Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, October 29, 1872, Image 3

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Spalding's Glue, chpftR f ctinynje,nt,c,nserg9.-;
This is the time of year ‘yhen our Tamers
c ommence fatting their Beef.(Jatt.le.' They
.llolll,l remember that by feeding'kiititia's
rum oi:EtS tine relit: di' . the' 6O
ay ed.
A. J. Sofiald,_ has just-returned frets'
yov Yolk with a large aiaortirterit'et ran
„ ; ,,i winter golds. _The, ladies will find it to
clica intereit"tolcal
. 1 aild'exarnine goO(1, -aai
LA.Dx's TOILET COMPLE . ikimiesi-theie"
b, the fragrant Sortiol:so2ll'4 iintO:tlin: breath
odors it unpartc),.the' gums ruby red , .
..ton assume, the .teetit'quit!'k rival • illa
inv.tvr tint, end seem as peerk:see in aboral
Martin Tht:rans. a poor tnan, from 13,erk-,
irioga county, X. Y., and: - .entjrely
bland from cataract, Was operated. upoitlViro
wuks ago by Dr. UpDeGraff, and sent liome
yt-terclay seeing splendidly. The- doctor
otre Lis servicts gratuitously =Elmira ldv
A.tcrioN.--LOn the premises of the lAte
Thos. E. Jones, deceased, in South Charles
ton. Pu., uu Triday, Nov.l.sth, 1872,10 . 0w:3,
.. pa n of horse 3, mow, of hay, and a ! bin of
~,t ; Al4o a lot of.farming utensils, will: he
on nine months time; .(hay.and oats 8
time,) with approved secUritY,. l
Another large lot 'of those nice
DitE•ts GOODS just received -at Wickham .&
'Care , . Come quick if you want a dress, for,
not often you find such bargains. If you
want to see a nice store, a nied stock of goods,
n(1 best of all, the lowest prices, just call at
V.letcham & Farr's, Tioga, Pa.
()et. 1 - .3,-3w.
If anybody wants to ti store clammed,
aauned, and packed full of goods, let bitn---
„, her, either, for that t»atter—go to C.
herz. - s, corner of Maitland Wain streets,,
Ent the extent of Mr. litathers's stock is not.
only admirable quality. His goods are all
new and fresh, of the latest 'Styles' and finest
vra.le fur the' money azked. The man or
wjunan who can't suit themselves by looking
through his piles of goods must be hard in
deed to satisfy. - - I .
We call the attentibn of our readers to the
new advertisement of Thomas Harden in fin
other column Mr. 11. has a,very large and,
well selected stock , of new fall and winter
goods, which he proposes: to dispose of ,ta;
revonable prices. would be useleSs.
undertake to enumerate here even thelending
fop tures of the stock with. which his large
- ,1, , ub1e store is filled to Overflowing. tr•is
enough to saY,therarn; hundreds of article's
suit both sexes.; idlages; and any Tursti.:
3,i - t drop in and lOolc - for yourself,' and yon
1‘;11 be convinced. ,
Do NOT BE RECEIVED. - -S. 0. Campbells
may cause people to think hi ,
lim employed J. L. Scott. Such 'is not - the:
nkie. I still keep Mr. Scott in ins employ aiz,
cutter and rnaster'of my manufacturing de
pirtment. I keep tliejargest and beststitoct : :
In NI t of foreign and 'domestic cloths, Cfl9
merei and vestings, in,the county,- all bought,
for ca-h, and sold at the lowest cash 'prices %
Perfpet fits guaranteed. ' A large assortment'
-f men's furnishing goods, traveling bags.
&(' • at 22 East Market sheet, Corning,-.N.Y.
H. C. PERRY,ferchant Tailor.
C , rning, Oct. 22, 1572. ' - ,_ ._-': ''- _
Home _Affairs.
the loenl news :
—Vote for Grant and Wilson
—Election next week Tuesday.
—Only two more montli.s of leap-year.
—Porkers are going into wint e r quarters.
—The Dernoeratie shroud is said to be made
__Th e diphtheria i 4 prevailing as an epi
demic at Addison.
—Don't fail to YON NEXT TUESDAY, the
)th of November.
—Gen. Benjamin F. Butler is to speak at
Elmira to-morrow night.
—" What shall• Hinder?" is Annm Dick
in.on's new lecture. We give it up.
—The dairymen of Tioga county are ship
ping great piantitils of butter this fall.
—Th'e first'coal train came down from the
intrim mines yeste'rday—at least it was to
--The baggagd . , ntaster at Lock Haven,
nearly murdered a few' days ago ,/ is
r ,,, vpring
The first lecture of the course at Tioga is
,l livered by Dr. E. 11. Chapin, on the
el ovemhc•r.
-Di. Henry C. May and Mr. Henry Drake,
t I'9rning, are going South for the benefit
f• latter's health.
4iymen Must have laid in lin extra supply
tor.Thes for these days. The newspapers
pcrowded with his work. '
W. Osborne, Esq., formerly a resi
:Hieut Corning, was elected a State Senator.
.! ?he recent election in Nebraska.
`-' , ll‘.,res of 'Towanda, has just issued
Fume fir povms from the press of J. B.
I..ppnicott Co. of Philadelphia.
ctiltes, now a morning lux
rr in - , very well regulated hounbold, were
in the sixteenth century.
`*• , .4. to it that every vote of your district
fi next Tuesday. A full vote means
reilority. and that's what all Republi-
—Tia• gnu lnuom Dental A , .sociation of
l''' , ll-lynnin holds its nest Semi-Annual
Nto»tour House, Lock linven,
::••••• 1:q11 and 1411. s
Tie• lito—burgr /?ettister says that Mr.
1 1 i• 4 . I,g, an employee of the Tiogit It
that village last Saturday
" I -1 ' t ,...n,Litliption.
be a meeting of the Grant and
Club at the Court Home noxt Sat
.' i. , a al , ifing. We rruini,e all who attend
-peidsing and good. intr4e. Let us have
4 ti,ll •
— Mr P. C Van GeNer, having sold his
i'',Torty Oki , villarYe,l twill remove 'to E 1•,),,,,
•,),,,, niter' the November election. HL
bee , nite a ,3toe 1: hot d e in the Advertiser
taide lilnrili
"Ai, eNclizlng,l rays "A prosperous mer
-1 lant Las ("I. hi" }lotto: 'Early to bed, early
ri-e, never get tight and advertise.' "
We didn't know ,beforethat advertising, was
a (~ , antnon ro,ult of getling "tigilj"
—We had a regular s oldrfashion d equinee
t;kls.torm last Friday anSaturdi. y, the rain
falling almost continuously for altut thirty
,:'t hears. As a eonsequ9nee the creek's. were
P"ItY well swollen, but we hear of no damn
a';',: done by the high wtit.r.
—The Addison AdvcriiBer of last week
"r 4. "A , : we nre nbout going to press we
ft rumor that Mrs. Mahlon Hathaway,
'11 . 4 ,,, d to have been temporarily insane,
hanging by the neck in her
Arn, and site had hung so long that - life was
-1 1(s .It.r.F.ey Shore Herald says: "Rev.
3 II• Grier, of thin place, has nitirfi d five
and ninety-seven couples. As Win
ttr is at hand we have no doubt the 'Rover
gentlemen will reach seine eight bun
4reil before spring." Just think what that
la:ta lets.to answer for hereafter!
— Th rival of an Oswego 'youth had biM
brreqed just, as he was coming out of a can
ture escorting two young Indies and two
lminds of chocolate drops. While . , the ar
nl'teti one was making explanations at the
station house, hid rival taw the girls home
and staid at their house long enough to help
gol , zin;,' of thetiroS7 43-iltaWa" : §4ol;
enmpleted his bi.oK'si:lifensUirati?4,'Whieh_
be, when4-tia!iligjed;:eitilfilirkeW.Or
similar work in this *ilitii.- -1 44*t - iipk,''stst...
in manuscript, bas higit,:*ll!eiffoin
practical educator's
mitted, and' will be tkUbitsk4 . oitii*, / eliio:dit:
, -
readoks ftts at --ft
row-weeks agt"),
Cene, - Esq., :ry'stiit , i4 - ;AI4-:.14,1:F $ ;6eng,
is . Ei.algO sick with-4,teier,,Shinirer'„ip.'the Otie - !
_which ,proved fatal
that time she reciiveted*uffibieritli leave:
,her - bed; but a 'slicirfjlbrifOstitefiihe
ii`i,elapse: - wbich.ternilaatita , in_her lAtt.
that :a feW
:yontig 'man niMrted' IsatteD - Oferie,,likt,*ork , okt
the. farm " of Job Doane ; „ of Creek,
white-engaged AiirMilkiiis,„;,iili„S'attZte,,ket,p,t
a vicious bull. - Cinze ofAbEi, -tinunnk!
?entering the back and ,
'At - our list aditiees - bre ,w.O still alive,,-;tiougy.l
grave , doubts Weee'fete- 'tia".tO iiii;;;o44
—Rev. Mr.Tßdaeh, ot:Mans'ileld',- writes' trs:
that during the'Selison jaSfpastlie has - raised
in -his garden:yrs - erie-rvine,7- :thirteen::iarge:
pumpkins. The aggtegid.e' ' . r .weigliti-j of the
yellow beauties _Was two bri died and:; : sixtY t ;,
five,. -, pounds:- "4:iftt Article,± 1 .. -- .theet - :glOrioirs,
Thanksgiving pies - 3tr. Bea :litittlfie - prann-
ise of-after the'tuirkeys 'uric, rabliefiyx.sauce
are properly discussed I :11.'senotigb16.Malie.
a Yankee's m,outh,watpr in Anticipationl :. ,.
' -'---31.r dames-Kelley; of.thia: village, has
shown us some entii3,o - ,..4aX4164' Of alinertnal,'
gr i pwth in the potato - line.: - :SOnieotthe - Spee,
imens appear like''Cliisters rif,isrdixihr,i,o4ol:
potatoes growing around and - slightly,,at:
tached to a large central Iriber,•Whlte other* ,
have an,iancanny resemblance to` deformed'
humanity highly, suggeitiVe of 'the grotesque
ugliness of an Indian iriol., „They tryolll,9,f:
the Chili variety—naturally a very I smooth
-one—and Mr. Kelley attributes their trnwon
'to: 06-elopement in' this instance to fl:lleet
that they grew on soil too rich for them, _
—An 'exchange relates the following :.-.-.A;
beautiful incident took place in the church:-
at'Ariburn at the funeral of the late 'Witham'
'll:Seward. The day - was a cloudy, glooniy
1 i one t dark ,and lonesome, the sun trav_ing
hown' its face but once, and that for,a,bilq
period, all the morning. While,the lesson, ,
lvaS, being read, just as thck . clergyman' 4a41
pronouncing the words "It is sown in dis-'
honor,'-is is raised in glory," the sunlight
burst from betwon the clouds and illumina
rte'd, the gloomy interior of the church with a
flood of radiance, lighting it up fox' the re
maiirder'of the service. . .
-40ne.of the best newspapers of the coun
tO•Tis the Washington tlforabtx - c7,o*,rick.
-Its-news .columns are always vdrY , :ftill,, and
well—arranged ; its selections are rat~de with
excellent jagment.and g00d . .-taste,4ln4::its.
editorialf department 'is conducted with
nent:ability and fairness. It has -"recently
'commenced therication of a Sundo:Yßdiz
tion,.se that it i now in fact its in
name w daily, journal.. We% are alAttys, tempt : -
-ed-to clip extensively froni its columns, and
that,-we suppose, is the highest compliment
an editor can pay any paper. We are, sure
that 'Wb'oe , Fer wants a newspaper from the
natienitt'sapital can't do better .than to try
the Daily Morning Chronicle. :
_TO.N.—EcIitpr of .the Agitator : At the re
cent great mass meeting in Wellsboro,' you
will remember a company of militia in uni
form: ptiraded your streets. 'This scene met
the 'eyes of some of the & military spirits of
-East Charleston, and perceiving they were
behind in military matters they resolved -to.
organize: an infantry company and be equal,
with' other towns, if not the- leaders' in all
- good Works, and thus merit the appella
tion" "The Banner Town of Tiogq,County,"
Which on that occasion was so freely :aecor-,
ded them.
. •
In accordance with their resolve a meeting
was called Saturday evening, October stlh,
It was addressed by mustering officer W.
IL Robbins, and upon fourteen persons sig
nifying their intention of becoming mem
bers an execntive committee of three was
elected to devise ways and,nrans and to sit-
perintend the organization of the corn an 3,14.
A sub-committee of one on each road lead
ing out of East Charleston was also ap )(Ant
ed to canvass the respective,:distric s for
members. A second meeting was hp d the
next Saturday evening, when more' ames
were added to the list. The Executive Com
mittee read an address to the citizens, call
ing their attention to the subject, and asking
their co-oPeration in providing this means of
defense under the law of the State.
At the third meeting the East Charleston
school hsnise was full. Col. Bailey and Col
Stone of the militia were present and made
stirring addresses. The commissioned offi
cers of the Covington Company' also ad
dressed the people in our behalf. 'The Cap
tain of that Company---Willoughby=--was
presiding officer of the meeting. The in
terest and pleasure of the occasion were in
'creased by soul-stirring music from the Cov
ington Drum Corps and the East Charleston
Siring Band. At, the conclusion forty
Oiuunea were'enrolled,---sufficient to organize
with,---and an application was" sent through
Adjt. Gen. Stone to Adjt. Gen. 'Russell re
questing him to authorize an election of offi
cers at the earliest practicable moment.
Afuch enthusiasm was exhibited, and all ex
piressecl themselves well pleased.
rpon the suggestion of Adjt. Gen. Stone,
it was ordered that a minute of the proceed
ings had from the beginning be transmitted
to the AGITATOR with a request for publica
East Charleston, Oct. 1, 1872.
News lastweek containe an item stating
that Mr. James A. Stall "who has made
himself very popular as conductor of the
passenger train on the NV ellsboro and Law
renceville railrbacl, has .been removed from
the road because he refused to vote for Sher
wood." .:- . . '
-- It-was well understood by every man in
terested in politics, before the late election.
that the railroad' influence_ was being Active
ly exerted to aid the Democratic candidate
for Congress ; and when Magee's pronuheitt-,
went() appeared, proclaiming' his intention
"to take a hand in" on local polities, nAbody .
was surprised at the fact announced however
much he may liiiVe" been 'aitonishe - d :at. the
indiieretion of so public. an- avowal - of
The Republicans of the county bad met and
defeated that same railroad influence at : the
-polls before, and they expeethd to do it
again ; and after this` publicdeclaration of
war they were at no loss to understand why
the Superintendent of the road• was sent
here, from a neighboring State tp attend Or
election ^ That right• was a novel one at the
polls ni Wellsboro ; .but then we had never .
been blessed with nraitroad in full operation
bef ire, and didn't quite understand that ii
was part of the business of t'hat kind of cor_
poration to regulate thelocal elections along
its line. But perhaps we shall get used
to that sort of thing in time.
The election 'being over, and the TetUrns
not 'disclosing a very brilliant success as the
result of the zealous labors of our New,York
missionaries, nobody' was surprised, on elec
tion night, to hear it openly proelaiined by'
Democrats that every employee of the
rail. -
road who, had not voted for Sherwood would
be discharged. . But nobody had a right at'
that time to believe that. this' was anything
more than an empty threat prompted by the
temporary irritation of defeat The inana-.'
gets of,the road were in some measure re
- Moved from the heat and excitement of our
local political battle ; they were supposed to
be men of enough independence and - fairness .
to respect the right of - every eit,Pen to• think.
and vote for himself; and no man then sup--
posed that the)' would descend to_ the petty:
meanness of punishing nn employee for ex
ercising a right which they themselves would
he the last to'surrender,--at least we did not.'
Bitter partisian as we knew the bead of that
road to be, we gave him more credit for tol
erance and common fidniess than this .
But it seems we were mistaken.: The
Democratic threat, I mede:
_tinder, the sting or
defeat, has been mnade - good by the nittnag
ment of the road, deliberately arta after
iiiiiiiii'. - it n d . per; ;aiii'_ :: 4 : . ,,;'', 1 ' ? ' 1
: - ' r e: . •' - -- • •:;:r .;-'4ll
sor, tlii lieen''.o4,Olugai, eh it i•'.
sfo'n - 4 that otbeiqq#6hs.o4-7-ifielet-Ab,711. •-.4
Pete, tr:Stall * t Ageft4tt tV‘ l4 lfili , t' ' ' ' 4 i
IlkaVOlitpanyfoi l 43o,44enie- d
sltiolui Of honor fin d tx:t,is 4„, d: : J'-.
"te - "lliiviedischarg4evea ..- iitogo, ,--,!
04. - ktith .
w fullic carefully . an. • elletelifir: •'-'-'''
.4ife.ns saYstalidiatam.isMAß,VWL
,aOndtictorpu. tharead L hetween,,ttogylinjat i 1
,aniflittkvjeneevillo , , , andoirbileillot Ott:10Pfill9 :
lit, ,TY,liiiiiPs; find- avutatt swhoi will 'wows',
1 fh;tkier i t oyl on eleetion day, we don't believe
iiii4-:•_*ill ever find albette,r , etiductor.• • X..n....: 1
ap Ins a 1 woks igeti, l ol4tubli.4o l ::rt4t
.i bli s t , " '
iinvecrbbtiuded his - rt4liiiotitepumpits-upoo,-,
nth'e - rit"-lltir -Ifni :fitten4ect rstiialY'r,AY, : l l l4 4 :
'4l'oo its it business" ' MUM, ,1111Cfliai 4thaajiii.
Ail 7. igri kingi"atig'V . Utpr:4s OVOY-`-ielf r ist
!.sifecting lAtnerieria citizen-Twilit•ltAi r lor.,.
. olti).lF- i fs' diPctiar,ged: ) tit
I tit
;has ';• earned' the beaky:,, :P
respect peeiiiiallitil•ki
:Viiiio/34tizert.by his 'independehf cciutiaLA
1 thif,l-rofniling ,to place his-.ytite anfilAtri;49A 3 ,-.
,rSeNtle„ . 4l the;, service'ol* scUller4EC...v4o,,,ti.
tion';viiticti seems to iinaiiii'eAtiaintkiO4,
ry_4 l ,As,t 'only he• • ' tbillOc , ant brainp:latt-the'
hearts•and soulini - inen - .. - "tot' OiLl'ißtilhfi.;
liCalit,:,b4t every fair-niinded Demoorat;will,
de pile and 'con'deii*gilVskitefil,e,Fhilii'llOty
!OClAlfc!cal intolerance. •Americatialilieliar 7 ,
'play and manly independence,
land erVenyil
iti.;l4,l • Tlitri; feela COrttempt",and-indignal„ihit':tee'
eiiiiii 'an ant of-petty despetisni.4 ~•, • , i f.-A] Ici.ii,
"%4!,?:t4 i 'h : ' the•;PLAthlhlt"OttlCV9A l l43)7.4*-;
. 1 ii,coacern ed, -Repnbl /tains& have , 4otbine'4ob
`-e4tir: I . fthc :niannitel - vtlf,iii'e::Tairrna,d,V l l,
.a.fitteihis is &good •• wayAc , l malt e;liettincratic.
,yiit6A,.lq tn4n - kott::,vidnt:4:44, ft 4:1044-''
linn7 : liiiT nifiydrivKsoilTlypubliettlis duff
.?!f•-their . 4erVii4, and l 'ineY,AasAlyl c Atii44,,l
:i4vi,./4thers to 'vote '4 L o
elle r; - - b
u t yy h ec et . we'
ji Ak''P* 6 ,vot-fi's;iii:oo:6ll4'ol.VALfill.'4o l 4f I
4;0n.vi,00 be.liev4that Anierleawindepefidei I
leakidie: tin mething _:iii Ofii, tli*ti . 7 Phijikekitid.; 1
iliafi`aa citizen , is, answerabio tiF.nn inastentl
Veit tlikov n qiniscieneq„,foi..b.W•4ol,4l.644l,ol
Lion. We don% -belie.v(thfi" ptioßreioillogta 1
_county_ can bii - bnille47o Z• 00031; iiiiii itzfiliC I
against their own- nonVictions,,niulaw
:2l,:nterisans itnywhertr , daq berhired4o-Oso.
•Ifttny bod V th in its th6t4ftV, 'WhSt'llt, iilifit
.-- -• , \ ...1 ••••••• , i , • f.,/ ....q. o: u-f..,vaL,-,
".`.talt=ti it liana. -111:. th at .sort of a joltn Asys.o9.4 1 I
s a: - lie . 1) I etui t•;.9. - .•• ; '-: '--.".-• . . 1-. -.7 ' ' '-'" • 1
• ,... • ‘r 1,. t• 1
.:t i
~,, i.,.a...1,2 f.:
"... - t:VoNry i rE:ti - er.,,AiPoix.risims-r§.-1: 0 •io •,
I,Owißig l'itrintmehts weie:iiade4t4 lir lies- ,
iioll s .lof h 43, CentrallNeie-IYork Me hodist
leiMfereile ~ held at Palmyra, October, WI - , 1
for -•ti"-"po - rt)on of the District comprising .the.
-old - - Ea4q4,nesei Conference. er - i 1•. ' A '
i 1 T . ROl' biStiti.: - . I 4 1/11:1j
D. IV C) Huntington, Presiding Elder.
Troy-4;;S: Lemon. ; --" - :-'• '- -- :.fix' , ::. , :,'
Towanda—O. 1, Gibson. . v.:.." , -.,...t.:.
Ulster--W: 11, Rumsey.- .
~----,--,, , -1 4 - ~,, 5,,-..
Smithfield- 2 ,Di L. F. Howe:A.lll'%:;'- g!„ 3 , i'.3..21-'.,
Sl.)riegile.4l 7 -0,. B. Weaver.
~,,,,, , , . ,,,_.z
:Burlington J; V. Lowell. '''''
'Canton—Ml p,:Pda)lll.6 i '-;, -, ri l, . r - .i
'Wit Canton--/B.±3. l TmCy; ' '-' '-.' k -'''''' '-
.M.OPTOetOn ." B:lll*ritilingVallitl !:','”'' •‘: . :Cia ( : 0 -
'Liberty and :Ai'a .sum , - .4. Sutton. ......1%,s tge,:.-2
Albany—JOie 141 - erring, - .fa (..::: , : tiv Lab ill c
Wi I mot—(sup ) i:L.Andrews. •b%'. 1,11 T; 11-41 %6 =;,
--Forksvala-4-P 'id 'Smith: - "'
I !
;Mainsbilig.4-3 - . - Everett ---- - - ----
Rutland—A. Darling-'ii; --Al Tailison—(up.) A1,3-.44i-1"- 1"
Wells—S. H,4)4rilge..
- -,
.- • ':1 , ;5.21
Tioga and Lavvserzaeville4G,-414 - 41ellbiork ~.c
Mansfield--4. T. Canfield. •
111 ossburg-- 2 -Harfyzltaiyik,i4r,-,,..-,;
Charleston—G. - S. Tiansue. -
Wellsboro-r-Wvin-lienry. -- :;,. t .
Delmar—(sup.) . 13. Livingston
Gaines-:-M: Brtggp. I :,' • .
Westileld--E... - D, , Rose.. - .
Brookfield—C:Weeks. '
Farmington—J7 Vanliirk.
OK iitt:tidthiliCiEit"
CREEit - RA4LOAD. - 7/1 4 5711 1 19 , 1 4 598
in a private lettWiYeently:liiiittoliticr &of
our citizens:says that the , building .of, kirty
miles of tha Jersey Shore, Pine Creek and
Bunk; Railroad, - sixteen ;at: this::enda3V,thill
route Lind about twenty-five - at! the%other,-is•
to be put under contract and' thC i4cirk'cottp•
menced, in, ttniAipuise of , nett Intontli - 113 L
Coudersport Itoninal.
PotsoN - 4.n.—Rtiv. J.- B. Smith, an Episco:
pal minister well 'known -for his eloquence
and ability,;brother_,to Capt,49,lm..*.rnithot
Marcus Hok, was: poisoneff•Alpent r i three
weeks ago, it islierieved'forpolitientrettsdlis.
He has been a devoted friend - to the freedmen
at Raleigh, and was active-in enconraging•
schools. Arsenic or strychnine, it was
thought, was mixed with his sugar, previous
to the election there, it is asserted by some to
punisbliis Republicanism, political feeling
running high, li;ukhaxistri • in-Ardost, full'
Sway. :rho facts aYeiiii\v: being
the gamine]] of the deceased having been
sent to -Philadelphia for analyzation,,-Mt
el?a American. „,
Yo MORE MoNiV.-r-In: an' olltAille; speech;
in -Watkins, on the..;evening_a_thi_Kerrum
demonstration in that village, 0-en. Magee
roundly' - denounced the use of money n,s , a
means -of intlneneing* . electionE The - pbint
was Well taketi.,for under the General',s cam
paigning "S`e'hayler • county, dlii ling;
past few -years,' he has completely - .dentorals'
ized 'his own party, and to some extent the
opposite one, by the lavish.. use of mon
It Camcion had spre4 it aspiNtovei t ,Vi
the counties of Pennsylirnnut,, , tiring e
late canvass in that State, it would have
made a pauper of him, even if he had been
worth 5550,W0,000. 'Wo . hope 'lthe
has learned wisdom, and that, in this respect,
at lea
St t -he Means, as well as talks, Reform.
—llavaMc Journal. „
SGCii IS LUFFL—Last night - a gentlentarr
of Wilkesbarre; who had heenzon
ieul spree, proceeded to hiSliotne.anil!entei+- -
ing the parlor; the .gas. burning "dituly,-.sat
down to compose himself for -retiring,. • op,-
posite where ha 'sat- , there- wag -a-large andi
valuable znitrei..• ' , Seeing anothet . hidividnar
in the room, , he shied a Chttir,,atltfliti
int-uder. Theglass - flew is ,filioth'ents, and,
the family were - soott - turous.edy the jingling
particles as they struck the floor. The wife
of his bosom rushed -into the room,-and up
on asking him' the i cause of the noise, wAs
told that "some druniOti:ScCundrel bAch
in the room," and that lie had "put head
hirn.'.! 31 - was led to beti - , -- and re
ceived it' 'strong. dose rof• soothing.pyrup:—
Such is lifQ.----firilkesbarre Daily. •••
. . . .. . . .
GEC. HAR:TRAN.Fir 0.. N: Trot v ..4EssaerEnl.4
Apolitical meetindWitts' lieldittVitairisWrt
last Saturday week, at which the ; Governor
elect-made the following sensible remarks :
"It had been . chuige& that di'd i tea4lAlsiett
out of the Republican party. Certain mar
'had stepped out. of the party, an,d.for'his
part he thistiglitAlii ,, y , sbould , - sttik wit Attitil
they repented of their. treason}. - A-church,.
when. :My of its in'OriberS w.entaStrlywtiald,..
if they repented ; take-thmbmk,.but pot to,
give _them positions t ia, cAliceits. -- 11Y* well
kill the fatted forthcult' returned prodig !,
but we will' i l eir;:-kitz - l k liyf the' farm:'' if the
Republieans.OrTle6nsYlvaniii Will '0n1y:,14,44,
ti)tuetheie.elforts, instead of the. in ajority - of
35,000 we polled in-Qctober, we can ! makefit
101. MM in N'Ovember."
I lvevott.rrioNAßY II 1. LTc.-,On"the par
lor table of. Captain Win,..Wirson Potter,_ot
Bellefonte,-may be seen any day for the ask
ing: no. le4s ti ;relic-than the flag-of the Ro,yal.
Prreliadiers; tliptuti6d. tl) - field ''6l"3fon:
mouth • by : h%:!.(3lil ; iteintil) . Elrandfittlfor,'- lhe •
late JtttlgeN4illkiii..Witson,-dr Chili:o%l(oe
fills,-.Northum berland - •
• The-grourid or, main surface is lemon t ,Or.
light; yellowileirv,y..cOrded: sil1~; 'Sire
fetirm cha b. - y,tour.fe.et'biOrt.;:eOrresflpndiiig
in proportions, with • tiled - lag:6f: the ;seventh;
Regiment,. surrendered. among others , ;by ; '
Corn tvalli4:, end' -trresciifed' by
Ortier"Lif ( 3,stigre:ts' Gen ly theigti4Airim at •Alexandria,.. : Virgitilk . .,
but eightiinches leSsin size; thejatterlietrig..
six feet ldng and dire feetfour inches :wide.
The dOlee at the upper right corner, is
'tbat - of whioird-istingui sth -
es, :the 1:001 standard_ off , ,tareat9Pltain.„ It
is composed of the Cross , of. St. George, to
en ote ..England and - St - Andrew's Ctd9 l '
the, form t ofan
.' .:tb,' d et) cite' cop ard,;;:ithi t
device VaS 'pliked ; in 'the, co:titer the 4.'4-
_al flag, after the.tiCe.O.sion• of James.the Sixth:
cif Scotland to--the •tbrone of- England:-as
.James the ..Eirst :_Tlia.fieTdi:of • the . levice is
'blue, the:-een .strip,es (Cfosk - ,d eorge)
tiro nal:Oties t :wants. the
Croiv ancrGarter and. , Idow n,Ttise in :the
centre - ..tir_the Atexandritt-flagt; : - . -
flag- the iiPpeatni¢co'df
been- wierri9liqj aa:fifeivk,
old itittrl.:Pri•itlie.ditiiide;%otlieriVi:i*
lookrs'aS btight..:and•., new; -as: it; -it, had ,just.
cione 0 - M11 , 0'4'3-gentle- llngtr4 'that 'mndstliti.
althotiginninety4our „years have' rello ity . zay•
si nice itS - golden: rotas - a io opt‘d in We aullTy
air of - that 7:ftine;! . .dixYliattic:::-.. : l .oiffifonis .
pttbftCtiri.• : 7.)
ALIIOST LTUA.OBbY.—.4.bout 'hilf 2 past
four,lo7t,Thursdaty afternoon-an old and reg..'
pecied, Ye'sident.—of-tlorning-rldr--Rnssel
One* `wholiakbeen. "v
years and, is qiiitelebblei m' }t4
faculties:have recently been much impaired;
FO that his fandly:feared , - '-witaPjbeektining :
demented u camciciir.
maiden`latty. .Slie - viak•sittnig in the house
as he came in from the barn with a hatchet.
::1~. "'v
1 .4/' .
. 1
V t
.., .• - ~, acutting the scalp all i: , r
( , „ ,,,,,,,,bopldet,_ And the thirit , i
1c.. , .pek. • The fourth watethe nt ' • . ; ,
:-,, "tinder the lower jaw front'the'',ehr for• L
f,.; rdOilkrrowly escaping' he jtigulZr'ilisiti.7-
l'• iAtl,,pn'd he then attacked her mealier, a
• 14411:41y, who rushed to save her "(10,0 1 ',
tilik (41 2 ;ushed her down and'struck pt her
S ieeg i
~..kd i arm t :and wrested ..the ,h:tche_t
2 61
meal ls%
t. it 02,164,-14a •- , til t er r .
I..be i . 0 , .
ii , . a .. ; • d,4 cent thvellings rushed in and
sea • . 4, ' , Hunt and tied his - hands.: ..,The;
holrsasis id the heart of- the village but near=
•,,,,three l ti t ffares from the hasiueszeentre,tuid
, 't kti ij ig',4 3 4o 3 :.nian in the immediate loeaiitY.
14'14 ( 01 1- PT this feerflal affair shocked' the
, community/ ( Mr....liuut is father-in laivj:Ca
Lleadin merchant. He has always. heiM a
. 20 . 0, .1, 4 yij. d and father Be had given no
Aug . ~ pi anger or violence towards his
• lain 7-49.r04.11 yone else Dr. Frank Purdy
dressedLthe. Quads of the daughter and there
yitol pfifh nsion of fatal results from. the
~Vir k W / 41 I
1,,,,!k, xplj asks incoherently and wildly
:.etttheqiub ',• He exhibits no anger or viu
-ont. :dispesit on He does not comprehend
k u
It e itatire , o the assault nor recognize the
;'. 01Al(V12.14 •ame near taking the lives of his
1 if.bitag.igi. Wife...—Advertmcer ,
• , ,11.43 j •
- v:ID4* tt-NRYANT.--On Thttroday.Oct. gth. 1872,
tat4tLe MAT/Mot the bride's. father lu New-Orleaus,
.by theAtv.,,Sjutmel 8. Morris, Mr. John Mothers, .Ir..
atitUflettiPptotine Bryant. , No =do.
. 1 ", 1 * tiON4 I . II kt e hemai )k.tti t Att,
`ilk, a' • 4 Of, the officiating minister. , by Rev. W.
citeiMG 2 : 5 1 . 14 . 1e8 j31.11 M a t i4 /ferN a VA I 4Pt i k/
ttiffiffittOSllNGEßLAND:—Also - oir the 1201 Thatitit,
etakinevit'the same place. Mr....koyid Apel t 30 1
gro . %inseam& all of Iticmund.
ti •
4 14-OM3E.—At the,residence of the brides
unt. mit, Oct. 20th, by the 103 v. M. Rockwell,
;Ritney,f A ndington and Miss Dahlia Cask Of
1 iV, ie. ER.—Oct. 20th, evening, at the Sall
i ' .1' • BePthit Church. V the Parne:lolr, Ed;
Ve, :ALI s Lure J. Millen all 01'86.111fraie""'
/iiAVEIISPERi— CASE.—AIso by the same Oct. 21st, at
.thefeesitleguttrof A. Webster, Sullivan, Mr. William H.
• Whbitersardlgss Emma Case, all of Sullivan.
a ,° kir; L•: it 1 MOWREE.—At ' the residence of the
A - , Ti:• • •t , Oct. 23, IW/2, by Rev. W. H. Bun th ey
• i
s'i.,.. •• ) d enmallittsw-idirettut-Mcian
es • • 1 n.
1 .- ri7 tt
4 til i idaran;LES.—At Coudersport, Pa., Oct. 11th
...N31,2 1 y pr. Ji F. Calkins, Rev. J. L. Landis and Miss
AloAttleerMlle,‘ both of Coudersport.
• ,, LtAttgliiint-i.wILCOX.—In Wellsboro:on the 24th
iiiittnititobfait.jl3. Brewster, Eaq„ Mr. Win. Harrison
• lltiallisilliisheth B. Wilcox, all of Delinar.
.c.,i.: Q• 44-4. f
CRAMPTON—WASS.—In Wellaboro, on the
s.instant, by A. Brewster, Rag., Mr. John Cr T,
1 .0.0 Hi. e,
EllerWass, all of Chatham. 7-&&
• ,..: ~.. v .
,a-,,,-2 r DEATHS.
GAYLORD.--In Blossburg, Pa.', on Friday morning.
7 0 - Otal;aBr2krit (Milord aged 79 years. He Wile' a
:00141101. of Itl ie ar of 1812.
!KIMBALL Retail Jroper.•
ELLS/30E044 4 it , 40
:E.13 PAY k 9 • SELL AT
- 96 sal CO
- 4 tiO
211 ghl
`etrz.,,witt f t ;en,
_Wit r.sl; no .I.t.V.
-..26 i..,lliglit' A
va_lo isoti CI!
-"PF:t RRFieui
- Wheatwhite, 0
, springj
:Corn,: stallud,
Das, .:.... A 1
-C,EtYc2;eeseed 1,. 'd
loit ..
,TiP lo .# l 3:", 1 1 ,e0:1 "
tearLait •_ i t im ..
Corn t ri fal,,• cwt...
Apples; gOe, ,per bush.
Onibtui,-rt• h
Turnips, per b h •
Potli, - pellb .1
-Should era, pet lb
Blitthr,per lb.
Cheese, per Ili
bigth." per - lb ;
Tal/OW.qtdr lb
Honey, per lb i ‘ .......
Beeswax, per li i
Vinegar, per -
EOM per 401 14
• Driedtapplosi. per lb
Dri4pescheit,• per lb
•PriedchiFties,f per lb
Brien, Lackterties, per lb
Driatitirpbncries, bW.k, per 1b...
Dr 7 rasp ea , red, per lb
Cra berrie 's " rqt -
Ba ;Aieflon 15
-Wond,-18 inches, per cord , 2 00
Wood 3 feel, pa' cord — a uo
P 0 .,, ty1t0writina.......... 1 4.jibaL..,. us
1 ft—
, per cwt
, r bushel
I l:~ ~ 7r~
otkd,LTait ) ~
Ground plaster, per ton
Sugar, ...A" coffee, per lb
'Sugar, yellow, per lb- tre. -
Sugar, brown, per lb
Teas, green, pot lb a IV. P' , _ : - 1 ,"
Teas, black, per lb t.V. AV la
filerospne. per kali
Wool,pep lb., , 65
New York City Maiket.
PFOtpaco Conn:10138ton Merchants : 525 Washington St.
1.1r.w Yons, Ocr. 12, 1872
; 4
Butter per 1b..,
Dried APP I 4S.
, }/PMA.Per, lb
Special Notices.
?dime MO Es ( fast and honors i , .1. 1 93 day
176 per, Nenk t by at once applyiu .g , it, it . h
(which are g , lei:i free to agents 4 : 0ia1.1.4:7 : ij .
eat, moat useful and rapid selling w. g . . .in. an
Patent Button 8010 Worker, ever used or recommend
ed by families, or buy one for your own use; it is only
0, Bent free everywhere by express. Address for
partichiliticiPxaOME B. iliThsoN & Co , Cor. Greenwich
and-Courtiand sts. N. Y. .
Oct. p,. 1 1872. : -fSm.
1 ii. 111.8. , W -
ail. ( IA
, 4 - A - 7 1C ; tim oke rly indiscretio i n=g i ner„voAs i de
1, tfiti,lyre*Am decay. Igc.,lld a vifnliAory .
adverki9e4-xem4dy , has discovered 'a simple means of
'llll4;ciare; idhlili he will send free to) his fellow-suffer
erff. - , c 4li;' l flgiNES, 78 Nassau et.. New York.
Notice titlilr d 4 Idegil l A
1 ii
_„., I -
A. .-WIINTY ERID E across the Tioga er near
the Grist ll of-Johti Brink, sin Covington town
ship, will be let by the Commissioners of Tioga county,
tor the btinogil of the same, to the lowest and best
bidder,'on Ltie remises (as by plan to he exhib.ted,) on
Thineluy, the ith day of November next, at one o'clock
p. in. 1 JOB REXFORD, •
. - ';',.-1 1 E. BART. .
— Wellsboro, 01t. 29,:bra--2*.:•. 4 7,-, sto . :•se .4 OtMrst.
dRPLICATI 4 I7 FOX,klF9Rgr r ,-To Alpheus
at e ktrotevAiili aro lierelly totintitiftit "Lucy ()stroll
'hd applied' t 6 the Coui.t. of Common Pleas of Tidga
county for a diyorco from She bonds of matrimony,
and-Ma illtaid Court bail appointed Ironday, the Mb
day 'of - Itith e mod.t.9“nbßfttiliff
whop and where ycitf7cli. attenti If you t k proper. —
r) Ost. !A:1872-ilw. E. A. FISH, Sheriff.
I`7:llio;_colari, of Comrtion Pleas of Tioga county.
Vie,Auditon appointed by th4"court to distribute
, the.proctoOt „Arising from !Sheriff's sale of personal
property of - .T. Card, now in bands of E. A. Fish,
+iiherlifyinader„vrrits in favor of C. M. Seeley, Wm.
J3tietlelL..lo. Bennett, Simon Link, Win. Wilson et. al.,
returnable to Atig. T. 1872. Will meet the parties in
terested for the purposes of his appointment, on Wed-
Aesfia9,lq9Yomloer 20th, 1872, at 1 o'clock p. tn., at his
office in Wellabbro, Pa., where all persons interested
- iire""i&TuTiiirlblaroduce and substahtiate their claims
or be debarred from coming in for any portion of sad
gal. • GEO. W. MERRICK.
W. Auditor.
. • ; gang. -- cr, W. 0., LONDON, October, lab,
- pe72,5 1 11g4i14.—1 beg respectfully to annex copy of
- a'clr6lar Airs - mat to the Medicine Vendors and-others
lit i :llie'Statekiind elsewhere by two or three ludividtt
'al lit little bt no means,) under the style of " The
New Vork'Clieralcat CompanY." which comrany had•
do.es.lo4g4te:utitil October, 1871, and w.tLi which I
'Tlie,riaetellftictually to deecive, they caution thei
tiefol ori•s:
: demand for l • HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND
I,OINYZITNY" has tempted unprincipled parties to coon.
lerfeittliese valuable Medicines. ,
"../nAtirder'to,protect the Public ,p,nd iiattysplytke,rvq
havellisried a new •Trade Mark, consisting of an
Egyptian Circle of a serpent with tne letter H in the
icelltfit• ItvetY box of genuine • Homcnvar's Prmaimp,
On•MilllrT will have this trade mark on it. None' ifre
ifenfitneNithotit it.
'..2;opeelers qnd Jobbers in Drugs and Medicines: We
,call your particular attention to the new style of .1/or,
~LITMAIII.PLI44 AND OurranlNV—none of the old style
i! .. rptgannsactured by us now, nor have they been for
-months, Aire:therelore caution all purchasers against
magi ying from any jobberii or dealers the old style of
EQ O 4,-,;
-4'1111(0mill:in concerning any such goods being of
fcied will ilopebelved with thanks.
, :Ay - 4344,0c favor of all the information you can
give in,regard,tp those counterfeits."
fienorable Company, aware thnt your laws
" 14 .0, 1 4 ,: PeTtnit. them to copy the precise getting up of
•m,vmelligines,l put their counterfeits into another
-tormandAntlnuite that they adopt a fle'Ll
,7,43"l,ol4°M9f,'these people in referring to - the im
ttlatio4lol44l34 for these medicines Is, that it may be
leveckAnd.l am connected with them.
111 Ws:interest of the public, I therefore respectfully
4.tkv,ite. -59lt.totcyletu3ed to give an insertion to this let.
7 terti ._• • er, that your readers may not be (14.
.nr?..eNeir York Chemical Company's" swi
box of my genuine inetlionee bear the
cut stamp, with .the words Hob,
wars - Pilitrinad Ointment, London," but tiny are not
. d-in-the , United States,
'l f -- ; •
; FO r Sale or Rent.
11013SEAXplOT corner of 'earl Street and Av.
I".eird6;:Also for kale, seven village lots pear the
Academy. Apply yt : .1.. or W. V. MUM'.
• P. 0,
Uk4A- eiiirditi 'MATT
85 85
4 60
1 60
. 9411 4 1 A .
- 60 • 0
60 00
1 60 1 76
73 _ 10
to . l2)
e 25 25
I 121;
15 20
25 80
20 23
123 11p1 ,
, .4,(.!Z.
35 to 4O ctd .
13 to kV el , 7
9 to 934'
On to 9 "
S to 5 "
2J to 30 "
39 to 31 "
-Ftqt . :l3lE
3nskailived with 'an immense
ter '14.44-c:tr.a.slcioCit
, .
1 ..40 Nl_ I ,Vti ‘..;;;J 2 ••
Consisting of
oßir GOODS,
_ A i 11.4. t cL.. tA s-Au
4:3L . it C
Ready.Mlade Clothing,
Fqli4 HAPS
The best and the cheapest lot of
y ~~ , ~•
'.~ ~
ever brought Into Welleboro.
Az ?Ai
and Gents' Fur Collars.
As I Intend to move into one of the elegant New
Stores In Wilicor& Kress's new Brick Block. I Propose
to sell my entire stock at reduced rates for the next
r 77 7 I tnr‘T I T7I‘MMM!TVI I II
People having Butter and Grain to dispose 'of will
find it to their interest to give its a call before dealing
Oct. 29, 1872-tt
~wµi n , T x aL's^+xal4a4te.~ ~dr~.
9i;Egt9d fittletyl
:~dG•l~. .JFiiL.F ~ ~ ~:~.
IFTTL'; i ivy
du r Xll LIAI
en sl._:3
,E;ado, aeasiu 'e2_ll4La exio(
..411637.841 J.oo`
, , c
'.,Jk ,ernlaa ,
c • c
, 1 1
.And nowisNe but time tu.say to our friends and,.
19 al3it. si Ttit a dit e i t?adi?aj
, 1 n
c l : ode - luta oci:ff
5,7421 - z - J Vlt.7
I • -1 6 ' ; '- il " r. '- " .'7l: tiFi= P
Our Elegant New Store
E cciatdakaffaa
PE . girRABLE co
at the 1
went prices to be found
Call and soul
will Ism +a how it is 7 =CI
A. 7S,
Tr AVING, harder balingand handling large quantities of Goods enables them to ,offer them, at the
lowest4obb44.Aricep i fleparim i Tti 413c111 , t; ate sold' s - at' a small advance over wholesale
prices. A large 'Wolcott 1 . - • "•a " " .
117f,..1 it id
.".:v ..4.:!..;(2_ , .-
GLiiirprALTAWMG4V44IRipt tottoLg 'melt ~ , FtAttiTs Aii-Ehros AND cotose,
.111.1. r . -•
1-. fa:A
Transfer.'Orn: ment4-4. Striping - rencils
` S tile it "Thor Carriage
• ,
KOTA v 4 iNfi Al/ ' 1
' -
~,,, .
- n
i t A :-10•,--
''''• • 1 ' - .•- *i. IV '-'7, ' : E
~i.,_ - ,- ' - 1 ',:,-Y • z.'ols'i: .•,'
. . ..,. .
..,,.•,.,,,,.. :4 -..,,,...:,- - ,
, Is ,
1. :- t.i.aT,4#l. iptostA r
l e
~..- 1, 1 i .
leleaVe to call attention to c 'Ehi *4, and Extensive
7 Sion +if ilitilthandlse,,holight shicti
r . . the recent - . .
. .
- 1 r 1,
ti- - 4 -•. 14
- - 44.j.i. ‘ 4 , . ,
t .., -
,- Alitiltil liktillisiktfi Itt - PRICES .''":;-''
, , -,
whitli enables Rim to offer greater hargainit than ev4r beret' 4re - offered' lu thisloarket - , - A.
immense steak of
Otioma.a, 1111 I . 1; ' I J nd Paisley --Shails ;
4 -1, I , .roe a,a .
! -..-,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~.ve:J. 7..a..-11.,-,. i i eiilif - , kc' . ,'.=a . ,l'l
,Flattifeliotiilltatim3rifiiicifirWtWilen Scarfs, Rubies, Blankets, etc.
.'-?, 1
- 1 '
. .:_..pi10,/c4 5 2 f 1 A .Z.• --4 J 4 ' 1 . 1 = • ,0,00 - •
The Digtewistwoocts apepartment-'
--- 4 ^l , ', ,tii.,th bAt 7...k.:•,;! - 1.).1., 71
I ' _... ,
is complete with latest styles and fabrics. embracing Cashnnyefinceastibi f Efrifritia POP - I,t 10";
:. Sir e, French Satins, Plaids, Alspams, Silks, eto.• slso,, a full line of in ';.r, t
Fringes, Laces, and Ribbons of ;
every variety. s- ---. 14 a %-g-o- ;t: - c
4.1 , q,tu 4.t i g 24$
o. , uf 1. ,
will be k t iaxtit 7i ~74tye,As it includes twir cm _and ctli
arapia„agiga, , K 1 .,1!5 e.
ttinga, Oil. Cloths in all widths, rabic Linens, Naplanbi r etc.
contains an hninonso stock of Men's, Youths' and Iloytil 'Clottorog.
Aaf st-. 7...: 1 .1 ,, -1.4.i - ,- :1
Spots and Shoes at greatly reduced vices.'
r t 1 I -,.;,„ ~, ~. t.. /
TAVAKS,- VALISES, Rliggg' i&C:•':
-‘ - -- -
i....,.„,eptc:V, , A.1 . -tatt.,v-s-alkfLees and prtees.
The best sefeotetiW',gbi4tStStnc*.tit , ;,,t,, ; -,,
'• eito-OtRIES - ANR , P OVISiONS
• ~ ?.. .., v,„ - 7 ,„„ : „ .5 , i4 ,,,.•;,.-.-... ;: , : ,..„„,-.,, , , , ,..„ r5p ,,•,,,,, iv ,„,.."-_-..,--- : ,, , . ,-. •,-- - • •' •
,• - Iti 'itY:g ,;'i•Vet,. l ib' , • - --• • f. .
' ''' 3N:,.;ef --.:, . . ~ , ,
Til *it* iriirsitildbrliaylKto"ol And Oxambil ;
4 ,
"4):1,4: V1,;f3eq. ,44 .,,...z .- 514,iii- ti i.sliki . A .- , 1 1 i '',_ •,-; '' ,
Oat. 3)- - Arr. oirii- - 14.- ,,- ', ,'..;.,-.;:.-,'
1 „ i y.,
~,y-t., , ,t ,jr,l c - 1 , • 1 4, I - 4,(t e,, , W2:. 5-- ."..A
'Women and
aliVi 4 j
- J Fix
. _
, te'C'ii;py away part a their
(I• P i g
;I• , • ;
Immeztse Stock ok goods
That they may have to . em,to ahow the balance. _trail further notieelarge.lititalles.w.ill be exchanged ter a
small amounKot tekiehe derittick , liitttGlll iu all!DE.V444aftliTf) especially in.- • r
or.,..c•Ex9Exa, ..a..3E1. rimixstia,
; • eft IF_ E. 7 ,; ar'4 . IA 3
Stallle and Fancy Dry goods,
—i ., 1 '
And is alMost daily replenishing with ll the various novelties as they happen, inl.the . ew, York Markets
Grateful for the patronage bestowed upon us by the good' citizens of Tioga county 'we bespeak -a tontinl
mince of the same, assuring them that they shall be fairly dealt with and satisfaction oil: ranteed.
Corning, Sept. 24, 1872. -•
'. •!- , , , • • •
- C.A...1.11,.1ii:1‘,.;,.. k
:..1•". i - . c.„
t.:. E t, ,
Th?Large4t Establjshment in Northern , Pa. I
u.L16.4 14. 1
41: 4 100E-XINT-. -]E , I3O3IELC',.IM
4 -31
r + y
St ; j 1 ONII . :111,9fillj$1110 iND; VATOR,IIIIO,,''
it, V nitiowp
et R.,: 'ilf , l!• . v:y •
. .
A fllaniAllipattir fR,t o**P.Mt j aplyie 'to our business kept In stock.
1.1. A z-7.117
iar,k. 1. 1874, rt:; Ittitltot •;t' t t
1,e7r. , ; '
Corning F Ars,
; I_4iL • %.• •,:.
.'7r: :WO; j k '1
V... aIL 1, W.;
. 114 ;13 .7 . 77 ; 777 ci
1 -.41 -.`
~ .;4414, 4 17
• ,
?ilanufactnte:ta - Giartnit;tlbaftingolidXsichltitry requtrcid
for Saw Mal_ • riekhitl4l' ireAriitritii,peenilintVarit„*o framing Tan s : Porn ßernwa ioving
and leached bark, Cloning* Bolts, itailtbilVitini; Cheke;attil itetistrirkg done at Abort:notice.' We have fa:
for shipping by Canal or 'Railroad* to all points, and. cansarnish Machinery cheaper.tban Eastern or
Wateru builders et the beat quOty.
',am • 1•..11 •
M en,
wanted at ilia
feaiqu') Ulla, till'i
' 1.1.1.
,a 0
S t L....
, ;No trouble to show goods. ..,
, Tuomas umsD 7 r:
r rvi •
' r
.en t.:i .3.d
.v k: d -il;
f .~! ~.
t 1.4
& Machine Shop.
. .
Agep.t& make $12.110 ph. sVti-per wank—,
7 i 4 . 7 .1 443-Y4Nil4Elar 31 - W):
~. 2 _ 4
ONLY FIVE 1301 4 1.;ARg. I ,
With the New, Patent, Batton Hole Worker, F,,-' I
Patented Stine. 27th, 1.81}; -. 1• • ' •-• i .f?" - ••
A _most wonderful and elegantly constructed Sitor
racrtsafintasnt for Family Work. CoMplete in all its,
Uses the Stralght—Eye .Pointed Needle. EIELP
Tendanuto, direct. upright PosrrrvE morros.. New
Tenition, Self Peed . dud eloth'Hulder. ' operates Bit
War.r.t. and on a MI:DIX.
~Light Rwmtlag, Smooth ant: noiseleis Hite 'All good 'high 'priced 140,411i / ties. - Has'
Patent Clutek to prevent the wheel' being *rutted' the '
wrong Way trees the thread-let from, the spool.
Makes the ExAsTio Loci: Slues, (pleat and strongelt
'stitch known;) Sem,' durable, cl ci and•,rapid. Will
d, all kinds of work, Ana and COiti7o, from CatanatiO to
heavy Cloth or LEarttan. and uses all descriptions of ,
litrfsid.,,Xhis Machine is ELZAVELIC coutrrhociath to
'give it STR4I(OTh; all the parts of each machine being
made alike by machinery,"and beautifially'llaistted* and
ornamented. It Is very easy to learn. Rapid, Smooth,
and Silent in operation. Reliable at all times, and a
Pearl - rear, ScrsartErzOi MEcniarroaz Ir• van atri; at
greally d ßedced Price.
' - A Go d, Cheap, Family Sewing Machine at bud.--
The first and only success in producing- a Valuable;
bubstantial and reliable low priced Sewing Machine.
Its extreme low price reaches all cunditions.- Its situ
plicity and strength adapts ,it to !all capacitive, while
its inerits make it a universal favorite wherever
need, and creates a rapid demand!! -•-
. ,
. .
." I'can cheerfuLy and confidently recommend its
use to those who are wanting a really good Sewing Ma- '
chine, at a low price." Mrs. J. P. WILSON, Rutherford
'Park, Bergen Co.. N. ,T
Price of each Machine. "Class A." " One," (war
ranted for five years by special certificite,) with all
f ixtures, and everything complete beleirigiug to it, in=
,chiding SELs.Tnarintuo NEEDLE, packed in a etroini
,wooden box, and delivered to ark* part of the countryf
by express, FREE of further charges, on receipt of price;
onyx Pive•Dortarts. Safe delivery gua ranteed. With
each Machine we will send, on receipt of $1 extra, the
now patent -
one, .
df the most important and neefid Inventions of
the age.' •Se eimple and certain, that a child can' work
the finest button hole with regularity and ease. Strong
and beautiful., • •-• ' ''s - "• '' ' '-
fiercran TErtats, and 4.4tra Inducements-10 MLLE -'
and PEMALE`Agerits. Store Keepers, &d., who will es
tablish. agencies through the country and keep our
NEW ISUCIM:Es on Ex/kit/Woo and ~Sale. , , Cotrxxx
Runup s
given to smart agent rnEE." Agent's „complete
outfitsTat.ilut furnished without any Tat. des. „Samples
of sewing, descriptive circa ars containing Terms,
Teptimonials, Engravings, he., &c., SENT rimy. We
also supply 1 .
1 AothouurultiLlprprp.ltmus.
Latest Patents and Improvements for the Farm and
Garden. -Mowers, Reapers, Cultivaters, - Ceed Cutters,
Harrows, Farm 111111 s, Planters, Harvesters, Threshers
and all articles needed for Perm work. _Bare Seeds ini
large I variety. Norway Oats. The yonderfUl multi.
p/ylO EOVPTIAN CORN $1 'per hundred, &c.;JtC. All
• money acid in Post Office Money Orders, Registered
Letters, Drafts or by Express, will be at our risk, and
is perfectly secure. Safe delivery of all our goods
• ,
, ;
An old and responsible firm thateell thtbeat goods
at, the lowest price, and can be relied upon by,-Our
, readers.'!—Farmer's Journal, AZew York.
Addrefisorders, •
Corner Greenwich awl Courtland sts., 'New-York.
Oct. 15, 1872:-5m.-, • •
"Ma Y virtue of an order of tho Qrpban'srCourt of
k•Tioga County; we will expose- Public- sale, on
the premises, pn Saturday, tbeidth day or November,
A. D. 1872, at two o'clock in the afternoon,,to the
highest and best bidder, the following described prop
erty being the estate or the lite' Conrad Bert:m:l4-de
ceased, situatedAn the townthiP of- fiance in said
`cbuiaty, beginning it the north-east corner of lands of
',John L. Phenix, thence east 893‘ rods to a post, thence
south 186 rods toe post; thence - ,west 20 rods to ;a:
post; thence north,,6o%,degrees west,2o rods;, thence ,
north, 37 degreeS hest 10 rods; thence north,_47 deg.
west, 15 rods;• thence 'north; 88 degrees 'west, 6 4 %
rods; thence north,,bsK, degrees west, 41 rods; thence
north, 21% degrees west,'sl rods; thence north. 39%
rods: thence west 22.4 rods Ohence east along lands of
said Phenix 43 rods; thence north 69.3 rods to= the'
place of beginning, containing 96.9 acres, more or
less, excepting a small encloted lot, about 20x60 feet,
used. as a burying ground. There is on_ said
about sixty acres improved, good frame 'house, frame
barn, and good orchard.
- -Tmans or Bern,—Ono third - down, one third on
confirmation of sale, and the balance in six months
thereafter. „ . _ WM. W.. TATE; • -
. O. A.-SMITH,
- Oct. 22, 1372,3 w. Execritors,•
vicin7,inistrators' Notice.
. - i - ta'TERS of Administration on the estate of Albert
_Li P. Cone, late of Wellsboro, Tioga county, Pa.. de
ceased, having been granted tcf the - undersigned, by
tho Itegister.of Tiogn county, all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make ; payment, and those
haying claims against said estate will present the saree
for settlement, at the office formerly occupied by -said
Albert P. Cone in the Duro of Wellsbore; Pa. ,I
Detect nt - Wellsboro, Pa., the Ist October, 1872. -1
LOUISA CONE,-Adniln 4 .
J. HAltßlSOkkitamin'i .- -,
Oct. B,—Ow
4146 E .. ASB9IITMMIT, atid are.selEttg, gs6ds at as.
t I
:.,; ---;,:.:::.;,,...-*?!.. ,
Execzitor's t Sekle,
1 Unless you want to
Have a very
it ••
k O 7 U I 6E