1. BRDMBAUCH FIBS CHANGES Says Republican Party Will Give "Every Wise Legislature Pro vision" Needed • OUTLINES HIS REFORM PLANS; Candidate for Governor Gives Pledge to Reorganize Departments That l Are Shown to Require It—Palm«» Again Hammers Penrose (Special -to the Star-Independent.) Bradford, Pa., Oct. Ift.—Backing up his earlier declarations in favor of child and women's labor laws, a work men's compensation and an employer ■> liability act, Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh, nominee for Governor of the Republic an party, at a mass meeting here Sat urday night specified in detail the kind of measures lie will .1 tnand if elected Governor, and more fervently than lie has done in the past urged election of a Legislature that will help him "make t good" on his platform promises. "The Republican party," lie de- . flared, ''chastened for its conservatism.! must turn, and now does turn, to the ! serious and honorable obligation of giv | ing to the people of this Commonwealth | cverv wise and beneficent legislative ! provision for safeguarding ami protect-] iiig the welfare of rite people. In a| broad way this is a In ge -.ocia! program • of legislative reform." Dr. Brumbaugh's Program Speaking ui detail of his legislative program. Dr. Brumbaugh said: "This program includes a workmen's j . on.pensation act. which the last Legis- , lature should have passed and which ' the incoming Legislature, if 1 am elert-l ed Governor, will be called upon to | pass. "The present employers' liability net I wish to see so amended and advanced j as to make it equal to the best upon : the statute books of any State. "The present law to c-aie for our j women who labor is not a satisfactory ' one, nuay was the ' presentation of an American flag to the school by the class taught by Mrs. Percy Martin. Miss Edith Feglev was a visitor to Harrisburg on Saturday. On Saturday Harlan Surface, a ?on of Professor H. A. Surface, residiug near town, was injured by the acciden tal discharge of his gun. Harlan wa<, hauling pumpkins from a fiell on the! j farm and had his gun on the wagou, j ! when in throwing a pumpkin on the I wagon it struck the gun and dis i charged the load of shot which entered] ! his hip. He was able to reach home j and a physician was called who re- j j moved several shot. Yesterday more : were removed and Harlan is as com ! f'ortable as he can he under the circura-' j stances. Waiter and Harold Stoner, of Harris burg, were guests yesterday of rela tives in this place. __ | HUMMELSTOWN Funeral of Mrs. Rachel Stoner to Take Place Wednesday Afternoon i Special Correspondence. I Humine'Jstown, Oct. 19. Mrs. Rachel I Stoner. widow of the late Jacob Stoner, j died at. her 'home in Centre Square Sat urday afternoon. S'he was aged 6 3 years and is survived by a sou, Russell B. Stoner. and two stepchildren, Mrs. Oot terel, of Reading and Frank Stoner, who resides iu Ohio. Two sisters, Mrs. John M. Murray, of this place, and Mrs.' Susan Henry, of Palmyra, and a 'brotlh er. Jacob Balsnatvg'h, of Swatara S»a --j tion, also survive. The funeral will take j place from here late home on Wedues dav afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will he held at the house and will be ! conducted by the Rev. A. S. Lehman, | pastor of the I'nite.l Brethren church, ]of which ciiur'h Mrs. S;oner was a | member. Interment will be made in the Hummelstown cemetery, T. 'Bard /Sell, of Cheater, was tfhe j guest of John J. Nissley over Sunday. Mrs. Eliza Lutz has returned to her j home in Dillsbnrg after spending sev era! weeks with her daughter. Mrs. George Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisler. of Harris burg, were gue-ts of Mrs. Fisler's par j ents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Burridge, ] over Sunday. j The Rev. and Mrs. George R'chter, j returned African missionaries, and Miss | Sara'h Landis. of this place, a- nurse at ] the United 'Brethren c'hurc'h mission at ] Rodafong. Sierre Leon. Africa, were | present at t'lie services in the Unite I 'Brethren church yesterday. At the ; morning service both Mrs. Richter and ' Miss 'Landis gave interesting talks and ! described tne life and 'customs of the j natives. , A large number of articles ; made by natives were exhibited and the ; display was enjoyed by a large audi price. The Rev. Mr, Richter preached ' at t'he evening service. A large number of visitors were ; resent at the morn i ing service, among them being Con ] sressman Aaron S, Kreider and Mrs. j Kreider. of Annville. The Rev. and Mrs. FT. s. Games have ■ returned from a two weeks' visit at the 'home of Mrs. Games' parents in Free j porf. Pa. j Miss Emma Brinser, of Middletown. ! was the guest of IMrs. Emma Brinser | over Sun-da,v. ; Mrs. Baird Potts and children, of , Harrisiburg. spent Saturday with her i parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fox. Miss Pearl P.ehney was the guest of \lis« Rebecca spangler. at Palmyra, ves tcrday. The Ladies' VMite Society of the Re formed ciiurch will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Anna Price. The midweek prayer service in the Reformed church will be omitted on ;'Wednesday evening owing to - the ab sence of the nastor, the Rev. Robert A. Baus j. j Mrs, James Grove and granddaugh- I ter, of 'Harrisburg. were guests of her j sister; IMiss Barbara Hummel, for sev \ oral lays. ' Ree.,i !H. Walmer, of Philadelphia, | spent yesterday with his mother, Mrs. j Elizabeth Walmer. Miss Elizabetii Noll and Miss Edna Deeneu, of l> banon, were guests of | Miss Elizabet'h Hover yesterday. • Klias L. Bomgardner, superintendent | of /ion Lutheran Sunday school, is sen | ously ill at 'his home at Hershey, Mr. ami Mrs. George Rlian and chil dren visited relatives at Lebanon yes j terday. The Rev. Robert A. Bausch. pastor of ! t'be Reformed church, and David C. I Rlioads left to-day for Allentown to at j tend the sessions of the Eastern Synod I of the Reformed church, i 'Mrs. George Bolton and Children, of 1 Steelton. were guests of Mrs. IMlary Bol j ton yesterday. ENOLA ! Methodist Sunday School Holds Inter esting Rally Day Services I Special Correspondence. Eno'a, Oct. 19. — Mrs. C. R. Rockev j and son, Frederick, visited in Harris- I burg on Saturday. Calvin Backenstoe, Mr. and Mrs. I Ambrose Backenstoe and daughter, Catharine, motored to Hagerstown, i Thursday. The' Methodist Episcopal Sunday school celebrated the annual Rally Day services in the church auditorium and the following program was given: Morning services. Hymn No. 15 and the Apostles Creed; prayer, the Rev. W. H. Seiders; address of welcome, A. G. j Darlington, superintendent; recitations ] and songs by the infant department; solo, Mrs. Charles H. Miller: address, Miss Sarah E. Mardorf, deaconess; Hymn No. 383, the congregation; ail dress, the Rev. W. H. Seiders; offering; | benediction. Evening services, Hvmn No. 180. the congregation; prayer, J. , H. Eiehel; anthem. Masters Chorus of : Harrisburg; reading of the Scripture; | solo, Mrs. Thomas C. Griffith; hymn, the I Masters Chorus; address, Professor jSprenkle, of New Cumberland; Sunday j school Rally Day offerings; hymn, Mas- J ters Chorus; Doxology; benediction, j The Rev. E. G. Oyer appointed pastor of the First United Brethren church at j the Conference held in Mechanicsburg | filled the pulpit at his new charge j yesterday to a large audience. The Rev. O. J. Farling has been ap pointed as pastor of the South Enola I Church of God at the Con ference. W. J. Ryan has leased a property in Enola Terrace. George W. Fisher, yard master in the Continuation "Wear-ever" Aluminum Demonstration /Y/y/y/ffy/y >ff All this Week-Bowman's Basement DRESSES GIRLS' For School Girls and PADCrTC the Little Miss (Vjg\ CORSETS Betsy Ross Play Dress made of chambray in pink W, ) n< ,, Henderson and blue with low belt collar and trimming of white r,ft Y l 01 -ft • *? (, ~ linene, als to iH vears; lined knickers, at ▼ $3.98, $4.98, $6.98 and $8.50 'A/ Boys' Overcoats of Every Description Just the overcoat your boy will be proud of. The quality of these coats are exceptionally good while the prices are remarkably low. New Fall and Winter weight fancy mixed cheviots and blue and grey chin chillas in Bahnacaan and belted models. Third Floor—BOWM A .VS. i oble and George Davis spent Saturday ami Sunday at Dauphin. Miss Sara Markle.v, of towu, and niece, Miss Sara Marklev, of Steeltou. returned home from a week end visit to relatives at Wellsville, Pa. Charles Mayer spent Saturday and Sunday at Coatosviile and Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Gingrich and son. Paul, spent Sunday at Klizabethtown. Peter Ziviro spent Sunday at Leba non as the guest of relatives. Mrs. Martin Croll and daughter, Laura, returned home Saturday evening from a week's visit to relatives at New < umberland. Mrs. Joseph Longenecker, who visit ed relatives in town for the past sev eral days, returned to her home at Phil adelphia Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of St. Peter's Lutheran church will be held to mo wow evening. Clarence Davis and aunt. Miss Sara Davis, spent the day in York county hunting for chestnuts. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Spangler, of Pal myrft, spent Saturday and Sunday in town as the guests of the former's par ents on Susquehanna street. Mr. ami Airs. John Core and daugh ter, Miss Dorothy, of Harrisburg. spent Sunday in town as the guests of relatives. David Wallace, a student at Dickin son College, Carlisle, spent the past several days in town as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Wallace, Nisslev street. Mrs. John Romberger and daughter. Miss Mollie, of Gratis, returned home to day after, visiting friends in town for the past three days Simon Ble"her, who purchased the Smith property 011 Wood street from the car company, has started to tear down the same and will rebuild a dou ble house on Pine street. The two week-end chestnut parties held at Mt. Gretna returned, home this morning and all report having had a very pleasant time and gathered quite a number of quarts of chestnuts. Miss Carrie Bauinbach, who spent the past several months in town as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har rv Baumbach, Water street, returned to New York City to-dav. John Grove, who resides on Main street near Lawrence street, is having electric lights put in his driveway that enters from Main street to his home. George Carr is doing the work. H. R. Brinser. who had been quite ill at his home on Pine street with ty phoid fever for the past several weeks, "is improving. The M. A. C. footJball team defeated the 'Palmyra team ou the fair grounds Saturdav afternoon by the score of 38 to 0. NEW CUMBERLAND Daughters of Liberty Will Initiate Can didateß on Thursday Evening Special Correspondence. New Cumberland, Oct. 19. "The men's chorus of Baughman .Memorial M. B. church assisted at a musicale held in the 'Metthodist cliureh at; Lisburn last evening. They made the trip in auto mobiles. Misses 'Mary ami Flora Hbner are 'having t'heir 'houses re;>ainted and re modeled. Mrs. Mary .Simmers and Mrs. Elmer Kichelberger, of'Harrisburg, were guests of N. P. Reed and Mrs. Annie Smaling last evening. Mrs. Warren Miller, of New Market, is ill with pneumonia. Mtrg. Carroll and son, of West Fair view, called on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Kit?iniiller spent Sunday -With friends iiTCarlisle. Mr, and (Mrs. David Sipe and Miss DRY GOODS SPECIALS- ,Rear New Elevators' II.UOS yards Light and Dark Outing Flannel, 8c and 10c qua I - /Ja/- ities in remnants; suitable for dresses and night wear for men l"f/*(* and women. Yard 10c Fearless Bleached f*7,r. ,2 > e 36-inch Cretonnes—for Musiiu, one of the best WI*P T'T* ° bo f ea ' 1,1 lUc muslins made. Yard, U J™ 1 u,,d onental