The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 03, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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The Hyomei Catarrh Bemedy Is Na
ture's Own Method
It certainly would be ridiculous for
you to take a pill to heal a burn, but
Ho more so than to try to cure catarrh,
cbughs. croup or head oolda, by dosing
the stomach.
Medicate the air you breathe with
Hyomei —that's the sensible way. This
treatment goes directly to the sore and
con «e»tea mejnbranc lining the nose and
throat and makes a rapid and lasting
end of distressing catarrh ills.
Hyomei is nature's true method of
treating al! dfae#»ses affecting the air
passages, and the most economical. The
Hyomei complete outfit consists ot' a
small hard rubber inhaler and a bottle
of Hyomei, and never costs over a dol
lar. If your trouble is deepseated aud
should require a little more of the liquid
an e'xtra bottle of Hyomei will cost but
a trifle.
Hyomei is sold by H. 0. Kennedy
with a guarantee to return the money if
it does not make a satisfactory cure.
, London, Nov. 3, 3.11 A. M.—The
correspondent of the "Morning Post"
in Petrograd sends the following:
'■Rumors persist that Prjscmvsl, iu
Galicia, has been taken, but these re
ports are untrue. What really happened
is that the Russians captured 4.000
of the garrison, with a large amount of
arms and equipment when the garrison
gttempted a sortie. Cholera and tvpus
are reported to be raging at Pr/.emysl.
"The number of women coming back
wounded from the Russian front proves
that the contingent of adventurous fe
males on the fighting lines is consider
ed. These women as a general rule cut
their hair, assume a, soldier's uniform
and get away secretly with the conni
' ance of friends amoug the soldiers.
Others start alone on various pretextes,
such as seeking injured relatives, and
then don male art tire when they reach
the front.
"A Cossack girl trooper, Helen Cho
ba by name, went with the full knowl
edge and permission of the authorities,
having long been distinguished as a
horsewoman, swordswoinan and marks
"Colonel Tomilobbskava's daughter,
who in male uniform on the Augustowo
front, distinguished herself as a scout
leader, has been wounded three times."
More British Officers Killed
London, Nov. 3.—A casualty list re
ceived from headquarters yesterday un
der date of October 28 gives the names
of nine officers killed and fourteen
wounded. Among those wounded is
T-ioutenant Colonel H. L. Richardson, of
the 47th Sikhs, an Indian regiment.
Paris Chauffeurs Assist
Paris, Nov. 3 —The chauffeurs of the
taxicabs of Paris have offered to place
at the disposal of the military authori
ties a number of taxicabs every day
tor carrying parcels for the soldiers at
the chauffeurs will bear all
the expenses.
Scientific Option
the World Over
is unanimous that caffeine and tannin, the poisonous drugs
in tea and coffee, should not be used unless as medicines
under the directions of a doctor.
I'hese drugs in tea and coffee are known to be one of the
common causes of chronic headache, nervousness, dyspepsia,
"coffee heart." and other ai-hes and ills.
If you are troubled with any such ailments, suppose you
do as thousands of others have done, get relief by quitting
both tea and coffee and using
"There's a Reason"
Postum is made only from prime wheat and a hit of whole
some molasses. It is a pure food drink, nourishing ami
appetizing, and entirely free from the tea and coffee drugs,
or any other harmful substance.
Young and old drink Postum with pleasure. It comes
in two forms.
Regular Postum—must be boiled. 15c and 25c packages.
Instant Postum-—soluble—made in the cup with hot water,
instantly, :30c and 50c tins.
Both kinds are delicious and the cost per cup is about the
Grocers Everywhere
London, Nov. 3, 7.">0 A. M. —An im
perial manifesto on the outbreak of the
war with Turkey has been issued in
Petrograd, according to the correspond
ent of Reute-r's Telegram Company in
the Russian capital. It roads as fol
"In the sterile struggle against Rus
sia, Germany and Austria have incited
Turkey into taking arms against this
empire. Immediately after the treach
erous atta 'k of the Turkish fleet the
Russian Ambassador received orders to
leave Turkey.
"Russia will receive this fresh ag
gression on the part of the ancient
persecutor of the Christian religion and
the Slav peoples with tranquillity and
confidence in God. The valiant armies
of Russia will triumph once again— not
for the first time -over the Turkish
hordes. Once again we will know how
to punish the insolent foe of our father
"Our confidence is unshakable that
the ill-advised intervention of Turkey
will only hasten the fatal issue to that
empire and will open the way from the
Russian settlement of problems on the
Black .sea coast which have been hand
ed down by our ancestors.''
South Bethlehem, I'a., Nov. 3.—lt
was reported here on reliable authority
yesterday that the Bethlehem Steel
Company had received a big order to
furnish the British government with
projectiles for various sized army guns.
On the top of this rumor, four English
men arrived yesterday and took head
quarters at local hotels. They are in
spectors of ordnance. They are Johu
?1. Brown, Andrew Wiles, Ernest Hutch
ing, William Breuhn and E. W. Davies.
all of London .
It is saiu they have made arrange
ments to remain here two years.
At the Bethlehem steel offices yester
day no one would vouchsafe the mission
of these men. or whether Charles M.
Schwab had received a big order from
the British government.
It is stated, however, that the mis
sion of Mr. Schwab and his chief lieu
tenant, Arch Johnston, to England was
at the request of I>ord Kitchener.
Iron Cross for the Kaiser
London, Nov. 3.—An Amsterdam
dispatch to Renter's Telegram Company
says: "A Munich telegram states that
King Ludwig, of Bavaria, in the name
of the other Herman priuces, has asked
Emperor William to accept the Iron
Cross in honor of the German army.
The Emperor, in expressing his thanks,
said he would accept in recognition of
the determination and bravery of all
the German tribes in the fight for Ger
man honor.''
Called Back to the Colors
Paris, Nov. 3. —Alexander Millerand.
Minister of War, has issued an order
that all men of the armed service, em
ployed or detached, be immediately in
tegrated in their corps. Commanders
are also required to make monthly re
ports on certain requirements which
are made part of the order.
Paris Confident Latest
Offensive Movement
of Kaiser's Troops
Will Prove Futile
Official Statement of Belgian General
Staff Indicates Shift in Scene of
German Attack From North Coast
to Vicinity of Ypres
Paris. Nov. 3, 6.55 A. .Vl.—Confi
deuce is growing here that the latest
offensive movement of the Germans in
Belgium, whereby they hope to gain a
clear route to the French channel
ports, will fail. All reports here are
that the allies have successfully with
stood repeated and violent attacks.
The official statement of the Belgian
general staff indicates a shift in the
seeue of the German attack from the
north coast, where they fougiit so-hard
and stubbornly, to the vicinity of
Ypres, where the British hold the liue.
This region, it is declared, already has
been the scene of violent attacks and
counter attacks, in which bot'h sides
have lost hervilv.
The expectation here is that Ypres
front now will be the storm center of
the fighting- for a time at least, as the
German objective appears to be the
route to St. Omer, in the department of
Pas Calais, 22 miles southeast of the
port of Calais.
The news of the French success
around St. Marie-aux-Mines and St.
Die, in the Yosges region, was eagerly
received here. The departments iu
this quarter assures the French of a
solid position in a difficult region,
where, it is expected, they shortly will
win a great success.
President Poincarc's visit, to the
battlefield in West Flanders, where, at
Fumes, while practically under fire, he
and King Albert of Belgium reviewed
the French and Belgian troops, caused
some fears for his safety, but also ad
miration for his bravery. The Presi
dent and Belgian King, together with
the French Minister of War, Alexander
Millaraud, reviewed the troops from
the town liall at Furnes, while a short
distance awav the railway station was
under a heavy shell fire of the German
London, Nov. 3, 3.20 A. M.—-Tele
graphing from Calais under date of
Sunday, the correspondent of the ''Dai
ly Mail," says:
''The British army has endured an
historic ordeal in checking the German
attempt to advance on Calais. The Ger
man offensive has crumbled into Stale
mate, but the empire should know that
the victory at Ypres has been pur
chased at a price as high as pre
viously recordod in any British battle
"Tlie dream of our army suffered
and the gaps must be quieklv filled it'
the German repulse is to be turned to
good account. Bverytime they advance
the Germans seek to check their fire
on our allies and concentrate their en
tire attention on the British troops. It
is believed that the British have half
a million Germans opposed to them in
the Ypres lighting."
"It is reported that the German Em
peror himself was present to stimulate
his troops."
EXPORTS OVER $4.01(0.000
New Vorlc, Nov. 3. —Exports from
the port ot' New York yesterday
reached $4,0117,000. While this was
more than $-,000,000 less than tho
corresponding day of Inst week, it was
still larger than the nor
mal for this period of the year. There
was sent abroad 4 7.403 bales of cot
ton, the largest amount shipped in any
single day since the beginning of the
The activities of agents of the bellig
erents are making themselves felt in
practically every branch of trade.
Wellington, Sears & Company, of Bos
ton, have an order from the French
government for 500.000 yards of cot-
Km duck, and are said to be making
1,000,000 yards for the British army.
Germany has bought more than 25,000
bales of cotton in the South mthin a
week. These purchases followed the
declaration of the British government
that cot'ton in neutral bottoms will not
be seized.
Sargent Still In Tyrol
London, Nov. 3.—John S. Sargent
was painting in the Austrian Tyrol
when the war began and, according to
the Manchester "Guardian," there was
some anxiety among his friends, despite
the fact that he is an American citizen.
That anxiety is now relieved 'by the
news that Sargent's work has not been
in any way interrupted, and that he
proposes to return to London next
General Meyer Killed October SO
Berlin, via London, Nov. 3, 3 A. M.
—A telegram from Essen states that a
French aeroplane, bearing a German
flag and an iron cross, was shot down
above the station at Duren, eighteen
miles east of Aix-la-Chappelle yester
day afternoon. It was officially an
nounced in Berlin to-day that Lieuten
ant General Karl Von Meyer was kill
ed in action, October 28.
Resumption of Beer Sales to Troops
Petrograd, via London, > T ov. 3, 4.50
A. M.—The newspaper "Novoe Vrye
j ma" severely criticizes the decision of
I the government to allow a resumption
j of the sale of beer in a modified form,
; from November 14, as being at va
' riance with the Emperor's decision and
i calculated to revive the dormant na
! tional appetite for strong drink
Uneeda Biscuit
Nourishment—fine fla
—wholesomenesa. All
for 5 cents, in the
| moisture-proof package.
A food for every day.
Crisp, delicious and
strengthening. Fresh
baked and fresh de
livered. 10 cents.
A delightful ntew bis
cuit, with a rich and
delicious cocoanut fla
vor. Crisp and always
fresh. 10 cents.
Buy biscuit baked by
Always look for that Name j
w »
Tjomlon. Nov. 3. 4.1" A. M.—Tele
graphing from Calais, ;i correspondent
of tlie "Daily Mail." tavs:
"The British wedge which the Crown
Prime Rupprecht, ot' Bavaria, and
Grand Duke Albreeht, of Wurtemburg,
tried to crack between them still puts
forward a veritable bayonet thrust at
the heart of tho German lines at Ypres
and has finally wrecked the raid on St.
"In the last three weeks the tier
mans who hud advanced fifteen miies
from Ostend have been beaten back five
miles with lo?ses estimated at from
35,000 to 50,000 men.
"According to a naval officer 1 have
seen the losses to the British flotilla
during tho bombardment did not ex
ceed a score of killed and about fifty
men wounded."
London, Xov. 3. —The entire North
Sea has been declared a military area,
and merchant vessels entering it will
be exposed to the gravest dangers from
the mines which it has been necessary
to lay and from the warships which are
searching vigilantly by night and day
for suspicious craft.
This action has been taken as a re
ply to the laying of mines by the Uer
maus in the waters north of Ireland.
Rushing German Supplies
Amsterdam, Nqv. 3.—A telegram
from Maastricht. Holland, says 10,000
German troops left Liege in the direc
tion of Brussels. Eight supply trains,
each with sixty carloads of munitions,
left Naiuirr on the way to the front
in northern France. The Germans are
still busily encaged in digging trenches
at N'amur and practicing with the
"Victory Sure," Says Kaiser
Berlin, Nov. 3, Via Loudon.—Em
peror William closed an address recent
ly to the Brandenburg regiment, which
is in Krance. with these words:
"When tne war is finished we should
seo each other again. Under any cir
cumstances. the enemy will be beaten."
A soldier wrote this to relatives in Ber
Batnple treatment of Pyramid Pile
Remedy mailed free for trial gives
quick relief, stops Itching, bleeding or
protruding piles, hemorrhoids and all
rectal troubles, in the privacy of your
own home. Pyramid Pile Remedy Is
for sale at all druggists, 60c a box.
Mail this Coupon
615 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich.,
with your full name and address on
a slip of paper, and sample treat
ment of the great Pyramid Pile
Remedy, will t hen lie sent you at once
by mall. FRKK, In plain wrapper.
Czar's Min i s ter Refutes
Allegation Made in
Telegram From Turk
ish Grand Vizier
Bussian Official Says Only the Imme
diate Expulsrtn of All German Mili
tary and Naval Officers From Tur
key Would Avert Impending Crisis
London, Nov. 3, 3.42 A. 'M.—A Reu
ter dis|>utefli from Petrograd says:
"In reply to a telegram from the
Turkish Grand Vizi or, expressing re
grot at the rupture of the good rela
tions existing between Turkey and
Russin. 'owing to p attack toy the
Russian fleet.' Sergiua Sazonoff. the
Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs,
denied that the Russian fleet was the
first to fire ami said he feared it was
too lato to enter iut-o pourparlers of
any kind with Turkey."
The telegram from the Oraml Vizier
was rend to Foreign Minister Sa/.onoff
'by the Turkish Charge d'Affaires. It
' 'Oonvev to Sa/.onoff our deep regret
at the rupture of the good relations
between tho two powers which had
been caused iby the hostile acts of the
Russian fleet. You can assure the
imperial Russian government that the
Sublime Porte will not fail to seek an
opportune solution to this question ami
will take all measures to prevent a
repetition of such incidents.
"You can declare to -Sazonoff that
the Ottoman government has decided to
forbid the Turkish fleet entering the
Black Sea. We hope in turn that the
Russian fleet will not cruise near our
"in the interest of bot'h countries I
firmly lio>pe that the imperial Russian
government will show in this affair the
same spirit of conciliation."
Foreign Minister Sazonolf in his re
ply formally denied that the Russian
fleet had been the first to under
take hostilities and he expressed the
belief that it was now too late to enter
into pourparlers of any kind. Sazonoff
added that only if Turkey had imme
diately expelled all German military
and naval officers in Turkey would it
have 'been possible to enter into nego
tiations with a view of providing satis
faction for those who had suffered by
the treacherous acts of aggression on
the Russian coast.
As the declaration of the Turkish
charge altered nothing in the existing
situation the Russian' foreign Minister
informed him tltoat he would receive his
passports on Monday.
London, Nov. 3. 6.15 A. M.—A dis
patch from Delhi, Tudia, to Renter 'a
Telegram Com).any says that in view of
the outbreak of Turkey it was authori
tatively announced throughout India
that no religious question was in
volved and that the Mohammedan holy
|>aiaces in Arabia are immune from
attack by the British naval and mili
tary forces, provided the pilgrims from
India to these places are not interfered
At. the request of Great Britain, the
dispatch adds, France and Russia have
given similar assurances.
Crown Prince Reported Wounded
London, Nov. 3, 7.15 A. M.—Ru
mors persist, says a dispatch from
Berne, Switzerland to the "Times,"
that a wounded man brought recently
to the palace at Strassburg is the Ger
man Crown Prince.
Varna-Sebastopol Cable Cut
Amsterdam, Nov. 3.—A dispatch
from Sofia, Bulgaria, says the cable be
tween Vams and Sevastopol lias been
Women Suffer Terribly From Kidrey
Around on her feet all day—no won
der a woman has backache, headache,
stiff swollen .joints, weariness, poor
sleep and kidney trouble. Foley Kidney-
Pills give quick relief for trou
bles. They strengthen the kidneys—
take away the aches, pain and weari
ness. Make life worth living again.
They will absolutely drive out rheuma
tism, weak back and swollen aching
.joints due to kidney and bladder trou
ble. Try Foley Kidney Pills and see
how much better yon feel. Geo. A.
Gorgas. 16 North Third street and
P. R. R. Station. Adv.
New Hostelry Planned to Accommodate
Auto Tourists
Bedford, Pa., Nov. 3.—> The touring
by autoisrts through this town has been
several times as large this year as any
year previously and accounts for the
increase <by t'he fact that the Lincoln
Highway runs directly through the
Lee Hoffman, the Lincoln Highway
j Consul liere and the owner of the 'Hoff
man Garage, reports that .he has ac
) comimodated as many as seventy people
: in one day this month, in fact the open
j ing, improvement and general use of
the Lincoln HWhway has so boomed the
: tovrn as a touring center that Mr. Hoff
| man is planning 011 the erection of a
i 100-room foajT-stoiy hotel in
I with his garage, the 'building to cost in
the neighborhood of SIOO,OOO. •
Quarantine in Lancaster
Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 3.—Because of
the prevalence of the foot and mouth
disease in Western Idealities, precau
tionary measures against infection in
Lancaster county have been'' enforced
at the Union Stock Yards. Butcher
cattle from Chicago and Pittsburgh are
being received on condition of being
butchered at once.
Young Man Is Murdered
Scranton, Nov. 3.—Shot through the
heart, the body of Rosan Cud a. 2 9
years, was found on Diamoud avenue
early yesterday morning. His assailants j
have escaped. I
i" 1 '
To-night, "A Girl of the Golden
To-morrow afternoon and evening,
"Stop Thief."
Thursday afternoon and eveuing,
"What Happenod to Mary."
Friday afternoon and evening, "The
Saturday afternoon and evening,
" Under Southern Skies. "
Tuesday evening, November 10,
John Drew in "The Prodigal Hus
band." '
Every afternoon and evening, high
class vaudeville.
Daily continuous vaudeville and pic
Myrklo-Harder Stock Co.
Having established itself firmly with
the local theatregoers by its presenta
tion of "Elevating a Husband" to two
performances yesterday, the Myrkle-
Harder Stock Company offers to-dav at
both matinee and evening performances
at the Majestic Theatre, David Belas
co's wonderful play, "The Girl of the
Golden West." This is one of the
biggest pieces ever undertaken by a
stock company, and the production car
ried by the Myrkle-Harder folks is in
every way adequate. The settings for
the piece arc laid in the beautiful gold
en west with its grand mountain peaks
and valleys, its fascinating sunrise and
sunsets, the quiet glimmering moon
light, and all the atmosphere to blend
with the story of the gold hunters of
Tomorrow's plav will be "Stop
Thief." Election returns will be giv
en between the acts at to-night's per
formance. Adv.
John Drew
John DJ'OW, fresh from an engage
ment at the Empire theatre in New
York which had its beginning at the
opening of the present season, will be
presented by Charles Frohmun at the
Majestic Theatre for one performance
only, Tuesday, evening, November 10.
Considerable interest attaches to Mr.
Drew's present visit since he comes in
the comedy with which he is credited
with having scored another emphatic
and artistic. Drew success, "The Prodi
gal Husband," by Dario Niceodemi and
Michael Morton. The actor's new role
is said to be one of the best lie has had
in recent years.
Charles I'rohman has surrounded the
distinguished player with a splendid
supporting company. In the role oi
the youthful Simone, the girl to whom
the prodigal owes his awakening, there
appears Martha Hedman, recalled for
I her artistic success two seasons' ago
) with John Mason in "The Attack."
i Other roles are in the hands of Ferdi-
I nand Gottschalk. Henry Crocker, CUn-
I ton Preston, ITarry Leighton, Grace
j Carlyle, Rose Winter and Josephine
j Morse. Adv.
At the Orphcum
Pennsylvania's new Governor will
i be tangoed in to the tuno of "The Last
I Tango'' at the Orpbeum Theatre to
night. And tangoed, if you please, by
,'no less than Fletcher Norton and Au
drey Maple, who with a great support
i ing company are presenting an exceed
j ingly clever musical drama of this
' title at the Orpheuin this week and
j who will accordingly be the feature ar
| fists of the Orpheum's midnight elec
tion matinee. A complete second per
formance of the Orpheum's line bill
| will be gone over, beginning at 11
o'clock to-night, and between each act
j the very latest election reports of Penn
j sylvania will be given, interesting
! lights in other states will be included
,in the announcements also. Many elec
; tion enthusiasts have already made
! their reservations at the Orpheum,
i where they can enjoy the comfort ami
j entertainment of the theatre and at the
| same time be as well posted on affairs
j political as if they were walking about
j the streets.
The audience "'ill know that Mr.
What 's-his-nanie is elected before the
close of the second show. But in book
ing the bill of fare for this week there
is certainly a nice bouquet due the Or
pheum management. Such a tine array
of Keith talent hasn't been seen at the
Orpheum and clover is the adjective
that fits them all. The news of the
Orpheum's great bill will spread.
At the Colonial
Kita Keiitield, a positive Harrisburg
favorite, offering a dainty singing spe
cialty; Anthony and Mack, clever char
acter comedians in a bright routine of
wholesome nonsense, and Swain's Cock
attos, a gorgeous group of cockatoos in
a pictorial bird display, are the clever
Keith hits grouped about "The Movie
Models," a fine variety skit that is
the big feature of the bill to hold forth
at the Colonial during the first half of
the week. "The Movie Models" is
ciever and diverting throughout and is
a real vaudeville surprise act that must
not bfc disclosed here. Fine moving pic
ture features are also announced for to
d#y. ' Adv.
/ 1 '■>
100 Horses
To Haul Coal
We own over 100 horses and many wagons.
You can easily see why it is never necessary for
you to wait long for coal when you give u* the
All coal is delivered into your cellar on the same
day the order is received.
No difference about the amount/of coal you want—
you get it soon.
Coal is a necessity and usually when you want it,
you want it quick.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Fortter ft Cowdon Third ft BOM
15th ft Chestnut Hummel ft Mulcerrj
Man Succumbs at Time Poison Usually
Kills, Protesting to Last H«
Took Tablets by Mistake
Philadelphia, Nov. 3.—Twelve da*#
after swallowing bichloride of mercury
twblets, ami with the svdiedulod cer
tainly of an" execution, death came Inst
u.Lg>ht to ex-Lieutenant Adttlph Lang
horst in the Medico-Uhirurgical Hos
pital. The condemned man was con
scious throughout.' llis final dav, Siow
ever, was a period ot' such intense yaiu
that opiates were administered to re
lieve him. He faced his fate with the
same'bravery credited his conduct under
tire by comrades who served with
in the Philippines in 1889 and IS9O.
Rde-nia of the lungs was the immedi
ate cause of death, and contrary to the
usual rules in cases of bichloride of
mercury poisoning, Langhorst was fully
conscious until the last. Instead of
producing the stupor of uremic poison
ing, the drug in his case, attacked the
elementary tract, setting up an inflam
mation w'nich finally spread to the
lungs. Langhorst's wife, who had been
with him from Saturday until yester
day morning, was at her'home in Balti
more when he died. The hospital offi
dials expert, fchaJt she will lie here to day
to claim the body and remove it to
Baltimore for 'burial.
Langliorst entered the hospital under
the name of John MeOraw, and only
last 'Saturday, when he 'bogan to weaken
peiveipti'hly, did 'he semd for his wife and
his old com|>anion of the 'Philippine ser
vice. Attorney C. Stuart Patterson, of
this city. Mr. Patterson revealed his
As taite as Saturday and Sunday tllie
nia.n was fairly eomi'ortalble, and spent
several hours chatting comfortably with
his wife and exchanging reminiscences
wit)h Mr. I'attei'son of the fighting da.vs
of 1889 amd 1890. Ho insisted all
along that he liad taken the mei'ury
tablets 'bv mistake.
Bangor Man Train Victim
Kaston. Pa., Nov. ;!.—Herbert Biele",
son of Charles Bielor, a Peu-Avgyl incr
chant, was killed by a Lackawanna,
train near Ackerman\ ille yesteniay aft
ernoon. No one saw the accident. Bie
ler leaves a wife and two children.
It W
Winter Trips
and Cruises
Interetting ana restful bscause oi
the fascinating charm* of tropical
life and climate. Excellent holrlr
bailings from New York «»ch I'liunday
and Saturday at noon. Throuf li rata ato lals
of Pinea. Santiago, etc.
th* Scat of the Engliih Colonial Government
of the BaSamaa. offers manv attractions aa a
Winter Reaort.
Balmy climate, charming social life. golf,
bathing, boating, tennia. polo, motoring, etc.
S. S. HAVANA 10.000 Taaa DiiplactiaeaT
S. S. SARATOGA Tami Dbfliccaest
Sail weekly between New York anH Havana
(Cuba) calling at Nasaau during th® winter
raontha. Low ratea of paaaagc.
Wrilt for book'tts.
(Ward Line)
General Officea, Pier 14, Ea»t River. N. Y.
Or any Railroad Ticket Office or
Authorized Tourist Agencv
r ■ \
Sunday, Nov. 8
from Lv.A.M.
H unimeistown, 3.r>u
Mer«he\ ;;,oT
Palmyra 1.01
Annvllle 4. la
USB ANON 4.2 4
Avon -1,28
Myerstown 4.117
Richland 4.13
Sheridan 1.17
Womelsdorf 4.511
Kobesonla 4,.'.;t
flew York, Arrive
RETURNING —Leave Now York,
from foot West 2ud St.. 8.50 I>. M
foot Liberty St., 7.00 P. M„ same
date for above stations.
Tickets good groins and returning
only, ou u.bove Jinccial Train, date or
Children between 5 and 12 years