The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 15, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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No Apparatus, Inhalers, Salves, Lotions.
Harmful Prugs. Smoke or Electricity :
It b a new wa> It is something: ab
solutely different. No lotions, sprays j
or sickly smeiliim salves or creams. .
No atomirer. or any apparatus of any
Ki:id Nothing to stnoke or inhale.
Xo steaming or or injections. 1
No electricitv or vibration v>r massage
No powder; no plasters; no keeping I# :
the house. N:"*f 'r: »f that kird At all
- •.
thine dQllcMtfnl and healthful, some
t:\inu instantly su cessful. Vou do not
have to wait." and linger and pay out
a lot of money. You can stop i: ove
nigrh* —and I will gladly tell you ow—j
FHKK. I ;%m :u'i a dov'.o: a:u* ;
not a so-called do s p-es r;>:on—
bat 1 an*, cured an-, my friends are
cured, and you i!'. ure<!. Vmr
suffering \\ ill st p at on e like magi:.
Mv catarrh was tilthy and loathsome.
I: made :ne ill. It dulled my mind. It
undermined my health and was weak
ening my wilt The hawking, cough
:s. spitting made me obnoxious to all.
ar.d my foul breath and dtsgustinp
h.ibits made even my loved ones avoid
:.-.e secretly. My delight in life was
d ;lled and my faculties Impaired. 1
k:-e\*i that in time it waul.l Vr:ng *ne (
to an untimely grave, beca :« every
moment of the lav and night it was
slowlv vi; sure'., sapping my vitality
But I found >. and 1 am'- •
t > tell you about it FKEK. Write me
Send no mone>. 1 ist your name and
address on a postal ard. Say. "Dear,
Bam Katz. T. >e tell me how you
cared your catarrh ar.d how I can cure ;
mire." That's all you need to say. I ;
*ili understand and I will write to
you with complete information. FREE
at once. Do" not delay. Send postal •
t ird or w rite me a letter to-day. Don't
think of turning t :s page until you ■
have asked for this wonderful treat
ment that can do for you what i. has
done for me.
KATZ. Suite Room IMW*
l.rjT» Michij&nn Ur.. t hicwßo. 111.
To Be Played at Curtin Heights Metho
dist Church To-night
The Cartio Heights Methodist chorea
h?.s arranged for the presentation o*
the "Hanging of the Crane." an ad
aption from Longfellow s famous poem
in the auditorium of the church to
n iht by the following cast:
Minerva Roher. Sarah Kstelle But
le*. Mrs. W. B. Bricker. iTrs. John '
Haas. Mrs. B. F. Funk. Mr?. Reynolds,
Biatu'he Knnis, H-. lea Broomadl. Rhea
Miller. Kliza l.injle. Moliie Lingle,
l.ala Bear). Emms Hoi iujer. Cora
Mart... ha rah Rata Taylor,
Ma-y Tayior. Fe'ii Uross. K' a'u'th
ites. Re'.>a Oeisk ig. Emma Williams,
Katherine Bricker. Doro'hy Haas. Ver
non Haatsberger, J. H. Poore. C. O.
Ely, Mr. Barnhar;. .'errv W'eihley,
Charles Frank. Charles Ba'oh an i Clif
ford Seiier<.
Mrs. Emma Downey Hoi-kenburv and
M'ss Pauline Hauck with Mrs. C'ara
B lackey as a • •ompanist. will give a
number of readings.
Three Men Injured in Accident on
Trestle at Wilkes-Barre
Wilkes Barre, Pa.. Oct. 15.—Three
men were in ired. :wo of them se-io. <•
lv. an i damage to the amount of sev
eral thousand dollars wa< done ve>-er
day when a 30-ton steel crane crashe i
through a trestle on the W: ke> B irre
Connecting Railway. The iu. ;r.'d are:
1 harles J. \ -ke-. engineer, lacera
t ns of the heal, body and fa.-e. and
fcaros from steam, on; :on seri us:
Harry (?. Oark, fireman, injured in
terna!lv and may e: Alva S.vingle. la
1» rer, broken arm and lac rations of
face and body.
The crane was being used to lift
steel into position on a trestie being'
bait across the Sj'quehanna civer.
Stripped by Highwaymen
Pottsville, Pa.. Oct. 15.—W'h.le on
h : » way from fen home in St. Cla'r ta |
Mt. H. t-e. late yesterday afternoon,
where he ntended visiting relative-.
A- ien See ey. 20 years old. was accost
i i by two h-shwaymen. He was pull? I
into the b -n.. and stripped of every
; eee of cloth ng. The men even toos
I - 1 eyegias«e«. Young Seeley collapsed ,
from the exposure.
Altoona Gets TJ. S. Expert
Altoona. Pa.. Oct. 15. —Bertram Me
< -..tiom. ass s,-ant physician in the Na
tional Bureau of Standards at Wasb
i; jton. arrived here yesterday to take
:-arge of an electrical survey of the
eity. Eiectrolysis w f i!l be given par
ti 'Jar attention because it has caused
.-onsiderable damage to the municipal l
water n'a;n<. and has a<Te-te i tne rite
a arm «yst»m.
Makes Face Young—
Tightens Love Ties
A fretful expression, a wrinkled face
r lid .« faded complexion, do more to
drive the male members from home
than is omnionly suppo3el. It was
■ • of rnj greatest difficulties to ap
pear smiling, fresh and elegant when
rrv riear cne' were with me. But I
ha.e overcome all that. 1 have chang
ed my mental attitude and I now and
i. second nature to look cheerful. Sue i
tartly to t is. partly to a remarkable
treatment recommended by a friend mv
appearance has so improved I look flf-
Usen years younger tiian before.
A simple fa e lotion made by dissolv
ir an oun e of powdered in
p half-p:nt witch hazel, proved a won
derful wrinkle-chaser. I still use this
occasionally. To renovate mv com- I
plexion I purchased an ounce of ordi- '
nary mercolized wax at my druggist's !
and before using this up. a marvelous '
transformation had taken place. It
was like removing an unsightlv mask
revealing a new face, a youthful com
plexion of distinctive delicacy, clear
white and velvety. ! merely' applied ;
the wax like cold cream bef ore retir- !
ing. »as .ling it off nmrnirgs. Ten davs' i
treatment sufficed.—"Aurilla." in Olub- i
woman. adv. 1
Caterpillar With Distinctive Long
Black Tufts of Hair Damages
Shade Tr«ee in City of Washington
But May Be Controlled
Washington. D. C., Oct. 15.—The
caterpillar of the tussock moth, which
'is noticeable because of three long
j black tufts of hair protruding from its
I yellow body has doue considerable dam
! age to many shade trees in the city of
Washington during the summer and
fall. This inseot. which extends through
the eastern I'nited States, as far west
as lowa, seems to prefer poplars,
maples, elms, alders, birches and wil
lows. Besides injuring trees, its barbed
tia -« occasionally produce considerable
irritation on the skin of people upon
whom the caterpillars drop. To control
the ravages of this pest the coming
season, the conspicuous white-egg
masses laid by the moth, should be
destroyed after the leaves have fal
len. when they may be very easily no
The I'nited States department of
.. griculture's entomologist considers
the above method preferable to that of
l>a> ;itig the trees after the egg masses
; have already been laid. During the
past season a number of trees in the
| city of Washington have been banded
, to prevent the moths from climbing
! up their trunks when there were al
ready egg masses above the bands
' which hatched out aterpillars These
caterpillars were prevented from com
ing out of the trees as much as others
were prevented from coming into them.
Of course, if the owner of a tree is
1 sure that it absolutely free from egg
masses (.which are always conspicuous
and usually arc found low down on the
trunk! he may use a band to advan
tage to. keep out intruders. For this
purpose usect lime, of which there are
several brands on the market, is the
best substance an.l a ring made around
the tree w 11 give service for several
weeks in warm weather without being
, renewed.
Creosote Oil For Egg Masses
j As soon as the leaves have fallen,
egg masses should be aeraped from the
trees and then destroyed by burning.
The work must be absolutely thorough,
and not an egg mass overlooked. A
, better way. however, is to use applica
-1 tion< of creosote oil on the eggs. This
j is similar to the liquid that is used
against the gypsy moth in Massacius
; setts. About 50 per cent, of turpen
tine is added to it to keep it liquid
'in cold weather. The workman is fur
nished with a pole, to the end of which
a small sponge is tied. He goes from
tree -o tree, dipping the sponge occa
sionally into the creosote preparation
and touching with it each egg mass
found. This is a simple and very rapid
method. As with the other method,
the work must be absolutely thorough.
There are two and probably three
annual generations of tiie tussock moth
in the city of Washington. In New
York I'ity and Boston there are two
generations. A second generation will
■ be more lestr-.;-tive than the first. The
comparative harmlessness of this
spec es a* it goes farther north is
i probably due to the noudevelopment of
J the seeond generation.
In 1595. when the city of Washing
ton was \ sited by an unusual number
of these usects. one of the later gen
oration* of •aterpillars which narched
aboiit August "J. commenced to spin '
about September 3. During the latter!
par: c' September most of the moths 1
made their appearance and the con i
sp uous wh:te-egg-masses were verv!
abundant on the trees by the first of I
October. < aterpillars hatching after j
the first of October are unlikelv to de-!
velop into moths.
The vear after the pest in 1595
there were very few tussock caterpil
lar* in the city of Washington. The
was not nearly so abundant this
year a< ir. 1595. and there is no rea
son to believe that there will be any
tt-wer next year than there have been
this year unless there is a general
• ampaign against the egg masses after
t o leaves have fallen.
Use Hyomei a Simple Remedy That
Instantly Relieves
At the first symptom of catarrh such
as -i rtl, fits of sneezing, raising of
n i ;>. itching of the nose, or that ehok
ed-up feeling, surelv take immediate
stej s to conquer the disease. Catarrh
is nut only distressing, unclean and
annoying, but a serious ailment.
One of the easiest and simplest rem
edies to check catarrh and break up a
old s Hyomei. Just put a few drops
>f this antiseptic and healing liquid •
• nto the small inhaler that conies with
every complete outfit, and breathe it ,
This medicated air immediately soothes I
the inflamed tissues and effectively !
drives out the poison. Just a few min
| utf- use of this most helpful remedy
i vpens the stuffed air passages, clears 1
the head and throat of the unclean dis
charges—you breathe freely and irn
mediately feel better.
Hyomei is so certain to relieve and
give lasting benefit that H. C. Kennedy
sells it on the "No-cure-no pav" plan.
Harrisburg Republican Club Will Ten
der Reception to Local Candi
date Next Wednesday Night
Despite the threatening weather
large mass meetings were held in Gratz
and Loyaiton last night under the au
.-pices of the Republican County Com
mittee. Addresses were made bv Sen
ator E. E. Beidleman and James.
Sweeney, '"hief of the Bureau of Stand
The Tenth Ward Palmer-MeCormick
perfect arrangements for the mass meet-!
ing on October 24. at which former
State Treasurer William H. Berry will
! be the principal speaker.
Highspire Democrats will hold a
| meeting to-morrow night at the store
i of K. O. Ruth, when prominent speakers
will make addresses.
Washington party meetings were held
hist night at Grantville and Sheils
ville. when Dr. J. H. Kreider and W. W. j
Linker were the principal speakers.!
Friday Bargain Store Opens store °P ens 75c Mohawk
Sale of Notions 8 A M T 8 A M Sheets
y 2 r M, ywjfpww MB fifilfotW ai-ed'im***" 1
10c black mohair skirt braid.. IW nirwpc !'i. .idiMlfi ,'4AII ill!HlitBll!V ni AAA .
UK- spool holders ."»*• LflOScS «j ; jfi Killill! Plilll lIM JpppM| CIOSGS
10c and 12H<- braid pins shell -USil 1 'lit Wm'jllw BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
Floor. ~ X 5-30 P. M. 5,30 P * M - 121 aC andlsT
Women's $2.50 • lioattqt DDirFQ 1 Ticking
and $3.00 Shoes P j" CtS jQ ROUNDED [B7 L_ *i LOOK RK.r;'«Td."""" ""f 'gCJ
Kin* black kid and tan Russia Ot THE #T V" FOR THE BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
calf in - —M J J
GREEN S ' GNS rTannef"
Neckwear*at SlMF.reProof D °' e " %
Bargain Prices Guernsey earthenware. set Table Tumblers BOW man s Mam Floor.
.V.V. :• \tmmmmm W 35c Embroidered
5!i " M -'SI mh«W cue.
- hemmed
BOW MAX'S Main Floor. BUWMAN S Basement Mid some scalloped. Friday, each.
■ |
f - n Men's and Boys' 49c Cambric bowman's Main Floor.
nn-rnoro $1.50 Coat Sweaters Gowns 1K .71
If l\ KSSKS " e * vy weight, wool mixed, ov High neck. long sleeves w. h * 15C and 18C
ford, maroon and navy. Friday. of cluster tucks and cotton lluny Pillnw P.TSP<!
t-\ •_ f\ ea.h OSC llu ' e insertion. Friday, each. i lUUW V/dSco
ror r riaay Dargain Ddiy bowmans Mam Fi oo r. :?»** s; M mc. or
J ° J BOWMAN'S Second Floor. bleached, h rlday. each. 12'^
About sixty wood all wool serjre and crepe dresses that Men's $l9B * ■ BOWMAN'S Main Floor,
were #t>.so to $16.00, «».*.*- Women's ~
m • « a /\o ohirts . 15c Crcp©
Friday Special at $3.98 . h ir«.: , of t Cloves pli
' * French curts. Friday, each. Kayser's 16-button length chum
Not dresses that are undesirable stvlea tir colors, but 51.49 olsetle gloves in all the wanted llosebuds. lißiiru and llnral lie
. , . , * if nAu Mivo \f»i„ wl. shades. Pair siffns; 500 yards in the lot. \ aid.
drosses that were bought tor spring selling, in serges, BOWMANS Main Floor. 7i.,r
. ... , % I*l i n l _ ..j - BOW AIAN S Main Floor. -*
crepes and Bedford corus. Black. navy, Copenhagen, and # BOWMAN S Main Floor.
all the wanted colors. All sizes are among them but not 25c Mercerized nn —, TTT ,
all sizes of each style. j Batiste » 29c Drawn Work 25c Similar
1 "f Hf TT *% TT inches wide. Just the mate-
Squares silks
OliA. 1/ieSbCb iUI riludy il a , , .t oriH?J,y^r 0 r i H? J,y^rSBses —pretty, tine. Alao shams; site 28x28. with hem- .'hecks nlnid. bar- Fii.lav.
- . f »oft finish. Friday, yard. 121..r Pitched hems. Friday, each. iVL vwd ' ! . l«r
"WMMrejiM. " n„„. • }«
Friday Special at $4.98 ? s oy l an , d airls ' «c s quares McSiik
„ , J 7 . .. . , 25c Stockings and Shams Tissues
Good iruahtv—not a bad one among them. Good colors v-ii,.- . . , , .i, ■ ! r,,. ~
' , ... j. i ill i Medium and heavy ootton. tine Size 30x»0 Indies; trimmed with Mvc s "° l1 slvlcs .o sole, t fion.
—navy, green, dregs Of Wllie. topenhagen, black and ribbed, double knees, heels and cotton Oluny lace and insertion Fine nu«lit> : yard. ISC
changeable. .'®. B " oh - 35r BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
None on approval, none charged, none sent C. O. D. BOWMAN S Main Floor. BOWMANS second Floor.
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. .. _ " S2.W OUltlng
I }7sc Royal English SI.OO Ironing S„T^IS»SK
T nno-rinth Board Stand Yard Si.oo
liOngClOth Bmerion; folds together—occupv- BOWMAN S Main Moor.
Otie of the best qualities made. inn; small spare when not in use.
Friday Bargains in & c ;pfc p s^' r KrW#> l ; ou ; M -.,- R «»c Japanese
___ 1° A BOWMAN'S Main BOWMAN'S Basement Matting RUgS
XTT AT T I 1 A Ul/ Bright pretty patterns and oolor-
W AI/L/ lAI I/IV ' Women's 25c * 19c Poplins s'&%x9 ft. ; atenctied de*i«„s.
Enough sidewall paper to eover a room 12x15 Stockings Kri k da>"' yardf°? d ..T. f . '"iai sto hi: ft., patterns woven
i• ,i /Irv . I i t,« .\•. t 1 i» ® througii. • I"
tt. tor InJC, regular value Sllltanle tor Plain black and colors; Silk lisle- BOWMANS Main Floor. BOWMAN'S, Fourth Floor.
kitchens, bedrooms and back stairs. "Eco b nds. 80 Pair. wlde .. * ar,er . N
1214 c and 15c Wall Papers, 7Hc BOWMANS Main Floor. •
Floral stripes, all-over prints, fruit tapestry Women - S 2s c _ Mdl'S & lOUths' ClOthlllg
and satin stripes with cut-out borders to match. women
Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Hose i oung Men s Suits that were s<..)(), SS.;>O and
pai'r d f.M d »«Hv"'orV pair. r: " About thirty suits iu the lot. Special, ... $4.75
Children's' $1.75 Men's 52.50 BOWMANS M .m Fioor l7<i 3 Mackinaw Coats, blue Norfolk model, size 40
to $2.50 Bonnets Working Shoes • f 6 £ S ; gP oClal f■■ ■■. $3.98
White bonnets i . oor<i :roy. plus Hca\ > brt-wn «►: black leathers: S SI.OO <rl .IX) MPll S iMMt IlcltS 111 (lIU lv llllXtlllCS.
and silk, trimmed **Uh r»boon all suts. Full double sole3< bei- nf
uid fur. Friday. 9S«* lows tongues. Pair. $1.95 Union SllitS 1
BOW MAN S Second Flom BOWMAN'S Third Floor. White merino; high neck short Third FIoor—BOWMAN'B.
Sleeves: ankle length. Fridav.
™.' in 7 f Ri"bon ""
Long Slips Remnants
v o ke*; tucks' at" bottom' with' wtd Mill ends. Narrow widths, put up Women's 25C f^lotlllTlo P
embroidery ruffle. Friday.. 50r in hunches. Bunch, 5f „ I JJU JW VIU 1/li.llltL
BOW MAN S Second Floor BOWMAN S Main F|n«, VCStS
sleeveless! Of tO MOtherS
JJ e 5' s 50c 98c Bowl BOWMAN'S Main Fioo,. " One lot of Bovs' $3.00 Long Overcoats. Buit-
Underwear and Pitcher able for school wear. Special $1.50
wear, plain and rlbhed. mostly P °Frfdav! 690 mFu BOVS' Wasll SllitS that WCI'C 98c aild $1.25 iu
shirts. Fridav. each, .. "«'C n . ...
bowmw-! v.'n fi BOWMAN'S Basement. wiuwi Oliver Twist. Wtissiaus and Sailor Blouses. Spe
-1 ' Ur ' 30-inch Red Leaf diaper cloth, . , , ftQ^k
__ , ("11 perfect pieces; 10-yard Clßl, at
Men's 50c Men's 25c T^ 1 ' 00 Third FIO.^-BOWMAN-8.
Dress Shirts Half Hose Ma "' F ' 0 °r- •
Made of percale, coat >t> \v. tt- Medium and heavv weight cotton; _ A
„u.,„ b,.« ..«tgj,. 39c Mercenzed 25c Indurated $1.25 Messaline
BOW MAN'S Main Floor. BOWS#AN'S Main Floor. Table Damask Fibre Pails KsS'nle < quamyf" Yardfoj^
U „L < !?:.. V »_ r j ety °/ ,? at * Especially adapted for home, ho- ROWMU'S \l.iln Floor.
r \ yard . ... .. . ." ooL; tel or factory use. Fridaj.
TOYS BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMANS Basement. SI.OO CordUrOy
— A. CQ Tonat 27-inch grey corduroy. Fine nual
10c Tov Fire Engines, can be used as favors. Wash Jr by i,y for ! * kir,s ' Yard 59^
H Enamel Roaster BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
1 ' ' W Cloths Double square pans—the service- _
25e Automatic Pool Table and Player. Sue- Honeycomb or Turkish wash able kind - frid a>' 98c SI.OO Taneta
• i • , cloths, with fringi?. Friday, each. BOWMAN'S Basement. Yard-wide black dress talfeta.
<lal 15 * 3c _ _ Goqd quality. Yard 69^
25c can of Carbide. Special 15c BOWMAN-S Mam Floor. 10c Simplex BOWMANS Mam Floor.
$2.00 Brass Electric Auto Tail Lamps with 50c and 59c Single Egg Beater 35c Lining
I„,1 u - L*. • l _. 4i» -g a/\ o Can also be used as cream whip— .. . . , .. . , ...
bulbs. Special at SI.OO Blankets «'"• Frlday 5c lif^
Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Full elze single blankets; grey BOWMAN'S Basement BOWMANS Main Floor.
only. Special, each 44C ~
' bowman's Main Floor. 49c Androck 75c Storm *
Women's $2.50 10c Toweling 50 c potatoe „, bißCUit , pje , Serge
to $3.50 Shoes J!" 6 ".. White crepe with pink, blue and d- |^d bla^r S u , n°k rm T£fe".
'•C lavender flowers; low heck, short , v .,„ „ ■ 1 ard 09C
Patent colt gun metal and »an BOWMAN'S Main Floor. sleeves; lace trimmed. Friday. BOWMANS Basement. HOWMANS \inin
calf button shoes that were for- * *" aln rlooi,
mer.y ~30. ,3 00 and BOWMAN'S Second Floor. 49 C Dairy 5Qc Rub j^~"
BOWMANs Third Floor. gp roa< J WomCn'fl DOOr MatS
Women's $3.00 F?.daV on.? em . med rea . ,i> . Kid Gloves P ai,-limited quantity .««»« h !. and . "l" 1 .?. 2&
and $3.50 Shoes BOW-MANS Main Fl.or. itoveTintShades'on a w! Pai id BOWMAN'S Basement. BOWMAN'S, Fourth' Floor.
Fine patent colt colonials with , . SI.OO .. A
r h n «n°b l His and AiV > . u ti, Cu^., f., a hi« Children's 25c BOWMAN-S Mam FioTr. Ladies SI.OO 39c Oilcloth
<*unan heels. All sizes. Suitable
for evening wear or for ?enerai Underwear _ , _ xiand Bags Squares
BOWMAN'S Third Floor. onds. Friday, each. Round; embroidered with lace Bargain price, each stoves. I- riday, each J.9^
BOWMANS Main Floor. day 1 " 18 ' 1 edße; 44 "' nch BiKe ' Krl " BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S. Fourth Floor.
Women's Satin »"»"" S.COM FI«O? 9c 10c QutiM 80c Crepe de
Evening Slippers g '" keta Flannel Chines
Various colors. Regular 12.50 £>UC flannel . J ,
p'air. , '". nn ' 1 'siiob pVice b pair. e18 :.25* wide* Wd°iy. ywd*':. ."371/2 na "' lenßfthß ' ZMne* floraf'deilgns" ii' ThiJe.
BOWMAN'S Third Floor. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S. Main Floor."" BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMANS Main Floor.
Meetings will be held in Dauphin. Rock j
vilie and Lueknow to-nijjht, when H. B. j
f*aussaman, Representative Lenker, K.
S. McFarland and John A. Fackler will!
- (
The Harrisburg Republican Club
will tender a reception to the loal can- I
didates on the Republican ticket at the
club house on Wednesday evening, Oe-j
tober 21. Congressman Kreider and J. J
W. Swart/, and Augustus Wildman, can-'
I didates for Assembly, will he present
| and make adurpsses.
Says Husband Beat Her After a
"Billy" Sunday March
Seranton, Pa., Oft. 15. — Among
charges Mrs. Beulah l-abar prefers
against her husband. Arthur E. L«ibar.
in a libel for divorce filed yesterday,
is that be beat ber ami threw her be
: hind a stove because she witnessed th? I.
!"Billy'" Sunday parade last spring.
Mrs. Ijabar is the mother of three
| children, one of whom is being eared j ■
I for at the Home for the Friendless. 11
11 The youngest is with the mother, who i I
is compelled to do scrubbing for a liv- ]
: ing. Her parents have the other child, i
Bescues Girl Prom Death
Sunbury. I'a., Oct. 15.—When Mis«|
Minnie Haag, of this place, ran in front j
of n passenger train at a grade crossing
here yesterday she did not see another!
train coming in an opposite direction. 1
John D. Bucher, county auditor and i
former baseball pitcher, pulled her from j
harm just as the locomotive rushed by. ■
Both fell, hut were unhurt.
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent, j
Boy Kills Bear With Club
Jamison City, Pa., Oct. 15.—James j
Edson, a young boy, killed a 200-pound
bear near his home here. He had a Fliir
bert rifle, and fired it twice. The animal
chased him up a tree and he fired fro®
there. It fell and he climbed down, but
it again attacked him. Picking up it
club, he struck it over the head and it
fell dead.
Printed at this office in best stvle, at
lowest prices and on short notice.