The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 02, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    lifi \ I " i"'
/ I N(it«t i'
No Premiums with Camels I <"*.!«
J I 'HE cost of the to
-1 haccos in Camel Cig
arettes amply forbids the /,
giving of such induce-
20 for 10: and tou never ffl
smoked * better cigarette / - as S3n§s*
1 at price. They're Jjf bhW&g|fc; > S'
pleas, wg in flavor and tra- tf
grance. Besides, they will Jk Xy. ]JsfljK&rv i
H'c voor :onsu< or porch J 3
n our throat, nor will th«v !<av«
Washington and Jedersoa With
snd Dartmouth With 2to. L*-ad for
H;ih Scor* Honors—Michigan Foil
to Third Place
Tn.'.v,; K \' '■<■ j Eastern •'v;.--!'.;
teams have passed tin* NttUjP aiark
in total seores an i two of I)mM have
advanced beyoiul the two eeatury
roust. Bob Folwell's Washington md
Jefferson eleven tops theut all with a
total of - -3. an.i t seventeen points
V*.. been scored its (-' •■r.e-.r. O <•{
mouth i« woa.l with 219, while th?ir.
opponents oo''«••• t• t tw.aty vc Mi ■
jjAa. who »as to ta ti lnt week. wis
unable so tally again«t Harvard and
a* * resa.t fell to th.rd pj.e wit IStl.
both V - -'mouth ard Was'.-.ins ton and
.1 'ffe-soi: sin as 'a-,:e < «-e« n t'-tetr
Cwaril ma-.te a i jump a no. t>\ ta
l»'ng forty-eigh; again! Holy Cross
i* AS enabled to la> claim to fourth
poaitina w th IT?, Pittsburgh, who was
cut of the running week. awxc I
tith place with 170 by scoring ninety-'
s s points aga;ust DitßMt. Yale '.ays
a u- to - xth honors v -V 14 the i>.g
•MM aj:a:nst Colgate a-sisting the Klis.:
Sy»ti>w an i the \-:uy tie fat igvHtk
i» th 13S ea.ii. -A grasps . ..
p.aee w ; .:h 131; Lehigh. teach.
' Bunnell. e nth. w;:h
Peaa State twelfth. with 111, Penu
leads Princeton by one joint, with aR-|
caty to*r.
Dickinson has beeu the easiest teat",
to store upon tats year. In n\e > nt its
Diokinsoa's opponeuts have ttaled |SS
while Harrington's meu were .u-.f.r..;
4-5. Washington an- L«ee. of Virginia,
ia the real leade- of a!i team* in the
;■ .moor of high scores with 2Ss*. bat
the Weakness of her opponents keeps l
tkc Southerners out of the raee. Thai
Cutis!# Indians. usually away out in i
front .a total scores. s tltdiM with
only 45. while the Redskins * opponents (
ktvtUMHtd S3 Geatgetowa ant Holy l
tros? scored their irst points of the;
seaso-.: Saturday. 'ievgetown ta' v a ;
Z~ t .tr. -. tr.e W sto- o making
three against Come'
DP. KLUGH. Specialist
o<ff« 2«V \Vs(««f M.. TT«rH>bnrz
ni«ps«*> «*f motw-H gad mens
prltate. »pevHf. errroat <imi rlrnitle
r.pipril flflift *«erk C»stiU
!«tioai fre* ?oU e«»rtdPDti«l HoJtr'.i*
fsrilihtd. Work tusruntm! t karsrt
« «»<fratr. •* 'far* piprriface,
UK. Kl l'l»H. Ilif "pvdilUi
|T Hon. William Jennings Bryan 1
SAYS, Grape Juice is
j ***—•►DRINK-* —***
; —BEER—
It is LOW in Alcohol and HIGH in Quality
| JOHN G. WALL, Agent, j
Light Plays Entire Game for Visitors.
Doing Best Work on Defease aad
Making His Team's Only First
Down tor Forward Pass
■* Technical High * 00l team
played tjfbaiion High school off its
•> ' - 'ay afternoon. »• •.; n
- : es. oro of 4i> to 0 U _at playtnl
l.ebanon's best game and sdtould iie '<
•■..>" •:>%•«• •;o:i a the every To-h
n;-ri woi ■ >o.\e been a touohdown. He
" > en -itake and that was not
"t ■ ■ j iiaiself ont oa the receiving end
t the • tvss-vs. Had ie lone
thsit .>re the ,ier:od Teoh's ne
wo ' v e ; een . . ;
legist played a wonderful _>anu\ fre
;.;ent'v •.< own player* ham;»eriiis: us
ot*e -■ i'e aas i-i a'*"ost every plav
a: i n >-t thai; seventy-rive per cent, ot"
t:'.e t-T.e stopped Tevh runners alter
t.ioy wero through t e ..tie. He made
•ebar.ou s first : ow. f- :v a fo--v;\r i
ass. it'o.- < ten- a. 1 ro;.<**atedly
trod thorn. was to only pass on,
« .v.x -,t the r. eiv ei-. !.
I"'"- 'i. i " ■ ' aad H t.-.-La p'ayo-'. gvHvt
MM to- To<i. l»ritseh gave a Sae ex- \
"ttoa of oroken Sold r mtung. He
- ..... . . r stride an.,' -ar.
<o- r c cu: too speo.'.. Beaeh i
» MM big gains a» m En'aauel. I
■ eea used a sh t formation similar I
0 or~o ec-.ptoyod ac'> "«t Central by;
' Steelton. It was not timed so precisely ]
;.s "tor s. ,ut : gave the -.muer
- • o" t.-rfereaee to got a good
•si » " •' ball. Ho-o it was that
1-' w, . s ne He had nobody to
• \ « -v lute-ferer. e sui that he
got i Mf-oe- a-d frequently
to e.-t>rii' bot'j ' jties. A triple
>ss T< . worked well. The lineup;
savl s..nimary:
Te-.-hnieal. Lel«non.
UK W. Xagle ;
•!*" Ia V J. Walters
MoKay ... U. l? Croumer
rjess . .. 0. Alberts
f.-atr ok R. G Connor
Kuts B T Cohter
Eaiaauel R. E 3owaian
Britstl Q. B Hvsau
Ha-r s I. H. B <nort
Bo> ». . .... F. B Gantbie
Touchdowns. Be '.. 4; Harris. Paiili
.«el!i. Goa's ftom touch downs. Koti. 4.
Ho'oroe. Hitehler. Di< . ".son. I*nr. re.
Waiters. !>. kinsot . Head iiues.iian,
Pons Quarters, two 10-m n.ite;
u. IC trinute. Sv.osr.t tions. Tech.
Vier for McKay. Lowe for Rtapatrick.
'.*. . . ii for Bonea. S -.yder for 01e»s:
P.-x ips tor Miller; Mil berry
- Vaiters. Walters for Short. Harmon
■ ble. Gamble for W. Xagie. W.;
Nagle for Corner.
Bast End p l»jr» Scoreless Tie Willi
IT** „«lttown—Oberlui host*
to Tort
Rummeistowu and tne K.»st Kud bat
tied to a scoreless tie «l Hummeistown
Saturday afternoon.
O. Bordner, M iler au.i Swop* play
ed HllßilWi»t«wg s be?! ssi»f wiiile
ftjan, Ketrow aud i tU|)MI did Kast •
Fad's best work The lino up and sum
Humtueistjw i> Kast Kml
Printer 1., K Furuian .
Brvss'.er 1.. i ..,.V , , Biough
Swope I li. Landi*
K, Shope ....... U. ........ Otfkey
Fbv K. l< Shiohlev
Fbe-.sole R. T . Fajjaii
Kolia- R. E IVuow
J. BwOMr . . B Shaeft>r
0. Borduer .H. P.. . .Campbell
Miller K H. H. ... Hotter
Hate F. B Shultley
Referee. Burcutield. v euuai High. ■
' ■ •o. Stickler, Mereersburjt. Head
I.uesinait, I. i'.it. H. H. S. S-.ibst incion. ■
Kr*u>e for Bressier.
Yort Wins Frou- Oberlin
Y\, i- 2. T:-o \ ;
eha:v .pus of York county, defeated
the (>.«e- •! V. * here Si• -.trday b\ a'
■.■ ore o"' li> to 15. Ober'-.n was sl ijntJy
ojiw fThi* i oa. playeU » yame.
The line up aiut jamnury:
Oberiui. York •
M ile>- K K Walton j
K. I'. ...... Bps«v i
; Grove K. (i • Do.iu'ver j
("•. Yodnj t' Ouiokol
i \V.M> L. (.5 \V»J!ior :
Caskiuau ...... L T. ......... Uu .it 1
K. S:ei ;'.... 1.. K Stoiuh
Jaason .tj. B. Shen • n
Me. Yoiu.i .. R. H. B ... Obervlu k
Uaa->t;(w . .L, H. B Btuuu
0. Stepp K. I!. . Jilianueu
ToaoU'.iown#. Jauseu. - : Bo«sy. B»m»,'
Shauuou. Uoals •'-om toiu - h»lown«. I
Wuinj, B«.:m. Ssfety. Janson. tnib
<:■ tutions. Stroup t'or Orovo. Urove tor
K. S.o;if Time of quarter*, 10 min- 1
Referee. Oar.iner. W. and .'. Um
pire. Baui;hter. Yalley. Head
linesman, .'ansoti, I", of I*.
Roily. .SO; Stealton Jrs.. <>
The Keiiv \ tiefe.Ueii tee s>:eelton
Juniors Jsuurjay. SO to •>. The Hue
up a: 1 .! summary Steelton.
Williams 1. K Bratton
Soiuuu'-'-an LT Freeborn
.C. Fleam .... Uli BtWwr
S>t>er C Kmith
Fetro.v R li Saeaffe'
Bless-:-ir ...... R T ... HiUlebranti
W. Plonni ... R K .. • H. Worden
F. Wurtlen . . <i H. . . Tuptauoske
Via ek . . LH B . . tliuienilinger
l.ii; S le R H B Luti
Kaufman .... F B ...... Ctriwin^
Substit .it 10 us. Reily. Siioaf for
S.-iiunran. tslirea.Uev for Blessing.
Teuohviowns, Resly. Maliek. 2; W il
; lians. Fetrov.. Kaufman, Brntton.
Rer'eree, .lon>'< Umpire. Weaver.
Timekeeper, l.vte . oi periods. >
Belmont, '.itt: Hijhspire. t>
Free .se o' open football rues on
>.icur<.!»v ensble i the Belmont A. *- ■
to down the Hijiiispire eleven by a
s.-ore ot 2i> to 0. fhe lineup an>l s. tn
i uiarv;
Belmont. Hii;'as;»ire.
Looker 1. K Beiuhaur
J. Fmholtr. 1. T s V IUv ""
j .1. Hendrieks .. I. l! liuu
Hoover . . .. 1 sse-e
ilrXeal S F. . Meffert
Filling R T Shaffer
Blaek R K NN a«t'>^ r
Uonganeeker O B olley
Seiireiuer . . . . 1. H B Suiulo vn
0. Fmholi RUB Uo/an
Basei.ove . . . P » 4<*»«
| Touchdowns. Q. Luuio.i . M- 1
i Sehremer. 3. Ooais from tMttkdoWttft,
Sehreiner. t. Substitutions. Ni» ey
.for Filling. Loll for Nisslev. ">'.
■ t». Madenford, Bnckaetl. 1 mpiv»\ I
:z:SL-fir. 5/^s
* M Uta Ut4 UJ %i,t4 •«iiMc\V/
rmutai •** B. r W
W T0 L m * m B *r +* i*%r v
I / /T Auteri! cmTVIi
Vr smjiy MtSnoiMiwiui
J 3rwctrtof ite'/rits
; \Uitenfor»l. Bu, knell. HIM J H«wnu«n, j
I H»ww», Tim* of period*, four !0-|
• minute quartern.
StMtton Si rnba Wm. «0
Sotl&ad. Nov. 2.- Tk» Sie-ltou j
i Svrwfcs vlefeateil Sent lain! O'i'l.Hii !
School Saturday. i> to 0. Th« lineup: j
SeotlanJ. Sieelton 11. i*.
Sourwiue 1. K . nift'ett.Wfei
Kalen I. T S!»ub j
t)owiiWr|[rr . . I.G Shatoaky
Fouuett .... *" \V\whlu.*ki
Wier U (5 ... OitTen.ierfor i
, l.i}>parU HT Beavl
.1. i «<s K K T'»r::>to
V.'ilsou B \!i»erts>
HuKluuson . . I. II B W»!«•;.
' »<■ Ms .... K K B Hw.kev
l*r>lfw#ll ... KB M«!t®r t
Touchdown, I'urMO. Koleiee. lobn '
son, Seotlauti. I'mtrire, Hurst, f. »t>«l I
F\ Cameron Downs Camp HiU'amorou Grammar school tlownovl j
the (amp Mill lli»rt> school at Camp Hill |
Saturday by a seore of 1-1 to fi. The.
tiaeup : H.I summary:
Kx -Cameron. Camp HiU. i
Katke- UK. . . Armstrong
j Smith I. T Btvk
Sober U li Ariuio
' Stall C RiglM
[ MVKelt R. U.. Kro«n**U
j Stroh R. T. White !
' Vouti R. K Cooper j
j 801 l B Good i
Mil lor L. H. B Hillearv '
; Vwr'smli R. H. B Boil j
Tittlo F. H. ...... Stover ;
Tou.'Udowus Tittle, 2. Goats from'
;OlK lulowus. Miller, 2. FieKl goals, j
i Uoott 2.
Five of the Regulars Out of New I
Bloomftalu Game. Which Ends
in Storeless Tie
i The aoju'ii;-' of five regulars from
,ithe lineup made the Central High
s.-hool line so weak at Now BloomtieUl
Saturday afternoon that the team was
unable to scoro, holding New Bloom
Sold to a like performance, the game '
i ending with the s.-ore 0 to 0.
, Houta. shift-'d from end to halfback. |
; acted a" captain and directed the !
team. Captain Byers, Manager Ring j
I ham. Roth. Rote and Siueltaer were j
missing t'r.un the Central team. Do j
j spite the fact that the line allowed;
! tackier* through to stop plans. Central!
i outgained the opposition and once in
'the third period had the ball on the I
; 1 -yard liue, but were unable to push i; I
I over. The lineup and summary:
Central. New Bloomtield.
Winn L K Beaver I
| Baker I. T Niokle
. Smucker ... 1. *.» Bemheisel |
| Nissley . . C Noll I
' Soiihame: . . Ri) Johnson
. Black RT Steele,
' Lynch K K li Reeder I
; Zeigler vj B 1.. Reeder!
j Zimmerman . 1. H B ..... . Shearer
j lloutz RH B ... Frsnkhouse
. j vCaptain)
Diffenbac.» . F B .... Carper (
Referee. Mad'herson. I" mj'ire. Loes- j
or. l.inesmen. Bingham *ud Hamer. |
Time ot quarters. 10 minutes.
Outweighed by Lancaster Teatu Har
risburg Boys Oo Down In
Defeat. 4t> to 0
. | Oatwe.gae i the Hart «;>ut; Academy
team lost to Frankltu aud Marshall
A ademy at Lancaster, Saturday after
! ! noon by the s.'oro of 41> to 0.
The Lancaster crew started with a
rush tu the nist period after exchanges
• of kic .s put them in a position to score
• | aud the first half eude.i with the score
13 to 0 aga.nst the Academy. Fhe tuird
• period was Harrisburg's best, working
the 'orwa'd pass for small gains anil,
1 holding the V. and M. team for downs
on two oc anions. In this period a for
ward pa« was almost fatal, when Ir
win intercepted.a Harrisburg toss and
ran forty yards before being downed.
Dughi hit the lino for big gains" in |
ihe last period and rolled up the de-!
<■ s ve scoie. Mellinger helped Lancas
ter a lot. while Hollar aud Saltstnan
played tae best for the Harrisburg
- team. Tne line-up and summary.
Academy. F. and \l.
Ross L. I" Spangler
Harlacher L. T Hartmani
Hoke 1.. l> Graves
Wallace C Voder
W. Bennett . . . .R. G Kverline
White R. T Wolf
R. Bennett .. . .R. K McMullen
Holmes B Irwin
1 Jennings . . . .L. H. B Mowery
, Captain)
Holler R. H. B Dughi j
(Captain) ;
I Saltsman F. B. . Mellinger
' Ret'eree. Teske, F. and M. I'mpire,,
Brown. F. an I M. Head linesman. Het- 1
, rick. F. and M. Tou'hdowns. Dughi, 4;
Mellinger. 1: Mowery, I; Wolf, l.j
|. Goals kicked from touchdowns. Hart-}
, man. 4. Time of quarters. 12 minutes, j
Navy A. A. Members Will Probably:
Be Cut to Two Pasteboards
Auuapolis. Mo.. Nov. 2. — It ha* been
definitely settled that some of the of !
j ficers who compose the Navy Athletic
Association will be allowed but two
tickets for the Army-Navv football ui
Philadelphia on November 28. The ma j
• jority of them, however, will receive
' three tiekets eai-h and the smaller num !
: ber will be given to those w'uo have \
;been members of the association for ai
| shorter period. The decrease in the num '■
' ber is due to the fact that there wi!!|
Ibe less seats for distribution by ove'-
three thousand than last year, while'
i the gradua*ion of a new class of mid-,
i snipmen has increased the membership |
I of the association.
Football and all other athletics are;
, supportej by the fees of this assoei
at ion. to which most of the naval of
ficers belong, and they will be prac-|
j tieally the only ones who will receive
! tickets this year. Civilians will only
I receive tickets when furnished them
!by members. There, will be no oppor
! tunitv of buying additional tickets from
the navy allottment, as there was last'
i y«ar.
| Everyone here is loud in the praise i
of the game played by the North Caro-i
> lina Agricultural and Mechanical Col-'
) lege on Saturday. The midshipmen bare
j ly won, though they played by far the i
best game they have heretofore ex-i
hibited. At least seventy-five per cent.i
i of the visitors" forward passes were :
successful and they played strongly in!
every department of the game. i
'• TTT f f ? ?t? ft fyy y y f w w v ***** WWW » f v'y'i;
; v , CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE.
/> FOUNDED 1871 fi v ""
r JjjOtvffi&nd
I The Second Day of Baby^Week >
i ► Found the i( Kiddies' »Korner ,, Just Crowded ]|
! With Little Tots
A " l>ont n f M>u JJcttiusf their full shaiv of tho fun. Ami 4
I ( vou should hear the exclamation of delight from <
► / (IS&mL™* m \ t ' ,oso to '^ s when they soe the handsome stork <
► jf toam; u< big papa stork, and other attractions. i
* I 1 ' °' n ( 'hair and have their picture taken
W I is real treat, and the weighing contest grows more
iteresting every time a ueweomer is weighed. J
\ Bring all the babies to this wonderful event. We'd i
''ke tt» see every baby in Harrisburg, and miles i
around come and enjoy themselves.
I lit* mother eanimt aftord tt> uiiss it for she will \alu;il>le suggestious for
clothing the baby for colder weather. Photos taken at all times!
; Timely Suggestions in Baby Needs 1
! ► Babies' Turkish Towels with pink ami blue and yellow and blue borders, al |})r, <
;! ► Japanese Lingerie Nainsook—42 iiu-hos wide; a tine quality, used especially for children's <
dresses: 10-yard pieees. Piece, 5'2.50. i
Baby Blankets—pink, blue and tan; tnanv pret •< •«, ~ A . .. .
► iy patterns to select from, at 500, 75«S >3lO S H 0111311 the Oilier Day
7 f' ■ "li doesn't pay to make your own sheets <
► Diaper Cloth—inches wide: one ot the best any more when they can be bought at 'Bow-
qualities made: 10-vard piece, 91.10. man' prices, made better than I can make i
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. them." ■<
;l ► Infants- wool wrappers al 25««. 3J»f and , f a , re S, ,\ ,>oial r,, «hu'tioiw in sheets, bol- •<
j ► Infants'silk and wool wrappers at ' S |- K,I' UU / H " seamless, ami i
!| , Infants' wool bands at .... n R . ,
i Infants- silk and wool bauds, at 50c »i.»>!
Infanta* eott on hoso. white and colors; pr. MK\' " Vm"sd«> Mol,awk sheet*. reg;u'ia:i> 4 \
| Infants' silk lisle hose: pair, , .".xsp-ineh Sheets, superior, eeniei- aeuii "«■«•«!!*
y tot t-. . , l»rty Hpeolal < I
1"" and *»>)<* StxHO-in.-h I" tK.l sheets: so,unless roj{ularl> 4 •
► liitants cashmere hose, white and colors; pair, ! ,j. , 0 f;''"V .
► 25C «°r Tuesday. ! seamless r,-,ruln.b i j
► Enamel food cups, with cover, white lined, for reßuu'?tVTse. un s{>eoia\7' S '" ,els . i !
i ► . , l,ab : 35 <' a,ui Four Flannel Reductions To-morrow ' 1
Aluminum plates tor baby at 2,»C . 38-lnrh heavy white Klumiel. rejiularly worth 4
Aluminum drinking cups for baby. 10c & 25c JKVianoei. nV«\ x weißiu' •roai.'Uhr i!
► Bath tuba for baby, 88#, f1.50 and 51.75 1 ■ >-v- . '•"ii
► Decorated ehina plates, for baby 25C r.Mmuims!' s"ft«t.i,' U i n .'' niKh,'\i,vises'a,ui tlmonis <
' > Decorated china cups, saucer and plate, for Y "Vko' ronton ' W.niii' „ iui "heavl 4
" ► babv, set 25c w '*«i»ed. v«rit 4
U Basement—HOW MA N 'S. Man, Floor -BOWMAN'S
*I A I . {
70.000 TO SEB GAME
Demand for Yale-Harvard Tickets So
Great Seats Will Be Added
I New Haven, Conn., Xo\. 2.—Y'ale j
football authorities have been stavi-i
gered b\- finding that more than 70.-!
000 persons have already applied for'
tickets to the Yale Harvard same,
while the mammoth new stadium, which
will be opened by that game, has seats
tor only tit,ooo.
Applications for tickets .-losed >atur
day night, according to the time limit j
set by the Y'ale authorities, several!
weeks ago. Till three days ago it was •
thought that the public would have a
chance at a few thousand of the tickets
and that an open sale would be licit
to dispose of about 3,000 after appli
cations were closed. Not only has this
been found impossible, but tiie Y'ale
ticket department finds itself nearly i
10,000 seats short of the applications!
' demand.
Quick action was necessary, and tiie
situation was relieved when it was an
aounced last night that temporary seats
would be constructed around the para-;
pet of the bowl, which would allow
about 70,000 seats. Even with this ad-i
, dition about a thousand applications
i for tickets must be returned. Everard'
! Thompson, manager of the athletic ;
ticket department, said last night that i
every Y'ale graduate and undergraduate
! will be taken care of.
Higbspire A. C. Loses at Island Park
by Score of 1:1 to «
The Technical High school scrubs
I defeated the Highspire A. C. Saturday
afternoon on the H. A. C. field by the
' score of 13 to 6. The lineup and sum
; mary:
Tech. Highsp'.re. i
MoCurdv ..... I. E .W. Diffenderfer l
j McFarland L T Chubb;
j5. Phillips .... L G ...... S. Side*
| Snyder C Hoeh
I She'.lenberger . . R G .... Thompson
j Little R T ....... Nelson!
Cocklin RE E. Wolfe j
Melville Q B White
Martin L H B Donald
Challenger .... RHB Roop
Mell F B W. Hides'
Substitutions. Tech. Yoffe for Me -;
Curdy, Fisher for Shellenberger, Todd i
for Little. Touchdowns, Snyder. Mel-1
ville. W. Sides. Goals from touch-:
1 downs, Challenger. Referee, Grubb. j
'Tech: umpire. Philipelli, Tech; hea 1 j
i linesman. Mofiitt, State.
Harrisburg C. C. Event Saturday Had'
Fifty Contestants
J George W. Reilv won the golfers j
; cup at the Harrisburg Country Club j
'Saturday afternoon from a field of j
fifty. The summaries:
Gross. Handicap. Net.|
Reilv S4 10 74 I
i Sides 79 4 7"> |
L McCreath .81 6 751
Gillespie .... 99 18 81
Bent 94 10 S4!
j Clement .... 90 4 SC;
; Takes Nine-Hold Match on Reservoir :
Park Links
W. Pavord won the silver loving cupj
offered by the members of the Harris-!
burg Park Golf Club to the winner of|
'the nine-hole match play Saturday aft
! ernoon. The summaries follow
i W. Pavord, first, four up, first prize.'
P. B. Harry, Htitd, three up, second!
0. \V. Vint and K. K. Richards, tie
tor thinl ami fuurth prizos, two up. j
Sections Set Apart for Persons Expect
ing Sudden Calls During
There will be a meeting at the
Stougii tabernacle this evening at T.lo
o'clock, and every afternoon ami even
; iiig for the rest of the week. Saturday 1
included. Monday is rest day for the
Stough party, but this evening's meet
ing will be held to give the campaign ;
a good «tait.
Sections have been set aside iu the'
'rear of the tabernacle for railroaders. J
'doctors, undertakers and other persons'
1 who may be expecting sudden .-alls tinr-1
injt services. There is a telephone iu
the rear of the buildiug. and ushers'
will piimptlv carry messages to persons
| seated iu the designated sections.
Persons who are hard of hearing
1 will find sections reserved for them
near 'he platform. Parents who bringi
, children will be seated in the rear,
where they can leave easily iu case the]
| littles ones become restless. Babies in
I arms are not allowed to enter the,
. building. The nursery and rest room!
jtor the caie of babies, at Fifth and j
| -North streets, will be open to-morrow,
night at the latest. Infants will be
1 well eared l'or there while parents go i
iuto the tabernacle. All women must '
remove their hats in the building.
The members of the Stough party;
held a conference this morning at their?
residence, 216 Pine street. Plans fori
I the campaign were outlined. The head*;
) of departments will meet local commit !
tees at once, and organize the various!
j branches of activity.
The United States Civil Service Com 1
'mission announces that it has been un-j
table to supply the demand for male ste-'
nographers and typewriters in the gov
I eminent service, especially at Washing '
j ton. D. I'.
j Young men who are willing to ac
1 cept appointment at an entrance salary ;
; of SB4O to S9OO per annum have ex
I cellent opportunities for advancement.!
Advancement of capable appointee* is
I reasouablv rapid. Occasionally appoint
j ment is made at a salary of as much:
! as $1,200 per annum. For such salary!
only those who attaiu a rating of at
j least 85 per cent, in the subject of
; stenography and who have had at least
j two years experience in practical of
; lice work will be certified. The Govern !
i ment service oifers a desirable field to,
i bright anj ambitious men.
IF.xaininations are held monthly, ex-1
cept in December, in 400 of the prin '
cipal cities of the United States, andj
I applications may be filed with the Unit
! Ed States Civil Service Commission at j
( any time.
Further information and application
I papers may be secured from the secre
S tary of the local board of examiners
| at the postoffice.
I ||I.U A*| IUIC-J Sl{J -AWMf Aid s; 'Il« pill B, |
: tuojj diLß.' ajr
: JO OAIJB-IOUWUI;UOJ saoaijds (Bt *tds ouj
I Sntq.ivaid 'A»paau».\ eiaq qjjnip üBJoq-;
I -iiq jq.l jo peuinesv jaSuisjuitu
T A\ '- l *H Z "c«drjßiv:
«V»»u*k J® nouu»g Ibjtij sstt-xsaj
Bible Instructioas Are of Unusual In.
torest to All Readers, Both
Old and Young
Nothing will interest a child so
j quickly us a picture. Art speaks a.
| universal language intelligible to voung
and old alike, ami with no embarrass
ment of mood" and tenses. Accurate
pictures iuteliigevtly conceived and
artistically execute,) appeal to the in
tellect through the "windows of tlis
soul." whose portals let in a flood of
'i.;ht alike to the illiterate ami tha
earned- to the child mind no less tiiuu
to the student of ripe earning. For
this reason the New Illustrated BRi'e,
which the Mai-independent is offering
1 to its readers, will t>e appreciated by
t every family in Harrisburg.
One need not be a member of a i<a
- gious orgaui, ation to appreciate tli 1
magnificent illustrated work. Everv
body who reads needs it; everybody
that has occasion to curry on conversa
tion needs it; everybody can use it
an everyday reference work—a histor
ical treatise—a key to familiar quota
i tions. It is an education volume l'or
; progressive people of the present dav
and age.
! This new illustrated Bible is beau
I tifullv illustrated, and every pictai e
bear» dire-fly upon the accompanying
subject, describing that particular sthii
ject as words tail to do. Such spleu
did illustrations appear in no other
work. They were specially prepare.l
for this Hible. and the drawings along
, cost—a veritable art gallerv
ot rare educational value to everybody.
For a short time the star-lndepend
ent will present this Bible on the pop
ular educational plan for one certificate,
together with the stated amount thai
covers the necessary expense items of
this wonderful distribution, including
clerk hire, cost of packing, checking,
expense from factory, etc.
j I" nd the educational certificate print
, ed on anothei imge and clip it to-day.
Names of 0,319 Men Employed East of
Pittsburgh Enrolled
Statistics of the Pennsylvania rail
road shows that since the establishment
of the retirement plan in 1900, $lO,-
452,373.30 lias been paid to employes
on the lines operating east of Pitts
j burgh. Until October 1, of this year,
6,319 names of men employed east of
Pittsburgh, had appeared on the "Roil
of Honor,'' 3,111 of these have died.
There are now 4,258 retired employes
! receiving pensions from the company.
The Peniisy now has the names ol;
143 men who have earned pensious by
fifty years or more service on its " Hou
! or Roll."
A current report shows that there
are seventy-seven employes who have
, served the company fifty years or more,
i Two of these have been employed more
than fifty-six years; two others have
scored fifty-five years; two, fif;y-four
years and seven others, fifty-three
years. Six have seen service for fifty
two years; twenty, for fifty-one years
I and thirty-eight liavd completed their
fiftieth year. All are still working.
"What plants do you think wouM
be appropriate for the decoration of
a summer living room?"
"Why not try the ice plant?'—
Baltimore Ameri au.