Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, April 03, 1872, Image 3

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    • ..4.,:!Nit,_vo.birt
f MI
- -
s.itl Gloves nicely @waled, and Self-Fit
ti as Charts sold cheap at Mrs. Cary' s.-m2O-4t.
SALE.--A gOodltilldirtg lot on Queen
treet. A 16.13 a house and lot. Inquire of
187241. H. H. WOOD.
tF:, Co.'s Cast: Cast Steel Plows
"Fur info rffuttion how to 0b
t,13:1 tio: t n. tv.:(1.0: 2 COLLINs Co.,.2l2:Water
Y.—l'eb. 23, Oni,
1;r77 GeoDs.—Mr. C. C. Mather:3 has just
lJts of new goods for the spring
n ,(•,. ; . iiis stock is varied, and will no doubt
c;::: the taste 3 of the closest buyers. '-
Funitc SALE.—Mr. R. E. Henry, of
Cvvve.citon, , of el 3 a lot Of stock, -farming
• ; :.‘ , 12-3iis, 1:ow:chola g00d3,. &c.,• rvt •public
at 1119 reikleace, Trilcy,. April '5, 1872,
9 .1. M.
r.lrmers -,7111 find a good, stock ,or Illinois
aud medium clover seeds, c - hcap for
r. Covine' ton. WerPcone.
ra-Inkl. these seeds to be perfectly pure.
April 3, 2w''.
—Our lcuafriend. A. Redfield, has
out .1 - iinglo to the public over 'Win.
liartivare store, raying, "A. Red-
Attorney atd Counzelof at Law." - Wo
c , zpr_ I . :Whim a liberal patronage.
Dairymen will find a complete outfit, con
si,:ting., of pane, pans. churns, Ashton salt,
t , 113 e.nd firkins; 'Wescott re,turn_butter
;he test is marl:et ; all offered very cheep
for cash at BENNETTS', Covington.
Auril 3, 2wc
are hereby assured, through the
co:ntrir.3 cf the A.criT.A.Ton, that Parson's
I).:rgat:l - e 2-Vis contain . injurious princi,
but that they may be administered to
c:Lin._l: - en and the most weak and shattered
convitutions in small doses, with great cer
t.a.tr-ty anceesa. - • .
UPTWLST:ERINO.—Persons- brlving repairs
or new w 1 in the above line,to be done
thir.4 spring, will need to bring it in before
the i,fteenth of April, as our upholsterer will
be absent for two or three months from that
thf.e. VAN HORN & Cg. NPVXR:
VsTellsboro . , Mareh 27, 1872.-2 w.
BINDING.—We aro now packing another
It.rgo invoice of binding, such as magazines,
tict of newspapers, which we will send
t.) the city on the first : day of 'May. Parties
having binding to be done will find speci
mens at our Bookstcire.
R. B. You No & Co.
We:10)0r°, April 3,-3t
Dr. A. Johnson, one of the most successful
practitioners of his .time, - invented what is
called Johnson's Anodyne Liniment.
The great success of this artiele in the cure
of Bronchitis and nil dispases of throat and
lungs, will make the laftMe. of Johnson not
li.cs favorably, if leas -widely known, than
that of Louis 'Napoleon.
Med= J. Schi,ler, from Corning, will
be in the Cone House, in this village, on
Tuesday, Ap - ril 9th, with a large stock of
Hair, Switches, and long Water
Curls Old heir worked
,over in the latest
style and - neatest manner. Madame J.
Schls27er 13 unsurpassed as an artist in hair.
Rementher, Tuesday, 9th.
ITe call tiv"-attention of our readers to the
T..verti , onent of Mr. Anderson's new hard
ril,:t2 s'..)ri, Vhick isprlntvi in another col-
Innn Of this aper. Mr. clinclerzon is an ex
p,..-.03(3,'..i. hardware man, hli , :toch is bran-
titi3 region
in acrd of arlylhilig V;1 1 ./ du' Nvell
to (:::1 cpoa hini bpioro pkirellaz-iw;
Lc :Lt Dr: A.
r or th:Qc weeks only. whr.:lT
a can c'et the ~ twit-Encylvti Cottage
Or :an f , ctult ttt.' rt , cltteed Aizo, the
and :i.e. Inztruracnts. It sinvil
C, y.,11 bo. Eiditt,ed
ttleart W.lftt WC :3ay. I.:c2nomber Ett
Dr. A. B. Drzuwai's °lnce, No. 13 31.0. in
LlelleV? 71.2. Church in Itnuslicild (D. V.)
(2Lcilettted to the Eerviceof .21:it - nighty
God, 'Thursday, April 18th, 1872. Preach
,t.ll o'cloch n. 1 - a., by the Rev. B.
Ives of Au'aurn, Y. end nt i o'clock p.
m., hq Bev. Dr. Beck of Wellsboro, Pn.
Th 3 Ministry ani Laiiv cf Troy district,
and the former pastors of this church are pe
ciitily united to ho present.
ansil,2lcl March 27, 1572-4 w
the riecilt g,rent tise in
Jim aval e (from 20 to i 39 pe: cent..) J. Schief ,
ft a7l, Jr\ . , Ticgit, Pa., has .e.zolver.l to cell his
01,1 arnountlng to $7,000, at an advance
t more :lin:110 p:,r cent. for Ilcavy
thelf g ;oda, lo.^ cas , l: AgriFttlturalllnpie-
be 801 l 1:3 low. and in some case . i l.
t''" l lut Year, One of the best Mow
i- 7 211:-.eh:ne - , in the marl:et fir Stt.s, Ns-arrant
cA; ( rain DrIIIJI, ltinds,) Harrow,
C a'.tivat,Drts and Sito-°l2l .ante pro
3:'artners w:11 to taken look
before 3.-2 w.
t t
Dr.DtcATto;.:.--The now,.. . E. Church at
Lit:le Marsh, Tioga Co., Pi., will be dedica
ti, 1 to the service of Al ighty God on
C.r.., of Syr
n In., and
, P.
ra,_r pa: , tor: and all our brethren and friends
tar! coidially i(ivited to come and see what
God (dwellidg in the hearts of the people)
11,::h u•ruugil. iri Crhatharn.
- W. H. inumszY,
March 27, 1572-!?t raitor M. E. Church;
of our readers v,lto-voure prezent.pt
concert, ur Treinnine Brother-1
tioi could not li failed to notice
t:V2 11'1:nimble cabinet 01gLin employed by,
L;:n. It \Val 1:110 celebrated fiurdelte
t that has already won an
• r;;J:tr , :t;on in nil part 3 of. the court
it int;-hi e n introduced: .:4.ks
vt;lage, be .secured the
ancl will he happy
1 tin‘ir superior excellencies to,
r.Ol her Itoota
2,1.a"..r, top .1 State t.trcr_qs
C. l'
Tai!or, Ct)rning t
froyo New Yor' ; with a
S',!(2C:.C . et stock of fashioo
‘`.. to orJor, of
v. •
rat c
ria.:it: . ;
:: 1. "r; 4.
-^_' I
CNA 77,1 Y .111793 AND. "finliciciAle ,
phtl: , ;(1 amongL,ie frieuds
LIZ v,61 , .. 4:1 , 21 orT Mr. Rase of
`lonclay. by the sltl
- that gentleman. He
on a job of wood chcTping a
- ci , :;ance irom the villar;e;' and Mit beice
le!.:r.arg to go to hi.l work as tak- !
cllnner with him. A 5 uc dia not re
!!'. 0r.,, •wifQ, became
. I rmc , .3, and the next day a search was
n-"Oe for the lmAlssing , ran.
, wa; lcund Lap he had
';en lu. itwas memoyanduin 1):3ok
vaa v;ritten.—or pnnted.—
P. pcneli P. brief statem-ent to the effect
v, - .13 in pain and t3ul.i . vrir.g, apd hail j
t make vs-ay with himse;f. Of c , Atrze
'•1-1):ctun 3 of suicide or .t0,.:21 a=ny ivezp - at
once life, and the fanii:y were in greftt die-
apprehmiioni wore rOieved,
7:ever,i in a few days by the nev:s that Mr.
\'•;:i at his mother's hr.3r.: , e in I'arm.
K" , . 1 ;11 M . c.,nday n:Glit, end lea there Toes-
?ay - trig' lie "*3.4 — going ry.:th into New
I tt , leek for work. It is the general
ep.nion that he will come beck when he gets
g . our.l ready. That meanwhile his fami4 are ,1
left in great destitution aud. distreis.
••It h.st -
7 .•
.~ •kt ] ~t't.fh
>, 1372
Y., will preach at 101
C. 11.unting,ton, D.
, nt ip. m. All for-
. 71r l.n :~oc•~
il , ( ,'
:• a l
f•nci t. , : - ... - :::t: of .:,,... lls
of 4-pecial
Agitorto *.
Wolfsboro Post Office.
On and after January 1, 1873, mans will open an 4
alone at this office at the tenoning hours :
Tioga,(Dans) 12,32 P. U. dond'ept, lion. Th. 12 M
Troy, " 0,09 I Cedar Ewa, Tu., Pr., 2P. Si
Stony k, Fr -Wars and rridays 12 Hi
M..xts CLoat.
(Ually) I,*l P. M. I Coud'al,t,'Alo. Th. 1,45 P. M.
von 7;0 A. M. Vdr Run, Mo. Th.. B,go A. M.
louy " TucClAit zw.l Frldaya ..... 7: 2.45 P. M.
04 w. mr.raucx,. 2. M.
Wasttno, Jan. /, 1372-1
:Florae Affairs.
—N . O4 look out for fresh mupto augur.
—Last week we had-our first genuine, old
fashioned spring weather.
—The fanners report winter wheat as like
ly to be a total fuiluro'in this region.
—Mr. L. A. ItidgewaYand Dr. A. J. Cole
are to start a new drug store in Mansfield in
ROSSWarns's block. I
—The spring term &tour school began last
‘Teek. The number of scholars in attendance
.was much largerlhan last term.
- - -zatr. Read Wilson, who has recAtly sold
his iron v•t t 6ks in Buffalo for $BOO,OOO, con
templates-boailding a cottage in Mansfield for
a summer residence.
—The boys are sadly behindhand with
their spring busiss, as well as the farm
: ers. IAVc havenit-heard "knuckle-down,"
" clbariti's" this year.
—The bill to repeal the act_ providing for
an assistant law judge in this• aistriitt,' intro
! duced some time since by Hon. John--L ;
Mitchell, passed the Souse last - week:.
--- -Distinguished animalsthe robins and
blue birds, that made their appearance sev
eral days ago. Their ch,eerful greeting was
welcome to many souls weary of winter.
• —Prof. Allen talks of erecting a brick
121 n& during the summer on the corner op
posite the Orphan School in Mansfield. One
roam in it he designs for a public library and
reading room.
—A little boy in Towanda - Vas playing
with a loaded pistol the other day, and now
his cousin is troubled with only three fingers
on ono hand. i' Loaded pistols are very amus
ing play things for little boys.
—A young man aged about 17 yetfr - S, named
Charles Segaro, and residing in Sheshequin
township, committed-suicide on the 22d ulti
mo by putting the muzzle of a gun in his
mouth and pushing the trigger with his foot.
—Rev. Wm. Pike, of Onondaga, N. Y., has
accepted, n, call to mach to the East Charles
toni,Charleston, and Cherry Flats Baptist .
Churches, and will commence his labors with
the k above named churches about the middle
o the present mouth.
l ' - - .
—That class of boys-in the habit of annoy
i g our citizens with their rnischievpus game
F. , lled "Tick-Tack," had better look out,.as
,k ps are being taken for their arrest. We
a l e always in favor of boys-having fun, but
not at the annoyance of other's. So look out,
—The students of . tho •Gth grade, (Miss
Dartt teacher,) will give an entertainment in
the Court House, on Friday evening April
6th, at 7+ o'clock. The exerciseA will con
:,ist of an examination in the Book of Nature,
Part II; declamation.; composition; songs,
public are cordially invited.
—We have received an excellent and time
ly letter on the subject, of moral reform in
Welisboro. We regret that Alm crowded
state of our columns precludes its publica
tion this week. We Lila?l publish i,t in our
next it-sue, and trust it will receive the
thoualitful attention of all our readers.
—We understand theßeference Library
of the llormnic Society will be inaugurated
about the Middle of the month. -ThQSociety
have fitted up a spacious and pleasant room
on the third fiiior of Bowen & Cone's Block.
It is intended for use'both ns a library and
meeting room. for the - Society. At the meet
ing Ina alur.sciny evening we are informed
ail excellent essay on "Reform" was read by
Capt. Beiley, and an interesting discussion
—The dwelling house of Mr. Daniel Kird
ball in Charleston, about two miles from thy
village, was totallY destroyed by:fire about
nine o'clock Monday morning of last week,
We understand that Mr. Kimball's house"-
hold goods were ail burned up in the house;
Indeed., the progress of the fire was so rapid
that his da'ughter was severely burned in her
of to save something from the flames.
There was no : insurance on any of "the , prop
erty. Mr. Kimball is a hard-working man,
his family are peculiarly afflicted, and he de.
sires the sympathy and material aid of his
more fortunate neighbors. •
The whole Story Ttil I
A stranger who had entered Wellsboro,
Monday morning of last. week might not
have suspected that a human being had been'
slain in the principal street of the village le
feW hours before. It is true that groups of a.
score of men Would. gather from tithe to time
to discuss the particulars of the case, and to.
examine the locality of the v tragedy ; but
there was nothing like popular excitement.
This state of the public temper was caused
partly, no doubt, by the experience of the
Into war, and partly by the character ,of the
man Nao had been slain. Communities
which have so recently been called . to con
template scenes of wholesale human slaugh
ter, and have seen numbers of their bedt cit
izens return to them maimed for life from
the battlefield, hardly look upon the mere
shedding of man's blood by man with that
horror felt by our more peace loving fathers.
But be the cause what it may, the fact v.ris-‘
that there was little excitement over the
atThir. Of course, the intereA felt in the
treater was keen ; but at.therd was no my.:-
tery abuul it, the facts were soon known and
digested, and most people went about their
business :18 usual. There was a general feel
ing among the better class of citizens that
Burgen should be caught, and the facts sub
mitted to a thorough legal investigation, and
when it was learned Tuesday morning that
he was safely lodged in jail, there was a gen
eral feeling of sat;sfaetion. But this feeling
was prompted rather by the sen=se of what
die to the good name of the commumey
una th,mttnd., than uy :tny
the p:•fsont4:, stp:::
BITR9EZ: Li Y 1 '‘Vaa.c:3o2.9
rite, tht ;411,1(14.ng, and ai ::ii
rn to the jail. ac 're p.o;
.Lc slicrifilind told Ilttr-
..;. he had shot and tilled Culver,
Du; i:en d h>r husband to leave the
N.:1:ov by ti•l;lng, him he was not safe lo- L e;
that t!,op:lrty who were with Culver would
rttu:n and kill him before morning. Bor
ten himself claims that - be was afraid of h e .
ing lyw:hed, by them, and he finally took
Ilia wife's advice, and started to go. to John
Alexander's hduse in the east part of the
corporation. Burgen says ho cannot tell
%%hat time he started fur Alexandeez, nor
how he came to go to Bertrand Dunins's
instead. Ceitaiii it is thit he arrived at Mr.
Dumaux's place in Charleston, four miltis
from the village, about two o'clock Monday
morning. Mr. Dumaus says his could not
leLirn from Burgcn why he came there -at
that hour nor what the matter was with him ;
he was very much excited. During the thiy
D umaux came to Welleboro and then len - riled
Wha° had taken place; but he went Lome
again without having informi.d any of the
authorities here Where Burger was„.. That
night his spa, Henry Dumaux, adviMd Bur
;,-an thatl6 had better come back, • and the
hitter told him that the wanted to comp; back,
and would do so if be had to walk all the
way. It was finally arranged between them
that Mr. Henry Dolmans should bring him
bael•- with bis team early in the:morning, cad
they went to bed with the undo's:am:ling
that whenever Bergen wanted to start he
should call Mr. Dominus. Toward morn.--
lug he AU wake M. D. up. flt , ‘l •
up the liMes rind drove down- to qui boro
and directly to the jail, arriving here about
four o'clock lit the morning. restraint
'tits exercised 'over Burgen:up - to this time.
Re went alone tolhejail to awaken theSher
iX„ wh4Dumttux was bUsy taking care of
his tea 3,, Of course he was at once admitted
by the Sheriff; and lockea up, in - jail. On
account of the ahsence of Mr. Elliott; one of
his counsel ; his examfnatipnriwas, set:down
fm• Monday, the tat instant. A's - our forms
are all a:4de up on that day, it is impOssible
-10 give any report of the 'exatninaticin this
week. However we pr n pretty
full report of the teititnenefore the
coroner's jury. "
'WHO JOIEN J. 33U11.02,2t •I$
We called at the jail last weeliin:.' company
With Yr. Bosard, one of thepiispner's noun
'ss.l, to pee Burgen. -We found 'him in an
upper cell. It was• comfortably furnished.
and of ood-ditheniiens, fotia, room of_ that'
elites. he prisoner is not lockedin hero
during he daytime, but has the run of the
whol;jail, as do the other prisOners: He
was up and smoking a cigar when we called,
'though ho complained of- having been sick
from the time he came there up to' that . day.
(Thursday). He is a good looking. man,
'about 5 feet 10 inches in statnre, l has a fair
complexion, 14.1tte.eycs,_thin tawny-chin whis
kei.s and brown bair. According to his' own
stqny he is a native of Switzerland, having
been born in Basle. His father was a baker
in that city ; and John was brought up to, that
trade. He received a moderate education,
and writes an excellent hand. He claims
that when he was but fifteen years old he
fought for his native country against the
Prussians. He has been married eightyears,
and six years ago be came to this country,
Ho first went, to Elk Run, where he lived two
years, and then mo'ied tothis village. 'When
he , eflme hero he had less, than fifty dollars
in money. HOweVer,,he and his wife went
to work in the bakery, and got along very
well. lie thinks the Germans wefb envious
orhirn and didn't like him because he was
getting'up in the world. During the 'late
war between Germany and France :Buten
sympathised with France and wislied..ill to
his old enemies, the Prussians, and'thls Was
the source of further trouble 'with -his= Ger
man :acquaintances. Ito claims" did' ho
would not Sell beer to tie "roughs;' and . for
that reason they were "down _Pit hit." .He
complained bitterly of their previous -treat
ment of him. He said' there was
,a large
crowd out Saturday night on a spree. He
complained that there was- no police in the
,Village to protect a ' man. He bad finally
made up his'inind thatbe bad got to protect
himself. • . ..
In regard to the shootinghe said. Altai he
didn't know what took place at that_ time.
- After,it was over his wife begged hini 'to 'go
away: She thought it Wasn't safe - for_ him
them; that the same crowd would Conaolnlck
"and kill him. His wife. told him to go to
Alex.ander's # . wind he started for there: Ho
didn't know what time he left home t f nor
Why he went past Alexander ' s to Dumaines.
Burgen said he did not keep a, beer. ss4oon,
'as we stated last week; that he had notsdld
beer at all sinext,lielot...court *hen hnj.jants
geed for that offense. He kept a bakery and
oyster saloon, and made sausage,
.and did
whatever he could to make money honestly.
He had teen quite successful in this - busintra
since he came here; owning now tin , lots
near the . new depot site, where he had inten
ded to guild a new bakery this summer. ;
Was attended at his Into residence on Tues.
day afternoon, Rev. Dr. Buck officiating on
the occasion. Mr. - Culver leaves a wife and
one child. Ho was about twenty.sir.• years
of age.
lionday morning Justice Breivtter, in the
absence of the Coroner, summoned alury
and proceeded to hold an inquest in the case.
The jury was composed of the following gen-7 -
tlemen : Nelson Packer, M. D., Daniel Ba
con, M. D., 11. D: Doming, Richard En
glish, Jerome B. Potter, and Hugh Young.
-Dr. Packer was chosen foremen. Tb jury
prodeeded to Culver's house • where • a post
inor'teni e.Nainination Was made in their.pirel
ence by Drs. Packer and Bacon. It wits
fouiul that the ball had entered the
about three-fourths of an inch below the nu
.artil f Ain inch to the rie•ht -the-ine
'dian' line; that it had passed entirely through
the•iines.tines, and lodged against Hie — lower
lumbar vertebra,' where it was found. In
,its , passage it had cut the large vein in the '
back-v.-I:lob conveys tire blood back to the
• „
heart.' In the afternoon the jury convened
at Justice Brewst&l office-and the examine:.
tion of the witnesse was proceeded with.-4
, Ftem. J. B. :Clips tip searedfor the 'District
Attorney on the exa nination.
The tesiimony git:en before the Coronerl
Jury. Was bubetantial l y as follows:
Wallace Strait being duly sworn said: I
knew John...J. Bergen; .was--in- his -house
when Lewis Culver was shot; it was teti
o'clock - in the evening; Bergen ...Wis taken
sick the other day, and I went down last.eve
ping and took care of 'his herse; he said;
"Let go down below and. taken dish of '
ovsters."; we went down, and within half an
liour we heard a racket in the alloy ;• some
one came up and threw-stones at the oyster.
sign •, John then IVent out up the tack steps ] ,
and then down on thel outside stepsi iheard
then two reports of n•-pistol'; Bergen then
wanted-me to - go after the Sheriff; tim reports
'were from the stepS between Pursell's and
the bakery, did not see who tlirew, the stone;-
,did,not recognize thb:boys . bad Intent
out back of the house
- drinks . ; when I got bitele went upstairs;
went down where they weretZur
gen said he fired the two shots.m the air ; he
(lid not know he had shot any one; Lewis
Culver's name was not mentioned •he 'said
he did not know who the boys-were; I•took
the horse to the blacksmith shop•of•my own
will ,• Ihad bten at Bergen's Nom six o'cloCk
until 'about 15 minutes after the shooting;
there had been no one but myself and- Ber
gen at the shop except - a 'German; he said
there %%we a lot of boys out back there on a
ipree ;, I saw a six-sbooter revolver after the
shootin o , * was thine; 'scot* Bergen put it in the
bureau - drawer where he always kept it;
wife was sitting by the window Where ,the
E .tone - struck and broke out the window
Burgen \CaS just about crazy over it when
Fi•;11 told.him Culver was shot. •,
Joseph English being sworn said :,
lieilinger, Lewis Culver, Frank Bartlett'
James 'Hayes amd myself, and another'one I
dottq k-sibii , -'sVilliarn Crossmnn by name,
were together; IA e were standing B.ur 10 feet
front Roberta's hardware store talking about
floating lobe; there was a barrel stave-lying
there 1 picked it up; two mete lasted` usl--
wl-•re not of our crowd; don't, kitqw .who
they ,were: they took hold of Burgess's dour
and said, "Conte out with ybur revolver ";
joist then some one came down stair:; and
shot-twiceL none of our party were - near
Burg,en'.4; / ran up t.' , tee who shot, aid
' when I got to the toot of the stay.; I saw . si,
man go in at the right hand &Jeri" I then
Iran d o wn where they wera;- a buysaid„," I
g11•,::- . 5 Lute Culver Is he '; they buy
i. t ineF.sed not: . we got together, CroSEntah end
I; and•en the side walk naae in. RobertsW ,
F itw - two ft-ilows :led fished . ti.em if•they
knew who shot the pistol ifound'Quiver•haiff
w i ly. VeNeen , the. tiu-;_itop_ tad, „AVagrier!..
house • lie s its - - irratlmig le,vti; Frank Best
lei,. ~e'd iii. - ..ll.tYes helped us earn, Itim to
:We Cot , e'llonFe; tbitil., be. ass dead when
we g there; oi him I wool for Drs Webb,
sold - Pecker a 1 id his brother;. then .'helped
terryo Illin:h use - ; have nut seen :Bergen
since; none of our party had' been near Bur
gen's ; the firs saw of Culver Nyasa ll' Con
nor s alto ut dar ;. no marlin our partyktopped
or spoke to BLS en, nor mentioned his n
nor thzew ast te at his house thatiknow of;
we erw;sed over by Converse's; did not speak'
to the two men who passed idling, rattled the
dous; iindlialkied "Bringoutvourrtivolverol
a •wealt-stgo-last -t-R uidav - 1. asked Burgen-idie•
had att-irks;- he. said "islro,-" and I haven't had
_ ,
l*thitig to ray to him since. .
James Haves sworn says : Was at Miles
O'Connor', libtiut 10 o' gloek u. .in.; fell in
cessipieny with Culver about ths . it time down
on that i crws street; - was standing .about six,
feet from hint ; he was about ten feet from
the, tree that stands these ; tiiNV the two' shots -
go off; the man who fired, tile, pistol stood
near Btirgeres; heard Burgett Say nothing ; •
Quiver seid-he-was hit ate- the- time-he, was
ihot; the'secoud shot was fired len' seebfids
h ttet• the. iltst; when the shuts were fired V.re: -
gilill Wet :t up towards Burgen's; Culver ran
aoSill towards Wagner',j I am mie . Whi, car
riedhite to the Cone House; he couldn't
say anything when we went down to see him i
! he lived about two minutes after..l WV him ;
it *iignit live minutes after he was shot that
I saw Win; I saw two uses/ go up when -NO,
were. there; did riot see any unepullthe;,dour
of Burgen's eutl - sap "Brin'T out pour rev_oli- -
1 ' Frank Bartltit,...swerri- said i'l "ivslslet s itr
1.11:141 - 1:inal3`:iformsrl:,:'; liave been working
in the woods for Perry Smith ; it was dark
i when I fell in with .I.ivis,cul:ver last night ;
w... --,"-' '- - - r' - - '; there were
-- - - --- . •: - -- -----' - andusgthqrei
but a.short time; the 11rtignsa4,1cOlutils]
of the shooting Naafi the flash. of the pistol; "hails]
of our party had tied' any' nearer Bur- t
gen's than we were theh; there were to re- 1
ports, one riit after the • other ; Culve said
7 .
"I am shot" i. thought he was fooling Lave.:
ran down the saine. - ity:fss Culyerdtd t lam' ;
our party had tanleajlelißitrgetrthati I know
of; I did not hireillet night; I was Pretty
drunk last night and not much responsible.
_William Crossman was sworn and Said:
visewent down to where Culver was shot.;
English took a barrel and hit Hayes with it,
and it fell down by those who were going
by ; something was said about a revolver; a
man came out and steppe - Ves4be
C ed:6 - • Of the walk and fired twice; thsiVef wiis ---- 6n the
road - leading to the brewery; he said he was
shot after the last shot ; saw the person who
led raise arm and shoot and go back his
into ouse; some bey said, ..There is, a
mOnlyinedowkiind I glises. he • is idrunk ;"
sawtwo gentierneii --- -up by: °sir • r "' - '
and did not know them • sheet '••
er thoy stopped at Burgen's
:theio. inqsanytiting.,_ ' '
J thii*Pferce being sworn
by "Burgen's last night about tens. ... .
Wkitney ; tho first,' saw ot-this sfarty*Aellir
right after ebtareli44he:Jast titiistentsostlient
was by Roberts's store ; saw tape man come
around the corner from Wagners with' n,
barrel ; he was not on the walk; some' one
hitiWhitney with a barrel ; threw the barrel
at t`te and ran across the 'street reSrurnan!..C,
corner; we stopped at Burgen's and met
Messrs. Crane:and Cone : I tool them to keep
their hands on their revolvers ; Cone 121ade the ,
reply he always did ? neither of our Party
shook the door at But - gents, nor spoke to Bur
gen ; we had got up to ourgate when I heard
the report of a.plstol; L, met, my-brother at
. 0 1, -131Stuatri Anne went up With-Me; • 71.1 - ,
ney - went home: 1
Edward Whitney.wasi sworn fln.4 saki: I I
came out of Pierce 4:-Kress's store, andjohn
said "Come •up to the corner with, mei,'
when we got up by Boberts's a roatilliffw a
barrel at me ; wepasnd along and met Crime
a i
wind-Cone erce said Keep? your hands on
your that is a hard old croe. •",...
:s..oznerisnerzin.tturanite _
~, ,, k
come here and show your revolvers;" t ink
Joseph English - threw the barrel at me; 'the
crowd were in bright moonlight. W did
not shake the door. -
James Crane was sworn and said: I went
dam this side of Main atreeklasessight'about
ten o'clock with a.: EronekpastedlPieree and.
Whitney by Burgen's; Fierce said "IYou
had , better keep your hands on your aerolv
ers;" Cone said ho h d his hand on his l We
went down the street old met Joe En lisp
with a barrel; we st pe l l
. epd teljted with_
the crowd; Burgen's ate° was iiiit mention
ed. I heard the rep rt about ten minutes
afterwards; it came m near-the bake 4:
it was quite bright 1 oolight. Just Ifore
we got to the store sa i some one run u to
wards Bergen's, throwsomething at the sign
and run back where the rest were. standieg
on the walk. Saw Lute Culversattswltalk - s`
ed with them; think most.of the boys wore
, E. A: Fish being sworn said: 'heard no
thing of the transaction until the shooting
was done. Wallace Strait crone after Me; I
went down to Burgen's; lie told ,me they
were breaking the windows and breaking
into his house; saw four or five men across
by Centeno's; I went across and teased
them what was up; Engihsh said he would
show me; he said there was_ a man shoe) he
thought it was Culver, but didn't know.—
When I got to Cutter' he wasgasislogiswe,l
carried hint to the Coneliouse aids sent fssf-J
his brother: -1-*then'veat up hild - clillecr to 1
Burgen, and he paid "Come up;" I went',
up and found Burgen and his wife and Strait 1
there" Burgen said Joe English, Lute Culi ,
vet, ,tdi Bollinger and some lumbermen threat
stones at his sign, and. English threw a bar
rel; he said he was just coming-in fronk do
his chores; took 'his revolmer and fared 1
two shots in the air to scare them. I ltold
him he had killed Lew Culver; he said he
fired in the air; saw the_revolver; it waslar
ger than common; he did not tell me what
instrument - he-shot with.. I, _went .dovettijte-'
the Cone trolise and - - Kirk -Culver hel-ot.
there; I said I would go and arrest Burgen;
1 Judge Wilson went up with me, and then
I said, "You had bettergoback anctlet me make
a warrant." Burgen said -he had fired {two
shots; he said that-Culver had always both
ered him, and once he bad to drive him out
with a sword. I wentto Butgen's only once ;
got in front of the house, and Judge Wilson
said his friends had come and they .would
take fare of him, and I went dome to bed.
Ilillitirles-Siihr being swoin said: I am 16
years old; did not hear the pistor fired; my
brother-M r law said,..l3 oheard - ,,seme,, r ilying . ; a.
tecietit'WitC , ^and--tottird' ti — ifiltriFil - oit the
ground; saw Joe English, and told him a
man was there, and he went down Ltried
get Culver to, eay,soutethiry.;tiutclie did
.4t; -
he was lying L upon•his facezight-er
_ten ; - feet..-
from the walketetWarn - Wa,gfier's - libd NV;
ert's • think he breathed bin last when, :Mr,
~ ,
Fish 'came. .
John Ether was sworn and said: I walked
up home a little•after ten ; beard atmiselike
throwing something.egairist it building, Arid - :
soon after tlintlinaard'tWO"ilots; some one
called out "You did not fire low entleghes
don't know who said it; saw a few men onk
the other side of the _greet; :beard' rio-*in
dow break; ,one shot was right after the
other. • -
Thomas Conway was sworn and said : I 1
was sitting in the*bar-room : heard theism'
shots; went to tho window and tiouldn' see
anybody ,• Kirkpatrick got up and went out
and said ne.enuktati hear_abythinw;..f.thenr.
heard si tin-l - drirbltri v ;'i supposed at the t int e
it was back of the bakery,-
At tha.elosc of the testitn9n .t the ,fury rep
tiredia'deliberafe,:anif after a short tithe rev.
turned a verdict that Lewis Culver chine to
his death from a wound from a revolver fired.
A severe.wind #orro_staninenced opera:,
tions inthiswicfnity on the evening of the'
81st tiltiirio,'continued blowii4 throughout
the night, and the mortiing of the first of
April was ushered. in without iLny : 4thatttnent
of the blow. A's"the day adhneed the wind
seencdd to gather strength, until, at about 2
P. M., it opened its batteries upon the north
side of Bowen & Cone's new brieleblocis, on
the second floor of which the .4.utx,axpli
seeks to 44 gsbdloTitlli 4 4 4. eoniing qoft
fact iiithittii3 tint; roof doubled ititeif,
so that now; there is a double roof where be
fore was only a single one.
A„TicPRO V H INDorotp. 7 ,—Jhe Le
Roy ICe'rier 'of the .21dz , tilr; apetitt+ , of Mr.
J.B.° Anderson, the gentleman NV 11%.• proposes
soon to open a hardware store in this village,
in the following strtAin,7:„ , :- r.
We regret to announce that Mr,Joitti R. •
Anderson is Ahead closing his busine-et in Oils '
place for• the purpose of • restiming it in ;
"%Vetlabor°, Pa. Mr. Anderson •has long I
been a resident of our - town; lravi ig Feitifto
here about - one:qtiarter of a
the interest, advancement .and prosperity , tit
eur village he has long Veen Hi : make,. if o
is n man much beloved for his large henev , ;-
lenee and refined social qualities of head and
6Cextent - of his to redress griev
ances, heal animosities, attend and . cobsole
te sick, and to make 4:lithe do eilinis
t e ppoe. 4. 7 :bettettiettrt di mad ha r
r aided 'attienglit '
second to none in the county. bas always
been wielded on the side of justice, equity
and right, some of his productions being :
gems of thought, and of unusual merit.
We give him our parting blessing, and as
sure the goo.meadelif•WettsbtlriTthat they;
will find Win' Ati all resptrets, kcorthY of that
confidence mid esteem, not only_in his bail
uess pursuits, but pre-eminuotly the
more private and higher walks i:f c:ui tip.
:Wc hope he will be made te- at•Itioae;.:1101-:
received as cordially- by the (It ihv
picturesque valley of the T1 , %111, a hit cle
)art 1.1 re 1 rom us is by all classy, iiil:-/q2 tt, G.
- ti regretted.
ANurnzu lew at-zip.O s i.l).lg=t3i,l?
latietr to another road to the c , tti :
At a meeting of the stoekli.o..iel.. yr Le ;
Roelies.ter, iiorueilsville &Tine Creek
road Company, tho - organization' was vow
pleted„ suet ..sktov. to ttskikert,-;1
an,d - LeLsja4--eetik.puitiAlt.;. 111e.:.tuitouth2g.
Board of Directors 'Nvas elected: ;
S. M. Alley, llornells . ville,
Martin Adsit, ' "
John Finch ? •-••• •
R. L.. Rrtinddge
- D. Pratt,
- Morris Srntth,
John McDougall, " - '
W. G-. Rose,
J ul
B. Wo n .Davdtllis,..: loy, .Gseepwc.A
F. Ward, IV e3s Union,
B. S. Bassett, Canisteo, •
Ger , ,T,e Riddell, "
It is thilltentiOn to commence t he ant ye?
in April ? lola to crowd the work of
.14;i1trrk, , ,-
, Itc., as last as possible; It wilt, be bust..
'TO ADVERTIBMS.—AII Persons wivt eohtempbte
vonth , g, cubutscta with uowapapers for the theih - VW:of
4dvertuaeruents should send to •;
Geo. P. Rowellih -, To'7' . '
for a circular, or inclose 25 cents for their %lit 14.14
-ratan PAGE PAILPHT-LT, containing Lists 111 4.OiX/
papers and estimates, showitig the Cost of ..o.yort.oiiitt
040 rtan7_ l 44 lll hirde,i9 Wivertbietti. :eta some
count of the experiences of met who are hit , .o /I 44 vile
4401111 Advertisers. This tirrn are propneto:i rt lam
Aroericw•nrsgalpergttlivriising Agenoy,
41- Park Row, N. Y
an pwseer,od of =equated facilities for se.lt
rtgrlou of advertijumnonts to ail neweipape.-o
at lowest rib* Jan, 10, 1872,-,114
"TiE bravgas..tr. Meat." 011 my journeys over tho
>atiugntrthtougliTurkey, usa;tc, - chilia. Japan,
'o4ll.iiellay, Mira . and Idralro , and the Unit , 4
Mates—is them all to acme e•stent and in souse tis
roirshsawrtc-/ lave found the universal Ayer represen
trid‘tv his r:MUIy medicines, allich are often held in
-fidiuinnSpiltrenir. ,Whether they whi their marvelOUS
"Ye,Oillalloulry their *Aires, I know not, but I know they
have it to such a degree that it irequently gave tua a
dastingulebed importance to have come from the Mae
country.: letteta from abroad.
, -
rrri4ze,,,,,„TOz„,,ONl2d ! JN PLEAS FOR TIOGA
, -rtgteetAlft Of § l k , i t 4ra Sale. . - •• _ ,
The Attaltorillt x.slite.dli,y tbe Court to dtatribute pro
, ee,le.a in the tutu: a of E. A. l' alt. Sheriffolaaldcountr,
u". , ainc tient a jutitz:al sale ot property ofJ. atetiolizh;
durea.:43l,Qa• ria •otr wri g ro. a Palley. plaintiffs, on
lo4etuenta iu said • (owl, ';rillmeet the parties in
. te . :t•and f....r the purpovs of big appointment on FRI
-1.,A1:. ..tprn it'll., s.t u o'eloek , r .M.. at 1.1:8 office '... , :a. 2,
i=l; . Rwsli N. Canst..'l , block, Weil 13 . 0r0 At.
141.1 i
1 liiillat 20, 1 41V. rjr.V. W. I.K-1\144311• .
Mp h
Tit 60 WEST.. I
kortil years ago Illinois ictut as far Wog aa . niost
Plo wished to go, and itii.trttert were iull44s the la;
goadaty •" Pieria Behan, 4 .. but in these days Qt pro:
greas and Improvement, 0.-o word We. bas aims to
;./aeon lo`ltr.Xebraelita, ‘ , olorado, Califorid' :Laud
',AiiVT‘r ll ) tVe tkio traveler rcoutiOs almost
poltitthereln by alplentild line of railroad..
This line of railroad i 4 the ilusliugtoe route, w
startii, from Chicago, over the Chicago, Eitnianiiton
CalainCiridlniul; iron indlanspoLi#. vv.- :Le 41
olio. Isloinaloittoh and 'Western ilLt.ir 1..•••• ; and
Logansport, over the Toledo, Peoria artniw t-
t. •d; rind rafuolng through Biirlingn I..:a:duca 0
lam :oln Ychriudta city, St. Soul*, At 41.:1*0n,
gay. connecting ulth due Vni
'Pacific; Emus Pacific Ina other running
Mtn those ultiCa.
Always go •• by way of BiLrlbleon," laid Nu will bo
acre to be rig t.
pie gton‘ routo admirably answered the
gtion " ow to go West," by the publication at is
tnithial:p2 ' icres.ing tants in
regard to e, connections, coooroinodatfons, rates of
other interestlngiteres, and illustrated by •
11. • Tying the tvhDla West, which'
Copies and addittoilid
• • , " Ger_ezal
' , a • r• • Ag
larci play,
AO diettilnitv free 01 ,
Atihrtnation crlit
Passeugt!..launt, 13. and u. U. U., BinUoi
COABECITSD wsittix sir
E. R. KIMBALL, Retail Grew. -
. - Watassoaa, Ilaaan 25, /TM i C _
• flour, Per Lb 1....;.... ~ $0 00 EQ2IO OQ
)1 4 1efilittl.dOur,'per mit,: ..„, . A r ..B._ (00
white, per buslal
~ 150
Wheat, red. " 1 40 —..,,
IA heat, axtr.g. • -, 10 -
Buckwheat. .. ..... , .... 70 ...„,_.
Coru, shehcd, ~ • 90 1 00
Cats, 40 ' 60
tario3t, .'BO
Dye., ......
Clover seed, , , 7 ' • ' * '" ''" • --, 850
liimo4(l.seed,,,,_. - ,
~ „„ _,_;_. 4 80
„,..ze— . ., - :4: ---' --- - - - -- --- rt2
Coru raeuper oil: ' , 225
Feed, per'ev.l 200
Potatoes. par bush
... 50 60
Apples, green. per I=l/ - ' ' IQo 126
Unless, ref /nub
.e ' /op I. TO
WI 16 r 3 s r'bu.sh
Pork, per b:.„. • .• le
liair.srprlb4. - 15 ,
ShoilAars; wr it 12K
'Butter, per lb 28 25
Cheese, por lb'... 14 18
Laid, per 1b.... • - 12, 10
Tallow, par lb 5 10 -..
Honey, per lb k 20 24
Doeswax,„per lb 50
Vinegar; per gal
,-40-- -
Ages, pot-dozen 40- 00 20
Dried eplalia, per lb 19,34 15
Driedper -
Dried cherriespeaches, lb 15 ,
per lb 40
Dried.bisickberrias, per lb 8 122 E
Dried raspberries, black. per 1b.... 26 80
Dried raspberries, red.• per 1b... - 20 ' 23
,OrSololutesibakit 20
flay, per ton • 18 09
Wood, /8 !hates, por cord --• 2 00
WQOII, 9 feet-. per cord 9 00
Coal, hard, per ton ' a 1'507 23
Coal. soft - --- 5 00
Grqund plaster, per t0n„,..... a eso 'I --
Stitt:Ls, ".l" coffee, per lb IBM
Sugar, yellow, per lb .... 12R
Sugar; brown, per lb -r- 11
01 6512
Teas, greien, per lb ..... 91:0 50
Teas, black. per lb Mi , 1 25
Actrosene, per gal 40 '
• - Announcement. •
HORTON:Mi.; offers lllnuself as • ow&
cllittetausfeloctlon - to the Moe iof County Buptski
loudbut of the Schools of Tice, County. , ,
syrß fk,WIS-tf.
:PAtrIM.;:LOSEIC—M the bowie of Toby Redlogton
12.And4Vi -March 4& by Fero, 0. E., Bunnell.' M. V. a Disraeli, -Ka- Mlii Mazy Lowy, or
Mithrtia. -
.1315111M9-13MINE8—In fdlildlelitiry. IdarcliC...6l.,
1872, by goy: C. Bunnell, Mr. Gs • Teo A. Bisapacia,
evil pile i 711 gr F,. BarzteB.4 , • - .i,
Wel:111111:1EE.—In Clymer, laarelL 20. 18'2, Ete. Ed.
ward Weilerbee, aged 81 years.
RIJOGLE4.—In Cbsrleaton, Match 22d,1872, Eta=
ilaite:Mfaut aldld of D..11..4 Eusetta Ruggles, aged 8
month*. ~ • .
AA fL4 =Sri Wencher°, Pa., I.IA rc II 1812, are.
Luey-Lcvis..aged.7l year..l.
:-.-Thicdcceased was a olusiterlntiltber the first
orsarEzed Baptist church In this county, which was a
tik.or 35 years ago. Mace that time her life line
Lep.Alisatsteratk.d alursanstd
thrfa" essuitth co that tittrwisTfolliillonae: to
ecitil No tices.
AltrAdviezt:kaaji Agait;ahe fln vt ~ Qep. .f.lowelf
Co., Sew, Yorkot.tanda soremost lu the United States.---
ci l ernee edzicyla., Api letou. Wis.
medaysktlou, causing narvoua 1.14
prewatareil.Eoica, , ;ltr.;tavitigliftid,ln vain every
advartisad remedy, lat 3 disco - vied a alraplo menus of
ser-nire. wlt'cliAkil will genii free to blis,.feljowitoulter
• eta; Y;ii,4l.Esiots, 5t.;11..t. Yak.
Irkthis ago clsicepticlem, facts are req uiped-to
'etoire oinid4ence - Arr,tliejoluds,ot thepaiplarzbrit-tsvith
Vold indoYs4rl4, thiy are udlling to trot any article claim
ing extraordinary Learn.. The proprietors of Elall'a Veg.
• etehie KO= Hair Renewer 'ollar • thefollewing In
dorsement 34 the merits claimed thentipr their
preuhretldli,bY the l'ittabfirg,' Al!fi.,±,i_. ) Glittatiaitt Adler.
cati;••• vli,,:e!."4"hifpublic Intro.'s) often- Deep : Geceived
by the ate of .woHhless preptAtions tor thahair, that
an article of this kind, to gain their favor and secure
Jileir.patronage, must possess real etcrit—Vie are glad
-to ffintrire'ottr -readers' Slit Hers Vegetable Sicilian Heir
Renewer je meeting with the success which Ats merlta
so justly-deserve; and we have reliable evidence, that
it will perform all that is claimed for it, in, restoring
glay;listr to:ifs - tiatival color, and, as a permanent;
dressin,g,;ifittuisurpassed. r,
..Rgsr. Lit t3i rrost, Pastor orate Wee Baptist Munk
Souesville, Vermont, writes . ..l'd-bad suffered form:tiny
yeah' from Chronic Dlarrhcea and Colic, becoming so
tUthit l'eaUxed. that I wait iit times unable TbO attend to
iint:es.• 1 tad #9tuk t ts,
• Allolat44 and dlomtenedble, bytt
with wicci,niaucut reaulta. While on 6 Tiaitiscidertul•
•tom Penn 'a, I experienced a vet y severe attack, and
by tL,a zulv:oe if - aotut ut myAi s ends procured a bottle
r,4.4l l :tisiji.in'tVaddliiii:2:dttratia. , ' The *fret Olen pro.
diteeti ;:romise of ou ultanate (li -a and on my
j ; mut:nixed tta usc. I Lave talon six
ref. It n, ti» e ni•ci—a4
1I: , 7: OR .1 twice ct
its.; Mttad - 34.1 , .
cx•eu. liar, La t‘o:.. tat:ta, Attila kblest, .149,diati
x, Itothhht •
'Lut e Juti.tte JO4 Le.. 41, LA.:,
inwv, AL,a4v, yytnr a voNtua
— ArdwisolAoe;:-Ciirriclm:Aors,
Yet rg.l.t.c; , 41.1vtai,ausky, ALL.-
titc:ka• udtry Small, Jew. R. btultlt,
4 Waal,
- •
tt tatisbeivi lOUs s i'gas -1 1 u 0
.natirttiartt. thud gate .1-ate of tultealsentitt.
April 4,-1413.. . W. 2d1521111C5...p.
—The :101 ..Relzuhr &hard Dlrectoze
will hahet at the . 1.,!h,x0. house ue.A.r the Deblois
• ease futWiriott the IStb of Sl rtl, luattut, tit 11.1 A,. :
hi, tor Vac- - it-Fpaae 0rc0,510.14; with tome-berg for
the; two' *SOI4. seiteblAielli be prod.
1,1 4 ht Wed' where two•thirds ulajoulty
c.f the pe.ttotte.'hittohest *ugh to be their desire. Ia
cuojau stiuunet eutuoal, Utah to4h uenitto nbood
v4II 60 t 4tit'.l , 3 to the eunouut enved to be B.pp:tett
to 114 leglilui+ing vi the ninlel ten,.
Z,:24o44k4,itte'. Uir /10fri s Q.11111 , 8LL1.. Rey
.11pplicati on, for Charter.
1 01 - 101 T T§ REIM% tiLVEN that Litt TOW v.:LI;
i l u11Lit•!..41911;.4 .
,c , iii.ttqrs ,?,‘,,,„44,:0rpumt:c..0 Ltav 0
4rMeZ"V -4 okaud vi,. lie prowl, tett te tau
t eett
, (.. •"01 . .I.4uhilv. PTiaird,t,...A , . ill ... cocuty; I.l,uaday.
....;.... --4.....rf.e....
t.d J. Averniall 3t.st2u,
I'Vvr. iwu(hs and c.thrra, A.r a e)tartr of trrortAtre,
ti .tt to tliert.s. , l%. aRs viat,o e.ntt stvz , ,rva: , y, for
..irul.l.ni yti (a Untlt r &Lid titl u td .•ilut
- •
. . -.
~....',.Apri11..4.17, . , . .. ~.-^1
.2......,,........ 4 ..1...„1..; ;,.. • -
A tj 1) I T ( ) ix ~ )•1 -I NTI1.011'11(',.
L•Esible. or Thiodorail Lsirt'sotOes . d.: l -
',,,_ruiPAir.taar riapoittldlii,tile.ontirt o r 41.4trlintts the
fluids' in the Lanus or 8. N. Warriusr, Administrator of
the estste of the said I:beodtal.rwriirotr, late of Said
county:deoeisasil, will in e parties interested. for
tare purposes of his appal/dm at. on MONDAY the latti
day or April, A. D. "Isr2. st 2 'clock 1 0 . M. at we oleo
:It t ql ) ; - . 4 9 1 V 8131 t. , t ginVIPDI I 4I IVlanailreef..:Wellsboro,
1...t__,.._.....,.._.t.. . W. kilittlilC/L.
. felr.*.3. f 8 .7 2 ., 9w. - Auditor.'
- ' —1
TN T 11 1; COVET OF COADION 72 Lt roit noqi4,
.1.. covyrx.-
_. ..
r i dsha it Oi' 4-40-fri3sle. ..._ „ ,
. .itho A•al}tur appo;irte..l hg tire Court. to. 4:strlipto
Moneys in the Lamis of EaA. Fish, Sild,ritr of said
windy: nr,allig - frcen a judi 'al rule of the property
OLJA.Arid 4, lulLivi, defeu ut, at snit of RAYMOND
tIiLLS, Thintlif. on Judge/Out in said Court. will
areet the par ties iuterested, I for the purposes of hid
appoirrtntrid, lid TI11:111.8DAY. April /3t13, A. D. 1374,
. at 2 o'ilock i. 3,1 , st his ofil4e No. 3, Bowel; 4 Gourd's
.430ck,23.11Qu Mreet, ..Wellsborp, Da,
'Af' 3 ' 4,ll 0 .'1 8 4" 4, g; 4IP9. \Y, gE4.I/UOK.
.. .
J - Z -- r:-:%.: 4 1NL1.)50N,
Cash paid far Butte: azufEggs,
Clover and Tituuzby Seed for sale a.
4411. Mari/
liteaw 13Lel.lewv1
• . -
y am now repelling direct tn. : l3a itt‘
I sod wall Gamma stook oe
auk • coed assodcaost at
Table Cutlery & Plated Ware;
Linin,.lrap ,/ Tow.
- - •
. -
anted al
Dry Goods," Clthin&c.,
IwW Sala at grgatly reduced prima to mats roam tor
a full azlefaa : p/ate stoat qt
Table and House Furnishing Goods,
et:wlga LlOnPos: l trearA o IMP afa and awn-
—Apra 3, 2872:-tc • - -..
Doter in
--;;.- 11 AAP VIA R E
••-, : T - - -- - f -.,:---;' '-.• -
'~ ~ qt ~)tiud~ ,
Parlor, - ; Cook and-Office
fur crood c* 401 M.
Table. end PUeket Cutlery,
: r, ,---- -
- ,7 --, ,
r - -: ,~
of alAsltUilA.
-.GUNS AND . 4.4.41TN1T10N,
Petro Fluid
. •
(the best 1414 L tbe.erorlG) and oven aniele ceextecteil
, • or
hardware Trade,
BorsEttini:ZuiiCaide of Mau atztirt t igalt 4,4ta se
0. C. Idoth!rit
4401 a, Lan.
' I
Salted to the BPitING TRADi
(In yaw *SU
su;ull;u bast' ox eItAAL; c tJ4Ua d
Ws tato pride In Our CARE'
about 100 rolls of all prices fro
Ind non* used pau oar aillago
and we 1301111111 as IWai to cad
• i
a tali
, Iltanalatureti z
tar ?Saw UM. Gtniat Rills an
andleasbad bark, Ciaatlngs,
reat the beat'
eius.M ll7
wialicAmopurcitisinjfejs4 — wfbi67 l,
Jim. 41872. ; O. J. WIDZIALBE.
It ran' ease Shen Deal at
Ityou waat e ig% A/i;iimx4 Dail
Li you wool au Ottoman 13ba
rola . 1110i4 lAultfig & (Fitz
It run vraz4 ziatkas aal4. 1
WEN% Slumlr.
I:9a. lista Mrs!,
D 74411 IMO bait 000414
VIA Via Rea and CAWS;
V you want BOOM inx.4 Sh
If you mitt ' s set of Blatt
/I yAna want good Tea* and
liras wield `toady mats quit
at 13
tat r i sit ivEN
• • • c 13 IlhautY
If ran vsat v. salt of Clothes leave your =ammo
- at DALD,WEIVB Shanty
If you watt' Over Coats,
U you itsat Vaal° Ito
II you want winos taut
We ea* easlaturte sell .
Sibaurf. I
- Itcrr. 4 UM. '
'Nevi Sp
\! •
The eUizens aS, Tinge County ate l eoldially invited to call and zee us .
Clarnicg. MataD. tee
IWO -Portable Snipes Ud Boilers. Goering. nailing and Macadam? required
_OVens and Grates,
and Be
Tau. Serowe for moving =leached
;. U.= t c i I wi kr E eL4IIr i : I T Olt!! elicit notice. We have a
rm: thaw bete= or
aftiortixiont of
it You want a alto
PA. '
' i i l litrzwrbre tr.
1 I
sar st ihr i zaifi zi m . i ..
vel. * 7
••at BALDWIIVIS 6.llAhn l ,ty.
, , I - t
... 4 at FiALVWEN'S SWAP.
au b nantr
cal/ at:B&LDWIN'S shanty
au at BAI.DAIN'S shanty
at i DALDWETShanty
• wi l t ;
(114 at ItALDWLTS
to the Matter.
t 1 i .Tioga, Ho/tidal/town and
, .
. • _Mansfield.
cue liod A, b ane we kayo the ' De mons Wanting Voter this Spring trill do ' , n il to cyt
T. L.
rorxrim t
co. , D soon, it willw o i n ll
ae be impossible to supply the &meal
, about the time for .owing it.
• I 4 12 n/ 1 A /873-0 1 4".. tom V, nzvaas.
ing Goods in Corning 1
*ow turn tun NA Teri Mitige(fo Omit 9t ' 1
and Fancy Dry Goods,
, arta additions made almost daily, to which we (invite the attention of all
Y GOODS clan, kind or variety. We make a *per-Laity of
oirtartekt3, we sie not excelled to Otte loutteu. Our Moths NO be =Ade to
orrlexiltettirel by the moat
LLED wvitzatEx.
DIiPAIITIDMT as on/ of the institutions of the town and as it comprises
2$ coats to $2,60, we can'suit almost any customer in quality' and price,
• Sad a variety. Almost the entire stook was purchased before the adirszice,
rich as possible. None need wait to buy agape, as they are cerdbluallT
advanalag In market. '
oundry & Machine Shop.
A.I3MiT I BREID 1840.
• ,i.•• • . f r,.„ /
.SIR , 0-
Every yea , : inci . e:L\es the popularity
of this valuable Hair Preparation;
which is due to merit alone. - We can
assure our old patrons that it is kept
fully up to its high standard; and it
is the only reliable and perfected prep
aration for restoring Geer on EID - BD
HAIR to its youthful . color, making it
soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp,
by its use, becomes white and clean.
It removes all eruptions and dundruir,
and, by its tonic properties, - prevents
the hair from falling out, as it stimu.,
lates and nourishes the hair-glands.
By its use, the hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness, it restores the
capillary glands_to their normalvigor,
and will create a new growth, except
in extreme old age. It is the most
economical HeinDnEssmo ever used,
as it' requires fewer appliiations, and
gives the Bair a splendid, glossy ap
pearance. A. A. Ilayes, M.D., State
Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The
constituents are - pure, and carefully
selected for excellent quality; and I
consider it the BEST PrtzpAnzaretz
for its intended purposes."
Sold 611 all Druggtatsond Dealeri Medicinu.
Prioe One Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye
FOR `rti.x.l WEISKERS.
As our Renewer in many cases re
quires too long a time, and too much
care, to restore gray or faded Whisk
ers, we have prepared this dye, in one
preparation; which will quickly and
effectually accomplish this result. It
is easily ppplied, and produces ai,color
which will neither ru b - not wash off
sold by all Druggist& Price Fifty
Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO.,
:am 1, lint
ji II tllO
TXOffice is well docked with Type, Plinth MO
! has every advantage for doing
to a ellpertor manner, Plain or in Colon, from 11 wets
ding card to a sheet poster. Any kind or re of wca
done at this °Sloe, as follows:
law Books, Pamphlets, Inritation Cards,
Sand Bills, Programmes, Checks, Drafts, &bilis,
Bill Heads Circulars, Orders, Shippiog Canis,
Badness (Ards, Bassftopss, Tinted Plate Printing,
Plaiting Cards. Wedding Cards, to.
'8 SU*
And all other blanks constantly on hand and for ealo
Deeds,Werrantee, • 'School Contreot,
Doodsygnit-tlaim. Sammons, Subp nes t
Statement and Contusion ) Warrants, Itreou lons,
Amicable Action, Indom pitying . Bo de,
Bonds, Countable's Beds, Attachments, Ju merit
Colloutor's Belo, Notea POULIOD a 4 1 Bond
MarriageCortiticate, for A pyroon tof £lllll3ll.
And any other blanks not '3 numerstod &bra' will hs
printed to order on short notice.
I 431 - Persona ae r odliag orders for JOlt IVOlt'r, will no
their work promptly duo e.pd. retorted. Wo stial
spare no pains to please our customers, in this depart
ment. .Tbose eroding work, plemisb eteto the elzo a
sob, kind ofink and palm- desired. r
at BALDWUN'S Matti.
at XIALDWLVS Stant,.
at BALDWER'S 61=4;7
Jan. 1872
era Xiiiitor.
Justice Blanks,
} L.
~~~ ~~
( ,
d Plaster,
'constantly on bAncl a:
mum & IVAIIIt.,.