8 " Cj "° yi imm.uir - . PARK SIDE HOSPITAL 1900-02-04 Market Street Open to maternity eases ol' ait reputable physicians. Trained nurses in j attendance. Both phones. I HOUSEHOLD TALKS Henrietta D. Grauel How to Fix the Turkey What would Thanksgiving Day be without the Thanksgiving dinner I wonder? It is really the turkey that makes the feast and in almost every instance the bird is worthy the honor given it. Benjamin Franklin once wrote a plea to make the turkey the National bird. He said the turkey was a more re spectable bird than the eagle; that it was a native American too, and that it was especially fitted for the proud position because it would not hesitate to attack a British soldier wearing a red eoat should one invade its grounds. It seems as though this was a sort of a prophecy for certainly the turkey is our emblem of peace, happiness and prosperity this year. Every family has notions of their own concerning the best bird and when it is possible oue is fattened for a fortnight or more before it is led to the block and through various processes ot dressing, stuffing and roasting, .lust to think about the various ways of fixing the turkey hritigs a vision of juicy richness before the eye. The turkey is not a dry meat bird any longer for the new roasters that are self-basting keep the flesh moist. To have the best flavor the fowl should be killed at home and dressed as soon as dead. After it is plucked and dressed it should be singed and plumped by being dipped for a fen seconds into scalding water and then into cold water. Then wipe inside and outside the bird with a clean drv cloth Satisfactory==Refreshing== Healthful | DOEHNE BEER I Jts delicious snappy flavor commends it to lovers 5 11 of good beer. > ;► Brewery thoroughly equipped. | i«; Unexcelled for Purity and Excellence. $ | DOEHNE BeU sao L ORDER IT ludependent ."UN < I'vWAViiWAiVVVVWVW^V^B I IX POVERTY W ITH $4931> Apparently Destitute Woman Had Stockings Full of Money St. Joseph, .Mo., Nov. I'll.—Mrs. Sal lie Miiuen. !s2 years old. a ward ol the ' isocial Welfare Board. who lias 1 >eeu Relieved to be destitute, was found ro have 54.9;)9.J0 in cash and bank cor ! tificates concealed in her stocking when j searched at St. Joseph's Hospital In a nurse. Mrs. >J:titen was taken in charge l>\ the Welfare. Hoard when persons com plained that she was living alone in a ; sha>'k, ill and helpless, and refusing ro' allow.'auiyone to approach he . Tnvesti that she had been eon her bed for two months with onrattentiou, and that her food supph ifien was two eKS s and a banana. Mrs. Minten's story was that her second husband had deserted her. She paid her first husband iiad left her a farm in Kansas, • .tit that she sold it. The Welfare Board believed her pen niless, and sent her to the hospital. The husband appeared and it was arranged that she would leave the hospital. When ■ she left the bill was paid from the, funds found on her. FARMING BY MAIL POPULAR More Thau IH.OOO Persons Study State: College Course State College, Pa.. Nov. 23. —More| than 19,000 men and women of Penn eylvania who could not find the time or funds to attend college have studied! agriculture by correspondence with the; Pennsylvania State College. About 50, per cent, of them have completed the: courses, and were awarded certificates uf proficiency. Professor T. I. Mail's, who has chargp ©f the long-distance instruction, said the eourses attracting most attention! ■were poultry- raising, farm book keep-' ing, gardening, fruit growing and gen-i eral agriculture. He added that the! new eourse in cooking is .rapidly gain j ing in popularity. Juniata's First Freeze Ijewistown, Pa.. Xov. 23.—The Ju niata river was fro/en over yesterday morning for the first time this season. > The stream is so low that it was only! necessary to freeze about the rocks to! dam back the slush ice. aul Island wit!: bi.- wife the night I left, they were there • until two days ago; took them nil tlieii j time and Sam's to get my foxes. Then : they brought hiui over here." And now I will leave out any ac count of the events of the next six , teen hours which we spenl in the r.kiff and pick up the thread of 'his j history again with Stafford knocking at the door ,-f the Jitrgensens' cabin on Upsalu island. We had landed there after dark. Joe and I stood hack while Ft afford faced Uie door. It. was thrown open, and a bl 1 ? gingerbread Swede demand ed bis business. "I've just called around to take back my fores." said Stafford. "Vot votes?" "The blacks and silvers you stole." "You are mailt!" "Shut it!" cried Stafford. "Ten days ago you and your wife, having decoy ed me away to Valdez, went to Kcl is land. You were there • ight days, dur ing which time you cleaned oat very animal 1 owned uu it. I know you didn't kill theui. though yon tried lo make me believe you had by leaving the skinned carcasses of a lot of led foxes. Three days ago you left F.el island." As he spoke I saw the wizened fig ure of a woman squeezing out: under the big Swede's elbow. She b»'d a nar row face, with blinking, malevolent eyes, that she fixed on Stafford. "Zol Vot then?" jeered Jtirgensen. "Then you rowed over to Kdith is kind «ud marooned my man Aleut Sam. who was in the robbery with you." The big Swede snatched up a rifle by the doop and stepped out. "Get out of here," he cried, "or"— He paused on catching sight of .loe and , myself. "I'll go if you wish it." said Stafford dangerously, "but if I do it'll be to re turn with the police." "And look here, Mr. Dutchman." broke in Joe gently, "if it comes to that yon'U get put away for a fifteen years' rest cure, sure." "Who are you?" bellowed .Jurgensen. "He's the man that told ine your wife was weakly and spilled the water from the kettle when she lifted It, for he found her tracks at my place by the stove. He's the man that discovered ax cut log ends In Aleut Sam's Are on Edith Island when we knew Sam had no nx with him. He's the man I owe a lot to." "Me also," said Jurgensen venomous ly as he bowed his head. "Vot you vaut—your terms?" he asked at last. Stafford had his answer ready. "My own foxes—that's restoration—and two of your* by way of Interest—that's ret ribution." "Ant If 1 say no!" "You won't. Where's my foxes?' Jurgensen hesitated, but clearly there i could be only one decision in the cir cumstances. "! haf there in my ken- I nels," he answered. 1 "Wire iaclosuresT" eried Stafford Ui disgust. I "Yaa.' ■>_n_n_i-».-u~u-tfLi J -i , i-J i-TLn-TLTLrj - - . "Ton can't (trow n deceut pelt In * cage." snapped Stafford, with the ea- i geraess of a fanatic mounted upon his hobby. "Yon must let them live their natural life as near an possible or their color suffers. The pigmentary glands get affected"— "Poof! I haf rend of all that in the book 'Scientific Zelection of Color Forms.' " "Yes," put iu Joe, "you read a good bit while you were at Mr. Stafford's place, that's so—lying in Mr. Stafford's bunk." .Ttirgensen raided startled eyes. "Toil see meV" "No." "How you know then?" •loe laughed. "1 guess the spiders ; must 'a' told uie," said he. CHAPTER XIII. Linda Petersham. NOVEMBER JOE had bidden me farewell at the little siding known by the picturesque t name of Silent Water. " 'Sped you'll be back again. Mr. j Quaritch. as soon as you've fixed them j new mining contracts, nud then, may- j be. we'll try a wolf hunt. There's a j tidy pack comes out on ttie Lac Nolr ice when ii's moonlight." But the shackles of business are not so easily shaken off. and the spring had already come before another vn- i cation in the woods had begun to i merge Into possibility. About this j time Linda Petersham ram; me up on the telephone and demanded my pres ence at lunch. "But 1 am engaged." said I "What is It?" I "I will tell you when you come. I waut you." I made another effort to explain my position', but Linda had said her last word and rung off. I smiled as I call-1 ed up the picture of a small Greek ; head crowned with golden hair, a pair of dark bine eyes and a month wear ing a rather imperious expression. The end of it was that 1 went, for I have known 'Linda all her life. The , Petersham family consists of Lluda ; and her father. :nul. though in bnsi- j uess relations \fr. Pe>rsham is a pow-! er to be reckoned with, at home he ex-1 ists for tiie sole apparent purpose of 1 carrying out his charming (laughter's wishes. It is a delightful house to go to. for they are the happiest people I know. I found myself the only guest, which surprised me. for the Petersham man-! sion has a reputation lot' hospitality. ".fames. I want you to do this for me. I want you to persuade pop not j IO do something." "I? I persuade him? You don't | need me for that—you. who can make! liim do or not do anything, just as you : wish!" "I thought I could, but I find I can't." [ "How is that'!" "Weil, he is set on going back to ■ Kaliuacks." "Kalmuck.? I know it. is the place .lulius Fischer built up in the moun tains. He used to go shooting and fishing there." "That is it. It's a place you'd lore lots of good rooms and standing way liaelf on a mountain slope, with miles of view and a stream tumbling past the very door. Father bought it last rear and with it all tile snorting rights Julius Fischer claimed. The woods are full of moose, and there nre beaver and utter, and that's where the trouble i-ame in." "But Fischer had trouble from the liay he went up to shoot at Kalmucks, lie had to run for it. so I was told. Didn't your father know that? Wbj did Mr. Petersham have anything to do with ilie place?" "Oh, it was just one of pop's no tions. I suppose." said Linda, with the ! rather weary tolerance of the modern daughter. "They are a dangerous lot round there." "He knew that. They are squatters —trappers who have squatted among those woods and bills for generations. Of course they think the country be longs to them. Pop knew that, anil in his opinion the compensation Julius Fischer offered and gave them was In adequate." "It would be," 1 commented. 1 could without effort Imagine Julius Flßcher's views on compensation, for 1 had met him in business. "Well, father went Into the mutter, and he found that the squatters had a good deal to be said for their side of the case, so that ho did what he thought was fair by them. He paid them good high prices for their rights, or whot they considered to be their rights, for In law. of course, they pos sessed none. Every one seemed pleased and satisfied, and we were looking for ward to going there this spring for the fishing when news enme that one of fa ther's game wardens had been shot at." "Shot at?" Linda nodded the Greek bead 1 ad- I bytr ' on ' V v ' of the book, merely as; aibeUishment inserts, but not directly " v».-, '*? alongside and explautory of the verse intended to typify or . J-?*" make plain; but our publishers, at an outlay of $.50,000, f : ' S prepared accurate illustrations DESCRIPTIVE cf the VERSE wliieh thev accompany, and I'.. placed directly next to the verse of the scene described —the only place it can be looked *° r or found quickly, the only place the illustration is a help to you -making this the FIRST " ;"jfi and ONLY complete ILLUSTRATED Hible. "4ffl mired so much. "Yes. Last autumn father put on a couple of wardens to look after the game. and they have been there all winter. Froui their reports they have got on quite well with Ihe squatters, ; and now suddenly, for no reason that they can guess, one of them, William Worko by name, has been fired upon in his camp." "Killed?" I asked. 1 "No. but badly wounded. He said he ! was sure the bullet conld have been put into his heart just as easily, but it was sent through his knee by way of a notice to quit, he thinks." "Those folks up there numt be half savages." "They are. btit that's not all. Three days ago a letter came, meant for fa ther. but addressed to me. Whoever wrote it must, have seen father and knew that he was not the kind of man I who could lie readily frightened, so they thought they would get at. him through me. It was a horrible letter." The words were written upon a sheet torn from an old account book. They rail as follows: You. Petersham, you mean skunk! Don't you come In our wods unles yor j willing to pay five thousand dollars. Bring the goods nnd youl be told wlier to put it, so It will come into the hands of riters. Dollars ain't nothin 10 you. but (hey can keep an expanding bulet out yor hide. "Do you think it is a hoax?" "Well, no, 1 can't honestly say I do." "Which means, in plain language, that if father does not pay up tbat 000 he will be shot." "Not necessarily. He need dot go up to Kalmacks this fall." "Rut of course he will fro: He's more set on going tlian ever. You know fa ther when he's dealing with men. And he persists in his opinion that the let ter Is probably duly bluff." I considered for a little before I spoke. "Linda, have you really sent for me to try to persuade your father that it would be wiser for him not to go to Kalmacks?" Linda's lip curled scornfully. "I i should not put It Just like that! I can imagine father's answer If you did. I'm afraid it will be no good letting you Hay anything you don't know how." "You mean that T have no tact?" She smiled at me. and I Instantly forgnre her. "Well, perhaps I do. but you know It Is far better to be able to give help than Just to tall: about it. Father is determined on going to Kal macks. and I want you to coma with us." To B« Continued. TURKEY TO NATURALIZE JEWS More Than 2f»,000 Bnsalans of Faith Now live in Palestine New York, Nov. 23.—The Turkish government has assured the tttate I>e partnient at Washington that it will not ex'pel Russian .tews residing in the Of toman empire, but will permit them to ■heroine naturalized Turkish subjects en bloc, it was announced here last night by the American Jewish Committee The committee stated that 5,00(1 ; Jews in .latTa alone nlroady have ap plied for permission to take advantagt lof this decision. More than 25,000 I Russian Jews ere residents of the Pal ' estiue region alone, it wag said. FIRE PANIC KILLS EI«BT < Dwellers in Tenement Die With Safety : at Hand New York, Nov. Eight persons . i are dead. two others are so badly burn j ed that they may die, and seven more, j including two fire captain?, are injured ! as the result of a fire of suspicious| origin early yesterday which virtually! destroyed a five-story jjriok tenement; house ou East Twenty-ninth-street. As! a result of disclosures made to the po ! lice by a tenant who has been receiv ing Black Hand letters for the last' year, and upon whom a demand for J SI,OOO was made Friday under threat i of bodily harm, detectives last . night j were seeking men known to them as Black Hand leaden, whom they suspect j of responsibility for the fire. Panic which seized the tenants when they were aroused by rescuers caused! the loss of life, the police say, as the! building was amply equipped with tire | escapes. Seven bodies were found ii; ' the hallway on the top floor, near a stairway leading to the roof, when the I tlnmes had been subdued after a" hour's fight by several fire companies and two fire boats. Yesterday after-> noon Mr«. Annie L'atnldo, a tenant who had been rescued, died from heart fail ure induced by shock and exposure. Carvers' Tonic Tablets For nerves, weakness and nervous ' prostration, 50 cenU at druggists. ! Adv. HONEY HUNTER FINDS BANDIT j Discovers Man for Whom SI,OOO Is Of ferea Asleep in Woods MoMurray, Wash., Nov. 23.—Whilel looking for a honey tree in the woods | near Plichuck, Yiulrow Austin, foreman of a Northern Pacific section dis : covered a man sleeping. The man ior I responded to the description of the lone I survivor of the gang of Kedro Woolley, I bank robbers, for whose capture a re ward of SI,OOO. had been offered. He j had a well-filled cartridge belt about i him and an automatic pistol in a hols 1 ter, while on his face was a 10 days'! growth of beard. Austin stole quietly away and noti-1 tied officials of his discovery, with the result that within a short time the sur I rounding country was filled with men | eager to capture the outlaw. The | search had been conducted heretofore along the international boundary. SPOUSE DESERTED 51 TIMES Hubby Seeks Aid of Divorce Court l With Patience at, Limit Brainerd.. Minn., Nov. 23. —Albert i R. Adkins has been granted a divorce from his wife, Elizabeth Adkins, and I the custody of the minir children. The ' rase was heard bv Judge W. 8. Me-j Clenahan. ft was a regular thing for his wife, to desert him and remain* away from ; home over nights, the complaint stated. I Fifty times she packed her clothing, j squandered his money in telephone, j telegraph, livery bills and railway fares, and would go to her parents or ! relatives and stay for days and months i at a time. In .Tune, 1913, he savs, she left him for good. QIBL SHIELDS ASSAILANT Says She Shot Herself Accidentally but j Detectives Think Otherwise Atlantic City, Nov. 23. —Detectives | believe Teresa Kusso. a pretty Italian j girl, 14 years old, who was hurried to the ' City Hospital yesterday afternoon with a 'bullet iu her left breast, is shielding mi admirer who shot her during a quar rel at the girl's home. Teresa told doctors and nurses that she shot herself by accident while play ing with a revolver, and refused to change her statement when informed | tlhat her condition was serious. Tjater 11 he girl flatly denied she had nttemyt er to take her life. The 'bullet passe.l very close to her heart. Killed by Fall of Rock Oil City, Pa., Nov. "3.—Willis Cohen, 31', colored, formerly of New York, em ' ployed on a tunnel under construction for the Pennsylvania railroad near hera was crushed and instantly killed yester day by a fall of rock. ' IF VISITING NEW YORK CITY you dortr* to local# 1r *ba VERY CENTRE a*«reat T*Uil nlmp* and momt to the«troft. dopota. *r«aiu«bli) piari, J**" vrlll b" pleased at tb#» HOTEL Albemarte-Hoffman , Sth Av., Broadway, 24tb St. OVERLOOKING MADISON BQ. PARK, j A fiva million dollar example of mod«rt» • architect!! ml perfection; n icommodatioia, 1,000 guest*. A Good Koom, j .. $1,50 Per Day. J AN'i th Bath, $2 to $5. Famoua Pieradilly Koataurafot. . Booklet and liulde on Rnqnoßt. j, 31 D.VNIKL V. KITC HF/V. BUSINESS COLLEGE* I 1 •, j iiii'jr,. iiUbiXs JclfSS COi/iitjuij Market Street Fall 'lerm September First OAY AND XNIIOHT . Stenography, Stenotypy DAY and NIGHT SESSIONS Enroll Any Monday | SCHOOL of COMMERCE I 13 S. "'arket Sq„ Harrisburg, Pa. Cumberland Valley Railroac In littert May 21, la 14. I Train* l.envr lliirrlxhurK— Kor Wiiichesitr ind Martinsburg, a 5.03, "7.5U a. in., "3.40 p, m. For llagerstown. Chambersburg an interineuiale stations, at *5.03. *7.i( 11.a3 a. in.. -;i.4U, 5.32. "7.4 U. 11. U p. m. Additional trains tor Carlisle an | ileciiantcsbui »at i».4H a. m.. J.ls. 3.1' j ,j«, S.3U p. in. For Dillsburg at 5.U3, *7.50 arid *11.5 a. m.. -.18, *3.40, 5.32, «i.;SO p. m. •Dally. All other trains daily exceo I Sunday. JH. TONGB, ' H. A. RIDDUK. G. ft A. - Supt.