. The
Knnis 1 43 1 64 171 — 4 78
C. Weber .. 169 181 147 497
Stigelmsn . 173 187 144 504
Behnev ... 191 158 213 562
Morrison .. 203 144 158— 505
Totals .. 879 834 833—2546
[Montgomery 181 181 176 538
Bentz 145 161 190— 496
Basch .... 143 159 15C — 458
Battorff .. 178 159 133 470
Atticks .. . 189 226 173 588
Totals .. 836 886 . 828—2550
Top Athletics in P. B. B. Y. M. C. A.
Match by 145 Pins
The Federals had no trouble in de
feating the Athletics in the P. R. R.
Y. M. C. A. series last night, taking
three games and the match by a mar
gin of 145 pins. Mendentoall was high
man. The score:
Hoffman . . 144 11 7 125 386
D. Saul ... 152 150 126 430
Colestock .. 131 139 173 443
Miller .... 150 157 184— 491
Mendenhall. 148 170 194 512
Totals . . 725 733 804—2262
Mumma ... 137 187 174 498
E. Saul .. . 105 131 146 382
W. Felker . 128 143 119— 390
H. Felker . 143 104 137 384
Mathias ... 156 127 180— 463
Totals .. 669 692 756—2117
To-night, postponed match, Federals
ami Senators.
Heart Disease Fatal to Aged Woman
(Marietta. Dee. 2. — Mrs. Elizabeth
Clinton, 70 years oM, died suddenly at
the home of her son. Albert, yesterday,
from hea-t disease. She was a mi-mber
of the Reformed church. Two sons ami
a nunvber of grandchildren survive.
Estimated Receipts at Harvard Are
SBOO,OOO, More Than Half of
Which Reverted to Treasury—Pre
vious Records at Football Crushed
Does it pay to be a winner! Well,
rather, according to the receipts of the
Harvard football season. Estimates of
the receipts place the amount at $300,-
000, of which more than one-half re
verted to the Harvard treasury.
All previous records for niojiey-Tiuik
ing in football were fractured and
crushed by the figures sot up by
Haughtoei s squad of advanced grid
iron students, lor the new Vale bowl,
with its capacity of 70,000, enabled
the Harvard tram to get over t'he line
and win the honor of being the first
college football team in the United
States to play to more than $300,000
in gate receipts in 'a single season.
The attendance records were also
broken during the season just passed,
and again the Yale bowl made possible
the new record. More than 200,00U
persons saw Harvard play its nine
games. The average attendance at a
Harvard game was 23,300, which
would be a staggering crowd at a ma
jor league baseball game.
The attendance figures grew steadily
at Harvard from the opening ga.iue to
the final contest with Yale. Only at the
Brown-Harvard game in the stadium
on November 14, when the Crimson
substituti o lined up against the Bru
nonians, was the crowd smaller than
it had been on a preceding Saturday.
The three games on the Harvard sched
ule—those with Yale, Princeton and
Michigan—drew 120,000. and the six
games of lesser importance swelled the
figures bv 90,000, bringing the grao i
total to 210,000.
The Harvard Athletic Association is
even now counting up the money taken
in during the season and the official
statement of Harvard finances as a re
sult of its most successful football
season will not be ready for many
weeks. Harvard of course, does not get
all the money paid in by spectators at
the games for the opposing teams got
percentage or liberal guarantees in all
The actual receipts for the Harvard
management will be between $150,000
and $170,000, however, and after all
the football expenses have been de
ducted there will still be a big balance
left to the credit of the 1914 football
team. And inasmuch as nearly all the
other varsity and freshman athletic
teams at Harvard lose money annually,
the football record will defray almost
wholly the deficits rung up by* the los
ing propositions.
The Harvard management realizcJ
before the season began $4,500 from
the sale of about 1,500 season tickets
to the general public at $3 each. These
tickets were good for all games played
by the Crimson except those with
Princeton and Yale. Then about 2,000
H. A. A. tickets, which are issued only
to the Harvard students at $5 eacli,
were sold, adding SIO,OOO to the re
The Bates game at the opening of
season had an attendance of 12,000
and the receipts approximated $6,000
cash. The second contest, with the
Springfield Training school, had a
slightly larger attendance -and the re
ceipts advanced to about the $7,500
mark. The Washington and Jefferson
gajne lured 13,000 to the stadium and
the gate receipts amounted to about
From the day of the Washington
a.nd Jefferson game to the Princeton
game, a month later, the greatest ot
the Harvard stars were out of the game
through injuries. Captain Brickley
was operatecj on for appendicitis while
his team was opposing the W. and J.
combination. Mahan had pulled a ten
don. Pen nock had a bad case of water
on the knee, and there were more in
juries among the lesser lights. In the
next several weeks more of the regu
lars were out, including Trumbull,
Hardwick, Bradlee, l.ogan, Wallace
and Soucv, But through all this mis
fortune the Harvard team continued
to draw and the receipts grew Satur
day after Saturday, even though the
public knew that most of the stars
would be out of the line-up.
On a rainy day the Tufts game
brought out a crowd of 15,000 and the
Penn State team, a week later drew
18,000 persons. For the first time in
history, an October game brought more
than 20,000 spectators when Michigan
opposed Harvard in the great intersec
tional battle. 0.-tober 31. There were
23,000 in t'he stands and the receipts
for the game were nearly $35,000. The
following Saturday Princeton drew
27,000 persons, at $2 each, and the re
ceipts were $54,000.
The Brown game, with only the Har
vard substitutes flaying, was a suffi
cient attraction to lure 20,000 persons
through the turnstiles, and the gate
monev was in excess of $20,000. And
the Yale game, which is reallv old his
torv now, brought out 70,000 spec
tators for a gate total of $140,000.
The whole mass of receipts for the
games in which the Harvard eleven
played were more than $300,000 ami
Harvard is ready to suibeerib to the
axion that to the victors belong the
Win Easily From Orpheums in Casino
League Series
The Colonials defeated the Or
pheums in last night's Casino
match toy 115 pins, lacoby and Trace
were stars of the evening. The score'
Ross 171 205 156 532
Hargest ... 17ti 166 164 506
W. A. Miller 173 171 170— 514
Berk 197 170 138— 505
Wilson .... 162 176 201— 539
Totals . . 879 888 829—3596
Jacotiv .... 221 202 199 622
Kruger ... 138 190 161— 489
Wriber .... 135 189 179 503
Trace 181 190 196 567
Black 213 149 168— 530
Totals .. SSS 920 903—2711
Sunday School Convention
(Marietta. Dec. 2.—The Sunday school
■convention, comprising the borough of
Mount Joy and Mount Joy township,
mot yesterday in the Presbyteriaiii
church at Mount Joy and rendered an
instructive and entrriajning program.
There were addresses hy a nunrber of
,■ yftfyr%TTryyyTTTTTTy>fs<TyT T T TyyytyTTTyvffTT* > T? f'f y t
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j Umbrellas Always Make Acceptable Gifts ]
*■ Of wide variety is this new shipment of serviceable umbrellas, and selecting one or more for gifts 1
► will be a matter of pleasure. 1
Women's Umbrellas —26 inches long, guaranteed water- Women's Umbrellas —26 inches long, tape edge, piece dyed
proof, tape edge. American taffeta on best Paragon frame; taffeta silk on best Paragon frame, guaranteed; most desirable J
k an attractive line of desirable handles; up-to-date handles with up-to-date handles; trimmed, carved and plain; cord and J
► silk tassel; carved, plain, trimmed and mission handles. tassel. Priced at $1.50 n
Price 98£ Men's Umbrellas —28 inches long, tape edge silk and wool 1
► Men's Umbrellas —2B inches long, guaranteed waterproof, yarn cover, Paragon frame, guaranteed; new, desirable up-to- J
y tape edge. American taffeta, on best Paragon frame; up-to- date handles, square and round, plain, fancy and carved
date handles in mission, boxwood, plain, carved and gold and handles; case and tassel. Priced at $1.50 i
silver trimmed. Priced at Women's and Men's Umbrellas— in all grades of Gloria silk,
Children's Umbrellas —2o. 22 and 24 inches long, in mercer- taffeta silk, silk serge; every new, up-to-date, desirable han- 4
ized silk, tape edge, American taffeta, piece-dve taffeta silk, die. A verv acceptable gift at
► on Paragon frames. Priced at to $1.25 $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.08, $3.50, $5.00, $7.00 ']
* Women's Umbrellas —26 inches long, tape edge, American Better grades at higher prices.
► taffeta cover; elaborately trimmed handles in pearl and silver. Your umbrella recovered with tape edge cotton Gloria ']
► Priced at | cloth, k
► Main Floor— BOWMAN'S. |1
: "The Tipperary" |
* k *' Military Turban
► vSt _ An entirely new millinery mode, patterned after the typical <<
► Scotch turban. 'Twas introduced in New York but a week
► U j| ago, from Paris, where military tendency in apparel is strong, f
| and quoting an authentic journal: "New York has gone mad J
IL J Small in shape, and with chic little floral wreaths or flow
y U TJ *1 erettes, are very stunning.
► Come in putty and sand shades—New York's favorites; also j
; Musical Toys and Musical
; Joys for Musical Girls
: and Boys The Millinery Department f
► Ever find a youngster who didn t like to make a musical \ Just as large and spacious as ever, offers splendid assort
► noise? Here are all sorts of musical toys, including horns, ments of the season's newest models.
► tops, chimes, harmonicas, cornets, French horns, and ever so
manv others. Tn most places it is usually the custom to take over the
Toy pianos are 29<S $9.98, and all intermediate prices. millinery department for holiday wares. Owing to the
: ► j - « , u many new styles that are constantly coming in, you may still
j ► Lnilaren! VJCX isusy Ull enjoy the freedom of making a selection without being
; Your Drawings cr<ywded '
► ff you do not have drawing blanks, get them at the Santa t T
Claus Post Office i Basement), draw a picture of "Santa," Timely NCCUS & t SpGCIH.I PITICCS
and bring it here, before Saturday evening. Remember, ten J
* handsome prizes will be awarded to the five lucky boys and 32c Sheeting, 90 inches wide; easily bleached; yard, 23^
► five lucky girls. Comfort cotton, 72x90 inches; 3 lbs. to roll; roll, ... . 50c
v —— ~ ' ! 1 8c Cheese Cloth, 36 inches wide; green onlv; vard, ......3f^
► Room Lot of Wall Paper I'nbleached Muslin; 27 inches wide; remnant length; yard, \
► Complete at 67c 50c Sheet; bleached, size 72x90 inches; seamed, laundered;
u Regular Price $1.35 3-inch hems. Each 32<
. . , Pillow Cases; 42 or 45-inch size; at. 8 1 / '
► 10 lollS of side wall, and 20 \illds o1 f)-inr*ll boi'dcr, Outing Flannel, 27 inches wide; dark patternfl; remnant lengths,
:► suitable for kitchens, halls and bedrooms. y» r(1 fl^c
i Room lot, complete at $1.37 —regularly $2.25. 50c w »ol Flannel, 36 inches wide; cut from the full piece, yd.,
► 10 rolls of side wall, and 20 yards of beautiful cut var b d l,4C 36 ineh M " Rlin R<,n,nilntß ; bleached; selvage on both aid™;
nut boldei to match. Sllitsble foi bediooms aild Mohawk Sheets; seamless, bleached, size 81x108 inches; sella else
► livinar rooms. where for $1.19; our price, L .,.7»c
► Remnant Lots—in bundles; your choice, roll. M ft ; n Floor— BOWMAN'S.
• ►
Crowds at Matches Even Bigger Than
the World's Baseball Series At- j
tracts Here —French Sportsmen
. Make Good on Firing Line
Corresponded! e of the Associated Press.
Ijomlon. Dec. 2.—The warfare be-j
tween those who want professional I
football continued during wartime ami
those who think that the players and I
employes of the football clubs ought ;
to be at the front, goes on merrily i
with the Poet laureate as the latest,
contributor to the discussion.
The chief argument of those who,
oppose the discontinuance of the games, j
which draw every Saturday even larger!
crowds than the American baseball!
world's series contests, is that the loss ;
of the millions of dollars which the |
football "magnates" pay out for sal
aries and other expenses would be a j
crushing economic blow to a large!
c!ass. The sporting editor of the:
"Daily News.'' for instance, says:
"I contend that football an ah-;
solute necessity to the community. Stop I
it and you will drive the men who are
making guns, ammunition, uniforms,!
boots, etc., into wilderness of the drink- j
shops on Saturday afternoon. The j
men who are fighting and will fight!
later on, or who are doing the nation'si
urgent work at home, have selected J
professional football as their mode of i
weekly relief from the worries of their
The other side of the argument is i
presented in an open letter from Dr. |
Kobert Bridges, the Poet laureate. He
"1 voice the feeling of the country
in declaring that it is high time pro
fessional football should be discontin
'' The sightseeing crowds are not go
much to blame, I hope, as they appear
to be; T take it they Rre ignorantly
misled by the small body of men who
cater for them.
"The whole nation is mourning for
those falling in defense and I would
suggest that the heroic death of Ijord
Roberts is such an occasion as may well
serve these football managers as a mo
tive for fixing the term for the cessa
tion of their public entertainments.
"Our enemies calculated on finding
Lancaster's Favorite Brew
JNO. G. WALL, Agt.
Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, &lgr.
! the maws of our people apathetic. If
| any class is showing itself so, they are j
traitors and more dangerous than the
i Germans themselves. It is high time
that our footballers let the world see
j what they are really made of."
As showing the extent to which foot - | 1
I ball still holds the attention of a largr j
public, last Saturday there were 4,700
matches played in the British Isles, not
! including boys' matches. It follows that,
'over 140,000 men of the right sort for
| recruiting were kicking a football I
1 about over here, while their more pa j
triotic comrades were being heavily j
i shelled in Flanders.
"Good Sport a Good Fighter"
Paris, Dec. 2.—A ''good sport," In
! the athletic sense of the term, ought !
to make a good fighter. The European
war seems to demonstrate it.
Nearly all the football stars of;
France are either on the "gridiron"
DR. KLUGH, Specialist
Pfcriletan and *urir*M
Offleeai ion Walnut *♦.. Ifarrtaline®. P«
Diaeaaaa Of woiin and mni apeetal.
private, •peolfle, aervoin and eheoata
dlaeaaea. General office wirfc. Ceaaal.
tatloa free anil confidential, Medicine '
fnralahed. Work marantoed. Ik Hence
moderate. M yeara* expcrleaee.
lilt. KLUGH, the ncll-kauwa kperiallat
of Flanders or rushing the German
lines along the Aisne and they are
making themselves heard from.
Augustin .Foue, a football star of
Perpignan, in the Nineteenth Dra
goons, just mentioned in orders, was
promoted lieutenant on the battlefield i
for having rescued a fallen comrade
and carried him out of the fire zone un-1
der severe shell fire.
Planus, another mainstay of the i
French Sporting Association, was pro-'
moted lieutenant for rushing single
handed a detachment of Germans who
were in the act of capturing a French
cannon. He hayonetted them, one aft
er another and alone succeeded in
bringing the gun back into the lines.
Cyclists have also done great work, i
both in the French and Belgian arm
ies, Augusto Trouseellier, the youngest!
of the Troussellier brothers, well known
professional riders, was killed during
the battle of the Aisne while charging
the German trenches. Pellagrin, Morin
and Jauzin, crack cycJe racers, were
all killed during the battle of tho
Marne. Henri, Ollivler, Denoualt —all
thTee memberi of the Racing Olub
football team also were killed during
the fighting around Luawville, Bene
Kllena, another favorite of Paris grW-
Irens, was wounded at the taking of
Fencing eircles have also furnlshel
a number of good fighters, most of
whom have boea Incorporated In the
flying eerpg, Reuelers-Dorclerea, the
hero of so many meetings on the field
of honor, is a machine gunner on one
of the armored aeroplanes; Georges
Breitmaver is in the same service.
.less Hermanns, champion oarsman
of Europe, was decorated on the bat
tlefield for heroic exploits in Belgian.
Van-Houwaert, one of the leading long
distance cycle racers, is in the commis
j sary department of the Belgian army,
! while Constant le Marin, the wrestler,
1 is working an automobile machine gun.
In France everything is being done
ito encourage the continuation of all
sports as in times of peace.
Ho Sports at Cambridge
Ijondon, Dec. 2.—lt is officially an
i nounced that there will be no athlwtic#
; of my kind at Cambridge University
this year. The principal reason for
I the cancellation even of the minor
; sporting events Is that the men hav®
no time to train or practice, five after
noons a week being occupied by work
in the Officers' Training Oorps.
The official notice applies to all
freshmen's sports and to the Intercol
legiate games,
Kodaks $1 and Up
EASTMAN Supplies
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