The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 29, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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"Pape's Diapepsin "
Ends All Stomach
Distress in Five
Time it! Pape's Diapepsin will di
gest anything you eat and overcome a
sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach
surely within live minutes.
If your meals don't tit comfortably,
or what you eat lies like a lump of
lead in your stomuch, or if you have
heartburn, that is a sign of indiges
Get from your pharmacist a fifty
cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take
a dose just as soon as you can. There
will be no sour risings, no belching of
undigested food mixed with acid, no
stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or
heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea,
debilitating headaches, dizziness or in
testinal gripiug. This will all go, and.
besides, there will be no sour food left
over in the stomach to poison your
breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin is a certain euro for
out-of-order stomachs, because it takes
hold of your food and digests it just
the same as if your stomach wasn't
Relief in five minutes from all stom
ach misery is waiting for you at any
drug store.
These large rtfty-cent cases contain
enough "Pape's Diapepsin" to keep the
entire family free from stomach dis
orders and indigestion for many months.
It belongs in your home. Adv.
001. Roosevelt Stopped for a Short
Time To-day at Station
Special Correspondence.
Mifflintown, Oct. 29. Dr. A. W. and
Mrs. Baker have for their guest the
doctor's brother and his wife, Mr. and
Mrs. George Baker, of New York City,
who made the journey in their touring
car, stopping at Uniontown, Jeannette
and thence to Mifflintown.
Mrs. Lloyd, of East End. will leive
Saturday for a visit to New York City
and New Jersey, where she expects to
spend the winter.
The Rev. Mr. Yates, of Pittsburgh,
iilled the Presbyterian pulpit on Sun
day, preaching morning and evening.
Mrs. Joseph Arbogast was in Lewis
town Saturday.,
Mr. and Mrs. lieorge Bell, of Harris
burg, spent Sunday with Louis Bou
Mrs. Ellen Pomerov and daughter,
Miss Pameiia, of Port Royal, were vis
itors at Mrs. T. Van Irvin's several
Miss Lizzie Kearns, of Lewistown.
is a guest of Miss Rothoricks.
Miss Margaret Laird is visiting for
a week with Mrs. John Robison, near
Miss Delia Marshall, of Mechanics
burg, is visiting at the home of Bryant
Mrs. MacAlaruev lectured in the
court house Monday evening on woman,
Miss Mary Graham entertained her
classmates, members of the senior class
of (he Port Royal High school, at her
home last Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Esh gave a birth
day surprise party in honor of their
son, Edgar. About tiftv guests were
Miss Hununelreich, of Port Royal,
is spending the week-end with Miss
Mary Graham, of Spruce Hill.
Mrs. Katherine McCoy and daugh
ter, Adelaide, of Lewistown, art} visit
ing John Graham's in Spruce Hill.
Mrs. M. R. Bashore and Mrs. Solo
mon Bashore visited relatives in Al
toona over Saturday.
Samuel S. Book and daughter, Miss
Mabel, of Spruce Hill, were callers in
Mifflin on Saturday.
Announcement has been made of the
marriage of Edgar B. Sterrell, of this
place, to Miss Elizabeth Rose Frailey
on Wednesday, October 14, in Philadel
• 'olonel Roosevelt accompanied by
GJfford Pinchot, Washington candidate
for United States Senator, and William
Drjaper Lewis was at Mifflin station this
morning at 5.30 o'clock. The train
stopped three minutes.
Mrs. Joseph Wctzler and daughter.
Violet, have returned home after spend
ing two weeks with relatives at Ha
gerstown, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. Messinger, of Hol
lidavsburg, are visiting relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Meloy spent last
weqk in New York and Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nankaville
spept Saturday evening in Harrisburg.
Dr. H. M. Swagart. wife and chil
dren, of Lewistown. were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Vin
A toy balloon with a card attached
on which was written "Charles E.
French, 419 Langinad avenue, Hagers
Catarrh a Danger Sign. Hyomei the
Remedy—Guaranteed by
H. C. Kennedy
There is no more annoying likewise
serious ailment than catarrh, which is
indicated by sniffling, raising of mucus
and frequent colds. Tf it is not cured
it will surely affect the delicate lining
of the air passages, and frequently de
stroys the hearing.
Hyomei is the effective and reliable
remedy for all catarrli ills you
breathe it, using a small inhaler that
comes with evpry complete outfit. The
antiseptic medication of Hyomei simply
has to reach all the sore, raw and
inflamed surfaces of the air passages.
Its healing begins at once—you feel
better after the first treatment —even
almost hopeless cases respond quickly.
Hyomei is inexpensive, and surely
gives quick and permanent benefit.
H. C. Kennedy sells it on the "No-cure
no-pay" plan. You certainly can af
ford to try this harmless remedy when
there is nothing to pay if uot bene
fited. Adv.
• 'V' : K.V■; ' . V. *
town, Md., please return card as soon
as found," was fqpnd on the Schweyer
farm, east of town, last Friday. The
card was mailed to the Hagerstown ad
dress. The reply was that the balloon
had been put up at 1.30 the afternoon
of the same day it reached here. It was
found about 4.30 in the afternoon, hav
ing made the trip in about three hours.
Funeral Services for Edwin Diener Held
Last Evening
!*ppolal Correspondence
Humnielstown, Oct. 29.—Funeral
services for Edwin M. Diener, who died |
Monday, were held at his late home j
on West Main street last evening at 8
o'clock and were conducted by the
Rev. Robert A. Bauscih, pastor of the
Reformed chinch. The body was taken
to Reading this morning for interment.
Dr. and Mis. Ralph Shaeffer, of Ta
conia, Wash., are guests of Mr. Sthaef
fer's parents, Dr. and Mrs. N. R. Shaef
Mrs. Mary Knull is spending several |
days with relatives in Harrisburg.
Mrs. Sarah MoGuire, of Lebanon, and
Mrs. Mark Skull, of Harrisburg, are
visitiug their sister, Mrs. Jane Hum
George F. Greenawalt spent to-day in !
A large number of members of the |
Palmer-McCormiek League will attend j
the Democratic mass meeting a:t Harris- j
•burg on Saturday evening.
Bohemian Club Remembers Francis
Beigle and Bride
Special Correspondence.
Williamstown, Oct. 29, —The Bohe
mian Club met at the home of David
Watkevs Tuesday evening aud pre
sented Francis Reigle and 'bride with a
leather rocker. Mrs. Reigle, 'before her
marriage, was Miss Efther Malicu,
daughter of IMr. and Mrs. Hiram Ma
lick, of this place. After the presenta
tion a luncheon was served to all by
the groom's mother, Mrs. David Wat
Miss Eva Ralph entertained the
Sowing Circle at her home on West j
Market street on Tuesday evening. A j
delicious luncheon was served.
The Washington party held a mass |
meeting in the Academy of 'Music on I
Tuesday evening. W. W. Lenker and K.I
B. Martin, candidates for re-election to
the Assembly, were the speakers, and j
ve-n greeted by a crowded house. '
Mi', and Mrs, Jacob Williiard have re- i
turned from a visit to Philadelphia.
Miss Margaret Wal'kinshaw and
niece, Dorothy Walkinshaw, were on *a
shopping tour to Philadelphia this week.
Mrs. Edward Berry has returned from
a visit to friends in Pottsville.
Misses Eva Feglev and Anna Sa it?,er, j
of Ly lie us, were in town yesterday.
Donation for Family That Lost All in
Special Correspondence.
Dauphin, Oct. 29.—A donation will j
lie held on Saturday evening at the
home of William Minsker in behalf of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S'haffner and fam
ily of Linglestown, whose home and 1
contents were totally destroyed by fire '
September 1G and t'hey all were forced \
to es ape from the second story window.
The family had no insurance. 'Mr. and ;
Mrs. Shaffner will a; preciate anything
given them, such as second-handed fur-:
niture, carpets, 'bed clothes, clothing or j
edibles. Any one wishing to contribute'j
can forward his or 'her donation to Mr.
Shaffner, Linglestown. R. F. D. No. 2.'
or bring it to C. W. Tallev's store
room Saturday, October 31. The •
S'haffner family consist of Mr. ad Mrs. j
Shaffner and five children, ranging in I
age from 3 to 13 years. Mrs. Shaffner j
was Miss Mary Grunden, of Red Hill,'
and will be at Che 'Minsker home on
Saturday evening. 7 to 8.30 o'clock.
IMr. Shaffner is a Jenant on the W. L. !
Sowers farm aibout two miles from j
Mrs. Reginald Fernald. Mrs. Edward j
Miller, Miss Anna Miller entertained '
the Mite Society of the Presibyterian j
church on Tuesday evening after the
regular business was transacted. Re- !
fresh in ents were served.
Mrs. Katharine Williams, of Everett,,
Pa., was the guest of her cousin, 'Miss
Anna 'Monday.
Miss Elizabeth Crouse. of Lelbanon, !
spent Sunday witih her mother, 'Mrs. j
Elizabeth Crouse.
Miss Charlotte Bberiy. of Harris-J
burg, spent the week-end with Miss i
Carrie Gepberieh.
LVCrs. Franris Powlev, o>f Halifax, j
spent several days with Mrs. William J
Mrs. Moses (Minsker and son, Rob |
ert, of Yardley, spent several days |
with her parents, >Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ,
Ladies to Hold Halloween Social in
School Hall
Special Correspondence.
Millerstown, Oct. <0. —The ladies of'
the Methodist church will hold a Hal
loween social, in the school hall, Sat- 1
urday evening. .
Mrs. J. B. Allen and daughter. Gra '
cella, of Wormlevsburg, spent several j
days with her sister, Miss Ella Tyson.
Dr. A. L. Holman and bride hav e re-'
turned from their wedding trip.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Binehart were
in Washington Sunday.
Peter Attig had his house wired for I
electric light this week.
Harry Mutch and Thurston Dorman Re
turn From West Virginia
| Special Correspondence
Marysville, Oct. 29.—The L. U. A.
; will have a five hundred party in the \
Knights of Pythias new hall Friday i
! evening.
The Rev. T. B. Tyler, of Pliiladel- j
j phia, officiated at the funeral services
of W. H. Baughman. Mr. Tyler was a
| former resilient of this place and while
I iiere visited some of his friends.
F. A. Fleisher, contractor of this
| place, is erecting a garage for his new
I auto truck. •
Harry Mutch and Thurston Dorman
returned home from Clarksburg, West
Virginia, where they were employed in
a zinc factory prior to its closing down.
The Rev. 8. L«. Rice, of this place,
visited relatives in and near Timber
ville, Va.
.1. C. F. Geib, yardmaster of the lo
cal yards, is spending his vacation at.
Atlantic City.
The Rev. H. A. Benfer, of Lewisburg,
spent Monday with his mother, Mrs.
Matilda Benfer. at her home on Vallev
street. \
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher, of Hm
"When the Frost Is
On the Pumpkins
and the Corn Is
In the Shock"
Then it's time to lift your tender
plants from the beds and pot
them up for winter flowering in
doors; and it's time to transplant
those plants which have out
grown the size of pots or tubs
they are in now.
We Have All Sizss ot Flower
Pots and Plant Tubs
Best Quality—Bight Prices
Delivered Anywhere
TABLET FOBM. It puts new
life in your plants, l<)c and 25c
per box.
They Produce Finer Flowers.
We have sold many thousands of
them and still have a tremendous
stock for you to select from. Get
your order in now.
Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissus.
1307-1309 Market St.
W? have Pumpkins for Hal
loween. Get them for the Chil
li drcn, 5, «, s and to cents each, m
risburg, spent Sunday with her sister,
Mrs. J. W. Benfer.
Miss Marv Hain, of Liverpool, is
spending some time with W. N. Shu
maker, William street.
Bally Day Services to Be Held in U. B.
Church Sunday
Special Correspondence.
Hershey, O-t. 29.—The Rev. 1. Moy
er Hershev preached in the Deny Pres
byterian church on Sunday evening,
lie will preach in the Shamokiu United
Brethren church next Sunday evening.
The Temple quartet, of Lebanon, ren
dered several selections in tiie Park
theatre on Monday evening.
The annual Rally Day services will
bo held in the United Brethren church
on Sunday morning.
Mr. and M.S. B. F. Sihertzer, of
GrantvMle, ami Mrs. Ellin A. Snagberg
er, of Alliance, Ohio, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Allison'Garman.
A Democratic rally was held in front
of the Men's Club building last even
ing. Addresses were made by Messrs.
Berry and Sass':man. A Republican
mass meeting was held at the same
place at noon to-day, when Dr. Brum
baugh and Congressman A. Kreider
E. B. I ass'dv spent several days at
Atlantic Cltv.
Frank Tiuney has beeu appointed to
serve as pastor of a charge in West
Virginia and will move to that place in
the near future.
Louis Brinker visited friends at Lan
caster. '
Clarence 1.. Bender spent several
days at his home at Mt. Holly Springs.
Mr. and Mrs W. F. R. Murrie and
son. Malcolm, were in Philadelphia on
Progressive Meeting to Be Held Satur
day Evening
Special Correspondence.
Xew Cumberland, Oct. -9.—A Pro
gressive meeting will be held at New
Cumberland Saturday evening, October
30. Addresses will be made by A. K.
Rupley, Fillmore Maust and G. Wilson
Swart z.
Riverside Council, No. K7. (). of I.
A., was visited by a large delegation
from Mt. Vernon Council, No. 333.
Tuesday (.veiling, accompanied by their
degree team who conferred degrees on a
class of candidates. After the exer
cises an informal smoker was held.
Keeney and Simmons, real estate
agents, have sold the property of Har
ry Swartz at Elkwood to Robert H.
Byers, of Steelton. Mr. Byers, who
has been associated with the Steelton
Store Company the past ten years, will
open a retail butcher shop.
Meri Witmer has purchased a pair
of houses on Seventh street.
Sherman Hull, proprietor of the
Thursday Evening, Oct. 29, at 8 O'clock
Chestnut Street Auditorium
Let Everyone Join, Without Regard
to Party Affiliation, and Help
"Clean Up Pennsylvania"
Steelton ferry boat, has to run a small
er boat to and from Steelton on ac
count of the low stage of the water.
Jacob Danner, who resides about
four miles from New Cumberland, will
make sale on November 12 and move
to New Market.
Charles Ross moved iuto his Acently
purchased home on Bridge street yes
Miss Hester Sponsler, of Steelton, is
a guest of Miss Ella Long.
Mrs. John Stralev and Miss Dora
Ewing, of McVeytown, and Mrs. Crull
Keister, of Florida, wore guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Straley this week.
Mrs. Sible, of Harrisburg, was a
guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. L. Hale,
Mrs. Chester Cline, son, James, and
mother. Mrs. George Lease, spent Wed
nesday with Mrs. James Cline at Steel
Communion Services Will Be Observed
In the Lutheran Church
Special Correspondence,
Linglestown, l Oct. 29.—Communion
services will be observed on Sunday
morning by the Lutheran pastor, the
Rev. Mr. Bittner. Special music has
beeu arranged for thfse services.
Services will be held in the Church
of God on Sunday evening by the pas
tor, the Rev. George Sigler.
Services will be held in the United
Brethren church on Sunday morning.
The Rev. Mr. Seigfred will fill the
Loyd Strayer and John Hepford
were week-end guests of the former's
parents at York Springs.
Mrs. John Early and Miss Clara
Hain, of Hainton, on Wednesday were
the guests of Mrs. William Feeser.
Mrs. Helen Frantz and daughter,
Emma, spent Wednesday with friends
' at Harrisburg.
Mrs. Elizabeth Baltbaser and Miss
Sue Metlheuny spent Tuesday with
friends at Oberlin.
Miss Ruth Hain spent Tuesday even
ing with friends at Harrisburg.
Mrs. Daniel Grubb and two children,
spent Wednesday with friends at Har
Jacob Rowe aud family moved their
household goods to Harrisburg on
Thursday where they will reside.
Mrs. Rebecca Baker and Mrs. Wag
ner had electric lights placed in their
homes this week.
Mrs. W. G. Zimmerman on Tuesday
visited friends at Paxtonia.
J. H. Mcllhenny, of Harrisburg, on
Tuesday visited friends fiere.
The Misses Anna and Caroline Fisli
burn spent Wednesday with friends at
Mrs. Gertrude Nissley and daughter,
Kathryn, spent Tuesday night as guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Fanber.
Mrs. .Harry Fenical Injured While
Cranking an Automobile
Special Correspondence.
Middletown, Oct. 29. Webster Shal
kop, of Philadelphia, is visiting friends
in town for several days.
Mrs. Harry Fenical, of Rovalton, is
suffering with a very sore wrist from
the effects of having, it struck while
■'ranking her automobile on Tuesday
night. She went to the office of Dr. W.
P. Evans for examination and upon
his advice she went to the Harrisburg
hospital Wednesday afternoon and had
the X-ray examination.
H. B. Fox has purchased a Regal
automobile from a firm at Phi'a le.phia
and expects it in a few days.
The Halloween party to be held by
the Mite Society of the Church of Cod
on Friday evening, instead of the La
dies' Aid Society, will be held at the
home of Miss Margaret Smith, North
I uion street, instead of the parsonage,
as was stated in last evening's paper.
The Rescue band will play for the
Republican Club this evening at their
hall on Market street, where a mass
meeting will be held.
The Liberty band will take part in
the big parade at Steelton on Friday
evening, when the fire companies and
secret societies will take part.
Mrs. Louise Murrv i s ill with a
stroke at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Wilt, Swatara street.
William Kohr , and assistant are
building a new porch in front of the
residence of T. C. Smith on Sprinir
Philip Eisemann, of Lancaster, tran
sacted business iu town to-day.
Dr. H. W. Gerge, who had been
spending several weeks at Harrisburg
on account of ill health, has returned
home and will be able to practice at
his profession again in a few days.
The Junior League of the M. E.
church packed a box on Monday even
ing containing 115 articles which were
sent to Philadelphia, where they will be
1 : Stands For Clean, Capable, Con
g«| I scientious State Government 3
i T J MM Welcome Your Support On
dr mart.n G brumbaugh. Election Day , Nov. 3, 1914 |
For the Supreme Court I
Judge George Kunkel
s> p " y
JtfwW The Jud 8 e who tried the Capitol Gtaft Cases, and last year re- 1
¥ '*s&s ? ceived every vote ill his own county for re-election on the non- ' i
i partisan i>auot '
"fiWWgKj* aB A croSB mark » n the Party Square is a vote for Party candidates I
jSgnfflgH only and is not a vote for Judge. I
BSfSS&j In addition you MUST make a cross mark after the name of th* I
I Judge for whom you desire to vote. i
Vote for JUDGE KUNKEL and mark your ballot this way: C
MlI Joshua W. Swartz
J| First Legislative
Your Vote and Influence Will
Election November 3rd, 1914
forwarded to the orphans in the foreign j
lands on the Christmas ship. Mrs. Mary j
Rakestraw and Mrs. George Seltzer I
had charge of same.
Karl Bowers, who had been assist
ing in wiring the large school building l
at Manheim for the past two months,!
has returned home and the work on j
same will be completed by one of his|
helpers in a few days. He was sent ]
there bv the Harrisburg Electric Sup-1
ply Company.
Miss Edna Pickle is ill with typhoid
fever at her home on Spring street.
Miss Hlla Stipe, of Harrisburg, spent
yesterday in town.
M. G. Brumbaugh, Republican candi
date for Governor, spoke to a large
crowd in the Realty theatre this morn
Clarence Brandt spent the day at'
Harrisburg on business.
Quite a number of persons from town i
were at Harrisburg last evening to hear
Penrose speak.
Mrs. A. S. Quickel, Xissley street,
is visiting her son, Dr. H. L. Quickel,
at Boyerstown, for the week.
Detweiler Bros.' have their place of
business vary handsomely fixed up for
Halloween. There is several large shock
of corn, faces made out of pumpkins,
and all make a very line appearance.
The Rev. J. J. Resh Delivered 9n Able
Sermon Last Evening
Special Correspond nee.
Mechanicsburg, Oct. -9. —According
to announcement, the I'almer-McOor
inirk party arrived here a'bout tioou. |
They were accompanied by a number
of the members of the Democratic Club, j
of Harrisburg. Mr. McCormiek has a j
host of personal friends in this place
and. irrespective of party, they joined**,
in giving him a welcome.
On account of Halloween falling on !
Saturday this year and the "witching!
hours" encroaching 011 Sunday, the!
Halloween parties planned by our j*
young people will 'be held on Friday
The sermon in the Methodist church
last evening was by the pasitor, the i
Rev. J. J. Rerih. A very inspiring tes (
timouy service followed. There have>
been several conversions.
Miss Grace Yordi has returned from I
Franklin, where she completed an en
gagement as pianist.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ooover and |
daughters, Miss Minerva and Miss Lulu. |
attended the Gehr-Webbert wedding in i
Oburchtown on Tuesday. -Miss Mi
nerva played the wedding march and ;
IMiss Lulu was ring-bearer. Mrs. Coov- j
or is a sister of the bride.
Word was received by Charles Her- ;
man yesterday that his brother, Addi- j
son, had died suddenly in Newcastle. ,
where he wen;, last Sunday evening t
from this place. His home'was in Car 1
lisle, but he spent considerable time |
For Representative in the i
General Assembly *
Augustus Wildman j
[ llStl I pledge myself fhat if elected, I |
I wM w " 5U PP° rf only such legislation as I
\ wr lit/ is fo " ,e sst ' n * etes! le People. I
Your Support KindlyJalicite^j
i» this place. Hi* body will be taken
to ('arlisle for burial.
Mrs. H. B. Marklev 'left on Tuesday
for a visit to friends in Ottawa, Can
Mrs. Sarah Dorn'bach spent vester j
day wirli relatives in Harrisburg.
Mrs. John H. Btatler, of Middletown.
is Uie guest of Mrs. Kate Beitner,
Soubh Market street.
Stop Those Early Bronchial Coughs
They bang on all winter if not
checked, and pave the way for serious
throat and lung diseases. Get a bottle
j of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound,:
i and take it freely. Stops coughs and 1
I colds, heals raw inflamed throat, loos-
I ens the phlegan and is mildly laxative, j
T. Miller, Ed. Enquirer, Can- j
ffllttiin, Ind., had bronchial trouble, got I
j very hoarse, coughed constautly from |
; tickling throat. He used only Foley's
i Honey and Tar Compound. Was "en-
relieved. Wants others to know;
!of Foley's Honey and Tar. George A.
j Uorgas, 16 North Third street and P. j
R. K Station. adv.
A Late Book
Mrs. Hoyt who became the possessor 1
of a fortune by the death of an aunt.!
i ilid not like to admit her ignorance of!
any subject.
One afternoon she had a call from;
i a prominent society w oman, and the I
I conversation turned upon hooks.
"Have you read Shakespeare's
I worksf" asked the caller.
"Oh, yes. indeed," replied Mrs.
Hoyt, "all of them —that is," she add
jed hastily, "unless he has written
■something very lately."—National
j Monthly.
f Not the Only One
I "This is mv son Frederick, Mr. Fos
| dick,' * said Mr. tilauders proudly, in-'
i " "
t ———\
James W Barker
W nMliiiiKlou I'Ht'tv Nominee For
from Hit*
If IOIPCIHI Will Fnvor
KK.WiK, OOOU HO A DM, l*ROI*l<;il
Vour Voir mill Support Solicited
i troiiucing his 5-year old boy to his
"Well, Frederick," said the caller,
"do you obey your mamma/' 1
" \ es, sir,'' replied Frederick prompt
ly, "and so docs papa."—Philadelphia
I .ledger.