Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, June 12, 1872, Image 3

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    LOCAL'.tiOTICESi':',c' _ ':i
Tre no' s (}rand Art "gatertainn ,
exhibited in Bowen & CcinVs Hall ec , !ery,
1 ,i.41u during this week. Ao and See it: -
fon SALT; OR RENT.—The house i , arid lot
ni the Whetrnore - house situated .on
E ir t Avenue. Inquire •of W. Sherwood:—
m„ .v 1872-3 w. „ , ,
H ut s,lT,E.—Benjamin offeis for
,2141, blind :and shingle - factory „in
this {lh~g on reasonable terms:. Bttilding
0 ,1 nisch inery all new: Address B. Austin,
in. •
1 „14,;„,is Jima/pie - Liniment may: be.usea
~.I‘..ntage where any Pain Killer is desi
„op Iu case of severe ernn)ps and pains
, the it is undoubtedly the best ar
t...l‘! that can be used. -
i f ...„t to operate, the lightest to run,
o w cheapest to. buy, is the -I.)omestie
Machine at A. B. Eastman's effiee,
l'a. Dt»et fail to s'ee it before
I r • • 111 , any other machine, and you will
r ti. r
t'd that we tell the-truth.
N Goops.—Mather.4; 'Holliday &
jii-t added a splendid f-tock of seasona
g,,,,(l•i; of great variety, to their for-
Tio r •t..ek fir groceries, nil' of whieli.theY are
I.r, pat ed to dispense to the 01,1 public and to
th )) . , w ,tc NN'ellsboro and its.vieinity at the
I,ti( block—the "Mozart," Jr.
Habitual constipation leads td 'the tollow
,lo4lc,tilts: Inflammation of the kidneys, ,
tick awl nervous headache, biliousness, dye
indigestion, piles, loss of appetite and
,trongth ; all of which may be' avoided by
)1.111,g Vl.glliar in your habits, andtaltini, soy
of Parsons' Purgatire - riightly,
f,rl,llr or .is weal:li: • •
tt Welkboro, Pa., Patrick - Golden was
i dly pummeled by one of his countrymen,
a drunken brawl. He was badly cut
jout the face and head, one_ eye knocked
tlt and the other badly injured by means of
knuckles. He was brought to this' ity
vt-h•rdqy and placed. in the City Hospital,
;,her , hi= injuries arc being attended to by
p r t`pr/eGrattl—Elmira Advertiser.
(won hotel it
krz an excellent place to stop , at. The
1„ 11 ;, , hi been thoroughly renovated, and
ri2rvtiling put in order for the itecommoda
t:in 61 man and beast.. The table fare is.ex
-o,lii.nt, and a better and more attentive lot
if nniter never graced a dining room. Per
,Bloss should call and take a
Led at this house.
Face RAILWAY.—One of our editors„,ipst
,t.irned iron the West, states that the Bide
'lathy:Ay afforded the best sleeping ears and
1 . ,‘ hug aecommodationl out of twenty-four
;Dada which he traveled over. The
unc ,11 tife Erie .leeping coaches is well de
,reed. f 4 they are euperb in every respect.
t o y \AI() wi , ll to go West or come East
11 find he Erie in every way desirable.—
, he now:management, with Geabral ):)ix as
'reoident, intend to recover and maintain a
,-, 01 1 mom , for it in every respect.—N: Y.
Mitehell S: Cameron,- Attorneys ' -- Ootm-
1, , r , qt• law, have removed to Colr.,
verse &
",iliatil: brick block.
,t :tie ageitt. flit. several 'first-class In
,r3neur o.nipanies:
rtiiiont,ll, N. Y., Capitttl.....s 1,000,000
„il. Ent , , 10,000,000
,c, . . It 10.000,000
1.,1,•.., Cincinnati, 44 1,000,000
. 111.101)" . LifV, 1.1. 1., 000, 000
'II, ..11, . 14 500,000
W,•I1 , toro; May 29, 1872-4 w.
11)c Agitator,
Home ...Hairs.
The Areet sprinkler has been out of a •
11 , 1 •oine day back. -
-' NI .4lior Earth' ..; face has, been thoroughl •
: I,ed lately, and the old dame is dccidedl '
•pr.ved in looks.
-- We take our growl at the town clock all
1, The Court eeitis to have produced
, liking change in the old maehine.
lior Court vi-itors thinned out very rap
, !a,t Wi'i'l, after the Marlatt enso went elf
, , Iderdy.
Att itetrained four year old colt belong—.
te Pi , ll walked one mile in ten
o» the Weilsboro track last week.
At the last term of C6urt charters were
Ito the Baptist Church if Rutland
Ito the Union Cemetery Association of,
The Nillage of Mali, N. Y., incited by"
• pn .eat incendiary epidejnie, if.: to hate
tlir Vrigine and a thousand feet of new
th whi de to cost $4,000.
. .
.)111 piddle square makes an excellent
tii pNereiie horses. To be surellie op
,ll .1 , 41 t, impsove the turf any, but it is
1 fiir the horses. We hope they appreci
-411,ir privileges. .
W.' tidied la.l .week to notice the oxhi
• ~ at the Curt House of that department
".•• .11."1 which is under the care of
hla to4ldard. The exercises were cred
t . dn., to the teacher-and, the scholars,
1,. ,Ived and received •the hearty en-,
'.. m, of a large audience.
li, Troy Gazette says that on the 2d
li,sle . n r , John Allen died in Wysox,
17 , mid thc next day Deacon William
1 -I, ii died in the same , township at the
I'l V , :lrz. They were both highly re-
I. and among the first settlersf Brad
-W let'-, department of tit ! i.
thin f,i , t exhibition of the term last
I,y ^' rin g at the Court House. The
'',. v.-1: crowded. * And the audience were
r , lkol f.,r their attendance. We were
.d . thlv .tb=ent; but understand the en
nhatont N‘a• tirst-chos of its kind.
-We tunier , tand a petition was tiled at
C.irt Just over praying for the erection
i ' r ":" . I "iill•hip to be composrd of parts
I. , chArle-ton and Morris, and to
'ld , oril . the lands of the Fall Brook
' Gni - 11,111y in the vicinity of Antrim.
Tln u, W:l4 .1114q.bor large fire at• Bath, N.
;.;.: W...lned- a y morning, destroying the
• . .g Mr.. .laincs Gausevoorth on Mor
'r• t (badly anything was: saved from
`v''lWl, and the fatuity barely escaped
1111- ,:- live.. Tile tire was undoubtedly
'.,,: k 4 i t an incendiary. •
11 .' new ',Unto table is a great improve
: .a tin, 'old one so far, at least, as the
..,-, ~m i erred. The Philadelphia pa
' 'w ri welt us the same day after they
l'nrite.l, and the New York mail gets
'!. the middle of the forenoon instead
'l,r dinner. This gives our business
"hi , • time to answer their correspon-
I.:, Ow afternoon mail, which leaves at
twqrsing express from (!orningweEt,
in-4ter Divi , ion of the Erie road,
from the track jiiA. below Savo
:,-t \„.21; Tue:olay, by the breaking of, a
~f the engine wheeli: Fr i ank
C . impbelltown . and the engineer,
1 Welch, were killed. Mills was rid
th,,ngine at the time. A few ; of the
wvre bruised, but none seriously
S 11
qdrit of enterprise in Tioge
" liil 111,1 cease with the completion of
brick stores and public: hell'ii that
I:111 4e live-story brick hotel is soon
' l. ' l Pd. We learn that the stock' has
"" taken, and the work is to be corn
'lliti-; Week. The new bridge' across
completed, end the work on the
being rapidly done. A. (3.
tittiag up a-very tine park near the
41,6 t, which, from its prospective view,
40 1 e, and the minerel- spring on the
grounds most be aipinee of great resort.
u nderstand a water-cure building is soon
erected on these grounds.
• , r,t , icssait
. r.PIO 1" V ( 1- '
the: `neighboihmkt cif:Xtaggottle:lols,:-`died
had Been tal.) notieepf'his•deitth
per, I thought I *mild' send you tbizi`,.' u thnt
his numerous acquaintance throlighmit the
county mightbe inforMed
of his day's' Vero spent ~i ri, : thii"-'eounty;,ip
first laboriugl,as a missiomiry, ina4
hardships in those 'early day's * cor thesake*
:teaching the Oospel of Qhrist:. HOOmshiglv %
ly esteemed as alliend.and ieighbor,and his
death ha's paused sadness in many hearts.L.
Tho Church jmslost ; n efn,h_ er,-atvitol.nt9F";
ested in its welfare, , and 011ie always :
his place when health permitted: 'LC 7:
the splendor end beauty Which, at 'this sOh.S.'
on of the year, page our village.' 6o charni=
ing and delightful, our city Fathers should
not overlook the,4lbominlible, filthy condition
of, our streets.l: SuMmer. has came.. and the
sun will soon let
.us his hottest,
beams. All Ovpr the - Boroi-the' gutters are%
reeking . with acCumittated nintland 'stagnant
'water, upon which a i(reenjscup floats, of
fensive to , the sense:ancl,smellvell as to
the sight' of the: ps 4 Hser-by., It -contains the
germs of diseaso7,•,und even „now, poisons the,
atmosphere. Have won board of health
If not, the saoititry'interests of the' eotnrati-,
nitY.at once demand - that there should be.—
"An ounce Of pnvention'is: worth 'n'pohnd
of care," and upon the healthfulne . ss of. the
place depend the prosperity* and -I,l,4riojo*
of our citizens ; : . . SPE.c•rwron.,
catiOns for license.tot which therewas appor
tion came before, the Courting webk..llo
- having been- adjourned from the prov
jous lyeclnesday.' SO far as relatedto
_pot much
' - 4inusAion; .it,
being-held that the remonstrances pre,serded
at the last term, and on thestrength of whioh
license Was refused, held good for the year.
It was suggested by the Court, however,,
that the applicants might show any'.existing
change in public sentiment by obtaining the
signatures of those 'who • had previously
signed the remonstrances and were now in
favor of .granting license, and some thirty
odd of the remonstrants were induttd
sign the petitions we understand 7 But there
were not enough to turn the scale; end the
licenses were all refused: So I'VelhbOOis
still nomially a strictly temperance town—
without a license or a drop of legallied
liquor. • But practicallyit is something. ery
The following is a,ltst.of the licensesgrant
ed I:Cy the Court: ' '
Hovms. ••••• Edward Gregory, Liberty ;
Eugene 0.. Maytin; ,Osceola; Samuel E.
Blanchard,Unio!l ; Sage,Blossburg;
Samuel Vaughn, BlOsburg ; William B. pit,
more, Blossburg; Rbbert 'Traver Elkland;
B. B. Potter, MiddlCbury ; D. W. Hibbard,
'Rutland ; E. L. Bo3inton, Jackson; Garrett
Blossbuygi,..Rufus Blossburg,.
S. H. Thompson, Bipssburg;„ C. H. Whited ‘ ,
Fall Brook Morgan Deerfield. ' '
EATING HOUSES.^;-, W. L. Keagle, James
Mitchell, 13erimrd Muyray,Epbert Esgar,.
Blossbur,g; Stephen Bowen, Bless.
ARITOT -Imr.ms.'HAr dot is growing over'
day. Therti have , been . - many houses' built
here this seaoe." The' 'mines Yield 'on 'ad
average one thousand tons of coal per day.
—That toast that waagivento.John Jathei,
at,your turnout at Wellsboro, for being the
first man :that opened tt coal mine in - Tioga
county, was not true. 1 Coal:was opened in
this town before he left Wales.
—Jamesll.. Cameron, mining superintend
ent, has resigned. Ho said to be the best
explorer in.this part df the State. ,;
—The ,rw - church is soon to he built.
—There arT many Pohinders and Swedes
here. .They are strong, powerful men.
—There are so many-asking for houses
'that ono day the, superintendent's patience
Was tried beyond enduriknee. One woman
tried him many times ; at last helold her t 4
go to and get a house t She started doWn
the track. Then another one came- "Well,
Mr. C., when will I get n' house?" "You
can get one ne•licto that woman going down
the track." Np.. 2 starts after No. I, Shout:,
ing, "Waif, wait n minute!' 4 l am to grit the'
next house to you. Where is your's ?- • "If
you get the next house to me, you will get a
warm one; for mine is in h 7-1.
—lf 11. G. was three hundred fathoms
deep in a political purgatory, and one vote
would bring him up to the level, he couldn't
gk that one in this part of the State.
Court met last week Monday pursuant to ad- -
jourument. During the afternoon Gilbert
Vincent was brought up
,and sentenced to_
pay a tine of ;Cl and the costs of prosecit=
tion, and to undergo initii:iS'onnient by
arate and solitary confinement at hard
for the- period of two years. Milton
Bowman, indicted the week t before for fraudu
lently removing and secreting his property,
was admitted to hail in the . sum, of, $l, - 000,
E. B. Hart and his bondsinan were .dis
charged from their recognizance.
The trial of Matthias lilarlatt, charged
with arson, which commenced the Werth
before, was resumed, but had not proceeded
far when it was suddenly ended by the entry
of a not. pros.bylPie District Attorney. This
,turn of affairs surprised-everybody not con
nected with Vie trial; but it was probably
prompted by some unexpected development
of weakness in the case on the 'part of 'the
Commonwealth. Considerable of sym
pathy was excited in behalf of. the defendant
by the death of his wife on the 2d instant,
and he was heartily congratulated on his un
expected deliverance from the clutches of the
raw. •
The 24 day of August next was fixed as•
the time . for holding an adjourned Court.
In several civil eases the record was amend
ed by correcting' the names of parties, and
by subtitriting personal 'representatives in
the place of decoased parties.
'ln the ease. of J. H.. BuShmore
mer ToWnship'on motion of the attorney for
defendant it was ordered that the order made
in this case be modified by substituting
"eight mills" for the - words "five mills," fix - -
ing the rate of tax to be levied.
John J. Burger, indicted for murder, all-.
peared and gave: bail in the sum of $lO,OOO
fur his appearance at. the next Oyer and
Terminer. His htindsmen were
Bache; Joseph Riberolle, Converse;
Thomas Harden, 'John W. Bailey, James.::;.
Coles, Fred. I). Bunnell and J. C. Wheeler.
Deriudn; Wood vs.• Eli Wood. ~ R ule to
show cause why an allowaneoTslinm not be
made to pay the necessary 1)601 ratui other
expenses of the plaintiff. - 4,
Ira McCoy vs.. Brookfield Township. Rule
on supervisors of 4110 townsbipto show cause
why a special cash tax shall not be levied to
pay this and other, debte.oi- the township,;
returnable forthwith.:
- The matter the petition of the school
directors of Blossblirg Boro, being an
plicution to enable them to borrow money
&e., was continued to adjourned Court.
Johns Brothers vs. Edmund' Faulkner. 7--
Tried by ri jury; 'verdict for defendant
Hiram. McCoy ys. Brookfield Townaliip.
The Court direct a -Ppeeial cash tax of 'five
C. L. Wilcox VA. 0. B. Kimball. Tried
by a jury; verdict for defendant.
Commonwealth• vs. It C. John's et at.=
The defendants were 'charged with conspirw
cY to defraud: Tbo case was tried by jury,
and the defendants found not guilty. •
Michael McCollum, indicted for aggrav,a
ted asennit and battery, ajcpeared And gave
bail in the sum of $lO,OOO for' his Ripplir,i
-fll)C0 at the next Quarter Session.
Sylvester 'Webster .I'B. Thomas Stone.:—
Tried by jury ;, verdict for deferidantsl7•. 4 .l3.
The jurors were dismissed, Friday after=
noon; mut -Poiirt adjourped to Saturday Int
2 p. ro:
Tlty - ADDtBO rr- m LROA 1 1 CT 7
Addison AdNeiscr of last week gives an
account of a recent trip of soino: citi7.42nl,:of
that village over thoproPosed railroad rtiuttc
to Pine Creek from which we quote a 3 fol
- - , • - -
"We followeA the Tuscarora Creekt
tho town of ,Tuscarora, running across the
eastern point of the town of Woodhull and
within three miles of the village of wood
hull, going through a valley 'which seemed.
w Y r^
'r k i { <1
Ott there On rir - P4Se ftir*jArfailOalj`
'Vir , i'stiliath,l3Q4iWanesqueValley at Osceola,
ra,7 dista4' nfeleven miles from- , Addison::
thenee Up the-valloyle Knoxville,Where we
'gteilinkfor dinner. -.> * 'Soon afteidin
ner-wa,were on thet'ix'llid - figlainj‘tipitto valley
t , o - WeStlaeld,-thence to Cathpa . ,d down Long
to Pine Creek :" ' We atokied
-Walten Honin,:kept by 'that prince "Of 1
! Verrni)y,ea, everybbdki
i-knowa s tbroligliout. Penn - Sylvania ' and- Werk 1
torDi York, Whbro ;we and' 'our"beastir
'4411 rest, and the inner nine was More than I
;cared' for. -Brook trout undiipigeens disgp•Li
e,kredlieforaour,pitity brYdrker's'
M s WY,. •
• - c - -;qA/lr.vslirow,b, one - , of , the Directors, .and
Tillaiiirer 'of the Bath aud CauMidaignaltaill
.r444ulifi`a - practical railiotid - mari„iitrot.iAcd
us t int the route was short, the grado,,com
`P-4ititil6ilk light, and not an ob stacle ' the
way,;;The : people along the line were all in
for,the read, .and willing toOyeMi-e ? right ot,
wa*. - ;:ille found veil quantities of coal, mid
,had it talklifith Mr. Silas Billings, whoowns
and iS'irit*esteti in a small tract of lumber
;and col lands which - contains about' fifty
thonyand.wora-: •He 'talked favorably, but
could del nothing at present; he , has -made a
propOMtlento'the Fall Brook Coal Co. to
sell a portiOn of his coal lands; and gave
-theta two .or three weeks to :make, up their
minds, after which he xlrill c --iirite_to:the Bath
'and Canandaigua Co.; and per h aps make
th'em ii,preposition.
We' clime back by the way 'of Troupshurg,
'anti through i Woodhull • village—found a
feasible'route, ; but - it is a little fartiler around.
We think the latter route would - please the
inostpeuplo',land pay best in the - long run,
but•wenblleost mole on the starL r.
lirewn:went home to tonfefrtviitlf
He told us that we must not be sur-1
,p'ilsOd,itlie,plit in an app e arance in a short
iii corps of engineers to exiiminb'
theie-routes mere closely. The road is a surq
thing front the iron mines - on Lake Ontario>,
to Hatli,"tind from there.to the - nearest coat'
toinea, culd th e above • route is the nearest
known, nadiifthe Company
factoryarrankements "with Mr.
vegatd to editT,' ; the road will- gQ • tbreugkif
and plk the, peOple -along the
ishelp,".icilltifttkear shouldera to Afe , 394e9/
A Lv.asow. VAtei f s - eats.- 7 We • htiv e been.
feVoredivith the folloWing 'eemniunicationi:
whieh the . - writer justly .styles "Lin analogy
betweenthe earth and -nian; r whols made of
the dust - offthe oarth." It contains a valuable
lOsson for our agricu4raktonflnts:V
` , .1114t: present seison . re
iiiinds* of the above subj,'Oet'„Whielf have
been Observing for many years.
!"Dirring , En - Extreme thy of. • •
rs'on the condition of the land is, tested ; so is
tOrl4titution 'tested by exposure. A
man-with a 'healthy constitution has traveled
long marches„ sometimes wlt):1 Or krafiptislr
at other tithes with Out 'a drop in the can
teen.; at other limes overtaken by a storni
and oftentested at times of high water rap*
the breaking out of fires-. When the test.
is over the rrinu reaches his quarters, whetk-•
or it be among comrades inrarms. or
the ,hearth, i t lonia, and enjoy as pleasant
,conversation; (Which is 'part; of onr health),
'ndisb 'of ,delicious food, and a night of sweet
rest• The, , ...smirld constitution plan the,
,thiy:-.peform s ittyoe libqr tt
hardly a :peiceptipl4 it
ange4hibs4i. 1941ty
with a broke4 - cOnstitiftinlnt' perfoirialn•
only the same labors, exposed to the same
test; hailaid'dOwnto - rise no morn ;.:Itylf ;he;
should il'eco v er,'. it takes,hinkthree Inenthslii
nvereoe it.; So it ;is - with :the land..,' Such ,
ns is in a' `good state of cultivation
-promising:this day, with a few light
the PRET. tir34 Ql4: 1011. Son:
While a portion of the land,sufferiogly,
alike by, dry Weather,:b4ying,,a, bralteneon 7
Stitiitiozi by continual' cropping and no
izing, appears it present as if-it will not re-; ‘.
cover This season. •
"Lesson : We should 'aith to • keep our
and t all times , in a good• :condition, and •
preserve our health by living - a moderate and
a temPertite life, tomeek all emergencies.
"Rl>stilt. : There would be. more •.. - enjoy,ing
life's blessings endless grumbling at ,
dente. . D. G: EiliwAnns,"
THE TEACHERS' Associ.A.Turi.—The Tio-,
go Qounty Teachers' Association ,Linet :at ,
yansfield - Friday, - May 30, at one T P.fri: ' Mid
was to order in the chapel of the Nor- .
inal,by, Professor Verrill, President pf the:
Association. After it few well-chosen re
niarkp„hr the President, the constitution of
the Association waierdired.to
mottun'of :Prof;Amerman,.' a coininti
-tee of three:Was:appointed to selqct- ques;:
tion for 'di:sctission; and. Professors g2'll-of
ton, Hoard and ,Amerraith were, Ppointed.
The question presented,was, '''Should ladies
be eligible to the office
, ef school director?"
After a'very inter4tirikAiScussien, Hie siali:•
Yid, was POstpoliedifer future 'coirsideratiou.,
Prof. , r..A.,, v ie-ri, § ( the Soldiers' Qrplinp
School, entertainctl-:the• Assueitibion ' With
class exitininatidn, Writikiiier4se
cal Musie.. Mr...J. L. Sexton, of Fall Brook,'"
read a very‘instructive paper entitled, "The
CoMmori School Teacher, or the Teacher of-
Common ol Is. " The -of 'Aft
13oit:oit . w4ciitirised and IlighlY,'Coinplimen
lial,hiP.iofS. Allen; 7- Verrill and' Amerman.
1"r4. 1 Hiirton:- was chosen
__Treasurer pro
A committee was cliosey,,consistinia,
J. L. Sexton, rior. 31110131 k
,ilort - tato &art' a programme for the next
meeting of the Association. It was ordered
that <Mr morning sessions commence at eight.
Adjourned,,uniil 7:80 in the evening:
Ascoc±iafibn called toorder.at, 1,30.:-After
listening to choice 14/MAC: - ttildithe irisfrhe
tioh of Prof Jewett, the Presidentannoine
ed .the following question for discussion
"Ought a compillsory system of educatim
to, he,adopted ?" This called folith•,a yet:
lively and interlsting debate, which was pin
'ticipated „hy Hon:, S. B.":Ellii,tt, Hein:
Holland-3 andPreT. Amerman in the affirM-
Attire, and WAIL Hollands and ,E. W. Lim•
roll in the negat tie,, , No.decision • reridered
prof, Henry : lutton, , of Troy,' addresser
the Association 'n the , 4 ubject;: . 'The choic'
of, , a pursuit andlhow to get at it," which It
treated in a very able and eloquent, manner
Adjourned till elOit in Flie triornit4,
Saturday, eight 'a: "A'sSociafion • belle(
to orde'r by the President; opened with, Pray ,
er by Prof. Hiltton';l after - which a piiper*,l
presented by lion. S. B. Elliott, entitle"(
'What shouldf be taught irt.,-,otirvint);lll
schnaity ?" After this subjectWni-thOroiigl
ly,dhawasedby the teachers of the county,
paper Atts'Oesented by .11,e,nry,
- "_The" etNisi4iot
Hollaridsareated his gnbject,as one who thO:
oughly uridefstobd .411.- paper Nvii,itit..re
• ductil by Prof. lA.nterman, subject, "Lang
gintp,T," and he treated it in an able and in
teresting manner, and (prone. , who thorough
ly unders,tands. the business he pursues.
A. motion Was:then made, fwd . :envied thr,tt ,
Prof. lititton beicleeted.' ' hon'Oprii -them
her ,of the Association... _ „
,Adjomrard..tp :meet. at Tioga,
Li and 111, 1872. ''; JOITNIWCTAtax,'/&'e'
"•: .'''MAF‘RIAtES.
LlON—LEtfrEft A,
Citarleston. June 4th. 18'4
J:11, Lyon, Milldlebul
.Charleutou. ; ; , , •,
CLARK-41:1RiLI—At Ow sante placo, , ,luntdtll. by,
thh P Mr.'Sethi
both of (Autileuo9. i
ItALL,-IFOQ 1)-4•A l t Shoat; E:Parionago at Daggett s'
11.ny 25th, 1872.1.)V.Ittlt.:fi.bArling Weal), Mr.
Leonard Hall 'Ana !Iles lAA:Wood, both of Rutland,:
CLIAP4I,--,L,clliltilliel:--Arolo li by all : 13 a
the mono plics,4nne 5, 1872, Mr._ 4011# 4 .,_;e• VAlVelge
ellathalni Pa.. Miss Mandarin, . anufrenco, of -
Wells, Pa. .
:.' SPOivt..l,=;Ni.:,c),ti9P-.-,ii
, Testilhtlliy of lac:Prominent Physiblarr. - .
• , f,'Durildthd 'vast eight yea I bpve 144, frequent
oisperteuities of •Withessing :effect - of . 3.trastperr
•If ERB lirmuis upeu orsodtisuffcringtiomUyepepalL t
Lose of Nor vekt4 EotirgYo 3B ?Yltd We metes Diarrhoea,
&c. • kliCr II; it to provo successful in many
ca'aea, \diens. Allopathic. andHydropath-
treahnent 'had &Mal. 11301 CPI/HAT um!ilittrin,.. -
such complattlidVi4i uuiforna success, and lava no
heeitancy to p;beoulee it the Inost etticacievut remedy
yet discovered for di ealies, itris k ifilreirk poNsi4ezed i-
Style acti, i l iverXianeyrf ItOwele. " '" '
Voirre,.vtry truly. •
Aloe 6-1m,..1
A vietiro of early indhieret4ol4 curing. nervous dn..,
ii;infy:lntenniturcide..4, be., baying tried in vain every
'actreilhic4rettiOir:i Las drier:A:et:4d ii4ans of
eall'Aqtrii:Whieb.lidiv:il send free to his fello anger-
H. aIitIVE.C?,P3 Ntis)Ti Taw Yolt z
• Jaiiil;lB7. • ,i.„
'Yo pivot' energetic Mess
WA .- io.thon •
auswesd that-Will Pay
tYmit ,4 .18 imn• dayj cructivirpratiad qt •1 01 * :0 wP
licanesja.A. is atectly honorable. Send for runopiou
that enable you to go-to work at once.
Address J. LATHAM & 00
292 Weihingionift,llTNelol,
Jun. 19 1872-4 w.
I ;'' -*ELii,SBORO::MARKF,r
E. it .111433 ALL, Rota Grocer.
‘ . .
• ,
is i ,ELLBBOUO. Jules 11, 1872.
Flour, per bbl.. i $ll 50 84012_60
Buckwheat noun per cwt ~....... 4 00
- Wheitt,,yttlte,pek bushel
Wh'eat, red, 4 , ''4,' f ..
ini&s: B Pi
.Iftickitheat. 'l ••
Corn shelled,
0.4t1y 1 ••
+0 .•
*Bari „ti- < - ••
Rye, 1 I.r
Clover seed, I " . 860
'Timothy 'sea, I" A5O
T5l-00,. , ~. I"
Corn moat per ewe ''- ''''' 4- "I h" " - " 7
We& Pb ; owt • : , 1 1 , g
f 0 .., 1 1
Potatoes, per but& • 40 50
Apples, green, per bush 200 • 200
Onions, per bush 1 50 1 75
Asintrapis; per bush 20
TOrkater lb +
Rams, per 1b.... /
e : l 4h l -4 #A i ' L -a
Shoulders, per lb 10 123 E
Butter, per lb t 25 25
Cheese, per lb. 4 14 18
Lard, per lb 1.0 15
Tallont, per lb 8 10
Money, per n? •
11easiatax, par rg„., , -,. • • .1-t 2 o .. .... ,20
Vinegar, per gal.. r
Eggs, per dozen ' g
Dried apples, per lb
Dried peaches, per lb ...... ....
Dried Itherrice, per lb
Dried blackberries, per lb
Driednumberries, black, per lb
Dried rospberrieu, red, per lb.
Crsuberries",Wr tit ,
Hey, 'Per ton 16 Ott
Wood, 18 inches, pier cord 2 to
Wee feet, per 'cord --- 800
4 00111 , ird, per ton 6 76@7 25
gad, oft f - .., ~ i . ;.-,-,l+++++++ -4./4. t. /4 &Or ,
Oround plaster, ppc. , ton/".......)±t.t , t1 "t ^. i" 1 - 1 44 1, 50 ,
Sugar, "A" cofleei pert+lb...t ~2., . ., ei J L-t , A 4 '.4 ' - 13)g ,
Roger, yellow, peg ,1it+.,...2:2, ~.. , . ',. -:-
, AU-0-l- - ‘4t r • !Wit
.Bugar, brown, pet lb 11@l2
‘Teap, green, per 1b 7544.1 5 0
Teas, black, per 130c(01 '25
-Eekosone, per g al• 40
'Llittlo sugar
+ c 16 18+420
+,,1-f , +_l +,, ~++; ol;',X, - i ~./ ‘;- 1
' ;:-'::. New York City ' Itarki .
~:,,,,,,,, , 0411.1tHOTIID WIKEII3.I DX .
, , - . 1 ,t 1 n - t', lANO)ING, ItAyDril & CO.
IFrOVionCortimlaiion Itlitrilp t pta,, iinfflyiblugton St.
'', . ..... i ItTv. VOIIK, June 6, 11372.•'- + . .
AllttOPer lb 23 to ao cu.
Cheese ... ----”-nierlirs.—
Lard " 1 .. .. 9to 914
allow ' " I ?. . 4..„.. 9to "
Dried'Apples+ e z -r....+ 1 .4....2. 3to , It%
Rope per lb 1 ... . ; 14', - : . i lk: ei4r.
Eggs per d0i.... 4........ i:: .. ... 16 to 17 "
- ' +,.1,..
1 w i
,p. L. PECK,
::.vivoinific‘ ra;;LA.w. Adi clitimil promptly collect 4 4.
Offlpyti 41, . t9:001.1 Br Otherl3, Nulaon, Mop Ucv. - ; PW:
—For-B:Te in Knoxville.
i ,
ri l lMnOwLF "o s ry frame house. Good terms of
ky force]. all amy office.
. 311. W1. 2 4 72* • a. P. Min - t
heretofore existing between H. O.
galley it ,iohmaohler doing a lumbering business
in Mega tovighipi Tioga Co., Pa., is hereby dissolved
by mutual a em ant from this dale.
Wray 20,18 rt. - JOHN' KOHLER.
1N:43.-atilidrixi l leountlysvfxr H. C. Da
for settleme ompt att till costs. r 1
ni11.31 e .11% 1( 4 ;Is, : ii 1
.tkqed M
B gOn your
Rule 12, 187
• ,
VIAL lit)P
nine ltik• fibre for sal; his rent estate in the
ex La we n —ttiteoptrthemeibseomgl44ll:764%tigieliha-..,
-lint up into v Isße gots, and pastldAitit kitirrqoiT.
Pift:pcgto overil with timber ig well wooded with
ratil-wpgd'il he lock. The large - lot on which he
Hoi off in village lots, including his
reindence !<- ROBERT KELSEY.
. ',,,' • •
zittallt 1
•-' " a l 3 / 64. 14 7'l ' 4 i'i lbile ii . ill i
7 N puis of An ot of the' Fotir 'bt ocailmoti
t Pleas oga bona/ dated June 8 , 1872. the un
~.Poainisator of the estate of (Warp W.
:Bout, drn*Oilid, lateof Brookfield township, will ex
pose toeffle, at the late residence of the deceas
ed. on es .v. July 2,1872, at one o'clock p. m., the
"M 110141441 'ri property;
_ All thatin eco of land situated in Brookfield,
Milks coin ed' on the north by lands of Benj.
Otter add `A. ood, east by lands of John Ow
ens aartYl B.! GeckktrAtotith' by' land: O( Cligileji
hlaschOnd #tiu Dougherty , and west by lands of
John Dough and Adam l3l9Rericcintallking about
Iss aelVou ' Ay less.
'rorms - of; " il'i 4 Operthird.clui.h on poutlymition,,opie
third in one Year; ahi orte-thirdlit tyre, years Unrest
ter. with us t - A.. J. SIMMONS, Adm'r.
July 124 2-Iw' 1
Q . , i•., ,
fitHR•DOMMETF4 SUCCESS ''of - the '''EfrbY' Weil::
• Jti 'Wheel Mower bAs never been equalled in tire his
torrotmenviug and reaping machines. From' every
part of the country there comes united tea many ip
regard to ibp i rfectky Wishaagry osl , l i te,
etryposalble ' dof Indrlf.Eatataxtetai f
past season as mor# fully than ever before demon
'elf:rated the perfection , f principle upon which, not on
ly it, but's& of the rby machines are bnilL It has
the. lextbilitai , and in ependent motion of frame and
finger‘ber peculiar 1 all Kirby machines, cutting close
and' clean tiver-all v 'atione of ground.
i wittilhottnibst plicity antAeAilif / freil , " life
combined in the Kir y Two-Wheel Mower many met
161tics not found in any other machine; and chief
stating them will b noticed the :hinted: Connecting
Rod,lor'fiiiman) an invention of Mr. Kirby's, and a
feattlre.helyngltimel d usfreiy to die mnwtr. The Joint
,I.n apegoiinertiogii (or pitman) works skuultanc
.9ll.lY: iFt it the; Jefd in the finger-bar, keeping the
tiith the tratitiglipplratue, allowing tho knife to run
perfectly free , without binding. at whatqfjerhn
• bar inayAraised or folded; thus du-I'4pin . •
!zinflatkr nonquon adding to the alue,ad rig
- callavecaparity. decr sing the already very light Or aft,
aSika4ds. l l l ll4gEal n y the durability. by relieving the
contlectimmitt a ife-head from liability to break
age consequent u n, he binding and friction of these
patts,,tucid,ep&totgl Other twawheol machines.
- q3y a takieleritletter, the bar is tabled to pass au
obstruction, or oven I treo.Ar Pilled Solint a l'agrqiva.
ilierruittifixerfritecint .- or'fraretfnfilifillen,..sat itlow.
cog out of gedr;,34llfiing theliam, or the drover 'Waring
'hi* hair , - ~..) .-1 • a I
Instantly thiown alt or into gear, without stopping,
whon - destred; Wile! foot or hand.
• a loofas or-rigtd-tb pie, as
ping dvorittigos,
To shioiii kfisolukelylne side drfaiielkiit eilaWisk
necks. leavezeck.yoke entirely oft and put machine to ,
worli witnsliff tongs
. zitiSpeaUs of the pagirds can be raised or lowered
without stopping. Tlley are especially shaped to pre
vent dogging; they Ir . ? steel plate*, easily replaced
'Whesocti fad; and not ri sietill,l.tatanitett 4er2.411e.
.~.:e , ~.; or:.:.
Who line of draft is aired on cutting apparatus where
itTonglit to he; and there is no strain of machine by
through axel,flrame and braces,
lnitt ficitilatiMat^l of ifitkle
int s
sq{Au tittle:4d g runner under both shoes.
Z-'l4fi37ea4erzwb3x4is,a caster-wheel and turns perfect
• ofsiort_oo r mem eiranott soft ground, without raising
Atte ktWaringlanintn. • vt ' 4`,
Machine alwaysulaik wheat and never, ti
corAlt feqtwige, Maws rough as well as smooth
grouta and - Es the fiy Meat running and moat poled
working fiVeiviiffeelluctwer ever made.
vont 101 Ct $lOO 00.
~a! a Z
usa ex. Wellsboro.
: • „ 01210uLD. Covington.
Tini.tkritT. Westfield.,
.• uL 'fl
De, 'flogs. .
'''irtluriltisted Oak= and circulars will be supplied
4u pppli Ano
yeji Vcially dun% to btirtlfittelit tilde/At "
Buy .the Kirby.
lay 15. 1842405 r. •
L -
110L3 would inform his friends
..ovod his carding maebino from
.e of resident's, one-ball tulle west
houso near Brewster's. All work
• g will bo done promptly and well.
• 13.• A. HILTBOLD..Prop'r.--
20 ReasJns why the Farpter
Dodge Read ti• and Mower!
let. They are strong am.l Jumble. and out likely to
get t eut 01 1 1 riler• • ,I, -....' , ~- ,-::,u .1 ~ - ,'
14, - Thertire uleue`ofilke heat solaced material.
ad. They are' simple lu eonstrlctiou—less levors,
springs, trips end Cetupliestimut gaterally, to get out
of order than any other limonites.
, Ilth. They bare IZU olig 11l ilrivlDeris
itratithi ndtt Sivig is. 4.4,5,..tind
6111. he iftachitin, AlI in fillip-el', Fifa:Aloe:
t out 01 litu'ir.itY ur ulietructwun, ~ii.; I....teitty 144-
„,„„d b,• - to•cto, um two novo Wire.„,,.
” 4th. The Driver is comfortably to. st ,, i W ibc, mu
tts of the Each! e, both irt Beeping Nisi .m.wing, min
tot placed far 0 tke real, od °Alba -, M4.liikl typo And
itysiule'toftgue 1 1 Verilorgrbgancosi ; ,r,.,-
.. t: _
' ftli. - The flu 11111:1;1' on it line with
_Me non. end
of the filachlie ray re - gutting I , quarter i'l , Etu Table
in reaping— a ng it very easy to deliver *be, Gavel
entirely out 1 way of team and Machthe !on the
next round, wit ut disturbing it.
. killtelelf• eis Ipoktefilv iiitkrooou4 .
1 411
balt4 itt Ulf ma i e DM*. iirtialls, Tr la 'iintirell
away, and tree front any danger- of the Rake Made
striking the team In their revolutions-401a not the
case In front cut Machines—they being cosaitelledsu
place the team at a great distance from the Machlue,
thereby increasing the draft. .
Kb. Thwiletlf-Rake l jteelkis ; the
_boat ju, zee ..,. The
,F9hetructiolt, least liable to
get-iiiitiefoideti; imiideini adjusting. When once' pot
on properly, ft is ready for all kinds of grain, lvoit "r
short, thick or thin, standing, or lodged and tangled
10th. It 19 entirely under the control of the MO a_
making (levels large or alllat), at his pleasure. 'Vci y
duiuble. and doing as good work the eccond and Moist,
Onpia,ttlist: _ -.. .; ‘ ._'i" .
t.statiy v-ti adakteerlb — Mr Ulla of ground,
rough or smooth, leaving a uniform height of stub.
Ms on uuceen mu face.
12th. They have a doable hinged bar, and readily
conform to uneven eurbiee. Unlike the stiff bare
trhieh, when the libieldr sti t oix,p
, ift;oll, l thlisiuftihd.ntibos fiche ppsikinAL,3o4-
allirrtipatf4therlieitia.%lU V,kkf0p.4.441:144te
lo*st oubtendlAil ;
4, luuk: litol laver a UAW etwe 4 6,f* ,, ma. %lege
ver etirioNlitietu binfitrilithange the height of cut on
as to pickup lodged spots Without stopping.
14th. They require less extras to keep them In re
pair eau any other machine In use, as is testified by
thousands who use them.
ithh. They leave 4 WOW wrought ArttnNtoel;leend o riatplbglitlitroligoliti U& •
1ont:1147 bate a solid wrought iron knife head,
instead orii - timatesblo iron, which billable to break at
Amy time.
17th. Tito! an bit wilting th driven around the carnerit.,,with
oat backing sad !il twin's tea s n ittn filar
are aore. - -
19-h. They can be started in mowing, in ilioltetrit
- grass.' 64 1• 1 1^” •-••• • - •
19th. Tim aro not so ht as to break constantly,
th e y
t ere not to h
glik as" es to .e .bjectionable. .
Atery air t bli c ip
' Pcrritnollf .04
!.nt.l4 0 Pe,
Also, agent for S. S. Wtllt&ma & -Co's Make of Car.
Magee. Boggles, Platform Spring, and the Utica Lum
betWagon. Xliesa wagons are of, tho best make and
,111 ilsi le' r 1 UR). 11EA.CLI.
Little thrall, June 6,1679-3 m.
, t u rf vp , AND ff rev ti e t comr of Grafton,
riSHE' UNDERSIGNED has now on hand a fall . stock
I of
si)l , ~i t;;4o i li i ie l pi ii 3 n gi ng, ! . ; - 7 1'41i11 1 r. et,
1 . WOE% iltralllSTES•B TOOLS,
1481iEWCBMINDOOR'gy, •
and 41 other miteles usually found in a complete as
t Wfi)!prl, ;1,4".
I tavite the public to call 4,0 elcsitutue Ser i tJaera
0, -
Job Wort
done to order promptly and well
Sash, floors and Blinds
at Factory Prices
April 17, 1872
• I t -4; -f•-•
Have rteelved and a& tam - utreriut; fur sale all the
latest styles et I
rZire• OAS rCOCOCifEit
Luchiding Neck, Japanese and fancy Silks, Silk Pop.
tt liti 4Atiii r gfattUtna c trganig
pre : V a n n es,
Striped and p WA.
Poplins, Japanese
Striped'ancl plaids, Wash Poplins, Seersuckers, Ore
toutma, Paris Cambric, Crape Iterate, Organ
dies, Lawns, Suttanna Settings, Iles
lin Robo Patterns. Percales,
lthjees, striped and
Chem) Chambray,
*, ?,:fili(.:11 J *1
French 4.. Scotch Ginihams,
,; to gF .: llitefitit , l . l , ~ t
t ll9a?rrtsnont of
!Who acid .C-assimeres,-;
* A ! f ,„ •
a. _VOA& thit
agticee d'V'otion,s, Hosiery
and -Domestics.
Oar stock of Ladies' Shawls and Scarfs canuOt be ez
celled oither as regards quality or price
Hats and . Caps
"lkuvi .4.4 a arp s vaiii4s •
Roots and Shoes,
I , 2'
the finest and coarsest, the cheapest and most stylish,
the best and - most serviceable to b 9 found in the
AtM at.
liteads-Jf 1 q4l f
7A' .0-.1., 43.141•1: -EL
buy an outfit and save their money
e a'-inainfileifil 1,
Carpels; Oil Cloths o f ,nti
on bend to be sold tioeAle at the most reasonable priors.—
Nextuotops s Inik
1_44 - 1rift . i.4,44a:. 1170 1-.)
Groceries, Crockery,.(4l4,,Li
- WO'Vail; '
at Trawl to suit wreathe moat particular purchaser.—
Just come and see how numb you can save by buying
Where goods are sold sight.
110p * My 15.1 1 173. WICKHAM It YAM
4 3.
• 4:6'
t lowest'
- ( 1
Dress Go
tlyy vokitikin trump]
4ire f,
F.'' S<~ ~?
1 1k1 '1 ) )
v bi
- ""
~'~ r
tar Saw )UII..
sod leached.
eil lre,
stlo g a 1'
a - . R. :xa
C 1 41 4
Lae • full asporfaueut •
,-1. ; ;;;.. • f.
.'-: I '
144. c,
Which wilt be
Gloves, liosr, Knit
Choi4 „
Sugar, Soap, Tobadkiii.l
Coffee, Tea, grackete,
2.Ecf.o;, L
i‘tr./.IV& it
tot k. - •
3 > iatd fuz Dla,
Jan. 1. 1871,
10 la Oi t ertilt . '
at my resident* in
May 29, 181:).4w.
91111t9 noted horse
I season at the Peniks •
W 4 1 ,21,01 ,1
the Mowing daps of sock!
Haturduy, Tuesday' al 4E
,t4iortsrifle; awl Thurs ul day'
Ufa ticuss la not, oru
aud stkrlet. but show.' for ,
false giulligre(haii L irory
MO Ail MBA vriu h
gluext clown tioritofore I'l
will be pleased to show th •
Wollthoto, May :16.
he Attie::
_._ : ,..-,-... r ,,,.., , ,
'i.",- , ,-...,,,,,
. .
.0...m•..,---..-4'*'-)• ~ .- -"- - ','.: . c -',:' _ • ~. I',
Obviirolii4_ og - tilivo to cagitt . u ietdupPßlNG-Op . twititAtv. ::..
~...u ,
•1::-.,: -. .4," -1 :-..;:: , "; .' - ' ...-••:-.1' 2 ,... 1 ••::- , N - ,." -7 -:il':.- •-•'',;•-•:
1 : 4 7 1,,,r . : , k t Zt-iitif ' OH : ' 7 :4. :: ; : .; if' ,. . H - i . •.: -;. ''.; - i • - ' .- :-:- T..':l -- ';''-1 - `, ;,' ' :'',l
, ; . .. R T
,4-2 ,'''',' "i ' A -. ~ ,4 "-, ;• '';- 't - . ' <.. i......- -' -.-•
* : ;''' 4" •.+c' ' ''''. • •S'''-•.• ',,, . 4 _ . ,
''. t".."4•'` ' ~.i "! • - . ; .V.g ' - - -' ;T ,-, :, . ',, f ";'," , ,'J''.",:'-' -s- - : 1- .A.
. , ..c. - *J. ;, - ,-i.v.- r. .`, '}. ' - '.. -' • ills,:r.,
i'.•;`,,s;P .:. •- ',.' '-.' 4 ' •. 4 4. . i 3V.ti , :. ''
4•••• '
~,t , ,,:/,..2, - -vi z„ ,„„..,- , ,, , ,- '. ',cr's:•:` ..:' - i: - .''', :':' I:- • ' ', ' : 1 „:,: ..„ . ' ' " •-..1
W ' .4, ht ',S
i4...4,_„•4.4.-%.4e,,;,.T*:V40 a nti ,*4 4 . • - i '
, - h eto ' tit t to - :
vis.T.c , 4itli
3- 1 1,443:4k -', . ' - .•101431" View --, --
insulat fouseliqeptiat will elowoll t p examine hi stack of
• - -
....,, ,
1, 4 -,-,. r . - - - e -g - lle
---- _ _:: 4 '
1 , . 0
~4 n''
4 1r 41 ,I , 0 10t lIS 9
y„, e 8, -
... ~
%''' ' '
1 '
, 1
fo 0
Drapeq, 1 -
le Linen, and Windovi
IhrittlaikA4trt eantilid ifitarest to 1°414410
. . .
La - e
If . 4 , 41410:, it,: 4 C I
Esatagi. .lar4la3eor3r,
. •
, . ; ,',,, ~.,.',.! ;: - :r. ' ••:: --
' blogittar. , :nukily,of nrb#03.404 not bilen beim), piarod ,in int.'s ' inatket. 212 e
, :.1 - • , - pnblie, e intelcivited.tiall And setfor theinsentes. } ; .•
~ - -
) 1 ..
, ..
. i
i I
, 1 ~, .. L. , ,, ,
Y/ ' _
if s. t e ~ ~ ~it ~
see the piles of Ne)iv ',G i o - Ods, at
11 ,-- !t.31, , ti LJ
~ sf, t~ r t
;\ :
Foundry & Maigertap
~~ t' grin , r it ~~[
' t. ..•
:kl~'sSL . t . s
1 ; 41 -• E
f ,S l: ± i i IY6[
I o, 't• ,
L,A. • • Si
,0 0 DS,
t rl
1.,•,:,,:n , ...;. :,... h: i, r
6 - irtiritalibtua
. ^
S'uttv Attre,7 Saleratak
_Salt, Flab. . Flour.
,t Atitt I
; I •-•
111.14Piit;10)31 1 661ALWildOn. - "
l;:t •
azt 4 - ri541,1' et
• 421 , BEAR944'''.l
a for mates the
Ma Stable, elnultag
• "'Wed F4d07,111.4
nesday* n if
It Whltuerrille.
te4 A* Aterbenip lar - OOlor
regiuMeoe of ow
:ilthe 0130. •V" • = •
• attended by the Civil RD
r bualmaa. and who
horse at any time. ' '
r t
1> i
:1111• :1 41;11: .' ''i 1
16E0.7 X): DattlylN - ~, t , :: , JUNK-htigifm. ,
saa3 ,•. ~; i . r .„. 1 , • 1 , , ~,,...:
1:: - DERI3Y1 ' - FISHIIF:R ",.
Hett o t r !w i t rfitutt4lrom the city with the larieet
- ` , 4 - tivfl . ..o, -;*. :•: it,. , ;: , '..z,'; . : . 17 , 1 ~4, 1 . ) . , .
l ii
:!,;: ," j' ,!;: i l3o1 7 1 11 a „Lmn RunEg
1 1.6-iii ;; ;Jos , ,Yi , :). 1 ”.. 1 41 4 1, .ti
1 .2 ~,_ ~ 2 5.:., ever ,brriglst • I . iito Welletrro, L
'..MI I consisting of , 5 ,
Zacties. tOit - l-C4fitl* .4fla2
qmora4:47l(l` aiz,ter's
Ch H ilclren,
Baby's. Shoes..
Gen,te i ‘ Cloth, Boots 'Shoes;
, P7inee sitbertiCa,l
• '
Boys' C 4,11 =8 Eip dots; ,
all kinds o f f Merin' and NVoinen'it wear . kept
2 , a arst-dafs Shoe Store. Thy best sowed Women's ,
ntiOei ever Offered i# this market. 'We defy the world,
C USTibM t WORK• 4
Lt you don't believe ha , btiy Only the beet
t itgr, and tulva4ll - 04 Cprilwelpoke as - wormy can
Leitr o llErG tvith dievalo.
Ca,B4,Paict 5,k,!48,
. Having Just filled iii our shelves with a choice stock.
"eriepa.Vl 'elected for Ibis marital, , l.vo. , rdepaetrully
&Milt alSat share of inidep,' tAtopp, profit* lard ;quick
rdurns.',! bellpf+ (0.3.4 gOo,ct buaitieas tusk.7lrAj ,
juld;folkold the bleat, 4obita 410 bo' tli t e'aleageat.
kaap Olr tiesatnicUlt is Mittielebt to meet:
all aim; and talks.; Via Waite.; one initrotia . ppnnd , the.,
public gouaritllyto call and-.examine our ; spa... No
koubla to shour_Aeo4a.; 'Alwaya to 16!0 do or
auth o r Malu . -liftree ; vtallaboro.'
ez r-o" t...c•-.7 . ,:r1,77 ,
,r, 4 ,- 1 - . ..1-',., 7 -- • • i - - ,• '• -, ,- 1
u'lr - ItiVTAKIPIIIid - EPY "kir We/Wilde , that - -
conidatitly stocked with
, ..,',.•/ . . ,4;• - • - •);.,•-uw
%.„'Sigiiit . lf4hCitorifisse;
~.,,... ...„,.,„......,,,..., .-; . .. I ,) -
1 " • v.inisb e ..Akr,•,.......,,„„:„.....•
. ca,,..t.. r „",..,,,, „ ~_
''bil ' If Winitinal oie i d, It4netie ht \t 111 . . iniio
isatorpa . 4loll, z , i . - Ili, .$ '. - --i,.• t. $* Litt . -,s•_.
"'nettalklag r adnet OD h9rtNettte:lindirt the beet intre •
nuy.......Ca1i awl, : ~ r j : ~;-i i , ~.;
, -41.11 1 i. `.. (1 .; t f) , t Y 4 :.!! " ' )
Intels - d t,,ki i iii „ , , , ii , -, 1 ., ~, _ . i
U.: b'. .i u 4311 e. 71:ax
lAivrikm is hereby illikilt,lthatithfr:;itinukl Hit of
taxes tor 1812 arricsolgeo, .-.411.-,pgraoe/t ,owing
Wu Oiled:Etat& for via .14 Jinipi..conety,‘ are rer
queetedio call at my '; ..'n'iii'ltieurk AvIII*B pink,'
in'hlansneld, on or i:efuiefuni.lithze,'Y of 'Julie-next;
and pay their Indobtiglikeep ersosita will, be irrade;L+,
Owing to tile redwing; of the tikes.. l Jiliall not b e
it tlifferint risen 111 the Nuttily to reeelve takes, as
heretofore, as the antooot to. collect Is small
All p..raotts ;lending money, by mall, moat Inclose, a
three cent postage Wallin for return receipt.
' t , Man *field. Ame, 6,1872.-2 V Deputy OoDectos. ;
I -
111 ' 1
• f
Ka fikvvegi
• ; THOMAS lidltDEN.
l ,
sr.j !
o tame fir
Raitora or
- 77 -
Ott DEltirAtiti4 kV ER CE4i,Sh
' AV * : lotatittonitiroatoit
AoVt•ry, ttAtipAype
M.• ii,teo)(ls MAGRI rril Y.
It vises oolda, dtplttieriO,' otpim
Attosoecit. trAppOtiow;diort'his. ilugnier
toutplatuto. eboboittoortbt, chobsrli
41tossfortotOOL for boot
AVOW, tofdle44 WC& 41140.thatfamt,
1 °0 140103, ti=4 47 400t. ,10d40101.th.01144, b.* • end Logue.
flet‘ *OW* *teat UV* osommg to — be also.
sVs4tO TqlgketAtgir oflOte4. ItEjtot
Flea time or#4lcoolibia• foals witreolof
goereatootO4 It to foals
1011 toe - above'
ettelosoe Paths frooke4t , - -
' , llestuftotvgi oodittirp 117po. El. Z. 800,
iltkeebueg, ,
Wi1414 141141-41141044•117 Th l o ol l l 4
Ctotobotetroe tioe , If y rett'; w. etbet At co.. cot.
Mint,* - ' ' • 1812.
, ,Drup and feti:Odicines,
Otteent or otheriviiiel—Abo" for
P 0148; Ailitiffetil. Va ns PUTTY.
LAMP 41,441/7112 • tie.
240tigioQuAanuis ron-ei
choice ;Litiutiiro,„tigarst
- - - .- #4o;.itisketio:
, - Aisci foi. '
noigiongthidow.-meanal, ,-, :- Mink' or fichooL
li, B. /... amiOrtsaw4; of 4 h ttor. • .Also, op at
.q?liteßt tußorttorlut;ir: -
- • - 1
. &o:, &c.,.
" P.
ittr t eVr . iv i t ;t o l 4 6 l3 = o ;4 tdoleases, iticaices,
we will Sell choice Teas by the jE olus s olc ugle by I t . h7,
Wan% at 'allow dolma the same can be bought at
ibis side ot 'New Tork.,, • . .
- -
ft : ZIT OUR 4 innuma
reak. the neweilt styles, and bung chimneys that. will not
• • •
Fancy and T9lletArt i iefies.
praprimity, Tom= 504115,, POVADEI3,
8RX78,19135, &a
' ft. our-
AND 4Aliara
We hold twenty desirable village lots for sale in the
central gest of the town ; and will also loan money et
reasonable rates:
W W. Webb bait his office hi_ our store,
where he may be oonaulted for advise or treitnumt.
lan. 1, 1872-tf.' EdEMITOIi k COLES.'
• ,
The subscriber hasps oonstantlY on /I=l-4 •
, ,' Pure Crugi' and ldedicines, Chemicals, •
, Rainbrand Oils, Lamps, stationery, 'An
, ce. Notions &o.
. ,
F-Tioga, Jan. 1.1472. - -•- B. H. BMW.
insurance Insurance!
Insurance Company,
Omer, 8.
thart'd Oftiott.4l: $200,006.
0., .
Stock and Mutual; cambial/at/Security • with Profits.
Suppose yOu are already Matted In a first-ciass com
pany, and from any cause whatever, (say after. ton year
ly payments) you do not or cannot pay ionger.and
your ineursmce gone and your money wasted. Not so
to tho."HAND-IN.PIAND ;," all Policies aro Nos-Fein
' famrant.a.!
This company which'ianks' among tlimpst !popular
'and successful Life Lisurance Compani es, grants pol
bales on all' desirable plans, both with and without
profits., • ;. • !
.. , Traveling trivelegee Ui restricted.
policlea are incontestiblo alter ono year from any*
slfthe-urdinary causes..,• , „
Look to your Life Insurance . Please examine Atte
followingtromparatire Table. It la sametimes alleged
by Agents of other.Oompattles that the Company they*
represent Is' sail.' than others. While we unhesila
*lily assert our Wife in the soundness and 'stab il ity
of companies, we desire to present the following
for tbo inspection of those desiring to insure : •
Of the foildwing rompanies, compare the annual pre
miums, charged by each for an Mannino on life at the
age erBo -- years, payable at death-:
Annual premium 'l'e annual ••
' for life. yments,
Travelers' ' —316,84, 883,21
/Etna,' 22,78 • 42,80
H0me......:- . 50,00
,Equitao„ ' 22,70 46,91
Vaabligton • • 29,70 48,97
HandtuAbind, 18,50 . 32'60 '
If not.already insured take a policy with the 0
, ') .91AND-IN-HAND.'
the best Mania Oompany in the United States.
Jan. I, 1872; 0 ' A. M. /NOZIAIf, Agent.
Na'Boot, 'Shoe, Leather
C.' ISBe•Eta•as
!PTPw' ll c)p, ..17e . tv' Stock, and firat
• . class Work
1 ; •
"l i el: t o r et ut Sto a Rand Lack a Kid Gaiter. Bost
Al i
ladies' Eid o,7id Cloth, Bal-,
~, 1 moralsand aiters, '
Ditto Ch,A rev's
'' ''cO,d Ali seq.
, .
aehtS' Cloth, motto, and
Calf Gaiters; ,Oxford
afid .Prince dllbert
~ - ~ , ~. t,. Ties: - . , -
A good line of 0 1 7ERS110b1, and a""nllline of
rang,lrig in price from $4.00 to i sri,oo, pegged and dewed
from $5,00 to $15,00, and Worth the money ovary time
, , Leather and ' Findings
at the lowest rates, as usual.
The undersigned having sp i snt twenty years of his
life in Wollsboro—mnoh,of the time on the stool of
penitene.o,'drawing the cord of affliction for the good
of solos,' believes , rather In htufimering than blowing.
Wherefcrc, ho will only remark to his old customers ,
and as many now ones as (loos° to give him a call, ;
that he'may be found at lits - pew shop, next door to B. :
T, Iran Horn's ware rooms, with the beat and cheap ? ',
, eat stock in Tioga county. " 0; 'W. &EMS,'
Wellaboro, April 21,, IWI2.
• • • ;Bono Or(litianctsi
y Ito it ordained by the' licirgoiei and Obliucil of
Clio Dere ofEfainnbitrg, and :It is•hereby , iirdained by
; authority of . the same , - that frau .aud attov the 20th
day of 'lupe. 1812. no horsesi.paillo, hogs, or sheep
shall be allowed to run at - large In tho atreote within
the said Bore. • • -
• A
dd.'-That the pound fees shall be twenty-five cents
for ovary animal impounded, to be paid to the pound
master for his services.
By order of the Burgess and Conuall.
• 0.
l).-MAINE.. Clerk.
Atalusburg. May 2 8 01n-4 5-4 t•
L=7 it
• v.,000,m,00