The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 22, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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John J. Nissley Observes Eighty-Second
Birthday To-day
Spe ciat Correspondence.
Hummelstown, Oct. 22. —John J.
Nissley, president of'the Hummelstown
National bank, to-day observed his
eighty-second birthday anniversary and
spent the day attending to his duties
at the institution. Mr. Nissley is the
oldest banker in the county, having
been'elected cashier of the Hummels
town bank, in 18t>S, and president of
the Hummelstown National bank in
1899. Numerous cards and messages
or congratulation were received by Mr.
Nissley to-day. He is at present enjoy
ing good health and every day per
forms his duties at the bank.
Mrs. William Leb'nerz left for her
home in Buffalo yesterday after spend
ing a month at the home of her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Behney.
Miss Rebecca Hummel, of Carlisle,
spent several days with friends ami
relatives in town.
Mrs. Gustavus Martin and two
grandchildren, of Steelton, were guests
of her sister, Mrs. W. B. Shope.
William Cassel. who has been em
ployed on the Edward Allweiu farm,
northeast of town for the past year,
was given a hearing before JR. B. Ear
nest, justiue of the peace, on Tuesday
evening on the charge of stealing
• hickeiis and was held under bail of
£2OO for court. The arrest was made
by D. H. Reigel. who was licensed as a
detective by the Dauphin county court
on Tuesday morning.
Mrs. W. W. Deckard. of Middletown,
visited friends in town this week.
United Brethren Missionary Society to
Observe Woman's Day
Special Correspondence.
Unglestown. O-t. 22.—The Mission
church will observe Woman's Day on
ohirch will observe Woman's Day on
Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock." An
address will be made along t>he line of
missions by visijing talent.
Services will be conducted in the
Church of {rod on Sunday morning by
*he pastor, the Rev. George Sigler.
Samuel Hassler Stauffer, the 6-montb
old son of Mr. and Mrs. William
K. Stauffer, diei' on Tuesday after
noon of a coimplication of diseases.
iFuneral services will take place to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from t'ne
house. Interment will be made in
Shoop's cemetery.
Services Will 'be held in Wenrich's
churdh on Sunday afternoon by the
-Reformed pastor, the Rev. Lewis Rniter.
( . Brook Care has on exhibition some
fhoice apples weighing a pound a piece,
named "Pound Apples."
Mrs. Fannie Slhaffner has a dahlia
stalk in full bloom on Daniel Feltv's
lawn eleven feet five inches, also a
tomato vine seven feet.
An iee cream social was held at the
Jiome of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Carl on
Monday evening. Those present were
'Mr. and Mrs. David FeHy, Mr. and
IMrs. Hrank Wolferaberger. Mr. and
(Mrs. Herman Carl, Miss Maihel Bolton.
I.Hie Carl, Bertha Wolfersberger, Clara
' arl, Rutli Feltv, Master George Carl,
Herman Wolfersberger, Norman Wal
ter. Daniel Charles anil Martin • Carl.
Jacob Hertzel, of Steelton, was the
finest of his brother, Andrew Hertzel,
«t the Eagle hotel, on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. William look speit
Sunday as the guests of 'Mr. anil Mrs.
Scott Straw at their cottage near Pax
ton church.
Mr. anil Mrs. 'Howard Kraber, of
Hurrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. B.' \. Seilor
and daughter. Vera; 'Mr. and Mrs. John
T>eavens and daughter, Verna. on Sun
day visited 'Mr. and Mrs. John Crum.
John Limehaugh visited friends at
Hasrerstown, Md.. last week.
Mrs. Benjamin Waltz and Miss Fav
iMNeal. of Pleasant View, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Juillard
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mr?. Jack Seltzer on "Mon
day moved their household effects to
Reading, where Mr. Seltzer has se
cured employment.
M. W. Sweigard. living on R. P. \*o.
?. has purchased a property at 44 S
<'.'rtin street, Penbrook. from the Bell
"Realty Company.
Luther llocker purchased the Pleas
ant Home farm south of town owned
by Mrs. Ida Shuey.
Professor King had his school to fhe
n'ountains on Monday for a botany les
son and a chestnut hunt.
Mrs. Tila Shuey. of Hainton. spent
Sunday as the guest of Mrs. Sa villa
J«ongeneeker and family.
Miss Ella Tyson Returns From Visit to
Spfc-ial Correspondence.
Millerstown. Oct. 22.—Bliss Ella Ty
son has returned home from Harrisburg,
where she spent several weeiks with rel
Mrs. James Rounslev and daughter,
Annie, were in Newport on' Monday.
Mrs. D. L. Farner and daughter,
Elizabeth, are visiting relatives in
< 'ham-bersburg.
•lames Wilson, of Newport, was in
town on Tuesday.
Mrs. W. D. Bollinger has gone to
Washington to visit her sister. Mrs. C.
A. Pike.
Miss Lillie Attig is visiting friends
at Tyrone and Clearfield.
Festival to Be Held at Red Bridge Sat
urday Evening
Special Correspondence.
Dauphin, Oct. 22.—There will be a
festival at Red Bridge on Saturdav
evening, October 24.
The Ladies' Aid Society of t>he
I'nited Evangelical-church met at the
home of Miss Lvdia Maurey on Tues
day evening. After the opening devo
tional service and regular business
transacted, refreshments were served.
Miss Etta M. Neely spent Sundav at
Miss hsther fieisking, of Harrisourg,
spent, the week end with 'Miss Emily
Land is.
'Max Long attended the Perry county
fair at Newport, on Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Singer an i
daughter. Alice, of Harrisburg. spent
Sunday with Mrs. 'Harry Singer.
Mrs. Florence Smith and daughter.
Misses Marian and Charlotte, of Chi
••ago. are. the guests of Mrs. W. B.
Mr. and Mrs. George Long, of Ke-
DOVO. are visiting Mrs. Gingerich.
Miss Esther Hoover, Miss Miller and
25c Olothes
Racks, 19<
Three-arm Adjusto household
clothes racks.
BOWMAN'S Basement.
98c Ironing
Boards, 69f
Six-foot size. Special for Fri
day only.
BOWMAN'S Basement.
98c Jardin
ieres, 69c
An attractive jardiniere for your
house plant—B-inch size.
BOWMAN'S Basement.
$1.20 Cups and
Saucers, 80<* dozen
Decorated porcelain cups and
saucers. An exceptional Friday
BOWMAN'S Basement.
18c Curtain
Lace, yd., 9C
White lace with finished edae;
17 and 18 inches wide. Kdxes
slightly soiled.
BOWMAN'S, Fourth Floor.
Women's $3.50
Shoes, pr., $2.49
Fine patent colt vamp button
boots with black brocade cloth
tops, leather Louis Cuban heels,
plain toes, long vamps.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
A Clearance Sale
Dresses and Suits
Eleven suits—fifteen dresses. Made of pure wool serges and cords
Suits were $12.00 to $16.50.
Dresses were $7.50 to $15.00.
All One Price-Friday Only, $3.98
I he suits are in dark colors and suitable for fall wear, although
not of the latest styles.
The dresses are' in medium and dark colors and are good stvle*
tor present wear. J
None sent on Approval; none C. O. I).; none charged; and not
exchangeable. s 1
Need a Raincoat--Buy One on Friday
Twenty five $5.00 Raincoats—Friday Special
Tan only—perfect in every way and almost all sizes.
Second Moor—BOWMAN'S.
$2.98 Clothes
Wringer, $2.19
Wood frame clothes wringer; one
year guarantee.
BOWMAN'S Basement
45c Foot
Tub, 29c
•lapanned foot tub—oval; size 13*
17 inches.
BOWMAN'S Basement
39c Sponge
Holders, 19£
Nickel-plated sponge holders—for
bath tubs.
BOWMAN'S Basement.
75c Bath
Seats, 39c
White enamel bath scats for
white porcelain tubs.
BOWMAN'S Basement.
25c White
Scrim, yd., 20c 4
Stripe of same color; 39 inches
wide. For curtains of all descrip
BOWMAN'S, Fourth Floor.
17c and 19c
Scrim, yd., 15<*
Colored border scrim; 38 inches
wide. Extra fine quality.
BOWMAN'S, Fourth Floor.
25c White
Swiss, yd., 10c
With pink bar and dot. 36 inches
.vide. For sash or sill length cur
BOWMAN'S. Fourth Floor.
Boys' $2.98 and $3.98
Overcoats, $1.50
Wool overcoats: convertible col
lars and belted backs; sizes 12 to
1" years.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
Boys' $2.98 and $3.50
School Suits, $2.69
tn blue, tan and grey mixtures;
sizes 5 to 17 years.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
Miss Shope, of Harrisburg, spent Sun
day wit'h Mr. and "Mrs. Pefters (Meyers.
Misses' May an<i Ella Bordner, of Peu
brook, are visiting their grandparents
I Mr. and Mrs. Upniel Bordnor.
Mrs. Sue Mover is visiting in Harris
Mr. ami Mrs. Charles MleiNoelv spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mc-
Misses Mary and Sara Freidberg. of
Hunter's College, New York; Miss
Maud "Firestone, Miss Sara Freidberg,
of Harrisburg, were the guests of Misses
Marian and Alice IMinsker on Sunday.
Miss Elizabeth Ijvter spent several
davs at 'Halifax.
Division Freight Agent Seeks Patron
age of Borough's Industries
Special Correspondence.
New Cumberland, Oct. 22.—1 H. A.
Haines, of Baltimore, division freight
50c Vegetable jj jj
BOW.MA.VS Basement |||j|||i BOWMAN'S Basement.
Women's 50c Women's 25c 15 C Cambric,
Underwear, 33c Vests, 16C yd.
ZVr". bU ' ehe4 '°"* ffSTtTfiZ&ZiX Wi<ie
,,,k bowm™ K,o o ,
Boys' $1.69 Women's 19c $1.50 Long-
Suits, $1.25 Hose, pr., 12y 2 & cloth, $1.19
Flannel Oliver Twist Suits, sizes Plain black, tan and slate: double Put up in 10-yard lengths. Extra
3 to T years. soles, wide garter tops: seconds. line quality.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor. BOWMAN'S Main Floor BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
Boys'and Girls' Women's Shoes, $1.59 to $1.75 Table
Stockings, pr., pair, $1.69 Linens, yd., $1.25
Plain black, fine ribbed, medium Patent colt vamp button shoes Handsome double satin damask,
and heavy weight. wua ciotli or satin tops: plain two yards wide —slightly soiled
BOWMAN'S Main Plnnr toes, spool heels; all sizes. through moving to new quarters.
. ail i* loot. BOWMAN'S Third Floor. Special for Friday only.
_______ BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
Women's 50c
Hose, pr., 25c 4
r l "'"black and colors, plain and
silk lisle and thread silk boots;
douolo soles.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
20c and 25c Curtain
Lace, yd.
For sash, panel or full leng;!i cur
tains. :!S to 12 inciies wide. E.ues
slightly soiled.
BOWMAN'S?, Fourth Floor.
38c White
Lace, yd., 22c
For sash or panel curtains. l«
inches wide. Slightly soiled (rmn
BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor.
Men's Working
Shirts, 35<*
Plain blue. heavy weight, well
made. Special for Friday only.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
Men's 25c
Neckwear, 12y z^
Four-in-hand, cut silk knitted
ties; good patterns.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor,
Men's 1214 c
Half Hose, 9c
Plain black and colors; double
■oles; seconds. 3 pairs 2.V
--BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
Men's 79c
Shirts, 49<*
Made of percales and madras; coat
style, with attached cuffs.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
2,000 Yards
15c Flannelettes,
yard, 11c
Velour flannelettes, lar*e and
small patterns, some with bor
ders. Xealy fifty styles to select
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
agent, -was in this place yesterday see*k- j
ing the patronage of the different in- i
dustries in the town.
J. A. Sprenkei will make an address j
on Sunday, October 25, in the United I
Brethren e'hurc'h at Penbrook. at w"hi«-h |
time the Sunday school officers will be
Mrs. Marv Eisenberger and daugh-i
ter, Miss Sa r a, left last night for Se-!
bring, Florida, where they will spend
Che winter with Mr. and Mrs. G. P. I
Mrs. Gosnel. of Freeland. Maryland,!
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robert I
Orason Harvey, of Maryland, is as- j
sisting .1. A. VVitm.ver at the Cumber-1
land Valley railroad station in the ab-;
sence of Roy Parthemore, who is taking
his annual vacation.
Harry Packer's family moved into 1
John Wire's house on Fourth street!
Mrs. W. Loser, son Morgan; (Misses'
Gertrude ami Maude Grove, of Harris-1
Women's $2.50 and
$3.00 Evening Slippers,
pair, SI.OO
Satin evening; slippers in various
i"1 'rs. Excellent vklue.«.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
Men's $3.00
Shoes, pr., $2.19
Ktitton and lace Hngiish lasi gun
metal shoes; all sizes. Special for
Friday only.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
Women's 50c
Overgaiters, 25^
Black cloth over gaiters: all sizes
—excellent values.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
Overgaiters, 69c
Fine cloth "Spats" or overgaiters
in black, taupe and brown.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
25c Handker
chiefs, 12V&<*
r 'or crocheted edge and cross
stitch corner.
BOWMAN'S Second Floor.
25c Chamois
Bag, 12y^
Also jewel bag and liilen cover
for bag; stamped for embroid
BOWMAN'S Second Floor.
25c Handker
chiefs, 12
l.lnen l amlUercliiefs, stamped for
BOWMAN'S Second Floor.
25c Battenburg
Squares, 17<?
t"»-inch size, with linen center.
BOWMAN'S Second Floor.
Room Lot of
Wall Paper
at $2.49
Oatmeal papers in brown, tan and
green—suitable for halls and first
floor rooms. L*ot consists of:
10 single rolls sidewall
l« ya'rdrWder. • $2.49
fi rolls ceiling paper. t
BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor.
7V 2 C and 12% c
Wall Papers,
3$ to
Block designs for kitchen; floral
effects for bedrooms and other
designs suitable for any room In
the house. Sold only with bor
der to match.
BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor.
29c Baseball
Rooters, 15^
With voice. Special for Fridav
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
'burg, spent Tuesday evening with the
Misses Mary Malone.
Miss Mary Prowell. of Bellwood, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Henry
Miss Aila Allison, of York, spent
several days witii Mr. ami Mrs. Harry
Mrs. Charles Willis, of Uoldsboro,
visited her aunt, Mrs. Mosey, yester
Mrs. William Wbtmover, of Harris
burg, called on relatives here yester
day .
Miss Mar.jorie Me Ivor will spend to
night with Miss Krma Wilson, at Pen
Social Circle Entertained by Mrs. J.
P. Ackerman
Special Correspondence.
Middletown, Oct. 22.—'Percy John
10c Crash, yd., 7^
Brown mixed linen crash—good
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
$3.00 Blankets, $1.98
Grey and tan blankets, wool nap,
full bed size. Would sell for
$3.00, but are slightly imperfect.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
$1.50 Crochet
Bed Spread, $1.23
Full size. Our leader at * 1.50.
Special for Friday only.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
39c Wool and
Fibre Stair Carpet,
yd., 29£
In green and tan. and red and
tan combinations; can also he
used for hall runners.
BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor.
Men's 25c
Purses, 19<?
These are "Sensible" purses—and
just the kind men want.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
50c Corsets, 37£
Made of eoutil, medium and high
bust: sizes lu to UO.
BOWMAN'S Second Floor.
Seamless Sheets at Much
Less Than Regular
A special Friday offering of sheets made by the
I tica SteamCottonMills; and only slight oil stains,
or soiled spots prevent them from being labeled
"Ltiea' or "Mohawk" Brands.. A visit to the
wash tub will make them look like new. All are
perfectly made. (Labeled "O" for Utiea, and
"E. S." for Mohawk.)
81x90-inch Utica Sheets, 90x90-inch Utica Sheets,
3-inch hems,. sells regularly 3-inch hems; sells regularly
everywhere at 89« to -j everywhere at $1.09 to O T
95c, J6C $1.15 OOC
Pillow Cases. I8c; regularly Pillow Cases 18c; regularly
2#c. 26c.
o 81x90-iuch Mohawk Sheets, 72x90-ineh Mohawk Sheets,
o-inch hems; selis regu A 3-ineh hems; sells regu- f p
larl.v at 79c to 85c, . . C larl.v at 69c to 75c, .. .
Pillow Cases 15c;. regularly Pillow Cases 15c;. regularlv
I tica and Mohawk Sheeting and Pillow Cases in everv width at
a reduction of 10 per cent, to morrow only.
to 30 % Off on Standard
Make Sheets and Cases
Every housewife will want to take advantage of
this one day offering. All are laundered; readv
for use.
75c Arcadia Sheets, size 76x90 i 50c Sheets, size 72x90 inches,
inches, seamless, bleach- with seam, bleached and laun
ed,, 3-inch hems V / L j dered. Meadowbrook, JF i
Cases to match at
Pillow Cases at 10c.
4oc seamed Sheets for double 4 2x72-inch Bolsters, bleached,
beds, bleached, launder- 3-inch hem; sells regularly
ed: ready for use. ... Z"L at 29c to 39c. Spe- "J/\
Pillow Cases at BHe. ! cial, SOc and «SUC
Main fIoor—BOWMAN'S.
son is ill at his home on Grant street,
Rife's Extension.
Squire T. C. Smith is transacting
business at Le wist own.
Mrs. J. P. Ackerman entertained the
Social Circle at her home on East Wa
ter street this afternoon.
The riveting gang who are putting
ivp the work at the war works, have
completed fheir work.
John Hawk leift yesterday for Phila
delphia, where he will spend several
days as the guest of his daughter. Mrs.
Hawk 'has been there for the past ten
Krepps Bros, are putting new sills
under the United market house on
Emaus street, the old sills having rotted
away very much.
■lames Bowers, of Conrad, lowa, is
visiting relatives in town for some
Mrs. George Seymour and daughter
spent yesterday in town.
Mr. Brown moved from the T. A.
White property along the old union
69c Tapestry
Brussels Carpet,
yard, 49^
Small figures, suitable for small
room, hall runners or stair car
BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor.
SI.OO Cork
Carpet, sq. yd., 59^
Nearly half inch in thickness.
Special for Friday only.
BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor.
69c Ribbons,
yard, 25C
Royal blue velvet ribbons, four
inches wide. Extra fine quality.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
25c Ribbons,
yard, 16tf
Persian and fancy ribbons. Make
fine hair ribbons for school girls.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
Infants' $1.25
Short Dresses, 89<£
Made of fine nainsook and trim
med with fine lace, insertion and
fagoting. Sizes 6 months, 1 and
2 years.
BOWMAN'S Second Floor.
Infants' SI.OO
Water Bottles, 50C
Infants' hot water bottles with
crocheted covers.
BOWMAN'S Second Floor.
10c Infants'
Feeding Bibs, 6^
Turkish feeding: bibs—slightly
soiled. Just the thing your baby
BOWMAN'S Second Floor.
$1.98 Teddy
Bear, 98tf
Imported fur teddy bear with
voice. Special for Friday only.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
98c to $1.50
Mirrorscopes, 29c
Electric mirrosoopes can be
used to show post cards.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
50c Printing
Sets, 29^
Also painting sets—just what
your boy would like to have.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
Children's 39c
Gowns, 25^
Made of cambric with yokes of
cluster tucks and embroidery in
sertion; high neck, long sleeves.
BOWMAN'S Second Floor.
Children's 19c
Drawers, 12%^
Made of cambric with tucks and
embroidery trimming. Sizes 6
to 12 years.
BOWMAN'S Second Floor.
j canal to the 'Mrs. Davis property on
South Catherine street.
The shoe factory is very busy at
present anil quite a number of employes
are working ovortime to get out the
Steve C'zili was given a hearing be
fore Squire W. J. Kennard on Tuesday
evening, charged with malicious mis
chief 'by. George Essig. it seems that
the former 'has several goats which got
into Kssig's garden and did some dam
age. He was held under S2OO 'bail for
Al'bert Odav has resigned as paper
carrier for George Schadt and John
Rehrer has taken his place.
Charles Houser, Jr., received the ring
last evening given away by the White
Spear Medicine Co in the Realty theatre
for being the best looking young man.
The Misses Edna Kurtz and 'Mary
Beachler will sing in the Stough eJhoir
at Harrisburg during t'he meeting?
Work on tearing down the Rife's
Watch Friday's evening pa
pers for news of our Autumn
Harvest Bale which starts Sat
This event features abun
dant stocks of Men's, Women's
and Children's fall and winter
wearing apparel, timely fur
nishings for the home «nd
many helpful suggestions for
the holidays—not far away.
Young Fellows
Just Donning
Long Trousers
Here's an excellent oppor
tunity to secure just the right
kind of a suit at a very un
usual price. Light and dark
patterns and just the right,
weight for autumn and win
To-morrow at:
Values $6.90 to $9.90.
Third FIoor—BOWMAN "8.
Women's 25c
Drawers, 15^
Made of cambric with hemstitch
ed ruffle—open style only.
BOWMAN'S Second Floor.
Men's $2.00
Trousers, $1.50
Heavy corduroy trousers, full
lined, narrow ribbed cord. Spe
cial for Friday only.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
Men's $12.50
Overcoats, $9.75
Silk faced black overcoats of fine
thibet and unfinished worsteds.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor.
Gloves, SI.OO
Bacmo l-clasp capeskin gloves in
tan only. Extra special for Fri
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
Gloves, 50c
Kayser's "-clasp chamoisette
gloves—all sizes.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
50c Shirred
Girdles, 39^
Colors are green, blue and white
—very pretty for the young Kill
or more mature woman.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
Friday Bargain
Sale of Notions
IT.l T . T. D. six-cord machine cotton,
-00-yard spools, regularly 40c
dozen. Friday, dozen 2Se
5c washable net collar founda
tions a for Re
25c amber hair pins, dozen,...Be
5c hair binders a for Be
15c ribbon barettes, shell and am
ber 5 C
5c black safety pins, dozen, 1«
25c, 50c and 75c hair ornaments,
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
Laces at
Friday Bargain
25c camisole laces, yard. 12V4e
12'/4c and 15c Point de Paris laces,
yard He
25c vestees io«
BOWMAN'S. Main Floor.
2,000 Yards
15c Ginghams,
yard, 7y 2 t
Renfrew Devonshire Madras
Ginghams, 32 inches wide; nearly
a hundred different styles of
checks, stripes and bars; all short
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
1,000 Yards
15c Crepe Plisse,
yard, 7%^
All shades of dots, rosebuds and
floral designs in white.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor,
85c Habutai
Silk, yd., 49^
Black only—'2oo yards in the lot.
Extra tine quality.
BOWMAN'S Main Moor.
Black Satine,
yard, 10^
100 yards black mercerized sat
ine. Extra special value.
BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
brick row by the car company will hp
started soon and will be given out by
'Messrs. K. Steiner and Richard
Hippie transacted business at Walton
ville yesterdav.
Robert Gross, Ann street, is ufferiiig
with a very sore eye, the result of i
piece of steel flying in it. He will be
unable to work for some time.
E. W. Seiders, the grocer, North
Union street, is having a warehouse
built at the rear of his place »f busi
ness. .1. Wise ami son, James, are do
ing the work.
John Thomas is installing a radiator
in the kitchen of Edward Svholl, Emails
Harry Hamaker is repairing the hot
air furnace for Frank Condran, Kmaus
The employes of the Fennsyivanii
Railroad i'ompauy will receive thei
jay to-morrow.